Submarines of the Russian Navy (diesel-electric). Submarines of the Russian Navy (diesel-electric) Originally from St. Petersburg

Led by Yuri Kormilitsyn, together with the Research Institute named after. Krylov since 1974.

The main feature of the 877EKM project ("export commercial modernized") was the ability to operate and operate mechanisms and equipment in tropical conditions.

The submarine adopted a single-shaft propulsion system, an axisymmetric hull shape, and an optimized ratio of its length and diameter.

The internal robust hull of the submarine is divided into six compartments by watertight bulkheads. The first - bow - compartment contains torpedo tubes, the second - batteries and the main command post. The third compartment is a living compartment, double-deck, includes a galley and cabins. The fourth compartment contains diesel generators, the fifth contains electric propulsion motors. In the tail compartment there are electric motors for economic propulsion and a backup power unit.

The power plant consists of several powerful electric motors, allowing submarines of this type to move only under electric motors, without the use of a diesel engine.

Most submarine mechanisms are equipped with vibration-absorbing coatings and installed on shock absorbers or special platforms.

A six-blade propeller with a speed reduced to 250 rpm significantly reduces the noise level, leaving enemy anti-submarine forces less chance of detecting the submarine using direction finders.

The maximum diving depth of the submarine is 300 meters.

Full submerged speed is 17 knots.

Submerged cruising range at economic speed is 400 miles.

Autonomy - 45 days.

The crew size is 52 people.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Project 877 Halibut ships are a series of Soviet and Russian diesel-electric submarines, the development of which began in the 70s of the last century. The first ship was laid down in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1979 and launched in 1982. Project 887 submarines belong to the third generation of diesel-electric submarines.

These submarines are often called “Varshavyanka”, although this is not entirely accurate. Officially, Varshavyanka is a Project 636 submarine, which is a further development of the Halibut, its export modification. The second reason for such confusion in names is the fact that the Soviet Union initially planned to arm its Warsaw Pact allies with these submarines.

Currently, the Russian Navy includes 15 submarines of projects 877, 877LPMB, 877V and 877EKM. They are also in service with the navies of Algeria, Poland, Romania, India, China and Iran.

Submarines of projects 877 and 636 turned out to be so successful that they are still the main non-nuclear submarines of the Russian fleet. Moreover, their production continues to this day. For its low noise and invisibility in the West, “Varshavyanka” received the name “Black Hole”.

History of creation

Back in the early 70s, the Soviet Union decided to create a new diesel-electric submarine. By this time, the development of hydroacoustic systems had rendered Project 641B submarines obsolete. What was needed were ships of a new generation, relatively small, low noise, equipped with the latest detection and attack systems. The creation of the submarine was entrusted to the Leningrad Design Bureau "Rubin" - one of the leading enterprises of the USSR in the field of designing both nuclear and diesel-electric submarines.

The military demanded that the new ship could be guaranteed to emerge victorious from a combat encounter with any submarine of this class due to the optimal combination of low noise, the effectiveness of enemy detection means and the power of weapons. In addition, this project initially laid the groundwork for further upgrades. It was assumed that the new submarine would be in service for several decades.

During the development of this project, there was a decision to supply the new submarine to the Warsaw Pact allies. Therefore, Project 887 submarines received the unofficial name “Varshavyanka”.

In 1974, military sailors prepared technical specifications for a new ship. Compared to Project 641, the designers needed to significantly increase the ship's underwater speed, improve its seaworthiness, and reduce the crew size by automating the main control processes. The developers should have paid special attention to the habitability of the new submarine and the comfort of the sailors.

To increase the speed and reduce the noise of the submarine, the developers proposed a completely new hull design. And if the Project 641B Som submarines were narrow and elongated, the light hull of the new submarine received a spindle-shaped shape, much similar to that used for nuclear submarines. The ratio of the boat's length to its width was 7.3.

This shape made hydrodynamic resistance minimal, which had a positive effect on the ship’s underwater speed. The Rubin designers brought the hull of the future submarine to perfection in the test pool and on stands.

The project was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1976, it was decided to launch production in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at the plant named after. Lenin Komsomol. Later, the production of Project 887 submarines was established in Gorky and Leningrad.

The laying of the lead ship of the series took place in 1979, and a year later the submarine was already accepted into the fleet. In 1981, the second ship of the project, the B-260 Chita, was laid down in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and in 1983, the B-227 Vyborg. Currently, the ships in operation are mainly those that were launched in the late 80s - early 90s, for example:

  • B-445 “St. Nicholas the Wonderworker”;
  • submarine "Vladikavkaz";
  • submarine "Yaroslavl";
  • submarine "Magnitogorsk";
  • submarine "Lipetsk";
  • submarine B-394 “Nurlat”;
  • B-187 "Komsomolsk-on-Amur".

Based on the basic model, several modifications of the submarine were later developed:

  • 877E and 887EKM. Export versions of the submarine, which differed slightly from the basic modification in terms of equipment and weapons. The Project 887E boats were intended for delivery to the allies from the Warsaw Pact countries. Two submarines of this project are still in service with the Polish and Romanian navies. Project 887EKM ships were planned to be sold to capitalist countries. When developing this modification, special attention was paid to ensuring the operation of submarine components and mechanisms in tropical conditions. Currently, submarines of this project are actively used by the navies of several countries: India, Iran, China and Algeria. One submarine (Dimitrov) is part of the Russian fleet;
  • 08773. This modification was specially developed for the Indian Navy. It differs from the basic one in the presence of the Club-S missile system, the new MGK-EM sonar system and modernized maintenance and control systems;
  • 877LPMB. A modification that was laid down in 1987 at the Gorky Krasnoye Sormovo plant. The main difference between the only boat of this project is the new propeller made of Aurora alloy. It had seven blades of a special L-shape. In addition, this submarine was equipped with a low-speed main and auxiliary electric motor, which reduced the noise of the submarine. An escape hatch was also installed on the submarine, allowing the crew to leave the ship even from a depth of 250 meters. According to this project, the only submarine was built - the Kaluga submarine, which is still part of the Russian fleet;
  • 877B. Another experimental project, which differs from the basic one by the presence of a water-jet propulsion device, instead of the usual propeller. Thanks to this, the only ship of this project - the Alrosa submarine - is the quietest of the Varshavyankas;
  • 636 "Varshavyanka". The most famous modification of the Halibut, which was developed on the basis of the 877EKM modification in the early 90s. The first boat of the project was built in 2005 for the Chinese Navy. Currently, the Chinese Navy already operates ten ships of this project, six “Varshavyankas” were manufactured for the Black Sea Fleet, and the same number should be included in the Pacific Fleet by 2022. Also, submarines of this project are operated by the navies of Vietnam and Algeria.
    Several series of this modification are equipped with Caliber missile systems; in addition, they are equipped with the latest navigation system and an automated information and control system. Compared to Project 877 boats, Varshavyanka boats have an even lower noise level, which allows them to be the first to detect the enemy and destroy him.

Description of design

Project 887 submarines are designed using a double-hull, single-shaft design. Moreover, the shape of the body is designed in such a way as to minimize water resistance and noise level. The main power plant (GPU) of the submarines of this project is diesel-electric.

The submarine's robust hull has a cylindrical cross-section with spherical end structures. It is divided into six compartments by waterproof bulkheads. The ship's lightweight hull is spindle-shaped and has a special coating on top that absorbs hydroacoustic radiation. In the space between the strong and lightweight hull there are main ballast tanks and other equipment. The boat can remain afloat even if one of the compartments and two main ballast tanks are flooded.

In the middle of the ship's hull there is a fence for the retractable device shafts (what is usually called the wheelhouse). It houses the navigation bridge. Moreover, all retractable devices, not counting the commander’s periscope, do not fit into the durable hull of the boat. This design made it possible to make the central post more spacious, significantly increasing the working comfort of sailors.

The bow horizontal rudders are made retractable. In addition, in order to reduce interference with the operation of the sonar system, the rudders were moved from the bow closer to the middle of the hull. For the same purpose, all mechanisms capable of creating noise were removed from the first compartment.

The bow compartment of the boat houses six torpedo tubes. The second compartment contains the central post and batteries, the third is residential, the fourth contains diesel generators, and the fifth contains electric motors. The sixth and last compartment houses the backup power plant.

The main power plant provides the ship with electrical propulsion both on the surface and in the submerged position. It consists of a main electric motor with a power of 5500 hp. With. and two diesel generators of 1500 kW each. The boat also has an underwater operating system (snorkel) and two lead-acid batteries, each of which consists of 120 cells. In addition, there is an economical electric motor and two backup electric motors. They are designed to move the ship in narrow places, mooring, and can be used if the main engine is damaged or out of order.

Most of the mechanisms of Project 887 ships are installed on special shock absorbers or have coatings that reduce vibration levels.

The maximum underwater speed for submarines of the project is 17 knots, surface speed is 10 knots.

The submarines of the project are armed with six 533-mm torpedo tubes, two of which can fire remote-controlled torpedoes. The ammunition load is 18 torpedoes.

Project 877 boats are equipped with a rapid torpedo loading device, which increases the rate of fire several times. This gives submarines a significant advantage in a duel situation.

To combat enemy aircraft, the boats are equipped with a retractable anti-aircraft system developed on the basis of the Strela-3 MANPADS.

The submarines of this project have the Murena BIUS. It allows you to track five targets simultaneously, two of them in automatic mode, and three in manual mode. This system ensures that corrections are made due to the movement of the target and that torpedoes are accurately aimed at it.

The boats of this project are equipped with active and passive radars that can operate in both surface and periscope modes.

The diesel-electric submarine "Vladikavkaz" of project 877, code "Halibut" (NATO classification "Kilo"), is the fifth in a series of seven submarines built at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) for the Navy THE USSR.

The submarine was laid down under the name "B-459", construction number 608, on February 25, 1988. Launched on April 29, 1990. On September 28, 1990, she was accepted into the Navy.

Initially, the submarine was part of the Black Sea Fleet, but in 1991 it was relocated to the Northern Fleet.

Project 877 diesel-electric submarines were designed by the Rubin Central Marine Engineering Design Bureau.

Main characteristics of Project 877 diesel-electric submarines: Surface displacement 2300 tons, underwater displacement 3040 tons. The maximum length is 72.6 meters, the maximum width is 9.9 meters, the average draft is 6.2 meters. Surface speed 10 knots, underwater from 17 to 19 knots. Working diving depth is 240 meters, maximum diving depth is 350 meters. Sailing autonomy is 45 days. Crew 57 people.

Power point:

Diesel-electric with full electric propulsion: 2 diesel generators of 1000…1500 kW; main electric motor 4,050…5,500 hp; economical electric motor with a power of 190 hp; two 102 hp backup electric motors; one low-noise six-blade low-speed fixed-pitch propeller; 2 rechargeable batteries of 120 cells each.


Torpedo-mine armament: 6 bow-mounted TAs of 533 mm caliber, normally loaded, with automatic loading, 18 torpedoes or 24 mines.

Missile weapons: Turquoise ZM-54E1 (Club-S, modification 08773).

Air defense: on boats of the Russian Navy: “Strela-ZM” or “Igla-1”.

Submarines of this project are designed to combat surface and underwater ships, lay minefields, and conduct reconnaissance. They are among the quietest production submarines.

On August 2, 1997, the crew of the submarine signed a patronage agreement with the administration of North Ossetia and the ship received its current name “Vladikavkaz” in honor of the capital of the republic.

Until 2008, the submarine served as part of the Red Banner Northern Fleet.

The diesel-electric submarine "Vladikavkaz" arrived at the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center for mid-term repairs and modernization in 2008. The state contract for the repair of the submarine was concluded in 2011 and the Zvezdochka shipbuilders began full-scale work to return the submarine to service.

On September 19, 2014, the ship was taken out of the boathouse and launched into the water. In 2015, at Vladikavkaz, and in the early summer of 2015, with the opening of navigation in the White Sea, the ship will go to sea to carry out the factory sea trials program.

August 05, 2015 factory sea trials program, from which on the morning of August 22. On September 23 at 16:00 in Severodvinsk, a solemn ceremony of handing over a diesel-electric submarine to the Russian Navy after mid-term repairs and modernization work took place. During the repair and modernization, the characteristics of on-board radio-electronic equipment and traffic control systems were significantly improved. The power plant control systems, as well as life support systems, have been improved.” After modernization, the ship will serve for the next ten years. September 29 to the historical base of the Northern Fleet - the city of Polyarny.

According to a message dated February 2, 2016 to the historical base of the Northern Fleet - the city of Polyarny - after successfully completing the tasks of a long voyage. On October 24, to the city of Polyarny after successfully completing the tasks of the long-distance trek.

According to a message dated January 10, 2017, the shipyard "Nerpa" (city of Snezhnogorsk, Murmansk region) to undergo scheduled dock repairs. According to a message from April 22, the crew was training at the fleet training grounds in the Barents Sea. According to a message dated September 7, the main base of the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet is the city of Polyarny, with the crew of a submarine of the same type. For more than three months, the submariners were away from their permanent home base. The crew successfully completed the tasks of the long voyage, took part in the Main Naval Parade in Kronstadt and completed assigned combat training tasks in the Baltic and Barents Sea.

According to a message dated July 6, 2018, having completed an inter-naval transition from the Northern Fleet to the Baltic, to Kronstadt to participate in the Main Naval Parade, which will take place on July 29 in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

According to a message dated June 27, 2019, from the base in the city of Polyarny and began to move to the Baltic Sea to participate in the Main Naval Parade, which will take place in the city of St. Petersburg on the last Sunday of July. According to a message dated July 10, to Kronstadt to participate in the Main Naval Parade, which will take place on July 28 in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

In the 1970s, it was decided to replenish the Navy with diesel-electric submarines of a new generation, which needed to operate against submarines and surface ships, lay minefields, and conduct reconnaissance. Submarines must be relatively small, high-speed, low-noise, and have advanced radio, sonar and electronic equipment. Since such submarines were going to be delivered to the allies under the Warsaw Pact, in addition to the usual project number - 877, she was given a proper name - "Varshavyanka".

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877B KILO enters the roadstead of Cartagena (Spain) to participate in the "Bold Monarch 2011" maneuvers jointly with NATO fleets. May 25, 2011 (photo from the archive of Vladimir Vladimirovich,

Their development in 1974, according to the specifications approved by the USSR Navy, was carried out by the designers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau, headed by Yu.N. Kormilitsyn together with the Research Institute named after. Krylova. If Project 641 boats were traditionally narrow and long, the outer and lightweight hull was spindle-shaped, with a round bow configuration like a nuclear submarine. The hull itself was designed in such a way that hydrodynamic resistance was minimal. Several models were tested and perfected in the test pool and on test benches.

The design of Project 877 Halibut submarines is double-hulled. The shape of the housing was maximally adapted to reduce noise and resistance.

The durable body is made in the form of a cylinder, the cross sections are circular. The body end structures are spherical. Robust watertight bulkheads divide the hull into six compartments:
1st – bow, serves to accommodate torpedo tubes;
2nd – main command post and batteries;
3rd – double-deck, residential, galley and cabins on the upper deck, batteries on the lower deck;
4th – diesel generators;
5th – propulsion electric motors;
6th – backup power plant and electric motors for economic propulsion.

AK-25 steel was used to make a durable case.

Submarine pr.877EKM serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy during testing after repair with modernization at the Zvezdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk, 11/25/2012 (photo - Zvezdochka CS,

The lightweight body was given a streamlined, spindle-shaped “Albacore” shape. A special coating absorbs radiation from enemy hydroacoustic systems. Main ballast tanks, other tanks, as well as various equipment are located in the double-hull space. Although, due to the double-hull design, the submarine has a significant underwater volume, in emergency situations this makes it possible to increase survivability by ensuring unsinkability with large submerged volumes of the ship. In the cruising position, the submarine can remain afloat even if any compartment and two adjacent main ballast tanks on one side are flooded.

The fencing of the retractable device shafts is located approximately in the middle of the ship. A navigation bridge is also equipped in it. All retractable devices, with the exception of the commander's periscope, are made not to penetrate the durable casing. Thanks to this, the central post was made more spacious and convenient for controlling the ship and its combat systems.

The bow horizontal rudders were also retractable. To reduce the interference they cause in the operation of the hydroacoustic complex, they were moved from the bow to the middle part of the hull. Also, the scuppers were removed from the bow end, and all mechanisms that emitted noise from the first compartment were removed.

The main power plant was designed according to a full electric propulsion scheme, that is, in the surface and submerged positions, the movement is provided by a propeller electric motor.

The main power plant includes:
- main propulsion electric motor PG141 (power 5500 hp). The B-800 submarine and Project 636 boats are equipped with a low-speed PG165 engine of the same power.
- 2 diesel generators 4DL-42МХ (power of each 1500 kW, the first two submarines of Project 877 were equipped with 2х4DL-42М power of each 1000 kW) with a system for operating the diesel generator under water. The 877M and 636 modifications are equipped with a 30DG diesel generator (one power of 1500 kW), which also operates with a RDP.
- two groups of lead-acid batteries.

For economy mode The propeller is powered by a special 190-horsepower electric motor PG142. Starting with the submarine B-800/project 877В/project 636, a low-speed 190-horsepower PG166 engine is installed.

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V KILO and a disassembled water-jet propulsion unit. Sevastopol, floating dock PD-30, regular repair, January 12, 2006 (photo - Dmitry Stogniy,

A design feature of Project 877 submarines is the presence of a pair of backup 102-horsepower electric motors PG-168. These engines provide the boat with movement in narrow places, allow maneuvering during mooring, and can also be used for propulsion in the event of damage to the main shaft and propeller.

A low-speed six-blade fixed-pitch propeller is used as a propulsion device. On boats B-470 and B-800 there is a 7-blade made of Aurora alloy with saber-shaped blades. On the sides in the rear part of the hull there are thruster water jets. The process of diving/surfacing of a submarine is automated.

When moving underwater, the submarine develops a maximum speed of 17 knots, while on the surface – 10 knots. The underwater cruising range at a speed of 7 knots in diesel operating mode is 6,000 miles; at an economical speed at a speed of 3 knots in a submerged position, the boat can cover 400 miles.

Starting with the B-800 submarine, they are equipped with an escape hatch, which allows you to leave the flooded submarine from depths of up to 250 meters (made in the stern).

Energy – two groups of lead-acid batteries with 120 elements each. Project 636M submarines use batteries that have a service life increased by 2.5 times while maintaining the same power.

The boats were equipped with an improved navigation system. Various modifications of Project 877 “Halibut” are equipped with the Andoga, Apassionata-EKM, and Apassionata-EKM.1 complexes. To search for surface targets and monitor the air situation, a radar station is used, as well as means that detect radiation from enemy radars. Hydroacoustic equipment – ​​active and passive. Information from all surveillance equipment and posts enters the multi-purpose BUIS (“Lama” / “Knot”, “Lama-EKM” / “Knot”), is processed by a computer, and then transferred to the commander’s disposal, to the command post, which is isolated from other compartments . General ship systems are controlled from the Palladium or Palladium-EM control panel (depending on the modification).

Loading torpedo 53-65КЭ on the submarine pr.877EKM KILO Chinese Navy (

Loading a Club-S missile into the torpedo tube of the Indian submarine pr.08773. For loading, a platform attached to the submarine hull is used (photo taken no later than 2009,

Most of the mechanisms are equipped with vibration-absorbing coatings and mounted on shock absorbers, others are arranged on special platforms in blocks, which, together with a low-noise propeller and a streamlined hull, makes the submarine less noticeable compared to other types of submarines.

The submarine is armed with six 533-mm torpedo tubes located at the bow. Of these, two devices in the upper tier are designed to fire remote-controlled torpedoes. Control and reloading (the Murena fast recharging device is used) is remote with a gearbox. Loading of torpedoes was carried out using a special loading device. Ammunition - 18 torpedoes, 6 of which were in torpedo tubes, 12 on racks. Torpedoes 53-56B, 53-56BA, 53-65K, SET-53M, TEST-71M, SET-65E, USET-80K could be used. Instead of torpedoes, 24 DM-1 mines could be taken on board: 12 mines for torpedo tubes (2 per tube) and the same amount for racks.

For air defense, Project 877 submarines that were part of the Soviet Navy were armed with the Strela-3 retractable anti-aircraft missile system (during the modernization process, Strela-3M and Igla-1 9M313 were installed). The complex's ammunition capacity is 8 missiles.

Projects 08773, 636M/06361 used the Club-S missile system with the launch of cruise missiles from the upper tier torpedo tubes from an underwater position. Ammunition - 4 missiles. Project 06363 used the Kalibr-PL missile system with missiles launched from an underwater position.

A powerful mine-torpedo weapon system can solve multi-purpose tasks. It ensures firing of ammunition at any diving depth and, together with the BIUS, allows not only single, but also salvo firing at 2 targets.

In Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1979, the shipyard began building the lead submarine of Project 877, and it went into operation in September 1982. Later, ships of this project were produced in Leningrad, as well as at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. After they were spotted by foreign observers in 1981, NATO gave them the designation "Kilo".

Construction of the series for the Navy continued after 1992. During the construction process, the project was constantly improved. For example, the B-800 submarine (created according to project 877LPMB) had a saber-shaped seven-blade propeller made of Aurora alloy. This submarine was the first of the 877 project to be equipped with an escape hatch and a system that made it possible to exit the submarine from a depth of 250 meters. Other equipment in the warhead-5 was made on a new element base. The submarine received a low-speed main propeller electric motor and an electric propulsion engine and other innovations, as well as additional acoustic equipment from the MGK-400 hydroacoustic complex (for this purpose, the SPK cabin was even reduced), new navigational equipment not included in the navigation complex, and so on.

The last eight ships of the series were built according to a slightly modified design. Thanks to the increase in the hull of the boat by two spacing (2x600 mm), more powerful diesel generators were mounted on them (1.5 times), with improved shock absorption of the platform, a Hall anchor that was retracted inside, and a low-speed main electric motor. In total, 30 pieces of equipment were replaced with new ones that are more maintainable and quieter. The service life of equipment has doubled, and the maintainability of ships has improved.

Submarine pr.877 (probably pryu877EKM B-806) with a diesel generator running under the RDP, Baltic Sea, 09.10.2007 (photo by Alex Suetin,

Project 877 “Halibut” (subseries 08770) is the basic production version of the submarine, the lead ones are B-248, B-401. In addition to the 08770 series, there were the 08771 or 08772 series - which differed between manufacturing plants.
Project 877E “Varshavyanka” is an export modification of the Project 877 submarine of the first series. Delivered to Warsaw Pact countries. It differs mainly in equipment and is not equipped with an air defense system.
Project 877EK – submarines were not built, is an “export commercial” version adapted to tropical operating conditions.
Project 877EKM is an “export commercial modernized” version of the Project 877 submarine. Deliveries were made to Algeria, India, Iran and China. The MGK-400E hydroacoustic system was installed. The project was adapted to tropical operating conditions. In 1999, the Indian Navy was modernized and designated Project 08773. Modification of equipment and weapons systems (equipped with Club-S cruise missile launchers). Received the Lama-ER control system, the new MGK-400EM/MGK-EM sonar system, and the Palladium-M combat information and control system. On the modification of the submarine, the rudder group and design were kept similar to the 877EKM project.
Project 877LPMB (B-800 "Kaluga") - is equipped with a 7-blade propeller made of Aurora alloy with saber-shaped blades. An escape hatch was also equipped, which allows evacuation from a depth of up to 250 m. The equipment of the BC-5 was redesigned, the economical propulsion engine and the main propulsion motor were lower speed. Additional navigational equipment was installed on the boat.
Project 877B - equipped with a water-jet propulsion system. The main tactical and technical characteristics are similar to Project 877.
Project 877M "Halibut-M" - the last 8 submarines of the Project 877 series for the domestic navy. The body is extended by 1.2 m.
Project 877B is a modernization project for the Project 877 submarine. Research and development work was carried out in the 1980s on the basis of Project 877M. According to this project, the experimental submarine B-90 "Sargan" was laid down, later completed under project 20120.
Projects 877K/877MK – modernized projects 877 and 877M. after upgrading the equipment (in particular the combat information and control system).
Project 636 - developed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau, is an export modification of Project 877M for the Chinese Navy, the equipment is modernized according to the type of Project 877M, sound-absorbing technologies are widely used.
Project 636M is a modernized version of Project 636. The composition of the equipment has been changed, an inertial navigation complex, a periscope with a laser range finder, a TV channel and a night vision channel have been installed. Towed communication antenna for HF and VHF bands. Club-S cruise missiles can be used, launched through torpedo tubes from an underwater position. Project 06361 - modification of a submarine for the Vietnamese Navy. Project 06363 – modification of the project with updated equipment. Armed with the Caliber missile system.
The project of a special submarine based on Project 877 is probably intended to carry out work on laying pipelines along the seabed. Possibly, once equipped, it can be used for a wide range of jobs.

Project 877 Halibut submarines and their modifications were delivered to:
Algeria - 2 submarines of project 877EKM;
India - 9 submarines of project 877EKM (8 modernized by 08773) + 1 built by project 08773;
Iran - 3 submarines 877EKM;
China - 1 submarine of Project 636M + 2 submarines of Project 877EKM;
Poland - 1 submarine of project 877E;
Romania - 1 submarine of project 877E.

Submarine B-464 "Ust-Kamchatsk" pr.877 (modernized) in the floating dock (

The Russian Navy has 24 Project 877 Halibut diesel-electric submarines and their modifications.

Performance characteristics: (2000)
Surface displacement - 2300 tons (project 636/636M - 2350 tons);
Underwater displacement - 3040 tons (project 636/636M - 3100 tons);
Maximum length – 72.6 m (projects 877М/636/636М – 73.8 m);
Buoyancy reserve – 32%;
Durable hull length – 51.8 m;
Maximum width – 9.9 m;
Draft along the vertical line – 6.2 m;
Main power plant:
- number and power of diesel engines - 2x1000 kW, type DL42MH (on the last 8 boats 2x1500 kW type 30DG);
- number and power of the main propulsion engine - 1x5500 hp, type PG-141 (on the last 8 boats 1x5500 hp type PG-165, on 877EKM - 1x4050 hp)
- number and power of EH electric motors – 1x190 hp. (PG-166);
- number and power of backup motors – 2x102 hp. (PG-168);
- propulsors – low-noise fixed pitch propeller;
- fuel reserve – 172 tons;
- number of battery groups, number of elements – 2x120;
Surface speed -10 knots (project 636/636M - 11 knots);
Underwater speed – 17 knots (on the last 8 – 19 knots);
Economic underwater speed – 3.0 knots;
Submarine range (speed 7 knots, under RDP) - 7500 miles (projects 636/636M with increased fuel reserve);
Underwater range (speed 3 knots) – 400 miles;
Underwater range (speed 21 knots) - 12.7 miles;
Operating immersion depth - 240 m (projects 636/636M/877M - 250 m)
Periscope diving depth - 17.5 m (maximum sea level 5);
The maximum immersion depth is 350 m (projects 877EKM/636/636M – 300 m);
Autonomy – 45 days;
Crew - 57 people (projects 877EKM/877V/636/636M - 52 people), incl. officers - 12;
- missile system (project 08773) - Ciub-S;
- bow torpedo tubes – 6 pcs.;
- caliber - 533 mm

Launching after repair of the Taregh submarine pr.877EKM Iranian Navy, May 28, 2012 (photo - Azin Haghighi,

Prepared based on materials:

In the 1970s, it was decided to replenish the Navy with diesel-electric submarines of a new generation, which needed to operate against submarines and surface ships, lay minefields, and conduct reconnaissance. Submarines must be relatively small, high-speed, low-noise, and have advanced radio, sonar and electronic equipment. Since such submarines were going to be delivered to the allies under the Warsaw Pact, in addition to the usual project number - 877, she was given a proper name - "Varshavyanka".

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877B KILO enters the roadstead of Cartagena (Spain) to participate in the "Bold Monarch 2011" maneuvers jointly with NATO fleets. May 25, 2011

Their development in 1974, according to the specifications approved by the USSR Navy, was carried out by the designers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau, headed by Yu.N. Kormilitsyn together with the Research Institute named after. Krylova. If Project 641 boats were traditionally narrow and long, the outer and lightweight hull was spindle-shaped, with a round bow configuration like a nuclear submarine. The hull itself was designed in such a way that hydrodynamic resistance was minimal. Several models were tested and perfected in the test pool and on test benches.

The design of Project 877 Halibut submarines is double-hulled. The shape of the housing was maximally adapted to reduce noise and resistance.

The durable body is made in the form of a cylinder, the cross sections are circular. The body end structures are spherical. Robust watertight bulkheads divide the hull into six compartments:
1st – bow, serves to accommodate torpedo tubes;
2nd – main command post and batteries;
3rd – double-deck, residential, galley and cabins on the upper deck, batteries on the lower deck;
4th – diesel generators;
5th – propulsion electric motors;
6th – backup power plant and electric motors for economic propulsion.

AK-25 steel was used to make a durable case.

Submarine pr.877EKM serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak of the Indian Navy during testing after repair with modernization at the Zvezdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk, 11/25/2012.

The lightweight body was given a streamlined, spindle-shaped “Albacore” shape. A special coating absorbs radiation from enemy hydroacoustic systems. Main ballast tanks, other tanks, as well as various equipment are located in the double-hull space. Although, due to the double-hull design, the submarine has a significant underwater volume, in emergency situations this makes it possible to increase survivability by ensuring unsinkability with large submerged volumes of the ship. In the cruising position, the submarine can remain afloat even if any compartment and two adjacent main ballast tanks on one side are flooded.

The fencing of the retractable device shafts is located approximately in the middle of the ship. A navigation bridge is also equipped in it. All retractable devices, with the exception of the commander's periscope, are made not to penetrate the durable casing. Thanks to this, the central post was made more spacious and convenient for controlling the ship and its combat systems.

The bow horizontal rudders were also retractable. To reduce the interference they cause in the operation of the hydroacoustic complex, they were moved from the bow to the middle part of the hull. Also, the scuppers were removed from the bow end, and all mechanisms that emitted noise from the first compartment were removed.

The main power plant was designed according to a full electric propulsion scheme, that is, in the surface and submerged positions, the movement is provided by a propeller electric motor.

The main power plant includes:
- main propulsion electric motor PG141 (power 5500 hp). The B-800 submarine and Project 636 boats are equipped with a low-speed PG165 engine of the same power.
- 2 diesel generators 4DL-42МХ (power of each 1500 kW, the first two submarines of Project 877 were equipped with 2х4DL-42М power of each 1000 kW) with a system for operating the diesel generator under water. The 877M and 636 modifications are equipped with a 30DG diesel generator (one power of 1500 kW), which also operates with a RDP.
- two groups of lead-acid batteries.

For economy mode The propeller is powered by a special 190-horsepower electric motor PG142. Starting with the submarine B-800/project 877В/project 636, a low-speed 190-horsepower PG166 engine is installed.

Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V KILO and a disassembled water-jet propulsion unit. Sevastopol, floating dock PD-30, regular repairs, January 12, 2006

A design feature of Project 877 submarines is the presence of a pair of backup 102-horsepower electric motors PG-168. These engines provide the boat with movement in narrow places, allow maneuvering during mooring, and can also be used for propulsion in the event of damage to the main shaft and propeller.

A low-speed six-blade fixed-pitch propeller is used as a propulsion device. On boats B-470 and B-800 there is a 7-blade made of Aurora alloy with saber-shaped blades. On the sides in the rear part of the hull there are thruster water jets. The process of diving/surfacing of a submarine is automated.

When moving underwater, the submarine develops a maximum speed of 17 knots, while on the surface – 10 knots. The underwater cruising range at a speed of 7 knots in diesel operating mode is 6,000 miles; at an economical speed at a speed of 3 knots in a submerged position, the boat can cover 400 miles.

Starting with the B-800 submarine, they are equipped with an escape hatch, which allows you to leave the flooded submarine from depths of up to 250 meters (made in the stern).

Energy – two groups of lead-acid batteries with 120 elements each. Project 636M submarines use batteries that have a service life increased by 2.5 times while maintaining the same power.

The boats were equipped with an improved navigation system. Various modifications of Project 877 “Halibut” are equipped with the Andoga, Apassionata-EKM, and Apassionata-EKM.1 complexes. To search for surface targets and monitor the air situation, a radar station is used, as well as means that detect radiation from enemy radars. Hydroacoustic equipment – ​​active and passive. Information from all surveillance equipment and posts enters the multi-purpose BUIS (“Lama” / “Knot”, “Lama-EKM” / “Knot”), is processed by a computer, and then transferred to the commander’s disposal, to the command post, which is isolated from other compartments . General ship systems are controlled from the Palladium or Palladium-EM control panel (depending on the modification).

Loading torpedo 53-65КЭ on submarine pr.877EKM KILO Chinese Navy

Loading a Club-S missile into the torpedo tube of the Indian submarine pr.08773. For loading, a platform attached to the submarine hull is used (the picture was taken no later than 2009)

Most of the mechanisms are equipped with vibration-absorbing coatings and mounted on shock absorbers, others are arranged on special platforms in blocks, which, together with a low-noise propeller and a streamlined hull, makes the submarine less noticeable compared to other types of submarines.

The submarine is armed with six 533-mm torpedo tubes located at the bow. Of these, two devices in the upper tier are designed to fire remote-controlled torpedoes. Control and reloading (the Murena fast recharging device is used) is remote with a gearbox. Loading of torpedoes was carried out using a special loading device. Ammunition - 18 torpedoes, 6 of which were in torpedo tubes, 12 on racks. Torpedoes 53-56B, 53-56BA, 53-65K, SET-53M, TEST-71M, SET-65E, USET-80K could be used. Instead of torpedoes, 24 DM-1 mines could be taken on board: 12 mines for torpedo tubes (2 per tube) and the same amount for racks.

For air defense, Project 877 submarines that were part of the Soviet Navy were armed with the Strela-3 retractable anti-aircraft missile system (during the modernization process, Strela-3M and Igla-1 9M313 were installed). The complex's ammunition capacity is 8 missiles.

Projects 08773, 636M/06361 used the Club-S missile system with the launch of cruise missiles from the upper tier torpedo tubes from an underwater position. Ammunition - 4 missiles. Project 06363 used the Kalibr-PL missile system with missiles launched from an underwater position.

A powerful mine-torpedo weapon system can solve multi-purpose tasks. It ensures firing of ammunition at any diving depth and, together with the BIUS, allows not only single, but also salvo firing at 2 targets.

In Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1979, the shipyard began building the lead submarine of Project 877, and it went into operation in September 1982. Later, ships of this project were produced in Leningrad, as well as at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. After they were spotted by foreign observers in 1981, NATO gave them the designation "Kilo".

Construction of the series for the Navy continued after 1992. During the construction process, the project was constantly improved. For example, the B-800 submarine (created according to project 877LPMB) had a saber-shaped seven-blade propeller made of Aurora alloy. This submarine was the first of the 877 project to be equipped with an escape hatch and a system that made it possible to exit the submarine from a depth of 250 meters. Other equipment in the warhead-5 was made on a new element base. The submarine received a low-speed main propeller electric motor and an electric propulsion engine and other innovations, as well as additional acoustic equipment from the MGK-400 hydroacoustic complex (for this purpose, the SPK cabin was even reduced), new navigational equipment not included in the navigation complex, and so on.

The last eight ships of the series were built according to a slightly modified design. Thanks to the increase in the hull of the boat by two spacing (2x600 mm), more powerful diesel generators were mounted on them (1.5 times), with improved shock absorption of the platform, a Hall anchor that was retracted inside, and a low-speed main electric motor. In total, 30 pieces of equipment were replaced with new ones that are more maintainable and quieter. The service life of equipment has doubled, and the maintainability of ships has improved.

Submarine pr.877 (probably pryu877EKM B-806) with a diesel generator running under the RDP, Baltic Sea, 09/10/2007.


Project 877 “Halibut” (subseries 08770) is the basic production version of the submarine, the lead ones are B-248, B-401. In addition to the 08770 series, there were the 08771 or 08772 series - which differed between manufacturing plants.

Project 877E “Varshavyanka” is an export modification of the Project 877 submarine of the first series. Delivered to Warsaw Pact countries. It differs mainly in equipment and is not equipped with an air defense system.

Project 877EK – submarines were not built, is an “export commercial” version adapted to tropical operating conditions.

Project 877EKM is an “export commercial modernized” version of the Project 877 submarine. Deliveries were made to Algeria, India, Iran and China. The MGK-400E hydroacoustic system was installed. The project was adapted to tropical operating conditions. In 1999, the Indian Navy was modernized and designated Project 08773. Modification of equipment and weapons systems (equipped with Club-S cruise missile launchers). Received the Lama-ER control system, the new MGK-400EM/MGK-EM sonar system, and the Palladium-M combat information and control system. On the modification of the submarine, the rudder group and design were kept similar to the 877EKM project.

Project 877LPMB (B-800 "Kaluga") - is equipped with a 7-blade propeller made of Aurora alloy with saber-shaped blades. An escape hatch was also equipped, which allows evacuation from a depth of up to 250 m. The equipment of the BC-5 was redesigned, the economical propulsion engine and the main propulsion motor were lower speed. Additional navigational equipment was installed on the boat.

Project 877B - equipped with a water-jet propulsion system. The main tactical and technical characteristics are similar to Project 877.

Project 877M "Halibut-M" - the last 8 submarines of the Project 877 series for the domestic navy. The body is extended by 1.2 m.

Project 877B is a modernization project for the Project 877 submarine. Research and development work was carried out in the 1980s on the basis of Project 877M. According to this project, the experimental submarine B-90 "Sargan" was laid down, later completed under project 20120.

Projects 877K/877MK – modernized projects 877 and 877M. after upgrading the equipment (in particular the combat information and control system).

Project 636 - developed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau, is an export modification of Project 877M for the Chinese Navy, the equipment is modernized according to the type of Project 877M, sound-absorbing technologies are widely used.

Project 636M is a modernized version of Project 636. The composition of the equipment has been changed, an inertial navigation complex, a periscope with a laser range finder, a TV channel and a night vision channel have been installed. Towed communication antenna for HF and VHF bands. Club-S cruise missiles can be used, launched through torpedo tubes from an underwater position. Project 06361 - modification of a submarine for the Vietnamese Navy. Project 06363 – modification of the project with updated equipment. Armed with the Caliber missile system.

The project of a special submarine based on Project 877 is probably intended to carry out work on laying pipelines along the seabed. Possibly, once equipped, it can be used for a wide range of jobs.

Project 877 Halibut submarines and their modifications were delivered to:
Algeria - 2 submarines of project 877EKM;
India - 9 submarines of project 877EKM (8 modernized by 08773) + 1 built by project 08773;
Iran - 3 submarines 877EKM;
China - 1 submarine of Project 636M + 2 submarines of Project 877EKM;
Poland - 1 submarine of project 877E;
Romania - 1 submarine of project 877E.

Submarine B-464 "Ust-Kamchatsk" pr.877 (modernized) in the floating dock

The Russian Navy has 24 Project 877 Halibut diesel-electric submarines and their modifications.

Performance characteristics: (2000)
Surface displacement - 2300 tons (project 636/636M - 2350 tons);
Underwater displacement - 3040 tons (project 636/636M - 3100 tons);
Maximum length – 72.6 m (projects 877М/636/636М – 73.8 m);
Buoyancy reserve – 32%;
Durable hull length – 51.8 m;
Maximum width – 9.9 m;
Draft along the vertical line – 6.2 m;
Main power plant:
- number and power of diesel engines - 2x1000 kW, type DL42MH (on the last 8 boats 2x1500 kW type 30DG);
- number and power of the main propulsion engine - 1x5500 hp, type PG-141 (on the last 8 boats 1x5500 hp type PG-165, on 877EKM - 1x4050 hp)
- number and power of EH electric motors – 1x190 hp. (PG-166);
- number and power of backup motors – 2x102 hp. (PG-168);
- propulsors – low-noise fixed pitch propeller;
- fuel reserve – 172 tons;
- number of battery groups, number of elements – 2x120;
Surface speed -10 knots (project 636/636M - 11 knots);
Underwater speed – 17 knots (on the last 8 – 19 knots);
Economic underwater speed – 3.0 knots;
Submarine range (speed 7 knots, under RDP) - 7500 miles (projects 636/636M with increased fuel reserve);
Underwater range (speed 3 knots) – 400 miles;
Underwater range (speed 21 knots) - 12.7 miles;
Operating immersion depth - 240 m (projects 636/636M/877M - 250 m)
Periscope diving depth - 17.5 m (maximum sea level 5);
The maximum immersion depth is 350 m (projects 877EKM/636/636M – 300 m);
Autonomy – 45 days;
Crew - 57 people (projects 877EKM/877V/636/636M - 52 people), incl. officers - 12;
- missile system (project 08773) - Ciub-S;
- bow torpedo tubes – 6 pcs.;
- caliber - 533 mm