What kind of home care does yucca need? False palm Yucca: methods of propagation, proper planting Yucca has grown, what to do.

In the southern regions, yucca, a native of Central America, can grow in open ground, but in the middle zone it lacks warmth, so it can only be found in interior design. Caring for yucca at home should be based on the habits and preferences of the plant, established in its homeland.

In nature, yucca is a fully or partially leafy, large shrub. If the plant's foliage from the lower tiers dries out and falls off, the yucca is very reminiscent of a palm tree with a bare, woody trunk and a bunch of hard leaves at the top. However, it is incorrect to consider this culture, which belongs to the agave family, to be a palm tree.

Yucca has dense, pointed lanceolate leaves that stick out in different directions or slightly drooping. The edges of the leaf blades are covered with long, stiff hairs. In nature, the length of such a leaf can reach up to a meter; in indoor varieties, the leaves are more modest and often do not grow more than 50 cm. But in indoor yucca, as in the photo, the leaves can be not only green, but variegated, decorated with bright yellow or white stripes.

With such a harsh appearance, characteristic of desert and semi-desert plants, yucca blooms amazingly beautifully, throwing out powerful vertical flower stalks strewn with a mass of buds. The flowers resemble white, yellowish or pinkish bells.

Getting into the house as a fairly small plant, in a few years yucca turns into a large bush or tree that requires special treatment and care.

How to care for yucca in order to maintain its compact shape and small size suitable for the room? What needs to be done to make the plant feel like it is in its homeland?

Features of caring for yucca at home

Varieties that are most often grown as indoor plants are those that are naturally accustomed to an arid climate and plenty of sun. Such specimens withstand temperature fluctuations, are not afraid of dry indoor air, and are unpretentious to the composition of the soil.

And yet, even such a hardy plant has weaknesses. For yucca, the main danger is excessive, especially in combination with cold indoor air.

If you doubt whether you need to water your yucca, it is better for the gardener to postpone the procedure for a day or two. The plant will tolerate short-term thirst without any problems, but will immediately let you know about excess moisture.

The frequency of watering and the volume of irrigation moisture depends on:

  • depending on the season;
  • on the temperature and humidity of the air in the room or in the garden, where the plant is taken out for the summer months;
  • on the size of the indoor yucca flower, as in the photo;
  • on the volume of the pot and on the ability of the soil to evaporate water.

From spring to autumn, the soil is moistened frequently and abundantly as the substrate dries to a depth of 2–5 cm. Then watering becomes less frequent and sparing. The colder the room, the less water the plant consumes. Therefore, caring for yucca at home is constantly being adjusted. Irrigation moisture should not penetrate inside the leaf rosette. It is better not to pour water between trunks growing closely in the same pot. In both cases, there is a risk of rotting, which threatens the loss of the flower.

Watering is combined with, which is carried out from spring until autumn. It is especially important to support the plant during the flowering period.

Yucca is not afraid of dry air, but to keep the leaves clean and improve their breathing in hot weather, the crown can be wiped with a damp, well-wrung-out cloth. To avoid burns, after this procedure the yucca should not be exposed to the sun. It is more correct to “wash” the flower in the evening, since the crown will dry well overnight.

Yucca loves light and warmth, but does not tolerate cold winds and drafts. To make it easier to care for the flower at home, find a place for the yucca on a south window.

Large specimens are placed near the window. Plants also like this kind of partial shade. The main thing is that direct sunlight hits the crown for at least three hours a day, and the plant does not suffer from excessive dampness. In summer, the pot is taken out onto the balcony or veranda. If the year is warm and the owner of the flower is not afraid of its growth, then the yucca can be planted in the ground.

For indoor yucca taken out into the fresh air, as in the photo, a temperature of about 18–25 °C will be acceptable. But as night temperatures drop to 12–16 °C, it is better to return the pot to the house. The minimum permissible temperature for this crop is +8 °C.

How to replant yucca at home?

Transplanting yucca, as well as other indoor crops, is a serious stress. Therefore, it is worth carrying out this procedure in two cases:

  • when the root system has grown so much that it has occupied the entire pot, leaving no room for soil;
  • when the plant needs urgent help due to rotting roots or other mistakes made when caring for yucca at home.

In the first case, small plants are transferred to a pot of slightly larger diameter, in which drainage is previously poured. Empty spaces are filled with fresh substrate, simultaneously renewing the top layer of old soil.

But how to plant and care for indoor yucca, pictured in the photo, if the plant already takes up a lot of space and the owner does not want to allow further growth?

To limit growth, the pot is not changed. And before transplanting yucca at home, the root system of the plant is cut off by about a quarter with a clean, sharp knife. The cut areas are treated with ground charcoal. New drainage and soil are poured into the pot. And then the plant is planted. Be sure to add fresh substrate on top. Annual addition of new soil is also limited in situations where the plant is already too large to be replanted.

After transplanting, the yucca is not watered at all for two days, and then the soil begins to be moistened very carefully and moderately, waiting for the surface to dry.

Yucca grows well in ready-made commercial substrate, but you can make the soil yourself by mixing sand and leaf soil in equal proportions. To provide nutrition, half the volume of humus is added to them.

Yucca propagation at home

As it grows, the yucca's trunk becomes bare, and it becomes like an indoor palm tree. The taller a tree becomes, the faster it loses its decorative effect. Maintaining and caring for it is becoming more and more problematic. How to return the plant to its acceptable size and former attractiveness?

It turns out that if you cut off the top of a yucca with a bunch of leaves and trunk fragments of at least 10 cm, you can rejuvenate the old plant and get a new one. At the same time, caring for the yucca “palm” in the photo at home is not at all difficult.

The operation is carried out in the spring, when the growth period begins. Water the plant well beforehand. And after a couple of days, the top of the yucca is cut off with a sharp knife. The remaining stump can be trimmed, leaving the desired height. When the wet cut dries a little, it is treated with garden varnish.

The pot is moved from the shade, where the plant will spend about two months. In this case, the yucca does not need to be watered. Without a crown, the plant cannot consume water, which only becomes a source of disease and rot.

In the warmth, the previously dormant buds will soon become noticeable on the yucca stem. When new rosettes of leaves develop from them, the plant is transferred to the light and the usual care of yucca at home begins.

The top is not thrown away, since it is an excellent planting material for quickly propagating yucca at home. The lower leaves from the top are carefully torn off, and then the cuttings are dropped into damp sand, covered with a bag or film and placed in a warm place. Rooting takes no more than a month, and then the top with its own roots is transferred to a pot, where the yucca will grow further.

Yucca transplant after purchase - video

Propagation of yucca at home becomes a necessity during long-term maintenance, since the indoor plant grows excessively. The root system is not always able to provide moisture and nutrients to the rapidly growing crown; as a result, yucca needs pruning and cuttings.

This plant is unpretentious in maintenance and can be propagated without problems. Growing elephant yucca often begins with a small cutting or small piece of stem that is germinated to produce young shoots.

Yucca is propagated vegetatively: by apical cuttings, parts of the trunk, and rooting of offspring. How to properly trim and root yucca at home.

1. Cut off the top with leaves, expose the lower part of the trunk, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal or activated carbon powder, dry for 1-2 hours in the open air, then plant for rooting in the ground or in wet sand, vermiculite. Cut off the lower leaves on the trunk. After a month, roots begin to form. After another month, we plant the plant in the soil mixture.

In the photo: the upper part of the yucca has safely taken root in the substrate and is already growing a new leaf - website ...

2. Cut the middle part of the stem without leaves into pieces at least 20 cm long and use them for propagation as cuttings. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal, dry it and root it in a substrate (a mixture of peat and sand) or a container with boiled water (you can add a root former and activated carbon...)

I kept parts of the yucca stem in water for a day, then planted them in the ground for root development...

A shoot appeared on one cutting, which means rooting was successful...

3. Place the lower part with the roots that remains in the pot in a well-lit place and water it moderately. If necessary, you can hold it for a while under a transparent cap or glass jar, thus creating humidity. When new buds develop on the uterine segment, we transplant it into a fresh substrate for further growth.

The remaining part of the yucca plant has already sprouted and a second one has hatched... Photo: website

Excess shoots on the stem should be removed and trimmed (leave 2-3), even if you do not need new specimens, this way the yucca will grow better and form the crown correctly. The suckers, which reach a length of about 10 cm, can be cut off with a sharp knife to produce new plants. Grown sprouts easily take root in the wet sand of a mini-greenhouse in spring and summer. It should be regularly ventilated and moistened until roots appear.

You can place cuttings, sprouts, sprays in a jar of water, where you put a piece of charcoal to prevent rot. When the roots appear, after about a month, transplant into a pot with prepared soil.

What do you need to know when propagating yucca?

Leafless sections of the trunk of elephant yucca with waxed sections are often sold. This way, the planting material evaporates relatively little moisture, which will allow them to be transported over long distances. The cuttings must be elastic, not shriveled or rotten, and their upper and lower cuts must be indicated.

If you received a poorly marked yucca cutting when purchasing (it is not clear where it is up or down), lay it horizontally and bury it halfway into the substrate. Dormant buds will awaken and, after rooting, can be separated from the mother trunk.

Pieces of stems are covered with a transparent film to prevent moisture evaporation. The temperature should be at least 20°C, and the substrate should be moderately moistened (overmoistening is dangerous). Rooting often takes 1 to 2 months.

If there is one elongated trunk, we cut it at any chosen height, and then separately root the top in water, or immediately plant it in the ground. By propagating elephant yucca by parts of the trunk, cuttings, shoots, we get a new home plant, which will turn into an original tree over time. At the same time, at the top of a fairly thick trunk, one or several plumes of rigid, broadly lanceolate leaves rise - site ...

How to propagate yucca? At home false palm grows about four meters in height(read about the benefits and harms of yucca growing at home). Plant propagation is carried out in various ways, each of which deserves special attention.


This method used in rare cases, because yucca does not bloom indoors. You can purchase seeds at a flower shop, or by receiving them from a plant growing in a climate zone that is comfortable for it. Obtaining seedlings can be provided that the planting material is fresh.

The seeds are wrapped in a piece of damp cloth and kept for 24 hours. After the expiration date, they are sown in the prepared soil mixture. It should consist of equal parts of turf, leaf soil and high-moor peat. The container is covered with polyethylene or glass on top to create a greenhouse effect.

At least twice a day, crops must be ventilated and accumulated condensation must be removed from the surface of the glass or film.

The substrate is moistened with a spray; it is not recommended to allow the substrate to dry completely.

Shoots will begin to appear in thirty to forty days.


If desired, you can ensure that the yucca has two or three fan-shaped tops. This is done when the false palm has grown more than thirty centimeters in height. Using a sharp knife, cut off the top part of the plant. There should definitely be a few leaves left on the trunk.

Slice sprinkle with crushed charcoal. After a while, where the cut was, young shoots will appear, and the top is used to obtain a new false palm tree. It must be air-dried for two hours, after which it is immersed for rooting in moistened sand or a container of water. Just before use, the water needs to be boiled and cooled.

When the lower leaf plates rot, they are cut off and the water changes. After the roots appear, the top is planted in a separate pot.


Propagation of the yucca palm by stem cuttings. If you look closely, you can see dormant buds, which are located on the lignified trunk of a false palm tree.

There are a lot of them and each, when certain conditions are created, is capable of producing new shoots.

All nutrients received by yucca from the soil are redirected to the development of the crown, so as long as there is a top on the trunk, the shoots will not wake up.

After cutting the crown from the plant, young leaf plates begin to form under the cut. This feature of yucca can be perfectly used for propagation. This the process is done like this:

  • the trunk is cut into pieces, each of which must be at least twenty centimeters;
  • the finished sections are placed in a mixture of peat and sand for rooting;
  • The container is covered with polyethylene or a glass jar.

The best period for cuttings is from February to April.

Use of lateral processes

When to plant and how to grow yucca from a shoot at home? Lateral shoots regularly appear on the trunk of the false palm tree, which can be used to propagate the plant. For these purposes they are cut along with a small piece of bark and placed in a sand-peat mixture for rooting.

The cut on the trunk is disinfected using activated charcoal or charcoal. Within thirty days, roots appear.

False palm pruning process

Upon reaching the yucca trunk diameter more than seven centimeters, it is cut off. This is done in order to form a correctly shaped crown on the palm tree. We must not forget that after the procedure is performed, the growth of the plant stops.

Need to cut as high as possible from the base of the trunk. The plant needs to be well watered every three to four days. The cut part is placed in a moist substrate for rooting. Thanks to the pruning method, the owner forms the height of the plant he needs.

How to plant and grow?

Yucca prefers soil with neutral acidity Therefore, the plant must be planted in a specially prepared soil mixture consisting of leaf soil, turf soil, peat and humus, taken in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. You can buy ready-made substrate at a flower shop. Soil for cacti, palm plants or dracaenas is ideal for these purposes.

You need to choose a tall pot, since for good development the plant needs drainage. The layer height should be at least three to five centimeters. Broken brick, small crushed stone or other materials are useful for this purpose. A layer of soil is poured over the drainage, then the yucca is placed and sprinkled with substrate on top.

The plant should not be buried more than three centimeters. The substrate is carefully watered, after which the pot with the plant is placed in its permanent place.

Planting yucca in open ground

How and when to plant yucca outside? Planting and care in open ground in the garden.

There are many types of yucca. In addition to plants grown at home, there are also garden varieties that grow well in open ground.

Plus, this palm tree blooms very beautifully, for which it is valued by flower growers. The necessary conditions for planting yucca are as follows::

  • the place for the plant should be sunny and hot;
  • the optimal temperature during planting should be 18 degrees Celsius during the daytime and at least seven degrees at night;
  • The plant needs nutritious soil. If the site has poor soil, then you need to dig a hole, the depth and width of which should be at least 50 centimeters and pour into it a prepared mixture, including garden soil, humus, sand and peat in equal parts.

When should it be planted?

The best time to plant yucca is spring, when the threat of night frosts has completely passed and the temperature does not drop below seven degrees. Until the right weather arrives, yucca can grow on a window or in a greenhouse. It is not recommended to plant immediately, as the false palm tree requires gradual hardening.

To do this, they begin to take her out into the open air every day, gradually increasing the time she spends on the street. The size of the hole for planting should be twice as large as the root system.

It is not recommended to plant yucca in the fall., especially if the climatic conditions are harsh. The plant will not have time to take root well before frost and will die from the cold, even if it is provided with good conditions.

How to transplant correctly?

What is the best way and when can I replant indoor yucca? At home, yucca is transplanted no more than once every two years.

If the plant has several trunks, then they can be planted. It's done like this:

  • the trunk is divided into separate parts along with the root system;
  • the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal;
  • Each sprout is planted in a separate container and moistened.

To transplant a false palm tree, select a larger flower pot. It must be strong. Best to use ceramic products. It is ideal if the old container easily fits into the chosen one. Any time of year is suitable for transplanting at home, but most often this is done with the onset of spring.

Yucca needs to be prepared for the procedure. A third of the leaves are cut off, the palm tree is removed from the pot, and the root system is immersed in room water for at least one hour. When replanting, you need to make sure that the roots do not break, otherwise they will begin to rot.

The false palm is very responds well to feeding with various types of fertilizers.

If you follow the planting rules, you can grow a beautiful plant that will look great in your home interior.

Video about yucca: care and propagation of yucca, how to plant yucca at home, how to root.

This video explains how yucca is propagated at home by cuttings.

Video about how yucca grows and how to breed it.

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Yucca is a plant belonging to the Agave family. Native to Central and North America. This is a false palm. The tree-like stem may emerge to the surface. Most often, the upper part is represented by a basal rosette of leaves.

The sword-shaped leaves grow 25-100 cm in length, can be hard or semi-hard, erect or drooping, the edges can be smooth or jagged. The leaves of some types of yucca are very hard; their fiber is extracted to make ropes and wickerwork.


At home, yucca blooms extremely rarely. Numerous (about 300) bell-shaped flowers appear on a long peduncle. They are colored white, yellowish, creamy green.

Is yucca poisonous to cats?

Yucca is not dangerous for cats: they are not interested in the leaves, and if they scratch the trunk, then, contrary to popular belief, they will not be poisoned by the “poisonous” juice. The palm tree itself is more likely to suffer, not your pets.

How to care for yucca at home


It is important to provide good lighting. Daylight hours should be about 16 hours. It grows best near a south window; windows facing east and west are suitable. In autumn and winter, resort to artificial lighting.

Watering and air humidity

Excessive leads to rotting of the root system. Water when the soil dries to a depth of 5-7 cm. For 5 l. add about 1 liter of soil. water.

Most yucca species prefer dry air to humid air. Only some will require misting and periodic placement on a tray of humidifiers.

How often should you water your yucca in winter? As the temperature drops, reduce the amount of watering by about 2 times, only trying to keep the soil slightly moist.

Air temperature

During the warm season, maintain the air temperature at 20-25 °C. Flower bud formation occurs in cool conditions, so if you are trying to get flowers to bloom, keep them cool over the winter. With the onset of autumn, lower the air temperature to +10-12 °C.


The composition of the soil can be anything, the main condition is air and moisture permeability. An important requirement is good drainage; for this, a layer of expanded clay or pebbles must be placed on the bottom of the pot.


During the period April-August, every 3 weeks, apply complex mineral fertilizers along with watering or apply foliar fertilizers over the leaves, spraying from the bottom of the leaves. Immediately after transplantation, as well as a diseased plant, should not be fed.

Trimming yucca at home

Remember, pruning is best done in early spring, before the active growing season starts after the dormant period.

When yucca is already too tall, it can be planted at the top like a regular cutting (we’ll talk about this below). The trunk is cut at a height of at least half a meter, and so that the succulent does not suffer from severe loss of moisture at the cut site, a candle is held, tilted, over the cut so that paraffin flows there. You can also treat the cut with garden varnish. Do not prune plants with thin trunks, less than 5 cm, otherwise they will not grow thicker.

Trimmed yucca sprouts new shoots at the cut site, which in turn, after a while, turn into long trunks. They are dealt with in a similar way: as soon as the length of the daughter apical trunks becomes too long, the tops are cut off.

The yucca is also trimmed if the trunk softens.- this is a sign of its decay. Then the apical part is urgently cut off and rooted in a light substrate, creating greenhouse conditions.

Is it possible to prune yucca in winter and autumn? In emergency cases, when the plant is sick, in order to save the apical part, pruning is carried out immediately at any time of the year. If the pruning is planned, it is better to be patient and wait until March.

Transplanting yucca after purchase and during the growing season

The first time after purchase, but the plant must first adapt to indoor conditions for about 2 weeks. Carry out a planned replanting in the spring every 2-4 years.

Soil with a slightly alkaline reaction is preferred. A mixture of turf soil, compost, humus, perlite and sand is suitable.

Transplanting yucca on video:

The container needs to be stable and deep enough. Remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots for rot. If it is detected, trim the roots, treat with a fungicide, and completely replace the soil. If the roots are in order, roll over with a clod of earth. Add soil and tamp lightly. Be sure to place a drainage layer at the bottom.

Growing Yucca from Seeds

The most commonly used method is seed propagation of yucca.

  • Seeds must be scarified: carefully break the dense shell of the seed with a needle or rub with sandpaper.
  • Fill the box with a mixture of leaf, turf soil and sand in equal proportions. Plant the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  • The distance between the seeds is 3-5 cm, but it is better to plant them immediately separately in cassette or peat cups.
  • Cover the crops with glass or film. Sprout at an air temperature of 25-30 °C and bright, diffused lighting.

  • Ventilate the shelter daily to remove condensation.
  • In the first 10 days, maintain constant soil moisture, then moisten moderately.
  • Shoots will appear in about a month.
  • When 2 true leaves appear, plant them in separate containers with light nutrient soil.
  • After 2 weeks, feed (1 g of nitrophoska per 1 liter of water).
  • When 4-5 leaves appear, transplant into a pot and care for it as if it were an adult plant.

Propagation of yucca by cuttings

When the yucca becomes too tall, you should cut off the top of the trunk, divide the trunk itself into parts, depending on the number of shoots.

  • Treat the cut areas with a fungicide and air dry until a dry crust forms.
  • Root in a mixture of turf soil and sand, creating greenhouse conditions, do not water immediately, the plant will have enough moisture available in the damp soil.
  • When the roots appear, plant them in a permanent pot and care for them as if they were an adult plant.
  • The remaining stump of the mother plant will also produce young shoots and continue to grow. Leave three to five shoots on it, remove the rest.

Reproduction by dividing the bush and lateral shoots

Propagation by lateral shoots (daughter shoots) is best done in the spring. Divide the overgrown bush very carefully into separate parts with part of the rhizome and plant it, creating conditions of high humidity during rooting.

Why do yucca leaves turn yellow and dry? Reasons

Providing proper care will protect against diseases and pests.

  • Yellowing, drying and falling of the lower leaves is a natural process. But if dryness extends to the upper leaves, most likely the air is too dry or the air temperature is too high.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out from lack of moisture.
  • The appearance of yellow elliptical spots that turn brown over time indicates brown spotting. Remove damaged areas and treat with fungicide (spray and water with phytosporin solution). Repeat the procedure 2-3 times every 10 days.

If the root system or stem rots, it is necessary to carry out an emergency transplant, removing the rotten roots and treating with a fungicide.


Thrips, aphids, scale insects, spider mites are possible pests of the plant, due to which the yucca leaves also turn yellow and dry. First, wash them with soapy water and then treat them with an insecticide.

Indoor types of yucca

Yucca aloifolia

The shape of the crown is spherical, the leaves are hard, dark green in color, the trunk is gradually exposed.

Yucca elephantipes or giant Yucca elephantipes

The base of the trunk looks like an elephant's leg. The hard leaves are about 115 cm long and 6-8 cm wide.

Yucca glauca

Dense leaf rosettes consist of green-blue leaves.

Yucca filamentosa

The leaf blades reach a length of 30-90 cm; threads hang along the edges, which fall off over time.

Yucca grows in nature in conditions of low air humidity, relatively little precipitation and high light levels. Therefore, when growing a plant in a room, we must create conditions close to natural.

The plant will do well in bright and warm rooms. Optimum temperature + 20-25 degrees. A drop in temperature to +10-14 degrees, especially in one day, most often leads to the death of the plant. Yucca does not tolerate direct sunlight well If your room is oriented to the south, it is better to place the plant in the back of the room. Yucca is grown in well drained substrate: drainage made of expanded clay, fine gravel or broken brick must be poured onto the bottom of the pot. It is better to choose medium earthen mixtures. If the mixture is made of peat, then it must be neutralized to neutral pH values ​​(6.0-6.5). It is a good idea to add coarse sand (up to 30% by volume) to such a mixture. It is better to replant yucca in April - August. Watering in both winter and summer is moderate (see). Most types of yucca sensitive to dry air , so they should be regularly sprayed with cold boiled water from a fine spray bottle or place the pot with the plant in a container with a moistened layer of gravel. And the most common types in apartments Yucca elephantipes and Yucca aloifolia spray NOT need to. Feed from April to November once every two weeks. Plants respond well to feeding with infusion of mullein, horse manure, and leaf humus. Belarusians are lucky - we have the fertilizer "Peat Oxidate" (a product of peat processing), which is PERFECT for feeding any indoor plants and, especially, yuccas. At worst, you can feed them with complex mineral fertilizers. Feed carefully diluted solutions. The best results are obtained by foliar feeding (the leaves of the plant are sprayed from the underside with a diluted solution). All types of yucca should keep away from drafts and chapping during the cold season.

Your questions:

Of the three apical shoots of the yucca, two rotted and had to be removed. What to do with the places where they were? The third shoot produces weak, thin, drooping light green leaves. What to do to help the plant?

Yucca bends over. I bought it and transplanted it immediately. And now she's bending over. The leaves fall, the trunk below becomes softer. Tell me what can be done?

Yucca DIE from waterlogging of the soil. The plant is watered in a day or two after the top layer of soil dries by 5cm. deep down.
And your plant is already rotting. It will not be possible to save him entirely. During the growth of the moon (see), use a sharp knife or blade to cut off the healthy top of the plant, sprinkle the wound with crushed coal (bought at the pharmacy). Dry the top for 2 hours (leave it in the air) and place it in a container with cold boiled water until roots appear. When yucca takes root on the cuttings, the lower leaves rot and an unpleasant odor appears. Decaying leaves must be removed, the water must be changed occasionally, it is important that stem cuttings didn't rot. After the roots appear, plant the cuttings in the ground.

Literally in a short period of time, Yucca’s trunk turned black, I realized that I had simply overwatered her. Transplanted. The leaves gradually began to turn black. Is there really nothing that can be done and she will die?

If several leaves and part of the trunk remain light in color and feel hard and elastic to the touch, then you can try to grow new roots. Yucca can grow new roots in two ways. On the living part of the stem, 10-15 cm above the rotten part and not lower than 60 cm from the top, the bark is removed with a sharp knife in a ring 0.5 cm wide. The place where the bark was removed is tied with wet sphagnum moss and, on top, with plastic film so that the moisture from the moss does not evaporate. The moss should be kept constantly moist and, if necessary, moistened with a spray bottle. After 2-3 weeks, new roots usually appear above the area where the bark was removed. The roots are grown for another two weeks without removing the moss and film. When the roots grow and branch, the upper part of the plant with new roots is cut off below the point where the bark was removed. The cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, slightly dried for several minutes and planted in new soil, in a new pot. The new soil should consist of garden or humus soil and coarse sand, at least 25% of the total soil volume. The other method is simpler, but also more risky. Using a sharp knife, cut off the living part of the plant from the rotting part, trying to ensure that the living cutting is not longer than 30 cm. The cut is sprinkled with crushed coal, dried a little and planted in wet sand, covering the top with a large jar or setting up a greenhouse (stuck vertically into the sand in a pot with the cutting 3 -4 thin sticks, so that they are higher than the cutting itself, and cover the pot with the cutting with plastic wrap, tying it on the pot). The plant takes root in a month and a half, if you do not over-moisten the soil, but also do not let it dry out.

How to cut off the top of a yucca so that shoots come out of the trunk and there are several tops. The trunk is 30 cm, the leaves have all fallen off from below, the crown is green.

So that the plant has several tops , choose a young well-rooted plant with a height of at least 30 cm, the taller the plant, the better. In spring or early summer, during the growth of the moon (see), the top of the plant is cut off with a sharp knife or blade (5 - 10 cm, but leaves should remain on the stem and the more the better), the wound is sprinkled with crushed coal (bought at the pharmacy) . The top can be rooted, and the remaining stem grows new tops.

Yucca has stopped growing. The leaves droop, the tips dry out and it looks clearly withering. There is no draft, but she may be very hot due to the heating. I already bought her food. I will water more often now. Well, what else can I do to help her?

While the plant is sick IT IS FORBIDDEN feed. Need to water not more often, but correctly:
The plant is watered abundantly a day or two after the top layer of soil has dried, to a depth of about 5 cm. At temperatures above +18 degrees, the plant should be watered about once a week, and per 10 liters of soil at a time there should be at least 2-2, 5 liters of settled water at room temperature. The soil should have time to dry out between waterings.

Yucca leaves turn yellow, curl and dry out. The plant is clearly dying. I tried to give fertilizer - it didn’t help. Please tell me what to do.

The leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out from insufficient or irregular watering, or from a draft.
If the plant dies - Touch the trunk:
If it is soft, then it rots and the plant needs to be cut.
If it is hard, then water the plant properly. A lot (of water), but rarely (in time).

They gave me a Yucca, the room is not very well lit, the temperature is 22 on average, I transplanted it into a larger pot, added drainage, watered it once a week, but it began to dry out, the leaves curled up and turned yellow, maybe I should buy some fertilizer, it would be a pity if it died. Do I need to spray the top leaves in the evening?

The leaves curl into a tube due to waterlogging, but the same effect can be due to lack of light. With yucca this is more often due to waterlogging of the soil. The plant is watered a day or two after the top layer of soil dries. There is no need to feed the plant until April. There is no need to spray the leaves, because... In nature, yuccas grow in fairly dry places.

A few days ago I noticed that some of the leaves of two yuccas had turned black. The trunk is in normal shape, there are healthy leaves next to the blackened ones. Please advise what needs to be done, whether it is possible to simply remove the diseased leaves.

wet, then cut off the diseased leaves, water the plant moderately (see) and do not place it in a draft.
If the blackened areas of the leaves feel dry, then move the plant closer to the light and water moderately.

A week ago I transplanted a 4-year-old Yucca. I planted it in a pot with a diameter of 40 cm, but the worst thing was that during replanting I removed a lot of roots, it seemed that they were rotten, so after trimming they looked like a hedgehog. I also discovered a hollow-like depression in the center of the root system. Over the course of a week, the leaves sank and the lower ones dried out, and today one of the large shoots sank to the bottom. What should I do???

Yes, your Yucca is dying. If she survives, it will be a miracle! When transplanting you need SAVE MAXIMUM earthen lump around the roots - produce TRANSHIPMENT, not a transplant. Rotten roots are very soft and spread under your fingers, and they give off a rotten smell - so remove them. Healthy roots can be of any color and shape (with “hollows”, “legs and arms”) - if you doubt that the root is rotten, then leave everything as is.

What should I do???
Go light a candle... Maybe a miracle will happen.
Cut it - the whole Yucca will not survive, but it can with cuttings.

I bought a yucca and didn’t notice that its top seemed to be coated with something black. What is this and what should I do about it?

If a solid trunk is coated, then it’s just putty and you don’t need to do anything. If the leaves are coated, you need to wipe it off.