Diet Favorite (7 days) - detailed description and useful tips. Reviews of your Favorite Diet and examples of recipes

There are many recipes for losing weight. It is difficult to decide and find “yours”: effective, safe and “nourishing”. The diet in question is known as “Favorite” and is designed for seven days. It deservedly received its name. The fact is that by adhering to her rules, in just a week you can easily lose 10 kilograms!

The essence of the diet

This nutrition system is universal and consists of five mono-diets. She combined several options fasting days. Thanks to the variety and availability of the products included in it, it is easy to follow. So it has become a favorite for many who want to lose weight.

The “favorite” diet, due to the variety of its menu, is very popular among those who want to lose weight

Indications and contraindications

The “favorite” diet is right for you if:

  • you need to quickly lose extra pounds before some event or “break through” a plateau when the last “extra” pounds don’t go away (800–1000 g are “lost” on each day of the diet);
  • you have a strong will;
  • want to “cleanse” your body.

Your “favorite” diet is contraindicated for you if:

  • it occurs during physical (competition) or mental (session) stress;
  • have chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, diabetes, hypertension or tendency to anemia;

Anemia (anemia) is a painful condition when there is little hemoglobin in the blood.
Everyone should know the symptoms of anemia: pale skin, tachycardia, shortness of breath, fainting, weakness and fatigue.
Foods that increase hemoglobin: red meat (beef), walnuts, pomegranates, buckwheat, apples, nuts, grapes, garlic, rowan berries, bananas, beets, fresh carrot juice, watermelon and melon.

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • recently underwent surgery;
  • you suffer from chronic constipation (the diet further slows down the normal course of metabolic processes);
  • you have a cold, or two weeks have not passed since;
  • you are depressed.

Where to begin

If the choice is made in favor of the “Favorite” diet, you must:

  • consult a competent doctor who, taking into account your state of health, can give recommendations specifically for you;
  • write a detailed menu for each day of the seven-day week;
  • purchase all necessary products.

Menu for every day

The “Favorite” diet menu is quite varied

On each day of the “Favorite” diet, you need to eat only one type of food. When the next morning arrives, the diet changes completely. The exception is the last, seventh day, when the diet becomes more varied.

Day 1 – “drinking”

Water is the main component of the first day of the “Favorite” diet

On the first day of the diet, you are allowed to consume only liquid foods and drinks, but in any quantity. Preference should be given to broth, tea and kefir. Some people replace kefir with fermented baked milk. You need to give up store-bought juices and sweet soda. Drinking jelly is also not allowed, as it contains starch. On this day you may feel hungry, because the daily calorie intake does not exceed 1500 kcal.

This is interesting!
The feeling of hunger is dulled by inhaling the aromas of mint, banana and apple.

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir and a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch: about 200 ml. chicken broth without salt.
Before dinner - 150 g of yogurt.
In the evening – a glass of 1.5% milk.

Day 2 – “vegetable”

Even low-calorie vegetables are great for satisfying hunger.

As the name suggests, you can only eat vegetables during the second day. The ban is imposed only on potatoes because of the starch they contain, which inhibits weight loss. Preference should be given to cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, onions and carrots. You cannot fry vegetables in oil!

Breakfast: two medium tomatoes.
Lunch: vegetable salad. This could be beet salad, grated carrots, cucumber and tomato salad, stewed zucchini. You should not season the dish with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Salad recipe
1. Cut the cucumbers into cubes.
2. White cabbage chop.
3. Wash and chop parsley, dill and cilantro.
4. Mix everything well and season with olive oil or lemon juice.

A couple of cucumbers will make an afternoon snack.
Dinner includes a salad of peppers, gherkins, parsley and dill.

Day 3 – “milk”

For breakfast, you can drink a glass of skim milk and a cup of tea without sugar.
Before lunch, you are allowed to drink a glass of 1.5% milk.
Lunch consists of chicken broth without salt and unsweetened tea.
For an afternoon snack, you should drink a cup of low-fat kefir.
In the evening, only a cup of milk and tea without sugar are allowed again.

Day 4 – “fruit”

This is a very tasty day! Judge for yourself: all fruits are allowed in quantities up to three kilograms. Especially kiwi and grapefruit.

This is interesting!
Grapefruit burns fat thanks to its inositol and naringin content. Daily consumption of half a grapefruit (necessarily with white partitions!) or 150 g of grapefruit juice with each meal reduces weight by 2 kg in an average of two weeks.
Kiwi helps burn fat. It is recommended to eat two kiwis per day.

It is better to avoid bananas and grapes, as they contain a lot of sugar.
A couple of oranges and a grapefruit are breakfast.
Lunch – apples, oranges and kiwi.
Afternoon snack – apples and pears.
Dinner - milk.

Day 5 – “protein”

This day is the most satisfying. There is a lot of protein in eggs, shrimp, chicken fillet, fish, cheese, beans, nuts, peas, dairy products.
Breakfast consists of boiled fish and a couple of boiled eggs.
For lunch you need to boil peas and cook chicken breast.
Dinner – 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and cheese.

Day 6 – “drinking”

You can only drink again! The day repeats the first.
In the morning – a cup of 1% kefir and tea without sugar.
Snack – a glass of grapefruit juice.
Lunch – lean chicken broth.
Evening – 1.5% milk.

Day 7 – “balanced” or “final”

The seventh day is different: you must strictly follow the established menu. It is “mixed”. There are five meals on this day. It helps the body gradually transition to normal, nutritious nutrition.
In the morning you are allowed to eat two boiled eggs with green tea sugarless.
The snack consists of any fruit.
For lunch you need to cook vegetarian soup with buckwheat or rice.
The afternoon snack consists of fruit.
Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil is dinner last day diets.

How to “get out”

It is imperative to control your diet after “exiting” the diet. High-calorie foods, sweets, carbonated drinks are prohibited if you do not want to regain your previous kilograms. The first two weeks, the menu should consist exclusively of low-fat broths, light soups, vegetable and fruit salads. Many people recommend “going out” of the diet on oatmeal and a salad of fresh beets, cabbage and carrots.

How to cook properly oatmeal
1.To give the cereal softness and tenderness, soak a glass in the evening oatmeal water. It is recommended to soak even “instant” porridges.
2. In the morning, drain the water and add two to three glasses of skim milk, a little salt and sugar to the cereal.
3. Place the contents on the fire until it boils.
4. As soon as the porridge boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for about 5-7 minutes.
5. Let the porridge brew under the lid for at least five minutes.

Eat best option for beginners who decided to lose weight for the first time. This is a five-day version of the “Favorite” diet.

The essence of the “Favorite” diet for five days

Within five days of the diet, the body is cleansed of “toxins” and starts fat burning processes. In the future, you can easily maintain your weight by simply controlling the total calorie content of your daily diet.

Five-day meal plan

  • first (“unloading”): only 1.5% kefir and water are allowed;
  • second (“cleansing”): preference is given to fiber, which is abundant in vegetables and fruits;
  • third (“protein”): you need to eat low-fat dairy products, chicken breast and boiled egg whites;
  • the fourth - repeats the first, but you can also use freshly squeezed citrus juices;
  • fifth – any vegetables and fruits are allowed.

For three days after the “five-day week”, canned food, sausages, fatty and fried foods are prohibited.

"Hard" option

Do you want the effect of your “Favorite” diet to be even greater? There is another variation of it. It is more difficult to follow the “hard” option due to the limited menu, but the size of portions is not limited. Parallel intake of vitamins is required.

The first and second days are drinking days. You should only drink low-fat kefir.

The third one is apple. If you don't like apples, you can eat citrus fruits, such as oranges or grapefruits. It is recommended to eat only one type of fruit during the day.
The next three days are chicken days. You should only eat skinless chicken and drink plenty of plain water.

Alcohol (wine) day is the last. It is recommended to drink dry red wine good quality with a small piece of low-fat cheese (for 150 g of wine - 30 g of cheese). In extreme cases, wine can be replaced pomegranate juice(this will affect the effectiveness of the diet).

Secrets that will help you lose weight more effectively

1. Before dieting, you should thoroughly “cleanse” your intestines.

One-day kefir and beet juice will help you cope with constipation perfectly. “Yesterday’s” kefir, on the contrary, “strengthens”.

You can give an enema the day before or take a mild laxative. A week before the diet, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of alcohol, fried foods, baked goods and sweets.
2. In order not to feel hungry, you need to eat often - every 2-3 hours. A reasonable amount of food consumed should be observed. The size of one serving is equal to the volume of a glass (approximately 250 g).
3.Alcohol, salt, spices and sugar are excluded during the “Favorite” diet.
4. Drink plenty of water. The minimum volume is 2 liters. Water suppresses the feeling of hunger well, although only for a short time. In addition, it speeds up metabolism, preventing constipation.
5. Remove chicken broth from the menu.
6. It is better to replace white cabbage with broccoli.

You need to know this!
Broccoli is a product of youth, health and beauty. 100 g of cabbage contains only 30 kilocalories. Thanks to its high calcium and vitamin C content, it speeds up metabolism and helps in weight loss. This cabbage prevents the development of cancer.

7. It is better not to eat yogurt on a “protein” day. It contains a lot of lactose, which retains water. Considering that this day is already the most high-calorie day in the diet, eating yogurt will negatively affect the result.
8. Swap vegetable and fruit days.
9. To consolidate the effect of the “Favorite” diet, it can be repeated, but not earlier than after three months.
10. During “drinking” days, physical activity should be kept to a minimum. These days the body already expends a lot of energy and experiences a deficit nutrients. Static exercises are allowed: for example, calanetics, Pilates. You can drink soy milk during your workout.

Do you want to lose weight deliciously and quickly? Then start your “Favorite” diet!

Today we will tell you about the “Favorite” diet. The name speaks for itself - you will love it from day one. With its help you can lose up to ten kilograms in 7 days!

Sometimes it can be difficult to stay on a diet for at least three days. As soon as you sit down on it, everything around you begins to smell like fresh buns (we wrote earlier about how to replace sweets when losing weight). How often do we start to lose weight, but cannot resist the temptation to eat something tasty. What to do in such a situation? Your favorite diet will come to your aid!

The essence of the “Favorite” diet

The “Favorite” diet is designed for 7 days. Each day of the diet is dedicated to one product. The diet menu is very simple, and the diet is designed taking into account the traditional division into lunch, breakfast and dinner. For effective weight loss, it is recommended to exercise regularly physical exercise. Only in this case will the fat burning process start and you will begin to lose weight. You can repeat your favorite diet no more than three times a year, and the strict version – once a year. Contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, during lactation and pregnancy, and for heart problems.

Favorite diet: menu for 7 days

  • Day 1. Drinking

The menu for the first day of the diet includes liquid. Only liquids are allowed ( warm water, tea, yogurt, kefir, soup) in any quantity. Kefir and yogurt should be selected at one percent and without additives. Artificial juices should be avoided.

  • Day 2. Vegetable

On this day you can eat any vegetables without restrictions: carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers and lettuce - everything is possible! You can also make a light soup and divide it into five portions.

  • Day 3. Drinking

The third day is analogous to the first for the “Favorite” diet. You can drink the same drinks as on the first day. By the way, on drinking days of the diet, you can drink one drink all day, or combine them.

  • Day 4. Fruity
  • Day 5. Protein

The most satisfying day is the fifth. You definitely won’t feel hungry, because the daily menu includes boiled fish, chicken breast, eggs and yogurt. It is recommended to drink food last. Stick to 4-5 meals a day.

  • Day 6. Drinking

Liquid is on the menu for this day again (see days 1, 3). Don't forget about plain water - your body simply needs it.

  • Day 7. Balanced diet

This day is the final day for the Favorite diet. It is allowed to eat several hard-boiled eggs, vegetable and fruit salads, soup and broth with minimum quantity salt.

Favorite diet for 7 days: detailed menu

This menu does not have to be strictly followed. You can change foods based on the daily rules of the Favorite Diet described above.

  • Day 1.
    Breakfast – a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of kefir.
    Lunch – chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
    Afternoon snack – yogurt 150 gr.
    Dinner – 200 ml of milk.
  • Day 2.
    Breakfast – 2 medium tomatoes.
    Lunch – salad made from fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs. Can be seasoned vegetable oil.
    Afternoon snack – 2 medium cucumbers.
    Dinner – salad of cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs.
  • Day 3.
    Breakfast – a cup of unsweetened tea and 200 ml of milkshake.
    Second breakfast – 200 ml of milk.

    Afternoon snack – 200 ml kefir.
    Dinner – 200 ml of milk.
    Drink only unsweetened tea during the day.
  • Day 4.
    Breakfast – orange (2 pcs.)
    Second breakfast – grapefruit (1 pc.).
    Lunch – assorted fruit of oranges, kiwis and apples.
    Afternoon snack – apple and pear.
    Dinner – 200 ml of milk.
  • Day 5.
    Breakfast – 2 eggs.
    Second breakfast – 200 g of boiled fish
    Lunch – 150 g of boiled chicken meat, 100 g of boiled peas.
    Afternoon snack – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
    Dinner – 100 g of cheese.
  • Day 6.
    Breakfast – a cup of unsweetened tea and 200 ml of kefir.
    Second breakfast – 200 ml of grapefruit juice.
    Lunch – 200 ml chicken broth without salt.
    Afternoon snack – 200 ml milkshake.
    Dinner – 200 ml of milk.
    Drink only unsweetened tea during the day.
  • Day 7.
    Breakfast – a cup of green tea and 2 eggs.
    Second breakfast - any fruit.
    Lunch – light soup with rice or buckwheat.
    Afternoon snack – any fruit.
    Dinner – vegetable salad (dressed with vegetable oil and salted)

Favorite diet for 7 days: reviews and results

This diet has earned only positive reviews, because the minimum result is minus five kilograms in 7 days. Also, in many reviews, girls warn that the most difficult thing is to survive the first day. Those who followed all the recommendations noted that the diet really helped them lose weight. In general, judging by the reviews, you lose approximately one kilogram of weight per day on the Favorite diet. The feeling of hunger during the diet is practically not felt, the stomach does not hurt and there are no problems with the intestines.

Exit from the “Favorite” diet

Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows the importance of getting out of it correctly. After finishing your beloved’s diet, under no circumstances should you immediately eat your usual food. The menu of the first day after the Beloved diet can be a couple boiled eggs for breakfast, light soup with vegetable or chicken broth for lunch and light salad for dinner. You can snack on fruit throughout the day. In order to consolidate the results obtained and develop them, you should slightly limit the calorie content of your usual diet over the next month. And it’s best to completely switch to proper nutrition.

We told you all about the Favorite diet and shared detailed menu for 7 days. Try it and don’t forget to combine the diet with any set of exercises. This way you will not only lose weight effectively, but also secure your results for a long time!

The diet with the romantic name “Favorite” belongs to the category of fast and strict. Those who have lost weight praise it: in just a week you can lose 10 kg. However, all this time the body will actually live from hand to mouth, which is why the express method is harshly criticized by nutritionists. Reviews and results of the “Favorite Diet” for 7 days are in our material.

“Favorite diet” for 7 days - a set of mono-diets and fastings alternating every day. In essence, this is a folk diet without specific authorship, born through trial and error. It is also called a mixture of diets. Since the scheme contains elements of a separate diet, protein methods, citrus diets, as well as fat-burning nutrition with an emphasis on cabbage and greens.

Get slim quickly for a date

It is capable of delivering a powerful blow to excess weight. as soon as possible. That is why the method is practiced by girls who urgently need to get themselves in order before an unplanned appearance.

The method also works when the goal is to get in shape after the winter holidays. Losing weight on the “Favorite Diet” is also relevant if, with more gentle methods, the “plumb line” stops at some point. And the body needs a shake-up to “defeat” the most stubborn kilograms.

Reviews of the “Favorite Diet” expose its pitfalls. The method only works if the reason for obesity lies in gluttony or errors in the formation of the diet.

In cases where weight gain is due to changes hormonal levels, diet is powerless and will only aggravate the problems of losing weight. This happens, for example, in the postpartum period or after undergoing operations or taking specific medications.

The results of those who have lost weight indicate that the method allows you to achieve minus 10 kg in a week at home. But the peculiarity is that only girls with pronounced obesity lose so much. But young ladies who want to lose weight for subjective reasons will not wilt much. If their initial weight is within the biological norm, then there will be a maximum of minus 2-5 kg.

There will be little food, but a lot of discomfort

The gap in results is decent. Therefore, you should seriously think about whether such a “Favorite” is right for you. Please note that the diet of the program is unbalanced, and the requirements are categorical.

The essence of the diet is that you can only eat permitted foods. certain days. Among provisions, drinking products, vegetables and fruits occupy a key place. And this is a minus, since such “rations” will not fill you up much.

Therefore, frequent companions of the diet are dizziness, nausea, weakness and irritability. It seems that for the sake of ideal forms you can endure discomfort for a week. But doctors have a different opinion.

For doctors, this program is not at all a favorite. Even a few days are enough to exacerbate chronic diseases and trigger destructive processes in the body. Especially if you are in poor health. The “favorite” menu is contraindicated in case of a weak heart, low and high blood pressure, problems with the stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys. And also during the period of bearing a child and feeding him with breast milk.

5 rules of the “Favorite Diet”

  1. Mandatory cleaning. On the eve of the first day of the “Favorite Diet”, you need to cleanse the intestines with an enema or special laxatives. This is done to remove toxins, which, with subsequent dietary restrictions, can stagnate in the body and worsen well-being.
  2. No amateur performances. All permitted products must be taken strictly in the sequence prescribed by the program. You cannot change the daily diet rations.
  3. Vitamin support. With such strict weight loss methods, support is especially important for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take enriching vitamin-mineral complexes. Moreover, it is better to start a few weeks before the diet, do not quit during it and take the pills until the end of the course.
  4. Internal "stop". The diet does not impose critical restrictions on calories or portion sizes. But you can't overeat. It is better to leave the plate when you are still slightly hungry. Listen to your feelings: your body will tell you the norm. The stop rule especially applies to alcoholic diets. There is a version of the “Favorite Diet” where on one day only wine and cheese are allowed. This does not mean at all that you need to start celebrating the “plumb” in the morning. This emphasizes the focus of the day on unloading and the fact that in the evening those losing weight can relax a little.
  5. Saving energy. Usually physical exercise important when losing weight. If you enhance the natural internal processes of fat burning with external support, the effect will be more visual and immediate. But “Favorite Diet” is not that case. A poor diet significantly reduces the body's energy capacity. And working out in the gym with such a diet will simply deprive you of strength. But daily walks in the air will be useful.

The advantage is that this diet is budget-friendly. You won't have to spend much on groceries. There is another saving - it takes minimal time to cook. After all, there are no intricate recipes for dishes here: everything is either raw or ready-made from the store. The maximum is to boil meat, egg or broth.

Diet features

“Favorite diet” assumes that the person losing weight creates the menu for all 7 days himself. But you need to focus on the specifics of each day and the list of permitted products. The nutritional principles of this diet are described below.

  • How many times is there. It is better to stick to five meals a day. And on a protein day you can sit at the table even seven times.
  • "Liquid" days. Total fresh juices and fruit and vegetable drinks per drinking day - no more than 400 ml.
  • "Hard" days. The volume of one serving should be within 300-350 g.
  • Fruit days. It is necessary to exclude bananas, grapes, dried fruits. In total, you can eat about three kilos of this vitamin food per day.
  • Vegetable days. It is better to avoid potatoes. Salads can be dressed with vegetable oil or lemon. But only two tablespoons of oil per day.
  • Salt, sugar, coffee. Sugar is excluded. And salt is permissible only on the seventh day of the diet. But no more than 6 g per day. You can drink coffee every day, but it must be unsweetened in the morning.
  • Water. You need to drink plenty of fluids. But before meals, during meals and for half an hour after it, you should not drink. In this case, the liquid can change the properties of gastric juice and affect the intensity of digestion.

Detailed nutrition table

Solid food can be boiled, stewed, or cooked in the oven. However, it is preferable to consume plant foods raw. Below is a detailed food table.

Table - List of foods allowed on the “Favorite Diet”

Diet daySpecificsRecommended food
1 Liquid diet- Warm water;
- unsweetened tea
- low-fat yogurt without sweet additives;
- milk;
- kefir;
- unsalted chicken breast broth without additives;
- unsweetened jelly;
- natural compote;
- fresh apple;
- carrot juice;
- fresh pumpkin;
- “green” cocktail of cucumbers, herbs and kefir;
- still warm water
2 Vegetable diet- White cabbage;
- broccoli;
- tomatoes;
- cucumbers;
- onion;
- pepper;
- carrot;

- unsweetened tea
3 Liquid dietSame as the first day
4 Fruit diet- Apples;
- oranges;
- grapefruit;
- kiwi;
- a pineapple;
- still warm water;
- unsweetened tea
5 Protein diet- Chicken breast;
- seafood;
- eggs;
- lean fish;
- low-fat cottage cheese;
- still warm water;
- unsweetened tea
6 Liquid dietSame as the first day
7 Mixed diet- Eggs;
- chicken breast;
- fish;
- seafood;
- soup or broth;
- recommended vegetables;
- recommended fruits;
- recommended dairy and fermented milk products;
- salt;
- still warm water;
- unsweetened tea

To consolidate the achieved “plumb line”, it is recommended to adhere to the menu recommended on the seventh day for another week after the diet. And when you return to your normal diet, you should regulate the calorie content of your food. Approximately - about 1200 kcal per day.

Weekly “favorite” menu by day

The “Favorite” diet involves activating the work of the intestines and urinary system. Add to this the mood swings... So, it is better to practice the diet during the holidays, when you can most spend the day at home. Below is an example of a detailed weekly Favorite Diet menu.


  • Morning . Apple jelly.
  • Reinforcement. Fresh carrot.
  • Dinner . Chicken bouillon.
  • Evening. Yogurt.
  • Before bedtime . Kefir.


  • Morning . Salad from fresh tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
  • Reinforcement. Boiled carrots.
  • Dinner . Cabbage stewed with tomatoes.
  • Evening. Salad of fresh cucumbers, carrots and cabbage.
  • Before bedtime . Broccoli puree.


  • Morning . Kefir.
  • Reinforcement. Unsweetened yogurt.
  • Dinner . Chicken bouillon.
  • Evening. Cocktail of grated cucumbers, herbs and kefir.
  • Before bedtime . Cherry jelly.


  • Morning . Baked apples.
  • Dinner . Fruit salad of kiwi, pears, apples and tangerines.
  • Reinforcement. Orange.
  • Before bedtime . Grapefruits.


  • Morning . Boiled eggs.
  • Reinforcement. Cottage cheese and chicken casserole.
  • Dinner . Baked fish.
  • Evening. Chicken breast.
  • Before bedtime . Cottage cheese.


  • Morning . Kefir.
  • Reinforcement. Orange fresh.
  • Dinner . Chicken bouillon.
  • Evening. Yogurt.
  • Before bedtime . Milk.


  • Morning . Boiled eggs.
  • Reinforcement. Grapefruit. Boiled shrimp.
  • Dinner . Soup with fillet pieces and herbs. Cabbage and cucumber salad.
  • Evening. Fish baked with tomatoes and cottage cheese.
  • Before bedtime . Yogurt.

Sometimes girls are so happy with the first results that they start a new diet without a break. It turns out the “Favorite Diet” menu for 14 days, that is, a repeat of the seven-day program in a round-robin manner. However, this is fraught. Doctors warn: ulcers, gastritis, dysbiosis, damage to the gastric mucosa - this is just a modest list of possible consequences.

Extreme version of your “favorite” weight loss: from 7 to 12 days

There is an even more extreme version of the “Favorite Diet.” When the diet is limited to just one product per day, and vegetables disappear altogether. This variation is even more dangerous than the original. The diagram is described below.

  • Liquid days. These are the first and second days. They take place on water and low-fat kefir.
  • Vitamin day. This is the third day of extreme weight loss. You can only have apples or, if desired, oranges.
  • Protein days. Fourth, fifth and sixth. You are only allowed to eat boiled chicken - the leanest part of the carcass.
  • Wine day. On the seventh day, several glasses of dry red wine and hard cheese are allowed.

Every person who is inclined to take care of their figure has a favorite diet that has already proven its effectiveness. And others, in order to throw off the ill-fated kilograms from the counter, resort to extreme measures, abuse their body with hunger strikes, grueling workouts gym, but they still don’t see the long-awaited result. There are any number of reasons for this. First of all - physiology. Each person’s body is individual, and a random diet will not have a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in it in 100% of cases. This explains the so-called paradox of ineffective sport.

You've probably seen people in fitness clubs with "bulky bodies" who have been killing themselves for months, but time goes by and they still can't lose weight. But in addition to physiological resistance, these people themselves, so to speak, “dig a hole for themselves.”

After all, for sure, returning home after a 2-hour workout, they again eat the kilograms they worked out, considering it their duty. If you yourself are a participant in such an unpleasant phenomenon, remember that if you have not been involved in sports professionally for at least 5 years, pinning all your hopes only on the gym is stupid.

On a diet, your loved one will have to slightly limit her appetite, so the diet is still strict and unbalanced.

However, despite the positive aspects, this method of losing weight cannot be called universal or indefinite. It is more suitable for one-time fat burning. Over the next 7, 14, 30 days, you are constantly recommended to arrive at home, preferably without leaving for long trips or negotiations, since the body is already experiencing severe stress: a serious load on the kidneys and abundant stool are guaranteed.

Considering that this method weight loss is combined from numerous types of fasting diets, it is advisable to use it in the same way, for example, as fasting for 5 days, gradually following a special menu. Food for the near future is not high in calories for you.

As with any method of losing weight, you will need humility, willpower and a sense of proportion, especially on the first and second days. But even if you can put up with a monotonous menu, there is no guarantee that your body will do the same. Every day is different, but the same diet - this is real stressful situation for the body and will force it to burn all its energy reserves in the form of ill-fated lipids (fats). Numerous reviews confirm the statistics, with the correct construction and application of the method in your Everyday life In a week, a loss of 5 to 10 kg is possible.

For those who dare to stick to their favorite diet for all 30 days, even lower numbers on the scale are guaranteed.

Preparatory stage

So, we’ve figured out what the basis of your beloved’s diet is, we’ve found out how much you can lose in a week or month, now let’s move on to action. To achieve the effect we need and get a result of -5-10 kilograms per week, we should prepare thoroughly:

  • If you have serious problems s, consult a nutritionist first. If the excess appears only from overeating, there is nothing to be afraid of, you can safely start a diet. But disruptions at the hormonal level require careful diagnosis, and weight loss using highly effective diets should be delayed;
  • 7, 14 days before the diet, start cleansing your body on your own. Love the peeled drinking water, which should be consumed at least 1.5 liters per day. Eliminate soda, alcoholic drinks, flour and salty, fatty and sweet foods from your daily menu. Be sure to make time for sports, this will improve results;
  • Even though the list of products for the near future is quite simple, and any housewife can find it in her refrigerator, we still recommend stocking up on a complex of these vitamins: fruits, vegetables, proteins - everything in there.

Diet: drinking, fruit, vegetable

What does the seven-day nutritional chain for your loved one's diet consist of? What foods are included in your daily diet? effective weight loss? So, breakfast, lunch and dinner alternate for a week according to this type:

  • Monday: drinking. We unload the body for weight loss with the help of liquids: beef, chicken, vegetable broths. , compotes and jelly. Warm, boiled water, coffee, teas, etc.;
  • Tuesday: Vegetable Day. The second day of the diet will be marked as vegetable. You can have tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, carrots and potatoes;
  • Wednesday: drinking. We repeat Monday, drink liquids, soups, broths;
  • Thursday: It's time for fruit. You can only have a fruit diet: we strongly recommend fat-burning kiwi and, but everything is possible: bananas, melon, oranges, grapes;
  • Friday: . The body at that stage needs protein, so enrich your diet (you can boiled fish and chicken, eggs, yogurt, chicken breast). But despite the wide choice and the opportunity to “go wild”, you can only eat small 5-6 servings (preferably use dessert plates);
  • Saturday: drinking. We repeat the menu for Monday and Wednesday;
  • Sunday: exit. Nutrition becomes balanced. You can do everything you ate during the week: protein yogurt and compote for breakfast, lunch - fruit or vegetable salad, afternoon snack - the same fruits, green tea, dinner - chicken, beef, vegetable broth.

If necessary, this will last for 10 or 14 days. The choice among products is varied, but to lose up to 10 kilograms in one or two weeks, and at the same time feel comfortable, from the seventh day switch with the same small portions to healthy eating. No fast food, chips, pizza or soda. Instead, for the next 10 days after your favorite diet, eat broths.

Don't neglect freshly squeezed ones fruit juices, salads. Eat lean meat, nuts, dried fruits, fish (at least twice a week). This will significantly supply your daily diet with useful nutrients and make it easier to break the diet.

If, after following a strict diet on days 8-10, you eat flour or a lot of sweets, do not expect satisfactory results; you are guaranteed a feeling of discomfort. So all your efforts will come to nothing.

Don't forget that your favorite diet is more healthy. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect 7,10,14 days, devote at least an hour a day to intense sports activities. And also in subsequent periods for prevention.

Menu for accelerated weight loss

The first recipe for any day, if you have been losing weight for more than 10 days:

  • Breakfast: up to 200 grams of low-fat kefir, a cup of coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: chicken broth, beef broth, vegetable broth, cabbage salad;
  • Afternoon snack: freshly squeezed apple or orange juice, 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • Dinner: Chicken breast 100-150 grams, vegetable salad, unsweetened tea;
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir or milk.

Consumption occurs in moderate portions at regular intervals.

A strict diet for your beloved diet, accelerating results:

  • It is suggested to limit the first two days to continuous drinking. Alternate kefir and water in large quantities;
  • On the third day, choose one fruit to consume (it doesn’t matter, apples, oranges or bananas) so that the acid dilutes in the body, continue to drink liquid;
  • From 4-6 days broths, boiled chicken, water;
  • Day 7 - drink wine and eat it with cheese. Alternate in very small portions.

This regime eliminates 10-15 kilograms in a week. However, he will require twice as much effort from you and iron strength will. Do not forget to ensure a smooth exit for yourself from day 7. You can start with liquid cereals and salads, then light soups and small quantities of meat.

Pros and cons of the method

The advantages of your favorite food chain are the formation of willpower and “finishing off” annoying kilograms that did not want to go away with other diets. In just 7, 14 days you will understand important thing: Your brain controls your body, not the other way around. This is an invaluable lesson that will be useful to you throughout the rest of your life.

The disadvantages of the method are, first of all, the likelihood of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, weakening of the body, apathy (will pass on last stage weight loss). In addition, any diet that forces the body into the struggle for survival will bring its own negative surprises in the form of deviations in health. Think carefully about what and for what you are deciding.


An aspect that deserves special attention. Even if you have already become determined to lose weight, all the nuances of your beloved’s diet are clear to you, you should rush into battle only when fully armed. And so as not to hurt yourself more harm than the benefits, read the contraindications of the method:

  • Acute kidney diseases;
  • Gastritis;
  • Ischemic diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Unconscious tendency to overeat;
  • Problems with the digestive tract.

If you have at least one of the listed deviations, hold off on the desire to strictly limit your basic diet, even for 5-10 days. Perhaps a more gentle method will suit you, for example, or a blood diet.

The hardest time, as with any diet, is the first time. Special attention pay attention to quitting a strict diet. This should be done smoothly, gradually moving on to the regular daily menu. This is the only way you will be able to permanently fix the weight that you managed to achieve in 7.14 days of your beloved’s diet. Losing weight will go smoothly if you provide yourself with a positive morale. Be confident in yourself fixed time weight loss method, be it 5, 10 days or 30.

Start it and continue to record your successes in it over the next period of time. Managed to cook for ourselves for 3 days healthy juices for breakfast? Already an achievement!

IN Lately The “Favorite” diet for 7 days is becoming more and more popular. This is explained, first of all, by its effectiveness, because it allows you to lose up to 10 kg in a week. However, if you decide to try it on yourself, immediately prepare for the fact that it will not be easy for you, and it will become a serious test for your body. For those who have various chronic diseases, it is better not to tempt fate and choose less strict diet so as not to lose your health along with excess weight.

First of all, people with gastritis, colitis, kidney, liver and heart diseases, eating disorders, and those with a tendency to emotional overeating should abandon this method of dealing with extra pounds. Ideally, you should consult your doctor before trying this diet to avoid unpleasant consequences.

As the name of the diet suggests, it is designed for 7 days. During this time, you can not only “expel” extra pounds, but also cleanse your body of toxins. However, if you are prone to constipation, you should cleanse your intestines before starting the diet. To do this, it is not necessary to give an enema, it is enough to take a laxative at night, then on the first day (drinking) everything that remains in it will be washed away. This will help prevent the body from being poisoned by toxins from the intestines (and therefore eliminate headaches and poor health), and ensure the most complete absorption useful substances and vitamins.

If you need to lose more than 10 kg, then with the help of this diet you will reduce the volume of your stomach and will be able to more easily switch to proper nutrition in order to lose weight further. The “Favorite” diet for 7 days can be repeated after 3 months. You cannot repeat the diet without a break. If you need to extend it, you can additionally follow the 7th day diet for a couple of days.

The principle of the “Favorite” diet for 7 days is very simple. The first, third and sixth days of weight loss are drinking days; during these days you can consume liquid products. The second day is a vegetable day (you can eat any number of vegetables and salads). The fourth day is fruit day (you can eat any amount of fruit). The fifth day is protein (you are allowed to eat eggs, boiled chicken, yoghurt is not prohibited). And finally, the seventh day is the exit from the diet. It is prohibited to replace products presented in the food menu or change places of days. But there are no restrictions on portion sizes and number of meals in this diet.

Diet “Favorite” 7 days - what foods can be consumed

On the drinking days of the “Favorite” diet for 7 days, the diet can consist of water, broth, kefir, drinking yoghurts, cleansing cocktails from vegetables and fruits, jelly, compotes, milk and homemade milkshakes. If you are firmly focused on maximum results, then on this day you should give preference to kefir and milk, which have a small percentage of fat content.

On vegetable days, you can eat any vegetables, but the most welcome guest You should have cabbage on your table, thanks to its “fat-burning” properties. You can add a small amount of vegetable oil to salads. Vegetables are best consumed raw, boiled or baked. On vegetable days, water and tea without sugar are also not prohibited.

On fruit days, you can eat any fruit except bananas.

The diet of protein days should consist of egg whites, boiled chicken (it is better to take fillet), low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, fish, soy, peas, beans, and nuts.

Diet “Favorite” 7 days - what foods should not be consumed

On drinking days, it is better to avoid sweet water and juices. When you make salads on vegetable day, you cannot season them with mayonnaise or sour cream; it is better to limit yourself to vegetable oil. During the diet, you should also exclude salt, sugar, and alcohol.

Diet “Favorite” 7 days - menu examples

First day of the diet:

Breakfast - 200 gr. kefir and a cup of unsweetened tea; lunch - 200 gr. chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 150 gr. yogurt; dinner - 200 gr. milk. In between, you can also drink unsweetened tea.

Second day of the diet:

Breakfast - 2 tomatoes; lunch - a salad of fresh cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil; afternoon snack - 2 cucumbers; dinner - salad of sweet peppers, herbs and cucumbers.

Third day of the diet:

Breakfast - 200 gr. milkshake and a cup of unsweetened tea; second breakfast - 200 gr. milk; lunch - 150 gr. chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 200 gr. kefir; dinner - 200 gr. milk. In between, you can also drink unsweetened tea.

Fourth day of the diet:

Breakfast - 2 oranges; second breakfast - grapefruit; lunch - fruit platter of kiwi, apples and oranges; afternoon snack - pear and apple; dinner - grapefruit.

Fifth day of the diet:

Breakfast - 2 eggs; second breakfast - 200 gr. boiled fish; lunch - 150 gr. boiled chicken meat and 100 gr. boiled peas; afternoon snack - 100 gr. cottage cheese; dinner - 100 gr. cheese.

Day six of the diet:

Breakfast - 200 gr. kefir and a cup of unsweetened tea; second breakfast - 200 gr. grapefruit juice; lunch - 200 gr. chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 200 gr. milkshake; dinner - 200 gr. milk. In between, you can also drink unsweetened tea.

Seventh day (day of leaving the diet):

Breakfast - 2 eggs and a cup of green tea; second breakfast - fruit of your choice; lunch - light soup with rice or buckwheat; afternoon snack - fruit according to your choice; dinner - vegetable salad, seasoned with salt and dressed with vegetable oil.

Diet Favorite 7 days (in 7 days 10 kg) - useful tips and reviews

Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this diet, it is quite effective and in most cases really helps get rid of excess weight. As with any other diet, the hardest part is the first day. Therefore, there are no large restrictions on caloric intake for him. However, some may still find it difficult to tolerate giving up solid food. Therefore, in reviews of the “Favorite” 7-day diet, you can often find advice to limit physical activity and refuse training, if any are present in your daily routine, since the first diet is characterized by dizziness, nausea, loss of strength, etc. It is also recommended On drinking days, be sure to consume broth so as not to break down and break your diet. Another tip for drinking days is to avoid artificial juices and sugary drinks.

Eating on a fruit day should be frequent, every 2-3 hours, so that there is no painful feeling of hunger.

On protein days, it is better to make up a diet of chicken, fish, shrimp, and egg whites, since eating cottage cheese or yogurt can reduce the effectiveness of the diet (this is due to the ability of lactose to retain fluid). Throughout the diet, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day clean water.

And finally, it is very important to exit the diet correctly. After finishing the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, you should under no circumstances pounce on food. Breakfast on the first day after the diet can consist of a couple of boiled eggs, lunch should be a light soup with vegetable or chicken broth, and dinner should be a light salad. You can snack on fruit throughout the day.

As a result of the “Favorite” diet for 7 days, the total loss of adipose tissue is up to 2%, but in order to consolidate the result and develop it, you should slightly limit the calorie content of your usual diet over the next month.