Guide to priests of darkness in pvp in the mists of pandaria. Guide to priests of darkness in pvp in the mists of pandaria Priest of darkness 5.4 8

Hello everyone bro. Today we will talk about ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE, namely, what we will do to ensure that our Priest is the coolest in any Instagram. What do we need for this? Naturally, you should carefully study this Guide to ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE, according to the recommendations, upgrade your Priest or make adjustments. You yourself will immediately notice changes that will only be for the better. Your ShP Priest in PvE will hit so hard that it will be difficult for the tank to maintain aggro.

Naturally, let's start the Guide to ShP Priest from the very bottom. After all, not all beginners understand where to start downloading the priest’s secret agent. And more experienced players can find many errors. If you take BC, there was a huge difference between the races. Now, in order to decide on a race, you need to study a lot of material to understand what will be best for the ShP.

If we consider all the races of the Horde, then Trolls look preferable, because they have a pretty cool ability - “Berserk”.

If you decide to play for the Scarlet, then most of the Priests race with the Draenei race. The choice is reduced thanks to the presence of the cool “Fighting Spirit” ability.

You shouldn’t scatter yourself and try to find some other races. This is all useless, since in PvE we need not only cool damage, but also survivability. DPS ShP Priest should reach the highest level. After all, this is the only reason we have gathered here. Is not it?

Characteristics for ShP Priest in 3.3.5 PvE

Many people make the mistake of choosing the wrong priority for ShP Priest. Since Priest is a caster, the most important stats will be SPD, Crit and Hasta. The remaining Spirit and Inta affect DPS indirectly, so we pay less attention to them, but we should not completely forget them.

The mechanics of all the characteristics of Shp Priest are clearly defined and balanced. According to it, you can figure out what and how to download and what depends on what. As you can see in the picture, by pumping up haste, crit, and other stats, you still reach SPD. This is what makes it unique PvE SHP Priest because he has the most powerful DPS of all the characters in the raid.

It is very important to collect accuracy correctly. That is, so as not to overdo it, as this will harm other stats and essentially won’t work, since the stat is subject to diminishment. That is, the excess indicator is completely useless. This is done in order to create a balance between all WoW characters.

How to properly build a Build for ShP Priest

Priest begins to build our talents from the moment he begins leveling up his character. Not everyone can build a competent branch, since it also requires a clear understanding of how each talent will work. Naturally, a beginner wants everything at once, but I will demonstrate a build for Priest, which is already tailored to normal clothes. It will only work well if you already have 4 T10 equipped.

The whole trick is that having four pieces of T10 gives you the opportunity to cast “Mind Flay” more often, and therefore faster. A spell like “Mind Blast” is competent ShP Priest in PvE will be applied exclusively after recasting your “Vampiric Touch”. As a result, this gives not only improved damage, but also an updated mana buff will constantly hang on the raid. This is the main trick, and the Priest rotation itself will become a little easier. Guide to ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE is predisposed to improve your PvE Priest to maximum DPS.

ShP Priest Rotation in 3.3.5 PvE

This is probably the first class that in PvE does not have a specific chain of actions that leads to huge damage. Since you will always have to act according to the situation, we will now try to explain to you what to do so that ShP Priest in PvE gets his coveted numbers. To begin with, there is such a standard rotation chain: we start with “Touch of the Vampire”, the next one is definitely “Devouring Plague”, we press through “Mind Blast”. This is just the beginning.

All Priest needs is to have 4 pieces of T10. This will give us the coveted bonus, which will support Priest’s entire game and all his damage. There is no such thing here that clap and you are immediately in the top. In PvE, ShP Priest is like a good Whiskey, the more endurance, the better the DPS. If you are still in the category of brats, then we do it according to the following example: “Touch of the Vampire”, then you can press “Devouring Plague”, definitely followed by “Mind Blast”, immediately “Shadow Word – Pain” and finish the rotation with our favorite “Mind Flay”. The guide to the ShP Priest will be great if you use addons for the Priest, which will help you keep track of all the spells, which will improve their use.

Once you've leveled up all 4 T10s, you'll immediately get a sweet bonus from this set that will slightly change the spell cycle in Priest's rotation. We start with the same “Touch of the Vampire”, be sure to follow with “Devouring Plague”, then follow the same pattern with “Word of Darkness: Pain”, don’t forget to follow with “Mind Flay”, and end the rotation with the “Mind Blast” ability.

Very important point: The priest must use Mind Blast after each use of Vampiric Touch. It is with this layout ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE receives maximum damage promotion, which is immediately evident from the numbers that pop up after each hit.

ShP Priest PvE and his fighting technique

Like any other ShP character, Priest has many nuances that you need to know. Without them, the entire game will not be effective, no matter how you pump it up.

1. Always wait until the last tick. There is no need to update the spell in advance. It is very important. Don't confuse it with DC Priest's rotation, it has completely different game mechanics. Don't forget that you must change Vampiric Touch before it wears off. The speed of change will depend entirely on your hasta. Be sure to control this moment.
2. Don't forget to use various potions, tinctures and food. This will improve your performance and speed, which is very important. Remember about the full buff. If the speed is improved, the procs will be faster, as a result, most spells will have a reduced cooldown, which allows them to be used much more often. To make it easier to keep track of everything, you can put . It will allow you to control the cooldown of all spells. The addon will highlight the necessary icons with spells on which the cooldown has passed. This speeds up their use.

3. Since any fight in PvE requires mobility from the player, and ShP Priest this is a caster and constantly running means losing DPS, but even here the blizzards gave us the “Word of Darkness – Death” ability, which replaces pain in the rotation, but only when we move. Therefore, all character movement must be clearly aligned according to your rotation.

If the packs with mobs in the game are not large, then “Shadow Word – Pain” is used only after “Vampiric Touch” reaches the full five stacks. And not like before. We do this with a huge crowd of mobs: we choose the fattest one, hang “Vampire’s Touch” on him and then spam “Temptation of the Mind”. Monitor your aggro periodically, and if the scale approaches the red mark, you can immediately use Fade. This will give you the opportunity to take a break and return to battle.

4. There are always disputes between players about “Mind Torture”, that is, about when it is correct to use it. Through research on this topic, I realized that torture must be thrown one and a half seconds before the moment when your Dots begin to recast. But this is all calculated on the condition that the priest has no delays and the ping is perfect.

One more nuance: I often interrupt the action of Torture already on the second tick and run through any free spell. But this can only be done with perfect ping. Otherwise, you will constantly fall into the DPS hole. Often, to improve rotation, many people use professional addons for Priest. And this has already become the norm. In addition, you can download them completely free of charge. You can't do without them in PvE.

Silk Priest and his damage in PvE 3.3.5

Here we will summarize our section on rotation and combat mechanics Priest's Silk in PvE. The video shows that a professional is playing, so watch how he moves and how the line of spells is carried out. In terms of DPS, ShP Priest is a pretty cool player, the main thing is not to be stupid, but to act:

Stones for Shp Priest in 3.3.5 PvE

Let's start right away with what you shouldn't do: insert all the stones strictly in color ratio. Shadow priest is so flexible and unique that a mistake like choosing the wrong stones can affect the overall damage output. I set myself the stones that are shown on the flyer and I think that they will be the ideal options in PvE for Shadow Priest.

As you stick the stones in, be sure to control the bonus that the items give. Quite a lot of DPS and your damage depend on it. Any characteristic can be easily calculated using a formula, but this is pointless, since everything is much simpler in reality. Most players start sticking pebbles into the blue slots for 12 SPD and 10 for spirit. But this should not be done in the case when the gear gives only 6 units of bonus to SPD. In this version, they will look cooler and give the fact that ShP Priest needs red stones for 23 units of spell power. At the same time, sticking red stones everywhere does not activate your meta socket. Therefore, look for the perfect balance between gear, stones and bonuses.

Since the haste for ShP Priest is what makes the weather worse for him, so don’t forget about the pebble, which gives 12 SPD and 10 speed units. Since all the damage is based on how quickly your Dots will tick, and this in turn depends on the speed indicator in your characteristics. Therefore, by sticking at 23 SPD, you gain the power of spells, but at the same time you lose a much more priority indicator - speed, the cap of which is not so easy to collect in 3.3.5. Therefore, if the bonus from gear on SPD is less than the agreed upon unit, then it is better to throw a stone at SPD and Hastu than only on SPD. Many beginners, not knowing such nuances, sit with their Priests in a distant and dark place). Don't make their mistakes.

How to enchant ShP Priest in 3.3.5 PvE

If with stones everything is not as simple as it seems, the same is with charms. Having combined my experience and the experience of already cool players, I put together a picture of enchanting into one - as you see in the image. As soon as I laid out the best layout for Priest’s charms, a lot of controversial questions immediately poured in, which I will immediately explain so that you have no doubt that Guide to ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE not a fantasy, but a fully informed decision for your character.

According to mechanical theory, the “Tuskarr” enchantment will be better than the same Ice Walker. This is due to the fact that Priest is a casting class, which casts a lot during the run and often cannot. He only has one spell, which can be used while running. So, the faster you run to the required point, the faster your rotation casting will begin. And this naturally improves damage to the boss and more.

Many also have questions about enchanting weapons for priests. Undoubtedly, “Black Magic” looks more significant than + 63 to SPD, but only in the case when you don’t have to run anywhere and just stand and pour your damage into the boss.

Let's look at one of the situations that most often arises in raids: you were asked to drain adds and you hung up your pillboxes and began to drain them. At one point, the priest’s speed benefit worked, and what’s the result? Otherwise, it was simply wasted for nothing. With constant dashing, you won’t be able to take anything from this charge. All Dots are already working on the boss, suddenly the treasured use has begun, and you need to quickly run to another corner. The entire bonus from the enchantment is wasted again. Therefore, increasing the power of spells will be what is necessary for the priest, since almost any combat mechanic involves dashing and + 63 to SPD turns out to be more significant, unlike Black Magic.

Shadow Priest 3.3.5 PvE and its symbols

Well, at least we were a little lucky here, everything is quite simple. And there is no choice as such, since it is not great at all. Well, we will choose from what is offered to us - only the best.

Symbol of darkness– for ShP it is mandatory and very important.

Mind Torture Symbol – without it, the rotation will not work and the Procs we need will not work.

The third will have two to choose from. This depends on the type of fight you are facing. You can use “Symbol of Merging with Darkness”, and “Symbol of Draining the Mind” is also suitable. Once you play, you will understand what is involved in which battle. I won’t describe every fight for you anymore.

"Symbol of the Fiend of Darkness" - is also considered the standard choice of any Priest.

"Symbol of Levitation" - this is my choice, you can put whatever you like from the list of small glyphs.

The third can also be chosen as a “Symbol of Fortitude”, or “Symbol of Dissolution in the Shadows”. It doesn't matter here.

Flasks, potions and infusions for ShP Priest in PvE

In fact, a lot of good things can be found at auction. But the main food in the raid is naturally fish. So it's good for Priest to level up Fishing.

To drink, you should always have “Brew of the Frostwyrm.” It gives a first-class effect that you should always have. Stock up on jars ahead of time. It’s not good if you run out of them during a raid.

If you want to demonstrate your capabilities when pulling, you can drink a “Potion of Wild Magic”. As a result, you will get burst damage, albeit short. Just be careful not to break aggro.

The basis of the game for Silk Priest in 3.3.5 PvE is speed, so stock up on the Potion of Speed ​​at the auction as well. Use it constantly to add a little hasta. You'll get faster casts and faster dot ticks, which naturally results in your procs triggering more often.

ShP Priest and his best professions in PvE

There are a lot of wonderful professions with which you not only earn gold, but also bring your characteristics to perfection. Any gathering profession is gold. You can take a second profession: Jewelry. As soon as you have pumped everything up and you have enough money, you can discard the collective prof and take the Inscription. This will give you the opportunity to get cool stones and enchant yourself with rings in addition.

As you understand, ShP Priest is not just about playing and having fun. This is quite a serious job that requires perseverance and some diligence. Guide to ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE is unique in its own way in that it fully reveals the features of the game. Shadow Priest will be great in battle if you follow my advice and stick to the indicated tactics. Good luck in the game and PvE SHP Priest will bring you not only pleasure, but also joy from playing WoW.

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Guide to ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE

Hello everyone bro. Today we will talk about ShP Priest 3.3.5 PvE, namely, what we will do to ensure that our Priest is the coolest in any Instagram. What do we need for this? Naturally, you should carefully study this Guide for Shp Priest 3.3.5 PvE, according to the recommendations to upgrade your Priest or make adjustments. You yourself will immediately notice changes that will only be for the better. Your ShP Priest in PvE will hit so hard that it will be difficult for the tank to maintain aggro. Guide to DC Priest 3.3.5 PvE Guide to Holy Priest 3.3.5 PvE Which race to choose in PvE for ShP...


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We are glad to present to your attention a PvE guide on the Shp Priest for the World of Warcraft 5.4 patch. This guide covers all the main aspects of playing a Priest Shadow in Pandaria: talents, build, stat priority, rotation, caps and much more.


Tier 1

Control talents.

All talents are more suitable for PvP than PvE. You may need to use control in battle - in this case, the choice of talent will be determined by the conditions of the battle.

Tier 2

Talents that increase the mobility of a sp priest.

It is recommended to take the talent Body and Soul, since it allows you to gain acceleration immediately, unlike Divine feather, which takes some time to cast (which can also lead to DPS loss). Having taken the Body and Soul, be careful, however, so that the Weakened Soul debuff after your spells does not prevent the DC bailiffs from doing their work.

Ghost is a PvP talent that can only be useful in exceptional cases.

Tier 3

Talents that improve certain abilities.

At the moment Consolation and Madness gives the greatest DPS boost due to the fact that the damage dealer can simply stand and support Mind Flay after using Devouring Plague. However, if the battle requires a lot of movement, the talent may not be as useful.

Light and Darkness is also a good talent: it increases DPS well and does not complicate the rotation, but is somewhat behind Solace and Madness.

Subjugating Mind would be a good choice for battles with a lot of movement.

Tier 4

Talents for increasing survivability.

You have to choose between A prayer of despair And Divine stronghold. The first talent may be a little more useful since it can be used as needed. Divine Bulwark is good when it procs, meaning it is worth taking for battles where your health often drops below 30%.

Ghostly Form Doesn't give the DD Priest much use in PvE.

Tier 5

Improvement of certain abilities.

The whims of fate will be the best choice. Note that you can increase the uptime of the ability if you constantly damage adds with low health reserves (if the mechanics allow for this).

Empowering is currently the worst of the three talents.

In a battle where you can multidot heavily but need to move a lot, Divine wisdom will be your choice.

Tier 6

Abilities that deal damage and restore health to nearby allies.

The choice of talents in this tier is quite simple and depends on the location of the opponents. If they are far from each other, take Cascade.

If the targets are more or less crowded (ideally in a line, but such cases will happen extremely rarely), take Divine star.

Finally, when the targets are close to each other, and if you can move 25 meters away from them, Radiance is the best choice. This same talent shows the greatest increase in DPS on one target when used from 25 meters.


Large symbols

In patches 5.4 and 5.4.8, the priest can choose from several potentially useful symbols, although none of them provide a DPS boost. Below we have grouped useful symbols into categories.

One goal

PvE Shadow Priest rotation is based on the following list of priorities:

  1. Use the Devouring Plague with three Orbs of Darkness (hereinafter referred to as ST).
  2. Cast Mind Blast if you have less than 3 ST. Creates ST.
  3. Use Shadow Word: Death if you have less than 3 ST. Creates ST.
  • Casting a spell twice triggers the CD and you should always cast it twice.
  • The spell can only be cast on targets with less than 20% health.
  • Use Mind Flay when the target has Devouring Plague.
  • Place and channel Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain on the target.
  • Use Mind Flay as filler.
  • Cast Shadow Word: Death a second time (will not generate ST) if you are moving and cannot use Mind Flay.
  • Multiple targets

    Less than 5 opponents: Provide all targets with Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch, then continue to perform the standard rotation on one of them, replacing Mind Flay with Mind Sear.

    5+ opponents: If the enemies live longer than 15 seconds, hang the Word of Darkness: Pain on everyone and spam Mind Drain. If the targets do not survive 15 seconds, use only Mind Sear.

    Please note that in most cases, Mind Sear is best used on a tank: this way it will hit the largest number of targets and you will not need to cast it on another enemy if the current one dies.

    Game Improvement

    Orbs of Darkness and Devouring Plague

    Each time you deal damage with Mind Blast, the damage dealer creates 1 Orb of Darkness. The maximum number of spheres is three. You can use them for two spells:

    You should always spend Shadow Orbs on Devouring Plague. The damage of this ability is directly related to the number of Shadow Orbs, so you should use Devouring Plague with only three Shadow Orbs.

    I'm glad to welcome you to this guide. It is dedicated to the Priests of the “Darkness” branch, namely its PvP component. I will try to cover most of the important changes, talk about talents, and help with the choice of race, stones, enchantments and other integral parts of the game as a Priest of Darkness.

    Well, let's get started, I guess.

    1. Race selection
    2. Talents and symbols
    3. Feature Priorities and Reforging
    4. Stones, enchantments and food
    5. Spells, combat rotation
    Race selection

    Of all the existing races in PvP for Shadow Priest (Shadow Priest - Priest of Darkness), I advise you to choose between:

    • As for the Alliance, the choice quite simply comes down to people due to the ability Every Man for Himself, which works instead of the earring (antistan).
    • Horde players can choose from two characters - Blood Elf or Undead. Elves have a rather useful ability that causes a mute effect on nearby targets, and the Undead easily remove all fear from themselves.
    However, you need to remember that racial abilities, although they help, do not do the work for you. If it is aesthetically more pleasing to you to play for a character of a different race, and you know that it will be easier and more convenient for you to play, then you are free to choose another one. The main thing is the desire to achieve mastery.

    Talents and symbols


    As many of you already know, there are no longer specific talents for all purposes. This is the policy of Metelitsa. However, in this update we can change talents literally on the battlefield, and this will certainly make the PvP game much more interesting and dynamic, because now it will be impossible to predict what the enemy is coming at you with. And it’s even less clear what he’ll come with next time.

    Through trial and error, I identified for myself one universal build, which you see below. This build combines good control, good mana regeneration and quite a lot of damage.

    As you can see, the first row of talents is purely for control, the second affects your mobility, the third is responsible for mana regeneration, the fourth increases your survivability, and the fifth is aimed at increasing damage. You can easily choose any of the talents, and you can see my point of view above.


    Among the large symbols, I can separately highlight the Mind Pierce Symbol, which will directly increase your damage. I consider it one of the must-haves. The second symbol that I can equate to the necessary ones is the Mind Explosion Symbol, which will often help you with restraining the enemy at a distance from your loved one. Do not forget that you are dressed in a “kimono” and only a piece of fabric protects you from some kind of ax. You can't let the enemy (miles) get too close. The third big symbol I took was the Symbol of Mind Torture. This symbol will be removed from the Mists of Pandaria, so in a week we will have to look for a new one.

    I can’t recommend anything regarding small symbols, because... they are mostly cosmetic. Choose for yourself, to your taste.

    Feature Priorities and Reforging

    The time has come to figure out the priorities of the characteristics and what and what to reforge.

    Feature priorities are as follows:

    Intelligence > Haste > Critical Strike > Mastery > Hit (cap) > Spirit
    The accuracy cap for PvP is slightly less than for PvE. If we need 12% to beat bosses, then to destroy enemies in PvP we need only 9%.

    We have sorted out the priorities, now we need to understand what is being forged into what.

    All excess spirit on items, as well as accuracy that comes after the cap, is reforged into speed. Mastery is also reforged into Speed. There is no need to reforge a critical hit. If reforging an item into speed is not possible, then reforge it into critical strike, the next priority statistic.

    Stones, enchantments and food


    • All red slots you fill with Sparkling Royal Garnets, because. stones are not very expensive these days. If such stones are too expensive for you, you can take rare stones for 40 intelligence.
    • IN yellow slots we insert Disturbing Lava Corals. If the stone is too expensive, then take a stone for +20 intelligence and +20 spirit, which will cost less.
    • IN blue cells you can insert Hidden Dusk Spinels if the accuracy cap is not collected and you can’t get it in any other way, or Purified Dusk Spinels if there is no such problem.


    • Chest: Enchant Chest - All Stats IX ;
    • Wrists: Enchant Bracers - Intelligence VI i;
    • Staff: Force Flow;
    • Feet: Enchant Shoes - Haste;
    • Pants: Empowered Spectral Thread;
    • Belt: Belt buckle made of ebony steel (insert a red stone into it for intelligence. Which one? See above.);


    Now it's time to decide on food. If buying a Fortune Cookie seems expensive to you, then you can take the Severed Sagefish Head, which gives the same characteristics, but costs a little less.


    Elixirs can be taken from the cauldron, and if there is none, then you can take yourself a Flask of the Dragonmind.

    Combat Basics

    Each new battle is a new experience if we are talking about PvP. After all, if in PvE all events adhere to at least some specific scenario, then in PvP it is impossible to guess what you will encounter. Therefore, I immediately say that it makes no sense to describe the exact rotation for each enemy and for each of his builds. I will just outline the main points so that you know what to do in a given situation.

    Fight with one opponent

    The method that I will use to describe the battle is somewhat strange for such guides, but nevertheless. When fighting with one opponent you need:

    1. Constantly support...
    Hint: these abilities can be successfully used to heal yourself a little health, if the need arises. Can also be used for retreat.
    4. If the CD for Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain and Devouring Plague are still on the target and there are no 3 orbs, then you can spend 3-4 seconds on Mind Torture. After this, Mind Pierce is used and all missing and expiring damage over time effects on the target (DoTs) are refreshed. At the same point I will include the “cloud” (Merger with Darkness), which is used if you have little health and you critically do not want to lose it. It can also be used to survive the burst phase of some classes if they do get to you.

    Fight with two opponents

    1. Use the Mental Demon (after selecting it in your talents). Place it as close as possible to each of the opponents.
    2. If one of the two opponents uses the cast, Silence is thrown to him.
    3. If one/two of the opponents get close to our priceless carcass, use Mental Scream.
    4. You can’t let yourself “merge” in mana, so we summon the Subjugating Mind for 70k mana.
    5. The demon is used according to CD from the very beginning of the battle, as stated in paragraph 1.
    6. The main goal of a fight against two opponents is to learn how to maintain DoT on two targets at once. We try not to lose sight of any of the DoTs; we update them on both targets. What you specifically need to support: Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain. High priority.
    7. Mind Blast is used whenever possible. High priority.
    8. In the case of a set of 3 spheres, we use the Devouring Plague on the target you are “playing” (the target whose elimination you see as the most important).
    9. Obviously, Word of Power: The shield is renewed on itself every time it comes off cooldown.
    At this point, my guide can be considered temporarily complete. I will try to quickly correct any information that is irrelevant after the release of Mists of Pandaria and supplement the guide with my thoughts. If you have something to say, then do not hesitate, I will listen to reasonable criticism with great pleasure. Thank you for your attention.

    I advise you to read other guides on the Priest in WOW:

    PvE guide to the Priest of Darkness

    PvE guide to the Priest of Light

    PvP guide to the Priest of Darkness

    PvP guide to the Priest of Light

    PvP guide to the Priest of Discipline

    1 Feature priority

    2 Talents

    3 Symbols

    4 Rotation

    5 Stones

    6 Enchanting things

    7 Addons

    1 Feature priority

    The correct balance of characteristics greatly influences the effectiveness of your game DC Priest. Use this guide to help you allocate your stats correctly.

    Spirit > Intelligence > Crit > Mastery > Haste


    Increases mana regeneration rate. Spirit is a very important characteristic for DC Priest. Gain enough spirit so that you have enough mana to fight.


    Increases the power of your healing, and also slightly increases the critical effect chance of your abilities.


    Increases the critical effect chance of your abilities. Allows you to gain more Divine Protection procs and can increase the damage absorbed by Power Word: Shield and Soul Shield.


    Mastery: Magical Defense increases the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield and Divine Aegis spells.


    Reduces casting time, increases the speed of HOT ticks and reduces GCD. Gaining speed increases your AoE healing by reducing the casting time of Prayer of Healing. If you have all the raid buffs, it is advisable to have a speed rating of 3039, which will provide you with one additional Upgrade tick.

    2 Talents

    Let's look at the talents that I use myself:

    This is a basic PvE build for the Priest of Discipline. Tentacles of the Abyss, Body and Soul, and Prayer of Despair are the most useful talents in their tiers, but can be replaced by other talents, depending on the requirements of a particular battle or your personal preferences. Solace and Insanity provide additional mana regeneration. Empower and Cascade are powerful healing cooldowns.

    3 Symbols

    Large characters:

    Symbol of the inner sanctum - recommended. Reduces the amount of spell damage taken while Inner Fire is active by 6% and increases the movement speed bonus from Inner Resolve by 6%.

    Symbol of going into the shadows - optional. Slight increase in survivability.

    Sacred fire symbol - optional. Increases the range of some of your abilities.

    Confession symbol - optional. Good for fights with a lot of movement.

    Power Word Symbol: Shield - optional. Power Word: Shield also heals the target, converting 20% ​​of the shield's total damage absorbed into health.

    Purification symbol - optional. Good for fights with a lot of dispels.

    Renewal symbol is optional. Increases your healing amount if you use Renew frequently.

    The punishment symbol is optional. Slight increase in damage.

    4 Rotation

    Rotation to treat one target


    Try to use these buffs as directed.

    Use Inner Fire as your default self-buff.

    Use Inner Resolve if you need to cast a lot of instant spells.

    Usual treatment:

    Use this priority for normal healing.

    Use Confession to heal small to moderate damage.

    Use healing to heal small to moderate damage.

    Use Prayer of Restoration to heal small to moderate damage.

    Use the update if Prayer of Restoration is on cooldown and if the target is under the Weakened Soul effect.

    Use Greater Heal to heal moderate to high damage.

    Use Flash Heal in emergency situations to prevent your target from dying.

    Treatment by atonement:

    Use this priority to heal with Atonement.

    Archangel at 5 stacks of Commitment.

    Power Word: Use a shield to absorb low to moderate damage. Allows you to get the Extra Time proc.

    Use Confession for low to moderate damage/healing. Generates Commitment.

    Use Holy Fire on CD for small to moderate damage/healing. Generates Commitment.

    Use Smite for small to moderate damage/healing. Generates Commitment.

    DC Priest can use two healing styles, depending on the raid/group's requirements. Your normal priority is stronger in most cases where a large amount of damage is being dealt to a single target. Healing through Atonement is effective for farming, group healing, and during situations in which any additional DPS is important. You should have no problem using both healing styles during combat and switching between styles on the fly.

    No matter what style you heal, you should always keep an eye on the Extra Time procs. It's best to use Extra Time on abilities with longer cast times, such as Greater Heal and Prayer of Healing.

    AOE Rotation

    Prayer of Restoration

    Healing Prayer

    For AoE healing, use Prayer of Restoration per CD. Additionally, use Prayer of Healing and Word of Power: Shield on targets that need increased healing. AoE healing through Atonement is also very effective.

    5 Stones

    Meta: Animating Primal Diamond / Heroic Primal Diamond

    Hello friends, today we will look at the PVP guide for sp priest 3.3.5, the priest in the “Darkness” branch has become a fairly strong class, compared to the same BC, save abilities have appeared and damage has been improved.

    What are the advantages:

    Save ability (dispersion), in addition to the fact that it can save your life, will also restore mana;

    • Dispel;
    • Mass Hill;
    • Just a sneaky guy;
    • Going into the shadows removes slowdowns;
    • Disarm;
    • Good tunneling.

    What can be identified as the disadvantages of the game for this spec:

    • No poison dispenser.

    For the alliance, we take humans (people) for their racial ability to fight and mastery of swords and hammers (which is not so important for us), as well as an increase in spirit, which gives us a good boost to spd;

    Night elves - have cool animations, and also have a racial ability with which you can go into stealth and exit the battle, or simply stop the enemy.

    Undeads, they have the coolest animation, the racial ability “Will of the Forsaken” (which removes fear and sleep, it’s a pity that in LK they made a common cooldown with a pvp trick - 40 sec). All the top pvp players played as a frost mage, and the coolest videos about them are worth it.

    Next will be the blood elves, with their ability, which gives short-term silence, 2 fat for the sp (in principle, not bad).

    This is what a standard build for a priest in the “Darkness” branch will look like, but with some minor nuances. On some servers we will have a talent reset after a battlefield or arena (for example, circle), which gives us many advantages. Once you enter the arena, you can immediately level up the remaining 5 talent points, depending on who you are going up against. You can put stamina and shield against baboons, against lock/pals you can put “Agility of Thought” (since there will be a lot of dispels) and upgrade “Improved Mind Blast” (since it will be harder for the pal to dispel several pillboxes at once), and so on . You must determine which setups you will spend 5 talent points against:

    Selecting characters

    Large characters:

    Of the main symbols, only the “Symbol of Merging with Darkness” can be distinguished; the remaining symbols are situational and adapt to a specific setup.

    • “Symbol of Merging with Darkness” - will reduce the CD for a given spell by 45 seconds.
    • “Symbol of going into shadow” - will reduce the cooldown time for the current sung by 9 seconds (it takes us out of slowdowns).
    • “Glyph of Shackle Undead” - reduces the casting time of the spell “Bind Undead” by 1 second (we use it if teams with DK often come against you).
    • “Symbol of Dispelling Spells” - will restore 3% of our health after dispel (this symbol would be a good idea to come in when you go against the tent, since you will often have to dispel yourself and your partner).
    • “Symbol of Darkness” - after critical damage in the form of darkness, it will increase the SPD of the amount of spirit by 30% (it will work great in encore gear, where you have 2 items for spirit and 2 items for crit with a glass on your pants with spirit and stamina, this will add you are about 130 spd).
    • “Symbol of Internal Fire” - will increase the armor bonus from internal fire by 50% (great against beast cleaves).
    • “Symbol of Mental Scream” - increases the effect of your fire by 2 seconds, but will increase its CD by 8 seconds (often used against Var(DK,Lock)/Fall setups, since in SPR your horns will be able to resup the paladin after the fire, or so that there is more time to pick up another target).
    • “Symbol of Protection from Fear” - will reduce the CD of this spell by 60 seconds (perfect against SPR mirrors, as sometimes battles can drag on).

    Small characters:

    • “Glyph of Shackling Undead” will increase the range of the spell by 5m.
    • “Symbol of Dissolution in the Shadows” - will reduce the mana consumption for a given spell by 30%.
    • “Symbol of Fortitude” - reduces the mana cost of the stamina buff by 50% (sometimes in battle you will need to rebuff).

    Accuracy is one of the most important characteristics, we collect 2% (we pumped up the remaining 3% in the talent “Focus of Darkness”), if we collect less, we will often miss.

    Speed ​​(hast) – 800-900 speed units will be enough for good acceleration;

    Crete - we don’t pay attention to this characteristic, it’s disgusting with our things;

    SPD – the more, the better. Start with +3k spd.

    Spellpenetration (spell penetration) – 130 units.

    Resilience – minimum 1150 resistance.


    Now let's talk about sockets, we will insert them depending on our characteristics, or rather their lack. We need to collect accuracy, speed and res. After we get the necessary characteristics, we simply pour the remaining slots into the power of spells.

    We take the meta socket for +21 to crit and +3% to critical damage (Chaotic Skyflare Diamond).


    Head - +29 to spell power and + 20 to stability;

    Shoulders - +23 to spell power and +15 to resilience;

    Cloak - +35 penetre;

    Grudak - +20 to resiliency;

    Wrists - +30 to spell power;

    Hands - +28 to spell power;

    Belt - belt buckle, additional slot for socket;

    Pants - +55 to spell power and + 30 to stamina;

    Boots - +15 stamina and a slight increase in running speed;

    Weapon - +63 to spell power

    The most profitable professions are blacksmith and jeweler, since these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones.

    Macros for sp 3.3.5

    Dispel your partner (you can also add party 2-5, depending on where you play):

    /cast Dispel Spells(Level 2)

    How to get rid of the circle disappearing after mass dispel spam:

    /cast !Mass dispersion

    Places a shield on your partner (you can also add party 2-5, depending on where you play):

    /cast Power Word: Shield

    Macro for peta shp:

    #showtooltip Fiend of Darkness
    /cast Fiend of Darkness
    /cast Creeping Darkness; Creeping Darkness
    /cast Dispel Spells(Level 2)

    We knock down the reflex with the help of singing pacification:

    #showtooltip Pacification
    /console targetNearestDistance 10.000000
    /cast Calm

    Stop the cast and hand over the fir:

    #showtooltip Mental Scream (Level 4)
    /cancelaura Merging with darkness
    /cast Mental Scream(Level 4)

    Macro for shackling DKshnoy garugl:

    #showtooltip Shackle Undead
    /target Raven Gargoyle
    /cast Shackle Undead

    We stop the cast and give ShVD to the nearest target:

    #showtooltip Shadow Word: Death (Level 4)
    /targetenemy /console targetNearestDistance 10.000000
    /targetenemy /console targetNearestDistance 41.000000
    /cast Shadow Word: Death(Level 4)

    We throw the shield over ourselves:

    /cast Power Word: Shield

    Let's dispel ourselves:

    /cast Dispel Spells(Level 2)

    We turn on the focus with the shift, if it is not there, then our target is:

    /cast Mana Burn
    /cast Mana Burn

    Throwing lard on focus:

    /cast Silence

    We give a disarm by focus:

    /cast Deep Horror

    The best setups for spies in the Lich King


    ShP + M or ShD horns - a classic setup for a priest since the days of BK. With the muti horn we will have stable tunneling, and with the sub we will have explosive burst, more control and mobility.

    ShP + Fmag - a fairly strong setup (TENT) with good survivability, healing from the priest, controls (fir, sheep, 2 silences, stun, nova and disarm).

    ShP + ADC – wild damage, 2 fat and good survivability.


    ShP + Fmag + Rsham (Rdru, Khpal) - everything is the same as in the two, only with the presence of healing and additional control spells;

    ShP + ADC + Rsham (Rdru, Khpal) everything is the same as in the two, only with the presence of healing and additional control spells;

    ShP + M or ShD horns + Rsham (Rdru, Khpal) - everything is the same as in the two, only with the presence of healing and additional control spells.

    Don’t forget that the ShVD can be used to break control (Sheep, temptation from a succubus, glanders from a fallen, blind from a rogue);

    The ShP can be equipped with three different weights, everything will depend on your playing style. The first is a gear for spirit (suitable for protracted battles), the second is a weight for crit (for explosive damage and quick battles) and a hybrid (2 items for spirit, 2 items for crit) for gaining res.

    You can take the DK Shackle Undead while he is under Lich Born.

    You can also take the enemy under full dots in mind control to inflict maximum damage on him.

    How to equip the starting sp on 3.3.5

    PVP addons

    I think we have covered all the main PVP aspects of Silk. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. Good luck in the arena and bg!

    PVP guide for DC Priest 3.3.5 - a complete guide to the game in the “Obedience” branch