Banks payment system world. Where can I get a “World” card?

Sberbank has developed an alternative Russian payment system. The new product is called “World”. Product developers promise many opportunities to customers and point out a number of positive aspects of using the card.

You can connect to the Mir payment system in Russia. Crimea is also included in this territory. This product is currently not available to residents of other countries.

Let's look at how to apply for a Mir card at Sberbank.

The bank offers clients two types of Mir cards:

  1. Classic option.
  2. Social type.

Cards are issued for three years. After this period of time, the card is reissued automatically. This happens until the client refuses service.

The account is exclusively in rubles. Despite this, they pay with it in other currencies. The card is valid for the territory of Russia.

The positive thing is that the client receives funds from any ATM in Russia that supports this system.

Servicing the Mir card is similar in cost to international payment systems. The card is protected with a chip and magnetic stripe. It does not issue additional cards or set a credit limit.

Important. The card can be used as a pension or salary card. It is used in the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program.

Representatives of other states can apply for a card upon individual application.


Any citizen of the Russian Federation can apply for a Sberbank Mir card. In this case, the following key conditions are identified. The first criterion is the age category exceeding 14 years.

A mandatory condition is also registration in Russia. Temporary or permanent registration is suitable.

In general, you can easily open a Mir card in Sberbank; there are few conditions for this. It does not matter the level of income of a citizen or the possession of any property. Labor status is also not taken into account. When issuing a card, the banking institution does not take into account the presence or absence of other payment programs in the bank.

To apply for a card, contact the Sberbank office. The Mir card is available in all branches. Your location doesn't matter. By making a personal visit to a banking institution, you can apply for a card.

Be sure to take a document confirming your identity - a Russian passport. A driver's license or international passport will not be suitable in this case. By contacting a branch employee, they will tell you about the key points.

The next step is to write an application to open a card. In this case, a standard form is used. The application is then transmitted to the operator.

On average, it takes 2 to 10 days to produce a plastic card. The period depends on a number of factors, which you should check with bank employees in advance. The bank client receives an SMS notifying that the card is ready.

Then you pick up the finished card at the same branch where you wrote the application. During the day you receive the card, it must be activated. If the client does not do this in a timely manner, the procedure of writing an application is repeated.


It is worth assessing the cost of servicing the card.

Classic card

The first year of service will cost the client 750 rubles, then the cost of service will drop to 450 rubles.

If the card is reissued due to the client’s fault, he will have to pay an additional 150 rubles. This means the loss of the card, or a change of name or PIN code.

Important. When withdrawing cash from an institution, the client pays nothing (subject to withdrawals within the daily limit). If this amount is exceeded, the user pays 0.5%. When using the services of other banks, the commission is 1%.

The daily limit is 150,000 rubles, the monthly amount is 1.5 million.

Social card

In the first year of service and subsequent years, the user will not have to pay. For reissue of the card, the client pays 30 rubles.

Through the operator, the maximum amount per day is 10 million rubles.

Important. When withdrawing cash from an institution, the client pays nothing (subject to withdrawals within the daily limit). If this amount is exceeded, the user pays 0.5%. When using the services of other banks, the client does not pay a commission.

When accepting cash directly at a Sberbank office, the client does not need to pay in the area of ​​residence. When using another terminal bank, the commission is 1.25% of the amount. The daily limit is 50,000 rubles, the monthly amount is 500,000 rubles.

Owners of both cards have free access to Sberbank Online.

Clients can also order a Mir card via the Internet Sberbank - online. Banking institution employees accept applications remotely – online. The following procedure is similar.


You can also order a Sberbank Mir card via the Internet. To do this, apply for a card. You should go to the official website of Sberbank. Select the “Private Clients” section.

Go to the bottom menu, select the section called “Bank cards”, click on “Debit cards”.

You can get acquainted with the variety of banking products and choose the direction you need. Next to the card you have chosen, click “Order”.

  1. Enter your personal information – full name, date of birth. Fill out the section for date and place of birth, citizenship. Please provide your email address and contact phone number.
  2. Fill in your passport details. Indicate the series, number, date of issue. You will also need the department code and the name of the authority that issued the passport. Click "Next" and proceed to the last step.
  3. Fill in the registration address, select the desired branch of the Sberbank banking institution. You indicate the branch where it is most convenient for you to pick up the finished card.

Once the card is ready, you can pick it up at the Sberbank branch you specified. Be sure to bring proof of identity with you.

Pension card

It is also worth evaluating the positive aspects of using the Mir pension card. With its help, they receive a pension on a card and store their savings profitably. In particular, this applies to the balance on the card, the amount of which is charged 3.5% of annual funds.

It’s positive that servicing the card is free, you don’t need to pay additional funds. For the first two months of use, you do not need to pay for SMS notifications. After this period expires, the user pays 30 rubles per month.

Important. A pension card is a unique tool for those bank clients who have the right to receive a pension and other social benefits. A client can only have one card.

Receiving a pension using this card is quite easy. Main positive aspects:

  • there is no need to carry cash with you. This measure will protect you from possible unpleasant situations;
  • The convenience of receiving a pension also lies in the fact that you do not need to stand in line at the cash register, or depend on the postman;
  • you have an excellent opportunity to receive a pension when it is only transferred by the pension authority.


  1. The client pays for goods and services non-cash in retail establishments, or using Internet platforms in the Russian Federation.
  2. Using remote access services “Sberbank Online” or “Mobile Bank”, the user manages his account and repays the loan, if necessary. The advantage of using the latter service is that the user is kept up to date.
  3. You can activate the “Piggy Bank” service. With its help, the amount you select (a certain percentage) will be credited or debited from the card account.
  4. It is possible to pay for a range of services, including non-cash transfers at ATMs and self-service devices.


Let's consider the main advantages of the choice.

  1. In the event of international problems, sanctions will not be imposed on this system. There will be cards from other banks.
  2. The advantages include a high level of protection. After all, the chip is recognized as one of the most reliable elements in the whole world.
  3. Due to the fact that the card functions exclusively in Russia, access to it is denied to foreign fraudsters.


  1. The disadvantages include the inability to use the card abroad.
  2. This system is new. Trade establishments located outside the city, somewhere in the outback, may refuse to service the card. Today, this problem is being actively solved and the necessary measures are being taken.

Safety principles

  1. Do not write down or store the PIN code of your card in your wallet. No one should know this information except you.
  2. Your contact phone number is important. When changing it, you must notify the banking institution in a timely manner. It is worth blocking, for example, a lost or stolen SIM card.
  3. Do not leave the card unattended; attackers may take advantage of the situation.
  4. If you withdraw funds from an ATM, cover the keypad with your wallet. This way you will protect yourself from compromising your PIN code.


The Mir payment system is new. Despite this, it is rapidly gaining popularity among users. This is the best option for those clients who do not plan to travel abroad.

The card has international bonuses. Her services are affordable. Using a card of the first or second type opens up a huge range of possibilities for the client.

The MIR bank card is issued by the joint-stock company National Payment Card System (NSPC JSC), which began operating on August 4, 2014. NSPK JSC was created to develop the national payment card system and to ensure the processing of domestic transactions using cards of international payment systems on the territory of the Russian Federation, since previously all card transactions took place through foreign processing centers (VISA, MasterCard, ...), which reduced the level of security and sovereignty states.

The infrastructure for processing domestic transactions using bank cards of international payment systems was created in the shortest possible time, in just five months. The process of transferring all transactions on credit and debit cards of Russian users went almost unnoticed for the holders of the corresponding cards, while access to all international services of payment systems VISA, MasterCard, Amex, etc. was preserved without deteriorating the quality of banking services.

Since 2014, NSPK Joint Stock Company has been operating in full compliance with Russian legislation, in particular, in accordance with Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”.

What is the MIR payment system?

The MIR banking payment system was launched in December 2015. At the same time, the first bank cards of the MIR national payment system were issued. At the moment, MIR cards are accepted in 90% of ATMs and payment terminals throughout the Russian Federation.

Since the MIR payment system was created for use within Russia, you can use the NSPK MIR card abroad only if the card issued is compatible with foreign payment systems. Today, joint co-branded cards of the Mir payment system are being issued with the international payment systems MasterCard, JCB and UnionPay:

  • "World" - Maestro,
  • "Mir"-JCB,
  • "Mir"-UnionPay.

Such cards in Russia work like Mir cards, and abroad they are accepted in retail chains as if they were Maestro, JCB or UnionPay bank cards, respectively. The issue of MIR cards, jointly with the American Express payment system, will soon begin.

Which banks can you get a MIR card from?

Today, 370 banks are participants in the MIR payment system. Of these, 131 banks issue cards, 370 banks service cards, and 7 banks carry out limited card issues. All participants of the MIR payment system are published on the page

In particular, among the banks issuing the NSPK MIR card are the country's largest federal and regional banks:

  • "Sberbank of Russia",
  • "VTB 24",
  • "Gazprombank"
  • "AK BARS",
  • "Bank "Russia"
  • "SMP-Bank"
  • "Svyaz-Bank"
  • "MDM Bank"
  • "Raiffeisenbank"
  • "Rosselkhozbank"
  • "Vanguard"
  • "Renaissance"
  • and others.

In total, as of 2017, 131 banks in Russia are issuing MIR NSPK bank cards. The banks closest to your location where you can get a MIR card, as well as terminals and service offices, can be found on the “Device Locator” page of the official website of the MIR payment system -

By July 1, 2018, all public sector employees must receive a “MIR” card, to which salaries of teachers, doctors and employees of ministries and government departments will be transferred. New card holders will receive privileges: a reduced rate on loans and an overdraft with a grace period. All pensioners will switch to the MIR card, which will be issued to them free of charge, until July 1, 2020.

The procedure for obtaining a Mir bank card is absolutely no different from the usual process of receiving cards! You come to the bank, submit an application and passport, and after a few days you pick up a ready-made payment card. Some banks already allow you to order a Mir card directly from your personal online banking account, or apply for a card over the phone.

In 2017, you can get a Mir card in almost all major Russian banks: Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa Bank, Gazprombank, etc.

Advantages of the MIR bank card

Among the advantages of MIR card holders is cashback, that is, a return to the card of part of the funds spent on a purchase in the amount of 15-20% of the purchase, which has no analogues on the market. In addition, the MIR card gives access to bonus promotions of other banks, for example, the “thank you” program from Sberbank.

It is convenient and safe to pay with MIR cards on the Internet. The new online payment protection technology MirAccept 2.0 was introduced in August 2017. Confirmation of transactions can be carried out not only using an SMS password, but also using a graphic key, the bank’s mobile application and using biometric authentication.

Card production time

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities, the card will be ready in 2-3 working days; in the regions, production and delivery will take from 3 to 10 working days. Delivery to remote locations may take up to 15 business days. Exact dates are available.

When issuing a card, only working days are taken into account. If you order it on Friday evening, the production time will be counted from Monday.

You can see if the card is ready and when it will be delivered to the office in Sberbank Online in the “Cards” section.

What documents are required to receive a card?

To pick up the card, bring with you your passport or other document that was used to apply for the card. To receive a card for another person, you need a notarized power of attorney.

How to start receiving THANK YOU bonuses?

After receiving the card, you must register in the “Thank you from Sberbank” program. The easiest way to register: send an SMS to number 900 with the text THANK YOU 1234, where 1234 is the last four digits of the card number.
You can also register for the program in your Sberbank Online personal account and at a Sberbank ATM - find the “Thank you from Sberbank” section and follow the prompts.

Bonuses are awarded automatically when paying by card - their number depends on the level of privileges.

It should be remembered that bonuses are awarded only when paying for goods and services. This does not happen when withdrawing cash from ATMs. But when you pay for purchases remotely in online stores, bonus Thank You bonuses are credited to your account.

How can I use THANK YOU bonuses?

THANK YOU bonuses can be exchanged for discounts when purchasing goods and services from Partners; a full list of partners is available. In addition, THANK YOU bonuses can be exchanged for a discount when purchasing air tickets and hotel accommodations (on the website “Thank you from Sberbank. Travel”). Bonuses can also be exchanged for discounts when purchasing tickets to events - the service is available on the website “Thank you from Sberbank, Impressions”.

How can I find out my card details?

To find out the details, find the required card in the Sberbank Online mobile application and click “Show details”.

Another way: in your Sberbank Online personal account, go to the “Cards” section and find the card you need, then “Card information” → “Transfer details to the card account”.

Is it safe to use a contactless card?

Yes, the card is safe. It is always in the hands of the owner, so its data remains inaccessible to fraudsters. Making purchases without presenting a card or entering a PIN code is much safer, since no one sees the card data. In addition, contactless technology protects against double debits - after paying for a purchase, the terminal beeps and turns off automatically.

In Russia today there is a MIR bank card, which is an alternative to international analogues in the form of Visa or Mastercard. The purpose of its introduction was the need to relink all payments to the population from the budget from Western systems to our Russian one. This allows you to reduce the risks of a possible shutdown of the functioning of international payment systems in the country.


The MIR payment system has been in operation for about 4 years. The main incentive for its creation was the introduction of Western sanctions and the shutdown of the Republic of Crimea, which prohibited the use of cards from international payment systems. Today, the MIR map represents:

  • 145 banks that use these payment instruments;
  • 100% support of Russian POS terminals for the MIR system, which allows the use of plastic throughout the country.

How to apply

Due to the innovation of such a banking product for citizens, questions often arise regarding the design of the plastic itself. But here the procedure is standard and is not much different from receiving cards from international payment systems. The procedure for obtaining a plastic card is as follows:

  1. First you need to come to any Sberbank branch.
  2. There you need to present your passport and fill out an application for receiving plastic.
  3. After this, you need to wait for 1-2 weeks until you receive a notification informing you that the card is ready.
  4. You must again visit the branch where the corresponding application was submitted to receive the plastic.

According to the presidential order, obtaining a MIR card is considered mandatory for all state employees, as well as pensioners.

In addition, there are other features and innovations introduced into financial activities. In total, this decree assumes:

  1. Transfer of public sector employees to receive salaries starting in the summer of 2017 exclusively through the MIR system.
  2. Reissue of pension cards to the Russian payment system before the summer of 2020.
  3. Transfer of all payments, as well as military salaries and scholarships to students until mid-summer 2018.
  4. The introduction of an obligation for stores, as well as supermarkets that have a revenue of more than 40 million per year, from the summer of 2017 to enable the ability to accept MIR cards for payment.
  5. The requirement for banks to prepare by the summer of 2017 the technical capability of servicing the national payment system.

The meaning of this law is to minimize losses from a possible tightening of sanctions from Western countries regarding the country’s finances. Therefore, the Russian MIR payment card is a necessary protective measure.

Client requirements

To be able to issue this card, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • be a citizen of Russia (receipt of plastic by foreigners is at the discretion of banks);
  • age over 14 years, with the exception of a pension card, which can only be issued if you are 18;
  • availability of temporary or permanent registration;
  • To obtain a social card, you must submit documents confirming your right to receive the appropriate payments.

Card features

Types and conditions

Today, banks that issue MIR cards offer their clients to issue one of the existing varieties of this payment instrument. Each of them is worth considering.


Such debit plastic belongs to the “Basic” tariff. It is designed for those individuals who do not need to use any benefits, so they themselves decided to acquire such an account. It is possible to issue a personalized card, with appropriate engraving on the plastic, or a non-named one. After submitting the application, the first type is prepared in about 2 weeks, and the second within 20-30 minutes.


This type of tariff was introduced specifically for citizens receiving a pension or other social benefits from the state. It became most relevant after the publication of Federal Law No. 88, which indicated the need to transfer all social payments only through the national payment system starting from 2020. To obtain a card, you need to visit a bank branch or order it online using the official website of the Mir card or bank. However, to obtain the plastic itself and sign the contract, you still need to contact the branch.


The MIR bank card in the “Salary” tariff is primarily aimed at public sector employees, as well as organizations that have entered into agreements for cash settlement services. Such a system is convenient for ordinary citizens. You can apply for a similar plastic card by contacting a branch or through the bank’s website.

Where to receive and subsequently use this payment instrument depends on the preferences of the citizen himself. Today, most financial organizations in the country work with the MIR system.

Deposit and withdrawal

First of all, you can remove the availability from your plastic card using ATMs of any bank operating the MIR system. It is recommended to do this at the terminals of the financial institutions where the card was issued. This will allow you to receive funds without paying a commission. However, there are certain restrictions on cashing out money, which amount to no more than 150 thousand rubles per day. To receive funds from plastic, you need:

  • insert the card into the ATM;
  • enter the PIN code set when the card was issued;
  • go to the “Withdraw Funds” section, where you indicate the required amount and click continue;
  • pick up funds, card and check.

If you use ATMs of other banks to withdraw money, a commission of 1.5% of the amount will be charged.

Cash withdrawal is possible at any ATM

To top up your plastic account, you can use one of the following methods:

  • transfer from another bank;
  • depositing funds through an ATM or payment terminal;
  • through the cash desk of a bank branch;
  • making a transfer between your accounts using online banking.

Where can I pay?

Even taking into account the crudeness of such a banking product, it is possible to use a MIR card to pay for purchases or services in those establishments that are equipped with modern POS terminals. Such retail outlets include various restaurants, cinemas, supermarkets and other organizations located in Russia. In addition, preparations are being made to connect the Chinese online trading platform “Aliexpress”.

It is impossible to use the Mir payment system abroad. To do this, you need to acquire a co-branded plastic card (in other words, a combined card). A popular option is Mir-Maestro. This will allow you to use the payment instrument even while abroad.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of the national payment system include:

  1. Having constant access to funds.
  2. High-quality methods for protecting chips.
  3. Possibility of withdrawing cash from an ATM up to 250 thousand rubles monthly without paying a commission.

The disadvantage of the Mir system is the lack of cash back. But since the beginning of 2017, four major banks announced the launch of a loyalty program that will allow you to return up to 15% of the purchase price.

The launch of a national payment system is a necessary tool for the state to stabilize the economic situation in the country. In their appearance, the MIR maps in the photo differ from their international counterparts except for the corresponding inscription. The main feature is the stability and functionality of such plastic.

The MIR payment system began operating in 2015 as a Russian alternative to Visa and MasterCard. Its main advantages over international services:

  • work in Crimea, where American competitors are not served due to sanctions;
  • the opportunity to receive pensions, salaries for public sector employees and military personnel on a bank card; from mid-2017, such payments are legally possible only without the participation of foreign organizations.

The number of clients of the national system is rapidly increasing. Popularity peaks during the holiday seasons. Along with searching for hotels and apartments in Crimea, travelers are looking for how to order a MIR card from Sberbank online.

What do you need to get a card?

Classic plastic is issued to clients from 14 years of age, gold – from 18. Registration requires permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

Prepare documents:

  • passport;
  • if registration is temporary, certificate.

Selecting the media type


  • make payments in retail stores in Russia and Armenia;
  • send and receive transfers;
  • pay utilities, taxes, telephone, etc.;
  • receive a salary from any Russian organization;
  • use your account via the Internet from any computer or phone;
  • start accumulating bonuses Thank you.

The account currency is ruble. The increased strength of the plastic card ensures its service life of 5 years. Plastic allows for contactless payment. Custom design service is not provided.

The most common is the MIR classic; it is given free to state employees as a salary. When making your own choice, it is advisable to understand what the difference is between it and gold.


Service in the first year costs 750 rubles, for each subsequent year - 450. An additional card is not issued. The holder pays 150 rubles. for early re-issue when changing your last name, losing your card or PIN. In cases where the card malfunctions or is captured by an ATM, a new one is made without a fee. Connecting to the full mobile banking package costs 60 rubles monthly, the economy package is free.

  • cash withdrawal per day through Sberbank – 150 thousand rubles;
  • cash withdrawal per month through Sberbank – 1.5 million;
  • cash acceptance per day – 10 million;
  • Payment by card is not limited;
  • Sberbank does not limit cash receipts from third-party credit organizations, but a commission of 0.5 to 1% is charged.


Servicing in the first and each subsequent year costs 3,000 rubles; an additional card can be issued with an annual payment of 2,500 rubles. The advantages of the product over the classic one are higher limits and free options.

There is no commission charged to MIR gold holders:

  • for reissue, regardless of the reasons;
  • for the full mobile banking package.
  • You can withdraw up to 300 thousand per day through Sberbank, up to 3 million per month;
  • replenishment up to 10 million daily;
  • in third-party banks, cash withdrawal is without restrictions, but with a commission of 0.5-1%.

If in the previous month the amount of payments exceeded 15 thousand rubles, clients receive increased bonuses. Thank you:

  • in restaurants 5%;
  • in supermarkets 1%;
  • Sberbank partners have up to 20%, sometimes more;
  • for all other purchases 0.5%.

We issue at a bank branch

  1. Take your passport with you; in case of temporary registration, also a certificate.
  2. Present the documents to the bank employee and inform them of your intention to open a MIR card.
  3. Read the terms of service. You can ask for a written contract, rules of service, a tariff plan in hand, and study the nuances. If something is not clear, ask the manager filling out your application. His responsibilities include clarification of all issues.
  4. The employee will fill out an application for plastic, carefully check the document, if all the information is correct, sign it. The application has been submitted.

We order through Sberbank online

  1. From the main menu of your personal account, go to the cards section.
  2. Click on the debit plastic order link.
  3. A page will appear with all available products, under each of them there are 2 buttons: order, details.
  4. By opening detailed information about plastic, you will become familiar with the pricing. At the bottom of each page with the cost of services there are links to offer documents.
  5. Having selected the type of plastic, proceed to the order by clicking the appropriate button.

The fields with name and phone number will be filled in automatically. You will be asked to select a mobile banking service package and card issuing branch. You can also manually change the Latin spelling of your name.

If you want to link MIR to a new number, take your passport to the branch; there is no technical possibility through Sberbank-online to avoid fraud.

  1. When you have finished entering the data, click “Complete”.
  2. Check that the application is filled out correctly. If corrections are not required, confirm the application by clicking the appropriate button.

We order from the site

If you do not use Sberbank online, you can order a world card via the Internet from the website without authorization. When filling out yourself, carefully check the data. If you make a mistake, you have the opportunity to refuse the card without paying for it. But your banking history will be spoiled, and in the future it will be more difficult for you to obtain some services.

How to order online step by step:

  1. On the Sberbank website, follow the link with the card you are interested in.
  2. Review product information. The page summarizes the main conditions, they are of an advertising nature. At the bottom of the description there are links to:
  • banking service agreement;
  • Terms of Service;
  • rates;
  • memos.

The listed documents are an official offer and have legal force.

How do you know if the card is ready?

When submitting an application, the website or a bank employee will inform you of the estimated delivery time for the finished plastic. But you can also track the status of production and delivery by calling the hotline - 900 (number), in your personal account, or by contacting the department with your passport. On the day the card arrives at the issuing office, you will receive an SMS notification.

Through the Internet

Sberbank clients see the card in their personal account through the online service as soon as a card account is opened. The product is not reflected only if an error was made during registration.

Opposite the card label, its current status will be indicated (issued, issued, delivered), as well as the approximate date of arrival at the issuing office. If the plastic is already in the office, the status will be “Ready for pickup.”

Without access to Sberbank online, you can obtain information about card production through the feedback form on the bank’s website. The link to it is at the top of any page. Fill out all fields of the request, click the “Submit” button. Wait for a response through the selected means of communication.

Production time

The bank processes applications for debit cards within 1–2 days and issues plastic immediately. The rest of the time is spent on delivery. In some regions it takes 2-3 days; in most cities you can get a MIR card from Sberbank within 2 weeks.

Where to get it

Delivery takes place at the branch you selected during checkout:

  • when submitted through an office, the card with a PIN envelope will be delivered there;
  • Sberbank Online by default indicates the branch where one of your accounts is opened;
  • the site offers you to select a branch, having previously indicated the region or district.

When receiving plastic ordered through the website, you will be asked to present the documents specified when submitting the application. In other cases, a passport is sufficient.

How to make a pension card

Terms of issue:

  • age from 18 years;
  • permanent or temporary registration in Russia;
  • the right to receive a pension in the Russian Federation;
  • The citizenship of the pensioner does not matter.

Documents required:

  • passport;
  • registration certificate, if available;
  • certificate of receipt of payments; if your pension goes to a deposit or other card in Sberbank, a certificate is not required.

Present your documents and fill out an application. Wait for a message inviting you to receive a MIR card from Sberbank. If SMS does not arrive within 3 weeks, inquire about production at a bank branch or by calling 88005555550 or 900.

Having received it, you can write an application on the spot to transfer your pension to it. If you want to do this later, ask for card account details. You can transfer your pension to the card through the MFC, Pension Fund or any branch of Sberbank. Required:

  • present your passport;
  • fill out an application;
  • indicate the details for the transfer.

Features of receiving a salary card

Traditionally, plastic documents are processed by the accounting department at the expense of the enterprise. The employee is offered to issue a card, and if he agrees, his data is transferred to the bank. After some time (usually up to 3 weeks) it comes to the organization and is given to the employee without interruption from work. This is the most common method because it is quite convenient for all concerned. Alternative options available:

  • the employee has his own card, similar to those issued under the salary project, you can provide the account details to the accounting department to link it to the organization’s agreement with the bank;
  • there is a card that meets the conditions for receiving a salary, but its status does not correspond to the corporate one (for example, a state employee has his own golden MIR); the employee can provide account details and pay for the contents of the card themselves;
  • employees do not have to wait for the plastic to be delivered to their workplace; Having learned that it is ready for issue, you can take your passport to the department to receive it.


Sberbank has made issuing cards convenient for a wide range of target audiences:

  • experienced Internet users order comfortably from home;
  • A wide network of offices is open to supporters of traditional methods.

On its website, the bank informs that in the future delivery of plastic will be possible through a courier. Now receipt occurs exclusively in branches.