Anthurium why leaves turn yellow how to treat. Main diseases and pests of anthurium

Keep an eye on this and do not leave the anthurium in drafts during ventilation. It is better to initially place it in a place where, when opening the windows, gusts of wind from the street will not hit the plant.

Unsuitable room temperature

Being thermophilic tropical plant, anthurium perfectly tolerates summer temperatures up to +28°, if it is not exposed to direct sunlight. It tolerates cold much worse.

When the air temperature drops, the leaves of Male Happiness become covered with black spots, after which the plant dies quite quickly.

Anthurium should not be allowed to stay in a room with an air temperature below +16° for a long time., even in winter it should be higher for this heat-loving flower.

The owner of the anthurium must carefully monitor the temperature and the absence of drafts in the room.

Important! The critical temperature for the well-being of the plant is +16°.

Calcium salts in the soil

If a suitable microclimate has been created for anthurium, but the leaves still turn black, the reason lies in unsuitable soil. It must be replaced with a substrate for aroids, which can be bought at a gardening store or ordered online.

Also you can make a mixture of chopped moss, peat and turf land (2:2:1). A mixture of equal proportions of peat, sand and leaf soil, you need to add a small amount of charcoal or pine bark to it. At 1/3 of the height of the pot, you need to lay out drainage, for example, from expanded clay.


These are tiny insects that can live on anthurium leaves. Because of them, small black spots appear in the form of dots.

  1. You need to carefully examine the plant; if insects are found, it should be removed away from other indoor flowers.
  2. The scale insects are removed manually with a cotton swab dipped in an insecticide solution.
  3. After this, wipe the leaves with a cloth soaked in a soap solution with the addition of kerosene.

It is unlikely that you will be able to notice all the scale insects at one time., you need to re-inspect the leaves and stems for several days.

Why does the plant become covered with yellow specks?

Excess moisture in the soil

Do not turn the soil in the pot into non-drying mud. There is no need to wait for the soil to dry completely; you need to water it when its top layer has dried, but adequately and little by little.

Important! You cannot leave water in the pan; it must be drained immediately.

If there is high air humidity in the room, for example, the anthurium is located next to a huge aquarium, you need to water even less often; the soil in the pot will remain moist for a long time.

Chlorine in irrigation water

You cannot water anthurium with tap water. You can only use filtered liquid that is suitable for drinking.

Do not water with water that has been in the refrigerator, since low water temperatures can harm the root system of this delicate flower.

If it is not possible to water with filtered water, tap water should be collected in a wide container, for example, a bucket, and left open in the room for a day so that the excess chlorine disappears and the water itself becomes warm.

Pot too small

The problem is solved by transplanting into a suitable pot. In the new one, there should be 2-3 cm from the walls to the root.

Attention! Anthurium needs a narrow tall pot. Ceramic ones are not suitable, the best option is plastic ones.

Excess fertilizer

In spring and summer, it is necessary to feed no more than once every 2-3 weeks with azophoska at a concentration of 1 g/l with the addition of potassium humate in an amount of 200-300 mg/l. Organic fertilizers feed no more than once a month.

Lack of light

Anthurium does not like the scorching rays of the sun, but it is also too far from the window in its shade. The best option is western and eastern windows or place it on a table next to a south window.

Natural aging

If all the leaves are green and healthy, new young ones are growing, the plant is provided with proper care, but one or more lower leaves have turned yellow, they need to be cut off. This is a natural process, no need to worry about it.

Causes of dry spots

Excessive dry air

You should regularly spray water around the plant from a spray bottle or install a humidifier.

Insufficient watering

Anthurium does not like excessive soil moisture, but The earthen ball should not be allowed to dry out completely. The plant will tolerate this especially poorly if it remains in dry soil for several days.

If you want the plant to remain healthy, be sure to ensure regular and moderate watering.

The owner of the plant should also remember that anthurium is very sensitive to changes in humidity, so they must be smoothed out as much as possible when the heating is turned on.


This fungal disease. The leaves begin to appear, and gradually the dry spots move to the center. All affected leaves must be cut off and the plant treated with a fungicide.

You can find out what other diseases, besides anthracnose, can threaten anthurium.


All leaves below, above and stems are treated with a special preparation against aphids.

Roots lack oxygen

What to do if brown spots form?

Below is a video from which you can find out what to do if brown spots, and how to prevent this disease:

Find more information about the occurrence of brown spots on plant leaves.

Photos of diseased plants

Here you can see what flowers with similar problems look like.

Foliage care

You need to regularly wipe the dust off the leaves with a damp cloth. A thick layer of dust should not be allowed to remain on the leaves for too long, as this will cause them to “suffocate.” When creating comfortable air humidity for the plant using a spray bottle, water should be sprayed nearby, but so as not to get on the leaves, otherwise, after drying, unsightly traces of drops will remain on them.

To keep anthurium leaves green and healthy, proper care is important. capricious plant, creating a suitable microclimate, as well as the correct watering and fertilizing regime.

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Anthurium is a guest of distant countries with a different climate and requirements for living conditions. Pampered by a long warm period with sufficiently bright lighting, a light composition of the substrate, and sufficient air humidity, in new conditions exotic often becomes the target of diseases and pests. Externally, the disease most often manifests itself on the leaves. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine What is wrong with anthurium, how to treat leaf diseases. The descriptions, photos and drawings below will help you determine the cause and find the right solution when treating your pet.

What are Anthurium diseases and the causes of their occurrence?

Violation of sanitary standards

The root cause of diseases is the owner’s attitude towards the purchased indoor plant. The flower needs time to adapt to new conditions. The plant requires individual observation to exclude infection.

To keep your flowers healthy, you need to isolate all newly purchased indoor plants from other crops for 2 weeks and keep them in quarantine conditions. During this period, healthy plants adapt and continue their growth and development. Patients will manifest external signs diseases.

Disease groups

Diseases of indoor plants are divided into 2 groups: non-infectious and infectious.

Non-communicable diseases are the result of a violation of the maintenance of the flower in conditions that do not meet its requirements. Such diseases do not affect other plants. When the source of the disease is eliminated, they recover without causing damage to other crops.

Infectious diseasesand I cause pathogenic infections that necessarily affect other plants. Changing hosts, pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses multiply quickly and in a short time can destroy almost all nearby plants.

Eliminating non-communicable diseases

Non-infectious diseases include: violation of environmental requirements - draft, low temperature, dry air, incorrectly selected substrate, fertilizing, watering, natural aging of the plant.

Problem: Leaves are curling throughout the plant.

Talks about problems appearance leaves

Cause and solution to the problem:

Improper care of anthurium;

Requirements for environment. The plant is located in a draft. Not enough lighting or too bright burning lighting. The air may be dry, but watering is plentiful. When the requirements are normalized, the flower recovers.

Problem: the anthurium leaves have begun to turn yellow.

The leaves are turning yellow

Cause and solution to the problem

  • If the lower leaves gradually turn yellow.

Natural aging of the plant is manifested. It is enough to carefully trim off the old leaves with a disinfected tool. The plant needs rejuvenation. Yellowing leaves can cause disease.

The second cause of yellowing of leaves is diseases: chlorosis, gray rot

  • U young plant Leaves throughout the plant turn yellow.

The lighting may be too bright. It is enough to shade the plant or move it to a less lit place.

Yellowing of anthurium leaves

  • The green color fades, the leaves acquire a yellowish tint.

Lack of lighting. In autumn winter period additional lighting is necessary.

The leaves of the plant turn pale from lack of light

Problem: Anthurium leaves dry out

Anthurium leaves dry out

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Violation of temperature and humidity conditions.

Possible reason there is a draft. Move the plant to another place or eliminate the cause of the draft.

– The room may have dry air. It is necessary to install humidifiers, systematically moisten the air without getting drops of moisture on the flowers.

– Insufficient watering. If the soil is dry to the depth of the phalanx, watering is necessary. In the future, normalize watering the plant.

Problem: spots of different colors and diameters have appeared on the anthurium leaves.

Brown, yellow spots. Anthurium leaves get burned from excess light.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Certificate sunburn. A change of location or shading is necessary. It appears in the form of brown spots randomly located on the leaf blades. Move to another place and create optimal temperature conditions.

Problem: young leaves are too large and have an unusual pale green color. The leaves take on different colors.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Excess of fertilizers, especially nitrogen.
  • Violation of the quantity and ratio of nutrients in the soil.

Additional watering is necessary to flush out excess fertilizer. Adding agrovermiculite to the substrate. Reduce doses or temporarily eliminate feeding. If the feeding rules are not violated, a lack of microelements is likely. Feed with half the dose of microelements (buy in the store).

Problem: the tips of the leaves throughout the plant dry out, sometimes the leaf turns completely black.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Perhaps the humidity of the air and soil is greatly reduced;
  • roots do not have enough pot space;
  • little oxygen reaches the roots;
  • the soil is over-fertilized and contains an increased amount of calcium.

If the humidity is normalized, but the tips continue to dry, sometimes gradually capturing the entire leaf blade, it is necessary to transplant the anthurium into a new, properly prepared substrate, reduce the dose and reduce the amount of fertilizing.

Problem: the inflorescence dries out and turns black.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • The natural flowering period is ending;
  • Too bright lighting, sunburn is possible;
  • Water got on the flowers when spraying;
  • The humidity regime of air and soil is disturbed.

Cut off diseased inflorescences with bracts. Shade the plant. Normalize the humidity regime. Keep expanded clay or pebbles in the tray constantly moist. When spraying and watering, avoid getting water on the inflorescence and the cover.

Problem: anthurium leaves lose turgor, wither, but do not fall off.

Cause and solution to the problem

  • Too frequent and abundant watering;
  • Damage to the root system by fungal rot.

The plant must be urgently transplanted into another disinfected pot or another flower container. Change the soil completely. Rinse the roots in warm water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Trim off diseased roots. Dry for 20-30 minutes. Treat with root and plant, following all the rules.

Infectious diseases of anthurium

If all the violations committed when caring for the anthurium have been corrected, but the flower continues to hurt, and nearby plants begin to get sick, this is clearly an infectious lesion.

Of the infectious diseases, arthurium is most often affected, and most diseases are transmitted through external environment:

  • rot of stems and roots;
  • leaf rust;
  • anthracnose (powdery mildew, real and downy);
  • fusarium wilt;
  • septoria, etc.

When treating indoor plants, it is safest to use biofungicides. They do not harm the health of humans, animals and birds. They can be used in tank mixtures with bioinsecticides (against pests). Treat plants when they are sick at least 2 times a month. For preventative purposes, treatments are carried out once a month, or less often if the plants look absolutely healthy.

Rot of stems and root system

The plant as a whole quickly fades. On the surface of the roots and at the basal part of the stem, depressed dark spots appear, covered with a white or gray dense coating. This coating is the mycelium of the fungus, which forms asci with spores (small black dots are visible) that infect other plants. The stem is watery, rotten to the touch.

Dense gray mold appears on leaves and even (in advanced cases) on inflorescences. Characteristic of young plants recently transplanted into new containers with fresh substrate.

Causes and treatment

The mycelium of the fungus, growing in the soil, penetrates into root system. Infection occurs during transplantation into contaminated, poorly disinfected soil or poorly prepared planting container. The cause of the disease may be excessive watering with poor drainage or lack of ventilation.

To treat, remove the plant from the pot. Replace thoroughly disinfected substrate and planting container. Inspect the plant, cut off all affected roots and leaves. Wash the roots in potassium permanganate, treat according to recommendations with biofungicides:

  • root;
  • planrizom;
  • phytodoctor;
  • phytocide;
  • gaupsin.

You can spray the above-ground mass with the same preparations or use biofungicides in tank mixtures:

  • trichodermin;
  • phytosporin-M;
  • gamair;
  • Alirin, etc.

Leaf rust

The causative agent is a group of rust fungi that have the ability to remain viable for a long time on infected plant debris.

Rust on anthurium

External manifestation of the disease

Loose orange thickenings are visible on the leaf blades and stems. The brownish-rusty hue determined the name of the disease. With severe infection, the leaves and the entire plant dry out and fall off in the shortest possible time.

Causes and treatment

Transfer of spores from other infected plants. Keeping plants under conditions of temperature and humidity disturbances. Too frequent and abundant spraying. Lack of ventilation. The plant may bend to one side due to damage to the stem.

  • To prevent fungal diseases, anthurium leaves are wiped with a 1% solution. Bordeaux mixture on both sides.
  • Diseased leaves and shoots are torn off and burned.
  • For treatment, the same biological products are used as for protection against rot. The diseased plant is sprayed 2 times a month.

You can use chemical fungicidal preparations Topaz, Ordan, Acrobat. Be careful. The drugs are poisonous. Spraying should be carried out in separate room in compliance with personal sanitary protection measures.

Powdery mildew on anthurium

The causative agents of anthracnose or powdery mildew(false and true) is a group of peronosporous fungi. Fungal spores have an increased ability to survive on plant debris under harsh environmental conditions.

External manifestation of the disease

With local damage, a white-grayish pubescence appears on the lower and then upper sides of the leaf, like light touch. With severe damage, the plant acquires a chlorotic appearance. Violated external structure plants (leaves become smaller, internodes become shorter).

Causes and treatment

The main reason is increased air humidity and violation temperature regime(above or below optimal). When keeping the plant in low temperature conditions, avoid spraying. Air humidity and high temperatures can be reduced by ventilation without cooling drafts.

For treatment, wipe the leaf blades with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or a solution of systemic contact chemical fungicides - Acrobat, Topaz, etc.

It is safer to use biofungicides for spraying and applying to the soil during irrigation:

  • haupsin;
  • trichoderma;
  • planriza;
  • gamaira;
  • pentophaga;
  • bactophyta;
  • pseudobacterin.

The use of biofungicides will provide maximum effect when used as recommended.

Fusarium and septoria

Fusarion and septoria wilts affect plants upon contact with contaminated soil and air flows saturated with spores. Fungal spores have increased resistance to high temperatures and some chemicals, which makes disease prevention difficult.

Anthurium - diseases (septoria, chlorosis)

Fusarium infection of a flower Male happiness

Causes and treatment

Failure to comply with the phyto-sanitary regime when purchasing new plants. Violation of requirements when transplanting plants. Do not allow the soil ball to dry out with abundant watering.

  • From chemicals Vitaros, Fundazol, Acrobat, etc. are used for treating plants and soil.
  • Of the biofungicides, the same tank mixtures are used as for other fungicidal lesions of anthurium.

Dear readers! You have become familiar with the external manifestations of the main non-infectious and infectious diseases of anthurium. Non-communicable diseases with normalization of basic environmental requirements and proper care curable. Infectious diseases, spreading many times faster, affect nearby plants. Mainly fungal infections, each of which has its own characteristics. With proper diagnosis and implementation protective measures, the plants can be saved. But if the damage is extensive, better plant destroy.

Anthurium is the flower of kings, which pleases with long, noble flowering regardless of the time of year. Red, white, pink, purple plates appear on a mature bush and last for several months without characteristic features aging. But Only a healthy plant can please you with abundant and rich flowering. That is why every gardener should know not only how anthurium grows, but also study leaf diseases (see photo below) and ways to treat the bush so as not to lose the plant completely.

Anthurium flower diseases, as a rule, arise due to violations of the rules of care. The flower with its entire appearance asks for help, signaling a loss of comfort. Common causes of trouble are:

But it happens that brown spots appear on the leaves of anthurium due to an invasion of insects or the presence of diseases. It is worth noting that despite the presence of third-party negative factors, it is improper care that leads to a general weakening of the plant’s supporting forces and to the development of infections.

To avoid any questions about what to do when the anthurium leaves turn yellow, you need to create optimal conditions keeping your green pet.

Signs of non-communicable diseases:

Non-infectious diseases of anthurium occur when agricultural practices are violated. The plant reacts especially painfully to drafts in winter.

Infectious diseases popular culture are caused by the introduction of spores into the body of the plant. Microbes develop very rapidly and can destroy not only the infected specimen, but also their neighbors on the windowsill. IN closed space Fungal spores multiply and are transmitted from plant to plant very quickly. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, treatment with special chemicals is necessary.

Causes of fungal infections:

The development of fungal infections is much easier to prevent. For these purposes, professionals recommend adding charcoal to the soil or using the long-acting Glyokladin product, which will help protect against phytovirus, fusarium and other troubles.

Fungal diseases of anthurium and their treatment

With a decrease in immunity, the plant may be susceptible to fungal diseases, such as:

A healthy plant is extremely rarely subject to fungal infections, and therefore the gardener should make every effort to create optimal conditions for the bush.

Yellowness of leaves

Yellow spots on anthurium leaves are the first signs of a gardener's mistakes. The most common reasons their appearances are considered:

  • Illiterate watering or use of hard, cold water.
  • Unregulated application of nutrients.
  • Dry ambient air, especially in winter when central heating is on.
  • Keep in a dark place.

As a result of prolonged keeping of a flower in a room with improper conditions, it becomes depleted, yellowness spreads and fungal infections occur or rot forms.

But before determining the anthurium disease and how to treat the problem, you should observe the nature of the drying of the leaf. Perhaps this is the natural aging of the leaf plate. Age-related yellowing begins from the edge of the leaf and spreads to its center. With time sheet plate loses its juiciness, turns brown, dries and falls off. Many gardeners are interested in: is it necessary to remove yellow leaves? Professionals recommend using a clean instrument for the procedure, and sprinkle the cut areas with crushed powder. charcoal. It is necessary to remove yellow plates, as they not only reduce the decorative effect, but also draw nutrition from the plant.

If the leaves of an anthurium turn yellow, and the reason is improper care, the gardener should adjust the conditions as quickly as possible and help the plant regain its strength. If the cause is fungal infections, then you can’t do without using chemicals.

Blackening of foliage

Improper maintenance of anthurium leads to the appearance of diseases. One of the common ones is blackening of the leaf blade. Reasons for curling, blackening and drying of the leaves of a flowering bush:

Insects - pests of anthurium

Anthurium or the flower of “male happiness” is quite resistant to pests. However, it can become “home and dinner” for:

Many gardeners consider anthurium to be a capricious plant, for its successful growth and development, as well as for lush flowering, you’ll have to create a piece of the South American tropics in your apartment. If the conditions are not met, the anthurium may become ill or be attacked by pests.

Optimal conditions for growing anthurium

What conditions is anthurium accustomed to in nature, and what should a grower strive for when growing “male happiness”?

First of all, high humidity, up to 70–80%. It is quite difficult to provide it in an apartment, especially in winter with central heating: either by regular spraying 2-3 times a day, or by placing a flower pot on a wide tray with wet expanded clay, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing. In addition, when sprayed with a spray bottle, white spots may remain on the bracts, so the flowers should be covered from drops of water, which is also very inconvenient. It's a little costly financially, but much more effective - to place a humidifier nearby. But even in this case, you should wipe the leaves once a week to remove accumulated dust with a damp sponge.

Do not increase air humidity by excessive watering of anthurium.

The next step to a healthy anthurium is constant temperature, not falling below 18 degrees Celsius in summer and 16 degrees in winter. It is optimal to keep anthurium at a temperature of 25–28 degrees from May to September. Drafts and even warm breezes are absolutely contraindicated. The roots of the plant may rot, and the leaves and flowers may freeze.

Spraying the plant in winter and opening the window for ventilation is an almost 100% way to kill anthurium.

Bright light and long days are very necessary for the formation of flower buds and powerful further flowering. But at the same time, the plant should not be placed in direct sunlight, because in tropical forests it is protected from the sun by tree leaves.

Place the anthurium in a well-lit place without direct sun rays, and in winter add 4-5 hours of additional lighting per day.

The last condition is watering and soil. Anthurium loves loose, moist soils; this epiphytic plant, almost like an orchid, can grow on tree branches, and to avoid mistakes, choose soil mixtures specially selected for anthurium.

Watering should be done with soft, settled water as the soil dries, but if you maintain high air humidity, then watering will have to be done infrequently.

The best water for irrigation and spraying is rain or melt water.

If the conditions of maintenance are violated, pests may appear on the anthurium or the flower may become sick.

Diagnosis of diseases of “male happiness”

All problems of growing anthurium can be divided into leaf diseases, peduncle diseases, root diseases, and the general unsatisfactory condition of anthurium, which are caused by the presence of pests, infectious diseases, or simply errors in care.

Making a correct diagnosis and starting timely treatment is difficult task for the gardener, since the symptoms of various diseases are often similar to the consequences of improper care.

It is important to know that anthurium kept in a dry room most often suffers from spider mites; the leaves lose their elasticity from lack of moisture, turn yellow and curl, but these plants are very rarely affected by fungal and bacterial diseases.

In wet conditions Without ventilation, plants more often suffer from soil overflow, and as a result, suffer from infectious diseases.

Having assessed the condition of your premises and the care provided, you can more or less accurately decide how to help the anthurium.

Table - diagnosis of plant diseases and pests

Causes Symptoms
Dry room air
  • leaves dry out and turn yellow around the edges
  • leaves curl and turn black
  • the plant becomes lethargic, the leaves lose their elasticity
  • drying of unopened buds, aggravated by infrequent watering
Bright light or direct sunlight
  • leaves curl into a tube and become deformed
  • the leaf blade becomes covered with whitish spots and dries out
Lack of light
  • yellowing of leaves
  • petiole pulling
  • lack of flowering
Watering with hard water, excess calciumthe tips of the leaves turn black
Watering with cold water
  • leaves dry out, forming round holes
  • root rotting
Waterlogging of the soil, overwatering
  • yellowing and drying of leaves
  • the appearance of black dots on leaf blades
  • death of roots from rot
  • pimples on leaves, peduncles
  • "crying" leaves
  • the whole flower withers
Lack of nutrition
  • leaves fade and become smaller
  • new flowers are growing smaller
  • Anthurium stops blooming
Excess nutritionbrown and yellow spots on the leaves without signs of drying out
Watering with chlorinated waterwhite coating on leaves
Anthurium hypothermiaquickly browned and drooping leaves
Natural causes
  • greening of fading bedspreads
  • red young leaves
  • red veins on leaves
  • thickening of stems with age
  • gradual death of lower leaves
  • overgrowth with brown scales - remnants of old leaves
Improper care
  • cobs disappear (flowering stops)
  • plant growth stops
  • no new leaves appear
  • new leaves grow slowly
  • the anthurium falls apart (due to water getting into the growing point)
Anthracnose and septoriaRound or oval red-brown, yellow spots from 1.5 to 13 millimeters, often visible inside black dot(disputes). The stain spreads across the leaf and forms holes. Without treatment, the plant dies.
Fusarium wiltMass, rapid fading leaves and unnatural bending of peduncles and petioles, dark vessels are visible on the cut of leaves, roots rot.
The leaves lose their shine, become lighter, and then turn black. Upon examination, the roots are rotten and frayed, the root shell is separated from the core.
The leaves curl, turn yellow, become smaller, and a white coating appears on the underside of the leaf.
RustRed-brown spots on the bottom of the leaf and at the same time light spots on the top, death of the affected leaves.
Leaves curl, turn yellow, become covered sticky coating. Small green sucking insects are visible inside the leaves and on young shoots.
TripsAffected leaves have an uneven yellow-green color, and the inside of the leaf is covered with black insect excrement. The leaves dry out and fall off.
Whitish or golden tubercles on the leaves.
Spider miteThe leaf becomes covered with yellow specks, curls, and dries out. When finely sprayed, a web with insects is visible.
MealybugThe affected parts of the plant seem to be dusted with flour

Infectious diseases of anthurium in the photo

Anthracnose manifests itself yellow spots with a black dot in the middle, Septoria affects the leaves of the plant and can lead to the death of the anthurium. Root rot can often be found in purchased specimens with constant overwatering. This is what powdery mildew looks like on Kalanchoe. Anthurium is rarely affected by this disease, fusarium affects both the leaves and roots of the plant Anthracnose on a rose: characteristic spots with a brown border Anthracnose on anthurium - brown spots with a black accumulation of fungal spores in the center Root rot can destroy all the roots of an anthurium Anthurium leaf affected by a fungal disease Fungal disease top sheet moved to the leaf underneath. Black roots affected by root rot. There are white - healthy roots, so there is a chance to save the plant An anthurium leaf covered with rust An anthurium leaf affected by septoria Septoria is very similar to anthracnose, it is difficult to determine without laboratory analysis Fusarium in an aster ruined the plant in its very bloom Fusarium wilt of violets

Flower diseases, treatment and prevention

Most often, anthurium diseases appear due to improper care, including highest place takes overflow and hypothermia, and as a consequence of this - rotting of the root system.

Infectious diseases pose a great danger to the plant: anthracnose, fusarium, septoria, as a result of which the plant often dies even after treatment.

It is easier to deal with rust on leaves and various root rots. And almost all plants recover and improve their appearance if the cause of the disease was improper care.

Treatment of infectious diseases

Many infectious diseases lead to the death of the plant, but you still need to try to save the plant.

First of all, we isolate the damaged plant from the rest, examine it and make a preliminary diagnosis.

When working with fungicides, be sure to use personal protection, do not eat or drink.

Fusarium wilt - infection, in which the mycelium of the fungus penetrates the living tissue of the plant and clogs vital vessels. Root rot appears, spreading into the trunk. Leaves that do not receive nutrition quickly wither and the plant dies. The best means of control is prevention. When landing in soil mixture They add a few grains of Trichodermin and maintain the high vitality of the plant. You can try to save a diseased anthurium by cutting off the living upper part and rooting it, after soaking it in a solution of Fundazol for about 30 minutes.

Root rot most often occurs when the plant is constantly overwatered. Treatment is trimming the rotten parts of the roots and treating with Fitosporin-M or Maxim, replanting into a new substrate and preferably a new pot.

Rust is a fungal disease that appears on all parts of anthurium, but most often on the leaves. For the purpose of prevention, at low temperatures and high air humidity, treatment can be carried out with Fitosporin, and in case of an already existing disease - with Topaz, Ordan.

Powdery mildew appears when the temperature drops sharply high humidity. Preventive measures - do not spray anthurium in cool weather (winter maintenance). Treatment of powdery mildew - place the pot in a warm, dry place, spray with Topaz or Acrobat.

Anthracnose appears due to high humidity, which is exactly what anthurium loves. The causative agents of the disease - fungi of the genus Colletotrichum and Kabatiella - can for a long time not to show oneself in any way, but when it comes for them favorable conditions begin to infect the plant. Usually the first symptoms appear on the leaves in the form of spots, which become more and more numerous. The affected leaf shrinks, becomes thinner and becomes like tissue paper. Then anthracnose attacks the stems and almost the entire plant dries up on the root. Treatment of anthracnose should be started as early as possible. The first step is to remove all damaged leaves and destroy them. The soil is changed to a new one, and the roots of the anthurium are disinfected. The plant is quarantined with a decrease in air humidity and a reduction in watering. It is strictly forbidden to spray, since fungal spores are carried by water droplets. If the plant is very sick, then use fungicides: Baktofit, Fitosporin, Fundazol, Ridamin Gold, Silk. Spray the plant 2-3 times every 10-14 days.

Anthurium pests

Small midges (wine flies) often become uninvited guests of indoor flowers; although they are unpleasant, they are practically harmless; the appearance of the following insects sucking the juice from the anthurium is much worse.

It is usually introduced “from the outside” with other plants and spreads very quickly among indoor flowers. For treatment, wash the affected areas with soap and water, after covering the soil with a bag, treat with infusion onions(15 grams of finely chopped onions or 6 grams of dry scales are infused in 1 liter of water for 5–7 hours), Fitoverm, and in advanced cases - Actellik, Karbofos, Fitoverm, Iskra, Biotlin.

Trips. Thin midges up to 2 mm long. Suck the juices out of the leaves. Appears in a humid room at high temperatures. Treat with Fitoverm, diluting according to the instructions on the package. Treatment is carried out several times every 5–7 days.

Shields. They cover not only the leaves, but also the stems of the plant, suck out the juices, and are easily removed with a needle. Since the insects are covered with thick scales, it is necessary to manually collect the scale insects, and then treat the anthurium with a solution of crushed garlic (mix 1 part garlic with 1 part soap and 3 parts water, leave for a day), if this does not help, wipe the stems with a cotton pad soaked in kerosene.

Spider mite. Appears in dry and hot places. It entangles young shoots in a web, sucks juices from leaves, leading to the death of most of the leaves. It is better to immediately apply Fitoverm, and not only on the affected plant, but also treat neighboring plants for prevention.

Mealybug. White fluffy insect 4–5 mm long. When massively propagated, it leads to the death of the plant. Small colonies of the pest are removed by wiping the affected parts of the plant soap solution and then every 7–10 days with repeated procedures, as well as spraying with garlic infusion. Severely damaged plants are sprayed with Fitoverm.

Pests in the photo

Scale insects suck juices from leaves and stems Aphids can cause great damage to young anthurium leaves Spider mites drink juices from leaves, drying them out Mealybug colonies on the anthurium stem can destroy the plant Thrips appear in a humid room and at high temperatures Scale insects on anthurium look like brown tubercles, easily removed with a needle Spider mites leave such marks on the leaves of anthurium It is difficult to notice thrips, but the affected areas and excrement are very clearly visible

Prevention of the appearance of any insects is regular care looking after the plants, wiping the leaves from dust, quarantining new plants for two weeks.

We reanimate anthurium after mistakes in care

Many gardeners misunderstand the advice of maintaining high humidity for anthurium and begin to flood the plant. The result of such care is rotting of the roots, which manifests itself in various spots on the leaves.

An overly caring owner overwatered the anthurium and got these spots Bubbles on the leaves and peduncles are a sign of frequent overwatering of the anthurium Spots on the anthurium can appear for several days, even after transplanting into dry soil The appearance of various brown dry spots on the anthurium is a sign of overwatering, cold storage and damage to the roots back side frozen leaf If packaging in stores is poor, flowers often freeze slightly

Reviving a plant that has suffered from rot

In cold and wet soil, anthurium roots often rot, the leaves begin to wither, dry out, and fall. If the plant is so neglected that not a single living leaf remains, then there is very little chance of resuscitation.

Saving an anthurium that has lost its roots

Various rots and infections often begin with rotting of the roots. And sometimes there is nothing left to save, but if the leaves and trunk of the plant are alive and without signs of mass disease, then you can try to root the upper part of the anthurium with aerial roots.

Saving a frozen flower

If the leaves of the anthurium are slightly frozen, then a healthy plant will be able to recover. It is much worse if the anthurium was watered shortly before and the roots were exposed to hypothermia. All damaged leaves should be cut off, the plant should be moved to a warm room and sprayed with the HB-101 vitalizer solution. If the plant gets worse in the next days, it means the roots are damaged, and you should immediately replant the plant, cutting off all rotten areas, and treat the cut areas with cinnamon. The stimulator HB-101 can be sprayed and watered on the plant to strengthen the immune system.

Video - disease prevention

An important prevention of anthurium diseases is regular inspections of the plant, which are carried out by wiping the leaves. Then you will definitely not miss the warning signs of the onset of the disease and will be able to treat the plant in time. And in order for it not to get sick, follow the conditions of detention.

Healthy and well-groomed indoor flowers always please with their appearance, but even minor mistakes in caring for plants can lead to the development of fungal and other diseases. In this article we will try to understand in detail where anthurium diseases come from.

Often, improper care can cause houseplant diseases.

Anthurium is a houseplant of the Araceae family, a close relative of Monstera, Dieffenbachia, Spathiphyllum and Zamioculcas. In indoor culture, Anthurium Andre and Scherzer are grown more often than other species.

Usually these spectacular plants differ good growth, they adapt perfectly to the conditions of the rooms, but sometimes, for no apparent reason, the plants begin to hurt. It is impossible to say that this is nonsense - after all, anthuriums, deprived of their usual living conditions, are subject to stress, like other indoor plants, so it is very important to strictly observe the requirements of agricultural technology when growing home flowers.

Under what conditions does anthurium feel great?


The flamingo flower requires bright, diffused lighting, so the plant does not feel comfortable on southern and northern windows. in the best possible way. The bright sun burns the leaves; it is too dark on the northern windowsill for buds to form.


In summer, the suitable temperature for anthuriums is from +20 to +28C. With the onset of autumn, flowers are kept at lower temperatures. During this period, plants need about +15-16C, and for Scherzer’s anthurium they set a cooler maintenance regime - flower buds are laid only when the room temperature drops to +12-16ºС.

From mid-January, the temperature of the plants is gradually increased, bringing it to + 20-22C.

Air humidity

The tips of the leaves can dry out for many reasons.

Anthuriums are inhabitants of the tropics, so they are accustomed to high air humidity. IN room conditions have an effect on plants Negative influence dry air and drafts. Plants require additional care: daily spraying with warm soft water, room aerial roots in moistened moss, bathing in the shower, measures to humidify the air in the room where exotic plants grow.

In winter, when the central heating is on, the air in the rooms becomes very dry. To make anthuriums feel good, it is worth equipping radiators with air humidifiers. Pots with indoor anthuriums can be placed on a large tray with wet expanded clay. It is useful to humidify the air around the flowers several times a day using a spray bottle, being careful not to get water on the flowers.


Anthurium loves high humidity, but disappears very quickly if the soil in the pot is waterlogged. Between waterings, it is useful to dry the substrate by about ½ the volume of the pot. Water for irrigation is well protected; it is even better to water the anthurium with water from a filter. During the formation of flower buds, watering is reduced.

Top dressing

Anthuriums - flower diseases associated with improper care. Overdose of fertilizers is one of the possible errors flower growers who forgot that the plant does not tolerate high concentrations of minerals.

Fertilize the plant during the period of active growth approximately once a month, while the nutrient solution for feeding is prepared in half concentration. It is best to use special fertilizers for Aroids to feed plants.

The soil

Too heavy soil in an anthurium pot can also cause plant disease. Ideal ground soil for planting anthuriums it must have a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5-6). The soil should not cake or compact - the roots are strongly compressed in such a substrate. Best cast soil for growing anthurium:

  • Peat – 2 hours.
  • Finely chopped sphagnum moss – 2 tsp.
  • Leaf soil - 1 tsp.
  • Pine bark or coconut fiber – 1 tsp.

Unbalanced soil and other errors in anthurium maintenance can cause stress and disease to the plant.

How to determine the cause

Yellow and dry spots on the leaves are a sign of a developing disease.

Diseases of indoor anthuriums can be roughly divided as follows:

  1. Non-compliance agrotechnical techniques by flower content.
  2. Diseases caused by infections.
  3. Damage caused by insects.

Let's take a closer look at each point.

Failure to comply with the rules of agricultural technology

Leaves on plants that are kept in improper conditions turn yellow and dry out.

These non-infectious diseases can greatly undermine the health of a houseplant, and they arise only from improper care.

  1. Flowers do not appear for a long time - thus, the plant signals problems in care. In order for buds to appear on anthurium, the plant must be kept at a temperature of at least 18C, in the complete absence of drafts, and the flower must be protected from scorching sunlight. The soil should easily allow water to pass through; the pot must have a drainage layer. Treatment: bring the conditions of maintenance into compliance, feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.
  2. Leaves dry out - due to insufficient watering and low room temperature, leaves can actually dry out. Plants must be periodically examined to determine the causes of diseases; sometimes such symptoms are characteristic of infections, which require certain treatment. Treatment for non-infectious causes: streamline the care of your pet.
  3. Chlorosis - yellowing of anthurium leaves indicates unbalanced watering with hard chlorinated water, untimely (or excessive) application of fertilizers, draft, lack of drainage, long-term keeping of a pot with a plant in a pan of water. Treatment: normalize the regime of keeping the flower indoors.
  4. The appearance of dry spots on the leaves is possible when anthurium is kept in a sunny window. Burns on the leaves of the flower cannot be treated.
  5. Plant pox is characterized by the appearance of swollen areas on the leaves; the disease begins when the plant is not maintained correctly (severe cooling, a significant drop in temperature, high humidity). Treatment: streamline care.
  6. Enation - with this little-studied disease, deformation of anthurium leaves occurs. Treatment: normalize plant care.

Diseases caused by infections

Infectious diseases are the most dangerous.


The disease is caused by the fungus Septoria, which spreads quickly in warm and humid environments. Brown spots with a characteristic yellow rim appear on the leaves of the flower. Gradually the leaf dries out, and the spores infect other parts of the plant.

Treatment: treatment with copper-containing fungicides. The soil is treated with Abiga-Pik.


It is characterized by the appearance on anthurium leaves of dried brown spots with black dots (spores), the diameter of which can range from 2 to 12 mm. The disease progresses at high humidity and temperatures from +23 to 27C, these are exactly the conditions that are vital indoor flower. The disease is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare.

Treatment: treatment of anthurium with Previkur, Fitosporin, Abiga-Pik, Acrobat MC, Fundazol, Ridomil Gold MC, Skor, be sure to follow the instructions for use. Feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Fusarium wilt

The leaves on the plant turn yellow and wither en masse, and a white-pink coating appears on the root collar. When watering, infection of plant parts only increases. Contribute to the spread of infection heat and humidity.

Treatment: repeated treatments with fungicides.


Characteristic rust-colored rashes appear on the underside of the leaves, top part the leaf in the area of ​​infection becomes lighter. The spots quickly merge, covering the entire leaf, which eventually dries out.

Powdery mildew

The leaves of the flower turn yellow and become smaller, the internodes become shorter, and on the underside of the leaf blade, spores similar to a powdery coating are clearly visible. The leaves very soon dry out and fall off.

Treatment: use of systemic fungicides.

Bronzing virus

Carried by thrips. Symptoms of the disease: partial discoloration of leaves, the appearance of wrinkles and small holes on the leaf blades.

Anthurium diseases caused by viruses cannot be treated; the plant is destroyed.

Damage caused by insects

This is what a scale insect looks like.

Very weakening indoor anthurium pests that can settle on the leaves and stems of a flower: scale insects, spider mite and mealybug. By sucking the juices of the plant, these pests can provoke the development of diseases on the weakened flower.

Treatment: use of systemic insecticides.