Glued laminated timber what to choose. Timber or log: which is better for construction? The process of making different types of timber

According to the latest statistics, people are increasingly building houses from profiled or glued beams. There are many reasons for this, the main of which are:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • fast construction,
  • beautiful appearance.

The question remains, why do some choose profiled, while others choose glued beams? Of course, the determining factors here are financial capabilities and personal preferences of a person. However, the species presented have their own nuances.

Glued look

This material is created on special equipment. There lamellas are glued together - wood boards. The gluing is carried out under a powerful press. The moisture parameter of this bar is optimal - about 15%. It is ensured by the drying of the wood before the gluing process. After that, the timber is cut out to the required size. Thanks to this treatment, the timber acquires a strong resistance to cracks. And the construction from it does not shrink much during operation.

When creating such a bar, carefully selected wood is used. All boards are thoroughly checked. Rotten places and wormholes are excluded in them. The wood is processed using high technologies. Thanks to this, the timber is famous for its reliability and practicality. And the demand for it is simply enormous. True, its prices are quite high, which is its significant drawback.

Advantages of buildings made of laminated veneer lumber:

All these factors explain the widespread use of this material. And for sure, your area is full of buildings made of laminated veneer lumber.

Profiled view

The production of profiled timber is carried out from a tree trunk. The requirement is that the barrel is charmingly solid. Operations take place on a four-sided machine. The result is a rectangular bar. Its evenness is perfect. When compared with the glued look, it differs in a lower price indicator. And this is logical, because the structure made of it undergoes significant shrinkage over the years. This is the main disadvantage of such material.

Advantages of buildings from a profiled view.

  1. Environmental friendliness. Like glued types, profiled ones are famous for their amazing ecological qualities. The air inside the building has an extremely positive effect on the human body. And the needles protect from dangerous bacilli and help to heal the internal organs, especially the respiratory organs.
  2. Such a bar has great potential in terms of "breathing". The glued look cannot boast of this. The air circulates naturally between the indoor atmosphere of the house and the surroundings. It's easy to breathe in such a house. And the dream turns out to be pleasant and calm. The reason is that this type of bar becomes a kind of filter. It does not let dangerous and toxic elements into the room.
  3. High thermal insulation qualities. They are achieved due to the fact that the products fit very tightly to each other. And the structure acquires powerful thermal protection. However, the profiled view in terms of thermal insulation is still inferior to the glued one, because there is more moisture in it. And when it shrinks, additional "tunnels" appear in it for the entry of cold air sweats and wind. This negative can be eliminated if the emerging gaps are filled in time.
  4. Beautiful appearance. In this matter, the word of the initiator of the construction is of great importance. It determines the design of the entire structure and its individual components. For houses made of this bar, no further processing is needed, both outside and inside. If desired, the facade is sheathed with any suitable material.

Also, an important factor for choosing this particular type of timber - the structure of a house from it can be assembled quickly and without problems. For example, if a 6x6 turnkey building is being erected in the summer under good weather conditions, it may take a maximum of two weeks.

The walls in such a structure are very lightweight. It is much smaller than that of brick counterparts. For this reason, the foundation can be created simpler and lighter in design.

Thus, the profiled look is inferior to the glued one in price... However, some people are confused by its weaknesses: susceptibility to shrinkage and poor thermal insulation. And the buyers are attracted by its highest level of environmental friendliness and excellent ability to breathe, as well as: external grace, warmth, comfort and an interesting layout of premises made of this material.

Today there are enough interesting proposals in the market sphere. And there are the following types of profiled timber. This makes it possible to more precisely select the material for your ideas.

And today the varieties of this material are determined:

  1. Its cross-section and length,
  2. Profile type. It can be double, Finnish, according to the comb format. These are the main subcategories. Many manufacturers come up with more subspecies.

For the glued look, the following criteria are provided:

  1. The form. The product can be straight or have external rounding.
  2. Length, width, thickness.

Whatever type of timber and its subcategories are preferred, they should not violate the standards of GOST 8242-88.

And when buying them, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technical documentation for them. It is imperative not to purchase fakes, especially at oddly low prices. Purchase materials only from reliable manufacturers.

Above, information was presented that helps to identify the differences between the studied types of timber. Which species is more popular is an ambiguous question. In some regions, the glued look is bought more, in other areas - profiled. The second one is more attractive in terms of price, and it is more held in high esteem by citizens who want to save money or who cannot afford to purchase a glued type in the required volume.

For someone, it does not matter at all which timber to purchase, especially since in terms of strength, their characteristics are similar... If there is a good selection of profiled or laminated timber nearby, you can purchase one of the two.

Often the choice in favor of a profiled look is made when there is an asthmatic in the family. Here the unique ability of this material to be tolerant to breathing comes to the fore. And the fact that it is prone to shrinkage and has less strong thermal protection does not bother many at all. They fix these shortcomings with additional trim.

Comparison on video

An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the two types of timber - in the Builder's Day blog.

When it comes time to build a wooden house, the developer is faced with the question: from what material to build it, which one is better for construction? The following logs are offered on the market today:

  • ordinary from freshly cut wood;
  • rounded;

and wooden beams:

  • ordinary rectangular;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

Of the five options presented, only glued laminated timber is made of dry material, the rest are wood of natural moisture. Therefore, houses made of wood with natural moisture after construction should expect shrinkage and shrinkage for about a year. When dried, raw logs decrease in size both in length and in thickness. Slots appear in the locks of the log house. Craftsmen who build wooden houses use various technologies and tricks so that, after drying and shrinking, the cracks in the walls are minimal. The question of what to buy: a bar or a log will not be difficult if you familiarize yourself with the features of these building materials.

Wild log house

This is the cheapest material of all. It can be bought at the timber industry enterprise at the upper or lower warehouse. There are two options to build a house from logs, from:

  • raw;
  • dry.

Before placing the logs for drying, they must be sanded. In addition to sanding, there is one unpleasant property - it is the run of the logs along the length. That is, having bought logs with a diameter of 22 cm at one end, at a distance of 6 meters we will get a diameter of up to 30 cm and more. Such a difference in diameters at one end of the log and the other complicates the structure of the log house. To facilitate carpentry work, the two planes of the logs are manually chipped, achieving the same thickness. The construction of houses from decks of different diameters is called "in a wild frame". This requires carpentry professionals. Logs crack during drying, their geometrical dimensions change. Construction from logs into a wild frame is rarely used. Log buildings require protection from decay, the surface is difficult to finish. The log turns black over time, and therefore many developers paint their houses, impregnate them with linseed oil, and sheathe them with boards.

Did you know that wood rotting occurs when:

  • humidity more than 15%;

  • lack of ventilation;

  • mold infestation;

  • lack of sunlight.

Protect log houses with fire retardants from fire and antiseptics from decay. Disadvantages:

  • different diameters and large weights make the construction of houses very difficult. To climb to a height, either lifting mechanisms or a lot of people must be used;
  • after drying, you will have to caulk and putty cracks in the walls, linen tow, special ropes;
  • the log reacts to the weather, an increase in humidity and air temperature, increasing or decreasing its size;
  • finishing work can begin no earlier than in a year;
  • untreated wood is perfectly eaten by bark beetles;
  • to protect against decay, the logs are sheathed with boards, and this is also an additional cost.

There are several advantages:

  • it has a low purchase price due to the minimum cost of its production;
  • environmental friendliness.

Fighting decay and insects, treating logs with chemicals, the environmental friendliness of the house is reduced to naught.

Rounded log

Rounded logs of the same diameter, regular cylindrical shape are obtained on cylindrical machines. To do this, they are sorted by thickness to reduce waste. A special machine removes extra centimeters, adjusting the logs to one diameter. After cylindering on a milling machine, a mounting groove is selected. The advantages of cylindering are obvious: uniform dimensions make it easier to work on joints in a log house. Craftsmen make a template and quickly make locks and joints using it.

The advantages of rounded logs:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • standard sizes;
  • accelerated construction of houses in comparison with a wild log house.

The manufacturability of erecting cottages from rounded logs allows you to create individual projects, assemble a house in one place, and then disassemble and transport it disassembled to the construction site. Having numbered all the logs in the box of the house, they are then collected by workers at the new construction site.

The disadvantages of rounded logs are the same as for conventional logs:

  • dry out and change their geometric dimensions;
  • when drying, the logs can warp and crack;
  • at the same time, they are expensive compared to an ordinary log.

The rise in cost is associated with additional technological operations, transportation costs from the upper or lower warehouse to production, workers' wages, taxes, etc.

In houses built from rounded logs, it is difficult to polish the surface near the locks and joints. Therefore, if the developer plans to design a room in the color of natural wood, the rounded logs must be sanded before being installed in the frame.

Rounded log

How to choose a bar for building a house

This building material is obtained by sawing logs on a sawmill. It can be square, rectangular or with a rounded outer side and, due to its rectangular dimensions, is more technological. The rounded, front side is made on a four-sided or milling machine. After drying, the inner side of the timber is planed and sanded. She will be turned inside the house. This facilitates impregnation with compounds for valuable wood species, varnishing. However, after erection and drying, gaps appear between the beams. The timber is used for the construction of country houses, restaurants, rest homes. Using different methods of wood aging, the designers imitate old houses.

Construction from a bar is distinguished by high manufacturability and speed. Products: houses, baths, cottages, summer cottages can be made on one site, and then disassembled, transported to another and assembled there.

The beam is implemented by:

  • damp natural moisture;
  • dry.

Raw material is cheaper than dry material.

In order to reduce the penetration of cold into the beams, grooves are milled and gaskets from the rails are inserted into them. They not only prevent the penetration of cold, but also tie the walls of the timber into one whole.

Profiled timber is better than ordinary

In this type of timber, two sides have a special profile, consisting of grooves and grooves. Thanks to it, the penetration of cold into the building is reduced. It is easy to install, tightly fitting to each other. The timber is profiled on four-sided machines. In terms of its heat engineering characteristics, the profiled one exceeds the ordinary bar and round logs.

Tip: when buying a profiled bar, pay attention to the ends. Iflarge cracks were made from raw wood, bypassing the drying process.

Profiled beams of two types are produced:

  • dry;
  • natural moisture.

The timber made of dry wood has the correct geometric dimensions, does not dry out, immediately ready for finishing. And natural moisture has the same disadvantages as raw wood. It leads, it cracks. Therefore, special wooden pegs-pins are driven into the walls from a raw bar, keeping them from twisting.

Profiled timber

Glued laminated timber out of competition

The recently appeared glued laminated timber is ahead of the previous building materials in all respects. It is made exclusively from dry lumber in the factory. The use of drying for parts eliminates shrinkage and shrinkage of buildings. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber are ready for finishing work without technological breaks inherent in buildings made of raw materials. When gluing the boards in one piece, they are laid with different fiber directions. Glued laminated timber is much stronger in bending and torsion than rounded or round logs.

Please note: The profile of the timber is made in such a way that the glued boards are installed vertically into the wall. A beam glued in this way has good bending and torsion resistance.

The only drawback is its high price. In terms of thermal performance, bending and torsional resistance, it exceeds its competitors: logs and beams. Houses made of this material are not subject to shrinkage, pre-fabricated, durable, without cracks. Immediately after construction, finishing work is done in it: they are polished and varnished. In this regard, buildings made of laminated veneer lumber win, but it is 2-2.5 times more expensive than sawn timber. The price for this building material fluctuates depending on the type of wood, grade, place of purchase.

Glued laminated timber

House made of glued laminated timber or round logs

In terms of manufacturability and speed of construction, these materials are approximately the same. Based on the above examples, a house made of laminated veneer lumber is better in all respects, but it will be at least 2 times more expensive. Both materials need protection from: fire, insects and woodworm beetles, rot and molds.

What material to choose for your home

The developer, when choosing a material for a wooden house, is primarily guided by financial issues. If you make a rating on the quality of the material, manufacturability and speed of building a house, then the list will be built in this order:

  1. glued laminated timber;
  2. dry profiled timber;
  3. dry rounded log;
  4. raw timber;
  5. raw rounded log;
  6. dry log;
  7. a log of natural moisture.

Accordingly, the first material is the most expensive, and the last is the cheapest. In addition to manufacturability and other requirements, the price will be affected by the distance the lumber is delivered to the construction site. You should also take into account that raw sawn timber requires at least a year to shrink. And if you take into account the time for finishing work, then it can take about two years from the beginning of construction work to housewarming.

If the question is what to choose: a bar or a rounded log? Choose dry material. In terms of technical characteristics, they are the same, but in terms of humidity, both are susceptible to cracking and shrinkage to the same extent.

It is more economically profitable to build a house immediately, on a turnkey basis, without getting involved in a long-term construction. A company building houses according to a developer's project will assemble a house on its site, disassemble and deliver it to a new construction site. The team will assemble the finished house in two weeks and give the owner the keys.

How to choose a log, see this video:

In the construction of a summer house and a bath, wood is often used. Many household members are interested in the question, which is better: a bar or a log? It should be noted that there is no alternative to wood. Other lumber, including lumber and glued board, is considered dead because it is heat treated.

Before you start building a building, you need to figure out what is cheaper and what is the best way to do it. The timber is made from aspen, birch and other deciduous trees. This material tends to absorb water and give off heat. Therefore, timber is cheaper than a log.

Basic prerequisites

Glued laminated timber makes it possible to easily erect a building, without any difficulties.

Wood allows you to build a durable and durable shelter. In such a house it is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is not recommended to build a coniferous bathhouse. They release resin at a temperature of + 45 ° C. The first two rows of masonry are equipped with larch: it absorbs moisture well.

Households often buy laminated veneer lumber. This is due to the simple technology of its manufacture. Initially, logs of deciduous trees are sawn into planks. Then the material is dried, bonded according to dimensions and glued. The adhesive mixture is made using special materials that are odorless (at significant temperatures).

Wood is considered a traditional material for building houses. The modern market offers two types of timber for building: logs and beams. The choice of material depends solely on the developer.

Country cottages, holiday homes, summer cottages and hotel complexes are often built from wood.

A house made of wood puts a minimum load on the foundation, which saves money already at the first stage of construction.

Another plus of such construction is that the construction of buildings can be carried out almost at any time of the year and in any weather.

Which is better: a house from a bar or a log? To answer this question, you need to consider the features of each of the materials.

Houses from a bar

To understand which is better - a house made of a bar or a log - it is necessary to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each of them separately. For example, the currently used timber has regular and neat shapes in the form of a rectangular or square section. All sides of the timber are perfectly flat and smooth. Thanks to these parameters, the interior decoration in the house can be omitted.

The positive sides of the bar

The beam has a number of advantages. The main ones are:

  • aesthetic appeal;
  • naturalness and, accordingly, high indicators of environmental safety;
  • using this material, a house can be built in short periods of time;
  • high thermal conductivity and sound insulation;
  • the structure has high strength and reliability;
  • the ability to conduct construction at any time of the year;
  • savings in the construction of the foundation - there is no need to make a facade that is too strengthened due to heavy walls, this material is lightweight and at the same time durable;
  • saving money on materials for interior decoration due to the aesthetic appeal of natural material;
  • wooden walls have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Cons of using timber when building a house

Considering which is better - a house from a bar or a log - it is important to know the negative aspects of these competing building elements. Cons of timber:

  1. This material must be treated with special protective equipment, since it does not have any repulsive properties. The timber is not able to protect against factors such as humidity, precipitation and insects, which can cause significant damage to such a building.
  2. After some time, rot may appear on the wood, and cracks will appear on the outer layer. In order to avoid these problems, wood must be carefully treated with protective solutions several times a year.
  3. The fire hazard of this material is very high, this increases the risk of a possible fire at a house from a bar.
  4. It is necessary to use heat-insulating and moisture-proof gaskets.
  5. This material gives insignificant shrinkage, but the first six months it is necessary to control this process in order to avoid cracking of the walls.

An important point is that during construction, the timber must be allowed to dry well. If it was not sufficiently dried in production, it must be left intact after construction for at least six months, and only then try to lay insulation and moisture-repellent materials.

Another nuance is that with poorly dried timber in production, after the house shrinks and the material itself dries, cracks may appear on the walls.

How to build

To make a qualitative comparison of houses from a bar or log, you need to know how they are built. Timber construction has a number of features. Before starting work, special grooves are cut out in it, which will be connecting. Further, the corresponding parts must be inserted into these grooves. The grooves need to be cut out in sawn and glued beams, the profiled beam already has all the necessary connecting elements.

If there is no required strength or part of the timber is larger, it is cleaned to the desired size and inserted into the grooves. This type of work should be carried out by a team of professionals, which will ensure the implementation of the set goal efficiently and on time.

The most expensive of all types of these works is the connection of water, light, sewage, as well as the preparation of all connectors for pipes - they need to be cut out with special tools. The shrinkage of the house finally ends in 6-12 months, it all depends on the quality of the drying of the timber in production.

After the completion of construction, it must be sanded, treated with insect attack agents, impregnated with a fire hazard reducing agent, and preventive measures must be taken against the appearance of fungi.

Features of living in houses from a bar

To understand which house is warmer - from a bar or a log, you need to know the peculiarities of living in each of them. A house made of timber is very cozy, stylish, if the internal natural decoration is completely left. The room is spacious, there is always fresh air - all this is due to the fact that wood has the ability to "breathe".

The main rule is to monitor the level of humidity and treat all walls outside and inside with antifungal agents, and it is also imperative to use an impregnation against fires. You need to know how to properly handle fire, monitor the gas boiler, be careful when cooking and turning on the fireplace.

It is also worth noting that if the house is not insulated, then in the cold season it will not be possible to carry out normal life activities in it, since the currently produced timber has a low thermal conductivity.

In order to understand which is the best choice to make - a house made of a bar or a log, it is necessary to know the features of buildings also made of logs.

Log houses

In the question of what is better - a house made of a bar or a log - revealing all the nuances and subtleties of the building made from these materials plays a significant role. For example, a log has long been used in Russia, and even now it has not become less popular. Thanks to modern fashion trends, elite country houses, mansions and houses for vacationers in the bosom of nature are being built from logs. Thanks to the use of this material, you can achieve maximum unity with nature, as well as comprehend the happiness of the comfort and coziness of your home.

When using a log for the construction of any structure, ventilation of the room will be immediately provided, since the tree ideally passes oxygen through its thickness. Thanks to the structure of the timber, the house will have natural ways for excess moisture to evaporate. Among other things, the logs provide the reliability and strength of the entire structure, which will stand for a sufficiently long period of time without tilting, destruction, significant distortions of the foundation.

Aesthetic attractiveness and naturalness delight not only the inhabitants of the house, but also all guests and passers-by, because log houses are always beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and relevant. These buildings, so to speak, symbolize the Russian spirit and Russia as a whole.

Houses built from a log house warm up very quickly, but it is worth noting that when the heater is turned off, they cool down just as quickly. Due to the constant availability of logs for sale, their purchase and delivery will not cause unnecessary trouble.

Negative characteristics

What are the disadvantages of the log?

  1. All wood does not tolerate moisture well, fungi and, accordingly, rot can appear on it.
  2. This material has a high fire hazard.
  3. The logs have a lot of shrinkage, which takes long periods of time.
  4. Special means must be used to protect against water and keep warm.

The modern market has available rounded logs that are mechanically produced in woodworking factories. Rounded logs have a smooth surface, so no finishing is required. Their price is low, outwardly they look very original and aesthetically pleasing.

Logs for a log house are considered even more durable due to their manual processing, but their cost is much higher than the price of rounded logs.

The nuances of building from logs

To find out what is best for a house - a bar or a log, you also need to know some of the features of the logs.

  1. When using rounded logs, it is not necessary to cut out connecting grooves for parts of this structure.
  2. If it is decided to use chopped logs for construction, then in order to connect them together, it is necessary to cut out special notches, and this work can only be performed by a specialist in this field. If these connecting holes are cut incorrectly, the house will not have the required degree of reliability and many cracks may appear during shrinkage.
  3. The cost of one cubic meter of machined logs can be up to 9 thousand rubles. Chopped logs have a higher cost. Therefore, this type of construction is available to true connoisseurs of natural log houses and those with a high level of income.

Living in a house made of timber

The negative qualities of such buildings are a high fire hazard. In order to reduce it, it is necessary to treat the walls with special solutions and various means once a year. Another disadvantage is that logs can be deformed under the influence of the sun, wind and precipitation. To prevent this, all cracks must be constantly covered up and the condition of all walls and coatings must be monitored.

But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Logs also have a number of specific advantages in terms of building. These include:

  • external appeal both outside and inside the house;
  • feeling of naturalness of the coating;
  • pleasant aroma and clean air in the house itself.

Many owners of such houses spend much less money on the purchase of heating devices and air conditioners, since in summer such a building keeps the desired coolness, and in winter it conserves heat.

Accordingly, less costs are allocated for insulation, sound insulation, since a house made of logs perfectly saves its residents from unnecessary noise. In addition, a beautiful, noble and solid appearance brings joy not only to its inhabitants, but also to everyone around.

So, which house to choose: from a bar or a log? We examined the difference between these materials. The choice is yours!

September 3, 2018

Which house is warmer - from a bar or a log?

Even before buying a suburban area, many are already thinking - from what to build a house? Those who have already unambiguously decided to build a wooden house are concerned with the main question: "which is warmer - a log or a bar?"

And it is right! Because in Russia, the most important indicator of the quality of a log house has always been its ability to keep warm inside. During our winter frosts, all generations of Russian people survived due to the fact that the huts were warm even during the most severe cold, when the temperature can drop to minus 45 degrees, and in some regions even up to 50 degrees below zero.

And only then they judged whether the house was good by other parameters: comfort and convenience of living in it, location on the ground, beauty, etc.

One of the most important questions about the warmth of the house remains relevant today. Over the more than 1000-year history of Russia, nothing has changed. Russia remains a country with a cold northern climate.

But now houses are being built not only from hand-cut logs, but also from a bar - a product of processing a whole log. Therefore, we consider the question reasonable: which house is warmer - from a log or a bar?

We answer right away: they are the same, the difference is only in the quality of the felling and, if the house is made of timber, then also in the section of the timber.

The fact is that in the places where the rims of the log house meet, even from a log, even from a bar, the distance is approximately the same: 10-20 cm. Therefore, the retention of heat inside depends on the size of the place of contact of a log or a bar in the rows.

Since the timber has precise cross-sectional parameters - 150x150 mm, 150x200 mm or 200x200 mm, etc., with timber houses everything is clear in the thickness of the walls - the wider the timber in the wall, the thicker the walls, therefore, they keep heat more reliably.

But with log houses, everything is not so simple. It would seem that thick logs in a log house - each, as a rule, weighing under a ton, look impressive. But in this case, you need to pay attention not to the diameter of the log, but to the mating points of the crowns in the frame. There they are not as wide as the log itself. Therefore, conventionally, the thickness of the walls in a log house should be measured not by the diameter of the log, but by the places of contact of the logs in the crowns.

Therefore, if in a frame made of a log and from a bar with a section of 150x150 mm, the mating width is 15 cm, then they will equally well retain heat inside the house.

But this is a rather relative statement. One of the main points in the construction of a wooden house is the quality of its felling. If the blockhouse was poorly felled, then no thickness of the walls will help keep the heat in it. Through the gaps between the crowns, in the corners and through the window and door frames, the heat will go out into the street.

There are such unlucky house owners who came across a negligent construction company that built a bad house for them: the walls seem to be thick, powerful heating equipment is installed in the house, the house is heated and heated, but it is still cold. And then such owners of wooden housing complain, they say, "wooden houses are not suitable for permanent housing!"

They are good, and how! No wonder Russia has been called "wooden" from time immemorial. For hundreds of years they stood in not the most favorable climate, and. Many generations of our ancestors grew up in them. Therefore, the point is not in the wooden walls of the dwelling, but in the ability to build it correctly. In compliance with the experience of ancestors, which has been accumulated over the centuries-old history of Russia.

Therefore, in the old days, the profession of carpenters was considered respected, the skill of which was passed down from generation to generation, from grandfather to father, and father to son. Working with a tree involves not only certain skills, the ability to work with improvised tools, but also knowledge of many secrets of wooden architecture, experience that has been accumulated for centuries, was gained from observing how a tree behaves in a log house, the ability to notice features and not to miss different little things out of sight.

It's just that good carpenters are not easy to find these days. More often, ordinary shabashniks work in well-known firms who have nothing to do with carpentry skills.

Dynasties of carpenters, for example, who continue the traditions of their ancestors, have survived only in the outback of Russia. These are also available in our company. "Chukhloma estate"... Based on their experience and knowledge, we build wooden houses not only from timber, but also. But, as you know, a house made of hand-cut logs is the crown of wooden housing construction, the highest degree of carpenter's skill. Not every carpenter will be able to cut down a solid house from a log. And our carpenters have this skill.

Therefore, in order for a wooden house to be warm, it must be soundly felled - without and at the corners. And the thickness of the walls is another matter.

For example, in the northern regions of central Russia, the usual thickness of logs for building a house is 22-26 cm.And at the junctions between the rows, their width is no more than 10-15 cm.If the house box is cut down correctly, the logs fit tightly together, yes are still insulated, then the house will be warm even in the most severe frosts.

For example, a photo of the crowns from the end on an old wooden house made of hand-cut logs, which was felled at the beginning of the 20th century. This house remains residential to this day. According to the reviews of the owners living in it, the house is warm, despite the fact that the logs in it are from 18-20 cm in diameter (at the top) to 22-26 cm (in the butt). The house has an area of ​​approx. 100 sq. m two wood-burning stoves: a Russian stove and a Dutch stove. In the summer, these two stoves are heated alternately twice a month: to dry the house from the inside on rainy and cool days, when it becomes uncomfortable and damp in the premises, and to burn paper or some other "environmentally friendly" accumulated garbage. In the off-season, one or the other is drowned almost every day. In winter, once a day, both stoves. And when the frosts drop below 30 degrees, and at night over 40, then once a day they thoroughly drown a Russian together with a flood, and a Dutch woman - once in the morning and once in the evening, before going to bed. In this heating mode, the house maintains a comfortable temperature of 22-24 degrees.

And with a log house it's easier. It is assembled more easily, like a child's construction set, scaled up, thanks to the standard, machine-made building material. Which house you choose according to the cross-section of the timber, the walls will be that thick - the main thing,