Is it possible to cut a SIM card? How to make a micro sim - cut it yourself

Modern gadgets use SIM cards of different sizes. The change first came with the advent of smartphones, where the socket was designed for a micro sim, but today the most advanced models of tablets and phones use an even more cropped version. You can cut a SIM card for a new phone yourself, although some mobile operators initially sell SIM cards for special gadgets or the package contains plastic with divisions, from which you can easily squeeze out a micro- or nano-version of the card without additional devices.

The easiest and most convenient way to cut from any format is to contact a mobile phone store. Employees can replace the standard plastic with a smaller copy or even make it smaller themselves. Replacing a SIM card is free, but if you need to cut a SIM card to micro or nano, you will most likely have to pay extra. In the office they can show you how to cut a SIM card to micro or nano size.

Employees of communication stores do not need instructions on how to make a small SIM card out of a large one, since they use a special device that is similar to a stapler. The advantage of the method of making a mini from a regular model is that you do not need to use a template for cutting.

SIM card cutter

As a result, the client receives not only the micro-SIM card, but also the adapter for the micro SIM card from which it was squeezed out.

Thanks to the presence of such an adapter, the card can subsequently be inserted into other models of phones or tablets, because some still use the regular SIM card format. If desired, a mobile communications user can purchase a similar unit for cutting plastic at a mobile communications store. There is only one drawback worth noting. If the initial thickness of the sim was greater than the standard, you will have to additionally cut off the layer.

How to cut a SIM card yourself

You can learn how to make a nano SIM card from a microsim or a regular one with your own hands. But for the first tests, it is advisable to use several unnecessary old ones, so as not to spoil the working SIM. It's easy to convert the microsymbol into the application, since you actually need to cut out the entire part except the chip. However, if you use only this setting, you can cut off too much, so it’s better to use the instructions on how to make an applicator from a microsim:

SIM card format sizes

  • Print out a template to cut out a smaller version from a regular SIM card. In fact, in the photo it looks like a rectangle with sides 12.3x8.8 mm. If it is not possible to print a full-scale model, use a fine-graded ruler and mark the markings directly on the plastic. Ultimately, nano-sim should have 0.5 and 1 mm on both sides around the chip, the remaining two sides will be end-to-end. Don't forget to trim the corner.
  • Use a sharp cutter or scissors to cut. Cutting plastic is very easy: it is a little more difficult to cut than cardboard.
  • Try to insert the cut out SIM card into the gadget. For some devices this version will be sufficient.
  • If the nanocard is too thick and does not fit into the slot (usually this happens if you make a nanosim from a regular SIM card), use a nail file or sandpaper and cut off some of the plastic on the back side of the chip. The chip must not be touched! The thickness of the SIM card should be 0.67 mm. If you get carried away with sawing and there is too little thickness left, attach a piece of paper to the back side to more securely secure it in the slot.

After you have had to cut out a SIM card for nano, make sure that the SIM card is valid and was not damaged during cutting. If you know how to cut micro-sim nano-sim yourself and use a cutter, you can save the adapter for the transition.

Experienced communication store consultants still remember the time when customers were perplexed by the fact that there were SIMs of non-standard sizes. Nowadays, having several types of SIM cards is commonplace. Manufacturers are giving preference to increasingly smaller cards, because this saves space inside the device body. Standard-sized SIM cards, bulky by modern standards, are about to “sink into oblivion.”

In this article we will talk about all types of SIM and teach you how to turn a large card into a small one.

In terms of size, SIM cards are classified into 3 types:


Mini-SIM– this is the “scientific” name for a standard SIM card. Its dimensions are 25x15 millimeters.

If the phone was released before 2011 (inclusive), you can be sure that exactly what is inserted into it Mini-SIM. For modern smartphones, such a card is too large, but this does not mean at all that Mini-SIM– anachronism. Standard SIM cards are used in simple dialers, in phones with large buttons for the elderly, in secure phones for fishing enthusiasts and factory workers. The listed devices cannot boast of an abundance of functions, so there is plenty of space inside their cases - in some models, manufacturers even allow you to install 3-4 Mini-SIM.


First card Micro-SIM began to be used by Apple - in iPhone 4 devices. Dimensions Micro-SIM– 15x12 millimeters.

Nowadays, the vast majority of smartphones are installed with Micro-SIM. The “baton” was taken over from Apple by Nokia, which equipped its Lumia devices with slots for Micro, followed by HTC, Samsung, and BlackBerry.


Nano-SIM– the newest and smallest card for the phone. Its dimensions are only 12x5 millimeters. Visually, the card is a chip with a minimum of plastic edging.

Apple is again the innovator. Exactly Nano-SIM users had to insert the 5th modification into the iPhone. Later, other well-known manufacturers began to produce devices with Nano-SIM slots - for example, Samsung And Meizu.

The following illustration will help you understand the differences between the three types of SIM cards:

How to change the SIM card size for your phone?

The most obvious way to change the SIM card size is replace it in the operator's cabin. This procedure is completely free, takes only a couple of minutes, and the phone number does not change subsequently. However, this method still has a number of disadvantages:

  • The new SIM card will not contain the numbers stored in the memory of the old one. Of course, a similar problem easy to solve: in the article “How to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer” we talk about several ways to export phone numbers. But, alas, many users consider their time too valuable to waste it on mastering third-party software and methods for creating backup copies.
  • You have the right to replace your SIM card in the office only its designer and only according to the passport. If the card was given to the user, for example, by his parents, he himself will not be able to replace it. Sometimes this becomes a real problem.

If a consultant changes a SIM card to a person who is not its issuer, this is fraud! For such an operation, the consultant will, at a minimum, be deprived of his bonus, and at maximum, he will be fired in disgrace. Therefore, demanding to “make an exception” is meaningless; no one wants to find themselves unemployed with unflattering wording in their work book.

There are several ways to change the dimensions of a SIM card without resorting to replacement. For example, a user can purchase adapter(aka - adapter). The adapters look like this:

It’s better to order adapters for SIM on Chinese websites - there they cost a mere trifle. For example, a set of adapters from Noosy along with a needle for iPhone will cost only 17 rubles. When purchasing in a salon, the user may be charged up to 250 rubles - the difference is more than noticeable!

The set usually includes adapters of 3 types: Nano-SIM to SIM, Micro-SIM to SIM And Nano-SIM to Micro-SIM. Since SIM cards of reduced sizes continue to be associated with Apple, manufacturers do not forget to include needles in the kits to remove the SIM card slot. Adapters are easy to use: a small SIM card is inserted into a suitable adapter, then the adapter itself with the card inside is placed in the slot of the mobile device.

Adapters help when you need to increase the size of a SIM card, but what should the user do if, on the contrary, the card needs to be reduced? The owner of the gadget should think about the fact that such a need may arise even at the stage of purchasing a SIM card - and insist on issuing him a so-called Combi-SIM. Combi-SIM is a standard-sized card from which you can make a micro-SIM card in a split second.

Inside a SIM card, standard in size, Micro-Sim is already cut along the contour, so it is easy for the user to press with a finger and break off a piece of plastic.

There is no need to rush to throw away the frame– she is still capable of doing a good service. If you need to reinsert the card into the slot under Mini-SIM the frame can be used as an adapter.

Usage Combi-SIM- one of the ways to change the size of the SIM card downwards. Cards Combi provided to mobile users for free- of course, if they are available in the operator’s office.

If the user already owns a standard SIM card and wants to turn it into Micro, without losing contacts, he has no other choice but to cut the SIM card. Pruning is usually carried out using a special device called stapler for Sim(aka - Sim cutter, it’s the same - Sim-Cutter).

Make from a standard card Micro-SIM If you have such a stapler, it’s a second procedure. However, expect that the sales office or workshop will carry out this procedure for free, not worth it. The salon employees will demand 149 rubles for trimming and will even knock out a check for providing a paid service. Repair shops will also ask for money, or even send the user to deal with the operator.

Cutting a SIM card is associated with some risk - if the person performing the procedure is in a hurry or is inattentive, he will damage the chip and, as a result, the SIM card will not function. Hence the high cost of pruning services - no one wants to take risks “for nothing.”

How to cut a SIM card with your own hands?

Not all cellular communication stores have SIM staplers - some consultants continue to cut cards with their own hands and with ordinary scissors. The reader may be surprised to learn that no one trains consultants to do this. They hone this skill on their own, and many are able to successfully cut a SIM card the first time.

No wonder - in fact, the procedure is extremely primitive! Usually the main difficulty is finding a pattern. Consultants, as a rule, have their entire table littered with SIM cards of various sizes that work and have served their useful life - they use them as samples. The average user can only dream of such abundance - however, if he still managed to borrow a SIM card of the required size to serve as a template, he can safely try trimming with his own hands. If not, he should resort to using a printer and a template print(here is the relevant link).

To cut a SIM card, you don’t need felt-tip pens, rulers or pencils - if you follow these instructions:

  • Take the large SIM in your hand with the chip facing up.
  • Place the sample card on top so that it completely covers the chip, press it tightly with your thumb and do not let go. If desired, the template can be attached to a large SIM using double-sided tape, but experts do not recommend doing this - you can damage the chip.
  • Carefully trim the sides of the plastic. Try not to have too much, otherwise the SIM card in the slot will “dangle” and the signal will be lost.
  • Cut the card according to the template across. Here you can act less scrupulously; The main thing is not to touch the chip.
  • Remove the corner and slightly round the edges - otherwise the SIM card will not fit into the slot.

Next, put the template aside and try to install the cut card into the phone to check its functionality. If the SIM card does not fit into the slot, carefully trim the plastic and try again. If the card slot is just the right size and can be read by the phone, rejoice - you just cut a SIM card with your own hands!

note that not just any card can be “cut” to the desired size. Easiest to redo Mini-SIM V Micro SIM – Such pruning should not cause any difficulties for the user at all. Trim under Nano-SIM always more difficult; plastic around the chip on the card Nano almost none, so the risk of snagging the chip with the blades of the scissors is quite high.

Old-style SIM cards with large chips are still in use:

Cutting such SIMs is a real nightmare! With some luck, you can make a card like this Micro-SIM, but turn it into Nano It definitely won't work.


The fact that smartphone manufacturers began to produce gadgets that support different types of SIM cards, salon sellers have become quite rich. Of course, not all paid services go through the cash register - in many cases, the money for trimming goes into the pockets of consultants. Cutting SIM cards for sellers is a “bread and butter” business, which means free there is nothing to count on for help from consultants.

Therefore, a user who does not want to “feed” salon employees is better off mastering pruning skills himself. This procedure is quite simple and does not require “surgical precision”.

Modern mobile phones and smartphones are becoming more productive and powerful every day, while demands are being made on them in terms of compactness and ease of use. To reduce the size and weight of devices and maintain and improve productivity parameters, developers have to sacrifice the parameters of minor components. Often this effect is achieved by reducing the SIM card slot. In turn, this led to the emergence of a new micro-SIM format. This innovation forced many users to encounter difficulties in optimizing standard SIM cards for the new parameters of cellular devices.

You can get a micro-SIM using the service centers of a mobile operator. This action can be performed in almost every mobile phone store. Using a special device, salon workers will adjust the usual card to the desired size.

You can make a Micro-type card from a standard SIM card at home, using tools that are available in every home. This operation will take about 20 minutes and will require a little care and accuracy on your part. To get a map of the required size you will need a pencil, ruler, scissors, and a small piece of sandpaper.

Do-it-yourself SIM card trimming

The size of a standard SIM card is 2x15 mm. The micro size is 15x12 mm. The thickness of the card is standard and is 0.76 mm. You will only need to reduce the length and width. A standard SIM card consists of two parts. The electronic chip contains all the information about the phone book, call log, and SMS message archive. The plastic part of the card is larger than the chip and this external size coincides with the dimensions of the mobile device slot. Often the dimensions of the chips in a standard SIM card and the Micro format are the same, and the only difference is in the dimensions of the plastic casing.

  1. First of all, you need to mark the lines of the upcoming cut with a pencil. To do this, along the perimeter of the chip it is necessary to apply a quadrangle measuring 15x12 mm under the ruler. There are also situations where the chip size is slightly increased. In such a situation, the cutting line will run along the foil. With the help of sharp scissors and accuracy, the result of this manipulation will satisfy you. Instead of a ruler, you can also use a ready-made template around which you just need to draw lines with a pencil. You can make the template yourself.
  2. The second stage involves carefully trimming the excess parts of the plastic along the lines that you have outlined. Nail scissors are perfect for this manipulation, as they are quite sharp and powerful, despite their size. You also need to cut off the corner of the resulting micro SIM card in order to give it the exact shape of the slot.
  3. After cutting, you need to attach the card to the phone slot. If it does not fit well enough or there are burrs on the sides, then you should use sandpaper and carefully clean the cut sides. This manipulation will remove all the roughness that remains after trimming.

Many modern mobile devices do not use standard SIM cards, but their smaller “brothers”. Therefore, the question very often arises: how to cut a SIM card so that it can be inserted into the slot intended for it without any problems. Let's look at why manufacturers started using “cut” SIM cards in the first place.

In pursuit of perfection, mobile device manufacturers invent all kinds of innovations and actively implement them. However, recently, in addition to improving the software and expanding functionality, they are trying to overtake others in terms of the size and weight of the device. Thus, the devices become flatter and wider and weigh less.

The main reason for reducing the SIM card was to save space inside the mobile device. The SIM card is reduced in size, which frees up additional space in order to place elements more compactly. By the way, the first phone that runs on a smaller SIM card is the iPhone 4.

SIM card translated into English is a subscriber identifier module. SIM card technology is used by cellular operators to provide services and identify network subscribers.

In addition to the standard SIM card format, MiniSIM, MicroSIM and NanoSIM are now used. All of these formats are derivatives of the first SIM card, which was comparable in size to bank cards.

That is, using the example of reducing the size of SIM cards, we can trace the evolution of mobile devices, which is also a relatively new term; previously only phones were mobile. But, starting in 2009, mobile tablets and other gadgets using mobile communications began to be developed.

  • So, the MiniSIM card format we are familiar with is suitable for many phones, released before 2011.
  • MicroSIM card is used in iPhone4/4s, a number of models Nokia Lumia, Sony, Samsung and others
  • NanoSIM cards are currently only intended for iPhone5/5s.

We adapt a mini-SIM to a micro-SIM at home

In practice, situations often arise when, when purchasing a mobile device, you were not warned that you would need a micro-SIM to communicate. Or you have been using the same SIM card for quite a long time, and there was a need to cut it to the required size. We will look further at how to cut a SIM card to a micro-SIM.

A mini SIM card is a rectangle with one cut corner and parameters 25 mm * 15 mm * 0.75 mm. And it consists of a plastic base into which the ID chip is attached. Naturally, the main part of this design is the chip itself. If it is damaged, the mobile device will not be able to receive a mobile signal, therefore, the use of a damaged SIM card is impossible. Therefore, when circumcising a SIM card at home, you need to be very careful.

In order to correctly perform all the procedures, you will need scissors, as sharp as possible, a writing device - a pencil or pen, preferably a ballpoint pen, and an accurate ruler.

A micro-SIM differs in size from a mini-SIM card. Its parameters are 15*12*0.76 mm.

Let's take a closer look at the process of converting a card into a MicroSIM.

  1. The card for the procedure must be placed with the chip facing up so that it is always visually accessible, and we unfold it so that the cut edge “looks” up - to the left.
  2. On the right side, which is 15 mm, measure 1.5 mm to the center and cut off the excess strip of plastic.
  3. The bottom of the card, which is 25 mm, is shortened by 1 mm. We also measure with a ruler, draw a clear line and carefully cut with scissors.
  4. In order for the right edge of the card to be 12 mm apart, it is necessary to cut off 2 mm from the top edge. Then we get 15 mm – 1 mm – 2 mm = 12 mm – the MicroSIM width we need. We carry out this action as carefully as all the previous ones, but do not worry that you are significantly shortening the cut corner, it will be restored later.
  5. The length of the micro-sim is 15 mm. In order not to calculate the number of millimeters to be cut, we simply measure a distance of 15 mm from the right edge, draw a strip along the ruler and cut off the excess.
  6. The result is a blank for a micro-sim.
  7. If you've been paying attention, you know that the corners of the SIM card are not perfectly straight, but slightly rounded. Therefore, you need to trim them slightly with scissors so that they match the original.
  8. The last corner is cut off on all SIM cards of all formats. The cut looks like an isosceles triangle with sides of 2 mm.
  9. Apply a ruler to the upper left corner and measure 2 mm down and to the right. Connect the resulting points and cut off the resulting triangle.
  10. The micro SIM card is ready.

Let's try it on in the appropriate slot. If suddenly it is large, you can trim it a little more, and if suddenly you make a mistake during the cutting process, you will have to purchase a new card or ask your cellular operator to restore the damaged one. By the way, now you can find a lot of video instructions everywhere on how to cut a SIM card. It is better to do this by looking at pictures and other graphics.

Cut mini-sim to nano-sim

As noted above, there is another SIM card format that has recently gained additional popularity - nano-SIM.

Nano SIM card parameters – 12.3 mm * 8.8 mm * 0.67 mm. That is, practically you have a chip in your hands without plastic. In addition, nano-SIM is not only tiny, it is also thinner than a regular mini-SIM or micro-SIM by 0.09 mm. The chip area of ​​all SIM card models, regardless of the year of manufacture, is the same, so any card of the above formats can be turned into a nano-SIM.

For the procedure you will need:

  • sharp scissors;
  • a well-sharpened pencil or a regular ballpoint pen;
  • precise ruler or caliper;
  • "SIM" mini-SIM;
  • sandpaper;
  • paper;
  • double sided tape.

This guide suggests a different method than the one presented when cutting a micro sim.

  1. In advance, you need to draw a diagram of the future NanoSIM SIM card on a sheet of paper. According to the above parameters, draw a rectangle with sides 8.8 mm and 12.3 mm. It is known that the cut edge of a nano-sim is less than 1 mm. Therefore, it will be executed at the very end of the procedure.
  2. We position the SIM card so that the cut corner is at the top left. The card must be placed with the chip facing up to avoid damage.
  3. Let's cut out our blank.
  4. We attach it in such a way that the chip is under the workpiece and does not peek out from under it. It is better to perform this action armed with double tape.
  5. Then we mark with a pencil the markings along which we will cut the card.
  6. Using scissors, carefully cut out a nano-SIM card from a mini or micro SIM card.
  7. We check whether it fits the slot in width and height. If yes, then everything is fine.
  8. It remains to solve the problems with thickness. To do this we will use sandpaper. Naturally, the excess “fullness” must be removed from the side opposite to the chip. Any, even the slightest damage to the SIM card chip can cause a malfunction, so be careful.

The final stage is re-fitting the nano-SIM into the slot. Everything fit perfectly, which means the operation was successful.

Where and how else can you modify an old SIM card?

If the option of independently cutting a new SIM card from the old one does not suit you, then you can use a simpler and less financially responsible method - replacing the SIM card with a cellular operator.

To do this, you can simply come to the supplier’s office and, presenting your passport, receive a new SIM card to replace the old one. The new SIM card is a mini-SIM from which you can “get” a micro-SIM. There is a perforation along the borders of the micro-SIM, by pressing on which you can squeeze out a smaller card.

A new SIM card completely replaces the old one if you do not purchase a new SIM card, but ask to replace the old one. Within 24 hours, the old SIM card will be disabled, and the personal account balance will be available on the new SIM card. All subscriptions and tariff plan are also saved.

To obtain a nano-SIM, the procedure for converting one SIM card to another has not yet been implemented. But, you can order a new nano SIM card from the operator and receive it for use after a while. It is important to know that this is a free service. And, if suddenly, at the operator’s office you are asked to pay for a new nano-SIM, you should know that this is not legal.

And if you don’t have the opportunity to wait for the delivery of a nano-SIM, then you can try to make it yourself or use a cutting service. Household appliance stores, mobile operator showrooms, or mobile device service workshops offer the service of cutting nano-SIMs from any format. This procedure is performed with a device similar to a stapler and costs up to 350 rubles.

New mobile devices require a special approach. Modern gadgets are becoming more and more compact, so SIM cards are becoming small. However, if you do not want to change this element, but it does not fit the new device, try to change its size. In this article you will learn how to make a micro SIM card from a regular card using a small number of tools that everyone has.

What are the dimensions of a standard element?

First of all, it’s worth finding out what dimensions a familiar standard element has. It must be said that a SIM card consists of two parts: a plastic case and a very small chip on which all your information is stored. This housing in a standard card is very large, but it does not serve any special function.

Typically, the dimensions of a SIM card correspond to the following values: length - 25 mm, and height - 15 mm. The thickness remains the same for both the standard and the reduced version. Before you make a micro-SIM card from a regular card, you need to remember its dimensions: length - 15 mm, and height - 12 mm. I must say that it is quite rare, but there are cards whose chip has non-standard dimensions, so it is cut off according to the foil. Naturally, when performing such a procedure, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the information section.

Ways to shrink a map

Before you make a micro-SIM card from a regular card, you need to figure out how this can be done.

  1. Process the element yourself using scissors.
  2. Trimming at a service center. Naturally, you will have to pay for this procedure. However, a specialist will do everything quickly and very carefully. In this case, you do not have to additionally process the card in any way so that it can easily fit into the gadget slot.
  3. Independent trimming of excess parts of the element using special equipment. The advantage of this method is that the work will be done quickly, and the cuts will be quite neat. That is why additional edge processing is not required. You can do all the steps at home. However, this device has a fairly high cost, and it is not worth buying it just to process one SIM card. It is necessary if you engage in this procedure daily.

What equipment is needed for the job?

Before you make a micro SIM card from a regular one, you should collect all the necessary tools and prepare the work surface. It should be clean, dry and level. It is advisable that no one distracts your attention, since the work is very delicate.

As for the tools for work, very few are required:

  • scissors (preferably sharp ones, since dull ones can simply break the card, and they should also be small in size so that it is convenient to operate with them);
  • ruler (to determine the size of the micro-card and apply precise markings);
  • knife (it should be sharp, as you will have to correct uneven edges);
  • a standard sheet of white paper (before you make a micro-SIM card with your own hands, you must draw a template for it). This way, it will be much easier for you to trim the element;
  • thin marker or pen (for marking);
  • tape (for attaching the template to the element);
  • standard size SIM card.

Important! All actions must be performed very carefully. There is no need to rush, as if the chip is damaged, the card will have to be thrown away.

How is the map marked?

Before making a micro-SIM card out of a SIM card, mark it. This procedure is very important. The lines must be drawn very accurately. To do this, take a marker and draw a rectangle around the chip. Its dimensions are 15*12 mm. If the chip is non-standard, then you will have to trim it according to the foil. Try to make as precise movements as possible.

If you do everything right, you will be pleased with the result.

How to properly trim an element: step-by-step instructions

1. Prepare equipment and make markings on paper. To do this, transfer the silhouette of the card to a sheet and mark the location of the chip on it. Now the drawn element can be cut according to the specified dimensions. Using tape, stick the resulting square onto the standard SIM card chip.

2. Using sharp scissors, slowly and confidently begin to cut off the plastic casing. A great option is a manicure tool. The fact is that the plastic is quite thin and can be easily cut even with small scissors. Try not to make sudden movements. You need to cut exactly along the marked lines, although you can do this by gradually separating small pieces.

3. Check the size of the received item. To do this, attach it to the template. If all the lines converge, then you have done the job. If there are small pieces of plastic left, try to carefully scrape them off with a sharp knife. You can also “shape” the element with sandpaper. This will make it look neater.

5. Now try to insert the “newly made” SIM card into your device. If it fits in without problems, then you have made accurate markings. If all actions were performed correctly, the gadget will work without problems: it will see the map and you will be able to make calls normally.

Why should you cut the card yourself?

Before you make a micro-SIM card in a service center, think about all the advantages of processing the product at home:

  • there is no need to pay for the procedure;
  • you can do everything yourself in accordance with the required dimensions;
  • no additional equipment required (only a pencil, ruler, scissors and paper are needed);
  • doesn't take much time.

In addition, if you accidentally manage to damage the card, you can always restore it. Now you know how to make a micro SIM card from a SIM card yourself. With a little patience, you will be able to use your favorite iPad. Good luck!