Gratitude to the literature teacher from parents. Texts of letters of gratitude - Development database - Community of mutual assistance for teachers

I will say thank you, teacher,
For giving me a start in life.
We were able to instill a love for science,
Inquisitiveness in business and passion.

I wish you well and happiness,
Thank you for your help.
I was lucky to study with you,
I say this with confidence.

Thanks teacher
Let's say now
appreciates and loves you
Our class is fun.

For affection, care,
Words from the heart.
We wouldn't be here without you
So good.

Sorry for that
That we are not learning a lesson.
You are the most beloved
We have a teacher.

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. Because every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, give your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your gigantic patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity.

For noble work and kindness
We say our heartfelt thanks to you.
Make your cherished dream come true
We wish you to become happy.

Thank you very much for your understanding,
For loyalty to deed, word, craft.
And what about the students with all my soul -
From all of us, I thank you with all my heart!

Our best teacher
We thank you,
And for patience and for work
We say thank you,
You have done a lot for us
Please accept our bow,
We only wish you well,
Our whole class is in love with you!

You have been with us for so many years,
They gave us a lot of knowledge.
Protected from blizzards and cold,
They always knew what we needed.

Low bow to you, teacher,
You are a guide for us.
May God give you health, happiness,
Let bad weather pass by.

We thank the teachers for their work,
For everything they invested in us.
Sometimes not sparing myself,
You taught knowledge and good things!

You often got on your nerves,
For which, of course, forgive us.
You are the best teachers
When saying goodbye, don’t be too sad!

The baby will replace
They don't know much yet.
But, years later, like us,
Everyone will come to the school threshold!

Being a teacher is a difficult path in life,
When your whole life is dedicated to others,
We were able to step into the world of knowledge with you,
We thank you very much for this!

Thank you for every day and hour,
which you spent with us,
Thank you, our teacher, to you from us,
For everything, I bow to you to the ground!

Our dear teacher,
We would like to say thank you
What did you teach the friendly class,
That you tolerated us and loved us.

What wise advice is always given to us,
You gave it easily every time,
That they rarely answered “no”
And that you didn’t shout at us.

What taught us to be friends,
What good knowledge was given to us,
What did you teach us to live,
And that they didn’t get tired of us!

Our gratitude cannot be counted
For teaching children every day,
And today is a great honor
Personally express my admiration to you.

For patience, sensitivity and work
I bow to you to the Earth without fail,
And let new classes come -
Teach everyone clearly and correctly.

Master, we want to say
The whole class is grateful to you,
Your rare mind, as well as tact
Was given to you by God,
We will say thank you in unison,
We wish you prosperity,
Success, happiness and love,
And may life be sweet!

Letter No. 1

Dear Dmitry Vasilievich,

Institute government controlled thanks you for organizing professional practice for our students. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the institute provides students with complete academic knowledge. However, only the development of practical skills will help students fully master their chosen profession. Your participation in educational activities The Institute of Public Administration has brought undeniable benefits to our students.

We wish you success and pleasant discoveries in your professional activities.


Albert Semenovich

Letter No. 2

Dear Dmitry Vasilievich,

We express our gratitude to you for your invaluable contribution to the development of the teaching activities of our institute. Thanks to your high qualifications, talent and responsible attitude to work, the Institute of Public Administration is considered one of the best institutions for training young personnel in the field of jurisprudence.

Your many years of experience and ability to find an approach to each student are an example for the teachers of our institute. Thank you for your pleasant cooperation and for the work to which you have dedicated your life.

We wish you the realization of all your plans.


Albert Semenovich

Letter No. 3

Dear Viktor Vasilievich,

We ask you to thank on our behalf the class teacher of class 5-A Afanasyeva Svetlana Yurievna for the participation of her students in the citywide concert, dedicated to the Day cities.

Svetlana Yuryevna managed to supplement the concert program with bright and cheerful performances, which were liked by both the audience and other participants of the concert. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that Svetlana Yuryevna has the talent of a screenwriter and director: the miniatures in which her students participated were distinguished by light and cheerful texts, bright costumes and props, as well as memorable plots.

We hope that we will be lucky enough to collaborate with Svetlana Yuryevna and her students more than once.


Albert Semenovich

Letter No. 4

Dear Svetlana Yurievna,

The staff of the youth library of the city of Kursk thanks you for your help in organizing a theatrical poetry evening dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of S.A. Yesenin.

Only thanks to your talent and the fact that you were able to “infect” your students with an interest in the poet’s work, we made our dream come true and organized an event that will contribute to the development of the culture of our city.

We sincerely believe that this first experience joint activities will mark the beginning of a long and successful cooperation.


Albert Semenovich

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. Because every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, give your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your gigantic patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to say “thank you very much” to you for your work, for your patience, for your ability to find talent in every child, for your efforts, for your support. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, strong strength and wonderful mood. Let every day reveal something new and good not only for your students, but also for you, may your life be bright, cheerful and interesting in summer, and winter, and spring, and autumn.

Dear teacher, from the bottom of my heart I want to say a big thank you for your invaluable work and faithful efforts, for your kind heart and sincerity of soul, for your persistent struggle with the dense forest of ignorance and for your optimism. You help not only to learn something new and important, you instill strong faith and bright hope, you can always give true advice and support kind words. Wish you for long years successful activities, prosperity in life and lasting health.

Thank you, dear teacher, thank you for your knowledge, for your good advice, for the correct answers to all my questions, for your understanding and warmth of soul, for your sincerity and honesty. Thanks to you, I believe in myself and tirelessly strive for my dreams, I overcome obstacles on the path to education and know that success awaits me. Thank you, I wish you great opportunities and success in life, health, personal well-being and happiness.

I would like to sincerely say words of gratitude to the teacher! Thank you for the lessons and knowledge that lead us into adulthood. For help and care, attention and guidance, for criticism and discussions, for support and complicity. You are a wonderful teacher! Be happy!

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for your difficult, but such noble work, patience, and ability to listen! Your talent for getting along with students and getting them interested is admirable! Thank you for your knowledge and daily dedication!

Our beloved teacher, we want to thank you so much for your care, instructions, skills and hard teaching work! A more tactful, polite, intelligent, fair, wise and kind teacher cannot be found. We are very lucky with you, thank you for your efforts and attempts to teach and educate, for your love for children and dedication to work! We wish you smart students and good parents!

Thank you, dear teacher, for all the knowledge that you gave me, for the wisdom that you discovered for me, and for the experience that you shared with me! I thank you for every lesson, because your lessons are a bright light that illuminates my path to success and cherished dreams!

A teacher is a beacon in the rapid flow of knowledge. And having walked the common path, I want to say words of gratitude for every parting words, support, understanding and human participation. You have invested a part of your soul in each student, I hope we will live up to your hopes! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Please accept our gratitude for your heart, kindness and mind. For giving us your love, knowledge, patience and soul without reserve. Let each of your students never forget what you did for them and their future.

On behalf of all the parents of your students, we would like to thank you for your invaluable and worthy work, for your individual approach to our children, for your kind attitude and understanding, for your efforts and exciting lessons, for your wonderful mood and first important knowledge. You are the first teacher of our children - a person who provided them with a wealth of knowledge and sent them on their further voyage across school life. Thank you again for your kindness and great work.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because elementary education- this is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle character, patience and wisdom. We wish you, our dear and beloved teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positivity.

Thank you for your efforts,
For your sometimes difficult work,
For being like my own mother,
You behave with your children.

We wish you to always be successful,
The most beloved, the most tender.
Let your career grow
The soul rejoices and blooms!

Our dear first teacher, on behalf of all parents who deeply respect you, we ask you to accept words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and well-mannered children!

We want to say thank you
For your wisdom and patience,
We were able to give a lot to the kids,
Thank you for the inspiration!

You gave them goodness
And they were taught a lot,
They'll be fine
Thank you for teaching them!

Thank you for teaching
Our guys can read, count, write,
For always being with them,
When they needed some advice!

Thank you for all your efforts,
What gave them the opportunity to become better,
For what you do in matters of education
We always tried to take part!

We wish you success in the future,
So that your work will be a joy for you.
You are the best! We know that for sure!
Good luck and warmth to you!

Our dear first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life.

Thank you very much We speak on behalf of all parents to you, our wonderful teacher, mentor of our children. Being a first teacher is the most difficult thing: you always need to know where and how to start, how to interest all the children and set them on the path of correct knowledge. Thank you for being able to give our children a thirst for knowledge and discovery, a desire to rush to school every day and open new pages of the book of miracles. We wish you great victories and creative success, incredible strength and bright happiness on the path of life.

How difficult it can be sometimes
You need to raise our children.
But we all understand it
And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,
For your kindness and patience.
For children you are a second parent,
Please accept our gratitude!

The first teacher is not just a job,
This is your gift, this is your calling -
You give children love and care,
You lead them into the world along the path of knowledge,
So as not to be lazy, love science,
And they kept pace with the new century.
But your most important merit is
You teach everyone to be Human.
After all, the word, like a seed, sprouts -
Simple concepts - honesty and conscience.
And let many, many years pass,
We will remember you with gratitude!

A thank you letter is often written to a teacher. The author may be the school management, thanks for successful work, for special merits and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students, as a rule, it is written when children graduate from school, before graduation, on the occasion of graduation school year. Students themselves can be initiators.

Below we offer several samples of the text of a letter of gratitude addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal). Features of writing thank you letters are considered.

Thank you letter to teacher - examples of texts

1. Text of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from students:

Dear Anna Pavlovna!

Everyone knows that the school is a second family, and teachers are parents. Without you, we would not be who we are now. You are the person who mentors us throughout our school journey and always leads others by serving as a wonderful example. Your severity and fairness do not interfere with your kind and sensitive heart. We really appreciate that you always help your wards in everything and give good advice, not even always related to school activities. You inspire us to great deeds and give us strength to move on.

We sincerely wish you to raise more than one generation of grateful students, as many sunny days and constant peace of mind as possible!

2. Sample letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of students:

Dear Galina Viktorovna!

You, together with us, rejoice in the successes of the students and together with us cope with their failures, supporting them in hours of despair. You accompany our children throughout life path, causing them to open up like a flower and discover new talents and believe in themselves. You are always ready to listen, give useful instructions and help, even if the situation seems irreparable. We are very grateful for all the attention and sensitivity shown to us and our children during our joint work on raising students.

We, parents, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your sensitivity, attentiveness and care. Once again we say many thanks for the difficult path that you shared with us, and may your path continue to lead to new pedagogical heights!

3. Sample text of a letter of gratitude to a teacher from the school administration:

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Who, if not teachers, should know that the teaching profession requires high responsibility, physical strength and peace of mind? You are doing an excellent job with your teaching task and have been serving as an excellent example not only for children, but also for your colleagues for many years.

We thank you for your tremendous contribution to the work of the school, the organization of educational activities, classroom management, extracurricular activities and Active participation in work aimed at training, education and development of students, as well as the development of new teaching methods. Your high professionalism and pedagogical competence lead more than one generation of grateful students and teachers.

On behalf of the entire teaching staff and school administration, we wish you success in this difficult field and good luck in all your endeavors.