How to turn a page horizontally in Word (landscape orientation). How to turn a sheet of paper in Word - step-by-step methods that are understandable even to beginners To highlight one paragraph in the text

In the MS Office text editor, page orientation is set to vertical by default. But when working with a document, you may need to learn how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. The options for action depend on the year the program was released and the number of sheets being turned over.

Word 2003 and older versions

To flip a sheet horizontally in Word for versions 2003 and earlier (1997 and 2000):

Advice! Also, this can be done in a document opened in markup mode. By double-clicking on the free space next to one of the rulers, open the same options window, which allows you to make a horizontal sheet.

Flipping part of the text

If you do not want to expand the page horizontally in Word for the entire document, first set the text format. Then select the information you need (one sheet or several) and go to the parameters:

In versions of Office 2007 and later

To turn a page horizontally in Word in Office 2007 and newer editors, use another method:

As a result of these steps, the document is completely displayed in landscape format.

For one sheet

If it is necessary in Word to rotate only one sheet horizontally, leaving the rest vertical, actions are performed similar to the method for the 2003 program. The difference is the location of the custom fields button on the options tab.

After you manage to expand the sheet horizontally in Word, the information on it is placed in a separate section in landscape format. On other pages - in the book. Already exposed sections allow you to rotate one page as desired by clicking anywhere on the part. The location is changed not for part of the text or document, but for the section.

If you have any questions about Word settings, write to us. Tell us in detail what the problem is so that we can help.

Often when working with documents in Microsoft Word, you need to rotate the page to a horizontal position. However, not everyone fully knows how to do this. In this article we will look in detail at how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word.

How to make a page horizontal in Microsoft Word?

This method works in Microsoft Word 2007, as well as in later versions of the program.

The first step is to go to the tab called “Page Layout”. Select the “Orientation” item. By default, the sheet orientation in the program is portrait. In order to transfer all sheets to a horizontal position, you must select the landscape type of orientation.

How to make only one page horizontal in Microsoft Word?

In the first case, everything was simple and clear. However, most often, when working in Office Word, you need to ensure that only individual pages are rotated horizontally. To rotate only one page, follow these instructions:

As in the first case, first you need to go to the menu called “Page Layout”.

When you click LMB on this item, an additional menu window should open in front of you, with which you have the opportunity to select the type of writing. It can be vertical, that is, portrait, or horizontal, in other words, landscape. In the same window, you can choose whether to apply the settings to the entire document, or only to the current sheet (to its end). When choosing the second option, only the sheet that you need will be in a horizontal position.

If you want to make the next sheet portrait again, then you will need to do all the same steps, only in the settings select the “portrait display” option instead of landscape. This is how easy it is to rotate a sheet of paper in Microsoft Word to the position you need. This editing method will work on versions of the program 2007 and higher.

We continue our series of articles about the Microsoft Word text editor or simply Word. Almost all users of the Windows operating system use the Word text editor. Therefore, it is not surprising that users so often ask questions about working with this program.

One of the most common tasks when working with Microsoft Word is turning the page. Many inexperienced users simply do not know how to turn a page in Word to landscape orientation.

How to flip all pages to landscape orientation

Flipping your entire document to landscape orientation is quite simple. To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and click on the “Orientation” button.

In the pop-up menu you need to select one of the page orientation types

  • “Book” - the page stands vertically, like in a book.
  • “Landscape” - the page lies horizontally, like in a photo album.

By choosing one of the orientation options, you will apply it to all pages of your . New pages that you create will also be created in the selected orientation.

How to Flip One Page to Landscape Orientation

Sometimes it becomes necessary to turn only one page. In this case, the drop-down menu on the Page Layout tab will not help you. In order to turn one page in Word you need:

By default, in Microsoft Word, all sheets have a portrait orientation, that is, they are arranged vertically, but sometimes it becomes necessary to flip them so that they take on a landscape view. In this article we will talk about how to make a landscape sheet in Word, released in 2007. We will tell you how to perform these manipulations with all sheets at the same time and with each one separately.

We turn over the sheets of the entire document

Before talking about horizontally, it is worth saying that the instructions will be common to all versions of the program, and Word 2007 will serve as an example. In some versions, the location of some interface elements, their display and name may change, but the principle is the same for all.

So, now you will learn how to flip sheets horizontally in Word. Please note that after following these instructions, all sheets in the document will turn over. If you need to turn over only one or a few, then proceed directly to the next method.

To turn over all sheets in Word, you need to:

  1. In the open document of the program, move to the “Page Layout” tab (in later versions this tab is called “Layout”).
  2. Click the "Orientation" button.
  3. In the drop-down list, select the required orientation: in this case, “Landscape”.

As you can see, after completing all the instructions in your document, all pages will change orientation to landscape. To return everything to the way it was, you need to do all the steps again, only in the last one select the “Portrait” orientation.

Turning one sheet of paper over in a document

You already know how to flip sheets horizontally in Word, but sometimes you need to change the orientation of only one or several sheets. In this case, the previous method is no longer suitable, but you can use what will be demonstrated now.

So, to change the location of some pages in Word, follow the following instructions:

  1. First, you need to select the part of the text that you want to move to the landscape sheet. However, please note that after moving it, the text will be on a separate page. If that's what you were thinking, then continue.
  2. Go to the Page Layout (Layout) page.
  3. Click on the "Margins" icon in the "Page Setup" tool group.
  4. In the list that appears, select "Custom Fields" located at the very bottom.
  5. In the window that appears, change the orientation of the sheet, this option is located in the "Orientation" area.
  6. In the "Apply" drop-down list located at the very bottom of the window, select the "To selected text" line.
  7. Click "OK".

After completing this rather extensive instruction, move the selected text to new sheets in landscape orientation.


Now you know how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. As you can see, both instructions are quite easy to use and do not require deep knowledge. And following the attached instructions, any user can create a landscape sheet in Word.

Greetings! Sometimes when creating a document in Word, you need to turn the page to landscape position (horizontally). By default, all pages in the office program are arranged vertically (portrait orientation), and some users do not know How can I turn the page horizontally?. Today we will look at how to do this.

The steps described below will be relevant for Word 2007, 2010, 2013. So, turning the page in Word is as easy as shelling pears, now you will see for yourself. By the way, there are two ways: the first is when you need to turn over all the sheets in Word, the second is when you need to turn only one page. Let's take a look at these two options.

How to flip all pages horizontally in Word

To do this, go to the “Page Layout” tab and find the “Orientation” button. By default, portrait orientation is set, click on this button and change to landscape orientation.

After this, all sheets in the program will turn over to a horizontal position. As you can see, all this is done in a matter of seconds.

How to turn only one page horizontally in Word

Sometimes it is necessary for the document to contain sheets, both horizontally and vertically. This is usually needed when writing books or manuals. So, to create a document with mixed page orientation, we again need to go to the “Page Layout” section and click on the button located in the lower right corner.

The Page Setup window opens, where you can set the document page orientation. For example, we need a horizontal orientation, so we’ll choose that. After you have chosen the orientation, pay attention to the “Apply” item, where you can set what the selected sheet orientation will be applied to (to the entire document or to the end of the document).

We need to select "to the end of the document". After that, click the “OK” button. Now you can see that the new page at the bottom has become different in position from the top. Next, let's assume that after this flipped page we need to return the orientation to the bottom sheets. Again, go to “Page Settings”, set the required orientation and apply it to the end of the document.

Friends, nothing is complicated, as you can see for yourself, there is no flip a sheet of paper horizontally in Word even a child can do it. If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments. That's all, all the best!