Jupiter changes sign every year. Jupiter in Scorpio: who and in what will be lucky

And it will move into Sagittarius, where it will remain until December 3, 2019. This is a positive aspect, because the gas giant did not feel very good in Scorpio, inflating various destructive and destructive tendencies. In Sagittarius, Jupiter is in strength (in the monastery), here he transmits wisdom, activates traditional values, and erases boundaries. Although expansive tendencies are increasing: the desire to seize, including military. But we can predict that relations with some Western countries will begin to improve. Positive trends will appear in public life. Although it still won’t let you relax and have fun. There will still be significant problems.

But according to tradition, a little history.

The cycle of Jupiter is 12 years. He visited Sagittarius in the following years:

2007 - the last year of the “fat decade” before the crisis of 2008-2009. Putin's successor has been designated in the presidential election - D. Medvedev. Russia won the Olympics in Sochi. General enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

1995 — Russia and Belarus signed the first Agreement on the Customs Union, then Kazakhstan joined it. Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia signed an agreement in Paris ending the civil war that had lasted since 1992. ORT began broadcasting in Russia. The first search engine Yahoo was launched!

Using the same analogy, you can also remember what happened to you 12 years ago in order to have a rough idea of ​​what you personally can expect from Jupiter in Sagittarius.

What can we all expect from Jupiter in Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is the sign of travel, education, jurisprudence, philosophy and law, international relations, official religion. In these areas you can expect expansion, new and exciting events.

If you love to travel, now is the time for it. The trips will be especially significant; travel can change your life.

It is favorable to start training or teaching activities. Fortune will favor the writing and defense of a dissertation, scientific publications and works.

It is favorable to study law and start legal affairs. All this will be to your benefit.

It is very good to study philosophy, study languages, be interested in other cultures, religion. Expand your worldview and your horizons. This will make you spiritually richer and will attract many new and interesting people and good events to you.

The motto of this period can be taken from the words of Vladimir Vysotsky: measure life in kilometers, not square meters.

For each and everyone, this is a period of rebirth (after symbolic death in Scorpio) and entry into a new round of spiritual development.

Important aspects of Jupiter.

While passing through Sagittarius, Jupiter will make only one serious long-lasting aspect: conflict to Neptune. In the background, this aspect will continue throughout the entire period. This means that there will be a lot of deception and self-deception. Passing off desired development as real. False spiritual values, erosion of moral foundations. Water accidents, water-related disasters. Spread of diseases, including spiritual ones. Progressive madness. The conflict between true faith and ritual.

Jupiter in Sagittarius in the natal chart.

Jupiter in the monastery gives aspiration for leadership, open-mindedness, a penchant for expansion, travel, a desire to teach, to be a spiritual mentor, a guru.

This is the position of the planet in the map of TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov. Since Dmitry has not only Jupiter in Sagittarius, but also Mercury, his expansion is directed towards the means of mass communications. He is like a pioneer, leader, founder of various TV projects. One of his brightest creations, in my opinion, was the Anthropology program. In it, he discussed philosophical issues with invited guests, and all this happened during musical breaks. The pretense of teaching and elitism in this program was very well felt. Now he is the host of the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” - (formerly called “Oh, Lucky Man”) - quite optimistically, in a Jupiterian way. Jupiter in Sagittarius always gives an overabundance of something - Dibrov has many marriages and many children.

Who can expect success from Jupiter's transit through Sagittarius?

Of course, first of all, luck will smile on Sagittarius. Representatives of this sign are having the most successful year - don't miss it! The next such powerful and positive period will occur only in 12 years. Other children of fire will also be lucky: Leo and Aries.

Benefits will also go to the children of the air - Libra and Aquarius. Overall, everything will be fine for Gemini, although prospects and expectations will be somewhat exaggerated. The reality will be more modest.

Virgo and Pisces will be attracted by tempting prospects, but not all of them will be realized.

In general, Jupiter requires an active life position, but at the same time it is advisable to balance your strengths. Otherwise, with increased optimism, you can exaggerate your capabilities and get involved in an overwhelming project. During this period, this especially applies to Virgo, Pisces and Gemini.

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In 2018, Jupiter moves into the zodiac sign Sagittarius from 11/08/2018 to 12/3/2019. What does this transition mean?

Jupiter in Sagittarius November 2018 - December 2019: general forecast

In astrology, Jupiter rules growth, abundance, development, education and luck. He spends from 12 to 13 months in each sign of the Zodiac, which directs the power and influence of a given planet in “his” direction.

Only once every 12/13 years does Jupiter move into its ruling zodiac sign - Sagittarius. At this moment and throughout the next year, you and I are lucky enough to be under their beneficial influence!

Jupiter is the most open and optimistic of the planets. However, when Jupiter is in dark, obsessive and harsh Scorpio, there is much less openness and optimism in the influence of this planet on us.

Contrast between Scorpio and Sagittarius as clear as night and day. Bye Scorpion bogged down in problems and difficulties, Sagittarius overcomes them and moves on. While Scorpion pursues one goal Sagittarius looks wider and larger, seeing the full picture of events, in which there is a place for positivity, success, and movement forward.

Throughout 2018, Jupiter was in Scorpio and put us through numerous and varied problems. We can say that this was a period of immersion in darkness - spiritual, psychological, emotional or eventual. Due to problems and the inability to cope with them, many of us were forced to close ourselves in our small little world, unable to leave our comfort zone (no matter how tiny and conditional it may be). Now you are tired of it and you are ready to go on an exciting adventure.

Jupiter moves into the zodiac sign Sagittarius on November 8, 2018 and will remain there until December 3, 2019. Luckily for us, Sagittarius is the ruling sign of Jupiter, and next year the planet will influence us brighter and stronger than it does now. We can safely say that a year is coming filled with new opportunities and good luck. The year we have been waiting for for a very long time.

Jupiter is our positive, inspiring and motivating teacher. He encourages us to enjoy life and learn in the process. This mutable fire sign has an insatiable creative hunger and the courage to break molds and make daring breakthroughs. He looks at life as the greatest adventure, which it would be a shame to exchange for stagnation and depression. For Sagittarius the colors are brighter, the music is louder, and even the food tastes better.

What will Jupiter bring in Sagittarius in 2019, for whom is it favorable?

Jupiter in Sagittarius in 2019 will bring us all the opportunity to learn, grow, travel and ultimately expand our horizons. It will not only give us the opportunity to set new goals, but also the strength and perseverance to realize them. There will be no more doubts and fear of failure - only moving forward.

Next year will be the most favorable period to resolve issues related to:

  • education, educational institutions, universities,
  • defending rights, justice and resolving legal issues,
  • travel, relocation, expansion of anything (from your horizons to the spheres of influence of your company)
  • expanding contacts, connections, social circle, improving the situation in the field of international relations.

On a personal level, Jupiter will increase self-confidence, optimism, sense of adventure, wisdom, trust. When we believe, we receive the support of the spiritual world, so we come to wisdom, knowledge, integrity. Other positive qualities that Jupiter in Sagittarius bestows on us all are generosity, forgiveness, gratitude, and morality.

Transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius November 2018 - December 2019: forecast for all zodiac signs

Jupiter in Sagittarius will bring strong positive energy in the lives of fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, as well as airy Libra and Aquarius.

Each sign will feel the favor of Jupiter according to the house they are in or in certain areas of life.

Favorable deeds with Jupiter in Sagittarius for zodiac signs:

Aries: travel, adventure, learning, seeking truth, faith.

Calf: relationships and sexuality, passion and intimacy, investments, inheritance, finances.

Twins: partnership, personal and professional relationships, public expression, marriage, justice.

Cancer: work, health, diet, team relationships, pets.

A lion: creativity, love, children, holidays, happiness, recreation, sports, hobbies.

Virgo: home, family, real estate, security, relationships with older relatives.

Scales: communication, education, contracts, publishing, teaching, siblings, business.

Scorpion: money and material values, energy, talents, self-esteem, awards.

Sagittarius: physical body, character, health, identity and self-expression.

Capricorn: spirituality, mysticism, intuition, karma.

Aquarius: friends, relationships with superiors and in the team, clubs, astrology, numerology, relatives.

Fish: career, prestige, public affairs, goals, success, recognition.

If you want to successfully study and improve yourself, learn languages, travel, discover the truth, expand your activities, strengthen your faith in something, you will have a great opportunity to do this in the next 13 months.

Jupiter in Sagittarius 2019: what to fear, negative influence

But it is wrong to believe that Jupiter brings only good influence to people during its transit in the sign of Sagittarius. In stressful aspects, of which there will be several over the year, many of us will face problems.

Since Jupiter is associated with talents and development - a greedy, all-consuming desire to absorb new things, to reach new heights, many under its influence will take on tasks that are too overwhelming.

Due to the influence of Jupiter, people lack a sense of proportion. In addition, during 2019, Jupiter in Sagittarius will have several important aspects: opposition to Mars, retrograde Mercury, Neptune.

In fact, the square with Neptune will be one of the highlights of this transit and will repeat itself 3 times throughout 2019 - in January, June and September 2019.

The confrontation between Jupiter and Neptune will awaken the harmonious creative potential in each of us, make us sufficiently flexible and sensitive to the conditions and needs of the environment and people around us, and show us goals and ways to achieve them.

This square is an important 90 degree tense aspect between two planets that will appear three times in 2019. Certainly, if we can harness the positive influence of these periods, they will help us achieve our most cherished goals and see them turn into reality.

Main transit periods of Jupiter in Sagittarius in 2018 - 2019

  • 08.11 2018 — Transition of Jupiter into the Zodiac sign Sagittarius
  • 08.11 2018 — Jupiter hides in the rays of the Sun at 0 ° 02 ‘Sagittarius
  • 11/26/2018 — Jupiter conjunct the Sun at 3°56’ Sagittarius
  • 12/10/2018 — Jupiter becomes visible! at 7°03 ‘Sagittarius
  • 01/14/2019 - Jupiter enters retro-umbra at 14°33’ Sagittarius.
  • 04/16/2019 – Jupiter turns retrograde at 24°18’ Sagittarius
  • 06/10/2019 — Jupiter in opposition to the Sun at 19°29’ Sagittarius
  • 08/06/2019 – Jupiter becomes direct at 14 ° 33 ‘Sagittarius
  • 11/05/2019 – Jupiter emerges from retro-umbra at 24°18’ Sagittarius
  • 12/02/2019 — Jupiter enters 0 ° Capricorn

The most successful periods of transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius 2018-2019

  1. Jupiter conjunct the Sun on November 26, 2018 at 3° Sagittarius- this is the moment when the planet of luck and happiness is at its farthest point from the Earth, with the Sun located between them. This day is very favorable for planning and setting goals related to those areas in which specific zodiac signs will experience success later in 2019.
  2. Jupiter becomes visible on December 10, 2018. Slowly and gradually, our dreams and plans will move towards embodiment and manifestation on the external level.
  3. The culmination of the cycle will, of course, be the retrograde phase of Jupiter and its opposition to the Sun(from April to August 2019). Then Jupiter will be closest to the Earth, it will shine in the evening like a bright star and will influence our lives to the maximum extent, significantly increasing our potentials and intelligence, bringing good luck and increasing our vital energy.
  4. At the end of August, beginning of September 2019, the strength of Jupiter will begin to gradually decline and will cease to influence us when the planet moves into the sign of Capricorn at the end of 2019.

The general background of the year is set by the slowly moving planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The trans-Saturn planets - Uranus and Pluto - have, on the one hand, a subtle, and on the other hand, a powerful and global influence, so global that it is difficult to track it in the lives of individual people. Since these planets move very slowly, the changes they bring to people’s lives take place very slowly – over years and decades.


Jupiter is traditionally a planet of great happiness; it expands our capabilities in one area or another.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter moved from the sign of Libra to the sign of Scorpio, and will leave this sign on November 8, 2018. This position of Jupiter in the mystical Scorpio will make each of us feel the hidden power seething within him, sharpen our intuition, increase self-esteem and level of awareness, allowing us to reconsider our goals and the path to moving towards them. Scorpio is associated with secrets, therefore, various revelations and revelations of the truth are possible. Conflicts can also occur because someone slaps the truth in the face.

This position of Jupiter can bring various career changes, layoffs, and appointments to new positions. This is the time of people who do not waste time on trifles, but play a big game. Scorpio digs deep, Jupiter scoops wide, which is why the prey is large. It's either master or bust here. Some people fly to Olympus and make huge profits, others go broke. Some enter into multimillion-dollar deals and pool capital, while others wind down their activities, unable to withstand the competition. At the same time, those who have more money do not always win here; those who are stronger in spirit and on whose side fortune can win. For desperate people who are not afraid to take risks and put a big bet on the line, this can be a year of triumph.

Often the passage of Jupiter through the sign of Scorpio is accompanied by the death of famous people, which society perceives very painfully.

In people's personal horoscopes, Jupiter always shows how a person fits into a particular society, obeys the laws and traditions of society, or rebels against them. For those who have tense aspects to Jupiter or in Scorpio there are many planets with tense aspects (including Jupiter), the time is coming for drastic, irrevocable changes in life.

Another important point that depresses many during 2017 is the square: Jupiter - Pluto will finally cease to exist. As a result, everything that was hidden, suppressed, hidden will receive a new breath, and accordingly the boundaries will seriously expand. But liberation from shackles will be completely inappropriate for many: not everyone understands what to do with unexpected freedom, and therefore will be at a loss. Well, the time is coming to grow up and take responsibility for yourself, your children and family, for the city, the country into your own hands.

By the end of the year, Jupiter moves into the sign of Sagittarius, which will result in a sudden expansion of opportunities and the choice of new, even more ambitious goals, other cultures and countries will be attracted, and the desire to travel will increase. Energy, drive and thirst for change will affect everyone, but most of all people born under the sign of Sagittarius; the end of 2018 may be marked by serious life changes for them, including breaking out of the old rut (professions, family, etc.) and new.

The year when Jupiter moves through its own sign is a year of achievements, accomplishments, and the triumph of scientific and inventive thought. It is especially good for people who are seeking, goal-oriented; Jupiter opens many roads for them and provides great opportunities for moving forward. This is a time of conquest and expansion of the sphere of influence at all levels, including for businessmen who want to conquer new markets. This is also the best time to resolve issues related to international cooperation.

The last two months of 2018 will be marked by the entry of the planet Jupiter into the sign of Sagittarius. This is a favorable time for treating diseases of the liver, blood, and hip joints. Jupiter in Sagittarius symbolizes treatment abroad.

Attention! Jupiter will be retrograde from March 9 to July 10. The direct “move” of this planet means good luck and achievement of goals, confident progress towards them, but the backward “move” turns everything upside down. Many are overcome by the desire to get what they want at any cost, without listening to anyone and without appreciating the difficulties. Meanwhile, Fortune is resting during this period, so it is highly not recommended to take risks and break through walls with your forehead.


In modern astrology, Saturn is a symbol of time, a symbol of duty, obligation, responsibility, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, patience, focus. It is also a symbol of delay, inhibition, restrictions, hard physical labor, a variety of life trials, loneliness, solitude, isolation. But to think that Saturn is only a great evil means to be mistaken and not understand anything. Saturn is the school of patience and firmness. This is the highest science of wisdom, emanating from the accumulated experience of a past life on the physical plane and obtained as a result of countless trials. It contains cosmic energy that needs to be sublimated and reoriented.

In astrology, this planet is considered one of the most important when it changes the zodiac sign in the heavens, noticeable changes occur on Earth regarding relationships between people and changes in the “rules of the game.” The time comes to see circumstances as they are, and not as you would like them to be.

On December 20, 2017, Saturn will enter Capricorn - the sign of its abode, where it is especially strong. This means that many will receive what they deserve. Therefore, it is extremely important to enter the new year without the burden of debt, bad conscience and unacknowledged mistakes.

When Saturn is in Capricorn, during this period you will have to translate emerging prospects into concrete forms, use accumulated knowledge to achieve long-term goals, to determine your place in society, or, by and large, to determine your place in the world. Capricorn is a sign of executive power, so first of all this transit will affect people holding leadership positions. Depending on the indicators of the personal horoscope, strengthening of positions, a new step on the career ladder, or summing up results, often disastrous, are possible here.

During our stay in Capricorn, Saturn can provide us with the conditions for obtaining the most significant results in business and for approaching our personal peaks. True, at this time we are unlikely to be able to count on quick and easy results or random luck - we will have to cope with the most difficult tasks in our lives, with the largest amount of work, and take on maximum responsibility and obligations.

If at this time we cannot take responsibility for our lives, are not ready for serious work on our long-term goals, are not able to confirm our position in this world with concrete results, we will have to face painful restrictions.

The influence of Saturn will also affect the global order as a whole in the world community. A new legal framework will be created, it is possible that new harsh laws and restrictions will appear, and the exchange of sanctions will continue.

Attention! Saturn will be retrograde from April 18 to September 6. During this period, you should not change the rules of your own life and business: most likely, such a change will not bring good luck. Therefore, it is better to schedule the reorganization of enterprises or the start of a new project, weddings and divorces, any change in lifestyle for a different period. In relationships, we have to define our “boundaries” and learn independence without compromising the relationship. Saturn slows down processes so that we can take a break and think about what we can change and improve in order to move on without interference. During the retro phase of Saturn, we get the opportunity to abandon what weighs us down and come to terms with what needs to be taken for granted. During this period, we are given a chance to deal with our problems in the Saturn sphere.


On May 15, 2018, the planet from the sign of Aries will move to Taurus and will remain there until April 26, 2026. Here Uranus is debilitated, in the house of Venus. Therefore, a contradiction arises: Uranus causes the new to grow too quickly, and Taurus is too conservative, slow, an earthly sign, since it is impossible to quickly change material conditions.

Taurus - symbolizes human resources in the natal chart (things, personal finances, property), also human energy resources - his energy health and, as a result, physical health and humanity in Mundan astrology (territories, natural reserves of the state, gold, oil, gas, coal and etc.). Taurus is a space of creation, peacemaking, material wealth, peace of mind, patience, love, art, beauty, comfort, satiety, earthly pleasures.

Since Uranus is associated with electronics, computers, information, then most likely we will see reforms in the global banking system, we are also talking about the expansion of electronic finance, fundamental changes in the usual systems of monetary settlements. Uranus in Taurus can increase the popularity of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin in the world. While Uranus is in Taurus, there will likely be a steady increase in the cryptocurrency price until Jupiter enters the sign of Capricorn. In 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Pluto, it may be a decisive moment in the evolution of electronic money.

It is possible that during this period people will lose confidence in the credit system. The balance between the number of poor and rich will be disrupted in society. Uranus will also affect the real estate sector, where all sorts of surprises and surprises also await.

The main efforts in social life are directed towards material production - this is where the greatest changes and surprises can occur. Uranus in Taurus will bring reforms and transformations in the sphere of geological and natural resources, agriculture, food supply, trade, financial structures, and economic transformations.

Uranus in Taurus enhances the materialistic side of life, the desire for material wealth, entertainment and pleasure, for comfort, luxury and for the opposite sex. The period of this transit can become a period of flourishing, for example, in computer graphics, light shows, the art of stage lighting and light decoration (illumination) of building facades and other types of creativity in art.

It is possible to expect the emergence of interesting, unexpected trends in fashion, style, and design. Fashionable colors are determined by the earth element of the sign of Taurus - yellow, green, brown. The Uranus principle: individual style: flashy colors, unnatural hair color, unusual accessories and jewelry, piercings, tattoos.

In the love sphere, Uranus will strive to break up, cool down the “calf tenderness” in love relationships, and demand respect for personal freedom in a couple or marriage.

At the moment of Uranus’s transition to another sign of the Zodiac, a new program is activated, new opportunities for the growth of consciousness appear, new creative cycles are activated, and unique opportunities appear for an instant, leap-like, revolutionary breakthrough into a new quality.

Transits of higher planets bring something good to those people who are able to perceive their subtle energy. If a person is closed to the perception of the energies of the higher planets (insufficient level of development of consciousness), then nothing but troubles should be expected from the higher planets. Thus, transits of Uranus cannot give anything good to a person who clings to his past, a person with a slave psychology. Uranus destroys the usual way of life, brings changes, and many people perceive this very painfully. The main quality during this period should be flexibility and readiness to adapt over several years to the changes taking place. To a person who is searching, thinking, curious, looking to the future, and not afraid to come into contact with the unknown, Uranus brings generous gifts.

Attention! Uranus will be retrograde from August 7, 2018 to January 6, 2019. During this period, it is recommended to refuse (or to protect yourself as much as possible) from extreme sports, and also to be more careful during air travel and long road trips. It is not advisable to hold on to something that is outdated with a death grip, trying to keep it at any cost.

On the plus side: during this period, insights and the emergence of original ideas are very likely, from which something very promising can emerge. At this time, you need to learn as much as possible, move, think, change your life.


In astrology, Pluto symbolizes hidden natural and mass processes: changes in matter, the internal energy of the Earth, transformation of the earth's crust and internal processes in the core, what for people looks like a natural cataclysm, and hidden processes in the social structure of society, psychophysical forces and deep inner convictions of the masses. Planetary transits serve as a kind of catalyst, providing an opportunity to rebuild, restructure and thus they stimulate development.

Pluto remains in the sign of Capricorn until January 21, 2024, which means that the transformation of society from within continues. The sign of Capricorn is associated with social status and career, discipline, hard work, practicality, maturity, economic power, responsibility, and being demanding of oneself.

Pluto in Capricorn is in its earthly element, it is strong here and, according to the symbolic meaning, will reconstruct, first of all, social institutions: family, marriage, government forms of government, politics, strictly testing all new forms for survivability. For people, career, wealth, status in society become important aspects.

But the main thing to remember and understand is that Pluto is associated with the constant growth and progress of humanity, and those who keep up with the times can safely rely on the grace, powerful energetic support and generous financial assistance of this planet.

Attention! Pluto's motion relative to Earth will slow down from April 22 to October 1, 2018. This is a period of purification. Finding the truth within yourself can be relentless. This period is recommended to be used to rethink values, clear the mind of prejudices and outdated stereotypes, and cleanse the home of old and broken things. It also makes sense to review the relationship, deciding who is a friend and who is an enemy. The advantage of the situation is that during the period of Pluto retrograde, any changes are not perceived as a sacrifice, getting rid of something feels like relief and rebirth into something better.


Neptune enhances mental sensitivity, receptivity and impressionability; emotional impulses, inspiration, religious ecstasy are associated with it, in other words, it has a strong influence on a person’s feelings. At the same time, it awakens the spiritual, mental and creative forces dormant in a person, inspires and inspires.

Neptune continues to be in its abode, in the sign of Pisces, until January 27, 2026. Here all the qualities of Neptune are revealed most fully. A time favorable for the development of spirituality, new, perfect forms of art. Great progress in medicine, with a very wide use of new or, conversely, traditional methods. Organic chemistry and psychology are developing. The flourishing of culture. The emergence of “other” music and “other” art in general. The worldview will become different. The themes of mercy, social programs, on the one hand, and withdrawal from the world, the birth of communities and spiritual associations, far from political struggle, on the other, will sound stronger. Strengthening Neptunianism in all spheres of life - that is, increasing virtuality, deceptiveness, chaos, deepening mystery, increasing attention to questions about the meaning of life.

Negative manifestations of this period: feelings of hopelessness, loss of oneself, deception and self-deception. Legalization of drugs.

Transits of Neptune are most favorable for people of creative professions: artists, painters, poets, writers and others, as well as for people striving for spiritual growth and self-improvement. For such people, this will be a time of extraordinary emotional and creative uplift, promoting the discovery of talents and abilities. For “ordinary” people, Neptune transits are most often associated with a period of not always justified hopes, illusions, or, at best, contact with art, the awakening of religious feelings, encounters with miracles and incomprehensible phenomena.

Neptune is responsible for our subconscious processes, it immerses a person inside himself, where, to his surprise, he finds a huge world that includes the entire Universe. Retrograde movement is also a movement from outside to inside. It turns out that during retrograde movement a person is returned to his own origins, the inner “I”.

The time when the voice of the true “I” is turned on should be used not only for spiritual work on oneself, but also for solving life problems. Of course, it is difficult to distinguish the voice of the true “I” from the many introduced voices, especially at first, but with desire and diligence you can learn. It is during this time that the greatest number of thoughtless expenses, quarrels, sudden job changes and other “unexpected things” occur.

Painkillers for mental wounds can be chosen from: music, meditation, creativity, massage, psychological relief, swimming, prayer, voluntary solitude or discos, sex, tears, etc. Neptune is good at surrendering to situations and going with the flow, which often leads to a victim position. One way to work with this is to be here and now, not in the past, in which it was so sweet for you, not in the future - where you placed all your hopes and expectations, but in the present, even if you don’t like it and experience it acutely and painful. At this moment, it is difficult to ignore the truth, you have a great opportunity to stop sitting and dreaming, and start doing, separating reality from fantasy, you can plan the future more clearly and reassess your values ​​and decide what is really important to you. During this period, it is very useful to soberly work with the old pile of psychological problems, in order to let go of what makes you unfree and dependent, you need to allow emotions and feelings to be more alive, open and honest, and then devastating disappointments will go out like old coals.


In 2018, we expect three solar eclipses:

Two lunar eclipses:

Have a successful 2018!

For astrology, retrograde planets in 2018 are very important, because these periods are marked by the slow motion of the celestial bodies of the solar system in relation to the Earth, which has a special impact on different spheres of people’s lives.

The concept of “retrograde” carries the meaning of “moving backwards”. But since planets do not tend to move in the opposite direction, it is worth explaining why each planet has a retrograde period. All celestial bodies, moving in their orbit, periodically slow down around the sun. To an observer from Earth, it seems that the planet is moving first and then back, but in fact it first overtakes the globe and then lags behind. This feature of celestial bodies “moving” backward is called retrograde.

Due to the different speeds of movement of the planets, they have different effects on human behavior and life. Astrologers advise to be attentive to what the slowdown of each celestial body brings into our lives. Most often, the retrograde influence of any planet determines the backward movement in everything on earth. This is a return to unfinished business, a renewal of old problems, a rollback to outdated relationships. Planets slow down the affairs of those areas of life in which they dominate.

In 2018, all planets in the solar system will have a retrograde period. And Mercury appears in this state even 3 times. The closest and largest planets influence a person the most. Let us consider further how their behavior will affect our lives.

The first planet of the solar system is responsible for human communications. Its management includes contacts, business, communication, affairs, transactions, trips, any movement, including along the career ladder. Retrograde Mercury greatly influences the behavior of scammers, thieves, and liars. During this period, they are more active than ever.

Mercury, due to its close proximity to the Sun, is retrograde more often than others. In 2018, as already noted, it will “move back” in the following periods:

  • spring: March 23-April 15;
  • summer: July 26-August 19;
  • late autumn: November 17-December 7.

What things are best to wait on:

Do not start new businesses, postpone the launch of projects (they may lead to conflicts and failures), delay opening a business (there is a danger of ruin or deception).

Do not agree to promotion offers. Most likely, the new position will be too much for you or will not bring you satisfaction.

Do not make small purchases related to the acquisition of storage media, as well as communication equipment (they will be “buggy”).

It is better not to buy any vehicles (car, bicycle, motorcycle, roller skates, skates).

You should only travel for urgent matters. On the road, you need to be vigilant when communicating with people you don’t know well because of the risk of being deceived. It is better to postpone vacations and travel for another period. It is also better to choose a different time to move to a new place of residence.

Don't lend money to anyone.

Writers, musicians and people whose profession involves creative information and the production of ideas may experience writer's block. You shouldn’t be upset, but it’s better to allow yourself a little rest and devote time to completing all old tasks and projects.

What you can do during the Mercury retrograde period:

Renewing old connections will bring only positive emotions.

Meditation, reflection on the meaning of life, rethinking life - everything will give a new impetus to development.

All old affairs are easily completed during the period of Mercury retrograde. Creative projects completed at this time will bring good results to their author.

Venus retrograde period 2018

Venus influences love and other relationships between people. Kindness, beauty, sensuality, love, prosperity - this is the influence of a normally moving planet. The retrograde period will be marked by opposite qualities: the risk of separation, damage to new beautiful things, the danger of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as possible problems with money.

The “slowness” of Venus in 2018 will occur in the autumn season of the year from October 5 to November 16. At this time, it is better not to start the following things:

  • Do not set a wedding date and do not celebrate the occasion. There is a high risk of divorce for such marriages.
  • Do not undergo plastic surgery due to the risk of complications.
  • Hold off on buying jewelry, jewelry and other beautiful things. There is a risk of damage or loss. From the same position, you should not invest money in new “attractive” projects. Also, you should not lend money.

Mars retrograde period 2018

Mars only goes retrograde once every two years. 2018 is marked by this period, so for the period from June 27 to August 27, we need to take into account the influence of one of the planets closest to us.

Retrograde Mars warns of caution in literally everything:

Athletes should be more careful during training and performances due to the risk of injury.

Lovers need to be more restrained, since the influence of the red planet may not excite the highest feelings, so there is a high risk of separation due to a trifling quarrel.

You should be more careful in your relationships with other people. Any aggression can cause an even greater response, which can lead to assault and other negative consequences.

Any major purchase (household appliances, furniture, car) may turn out to be defective. Therefore, it is better not to make acquisitions during this period.

There is no need to renew old relationships, even if the temptation to start all over again is strong. Mars retrograde will bring nothing but quarrels and misunderstandings. But this time is best suited for the final break in relations.

What you can do:

It is best to complete “hanging” projects and tasks at this time, since retrograde Mars affects the speed of reaction. Any work at this time will be quick and short-lived. At the same time, the new relationship will turn out to be an express romance, but the repairs that have lasted for years can actually be completed just as you try to finish it. At the same time, no obstacles are foreseen; everything will work out and get along by itself. During Mars retrograde, you can safely make a list of unfinished tasks.

Jupiter retrograde period 2018

The period of Jupiter retrograde is marked by people with an increased sense of adventure and a desire to get what they want at any cost. This is the period from March 9 to July 10, 2018. Not listening to anyone, going your own way, taking risks - these desires overcome a person during the “braking” of Jupiter. However, knowing about these features, it is better not to start new projects, not to open a business and not to enter into deals. It’s also not worth taking risks or turning your life upside down. Fortune is resting at this time, so your endeavors will not end well.

During this period, it is better to look inside yourself, recognize your fears, and reconsider your mistakes. Allow the creative and active soil of your aspirations to mature, so that you can then sow new beginnings in it.

Saturn retrograde period 2018

What not to do at this time:

It is better not to start a business and not to reorganize the enterprise. A marriage entered into at this time also risks being unhappy. You should not start playing sports, switch to a special type of nutrition, go on a diet, and in general, force yourself to change your lifestyle.

What things will be useful:

It is best to relax at this time, accept life and yourself in it, with all the shortcomings and advantages. Be more tolerant of people. It’s also good to start reading books that you’ve been wanting to read for a long time. You can attend a training seminar or enroll in courses. It’s a good idea to dedicate this time to your ancestors: visit your parents, visit your grandparents, visit relatives. It may turn out that they will give advice that is very important for further development, because Saturn is closely connected with the older generation and family ties.

Uranus retrograde period 2018

The retrograde period of Uranus, like all planets far from the Sun, lasts longer than others - from 4 to 5 months. In 2018, Uranus will begin to slow down on August 7, and will end retrograde only on January 6, 2019.

During the retro period of Uranus, you should not do the following:

Do not engage in extreme sports (diving, rock climbing, parachuting, trampolines). And in general, it’s better not to take unnecessary risks.

It is advisable not to plan air travel, since it is at this time that aircraft breakdowns most often occur. Of course, a period of 5 months should not undermine important trips, however, when choosing a method of transportation, it is best to use land transport.

What actions will be effective:

During this period, insights often appear and new ideas arise. They can bring good results in the future, so it is better to write down everything that comes to mind.

Any endeavors to change your own destiny and lifestyle will be fruitful.

Neptune retrograde period 2018

When Neptune reigns in the horoscope, it is very easy to get confused, because this planet is a satellite of doubts. On the other hand, Neptune strengthens faith, but it is still easier to get thoroughly confused with it than to thoroughly understand the problem. Intuition during Neptune retrograde tells you how to act, but fluctuations are strong, and doubts prevent you from listening to your inner voice.

The eighth planet of the solar system will slow down in 2018 from the beginning of summer until almost the end of autumn - June 19 - November 25. The most appropriate thing to do during Neptune's retrograde period is to rethink your life and define new horizons. During this period of time, you can often notice the appearance of extrasensory abilities, glimpses of clairvoyance and prophetic dreams. It is worth listening to these clues from the subconscious in order to use them for introspection, and even, perhaps, find your own meaning in life. Fortune telling in this period will be effective and truthful.

Pluto retrograde period 2018

Due to its distance from all planets and its small volume, Pluto influences human behavior less than other bodies flying around the Sun. And although this distant quasi-planet practically does not interfere with human daily life, its influence is always noticeable on a social basis. Retrograde affects changes in the political system and the private political beliefs of each individual.

The long retrograde period of all distant planets allows you to make the most of this time for certain purposes. Pluto will slow down relative to Earth from April 22 to October 1, 2018. And this period is best used for reflection and meditation. The time is right to cleanse the mind of prejudices, unnecessary views, attitudes and principles. At the same time, not only spiritual cleansing will be beneficial, but also a more earthly one: cleanse the house of old and broken things, get rid of hateful relationships, change your occupation to the one to which your soul lies. During the period of Pluto retrograde, any changes will not be perceived as a sacrifice, deliverance will be rebirth into something better, pure.

Below is a table with the dates, exact start and end times of the retrograde period of each of the planets in the solar system. The table also indicates which zodiac sign the planet will be in at that moment. These signs need to pay more attention when planning their affairs, and be sure to take into account the periods of influence of retrograde planets in their daily lives, since their influence will be stronger than on other signs.

Planet in retrogradeStart/end date of the retrograde periodStart/end time of the retrograde periodMovement phaseWhat zodiac sign is the planet in?
Uranus2.01.2018 17:10 EndingAries
Jupiter9.03.2018 7:46 StartScorpion
Mercury23.03.2018 3:18 StartAries
Mercury15.04.2018 12:21 EndingAries
Saturn18.04.2018 4:46 StartCapricorn
Pluto22.04.2018 18:26 StartCapricorn
Neptune19.06.2018 2:27 StartFish
Mars27.06.2018 0:04 StartAquarius
Jupiter10.07.2018 20:03 EndingScorpion
Mercury26.07.2018 8:01 Starta lion
Uranus7.08.2018 19:49 StartTaurus
Mercury19.08.2018 7:25 Endinga lion
Mars27.08.2018 17:05 EndingCapricorn
Saturn6.09.2018 14:08 EndingCapricorn
Pluto1.10.2018 5:03 EndingCapricorn
Venus5.10.2018 22:04 StartScorpion
Venus16.11.2018 13:51 EndingScales
Mercury17.11.2018 4:33 StartSagittarius
Neptune25.11.2018 4:07 EndingFish
Mercury7.12.2018 0:22 EndingScorpion

The retrograde period is very important. At this time, the planets move very slowly relative to the Earth. This state of affairs leaves an imprint on all areas of human life. Many will be interested to know what the retrograde planets have in store in 2018. What can and cannot be done during this time? What danger does this special period pose?

Retrograde concept

The word “retrograde” itself means “moving backward.” But it is known that planets are not able to change the direction of their movement. All celestial bodies move in orbit. But as they move around the Sun, they can slow down from time to time. If you observe them through a telescope, the planet may appear to be moving forward and then backward. In reality, it first overtakes the Earth, and then begins to lag behind. It is this feature that is meant when they define what a retrograde planet means.

Due to differences in the speed of movement of the planets, they have different effects on human life. Astrologers recommend taking this into account when making decisions and planning your affairs. Past problems may remind you of themselves. During the retrograde period, many will have to return to unfinished business or relationships that have outlived their usefulness. At the same time, retrograde planets slow down the resolution of matters that are under their control. The greatest influence on humans is exerted by those planets that are located closer to the Earth and larger than the others.

Planetary movements in 2018 – what to pay attention to

The slow motion of the planets in 2018 will affect all celestial bodies of the solar system, and Mercury will be in retrograde as many as 3 times. Let's take a closer look at the retrograde planets in 2018.

Mercury retrograde 2018

Mercury is closer to the Sun than other planets, so it most often turns out to be retrograde. Mercury influences communication between people. The following areas fell under his jurisdiction:

  • contacts, including business ones;
  • career and business;
  • communication;
  • travel;
  • any movement.

It must be remembered that reverse Mercury activates the activities of criminals and liars.

Mercury retrograde periods in 2018:

Like other retrograde planets in 2018, Mercury limits a person in some things that should not be done during this period:

  • Start new projects or open a business. This will not bring results.
  • Agree to a promotion. New responsibilities may be overwhelming. The person will not receive satisfaction from the position.
  • Lend money.
  • This is not the best time to purchase any communications equipment or media. They will often break down and perform poorly.
  • This is a bad time to buy vehicles - bicycles, motorcycles, cars.
  • Travel is not recommended. It is worth putting aside everything except the most important ones. When traveling, you need to be careful when communicating with strangers, as the risk of deception increases.
  • This is a bad time to move to a new place.

On the contrary, there are things to do during Mercury retrograde:

  • completely rethink your life, analyze the mistakes you have made and, if possible, correct them;
  • engage in self-improvement and spiritual development;
  • reflect on the meaning of life, meditate, which will give impetus to further development;
  • edit texts or pictures;
  • complete all started projects and reap the fruits of your efforts;
  • put things in order in the workplace;
  • take stock of life and deeds.

At this time, connections with old friends and acquaintances may be renewed, which will bring extremely positive emotions. Long-lost items may be found by chance.

The slow motion of the planets in 2018, in particular Mercury, will affect people in creative professions. A crisis at work may await them. But this should not be a cause for concern. It is better to devote time to rest and finishing old things.

Venus retrograde 2018

Venus is responsible for the sphere of love and relationships between people. During the period of her slow movement, there is a risk of separation, contracting sexually transmitted infections, damage to new and beautiful things, and financial problems.

Venus retrograde period in 2018:

  • There is no need to plan celebrations or determine the wedding date. Marriages concluded during this period often break up.
  • Plastic surgeries performed during retrograde Venus are fraught with complications.
  • You should postpone the purchase of jewelry, valuable and beautiful things. They can get lost, broken, or stolen.
  • Avoid investing in new projects.
  • Don't borrow money.

Mars retrograde 2018

The slow motion of the planets in 2018 suggests that the retrograde period for Mars will last 2 months:

During this time, you need to be careful in the following matters:

  • This is a dangerous period for athletes with an increased risk of injury.
  • Lovers should behave more restrained to avoid quarrels.
  • In relations with people, you need to maintain neutrality so as not to cause aggression towards you.
  • You should not make large purchases, buy cars, equipment or furniture. There is a high risk of buying a defective product.
  • This is not the best time to rekindle an old relationship. Quarrels and a final breakup are likely.

Mars retrograde is good for the following:

  • Adjust current projects. You can experiment and make mistakes. This will not lead to serious consequences.
  • This is a great time for temporary events - holiday romances, express services and blitz projects.
  • You can start things that have been planned for a long time, for example, repairs, tailoring.
  • This is a great time to change up your physical activity.
  • This is a period of accumulation of strength. It is useful to learn from other people's experiences in order to put them into practice in the future.

Retrograde Mars is responsible for quick reactions, so short-term projects will be successful. It's useful to finish things you started.

Retrograde Jupiter 2018

The retrograde period of Jupiter in 2018 lasts about 4 months:

In many people, the desire to get what they want at any cost awakens, and the likelihood of adventures increases. However, this period is unfavorable for starting new things, opening a business or concluding contracts, making drastic changes in life and taking risks. Luck is not on the side of the risk-taker now.

Retrograde Saturn 2018

Saturn will be retrograde from April 18 to September 6, 2018. Astrologers do not advise doing the following things at this time:

  • start a business, reorganize an enterprise;
  • change your usual diet, go on a diet;
  • to register marriage;
  • start playing sports;
  • change your lifestyle.

Saturn is “famous” for its karmic lessons. It is necessary to show tolerance towards people, accept your shortcomings, relax, and analyze life's twists and turns of fate. During the period of Saturn's retrograde movement, you need to moderate your activity, read more, acquire new knowledge, undergo training and self-development training.

This is a great time to communicate with loved ones and visit relatives. You should listen to your elders; they can give very valuable advice and guidance. Do charity work for the greater good.

Uranus Retrograde 2018

For planets that are far from the Sun, the retrograde motion lasts longer, about 4-5 months.

Uranus retrograde period in 2018:

During this period, it is better not to engage in extreme sports and avoid risks, including avoiding flying and traveling by plane.

Like some other retrograde planets in 2018, Uranus is favorable for new beginnings that can affect the rest of your life. The ideas that come to mind during this period will bear wonderful fruit in the future.

Neptune retrograde 2018

Planet Neptune will slow down for more than 5 months. Neptune's retrograde period in 2018 will be from June 19 to November 25.

It makes you doubt yourself, your actions, and misleads you. During the planet's retrograde period, it is more difficult to listen to intuition, so the likelihood of mistakes is high.

This is a favorable period to rethink life and plan your future. Extrasensory abilities may appear, and prophetic dreams are common. You need to listen to your inner voice and analyze the clues. This will help you find meaning in life. Fortune telling will be very effective; you can study hypnosis.

Pluto retrograde 2018

The retrograde movement of the planets in 2018 will also affect Pluto. Pluto is farther from the Earth than other planets and has the smallest size. Thanks to this, it interferes less with other celestial bodies revolving around the Sun in human life. But it has an impact on social activities. Pluto retrograde can provoke changes in the political system and changes in the political beliefs of individuals.

Pluto retrograde period in 2018:

Pluto, like other retrograde planets far from Earth in 2018, has been in this period for quite a long time. This allows you to use your time as efficiently as possible to solve specific problems. In this case, active actions will not bring any benefit. It is better to use this time for meditation and working on yourself, clearing your mind and getting rid of prejudices. You can change your views and attitudes. Spiritual cleansing during this period will bring the greatest benefit. Change will lead to rebirth. All transformations will be for the better. With Pluto retrograde, changes in life will not be perceived as a sacrifice.

It will be equally useful to throw out old, broken things from the house. This is a favorable time for ending unwanted relationships, changing your type of activity to one that you prefer. Listen to yourself!

Let's look at the table of retrograde planets in 2018 and their interpretation, indicating the exact start and end times of the period:

date Time Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Zodiac sign
02.01.2018 17:10:36 end Aries
09.03.2018 07:46:00 Start Scorpion
23.03.2018 03:18:24 Start Aries
15.04.2018 12:21:08 end Aries
18.04.2018 04:46:42 Start Capricorn
22.04.2018 18:26:11 Start Capricorn
19.06.2018 02:27:08 Start Fish
27.06.2018 0:04:44 Start Aquarius
10.07.2018 20:03:13 end Scorpion
26.07.2018 08:01:43 Start a lion
07.08.2018 19:49:52 Start Taurus
19.08.2018 07:25:00 End a lion
27.08.2018 17:05:01 end Capricorn
06.09.2018 14:08:51 end Capricorn
01.10.2018 05:03:56 end Capricorn
05.10.2018 22:04:41 Start Scorpion
16.11.2018 13:51:17 end Scales
17.11.2018 04:33:24 Start Sagittarius
25.11.2018 04:07:41 end Fish
07.12.2018 0:22:12 end k.-06.01.19 Scorpion

One way or another, any person will feel in 2018 what a retrograde planet means. But, despite the general negative impact of retrograde planets, there are people who tolerate it much easier. These include those for whom this celestial body also occupied a retrograde position in their birth horoscope. In this case, when the planet currently begins to slow down, the person, on the contrary, will feel the energy close to him. Therefore, all the troubles that the retrograde period promises him will pass by.