The healing properties of bergenia. Medicinal and ornamental plant bergenia (Mongolian tea, bergenia)

Bergenia thick-leaved (Bergenia сrassifolia) - herbaceous perennial. The grass is demanding of moisture, very shade-tolerant, and tolerates fairly acidic conditions. peat soils. The characteristics of the composition allow the use of plant raw materials for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.

The plant has a fleshy, creeping, rather thick rhizome with a diameter of up to 35 mm and a length of several meters. Characterized by the presence of numerous root lobes and strong branching. The stem part is thick, without leaves, bare, pinkish-reddish in color. The height of the above-ground part is half a meter.

The foliage is collected in a dense basal rosette, which overwinters under snow cover. Dark green leaves, reddening autumn period, with an almost rounded plate and the presence of a membranous vagina. The foliage is large, broadly oval, entire, glabrous, leathery and shiny.

Small flowers, correct form, five-membered, without bracts, in apical dense paniculate corymbose inflorescences. The bare calyx is bell-shaped. The petals have an inverse ovate or wide ovate shape. After flowering, ellipsoidal fruits are formed, represented by a dry box with a pair of diverging blades that open along a seam on the abdominal part. The seed material is numerous, oblong in shape, with smooth surface, faceted, black color.

Bergenia thickleaf - herbaceous perennial

Medicinal properties of bergenia rhizome

The rhizome is dug up immediately after flowering. The use of plant materials is effective for diarrhea and infectious diseases digestive tract, as well as in gynecology to get rid of bleeding and inflammation. The healing of erosive changes in the cervix and hemorrhoidal bleeding is stimulated. The root is very effective means in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes and oral cavity, including gingivitis and stomatitis.

The rhizome is cleaned, washed and chopped into small pieces. Drying is carried out on sheets of paper under a canopy or in special drying chambers at a temperature of 30°C. The roots must be dried slowly, with a slight increase in temperature regime, which allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances.

Gallery: bergenia thick-leaved (25 photos)

Growing bergenia (video)

Options for using bergenia

Bergenia leaves and roots are used in a number of areas, including the therapy and prevention of acute and chronic diseases, as well as in cosmetology and cooking.

For medicinal purposes

Oral drugs are prescribed for enterocolitis, non-infectious colitis, bacillary dysentery and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in complex therapy with antibiotics and sulfa drugs. Externally, the products are used in dentistry as a mouth rinse. Baths and douching are prescribed for erosive changes in the cervical mucosa.

Bergenia roots are used in a number of areas


The herbaceous perennial has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent effects, and also helps to narrow blood vessels and thicken the vascular wall.

The use of the root in cosmetology allows you to quickly and effectively solve problems with oily skin, which is prone to inflammatory processes and the appearance of various defects. Root based products helps reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, allow you to normalize the microflora of the skin, and also promote the healing of wound surfaces.

The use of bergenia root in cosmetology allows you to quickly and effectively solve problems with oily skin


Teas based on this plant are called Mongolian, and thanks a huge number beneficial qualities, such a drink not only helps quench thirst, but also has a general strengthening effect, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the vascular wall, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, and improves the performance of the digestive system.

The beneficial properties of the plant are also used in cooking. The bergenia rhizome is distinguished by its content of a significant amount of starch, which is widely used in the preparation of desserts and main courses. Based on bergenia, you can easily and quickly prepare something that is not only tasty, but also very healthy soup , which helps strengthen the immune system and relieves debilitating frequent colds or viral diseases.

How to plant bergenia (video)

Other Applications

IN folk medicine extracts based on a couple of tablespoons of plant materials and a glass of water are used in the treatment of non-infectious colitis. Decoctions based on bergenia roots are recommended for use in mouth rinsing, as well as douching and bathing. In Tibet, bergenia is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, articular rheumatism, and also as a highly effective antipyretic.

Use of infusions and extract of bergenia during pregnancy

The leaves of the medicinal perennial during pregnancy were very widely used in traditional medicine recipes as a means to prevent uterine bleeding. However, doctors categorically do not recommend using this remedy during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription. Negative consequences, which can be observed with uncontrolled intake of such folk remedies may manifest as increased nervousness, disturbances hormonal levels and tachycardia.

An infusion of bergenia leaves during pregnancy was very widely used in traditional medicine recipes as a means of preventing uterine bleeding.

Precautions and contraindications

Despite the fact that the herbaceous medicinal perennial is the basis for many pharmaceutical pharmaceutical preparations, There are several contraindications which must be taken into account when applying. Too frequent and uncontrolled use of active substances can aggravate the patient’s existing problems associated with blood clotting indicators.

Incorrect long-term use medicines based on bergenia can cause venous stagnation in the lung tissue, and also causes dysfunction in blood pressure indicators. The drug should be used with caution in case of rapid heartbeat, tachycardia and angina. When drugs are abused, there is often a significant decrease in blood pressure, as well as an increase in blood sugar levels.

The healing properties of bergenia middle lane It is unknown to many in Russia because gardeners use it in their plantings as an ornamental plant. And residents of areas where bergenia grows wild use its healing properties every day.

The roots and leaves of bergenia contain many biologically active substances that have unique medicinal properties. And, if you know about them, you can successfully use bergenia for health improvement, prevention and treatment.

Types of bergenia

Bergenia is an evergreen perennial with leathery large leaves, large thick rhizomes growing horizontally, and a paniculate inflorescence of mostly pink flowers.

Bergenia has 10 species growing on rocky mountain slopes and alpine meadows:

  1. Bergenia ciliata grows in Tibet and the Himalayas.
  2. Bergenia cordifolia, its homeland is Altai.
  3. Badan Strechi. Its habitat is Central Asia, Afghanistan, the Himalayas.
  4. Pacific bergenia, the name itself speaks of such areas of its growth as the south of the Far East, Korea, and Northern China.
  5. Bergenia thickleaf grows everywhere in the Sayan Mountains, Altai, Transbaikalia, southeast Kazakhstan, Northern Mongolia, China, and Korea.

The remaining types of bergenia are either very rare or are a variety of the above.

Grown in private gardens garden forms bergenia thick-leaved as shade-tolerant plant. Bergenia is used in landscape design areas as unpretentious, shade- and sun-hardy, winter-hardy and very ornamental plant in private gardens and vegetable gardens, on the lawns of city streets.

Medicinal properties of bergenia leaf

It is preferable to use bergenia leaf as a medicinal raw material.

In those areas where bergenia thick-leaved grows, bergenia leaves are widely used for tea. Its healing properties are comparable to golden root tea.

Bergenia leaf is rich in arbutin, even in greater quantities than in bearberry or lingonberry, so it is used as antiseptic, for diseases of the bladder.

A water bath of bergenia leaves perfectly treats exacerbations.

Bergenia has a strong anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, therefore it is used in cosmetics for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the hair and face, and acne.

Bergenia tea

For tea, you need to take only those leaves that have dried right on the root and turned dark Brown color. Never remove them as unnecessary or just throw them away. It is better to collect them in the spring, after the snow cover has melted, to brew the famous Altai tea. Bergenia tea has strong restorative properties.

In order for the thick leaves to brew and release their unique medicinal substances into the infusion, you need to put the washed leaves directly into the kettle in which you boil. Bring the water to a boil along with the leaves and only then turn it off and leave for some more time.

Bergenia tea has a specific taste. Some people may not like it, there are exceptions to the rules. Then add some herb that is beneficial for your disease. The tea will have a double healing effect.

Tea made from bergenia leaves is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, not only stool disorders caused by changes in diet, but also intestinal diseases where there is a bacterial infection.

In herbal medicine, bergenia is part of immune-boosting preparations, so bergenia tea is useful for body tone. Brew it and drink it with pleasure at any opportunity: in the garden, at the dacha, on a mountain hike.

Uses of bergenia root

The use of bergenia root is due to the content of substances such as starch, tannins, resins, polyphenols, and bergenin.

For example, polyphenols are plant pigments that are powerful natural antioxidants. Fruits such as grapes, apples, pomegranate juice, cranberries or products such as chocolate, tea, are valuable precisely because of the penophenols they contain. They improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels. Therefore, tinctures and extracts of bergenia root have a healing effect in the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system: reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and heart disease.

For example, bergenin helps normalize metabolism and fat loss. Therefore, bergenia roots prevent the accumulation of fat and stimulate its burning, useful for people who want to lose excess weight.

Because of great content The roots of bergenia contain starch and it is used in cooking: it can be used to cook soups and prepare side dishes.

Bergenia roots are used in folk medicine for lung diseases, for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza, whooping cough, because they have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

It has hemostatic and bactericidal properties and is used in the treatment of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Bergenia is indispensable in the treatment of female diseases: cervical erosion, fibroids, postpartum hemorrhage. Cervical erosion can be cured by douching in 2 weeks. It has the ability to reduce fibroid nodes, therefore it is indicated in the treatment of uterine fibroids.

Baths with a decoction of bergenia roots treat hemorrhoids. The water should not be hot, no higher than 38 degrees and no more than 20 minutes.

Rinsing with an infusion of roots is used for sore throat, periodontal disease, stomatitis, thrush and other diseases of the oral cavity.

In folk medicine, there is a fairly proven practice in the treatment of bergenia root for oncology, for example, breast cancer. Look on the Internet for the Golyuk method for treating cancer. I recommend him personally, because in our family there is an example of complete recovery, when diagnosed at the metastasis stage, in 1993, this woman is now 81 years old.

Bergenia contraindications

There are still contraindications when using bergenia:

  1. Constipation. This is a controversial contraindication and depends on the state of the body in this moment: if constipation is combined with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, then yes, the use of bergenia internally is not advisable. And externally, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is mandatory.
  2. Tachycardia. As a stimulant, it slightly increases your heart rate. This effect is individual for each organism, depending on its condition. But it is very valuable for bradycardia, slow pulse, less than 60 beats per minute.
  3. Increased blood clotting. As a drug that stops bleeding, it increases the risk of blood clots.
  4. Hypertension. Very useful for hypotensive people, because it slightly increases blood pressure. For hypertensive patients, you can also drink bergenia tea, but not during an exacerbation. When treating chronic diseases with tinctures and extracts of bergenia, it is necessary to constantly monitor pressure readings.

Use medicinal properties bergenia, which has been growing in your garden for a long time, to increase the vitality in your Everyday life, to increase immunity and just for a good mood.

“Saxifrage thick-leaved” is the name given to thick-leaved bergenia because it grows on rocky soils, in rock cracks, as if breaking rocks from the inside. Some researchers explain the origin of the name by the fact that bergenia has long been used to get rid of kidney stones. In addition, the anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of the plant were used in folk medicine; bergenia was known not only to Russian doctors, but also to Tibetan monks. Currently used by official medicine due to its high tannin content and the possession of a large number of medicinal properties.

Biological description

Bergenia crassifolia - Bergenia crassifolia(L.) Fritsch - belongs to the saxifrage family - Saxifragaceae - is a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 50 cm. It has a long creeping branched rhizome dark brown located below the soil surface. The rhizome can reach several meters in length; along its entire length it is covered with scars - traces of the attachment of numerous rosette leaves.

The basal leaves are entire, leathery, large, overwintering. The leaf blade is almost round, rarely broadly obovate, with a rounded apex and a heart-shaped base, with large blunt teeth at the edges. The leaf blade reaches a length of 30 cm, its width can also be 30 cm.

Regular five-membered flowers of lilac-pink color are located on leafless peduncles, collected in a paniculate-corymbose inflorescence. Fruit - capsule elliptical shape with many small seeds. Bergenia blooms from May to July, the fruits ripen during July and August.

Bergenia is an endemic plant of the mountains Southern Siberia. It grows at altitudes from 300 to 2500 m above sea level on rocky slopes in forest, alpine and subalpine zones. Often forms abundant thickets in dark coniferous forests. Used as an ornamental plant when decorating flower beds.

Collection and preparation of bergenia

Bergenia rhizomes are harvested during the summer growing season from June to July. The rhizomes are dug or pulled out by hand, as they are located shallow. After removing the soil, roots and above-ground parts, the raw materials are cut into pieces up to 20 cm, dried and slowly dried at a temperature of 50 degrees in dryers. During rapid drying, a significant amount of tannins is lost. The drying process lasts about three weeks, the raw materials are stored for 4 years.

When harvesting rhizomes, care must be taken to preserve 15% of the plant's thickets for further use. seed propagation. Re-harvesting in the same area is permitted no earlier than after 10 years.

Chemical composition of raw materials

The rhizomes of bergenia thick-leaved contain tannins in large quantities (up to 27%), arbutin, phenolic acids and their derivatives, and a lot of starch. The leaves also contain a lot of tannins (about 30%), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin), and free polyphenols. In addition, it contains copper, iron, manganese, vitamin P, and ascorbic acid.

Medicinal properties of the plant

The medicinal effect of bergenia is due to its high content tannins . Preparations obtained from it have astringent, hemostatic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. This allows you to use medications bergenia in gynecology to stop bleeding and treat cervical erosions; for rinsing for gum diseases; inside - for colitis and enterocolitis.

Bergenia also increases heart rate, lowers blood pressure, inhibits the secretion of sweat glands, reduces pain and inflammation, strengthens capillary walls, has a local vasoconstrictor effect, and is used for kidney diseases. The leaves and rhizomes of the plant are used to make drugs with antitumor and immunostimulating effects.

Application in medicine

WITH therapeutic purpose apply:

  • Bergenia rhizome , crushed raw materials - used for preparing infusions and decoctions.
  • Bergenia decoction- taken orally for uterine and pulmonary bleeding, uterine fibroids, infectious diseases, colitis and enterocolitis, for liver diseases, in combination with antibiotics - for dysentery. Externally, the decoction is used for douching for colpitis and cervical erosion; in dentistry - for rinsing for periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis; for wiping with furunculosis and other skin diseases.
  • Infusion- also used externally and internally, the indications are the same as for the decoction.
  • Rhizome powder - used for sprinkling on difficult-to-heal wounds.
  • Liquid extract- used for douching and vaginal baths (before use, dilute in warm water in a ratio of 1:50), rinsing oral cavity(10 ml of extract is diluted in 90 ml of distilled or boiled water). The extract is taken internally for high blood pressure, uterine bleeding, colitis, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Contraindications for use

The use of preparations from bergenia thickifolia contraindicated at:

  • low blood pressure,
  • increased blood clotting,
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

Long-term use decoctions and infusions inside can lead to constipation .

Folk recipes

Siberian folk healers have long used the leaves and rhizomes of bergenia as a means of eliminating various inflammations and having a hemostatic and bactericidal effect. Mongolian healers use bergenia preparations for nausea, vomiting, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The leaves are brewed as tea, used for diarrhea, feverish conditions, to increase immunity, eliminate apathy and fatigue; consumed with honey and sugar regular drink. Leaves for brewing must be collected correctly: only old, blackened leaves, at least three years old, are suitable for consumption. Fresh green leaves are not brewed as they are poisonous. Freshly dried leaves of the current year are light brown in color, while last year's leaves are dark brown. Before use, the old black leaves are quickly washed in water and dried in a thin layer.

Sitz baths with a decoction of rhizomes are prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Use of bergenia in other industries

Rhizomes soaked in water are added to soups and meat dishes; During the famine years, frankincense saved more than one life.

In cosmetology, the medicinal properties of bergenia are used to combat oily seborrhea of ​​the face, acne, and excessive sweating.

Growing bergenia thick-leaved

Badan is not required at all special conditions cultivation; since it is adapted to rocky soils, it grows on any soil. It can grow in both sun and shade, but it must be exposed to sunlight at least three hours a day.

Bergenia thick-leaved is propagated using seeds or cuttings of rhizomes. The plant can stay in one place for a long time, growing around. Bergenia does not tolerate low, damp places; in such conditions, the rhizomes can rot and the plant will die.

Photo of bergenia

The Latin name of the plant comes from the name of the German botanist Carl von Bergen; earlier bergenia was called bergenia. Russian name associated with the Old Russian word “bergenia”, which means “armor”, apparently due to the dense leaves of the plant.

Currently, breeders have bred many decorative varieties bergenia, differing in the shape and color of the leaves (they can be burgundy, yellow, with lemon stains on a green background), color of flowers and height of plants.

Saxifraga, early flower, bergenia, Mongolian tea, Chagir tea, bergenia - all these are names of one plant. It reaches a height of 30-70 cm and prefers places sheltered from the wind and can grow under a thick layer of snow. You can meet it in Siberia, China and Mongolia.

The bergenia plant is often used in folk medicine, as its medicinal properties can cope with a number of symptoms of various diseases. The raw materials for medicine are all parts of the plant - rhizomes, flowers, seeds, leaves.

Did you know? Bergenia is named after the German botanist Carl August von Bergen. In Latin the name sounds like Bergenia.

Useful properties of bergenia and its composition

Bergenia has medicinal properties, and its use for treatment is possible thanks to useful composition. The plant has the following properties:

Active ingredients of bergenia:
  • tannins;
  • gallic acid;
  • bergenin glycoside;
  • arbutin;
  • dextrin;
  • polyphenols;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, cobalt, aluminum, vanadium, barium, nickel, selenium, strontium, gum, tannins, resins, zinc, essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid and vitamins.
Bergenia leaves contain twice as much arbutin as bearberry, which is considered its main source. Bergenia is the leader among plants in terms of arbutin content.

The older the plant, the more tannins there are in the rhizome. Flour is made from them, the rhizomes can be fried, boiled, and eaten.

How to prepare bergenia

To prepare bergenia you need to select good time. Different parts of the plant have different optimal time for this.

Bergenia leaf has popular medicinal properties. But they have these qualities only old leaves that overwintered under the snow.

The optimal period for harvesting bergenia leaves is autumn and spring. Collected leaves wash, dry and store in a box or paper bag. Optimal temperature for drying bergenia leaves is 60 degrees.

Bergenia roots It is customary to harvest at the beginning of summer. They need to be dug up and washed. cold water, dry and spread on cloth or paper. For drying, large bergenia roots can be cut into smaller pieces.

1 kg of dried bergenia roots will yield only 250 g of raw material. Signs of a properly dried root are that it does not bend and breaks well. A light pink or yellow center should be visible at the break.

Both leaves and roots of bergenia can be stored for no more than 4 years.

Did you know? In the past, entire villages harvested bergenia roots and leaves, which were then used for tanning leather and dyeing fabrics.

Use of bergenia in folk medicine

Due to its beneficial qualities, bergenia is popular in folk medicine. Its properties have a beneficial effect on the body in many diseases.

Polyphenols and arbutin contained in the plant have high antioxidant activity. Arbutin also protects body cells from destruction.

Bergenin in bergenia has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the accumulation of fat in the body.

has a hemostatic, astringent, antimicrobial effect. It is able to moderately lower blood pressure, slightly lower body temperature and slightly increase heart rate.

The so-called Altai tea copes well with relieving physical and moral fatigue and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

In case of intestinal disorders, rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis, kidney diseases, and treatment of goiter, bergenia tea is also used.

Important! It is necessary to take into account all the effects that consuming bergenia has. Even if the effect is stated to be negligible, for some it may be quite strong.

Bergenia also has external uses. In powder form, they are sprinkled on wounds and bleeding ulcers. For bruises, you can make a compress that will speed up the resorption of the hematoma.

Also in folk medicine, the use of bergenia is practiced for neoplasms of various localizations.

Decoctions and infusions are widely used. The decoction is used to treat hemorrhoids. In this case, it is necessary to take sitz baths, the temperature of which should not exceed 38 degrees. You can sit in the bath with a decoction of bergenia for up to 20 minutes, and the course is no more than 15 baths.

I use incense decoctions t for gargling, making lotions and douching. Douching is used to treat colpitis and uterine erosion. Take 2 tablespoons orally after meals three times a day. The throat is gargled for inflammatory diseases of this organ. The decoction is also used to treat dysentery (possibly in combination with antibiotics).

Important! Using bergenia for a long time can cause constipation. If you have constipation, taking bergenia is not recommended.

Bergenia is used for diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, dysentery, and severe purulent bronchitis. It helps cope with infectious diseases thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties.

Remedies from bergenia can be taken to improve well-being and gain strength in old age, to strengthen the immune system, and when performance weakens. Also used in cosmetology - for the face and scalp.

Bergenia recipes

There are many recipes for how to prepare bergenia to get the maximum benefit from its use. of this plant. It is taken as an independent medicine, as well as in combination with other herbs. In some cases, drug treatment and incense intake are combined.

Mongolian (Altai) tea. If you brew dry leaves of the bergenia plant that have overwintered under the snow, you will get the so-called Mongolian tea. You need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed dry leaves and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them.

It will take longer to brew bergenia tea than to brew regular black tea. This is due to the thickness of the leaves - in bergenia it is thicker than in tea leaves. After 15-20 minutes of brewing, the tea needs to be strained.

Bergenia powder and extract. Extract medicinal properties You can use bergenia root by grinding it into powder. This powder can be used in dry form and can also be used to prepare an extract.

To do this, pour a few tablespoons of dried crushed bergenia roots into 1 cup of boiling water and cook the resulting mixture in a sealed container until half of the liquid has evaporated. The extract is taken several times a day, 27 drops.