Money rituals: what to do to make money. What to do to have relationships in your life

There used to be a saying that a bore is a person who, in response to the question: “How are you doing,” actually tells how he is doing, and in very detail. Therefore, many tried to answer this question monosyllabically and uninterestingly, without fear of being branded as a person without a creative streak. Saying “Excellent” or “Good” every time is too banal. To the cohort witty people, with this approach, you definitely won’t get there. After all, even such a simple question “how are you?” can be answered with creativity. And here's how.

How to answer the question: “how are you?”

Besides the fact that there is a folk saying “as white as soot,” you can invent something yourself. It all depends on who your interlocutor is, whether you want to continue the dialogue with him or her, or whether you need to cut off the thread of conversation at the moment and run away about your business. By the way, the question can be asked not at all in person, but by phone, chat or social network. For such cases, there is another duty “weapon” - emoticons, or symbols of emotions. 1) Answer with humor A great way to answer this question is to make a joke. Especially when everything is bad - this will show that you do not lose spirit even in the hour of problems. Here are the options:
    Not “good”, but with the same letter. By the way, horseradish is a vegetable, if anything... And it’s very spicy!
Great, can't wait! What's the matter with such things! Affairs??? There are none, I’m not a business person... Business happens to the one who does something, and I rest!, about pilots), where one of the heroes, flying on a downed plane, answers on the radio: “Everything is fine, I’m falling!” 3) Answer witty and funny The same phrase can be recalled in telephone conversation, if something in your life has really gone wrong. You can use something close to this:

global warming

and survive it in Hitler's secret bunker. I'm doing great! I look forward to further questions about my

Relatively. If you compare it with Marx, then it’s great, if you compare it with a multimillionaire, then not so much. How to give a guy an original answer to the question “how are you?” The one person you really want to show off your wit to is the opposite sex. Humor brings people together and disarms them. These would be great answers: Good mood
    , it would be nice to go for a walk, but there are no offers yet.
Amazing. After all, you are communicating with me. Great, I’m improving in all directions!
    Will you join? Guess! Hint: I smile when I talk to you.

When you and your boyfriend are not the best

a good relationship , and you
    different ways
The last answer implies some kind of continuation, like:
    Who are you communicating with? (And who is this smart one?) With you (You).

"How are you?" - What to say to a guy you like

From this simple question you can inflate an invitation to some action or conversation
    Today I have a payday at work, and my mood matches the size of my salary.
I have a bottle of good, Armenian, five-star mood, if only you were around - and everything would be gorgeous.

I want to lift my nose up, but he looks down with a hook...

The first example is intriguing because I want to ask further: “What is your salary?” After this, you can start a long, unobtrusive conversation. The second example is an open invitation to spend the evening together. The third answer will indicate that you cannot cheer yourself up, but still try to joke. This is a veiled invitation to action. The guy will have to either entertain you over the phone or offer to go somewhere together. How to answer your ex-boyfriend’s question “how are you?” in order to hurt him
    Such questions from “ex” are not always sincere. Often a guy may want to tease you. And what’s most interesting is that this is done because the “ex” himself feels awkward when meeting you, but wants to show that he is on horseback.

Therefore, you need to answer in such a way as to upset him:

I was in a wonderful mood until I met you, my dear. Great. What did you think that without you the Earth would stop rotating?
    I’m creaking slowly, and very annoyingly!
I won’t tell you, otherwise you’ll be jealous!
    Great, unlike some.

In addition to the question “How are you?”, there are several more banal questions that you have to face almost every day. And if questions of this kind bother you with their triviality, then you can diversify everything with the help of answers. 1) How are you doing?
    I am like Mars - there is no life, but everything is on fire.
But things have already passed by. Some have it worse.
    What's going on? Everything has already been handed over to the investigative committee. I feel like a zebra. Nothing has changed since yesterday's meeting.
Everything seems to be great, but, unfortunately, no one is jealous.
    Life hits you over the head with a monkey wrench.
I'm like a button - every time - in a loop.
    “That’s bad” (and let them guess where the mistake is).
2) What do you do?
    I draw American presidents.

Hiding from Scotland Yard workers

    underground organization
All these questions also fall into the category of banal ones. They can be asked to any person, even a stranger. But if you want to show concern for someone, then you need to ask the person exactly what he is living with now. If you are studying, then ask a question regarding school, college, or institute. If you communicate with a young parent, then you need to ask how the child is. Conversations about babies can be truly endless. The only thing that can compete with this topic is a conversation about pets, because they are like children to us. Passionate people have their own inexhaustible topics: theater, photography, literature, fine arts, dancing, electronics, cars, fishing, football... The main thing is to know what a person is passionate about, and to be at least a little in the subject. And then everything will work out!

Endurance is strength multiplied by time. By importance for Everyday life this quality is more important than the ability to squeeze 150 kilograms at a time. We'll tell you what to do to become super-endurable.

Interval running

It is well known to everyone that running is one of the best activities for increasing the functional endurance of the body. You can jog cross-country races, but the most effective “pumping up” of endurance occurs during the so-called interval running. The essence of it is contained in the name itself: you need to run, alternating periods of acceleration and deceleration. You can change the running pace based on distance or time. Conventionally, calculate them in the ratio of 1/3, where 1 is an acceleration segment, 3 is jogging to restore strength.
The advantage of interval running is that during it the body constantly undergoes internal changes in its chemical balance. By breaking down glycogen in the first stage, the body then begins to process fat cells. This is why interval running is considered one of the best methods weight loss training

During interval running, you will develop your body's anaerobic and aerobic abilities. Let us remember that aerobic is when only oxygen is enough for the functional work of muscles (running at a slow pace), anaerobic is when the body uses the process of chemical breakdown of body substances to maintain functionality.
As with any type of training, the main thing in interval running is regularity and gradualness. Start with 15-20 minute runs, gradually increase the duration and distance. The results will not take long to arrive.


Swimming is recognized by many experts as the most useful view sports. This is due to the fact that there are practically no contraindications for swimming; this is the so-called non-impact type physical activity. People of any age can do it, it has a good preventive effect, strengthens the muscle corset (both deep-lying and superficial muscles).
In terms of developing endurance, swimming is simply irreplaceable. Engaging in this type of physical activity prevents venous congestion because it facilitates the return of venous blood to the heart
In addition, swimming is also useful because it allows you to form correct posture and strengthens the muscles near the spinal column, since a person in the water feels a constant static effect. For the development of endurance, the state of posture and spine is no less important than the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. And swimming strengthens them too.


CrossFit is becoming increasingly popular today, which is primarily due to the popularization of this training system by martial arts athletes. All fighters practice croffit, from Emelianenko to Many Pacquiao and Batu Khasikov.
This discipline is relatively new; the first sets of exercises for CrossFit were created by Greg Glassman in 1980; CrossFit was officially recognized only 15 years later. Why is it so attractive in terms of developing endurance? CrossFit is a circuit training that combines strength and cardio training. You have a set of exercises and a limited time in which you must complete this set as many times as you can. CrossFit is interesting and not monotonous. Exercises are constantly alternated.

As a rule, the cycle includes running of varying intensity, exercises with a rope, jumping on obstacles and over a skipping rope, carrying weights, turning over tires, hitting tires with a sledgehammer. The main equipment for practicing CrossFit is the human body itself, and all its exercises are close to natural species daily physical activity. Therefore, CrossFit classes are suitable for people of all ages, of course, with reasonable exercise.


A person gets tired, as a rule, from a lack of glycogen in the muscles, so the main condition for maintaining functional readiness for stress is a complete carbohydrate diet. You need to consume at least 6-10 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight every day; at high loads, this amount should be increased to 8-12 grams per kilogram.
To maintain optimal glycogen levels, the main sources of carbohydrates in your menu should be berries, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
It is necessary to consume carbohydrates immediately after training, or no later than 30 minutes after it.

Don’t forget about replenishing fluids, both just water and sports drinks, as well as berry fruit drinks, which increase the body’s pain threshold and saturate the body with antioxidants and vitamins.
Among the foods that are considered the most beneficial for endurance are raisins (promotes cellular nutrition, enriches the blood with oxygen, normalizes brain function), tomato juice(rich in antioxidants), beets (saturates the blood with oxygen, facilitates breathing), ginger (relieves muscle tension) and bananas (normalizes the cardiovascular system).
Of course, you need to avoid heavy and fried foods, since the body will absorb its own energy to process it.

What not to do

If you want to achieve super endurance, get rid of bad habits. We won't moralize, we'll just say that bad habits are simply incompatible with intensive training.
Alcohol affects all systems of the body: it expands and weakens blood vessels, acts on the brain as a depressant, causes tachycardia, promotes the production carbon dioxide liver, causes dehydration, weakens blood flow to all muscles, including the main muscle of the body - the heart.

Smoking has no less detrimental effects on health: it causes tachycardia and abnormal blood pressure, impairs blood clotting, and changes metabolism. Carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke promotes the formation of fatty plaques on blood vessels, impairs oxygen access to muscles and the absorption of important substances. Smoking weakens blood circulation, leads to the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, tar in tobacco smoke disrupts the functioning of the lungs, destroying the alveoli...

Perhaps this is enough to understand that smoking and alcohol are the main obstacles to super-endurance. And the main helpers are a daily routine, regular training and the desire to improve your results. Set a goal every day to become stronger and more resilient than yesterday.

Every now and then the same question arises in the minds of a huge number of people: what needs to be done to always have money? Indeed, what special thing do you need to have to ensure well-being and financial stability for yourself and your relatives? Of course, our grandparents will notice that in order to become rich it is necessary, firstly, not to be lazy, and, secondly, to have a rather extraordinary mindset and business acumen.

But what then remains for those people who are not endowed with any outstanding abilities and do not have extra time to spend on new projects and endeavors? How to attract into your life money luck the simplest, but no less reliable way?

How to choose a wallet in which the money will be kept?

In order to have money in your wallet, you need to learn a few things: simple lessons. Remember that your wallet is the home for your material wealth and monetary luck. A lot will depend directly on what it will be like. One of the most important rules that will help attract money into your life is choosing a special “money” wallet.

Remember: under no circumstances should you buy cheap wallets, as they are initially saturated with the energy of poverty. Large banknotes will have little chance of ending up inside such a “dwelling.” However, this does not mean at all that the more expensive the wallet, the more money it will contain. Choose for yourself a stylish, but at the same time solid and strict wallet, which must have compartments for both bills and small coins. IN color scheme Money luck favors green, earthy and metallic tones.

Simple rules to always have money

Surely you've heard this one money sign, that if you constantly have the smallest denomination of an irredeemable coin in your wallet, then this will definitely bring monetary success. It should be noted that this ancient belief was somewhat distorted under the influence of time. The original version of the belief recommends always keeping a small piece of ginger root in your wallet.

A sprig of heather can also act as a strong money talisman. According to ancient legends, this shrub has long been famous for its ability to attract money. To keep money in your wallet, take a small piece of heather sprig, wrap it with green thread and put it in the wallet compartment. You can’t throw away such an amulet! If for some reason you decide to get rid of your talisman, then in order not to push away your monetary luck, bury a sprig of heather on the bank of a river or simply throw it into an open body of water.

Most wallets these days are equipped with a small plastic window, where many people insert photographs of their close relatives. Under no circumstances should you do this! Photos of relatives themselves have a fairly strong energy flow, which can easily interrupt monetary energy.

Choosing a talisman to attract money to your home

If you have set yourself the goal of having money in your home, then Special attention It’s worth paying attention to special money talismans that will not only attract monetary luck into your life, but will also help you preserve your already accumulated property. Particularly famous for its strong money talismans Feng Shui teachings. Take at least three Chinese coins, which from time immemorial have been widely used by people as amulets that help attract money to the house.

In addition, if you want to always have money in your wallet, then pay attention to aromatherapy. To attract money to your home, you should periodically, for example, once a week, burn natural essential oils ylang-ylang, patchouli, orange or cinnamon. These aromas will not only be able to cleanse the energy of the house from negativity, but will also attract monetary luck. And in order to always live in abundance and attract money luck to yourself, do not forget to click and

03.03.2014 11:51

In life, problems with finances often occur: often temporary, but sometimes they are serious troubles related to money. In the most difficult...

Sometimes you need to make one small lifestyle change to significantly improve your health. To be healthy, follow these 18 rules.

If you start with small changes in your habits, you'll find it much easier to stick to your goals and create new behavior changes to stay healthy. For example, instead of trying to rearrange your entire diet, just make one change by adding one more healthy vegetable in a day.

As you achieve one new healthy habit, you will be motivated to add healthier behaviors and break habits that are undermining your health and well-being.

Here are 18 healthy lifestyle tips you can start using right now to... improve your well-being and general state health.

What should you do to be healthy?

  1. Replace soda water with regular water

  2. Most carbonated drinks contain high level sugar and chemicals that are not good for us. If you need sugar bubbles, get them from the natural sugar found in fruit.

    Water is an integral part of human nutrition. When we drink enough water, we stay energized for our daily activities and plans.

    Replace baking soda with water and you'll soon have you'll feel much better.

  3. Get enough sleep

  4. Adults should receive on average eight hours of sleep per night. If you don't get them, you may feel a little tired during the day. Your mood will be on edge and work will be difficult.

    Sleep is critical to feeling rested, rejuvenated and healthy. Lack of sleep can cause us to make mistakes we don't want to.

    Try to go to bed at reasonable hour so that your body can get everything it needs. If you are a night owl, start with a backup time - go to bed fifteen minutes earlier, increasing the time every week.

  5. Meditate

  6. Meditation - great way relax and clear your mental clutter. The average person has from 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day, so it's fair to say that some time to rest our brains can help us break away from erratic mental activity.

    Popular meditation techniques such as mindfulness and transcendental meditation are supported by scientific research, demonstrating positive effects on our brain activity and overall well-being.

    At least try to meditate once a day for twenty minutes to be healthy and improve your lifestyle. You can start with a short five-minute meditation, gradually flowing into the goal of achieving a 20-minute meditation.

  7. Choose exercises that you like

  8. Exercising can be strenuous and challenging task for many of us, so it's important that you choose exercises that you enjoy.

    To be healthy, you need to do exercises that you enjoy. Among the many exercises and workouts available, it makes sense filter them and find the ones you like. If you have fun doing a particular exercise, you will do it more often.

  9. Eat more fruits and vegetables

  10. After a hard day at work, the easiest way is to return home and heat up semi-finished products in a frying pan. However, the time it takes to cook frozen food is about the same as it takes to cook something fresh, like pasta and vegetables.

    It is widely known and accepted that fruits and vegetables are healthy and should be consumed as part of healthy eating. If you find it difficult to include them in your diet, find recipes that make them more interesting to you.

    Make a fruit salad for dessert or appetizer. Use spices and herbs on vegetables to add flavor.

  11. Get rid of processed food

  12. Processed foods are easy to find in stores and easy to prepare. However, while it saves time by consuming such foods, you are not doing your body any good.

    Processed foods often contain sugar and high fructose corn syrup. They also contain artificial ingredients such as preservatives and dyes, and many of them have a high content refined carbohydrates, which turn into sugar.

    Some of the processed foods you eat have trans fats and are processed vegetable oils, which may increase the risk heart disease.

    Try organic and natural foods that are processed with fewer chemicals and are much healthier. Fresh vegetables, legumes, lean meats and fruits need to make staples in your diet to be healthy.

    There is a common myth that it takes more effort to prepare real food, but this is not always the case. Steaming or roasting vegetables is quick and easy, and baking an apple is as easy as baking cookies.

    It's also worth noting that you can prepare meals in advance and store them in the refrigerator or freezer.

    Start by replacing one of your processed foods with a healthy alternative. Then continue replacing the treated ones food products over time.
    This is one of the small changes you need to make to be healthy and improve your well-being.

  13. Love yourself

  14. It is important to build your life on the basis positivity and compassion. To achieve this, you must first learn to love yourself unconditionally.

    Doesn't mean you become selfish and self-absorbed; it means taking care of yourself physically and mentally. It also means being able to accept yourself as you are—with all your flaws.

    Giving yourself full love and attention usually results in you treating people with more respect and compassion. You will also see that people begin to treat you better.

    Everything you do starts with you and how you feel. When your self-esteem is high, you have the ability to set a positive tone in your environment.

    Start all your actions from a point of self-love and understanding. This will boost your self-confidence and help you see how you contribute to the world.

  15. Remove negativity from your life

  16. Negativity can seriously affect your health and can seep into your life through many holes. He may be in shape thoughts, come from other people or even mass media.

    If you want to be healthier, try to avoid contact with people who constantly escalate the situation. They infect you with their negative, unhappy thoughts and words. As a result, you will find yourself spreading this negativity even further by passing it on to others.

    Learn to be aware of your thoughts and select those people who do not create anything positive for you. Challenge your negative, anxious or fearful thoughts that prove otherwise and replace them with more realistic positive thoughts.

    Reduce the amount of negative media you consume so that you don't plant unpleasant ideas and images in your subconscious. Spend time doing creative and interesting activities that excite you.

  17. Take deep breaths

  18. Obviously, breathing keeps us alive, but how much attention do you pay to how you breathe?

    Short breaths can cause worry and worry, but by learning to control your breathing, you can improve your mood almost instantly.

    Taking a deep breath from the diaphragm instills a feeling tranquility and inner peace, pumping sufficient quantity oxygen into the blood.

    Understand how you can breathe more frequently and deeply so that you can more effectively and constructively manage your mood and productivity, and therefore be healthier and more energetic.

  19. Don't overeat

  20. On average, our brain needs about twenty minutes to feel full when we eat. This scientific discovery, which eludes most people.

    Overeating is one of the main reasons weight gain, which can lead to various diseases. If your diet is not healthy, start with the fact that overeating can pose a real danger to you.

    If you want to be healthy, you need to learn to eat slowly, chew your food and take your time, enjoying the taste and aroma.

    Give your brain time to process how full you are so you won't risk overeating. As soon as you feel full, stop eating, as this will be your body's signal telling you that you don't need to eat anymore.

  21. Live a Passionate Life

  22. Life is meant to be enjoyed - it should not be seen as a series of unintentional actions that you mindlessly take.

    Figure out what you love to do and base your lifestyle around it. This could be a career change, or something you do outside of work hours.

    Once you find your passion, you Activate your senses and generate enthusiasm and energy, which will spill over into all other areas of your life, including relationships, work, and overall health.

  23. Watch your posture

  24. The way you sit or stand has a profound impact on your mood.

    Research has shown that your body position can make you feel more or less confident. The way we position our body, can trick our brain into thinking that we are feeling in a certain direction.

    For example, wide open positions occupying space will improve your feelings of confidence and personal power. They also make other people believe that you are more confident.

    But if you are sitting leaning on the table with your elbows bent and your hands supporting your head, you create a negative impression.

    While straight vertical back posture and the smile on your face tells people that you feel comfortable and confident.

    If you feel negative, try to improve your posture. This will help lift you out of a bad mood and increase your self-confidence.

  25. Get outside more often

  26. Finding for a long time indoors can make you feel closed off from the outside world and from nature.

    To be healthy, it's important to get outside at least once a day, even if it's just a short 20-minute walk.

    Interacting with others and spending time in nature are so important to our well-being.

    Communication helps us stay connected and refresh our lives with new opportunities and situations. Go out with friends, family members, or go on dates if you are not in a relationship.

    Time in nature can reduce stress, lift your mood and help you feel more connected to the world around you.

    Make it a daily goal to get outside for a short walk in the woods, a nearby park, or just in your own yard.

  27. Surround yourself with healthy people

  28. According to the psychologist Jim Rohn A person's personality and habits are made up of the personalities and habits of the five people with whom he interacts the most. This is due to the influence of our environment.

    If you want to be healthier, you need to connect with people who are going in the same direction as you.

    Being around people who have already achieved their health goals will help you faster achieve your goals.

  29. Reduce your caffeine dose

  30. If you consume more 500-600 milligrams of caffeine per day, you may negatively affect your health.

    Muscle tremors, insomnia, nervousness and anxiety are just some of the symptoms you will experience when consuming too much caffeine.

    Even if you don't reach 500-600 milligrams per day, you may still experience some of these unhealthy symptoms. One cup of coffee contains almost 100 grams of caffeine, so try not to drink more 2-3 cups per day, to be healthy.

    If you don't want your sleep to be disturbed, don't drink caffeinated drinks 4-6 hours before bed.

  31. Reduce your alcohol intake

  32. Alcohol is a widespread and frequently consumed drink that is part of many traditions and holidays. Enjoying a glass of wine or beer or a casual cocktail is an enjoyable and fun part of socializing.

    However, it is also common knowledge that the use large quantity alcohol is harmful to our health.

    Too much alcohol can lead to addiction and various health problems such as liver failure, brain damage and memory loss.

    Beer contains great amount sugar and chemicals that cause severe hangovers.

    If you drink alcohol and want to continue doing so, learn to digest what you consume and cut back as much as possible.

  33. Take regular breaks

  34. Only our senses can provide increased and concentrated performance. It is vital that you highlight free time from tasks and problems that require a lot of attention to calm your feelings.

    For example, if you work with computers or monitors, you should take eye breaks every hour from five to ten minutes.

    Breaks help us be healthier, refreshed creative potential, motivation and mental energy.

  35. Watch your thoughts

  36. Learn to pay close attention to your thoughts so you don't let negativity consume your attention and energy.

    Everything we do starts with a thought, which turns into action, which then leads to the results we see in life.

    If you want to improve your life and be healthy, you need to become aware of your thoughts before you put them into action. If you notice a negative thought, let it pass like a cloud.

    In practice, developing this skill, you will notice that you are not your thoughts, but they control your life, only if you let them.


Even if you implement only a few of the above healthy lifestyle rules, you need to take changes in your life that will help you be healthy and improve your well-being.

Start with minimal changes. Maybe start going out more often Fresh air or take frequent breaks from work, which will help you feel rejuvenated, more energetic, and therefore healthier.

Try some of the items on this list and over time you will feel that very little is needed to be healthy and lead healthy image life. Start making changes in your life from today.

First of all, if you want a girl to like you, think about whether you like yourself, or how you treat yourself, with respect or not. If you don’t love yourself, then those around you will definitely feel it, at the subconscious level.

Also remember, girls don’t like men who pretend to be “tough” guys. It is very important to behave naturally, command respect and be a pleasant conversationalist.

What to do to please women?

To attract into your life a worthy woman, you need to pay attention to the basic rules that, from a psychological point of view, will help you in this matter.

You can't fit everyone

To understand how to properly please a girl, you should understand that any woman is, first of all, a person distinguished by her individuality and uniqueness. You shouldn’t treat her like a primitive creature that can be lured into your trap in beautiful words and expensive things.

Also, you should understand that each young lady has her own ideal man, and you may simply not be her type. Imagine yourself in the place of the object of attention from a female: you are being shown signs of attention by a young lady who is not your type, or simply unpleasant to you. As a result, no matter how hard she tries, you will not have any other feelings other than irritation. Therefore, if you like a girl, you need to try to win her heart several times, and if you fail, do not despair and do not label yourself a loser. Try to communicate with other representatives of the fair sex you like, and you will find exactly the one who will become your soulmate.

You have an interesting life

A beautiful and self-sufficient girl is unlikely to like boyfriends who can’t put two sentences together, or annoying fans who will shower her with compliments, flowers, and call and write messages all day long. Therefore, you should have your own interesting and varied life, so that the lady you like can understand that you are not a bore, but a person striving for self-development. Do what you love: playing musical instruments, gym, exhibitions, attending trainings, foreign languages etc. When you meet a girl with such a set of hobbies, she will see you as a self-sufficient and ambitious man who is not looking for casual relationships. Without a doubt, a girl will like such an enthusiastic guy and will interest her.

Even if everything in your life is very neglected, boring and monotonous, let this rule serve as an incentive to take it to a new, better level.


Again, imagine that to you beautiful will do“lady”, but with greasy hair, dirty shoes, and the smell of garlic on her breath. Plus, she hadn't showered in days. Will you have a desire to communicate with her?

Therefore, if you like a girl: beautiful, slim and well-groomed, you must match her, your appearance. Your clothes should be clean and ironed, and your shoes should be in perfect condition. Don't neglect going to the hairdresser and dentist. Brush your teeth, shower more often, wear men's perfume. A man should smell fresh, not the musk of a mountain goat.

Take the initiative

Many guys ask: how to please a girl who doesn't like you? What did you do to please? Most guys wait and dream that the girl will be the first to pay attention to them, and at that moment they will reciprocate. You can wait for this moment all your life, or until your chosen one is taken away by another man, since a woman’s psychology is designed in such a way that her heart must be won. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate and wait for a miracle. You need to quickly take control of the situation. To get a girl to like you, or at least try to do so, take the initiative, take the first step, at least start doing something: give a compliment, give her a pleasant surprise, invite her for a cup of tea, after school or work (if she is a colleague), invite her her to the theater or cinema. In fact, there are a lot of reasons to be alone with the object of sympathy, and it is simply impossible to list them all.

Remember, girls simply adore proactive guys who control the situation and take everything into their own hands.

First date - what to do?

When you met a young lady, or took the initiative to approach a young lady you know, for example, at work, and at the same time, having agreed to meet with her, the question inevitably arises: how to please a girl on the first date? Although this is a broad topic that requires separate discussion, the following recommendations can be distinguished from it:

  • The first thing to do is choose a quiet and cozy place for meeting. Ideally, this is a cafe-teahouse, with a small number of visitors and quiet music. Otherwise, you will both look stupid if you sit silently all evening with deafening music. Also, do not make a date at a karaoke bar, this will distract the lady's attention from you.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the young lady will first take the position of an observer and study you. Therefore, watch your speech and manners. You must speak without using obscene words, calmly and without unnecessary gestures. For some reason, some guys act very funny, thinking that if they start making noises and gesturing with their fingers outstretched, then it looks “cool”. Do not do that. The lady will think that you are not very smart, and the date will be a failure. The main thing a guy needs to remember on a first date is to make the object as attracted to him as possible. best experience. The main sign that a young lady is interested in you and she is ready to continue getting to know you is the moment when she begins to willingly talk about herself. If she is indifferent to the guy, then she will answer questions superficially, without going into details.
  • Show interest in her person. People enthusiastically tell a pleasant interlocutor about themselves if he asks them to. This is human psychology, he strives to please his opponent. Ask the girl what might really interest you. This move can help out if you don’t know what to talk about and what to do next. But it will look strange if you yawn while listening to the answer to your question. As a last resort, you can change the topic at any time. It is very important to be a good listener and let the lady talk. To please women, you don’t have to behave like an owl, listening to a monologue, without blinking and without emotions. At least occasionally nod your head, smile, assent and do not interrupt.
  • Monologue or dialogue? We should not forget that we need to talk about ourselves. For example, to talk about your hobbies, select the moment when the lady completed her sentence and insert yours: “And I snowboard, rollerblade, go to a club or cinema with friends, play sports...” Some of this will interest the young lady, and you will smoothly switch to talking about you. Sometimes you shouldn't wait to be asked. There must be a dialogue, as a result of which the woman will form a certain opinion about you, which can affect your future relationship.

How to behave after a pleasant tea party? Be sure to pay for the order yourself. It is unlikely that you can please a lady if you follow the “American” tradition, when everyone pays for themselves. While walking, after a cafe or other meeting place, behave in the same way, with restraint and decentness. Be sure to take the girl all the way to the entrance, tell her how pleasant it was for you to communicate with her, and a couple more compliments - this will make your chosen one like you even more. The date should end on a positive note.