Wooden baths with an attic. Timber baths with attic

The Rift company develops projects for bathhouses with an attic and provides turnkey construction services. For the construction of low-rise buildings, we use planed and profiled timber or rounded logs, and also offer frame buildings. Do you want to relax and forget about your problems in a fragrant steam room on a frosty day? Choose a bathhouse project with an attic at a cost that suits you and, without delay, order construction. We provide a guarantee on work and equipment.

Why is it worth ordering a sauna with an attic?

  • Saving space on the site. Bathhouses with an attic in Moscow and the Moscow region are becoming increasingly popular because they allow you to place a billiards table or a recreation room without taking up valuable space in a country house.
  • Secluded holiday. After steaming, it is very pleasant to relax and drink tea in a calm atmosphere. At such a moment, a secluded attic on the second floor, where no one will disturb you, will turn out to be the most attractive place on Earth.
  • Reducing heat loss. Having ordered in Moscow and the Moscow region by favorable price a turnkey bathhouse with an attic, you will get a room with increased energy efficiency.

3 reasons to use the services of the Rift company

  1. Our organization has 20 years of experience and a wide portfolio. We have posted projects ready-made baths with an attic, which were built in the Moscow region, and also added detailed photos and prices so that you can be convinced of the quality of our work.
  2. We have offers to suit any budget. If you are looking for the cheapest possible solution, choose finished project. If you prefer that your special wishes be taken into account, order an individual design.
  3. We will offer bathhouses with an attic on a turn-key basis or we will build a building without finishing in the Moscow region.

You can evaluate our work not only online, but also in person at the observation deck of the Rift company. If you have a limited budget, you can use the loan program.

For a full life in country house with all the amenities and pleasures, it is necessary to place a lot on the site important elements, including different zones landscape design and useful additional buildings. This can be achieved by increasing the functionality of buildings. So, for example, the usual wooden sauna can have minimal dimensions and maximum functionality due to the second attic floor. In this article we will talk about why a 6 by 6 bathhouse with an attic is convenient, what material to choose for its construction, what are the stages of its construction, what are the design solutions for such buildings and what are they.

Source moya-banya.ru

Advantages of a bathhouse with an attic

The main advantage of a two-level bathhouse is that it saves space on the site. If, for example, homeowners want to have a spacious bathhouse with a comfortable lounge area, they can get this by allocating a minimal building area. In this case, the recreation area is partially or completely located in the attic part of the building.

Often, bathhouses with attics are built in order to avoid building any object separately. For example, in the attic of a bathhouse there may be:

    summer cuisine;


    guest house;

    billiard room;

    winter Garden etc.

The attic above the bathhouse can be designed as a veranda with wide glazing, in which case it will serve as a gazebo. Sometimes top level a bathhouse or garage is arranged as a separate home for one of the family members.

Source m.101hotels.ru

Having two objects under one roof can save a lot of money on construction, communications, heating and maintenance of premises.

Another important advantage is attic baths, built from timber or logs look much more impressive than one-story ones. High roof slopes give them an elegant silhouette. Beautiful bath building with an attic can become a stylish center of landscape design composition on the site.


The operational specifics of the bathhouse require the use of materials with certain characteristics for its construction, the main one of which is environmental friendliness. The walls of the bathhouse should not highlight harmful substances even in conditions high humidity and sudden changes in temperature. They should not be deformed or destroyed under these conditions. In addition, it is very difficult to choose an external and interior decoration. Therefore, it is better to build it from materials that do not require cladding.

Source domato.ru

Modern construction wood meets all these conditions. It is manufactured using advanced technologies, resulting in a material ideal for the construction of bath complexes. Today you can quickly and relatively inexpensively build a bathhouse from logs or timber made from coniferous species wood (cedar, fir, larch, pine), or deciduous (linden, aspen, birch, oak).

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer design services for small architectural forms: gazebos, grill houses, etc. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Log sauna

Logs are a building material that is in great demand today. Based on the type of processing, it is divided into several varieties. Here are the main ones.

Planed. This type of log is made by processing with an electric planer. In this case, a small layer of wood is removed, and the fiber system remains unharmed, which provides the material with high operational properties. However, the shape of the planed log is not ideal, but conical - like the natural shape of a tree trunk.

Source tdsl.ru

Rounded. When making such a log, a significant part of the top layer is sawed off on a machine to give the log the correct cylindrical shape. As a result, the characteristics of the material are somewhat reduced, but it becomes as convenient as possible for construction.

Scraped. This option processing involves removing a minimum layer of bark. The scraped wood retains its natural resin content, which makes it as durable as possible. But its shape is not ideal, and it is difficult to build walls from it without noticeable gaps between the crowns.

Usually, for the construction of a bathhouse, rounded material is chosen, which makes it possible to make very high-quality log houses without cracks and gaps. There is an opinion that it is better to choose wood for a bathhouse natural humidity, not dried. But not all experts agree with this opinion. In any case, you should trust the purchase of logs professional builders who have experience in selecting quality wood.

Source stroyres.net

The peculiarity of a log bathhouse is that it shrinks, and you can start using it only after construction is completed. After all the walls have been laid out, the log frame needs to be sanded and caulked several times.

Bathhouse made of timber

When making timber from an ordinary log, wood with a square or rectangular cross-section is obtained by sawing. There are also several types of timber.

Classic unprofiled. Regular timber with smooth edges carved from solid wood.

Profiled. The edges of such beams have special grooves (ridges) for the most precise connection of the beams with each other.

Glued laminated timber. During its manufacture, several thin lamellas are folded and glued together under a press. The result is a highly technical wood material.

Half beam. During its manufacture, the log is processed only on two opposite sides, intended for connecting the crowns. The other two sides remain oval. Buildings made from such material look like log house, but keep specifications timber log house.

Source hibara.net

A log sauna can be used almost immediately after construction is completed. Shrinkage can be from 1 to 10 percent depending on the type of material. Glued laminated timber has a minimal percentage of shrinkage. Non-profiled timber gives maximum shrinkage and requires caulking and finishing after the walls are erected. Other timber options can be used without caulking.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

What's better

To choose between a rounded log and a profiled beam, you need to compare the main characteristics of these materials. The timber is somewhat more expensive than the log. But it has its advantages. It weighs less, which allows you to save on foundation construction and transportation. At the same time, it provides the premises with higher thermal insulation.

Source yandex.uz

As for shrinkage, the advantage here is also on the side of the timber. Its shrinkage is predictable, even in the case of material with natural moisture. It “compresses” more evenly and smoothly. In most cases, a log after shrinkage produces such effects as the appearance of cracks and inter-crown gaps, as well as deformation of shapes. You can get rid of all this only by re-caulking.

There is one more criterion - appearance. A 6x6 bathhouse with an attic and a log terrace looks like a classic Russian hut from a fairy tale. For many homeowners, this factor is decisive. But the timber is also quite aesthetic. It looks good in both classic and modern architecture. So, for example, if a cottage on the site is built in the high-tech or constructivist style, then an authentic log building will look inharmonious next to it. But log sauna will fit perfectly into any architectural environment.

Source saw-wood.ru

With all the listed differences, the choice is often made in favor of a material that is more convenient in construction. It is easier to build from profiled timber. The tongue-and-groove system allows you to quickly and easily connect individual elements. This affects the speed of construction of the building. Therefore, many homeowners choose timber.

Construction stages

Let's consider step by step process construction of a bathhouse from profiled timber. The first step is to choose a place for its location. According to the norms and rules, it must be located at a distance of at least 3 meters from the fence, 8 meters from the house, 12 meters from the well, 8 meters from the neighbors’ property. By selecting appropriate place For construction, you can begin planning and construction.


To build a bathhouse, you can use one of the standard projects developed by professional architects. If desired, you can order individual project 6x6 baths, the layout of which will fully comply with existing requirements.

When designing a compact bath, the most important thing is to conveniently place everything necessary premises. It should have a steam room, a washing room, a bathroom, and a rest room. It is also advisable to have a small vestibule to effectively maintain the temperature and a room in which you can store things.

Source syh.gopemad.ru.net


An ordinary bathhouse can be built on a lightweight strip foundation. But for construction with an attic, in some cases they choose a strip-pile foundation. The choice depends on the soil conditions at the site. The weaker the soil, the more justified is the use of a strip-pile foundation.

Assembling a log house

Timber can be purchased as regular material in accordance with the designer's calculations. Or you can purchase a ready-made house kit, which is a kind of construction set with elements of the necessary parameters.

Source tcst.ru

Assembly of the house kit is very quick and simple. But when building a 6 6 bathhouse with an attic, work with standard bars It’s also not difficult, since their length is just 6 meters.

Before starting assembly, you need to lay additional slats on the foundation base. They should be located at a distance of 25 cm, and their thickness should be from 5 to 10 cm. This structure must be filled after installation polyurethane foam or similar insulating material.

Before laying, all beams should be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic, which will protect them from moisture and insects, and also give the wood fire-fighting properties. If pine or linden is chosen for the log house, it is advisable to use beams made of more stable wood - larch or aspen - for the first crown in contact with the base of the building.


To make the walls of the log house warm enough, during their construction you need to lay the seams with jute. You can use other insulation, but using jute is the least labor-intensive and can be done as quickly as possible.

Video description

How much does a cedar sauna cost? How is Canadian cutting different from regular cutting?


A ventilation system is needed in any building. It is simply necessary in the bathhouse. In conditions high humidity Without reliable ventilation, even well-treated wood will not last long. Location of inlet and ventilation holes within the walls is included in the project. They need to be made during the assembly process.


It is very important to cover it with a roof as soon as possible after assembling the log house. Roofing pie must consist of all the layers necessary for the construction of the attic. It must be insulated, insulated from moisture, and have a roof ventilation system.

Video description

Bathhouse roof made of timber

Arrangement of the steam room

It is better to additionally insulate all surfaces in the steam room. The wall can be covered with fire-resistant and moisture-resistant mineral moisture. It is advisable to insulate the walls with foiled vapor barrier material. It is recommended to make the floor in the steam room higher than the level of the stove installation. This is necessary in order to protect wooden floor from excess moisture, as well as for quick and high-quality heating.

Project options

A bathhouse with an attic can have different layouts. There are not very many options, as there are certain rules designing a bath complex. However, it is the presence of the attic that reveals more ample opportunities distribution of space in the building.

Video description

What are the features of building baths and houses? manual cutting? How to choose the right materials and what to pay attention to? Watch the answers in this video:

Bathhouse project 6 by 6 with attic

A variant of the bathhouse layout, in which all the premises of the bathhouse complex are located on the lower level. There are 2 more in the attic floor additional rooms, which can be arranged at the discretion of the owners. On the ground floor, a compact corner terrace takes up little space. However, there is enough space left for all architectural elements. As can be seen in this example, the layout of a 6x6 bathhouse with an attic can include not only mandatory, but also additional architectural elements.

Source skedraft.ru

Bathhouse project with an isolated attic

In this option, the staircase to the second floor is located in the hall. This planning move allows you to use the attic without entering the bathhouse complex. There are 3 rooms on the second floor. If one of them is equipped as a kitchen-living room, and the second as a bathroom, the attic of the bathhouse will become a separate isolated dwelling.

Source vbanepar.ru

Project of a 6 by 6 bathhouse with a dressing room

This project provides a walk-through Walk-in closet. There are 3 rooms allocated for the recreation area, 2 of which are located in the attic. One of the attic rooms can be turned into a billiard room or home bar. A 6x6 bathhouse, the design of which includes several recreation rooms, is very convenient for a large company.

Bathhouse with walk-through dressing room Source snk-stroy.ru

Bathhouse project with terrace and balcony

An example of this development of a bathhouse measuring 5 by 8 shows how, by changing the proportions of the building, you can successfully place additional architectural elements - a terrace and a balcony. The originality of the project is that the terrace here is slightly “recessed” into the structure of the building, which allows you to plan a fairly spacious room in the attic floor.

Source kachestvolife.club

Bathhouse project 6 by 8

This bath building can also be a summer kitchen, for which there is a place in the veranda. The balcony on the second floor is a great place to have tea with family or guests. An isolated room in the attic is quite suitable for arranging a workshop, an office or implementing others.

Source rubimbrus.ru


Having your own bathhouse on site significantly increases the level of comfort of country living. But if you build a 6 by 6 bathhouse with an attic and a terrace, you can minimum costs space to get the most useful additional structure, which will also decorate landscape composition of the entire household.

On the websites of construction companies you can freely find thousands of beautiful and practical projects. But each owner of a summer cottage has his own idea of ​​what a bathhouse with an attic should be like: starting with the material on which the building will be built, ending with the layout, arrangement of the internal space and its division into functional areas. This article will help you create a truly comfortable and convenient project.

Selecting online unusual solutions for the development of a summer cottage, you can increasingly see attractive photos of bathhouses with an attic. Owners land plots often resort to the use of this architectural element in order to improve and expand the possibilities regarding the layout of such a building.

The attic floor is suitable for arranging premises for various purposes:

  • rest rooms;
  • a gym with exercise equipment;
  • billiard room;
  • pantry for storing bath equipment, towels, etc.

But the best solution After all, the attic will be used to organize a room for a pleasant pastime.

Advantages of using bathhouse projects with an attic

Most often, the space under the roof is used as an attic, where things are simply stored. However, designers were able to find a better use for it after the demand for buildings with an attic floor increased.

Advantages similar projects are obvious:

  1. The owner has the opportunity to significantly save free space, as well as rationally distribute the usable area.
  2. Bathhouse projects with an attic of 6x8 m or more can be considered as guest houses, suitable for temporary residence of relatives and friends who came to stay at the dacha.
  3. Baths with an attic look much more attractive than mundane one-story buildings. Moreover, the cost of such structures is significantly lower than the price of constructing a two-story building.

Helpful advice! If you glaze the end walls of the attic, you can get a beautiful veranda. This space can also be used to create other structural elements, for example, for arranging a terrace or open balcony.

If you use the space under your roof wisely, you can reduce your heating costs. The attic floor can be heated by sauna stove, due to which comfortable microclimatic conditions will be maintained in this zone. If the bathhouse is designed exclusively for use in the summer, the space under the roof can serve as a living room. An excellent solution would be to organize summer kitchen with a beautiful view from the windows.

Specificity of compact designs of bathhouses with an attic

Even standard projects buildings may differ in size and internal layout. Most often the owners summer cottages, due to the lack of free space, they give preference to compact buildings. For this reason, bathhouse projects with an attic of 6x6 m and 4x6 m are considered the most popular.

Despite their size and obvious simplicity of layout, such buildings are able to provide all the conditions for good rest. They are ideal for families with a small number of people or owners of country plots with a small area.

Typical designs for bathhouses with a 6 by 4 m attic usually include standard set premises:

  • steam room;
  • vestibule;
  • shower;
  • veranda or terrace.

Some compact projects do not consider the presence of a veranda or terrace. In this case, the entire area of ​​the entrance area is allocated for the arrangement of a rest room. In the attic there is a living space intended for guests. A pantry for storing bath accessories can also be located here. The location for installing the stairs is selected so that it does not clutter up the interior spaces.

The advantage of bathhouses with an attic of 6x6 m and 4x6 m is also that such buildings occupy a minimum of space on summer cottage and allow you to save money local area. At the same time, the layout, like inner dimensions premises may vary at the request of the developer.

Note! Minimum height The ceilings in the attic should be 2-2.5 m.

Features of bathhouse construction: projects, prices and materials

The exceptional practicality of bathhouses with an attic allows you to fully implement a wide variety of layouts and structural solutions. If you want to put your own efforts into designing a building, extensive opportunities open up for the implementation of original ideas.

The most important superstructure element of the attic floor is the staircase structure. Without it, climbing to the upper level of the bathhouse will be impossible. Another specificity of a building with an attic is the special roof design. We must not forget that the space under the roof is quite limited. To extract the maximum useful footage from it, it is recommended to create gable roof with a broken structure.

An unsuitable option for projects of 2-story baths with an attic is pitched roof. Even a traditional gable roof type will not bring the desired convenience. Often developers use roofing structures tent type.

Based on the geometry and parameters of the roof, an option for climbing to the attic is selected. The most practical and reliable are considered staircase structures marching look. The process of installing them in limited areas is accompanied by many difficulties. For projects measuring 3x4 m or 4x4 m, it is better to choose a different design option. Bolt ladders have almost the same properties as marching devices. The steps of such products are fixed on the walls.

Important! Bolster stairs cannot be installed in bathhouses made using frame technology. Such structures require a strong load-bearing support. In other cases there are no restrictions.

Spiral staircases are considered the least convenient in terms of operation. But they have an impressive appearance and effectively save internal space. Such products are ideal for compact baths.

Choosing a material for the implementation of a bathhouse project with an attic

There is a wide range on the market building materials, which can be used for the construction of a bathhouse. Projects of bathhouses with an attic made of timber (laminated or profiled), foam blocks, and logs (rounded) are in high demand.

Other materials are also suitable for these purposes:

  • brick;
  • wooden blocks;
  • aerated concrete;
  • frame blocks.

If aerated concrete, brick or foam concrete is used to build a bathhouse, you cannot do without internal and external cladding work. This need is due technical features these materials. If Brick wall won't have additional insulation, the rooms in the bathhouse will be cold.

Wood is the most popular material for

The same applies to bathhouse projects with an attic made of foam blocks and aerated concrete. The structure of these materials is porous, it is susceptible to exposure to high humidity and sudden temperature changes. It is worth noting that wall cladding is carried out in parallel with the construction of the building.

The most optimal material For a bathhouse, wood is considered. It is environmentally friendly, strong and reliable, durable and practical. This material is also suitable for frame construction. Moreover, the frame can be either wooden or metal. The sheathing is installed on top of it. It is very important for such buildings to select high-quality insulating materials. As a decoration for a bath frame type Block panels, wood, lining are suitable.

Note! Frame technology construction is the most profitable in terms of speed and costs. Such structures do not require the manufacture of massive and solid foundation. There is an opportunity to save on the purchase of materials. Besides frame baths to a lesser extent depend on the characteristics of the soil.

Average cost for building baths from different materials:

Material Price, rub./m²
Wood (frame technology) From 9000
Foam concrete, aerated concrete From 11000
Log From 12000
timber From 14000
Brick From 16000

Project of a bathhouse with an attic and veranda for year-round use

Projects for bathhouses made of 6x6 timber with an attic are in high demand among owners of summer cottages located in the central and northwestern regions. The open area can be used exclusively in the summer. If you make the veranda closed, it will become suitable for use in the winter months. In this case, an area of ​​6 m² is allocated for the arrangement of the veranda. This space is enough to create a comfortable place for 2-3 people to relax.

On the veranda you can put:

  • small table;
  • chairs;
  • a couple of chairs or a sofa.

In addition, the design of a 6x6 bathhouse with an attic provides for a separate recreation room on the ground floor. Its dimensions are 8.1 m². From this room you can use the stairs to get to attic floor, total area which is 25 m². There is enough space here to comfortably place yourself for relaxation. big company or arrange living room, which will allow the bathhouse to be used for permanent or temporary accommodation of guests.

For convenience, the bathhouse has a washing area and a toilet. If the stove is installed in a steam room, the kindling can be done directly from the rest room. The ceiling height on the ground floor is 2.1 m, which makes it possible to install shelves with a two-tier structure in the steam room. It is desirable that they be angular. Thus, it will be possible to increase the number of people who can be in the steam room at the same time.

Practical and convenient design of a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace

The compact design of a bathhouse with a 6x4 m attic includes not only the main premises, but also a terrace. Thanks to this, the owner can not only relax in the steam room, but also spend weekends in comfort at the dacha. Even with such a small size, a competent approach to planning will allow you to create the necessary conditions for a good rest.

Related article:

Steam room project with a swimming pool. Features and order of construction of the structure. Photos and descriptions of the most successful and convenient layouts.

The following premises can be arranged on the ground floor of the building:

  • steam room (5 m²);
  • rest room (8 m²);
  • shower room (8 m²);
  • open terrace (15 m²).

Helpful advice! The design of a 6 by 4 bathhouse with an attic can be improved by adding a spacious balcony to the top floor, from which it will open beautiful view to the surrounding landscape.

Features of the 6 by 6 bathhouse project with an attic and a relaxation room

No less comfortable would be a bathhouse design, the layout of which includes a spacious guest room. In this case, it is advisable to use timber with a section size of 100x150 or 150x150 mm for the construction of the building. Dowels should be used as fixing elements. They can be made of metal or wood. It would be useful to use interventional insulation. A rope fabric is ideal for these purposes.

Interior layout includes:

  • hall;
  • shower room;
  • steam room;
  • rest room;
  • hall and bedroom (attic floor).

To assemble a 6 by 6 bathhouse with an attic, it is recommended to use the “half-beam” connection type. For construction internal partitions, dividing space into separate rooms, you need to take a beam. The floor is formed from edged boards with a section size of 50x150 mm.

To eliminate heat loss through the floor, its installation is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. A half-edged board is attached on top of the logs, installed in increments of 0.8 m.
  2. Next, the layer is laid roll insulation. The thickness of the material is at least 5 cm.
  3. The finished floor is formed from the boards.

Best for the presented project a roof will do with a broken structure. It is advisable to assemble the rafters using an edged board, the parameters of which are 40x100 mm. The gables are sheathed with clapboards, and the roof is covered with Euro slate.

Ergonomic design of a bathhouse with a garage under one roof

The sauna-garage is a structure in which two objects are organically connected - covered parking for a car and a steam room. The construction of such projects is usually resorted to if the owner’s financial resources are limited. If you build an attic over the building, the building can be safely used as a guest house.

A large-scale project of a bathhouse with a garage designed for two cars may consist of the following premises:

  • dressing room (5 m²);
  • steam room (10 m²);
  • rest rooms (12.5 m²);
  • shower room (3 m²);
  • bathroom (2 m²);
  • a room designed for relaxation (12.5 m²);
  • swimming pool

And all this fits into an area of ​​140 m². About a third of this space is allocated for the arrangement of the garage - about 45 m². Technical premises are being built next to the pool:

  • boiler room;
  • boiler room

Helpful advice! You can equip a workshop in the garage, which will increase the functionality of the building.

How to choose and implement a two-story bathhouse project

Making baths based on ready-made solutions is a very popular service on the market. At the same time, owners of land plots can be completely sure that, when ordering the construction of a building with 2 floors, they will receive a bathhouse project made of timber or logs that will meet all safety standards and norms. In this case, you can get not only significant time savings, but also a high-quality result, backed by a guarantee.

Comes as standard construction companies usually include:

  • log house (or box);
  • foundation base;
  • partitions;
  • roofing;
  • door and window structures.

Projects two-story baths turnkey projects and prices for their implementation depend on the dimensions of the structure and the material chosen for construction.

When choosing the size of a future building, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • type of placement of the bathhouse on the site (a separate structure or an extension to a residential building);
  • total area land plot and the amount of free space;
  • the number of people who will visit the bathhouse;
  • thickness interior partitions and walls;
  • type of insulation and finishing material;
  • internal layout and its features.

Important! Before entering the bathhouse, you must make a high threshold, which will rise above the floor level by about 15 cm.

Characteristics of projects and prices of two-story bathhouses made of timber and logs

Almost any materials are suitable for building a bathhouse, but timber and logs are considered the most popular. To decide which option is more acceptable, you need to compare the characteristics of each of them.

Comparative characteristics of materials for bathhouse construction:

Criterion Projects of two-story baths made of timber Projects of two-story log baths
Material price, rub./m³ Unplaned (5000) Unrooted (5000)
Profiled (10000)
Dried (10000) Rounded (10000)
Glued (25000)
Installation features Construction duration is from 2 to 6 weeks, the ability to do the work yourself Construction duration is from 2 to 8 weeks, work is carried out by specialists, commissioning in 6 months.
Ecological cleanliness Environmental friendliness (with the exception of laminated veneer lumber, when purchasing it you should check the characteristics of the adhesive composition) Environmentally friendly material
Shrinkage rate Glued – 2% 15%
Profiled – 5%
Unplaned – 10%
Features of finishing work Caulking of walls is necessary only in cases where untreated timber is used; profiled material does not require this The walls need caulking and sanding
Decorative properties Modern appearance, big choice design The authenticity of traditional Russian steam rooms
Cost of building a bathhouse 6x6 m, rub. 409000 (63 m²) 463000 (64m²)

For construction modern bathhouse It is advisable to use timber. There are several varieties of this material on the market, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, properties and technical characteristics.

For example, planed timber can have a cross-sectional size in the range of 150-200 mm. Its cross-section can be square or rectangular shape. This option is considered the most budgetary, but in terms of performance characteristics it significantly loses to other types of timber. The profiled material is characterized by geometric clarity of shapes and sizes, due to which the construction of a bathhouse is greatly simplified and accelerated. The section size ranges from 100 to 150 mm.

Glued laminated profiled timber is considered the most high quality option material. Projects created on the basis of this raw material have the highest cost.
Today, owners of summer cottages with limited space can even afford the luxury of building a comfortable bathhouse. This was made possible thanks to modern approach to building design. The main thing is to competently approach the choice of layout and building material.

The bath has always been an integral attribute of human existence. Until a certain time, it served a person as a place of purification and rest, and sometimes as a place of residence. Standard Russian baths were built of wood, as was the rest of the housing. Moscow was no different from other Russian cities - here, from time immemorial, a log bathhouse has been erected in the courtyard, which was one of the main conditions for arranging the courtyard.

Today the situation has not changed. In the age of new technologies, people want to be closer to nature and everything natural. The structure of the bath consists only of wood and natural materials and is a source of health and renewal of the body. Both young and old come here; Here they gain strength and are healed from a number of ailments. The log bathhouse looks interesting from the outside, like a mysterious mansion. Many owners try to complete the construction of a bathhouse with an attic and a veranda before the final design of the yard.

Owners of private houses are thinking about building a bathhouse complex on their property, but don’t know where to start. After all, it is important to build correctly in order to receive later maximum benefit. There are many nuances and experts know about them - how to properly plan the log house of a bathhouse, steam room, dressing room and rest room, on which side of the house to locate the building and much more. If you still decide to build a bathhouse with an attic and a veranda yourself, then be sure to find more information from knowledgeable people(Internet sources are not always competent in these matters).

Bathhouse projects with attic and veranda

Muscovites, accustomed to fairly harsh winters, simply could not do without a steam room. Every self-respecting owner built it next to the house, and if this was not possible, then they went to the neighbors. But this event remained hereditary forever and was passed down from generation to generation. Designs for a bathhouse with an attic and a veranda most often included a steam room, a dressing room, a relaxation room, and a canopy.

A turnkey bathhouse is the most important and serious stage. The quality will depend on the chosen material, timing, and, of course, performers. There is also a moment of trust in the company that has been chosen, and the performance indicators of this company. In addition, the period of existence on the market, the materials offered, and positive experience in the past are taken into account.