Practical lesson in computer science "ACS for various purposes, examples of their use." Automated control system (ACS) Brief description of the ACS

Practical work

Topic: Automatic control systems for various purposes, examples of their use.

1. Purpose of the work: develop practical skills in determining data transfer speed, creating an email box, setting parameters and working with email.

  1. Equipment, devices, equipment, materials:personal computer with Internet access.
  2. Brief theoretical information.

Information process is the process of receiving, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information. (See picture)

Information systems are systems in which information processes occur. If the supplied information is extracted from a process (object), and the output is used to purposefully change the same object, then such an information system is called a control system.

Types of control systems: manual, automated (man-machine), automatic (technical).

An automated control system or ACS is a complex of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the framework of a technological process, production, or enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport and the like. The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta (1913-1998). In 1962-1967 As director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Technical Management (CNIITU), being also a member of the board of the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, he led the implementation of the country's first automated production management systems at machine-building enterprises. He actively fought against ideological PR campaigns to introduce expensive computers, instead of creating real automated control systems to improve the efficiency of production management.

The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of facility management based on increased labor productivity and improved methods of planning the management process.

Control automation goals. The general goal of control automation is to increase the efficiency of using the potential capabilities of the control object. Thus, a number of goals can be identified:

  1. Providing the decision maker (DM) with adequate data to make decisions.
  2. Acceleration of individual operations for collecting and processing data.
  3. Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker must make.
  4. Increasing the level of control and performance discipline.
  5. Increased management efficiency.
  6. Reducing the costs of decision makers for performing auxiliary processes.
  7. Increasing the degree of validity of decisions made.

The ACS includes the following types of support:

  • informational,
  • software
  • technical,
  • organizational,
  • metrological,
  • legal,
  • linguistic.

The main classification criteria that determine the type of automated control system are:

  • the sphere of operation of the management object (industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sphere, and so on);
  • type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, and so on);
  • level in the public administration system, including management of the national economy in accordance with the current management schemes for industries (for industry: industry (ministry), all-Union association, all-Union industrial association, scientific and production association, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit) .

ACS functions:

  • planning and (or) forecasting;
  • accounting, control, analysis;
  • coordination and (or) regulation.

Types of automated control systems:

  • An automated process control system or automated process control system solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, and transport.
  • Automated production management system (APS) - solves the problems of organizing production, including basic production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term production planning taking into account production capacity, product quality analysis, and production process modeling.


  • Automated street lighting control system (“ASU UL”) - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of street lighting.
  • Automated control system outdoor lighting (“ASUNO”) - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of outdoor lighting.
  • Automated traffic control system or automated traffic control system - designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the road network of a city or highway
  • Automated enterprise management system or automated control system - MRP, MRP II and ERP systems are used to solve these problems. If the enterprise is an educational institution, learning management systems are used.
  • Automatic control system for hotels.
  • An automated operational risk management system is software that contains a set of tools necessary to solve the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from data collection to reporting and making forecasts.

Exercise 1. Study the presentation “Automated control systems”. Task 2. Watch the videos “Automated control systems for railway transport”.

Task 3. Answer security questions

Task 4. Find information about automated control systems for your specialty.

5. Contents of the report

The report must contain:

  1. Job title.
  2. Goal of the work.
  3. The task and its solution.
  4. Conclusion on the work.

6. Control questions

  1. What is an automated control system.
  2. Purpose of ACS.
  3. What functions are performed by the automated control system?
  4. Give examples of automated control systems.

Practical work Topic: ACS for various purposes, examples of their use. 1 . Purpose of work: to develop practical skills in determining data transfer speed, creating an email box, setting parameters and working with email. 2. Equipment, devices, equipment, materials: personal computer with Internet access. 3. Brief theoretical information. Information process is the process of receiving, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information. (See Fig.) Information systems are systems in which information processes occur. If the supplied information is extracted from any process (object), and the output is used to purposefully change the same object, then such an information system is called a control system. Types of control systems: manual, automated (man-machine), automatic (technical). An automated control system or ACS is a complex of hardware and software designed to control various processes within a technological process, production, or enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport and the like. The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta (1913-1998). In 1962-1967 As director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Technical Management (CNIITU), being also a member of the board of the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, he led the implementation of the country's first automated production management systems at machine-building enterprises. Actively fought against ideological PR actions to introduce expensive computers, instead of creating real automated control systems to improve the efficiency of production management.

The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of facility management based on increased labor productivity and improved methods of planning the management process. Goals of control automation. The general goal of control automation is to increase the efficiency of using the potential capabilities of the control object. Thus, a number of goals can be identified: 1. Providing the decision maker (DM) with adequate data for making decisions. Acceleration of individual operations for collecting and processing data. Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker must make. Increasing the level of control and performance discipline. Increased management efficiency. Reducing the costs of decision makers for performing auxiliary processes. Increasing the degree of validity of decisions made. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The ACS includes the following types of support: information, software, technical, organizational, metrological, legal, linguistic. The main classification criteria that determine the type of automated control system are: the sphere of operation of the control object (industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sphere, and so on); type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, and so on); level in the public administration system, including management of the national economy in accordance with the current industry management schemes (for industry: industry (ministry), all-Union association, all-Union industrial scientific and production association, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit). association, ACS functions: planning and (or) forecasting; accounting, control, analysis; coordination and (or) regulation. Types of automated control systems: An automated process control system or automated process control system solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, and transport.

An automated production management system (APS) solves the problems of organizing production, including basic production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term production planning taking into account production capacity, product quality analysis, and production process modeling. Examples: Automated street lighting control system (“ACS”) is designed to organize the automation of centralized control of street lighting. Automated control system for outdoor lighting (“ASUNO”) is designed to organize automation of centralized control of outdoor lighting. An automated traffic control system or automated traffic control system is designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the road network of a city or highway. Automated enterprise management system or automated control system To solve these problems, MRP, MRP II and ERP systems are used. If the enterprise is an educational institution, learning management systems are used. Automatic control system for hotels. An automated operational risk management system is software that contains a set of tools necessary to solve the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from data collection to reporting and making forecasts. Task 1. Study the presentation “Automated control systems”. Task 2. Watch the videos “Automated control systems for railway transport”. Task 3. Answer control questions Task 4. Find information about automated control systems in your specialty. 5. Contents of the report The report must contain: 1. Title of the work. 2. Purpose of the work. 3. The task and its solution. 4. Conclusion on the work. 6. Test questions 1. What is an automated control system. 2. Purpose of the automated control system. 3. What functions are performed by the automated control system? 4. Give examples of automated control systems.

Goal of the work

Familiarize yourself with the concept of an automated control system, its components, and functional purpose. Study classes of ACS structures, types of ACS.

Theoretical information

Automated control system or ACS- a set of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the framework of a technological process, production, or enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc. The term automated, in contrast to the term automatic, emphasizes the retention of certain functions by the human operator, either of the most general, goal-setting nature, or not amenable to automation. ACS with a Decision Support System (DSS) are the main tool for increasing the validity of management decisions. The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta. The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of facility management based on increased labor productivity and improved methods of planning the management process.

Control automation goals

In general, a management system can be considered as a set of interrelated management processes and objects. The general goal of control automation is to increase the efficiency of using the potential capabilities of the control object. Thus, a number of goals can be identified:

  1. Providing the decision maker (DM) with relevant data for decision making
  2. Acceleration of individual data collection and processing operations
  3. Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker must make
  4. Increasing the level of control and performance discipline
  5. Increased management efficiency
  6. Reducing the costs of decision makers for performing auxiliary processes
  7. Increasing the degree of validity of decisions made

The ACS includes the following types of support: information, software, technical, organizational, metrological, legal and linguistic. ACS functions established in the technical specifications for the creation of a specific automated control system based on an analysis of management goals, specified resources to achieve them, the expected effect of automation and in accordance with the standards applicable to this type of automated control system. Each ACS function is implemented by a set of task complexes, individual tasks and operations. The functions of the automated control system generally include the following elements (actions):

1. planning and (or) forecasting;

2. accounting, control, analysis;

3. coordination and (or) regulation.

The required composition of elements is selected depending on the type of specific automated control system.

Types of automated control systems

1. Automated process control system or automated process control system - solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, and transport.

2. Automated production management system (APS) - solves the problems of organizing production, including basic production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term production planning taking into account production capacity, product quality analysis, and production process modeling. To solve these problems, MIS and MES systems, as well as LIMS systems, are used. Examples:

Automated street lighting control system (“ASU UL”) - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of street lighting.

Automated control system for outdoor lighting (“ASUNO”) - designed to organize automation of centralized control of outdoor lighting.

Automated traffic control system or automated traffic control system - designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the road network of a city or highway. Automated enterprise management system or automated control system - MRP, MRP II and ERP systems are used to solve these problems. If the enterprise is an educational institution, learning management systems are used.


1) Study theoretical material on this topic.

2) Find an example of an automated control system in any search engine and give it a description. Display a clear structure of the automated control system in the report. Find out its purpose. Identify advantages and disadvantages.

Control questions

1) Define ACS.

2) For what purposes are automated control systems used?

3) What functions do automated control systems perform?

4) Give examples of automated control systems. Tell us about their advantages and disadvantages.

2) Purpose of the work;

3) Report on the work performed.

Lesson topic: ACS for various purposes, examples of their use. Test.

Lesson objectives:



  1. Activation of mental activity and development of creative abilities.

    Improving independent work skills.

    Developing interest in the subject and the ability to apply practical knowledge in a future profession.


    Fostering a responsible attitude towards educational work.

    Improving teamwork skills.

    Formation of moral qualities.

Teaching methods:

    Using elements of collaborative pedagogy:

    • teaching without coercion;

      collective creativity;

      intelligent group background.

    Application of the principle “I teach - I educate.”

    Application of types of control and self-control:


Equipment: board, multimedia projector, PC, task cards.

During the classes.

1. Preparing students for the lesson:

    checking those present in the class;

    checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Preparing students for active cognitive activity:

    communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

3. Testing knowledge and skills

Checking homework. Filling out the table “Digital media”.

    Formation of new knowledge and skills.


    practical work.

    Test. Run the test on your computer.

6. Homework:


7. Summing up, grading.

Information process- the process of receiving, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information. (See picture)

Information Systems- systems in which information processes occur. If the supplied information is extracted from any process (object), and the output is used to purposefully change the same object, then such an information system is called control system.

Types of control systems : manual, and automated(man-machine), automatic (technical).

Automated control system or ACS - a set of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the framework of a technological process, production, or enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc. Termautomated , in contrast to the termautomatic emphasizes the retention of the human operator some functions, or the most general, goal-setting nature technical). , or not amenable to automation.

Description of some automated control systems

3.ACS services
A special feature of the automated control system is the ability to record not only the services provided
services, but also clients, which is necessary in many modern
enterprises providing paid services: hospitals, salons,
clubs... Accounting, viewing and analysis of data can be done as
in terms of services provided and by clients. Used
plan-fact analysis, load forecast for each type of service.

5. ACS of the city administration

Administration workstation
Shop/market workstation
Wholesale workstation

ACS goals:
- acceleration and simplification of functional, information,
documentary, material connections between departments,
enterprises, etc.,
-increasing operational visibility and controllability
production and consumer complex of the city,
- ensuring the docking of ACS subsystems to prevent
duplication of operations, functions, information flows,
-facilitation of management for the city administration,
- simplification of interaction between the city administration,
business managers, entrepreneurs,
-facilitation of orientation and activities for city residents
in the social and consumer sphere.
Basic principles of ACS development
- centralized system design of the automated control system complex, taking into account
the existing reserve and the existing structure of subsystems (divisions),
-centralized development of rules (specifications) for working with automated control systems,
primarily the discipline of interaction between subsystems and departments,
-phased implementation of elements and subsystems of the automated control system complex,
-user friendliness (the “three buttons” principle, simple logic),
-based not on documents, but on objects and actions on them,
-accounting for planned and actual actions, their comparison, analysis,
use for the formation of control actions,
-creation of programs for converting information flows between
existing heterogeneous software subsystems,
-automation of the protection of databases and automated control system subsystems (access, fiscalization,
situation analysis).
Main goals
a) creation of an automated control system for the execution of decisions (document flow) with prospects
transition to paperless technology for managing and exchanging documents,
first of all, automated control systems for management in order to reduce
document processing time and problems.
b) creation of a city network of automated information exchange,
including the collection of data from consumer businesses and services,
provision, production.
Data processing, organization, generation of statistics.
Transferring information downward for use in activities
enterprises, entrepreneurs, residents.

ACS of a city administration unit using the example of the trade department:
Shop/market workstation:
input, storage and transfer to the administration of prices for goods, list
which are represented by the administration.
Wholesale workstation: similar to the previous one.
AWS of the Department of Regulation and Trade Organization
city ​​administration (ACS for commodity flows)
Purpose of the program: calculation, storage and printing of averages
prices of sellers (wholesalers, shops, markets).
The program is executed in a multi-window form, familiar to
modern personal computer user. Use
The keyboard is also traditional.
There are two stages in working with the program: reception
(input) of data and their statistical processing.
Before work, it is necessary to prepare the program
we: enter the date(s) for calculating statistics, fill out the lists
goods and sellers. Lists of goods are structured by product
groups specified by the user. All lists can be printed.
Data input
Data for calculating average prices are sales prices
goods from sellers (selected wholesalers, stores, markets).
The price of each product is entered separately for stores,
markets and wholesalers. Prices can be entered automatically from
data received from sellers via communications or manually.
Calculation of average prices
The average prices of each product for the current date are calculated
program automatically according to the entered list of sellers.
Product prices and calculated average prices can be stored and
displayed on a computer screen or printer.
Working with statistics
You can print a summary report on average prices,
you can view (and adjust if necessary)
lists of average prices for each product group.
View windows can be controlled using standard operations:
expand to full screen, move, zoom in
Images. Opened windows can be arranged in a cascade or
mosaic, collapse into “icons”.
The "Service" item of the main menu provides settings
programs tailored to user requirements (screen, printer, dates
statistics) and access to standard Windows tools (clock,
calculator, notepad), as well as archiving the database and
installation of a new database.

5. ACS of wholesale trade
Marketing workstation
workstation warehouse,
Workstation for communication with suppliers/manufacturers
Workstation for communication with customers
AWS of related services (transport, packaging, etc.)
Cash desk workstation
Administration workstation
Workstation for document flow
(DB of electronic documents, texts, images, audio recordings,
decisions made, document flow history)

6.Automatic control system of production,
Supply workstation
Marketing workstation
Sales workstation
AWS warehouse
Technologist's workstation
Workshop/site workstation
Workstation for corporate communications and the Internet
ACS of personnel
Administration workstation (finance and investment)
Administration workstation (equipment)
Administration workstation (raw materials and products)
Administration workstation (document flow)

Lists, cascading windows, window selection menu
-main ACS operations: Production, Raw Materials, Cash
-menu tree: Production: products, parts
-product management
-in operation, order, shipment, write-off
-current, specification, archive, new
-product specification: raw materials, parts, operations
-parts list
-Formation of product specifications: input from the list of operations
-Control: Production process log
-Filling out an electronic document from the lists: products, specifications,
parts, raw materials

..10. Automatic control system of a transport enterprise
Main functions: fleet management (economic, organizational,
technical), maintenance management (regulations, execution),
fleet distribution (forecast plan, history), transportation management
(regulations, forecast plan, history), passenger flow management
(regulations, ticket ordering, execution), personnel management.
The problem of operational transportation management is solved on a real scale
time, taking into account data on the location and load of transport, availability
reserve equipment and personnel.

Automation system for business processes of a motor transport enterprise
1.System structure
2. Equipment composition
3.System design
3.1.Virtual objects
3.2.Object states

3.7. Movement of documents
4. ACS structure
5.Characteristics of the automated control system
5.1.Purpose indicators

1.System structure
The business process automation system (BAS) is implemented in the structure
client-server. Server type (combined or dedicated stand-alone)
determined during the technical design of the system. Software environment
functioning of the automated control system includes operational network systems of the server and workers
stations, DBMS (database management system) program.
Structurally, the ACS program consists of functionally complete parts -
modules, each of which runs in any workstation of your choice
The customer, serving a functionally separate automated
workplace (AW). Any database is accessible from each workstation for
performing tasks defined by this workstation. Any permitted action
with the database is reflected in the state of all workstations, without requiring duplication.
The functioning of the automated control system is based not on documents, but on objects
automation, their state, state parameters and their changes (movement
objects). All this is reflected in the automated control system in the form of records and electronic documents
and their copies on paper.
The ACS database includes initial data of virtual objects (directories),
accounting forms for planning and electronic registration of the condition of objects
(specifications, journals), accounting forms for the results of changes in state
objects (calculations and analysis), document templates.
2. Equipment composition
The ACS equipment includes:
-computer technology (server, workstations),
-devices for storing, displaying and printing information,
- local network equipment,
-remote access devices,
- other equipment.
Availability of equipment at the automation facility, its sufficiency or
the need for additional equipment is clarified at the inspection stage.
3.System design
3.1.Virtual objects 3.1a. Object state parameters
- rolling stock quantity, technical specifications, technical condition
-staff number, professional, condition
-customers quantity, quantity
-equipment and MBP quantity, technical specifications, technical condition
- consumables and spare parts quantity, technical specifications, technical condition
-external relations (traffic police...
3.2.Object states 3.3.Processes (actions in the automated control system over objects)
a) rolling stock

- downtime, maintenance, repairs - accounting, reporting
- line work - accounting, reporting
- maintenance and repair work - accounting, reporting
-planning/application -planning, reporting

-simple -accounting
c) customers
-operation -accounting, reporting
- planning/application - accounting, reporting
- "simple" - accounting, planning
d) equipment and MBP
-operation -accounting, reporting
-arrival-movement -accounting, reporting
-planning/application -planning, reporting
-simple -accounting, reporting
-losses -accounting, reporting
d) consumables and spare parts
-expenses -accounting, reporting
-arrival-movement -accounting, reporting
-planning/application -planning, reporting
-losses -accounting, reporting
f) external relations (traffic police...
-planning/application -planning
-work -accounting, reporting
g) standards
-work -accounting, reporting
3.4. Normative action planning
Accounting forms for planning and forecasting changes in the state of objects:
-plans-specifications of processes (budget, production program,
fuel consumption plan, spare parts and materials, maintenance schedule)
- work schedules
3.5.Display of actions (accounting)
-repair sheets
- accounting forms (hours worked, fuel consumption, equipment use,
availability, mileage and downtime of rolling stock, consumption of MBP, fuel and lubricants,
auxiliary materials, work carried out during maintenance
and current repair of equipment, maintenance and scheduled maintenance
fixed equipment and fixtures, repair and commissioning
batteries, revolving fund of electrical equipment and
fuel system of vehicles, consumption of spare parts and operating
materials, warehouse accounting)
-calculations and analysis (travel expenses, actual fuel consumption,
downtime of rolling stock, company activities)
3.6.Accounting and reporting documents
-Electronic documents
-Documents on paper
3.7. Movement of documents
Movement of electronic documents and information in general in the automated control system between services
(workplaces - automated workplaces) occurs instantly and automatically. Availability
registration of users in the system allows you to identify any
of these and replaces the electronic signature. Storage, access to electronic
documents and their search in the automated control system is more convenient and reliable than for paper ones
documents. This allows you to move to paperless technology as
coverage of automation of all services involved in the work.
Monitoring the functioning of the automated control system, maintaining integrity and safety
The database is managed by the system administrator.
It is no secret that the automated control system is primarily a manager’s tool.
Integral information about the state of automation objects, results
analysis of service activities is available to the manager through the administrator's workstation.
4. ACS structure
The division of the automated control system into modules can be based on the following principles:
- functional significance of the package of automated control system tasks
The following structure of workstation modules is proposed (according to the tasks of the automated control system and departments):
a) administrator (control and management, accounting of execution)
b) system administrator (access, maintaining the database, reconfiguring the automated control system)
c) staff
d)automotive equipment (management of transport and equipment)
d) warehouse
f) planning and analysis (close in function to the “Budget” module according to the technical specifications)
g) dispatching (close in function to the module "Waybills" according to the technical specifications)
h) maintenance and repair
5.Characteristics of the automated control system
5.1. System purpose indicators
- ability to automate company business processes.
Automation consists of filling out accounting and reporting forms from
reference books and specifications, no duplication of actions on
virtual objects and documents in various services, distribution
changes in information for all workstations, etc.
- ability to store necessary reference information. As part of the base
data, reference books are provided (staff, partners, equipment,
equipment, consumables, etc.).
- ability to generate required reporting.
- scalability, i.e. possibility of increasing computing resources
without changing the software. Any module (workstation) can be
installed on any of the workstations, including all modules on one
or each module for several workstations. Scalability limitation
can only occur when using outdated equipment.
5.2.Main automated business processes
5.2.1. Hiring a new employee
5.2.2. Dismissal of an employee
5.2.3. Registration of new equipment
5.2.4. Decommissioning of equipment
5.2.5. Assigning machines to customers
5.2.6. Processing the application, issuing a waybill
5.2.7. Waybill processing
5.2.8. Issuing a repair sheet
5.2.9. Processing the repair sheet
5.2.10. Reception of spare parts and operating materials to the warehouse
5.2.11. Distribution of spare parts and operating materials for production
5.2.12. Write-off of spare parts and operating materials.

(DSS) are the main tool for increasing the validity of management decisions.

  1. Formation of requirements for speakers
    1. Inspection of the facility and justification for the need to create a nuclear power plant
    2. Formation of user requirements for speakers
    3. Preparation of a report on the completion of work and an application for the development of an NPP
  2. Development of the AC concept
    1. Studying the object
    2. Carrying out the necessary research work
    3. Development of AC concept options and selection of an AC concept option that meets user requirements
    4. Drawing up a report on the work done
  3. Technical task
    1. Development and approval of technical specifications for the creation of nuclear power plants
  4. Preliminary design
    1. Development of preliminary design solutions for the system and its parts
  5. Technical project
    1. Development of design solutions for the system and its parts
    2. Development of documentation for the speaker system and its parts
    3. Development and execution of documentation for the supply of components
    4. Development of design tasks in adjacent parts of the project
  6. Working documentation
    1. Development of working documentation for the NPP and its parts
    2. Development and adaptation of programs
  7. Commissioning
    1. Preparing an automation object
    2. Personnel training
    3. Complete set of speakers with supplied products (software and hardware, software and hardware systems, information products)
    4. Construction and installation works
    5. Commissioning works
    6. Carrying out preliminary tests
    7. Conducting trial operation
    8. Carrying out acceptance tests ru en
  8. AC support.
    1. Carrying out work in accordance with warranty obligations
    2. Post-warranty service

Sketch, technical designs and working documentation are the consistent construction of more and more accurate design solutions. It is possible to exclude the “Sketch Design” stage and individual stages of work at all stages, to combine the “Technical Design” and “Working Documentation” stages into a “Technical Detailed Design”, to carry out various stages and work in parallel, and to include additional ones.

This standard is not entirely suitable for current developments: many processes are not sufficiently reflected, and some provisions are outdated.

ACS composition

The ACS includes the following types of support: information, software, technical, organizational, metrological, legal and linguistic.

Main classification characteristics

Decentralized structure

Building a system with such a structure is effective in automating technologically independent control objects for material, energy, information and other resources. Such a system is a combination of several independent systems with their own information and algorithmic base.

To develop a control action on each control object, information about the state of only this object is required.

Centralized structure

The centralized structure implements all object management processes in a single control body, which collects and processes information about managed objects and, based on their analysis, generates control signals in accordance with the system criteria. The emergence of this class of structures is associated with an increase in the number of controlled, regulated and managed parameters and, as a rule, with the territorial dispersion of the control object.

The advantages of a centralized structure are the fairly simple implementation of information interaction processes; the fundamental possibility of optimal control of the system as a whole; fairly easy correction of operationally changeable input parameters; the ability to achieve maximum operational efficiency with minimal redundancy of technical controls.

The disadvantages of a centralized structure are the following: the need for high reliability and performance of technical controls to achieve acceptable quality of control; high total length of communication channels in the presence of territorial dispersion of control objects.

Centralized distributed structure

The main feature of this structure is the preservation of the principle of centralized control, that is, the development of control actions on each control object based on information about the states of the entire set of control objects. Some functional devices of the control system are common to all channels of the system and are connected to individual channel devices using switches, forming a closed control loop.

The control algorithm in this case consists of a set of interconnected object control algorithms, which are implemented by a set of mutually related control bodies. During operation, each control body receives and processes relevant information, as well as issues control signals to subordinate objects. To implement management functions, each local body, as necessary, enters into the process of information interaction with other management bodies. The advantages of such a structure: reduced requirements for the performance and reliability of each processing and control center without compromising the quality of management; reduction in the total length of communication channels.

The disadvantages of the system are the following: the complication of information processes in the management system due to the need to exchange data between processing and control centers, as well as adjusting the stored information; redundancy of technical means intended for information processing; difficulty in synchronizing information exchange processes.

Hierarchical structure

With the increase in the number of control tasks in complex systems, the volume of processed information increases significantly and the complexity of control algorithms increases. As a result, it is impossible to carry out management centrally, since there is a discrepancy between the complexity of the managed object and the ability of any governing body to receive and process information.

In addition, in such systems the following groups of tasks can be distinguished, each of which is characterized by corresponding requirements for reaction time to events occurring in the controlled process:

  • tasks of collecting data from the control object and direct digital control (reaction time, seconds, fractions of a second);
  • extreme control problems associated with calculations of the desired parameters of the controlled process and the required values ​​of the regulator settings, with logical tasks of starting and stopping units, etc. (reaction time - seconds, minutes);
  • optimization and adaptive process control problems, technical and economic problems (reaction time - a few seconds);
  • information tasks for administrative management, dispatching and coordination tasks on the scale of a workshop, enterprise, planning tasks, etc. (reaction time - hours).

Obviously, the hierarchy of management tasks leads to the need to create a hierarchical system of management tools. Such a division, while making it possible to cope with information difficulties for each local government body, creates the need to coordinate the decisions made by these bodies, that is, to create a new governing body over them. At each level, maximum compliance of the characteristics of technical means with a given class of tasks must be ensured.

In addition, many production systems have their own hierarchy, which arises under the influence of objective trends in scientific and technological progress, concentration and specialization of production, which contribute to increasing the efficiency of social production. Most often, the hierarchical structure of the control object does not coincide with the hierarchy of the control system. Consequently, as the complexity of systems increases, a hierarchical control pyramid is built. Controlled processes in a complex control object require the timely formation of correct decisions that would lead to the set goals, be made in a timely manner, and be mutually agreed upon. Each such decision requires the formulation of a corresponding control problem. Their combination forms a hierarchy of control tasks, which in some cases is much more complex than the hierarchy of the control object.

Types of automated control systems

  • Automated process control system or APCS- solves problems of operational management and control of technical facilities in industry, energy, and transport.
  • Automated production management system (ACS P) - solves the problems of organizing production, including basic production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term production planning taking into account production capacity, product quality analysis, and production process modeling. To solve these problems, MIS and MES systems, as well as LIMS systems, are used.
  • Automated street lighting control system(“ASU UO”) - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of street lighting. .
  • "Hotel management system." Along with this name, PMS Property Management System is used
  • “Automated system of operational risk management is software that contains a set of tools necessary to solve the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from data collection to reporting and making forecasts.