Free education in the USA. Take unnecessary electrical appliances

On the one hand, studying in America is an international diploma and a real chance to settle overseas. On the other hand, there are adaptation difficulties, relocation, language barriers and serious financial costs.

When I decided to get a master's degree in America, my knowledge in this matter helped me: for several years I worked in an organization that sent schoolchildren to study abroad. This experience allowed me to save two-thirds of the cost of training and to be convinced by personal example that a non-standard approach really works.

Choosing a profession: who to be?

One of the most universal for studying abroad is IT. In addition to the fact that this profession is in demand in the States and is well paid, after graduating from university you can find work anywhere in the world. Obtaining a bachelor's degree usually takes four years, a master's degree takes six years. The same applies to majors in economics, finance or marketing.

Difficulties may arise with a medical or legal education, even at the level of admission and obtaining a study visa. Russia and America have different legal systems. When you return to your home country after studying, you will be limited in your choice of work. Of course, you can get a job in an international corporation, but then it is more logical to stay in the USA. The American side also understands this, so a study visa may be denied. In addition, study lasts 8–10 years, which is long and expensive.

Tuition fees: local or foreign?

If a student is a state resident, then on average he pays three times less to study at a college or university than a student from another country or even another state. In English this is called in-state and out-of-state tuition. As you understand, it is not easy to become a local resident. To qualify, you must either be a US citizen or have another legal immigration status (such as a green card holder).

This is a well-known fact, which leads to a sad conclusion: the cost of education for foreigners is very high. But there is a little trick that few people know about: you can become a local resident for the state without being one. Everything is absolutely legal and quite real. How to do this? One of the working options is international cooperation programs between regions and cities of Russia and the USA. They can be found by the phrases “sister cities”.

For example, cities in the Russian Far East have such programs with cities in the USA (in Alaska, Washington and Oregon), as well as Japan and China. Therefore, students from Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Kamchatka and Chukotka can study at US universities and colleges at the price of in-state tuition.

Under the terms of the program, residents of the Russian twin city pay for training exactly as much as a local resident will pay for it.

As part of the same international cooperation, there are also scholarships for students from twin cities and regions. Sometimes they offer permanent discounts, sometimes temporary. But in any case, this is a significant savings on studies.

To receive preferential conditions, one must prove that he actually lives in this locality and has the right to special conditions. In most cases, a passport with registration or translations of scanned receipts for utility services with the student’s last name and city data on the form is sufficient. Also, no one forbids moving to a sister city, renting an apartment, and then showing a rental agreement or making a temporary registration.

Since the institution of registration is unfamiliar to Americans, there is no single sample of documents. Different educational institutions may be satisfied with different documents. As a rule, this is a fairly formal moment.

As a result, a couple of pieces of paper can significantly reduce the cost of training. Russian students have repeatedly entered American educational institutions through such programs. This method doesn't always work, but it's definitely worth a try.

Often, college or university employees themselves are not aware of such bonuses, so you have to explain this to them with documents in hand. Documents can be found on the websites of educational institutions or local municipalities. We have had several similar cases, and they all ended in favor of our students.

Where to go: college or university?

You have decided to get higher education in the USA. It would seem logical to apply to the US (in the USA they enter without exams, through a competition of documents) and enroll in the first year of the faculty that interests you. Right? But no!

For example, if you now write to UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles), you will be told that the cost of tuition is approximately $35 thousand per year for residents of California and more than $60 thousand per year for residents of other states. And that's just for studying. Agree, a lot of money even for a local resident, and even for a foreigner who, in addition to studying, also needs to establish a life from scratch, the amount generally looks huge. Multiply this number by 4–5 (this is how many years it will take to obtain a higher education in the USA), and the amount will scare even the most motivated person.

But there is one trick that will help you save before you enroll. Subjects in the specialty begin at universities only from the third year, so it is wiser to first enroll in one of the local colleges (Community College), which has accreditation in relation to the university. In such a college you can study for the first two years, and only then transfer to the university for the third, and sometimes immediately for the fourth or fifth year. This way you will save a lot. A year of study in college is sometimes 5-6 times cheaper than at a university.

Here are the most popular budget colleges in America:

  • Seattle Central Community College, Washington. After studying at this college, you can enroll in almost any university in America. There are no English language proficiency requirements for foreigners.
  • Community Colleges of Spokane, Washington. The college program is designed so that a student can begin studying in one of the quarters of the year, not necessarily in September. The college cooperates with many American universities.
  • Hawaii Community College, Hawaii. At this college you can improve your level of English through intensive language courses. After training, students enter both the University of Hawaii and other universities in the country.
  • East Los Angeles College, California. It has about 30,000 students, to whom, after graduating from college, the doors of many California universities are open.

Where to learn English: at home or in the USA?

Secondly, you can start studying several times a year. This provides a more flexible schedule for enrolling in language courses and moving to the United States.

Thirdly, it is better to enroll in language courses at the college or university where you plan to study further. This will not only allow you to get acquainted with the features of the future educational institution, but may provide advantages during admission.

After admission

Let's imagine that you are already in the States, finished college and transferred to a university. Are there any savings options at this stage? Certainly. It all depends on the task you have set. For example, on campus and earn additional funds or apply for a scholarship that can reduce the cost of studying by 50-60%.

Almost all students work in the USA - both local and from other countries. Of course, locals have more choice; no one limits them in their choice of work. But those who come on a study visa can work no more than 20 hours a week and only on campus. However, in some cases, educational institutions allow you to work outside of it, if this allows you to gain unique experience in your chosen profession.

Here is a list of scholarships offered by popular American universities:


Proceed step by step:

  • Collect information about possible discounts.
  • Choose and enroll in a suitable language program.
  • After completing English courses, go to college.
  • After two or three years, transfer to university.

This scheme will allow you to better adapt to a foreign country. At the same time, you will save a lot of money on your studies without skimping on quality.

America is a country in which representatives of various peoples and nations live. Almost the entire population of the United States is non-native. Over the years, the flow of people flocking there to work, study and simply live has not dried up. However, today it is not economically beneficial for the country’s leadership that the population is rapidly increasing due to immigrants. Appropriate measures and restrictions began to be taken. Therefore, now in order to stay in America, one has to resort to all sorts of tricks.

Today, the question of how to go to live in America legally worries many. It is especially relevant in the countries of the former Soviet Union. If you have finally and irrevocably decided to part with your homeland, saying to yourself “I want to go and live in America,” then you need to start acting without delay.

In fact, it’s quite easy to get to the USA; it’s much more difficult to stay there and become a member of American society. To do this, you will have to thoroughly think through the strategy of your actions in advance. Fortunately, we are not the first to come forward in this matter, and everything has been done, thought out and tested before us.

So, here are 7 effective ways to go and live in America.

This method is more popular among girls. After all, when you marry an American citizen, you immediately receive a Green Card. And, having lived with my spouse for 3 years, a US citizen passport. You can enter into a fictitious marriage. In America there are a lot of people who want to put on a ring for a couple of thousand dollars. However, not everything is simple here: they will carefully check the seriousness of your intentions regarding marriage. Otherwise, you will be deported and banned from entering the country for life.

2. Political asylum in the USA.

A very common option among immigrants from Belarus, Ukraine and Jews. Russians, they say, have long been infringing on their rights and classifying them as second-class people. In America they simply cannot help but accept the oppressed poor. How to go to live in America forever in this way? You can come to the States with a regular tourist visa and then ask for political asylum there. Of course, all this will result in a considerable amount. But when you are granted refugee status, you will receive a number of benefits, starting with $2,000 in support and ending with free education at US universities.

3. Get a Green Card in the lottery.

To do this, you just need to take part in the Diversity Visa Lottery program, which is held once a year to attract immigrants. Everyone can win. Having received the coveted Green Card, you will be able to legally go to live in America. You don't even need a visa. The only condition is to stay in the country for at least 6 months a year.

4. Travel on a work visa.

In order to get an H1B work visa, you will have to interest your American employer enough to agree to spend several thousand dollars on your visa. You must have a higher education. This visa will allow you not only to work and live in the USA, but also to study, get a license, credit cards, etc.

5. Travel on a J-1 student visa.

This is where all Work&Travel participants travel. But to get a visa, you need to convince the employee that you are not going to stay in the States forever. The same visa is issued to various exchange programs for specialists, scientists, etc. from various countries.

This option will be of interest to those who are currently in their final years of university in their country.

7. Tourist visa.

This is the easiest option to legally come to the USA, but at the same time the most difficult if you want to stay there in the future.

And finally, before you go to live in America forever, think about it: if you have a place to sleep and something to eat here, is it worth it? After all, plane tickets are quite expensive, and the mentality there is completely different and sometimes even incomprehensible to a Russian person. It’s one thing to visit or travel. But it’s completely different to understand that you are strangers in this country, and you have no one to count on but yourself. Yes, you can see successful examples, but, unfortunately, for the most part, immigrants join the service staff. Therefore, be sure to weigh all the pros and cons of this idea in advance.

Although free higher education does not exist in America, some students still manage to obtain free higher education in this country.

Where and how can a student from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries find opportunities to study for free in America? We list the main options:

  • The main way to study in the USA for free in higher education programs is to find a suitable scholarship (scholarship for international student) or grant (grant for international student).
  • Another option to study in America for free is to find a sponsor. It can be any commercial company interested in an employee of a certain qualification, including your employer. Information about such sponsorship is posted on the websites of companies and universities. If you want to find funding this way, look at universities primarily for applied programs that require a significant number of hours of practice or long internships.
  • Students registered on the social network know and will advise others on how to study for free in the USA. On this resource, students who cannot afford paid education have the opportunity to ask for financial assistance from users and, thus, organize free study in the USA.

Free Universities and Colleges in the USA

Tuition-free US universities are universities that award scholarships that fully cover the student's expenses. When looking for a scholarship, you should always pay attention to this point, because full scholarships are quite rare and difficult to obtain.

USNews names 6 universities that offer the most assistance to international students:

  1. Williams College (MA)
  2. Trinity College (CT)

Universities and colleges offering education in the USA are not entirely free, but inexpensive

For a list of universities offering low-cost education in the United States that may also offer scholarships and grants to international students, see here.

How to enter a US university for free

It is important to remember that the process of admission to American universities also requires certain financial costs: fees for English language proficiency tests, as well as for tests for admission to master's programs, the main of which is GRE, and for undergraduate tests - SAT and ACT.

All universities charge approximately $50-140 for processing an application for study.

Universities and colleges issue scholarships only to those students who have already enrolled in the program, which means they have gone through and paid for all procedures related to admission. The university first accepts the student into the program and after that awards the scholarship. And the scholarship, as a rule, does not compensate for the amounts spent on tests and admission.

And yet, there are options for how to enroll in a US university for free in this case as well:

  • The sponsor will cover the costs.
  • A student who has received a scholarship to a program at an accredited US institution of any level of study may also apply for participation in the Opportunity Funds program, designed specifically to cover the costs associated with admission.

Free education in America is the dream of many students. It is difficult, but it is achievable: the American dream can and must be fought for.

Many students wonder: what to do in the summer? Where to work in the summer to get a lot of money and, most importantly, get a lot of impressions? Those. Summer days should be spent with maximum comfort. The ideal combination would be work plus rest. This combination is offered by the Work & Travel student program, under which students from Russia have been traveling to the United States for a long time, where they work and travel at the same time.

About the Work & Travel USA program

This program operates under the auspices of the US State Department, so you should not doubt its legality.
You should understand some essential concepts when booking a flight to the USA. For example, even before departure you should receive a Job Offer, i.e. An official document providing employment in the United States (a specific job, such as a landscaper in Cincinnati or a fish packer in Seward). The Job Offer must be received by mid-March (before March 16th), otherwise you will be excluded from the program.

In general, in order to go to the USA to earn money, you need to meet certain criteria (you need to study at a university, preferably not in your 5th or final year, you must be 18-23 years old, your English must be at least at a basic level).
A Job Offer, otherwise an official work contract, is verified and confirmed in the USA by the sponsors of Work & Travel USA - InterExchange or Kaplan Aspect. Sometimes a Job Offer turns out to be “black”, i.e. fake, and you may be kicked out of the program (or be subject to a hefty fine).
Typically, students traveling to the USA for the first time buy a Job Offer from the program (this costs 6-8 thousand rubles; Job Offer Gold, i.e. a contract for a high-paying job, costs 200-300 dollars more). Those who are traveling to the USA under this program not for the first time buy Job Offers from their “traveller” friends (and after a trip to the USA there are a lot of them) or order on the Internet, risking running into “black” fairs (offers bought second-hand ", usually cost 3-5 thousand rubles; by March-April the minimum price for a Job Offer is 6 thousand rubles).

But I must tell the readers of MirSovetov that sometimes even the official Job Offer does not guarantee one hundred percent work in the USA. Some of my friends witnessed this. Having arrived in America for a place of work, they learned that someone else was working at this “place”. The employer just shrugged his shoulders, looking at the official Job Offer, confirmed its legality, but could not help in any way. In this case, you have to look for a job yourself.
In this case, some people buy a ticket to Alaska in New York and fly there on their own. Flights between US states are quite inexpensive (a flight from New York to Anchorage, the central city of Alaska, costs $250). It is believed that if you go to America to earn money, then you will always find a place in Alaska, where dozens of large fish factories operate uninterruptedly and stably.

When leaving for America to work, keep in mind that the minimum wage in the USA per hour is $6.55 (most students, together with the Job Offer, receive wages in the region of $6.55-8). Even though the pay per hour is that much money, it may happen that you will work a minimum of hours (but even then, under US law, you are entitled to wages for 40 hours per week - this is the minimum that an employer is required to pay ).
However, having arrived in the USA, it is quite possible to get a part-time job, in addition to the “official” job (i.e., the one received through the Job Offer). Some students do this and, working 2-3 jobs, work 80-100 working hours a week (keep in mind that “overtime”, i.e. additional, unscheduled working time, is paid in the USA at a special rate - for several dollars more than a standard hour of work).
On average, according to statistics, students manage to work 50-60 hours a week. If you come to work in Alaska, then here you will be “provided” with working hours in full (in addition to two days off, the work is 16 hours a day: wake up at 7.00 and bedtime at 23.00).

In general, what is the advantage of working in Alaska: here you are unlikely to be able to “relax, travel or practice spoken English,” but if your goal is, then this is the place for you. During the “fishing season” (July-August) you can earn $1000 a week (“net”, without bonuses and overtime).
Thus, over the summer you will be able to earn up to 8 thousand dollars. When you apply for the program, they will strongly tell you that you will bring 6-8 thousand dollars from America (supposedly this is the average figure), but in fact, even a part-time job will bring you hardly 4-5 thousand dollars, and only work in Alaska the pay is stable and high. Take into account the fact that you will spend 40-50 dollars a week on food (in Alaska factories, for example, food is provided to you at the expense of the employer).


The student summer “working” vacation program has been going on for 22 years (the program celebrated its anniversary in 2009). The Russian “version” of this international program turns 17 years old in 2011 (the first students from Russia went to “work and travel” in the USA in 1994).
The trips were then organized by the International Exchange Center (IEC), which included work under the Au Pair and Camp USA programs (at that “hard” time, the RF CIO was responsible for the guarantees provided, one of the few among Russian large “tourist” companies). The “volume” of the Center’s work was amazing already in the early 90s: every year up to 100 thousand students were registered for trips to Europe and the USA.

Keep in mind that after filling out the necessary documents, you will need to go through the process in English (at the company where you are applying for your trip to the USA). My interview lasted three minutes and included questions like: “What is your name?”, “What is the purpose of your trip to the USA?”, “What course are you studying in?” Some questions only required a “Yes” or “No” answer. The one who takes your “exam” notes your knowledge of English, then, with a full package of documents, you go (or travel) to the US Embassy and there the ambassador takes your knowledge of English (2nd interview).
Interviews at the embassy take place after April 18th. On average, 2 percent of participants do not pass the interview at the embassy (reasons for refusal: complete lack of knowledge of English; the fact that your relatives work in government agencies such as the FSB; inappropriate age, i.e. over 23 years old). at the embassy, ​​I advise readers of MirSovetov to answer that you are going to the USA to travel and get new experiences (mostly), and not just because of work.

The sponsor of the W&T InterExchange program, after all the documents have been completed, issues a special document in your name (the so-called “Form DS-2019”), which allows you to obtain a visa and official permission to work in America. Form DS-2019 will provide you with a J-1 visa.
After some documents are signed, you must pay an entrance fee (3,500 rubles) to the bank, after which you are provided with a full package of documents and all bills that need to be paid within 7-10 days (depending on the sponsor of the program).

At the office of the program sponsor, you fill out the first agreement (for example, the document “OMK-109 Agreement”), which states that you are acting on the basis of a license to carry out employment activities abroad No. 15201RF469 dated October 12, 2001, the subject of the agreement is also stated here, obligations of the parties, settlement procedure, responsibility of the parties. To sign this document, you will need a passport, international passport, record book and student ID. After signing this document, the SEVIS fee ($35) and a fee of 4900 rubles are paid within 3 days. A consular fee (5,200 rubles) and a courier fee (990 rubles) are also paid.
Next, an agreement “For the provision of services under the program” is concluded, fixing additional obligations of the parties to the agreement. You also sign the “Additional agreement MED W” (the so-called “first insurance”, confirming the obligations of the parties), sign another “Additional agreement” (informs that in case of refusal to receive the agency that issues you, retains 2000 rubles ).

You should read reviews from students about traveling to the USA under this program, and you can read advice from “experienced” people on numerous websites dedicated to Work & Travel USA. Below I will provide general advice necessary for those flying to the USA.
departure date chosen by the student himself (this time is from May 10 to July 10). You should not be afraid of such early departure dates. Some students take the “summer” session early at the country’s leading universities (such as Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky in Omsk) before May 10th.
Housing in the USA. The housing issue is not easy to resolve. Some employers provide housing for a small fee. A friend of mine who worked in New York shared an apartment with 5 other guys for $300 a month each. Another friend, who worked at a fish plant in Seward (Alaska), paid little for housing (housing was provided by the plant, then a small percentage was deducted from the salary). Mostly, students travel to the USA in groups and, accordingly, rent housing for 2-3 people. On average in America, such a “share” costs 70-80 dollars a week.
Flights. Today you can already purchase air tickets from Moscow to New York online. An air ticket from Moscow to New York currently costs from 12 to 150 thousand rubles (depending on the airline, departure time, and the class you are going to fly). Those tickets that you can order through the program will cost you 30-35 thousand rubles (the program charges students exactly this amount, including the flight Moscow - New York - Moscow). But you don’t have to invest that kind of money in the program and can get away with booking a flight to New York yourself. Just remember that you need to notify the program administrators (i.e. those who register you) about this in advance.

Cost of participation in the program. Remember also that those who prepare your documents will try to take as much money from you as possible. For example, if the offers and tickets purchased in the program cost 45-50 thousand rubles, then your initiative will allow you to save 20-25 thousand (watch out for discounts on air tickets, you can easily buy a ticket to New York for 7 thousand rubles; when flying from America, you will buy it for 350-400 dollars; an offer purchased “from hand” can cost you 3-5 thousand rubles - so calculate how much you will save by refusing the “help” of the program). In addition, official documents of the program often indicate accounts in dollars, then in euros, then in rubles - in a word, the program managers even benefit from this for themselves, playing on the exchange rate (and no one will tell you either at the embassy or at the program office will not explain why a flight from Moscow to New York costs 590 euros, and no less, why the fees are so high, why there are so many fees).
It is useful for MirSovetov readers to know that under the Work & Travel USA program it is not possible to obtain official permission to work in the fields of healthcare, at home (as a housekeeper) or with children. Basically, the range of jobs for students in the USA is work in a fast food chain (Fast Food Server), work in the kitchen in restaurants/cafes (Kitchen Staff), work as a waiter/waitress (Server Waiter/Waitress), work in amusement parks ( Ride Operator).

The USA will seem like an amazing country of great opportunities. Take your chance to go and work in the USA if you get it and if there are no problems with paperwork. There will be enough impressions for ten years. You will feel the American lifestyle, get used to it, and bring home several bags of American clothes. Do not trust the services of companies in everything, take the initiative yourself. The cost of the program, if you do not show initiative, will be at least 90 thousand rubles for you. If you do a lot yourself, sit more on forums, communicate with those who have already traveled to America under this program and know how to avoid the pitfalls, you will pay no more than 50 thousand rubles. In short, every student has the opportunity to go to the USA to work and travel. This opportunity must be used.

The United States of America is the largest immigration country in the world. You are free to go to America. Economic development attracts many immigrants, who contribute to the country's even greater prosperity.

America's immigration system is based on legislation and the country's Constitution, which ensures equal rights for immigrants. Thanks to the immigration opportunities provided by the United States, citizens are reunited with relatives, and employers can invite highly qualified foreign specialists. The question of how to go to America is no longer a problem.

In order to go to America, you can take advantage of the possibility of direct and indirect immigration. Direct immigration methods involve obtaining an immigrant visa. Indirect immigration consists of obtaining a nonimmigrant visa.

There are legal ways to go to America, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The requirements for a migrant under different methods of immigration to the United States and the cost of moving vary.


A unique opportunity to immigrate to the United States is an internship. As a result of completing internship programs, you can gain international experience in professional practice, become familiar with the peculiarities of doing business in America, and also improve your language level.

There are two main internship programs in America:

Internship Program

The first target audience is university students or young professionals who graduated from university less than a year ago, their age is 18–28 years.

Trainee Program

The duration of the program ranges from 1 to 18 months.
Persons who have a diploma of education and work experience in the chosen profile for at least one year are allowed to participate in the program. If there is no diploma, five years of relevant professional experience is required. The age category of participants is 20–38 years. The duration of the internship is the same as in the first program.

To apply for an internship in the United States, you first need to select an employer representing the internship location. You must also select a sponsor, which is an organization authorized by the US Department of State to issue the DS-2019 document.

After this, the applicant undergoes an interview, which determines the level of professional knowledge and language proficiency.

After successfully passing the interview, you need to complete the DS-2019 document. After completing this stage, it is necessary to obtain a visa. After completing all stages, you can go to America and do an internship.

The cost of an internship is determined by its duration and varies from $1000 to $2500.

You can go to the United States to work by applying for an H1B work visa, which allows an American employer to hire a foreign worker for up to 6 years.

This visa is designed for professionals with specialized knowledge. To obtain it, you need a request from the employer for the employee’s entry. Thanks to this visa, the candidate has a chance of obtaining permanent residence.

Persons with an education diploma and 3 years of professional experience can apply for a visa. After graduation, 3 years must also pass.

During the visa process, the employer requests the applicant's labor certificate and then fills out Form I-129. Next, the candidate receives a visa at the American consulate or a status visa if he is already in the United States.

The cost of a work visa is quite high: from $1,500 to $6,000.

O-1 Visa for Talented Individuals

If you are a person with special talents in the arts, sports, or business, you can move to the United States on an O-1 visa, which is also a work visa.

The O-1 visa is perfect for persons with high achievements in the fields of business, science, education, art, sports, etc. Prizes, awards, important contributions to science, education, business, etc. will be in favor of the applicant.

Most often, the O-1 work visa is suitable for people who have achieved a lot in show business. However, an education diploma is not mandatory. With this visa, you can freely come to the United States and work in organizations that require specialized knowledge.

The visa process is quite complicated. This type of visa is not carried out on behalf of the candidate. First, the American employer needs to submit a petition to the migration service. After this, you must submit the following documents to the American consulate:

  • a work permit that was sent to the employer after a successful application;
  • Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160 document);
  • a copy of a foreign passport that is valid for more than 6 months after the end of the visa period;
  • two identical photographs on a white background (color);
  • documents included in the application.

Investor visa E-1/E-2

It is completely legal to go to live in the USA by investing money in business. The main requirements for obtaining a visa this way are:

  • opening your own business or buying out an existing one;
  • investing $1 million in business;
  • creation of 10 jobs.

student visa

How to go to the USA to study? Get a student visa! Anyone who wants to study in America can do this.

The main requirements for visa candidates are:

  • non-immigrant purposes of travel;
  • level of material security sufficient to pay for education and personal expenses;
  • ban on work.

The procedure for obtaining a student visa includes:

  • searching for an educational institution (university, college, language school) where you plan to study, obtaining approval from there;
  • admission to an educational institution in accordance with the admission rules and receipt of a document confirming the fact of enrollment in the school. establishment (Form I-20);
  • entering the student into the SEVIS database;
  • obtaining a visa at the US consulate.

When applying for a visa, you must also provide a passport and documents that confirm the applicant’s sufficient level of financial security. We also need documents that contain evidence that the applicant has no immigration intentions.

The cost of a student visa consists of a consular fee ($160) and a SEVIS fee ($200).

Tourist visa

There are other ways to travel to America. One way is to obtain a B-1/B-2 tourist visa. The B-1 visa is issued for short-term business trips (visiting exhibitions, conferences, symposiums, negotiating with business partners).

The B-2 visa is suitable for personal travel, such as visiting relatives, receiving medical care, etc. Often these two types of visas are issued simultaneously and for a certain period.

To obtain a visa, you need to answer the consul the following questions about the purpose of the trip, availability of permanent residence in your own country, and financial security for living in the United States.

To apply for these types of visas, you must fill out an application electronically, have a 5x5 cm photograph and a passport, the validity of which is six months longer than the duration of your stay in the United States.

Many people don’t know, but with a tourist visa you can legalize yourself in the country by changing your tourist status to student, and student to worker.

The cost of visas for business travel and tourist visas is $160.

All categories of citizens of any country can take part in the Green Card lottery. This is a great way to go live in the USA.

Every year there is an opportunity to apply for the following year's drawing. The selection is made randomly. The main requirements for participation in the lottery are:

  • the candidate must be a citizen of one of the countries that are allowed to participate in the lottery;
  • school education or two years of work experience in the specialty.

Political refuge

Immigration by obtaining political asylum status is possible in case of infringement of human rights and his positions. Although the review process may be delayed, after submitting an application no later than 150 days, applicants will have permission to legally work and work itself. An application for change of status must be submitted 6 months after the end of the visa duration.

Marriage to a US citizen

Another route to permanent residence is marriage to a United States citizen. This visa is temporary. The K-1 nonimmigrant visa allows you to legally marry in the United States. Both parties must have the right to marry and the intentions for marriage.

The main requirements for obtaining this type of visa are:

  • This visa must be applied for by an American citizen;
  • meetings with the bride or groom within 2 years;
  • marriage no later than 90 days after arrival in the United States.

By becoming a participant in the Work and Travel USA international exchange program, a student can live and work in America for 2 to 4 months.
If you are between 18 and 25 years old, study at a university or secondary specialized educational institution (full-time and part-time (evening) forms of study), have basic spoken English skills, you can safely go to work in the States for the summer.

The cost of the Work&Travel program varies from $830 to $1,850.

As you understand, there are many ways to get to the cherished States of America. But if you are not sure which immigration method is best for you, take .

VIDEO: 7 main ways to leave and stay in the USA from Timur Tazhetdinov: