Dragon age: origins: guides and walkthroughs. Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins DLC - Return to Ostagar Dragon age origins trusted

To receive this quest, you must have the Stone Captive add-on installed. Go to the Sulker's Pass location, and the merchant standing there will offer you a control rod for the golem. You can get it completely free, since by and large this rod is useless - the golem is not attached to it, you need to find it in the village of Honnlit, which is currently occupied by a detachment of the Spawn of Darkness.

Go to a new location that has opened on your map. It is truly filled with a variety of Fiends of Darkness, mainly archers and warriors. When you have dealt with everything, you can try to activate the golem standing in the square using the password given to you.

After making sure that the password does not work, go further, namely, to the door that is marked as “Wilhelm’s Basement”. Having made your way through another detachment of the Spawn of Darkness, led by a Herlock emissary and an Alpha Harlock, you will find surviving villagers behind a magical barrier.

Behind the barrier you will find Matthias, son of Wilhelm. He will tell you that the golem killed his father and his mother sold the control rod, most likely, deliberately giving the wrong password to it. Matthias will promise to reveal the correct password to you if you rescue his daughter from Vilhelm’s laboratory, who fled there during the attack on the village. The laboratory is protected by various kinds of magical traps, so that other villagers cannot go there (those who tried, alas, did not blow their heads).

The laboratory is located in the same basement further down the corridor, and the traps will turn out to be Shadows, jumping out at you from time to time from ambush. Move further along the corridor and the bridge (this Wilhelm has a very spacious basement, isn't it?) and you will find another magical barrier. It is not placed for you, so feel free to walk through it.

Behind the barrier you will find Amalia, Matthias's daughter, in the company of a talking cat. But you, as an experienced exterminator of evil spirits, know very well that it probably couldn’t have happened without some kind of demon. The demon is unable to leave the laboratory due to a magical barrier set up by Wilhelm.

You can immediately challenge the demon to a fight (but she will possess the girl and you will have to kill her) or promise to let her go (you can lie) if in return she promises to leave Amalia alone (but breaks her word after you remove the barrier) . You can also return and report the situation to Matthias, who will sacrifice himself to save Amalia, allowing the demon to take over his body (and then you will have to either kill him or let both him and the demon that owns him go).

In light of all of the above, if you want to save the girl and her father, promise the demon to let her go.

To do this, you have to solve a small puzzle - how to draw fire on stone slabs from one corner to another. The answer is simple: move the arrow tiles. The fire burns in the direction of the arrow, so all you have to do is line up the arrows so that they point the flame in the direction you want. There can be a lot of options for their location here.

One solution:

Once the barrier is removed, the demon will break his word and attack you along with several rage demons. Alternatively, you can let her take over Amalia's body, and you can even demand an additional reward for this - a magic staff. (Admittedly, the staff is not that good, but one of the best helmets in the game can be removed from the demon’s body.)

If you immediately challenge the demon to a fight, Stan will approve.

Making a deal with the demon or allowing Mattias to sacrifice himself will earn Morrigan's approval and the disapproval of Wynn, Zevran, Alistair and Leliana. Accordingly, if you kill the demon and save the girl, Morrigan will not approve, but the others will be quite happy.

In any case, the result will be to obtain the correct golem activation password. Return to the square and get a new companion into your group - the golem Sheila (Alistair won't particularly like this idea, but you can reduce the loss of influence to a minimum (-1) with the help of Persuasion).

If you want, you can also kill Sheila.

Note: When you walk back from the laboratory, the Shadows will attack you again twice.

In Honnlith, you can find a locked chest near one of the houses. The key to this chest is on the body of a peasant not far from Sheila. The chest contains a very good dagger with two slots.

Fortress of the Guardians

You receive this quest if you have the “Fortress of the Guardians” add-on installed. After it is installed, someone named Levi Dryden will appear in your camp. He will ask you to find with him the abandoned fortress of the Gray Wardens, in which his great-great-grandmother Sophia (at that time Warden-Commander of Ferelden) once fought, in order to obtain evidence of her heroic life there and thereby restore the good name of the Drydens.

Go to the Soldier's Peak location that appears on your map. In the courtyard of the fortress you will see visions from the past - they will happen to you throughout your exploration of the fortress and will give a good idea of ​​​​the last days of its defense. The corpses lying in the courtyard will very quickly rise up and attack you if you approach the staircase leading to the fortress. You can remove a good antique crossbow from the body of their elite commander.

Clear the first and second floors of the fortress, along the way learning more about its history from visions and notes and books scattered throughout. In the large hall on the first floor, you will see Sofia's very last battle, after which you will be attacked by a demon of rage. Keep in mind that he will continue to heal himself as long as there is at least one Guardian ghost alive to help him, so it makes sense to deal with the Guardians first (they will only be summoned by the demon twice).

The exit from the second floor is temporarily closed to you - go to Sofia’s office and talk to her herself - or what’s left of her. Now you have to make a choice - whether to accept her offer or not. If you refuse, then you will have to fight with her, if not, go through the door and bridge (beware of the traps on it) to the tower of Avernus and fight with him. If you killed Sophia, then Avernus, in turn, will offer you to patch up the holes in the Veil. Regardless of which side you take, you'll have to fight off four waves of demons while your chosen ally handles the Shroud, the last of which will be the Desire Demon.

After the battle, you can either leave your ally alive or kill him. If you leave them alive, you won't hear from them again (unless Levi might mention that Avernus doesn't stick his head out of his tower). Also, if you leave an ally alive, you will not receive either the Guardian Commander Armor Set (Sophia) or the Avernus Robe (Avernus).

After this, Levi will speak to you and your quest will be completed. Unfortunately, it was not possible to restore the good name of the Drydens, but now you and the Levi family can use the fortress as a base. If you leave Soldier Peak (at least to the camp) and return, you will receive a chest for your use in which you can keep things without filling your backpack with them, and two merchants - Levi himself and his blacksmith brother. The blacksmith can also forge you the beautiful Starfang sword if you find a meteorite during one of the random encounters on the world map (unfortunately, this does not happen in every game).

Note: At the entrance to the room where you meet Avernus, you will see a vial containing the results of his research on Blood Magic. If you drink its contents, you will receive two additional skills - which ones depend on the class of your hero.

Find four sources of information about the treasure hidden in the fortress, and then find the treasure itself. This quest is activated when you find any of four sources of information:
- statue in the western part of the courtyard
- book in the archive on the first floor
- a jar of raspberry jam on the second floor
- a corpse on the wall in the tower of Avernus.

I recommend activating the statue first (at least not last) - if you complete the Soldier’s Peak quest, you will no longer be able to return to the fortress itself and, accordingly, you will not be able to get the treasure there. If you have found all the information, then go to the second floor and search the large painting above the fireplace. Repeat the Oath of the Guardians and a chest with very good things will come out of the wall, of which it is worth noting the Sword of Asturian - a one-handed sword with one slot and the property of weakening Fiends of Darkness.

Return to Ostagar

This quest appears to you immediately after installing the Return to Ostagar DLC after you complete Lothering. The gist of it is that during your travels you have heard vague rumors about some soldier who survived the Battle of Ostagar and is hiding somewhere in the lands of Banna Loren and - perhaps out of pure curiosity or perhaps a sense of camaraderie - decided to find out more about him.

Go to the new location that appears on your map. You can intervene in what is happening or not, but this will not affect Elric’s fate - the Bann soldiers will stab him to death on the spot and the only difference will be whether they then leave in peace or attack you. In any case, talk to the dying person. Elric will tell you that before the battle, King Kaylan gave him the key to a chest with important documents and will ask you to find these documents, and at the same time try to recapture Kaylan’s armor and weapons from the Spawn of Darkness and, if the king’s body is found, give him a real burial.

Go to Ostagar. It is teeming with Spawn of Darkness of all sorts and sizes, and Kaylan's armor was divided among five of their commanders. Two of them are located in the western part of Ostagar, two are in the eastern part, and you will have to get a little longer to get to the last one.

In the western part of the fortress you will find the key that Elric mentioned. Kaylan's chest is located in the same place, slightly south of the key's location. The chest contains some very interesting documents...

In addition to Kaylan's chest, you will find another locked chest in the western part of the fortress, labeled "Mage Chest". You can only open it if you did NOT open the chest with the deserter's key at the very beginning of your adventures, following the quest "The Hungry Deserter". If you did not receive the key from the deserter earlier, then you can find it on the body of the poor fellow in the northwestern part of the map.

After clearing the western part of the fortress and receiving two pieces of Kailan's armor (from Harlock the Kolobrod in the northern part and Harlock the Guardian in the southeastern part), go across the bridge. There you will find the body of the king, but you will not be allowed to do anything with it, since a colorful Fiend Necromancer will appear on the battlefield, who will send several skeletons, including a magician, to attack you. Several enemies will also appear behind you, so be careful.

Having made your way through the enemy, go clear the eastern part of the fortress. In addition to the Spawn of Darkness, there are traps scattered across the surface in the southern part, almost immediately after the bridge, and ballistae are waiting behind them (fortunately, they have practically no maneuverability, so the main thing is not to stand in a direct line of fire). Behind the traps and ballistae you will find Harlock the Strategist, from whom you can remove another piece of the king's armor. Another piece of armor is located in the northern part of the map with General Harlock, protecting the approach to the Ishal tower.

After clearing the area of ​​Spawns on the surface, go to the Tower of Ishal. Don't be alarmed - you don't need to go through all four floors, this time you only need the first. There you will be attacked by an ogre and many low-level Fiends, which should not cause you any problems. Explore the first floor. Not far from the barricaded door you will find a gap (you may remember that the guard in Ostagar told you about the underground tunnels discovered in the tower) - jump there.

In the tunnels you will find spiders and a couple of Herlock emissaries, but, in general, they are quite small, and very soon they will lead you to the former battlefield. Here you will have your final battle. The necromancer will raise from the dead the same ogre who killed Kaylan. In addition, the necromancer will call for help from the dead from those poor frozen bodies that lie in abundance around. Having dealt with the ogre, go to the necromancer - he is not very strong and attacks mainly with a staff - obviously, spending all his mana on raising the dead.

From the ogre you will get Duncan's dagger and sword, and from the necromancer you can remove the last piece of the king's armor. Go back to the tunnels - and you will automatically find yourself on the bridge near Kaylan's body. Now you have to decide what to do with it. You can give him a funeral pyre, you can leave him as is, or you can remove him, but not bury him, but leave him to the wolves. Depending on what you decide to do, your teammates may approve or not. Once you have made your decision, you can leave Ostagar. A small warning - you will not be able to return here, so if something is left unexamined and unfinished, it is better to do it now.

This task will appear immediately after you install the DLC called "Return to Ostagar". This quest will appear immediately after you complete the settlement of Lothering. The gist of it is that during your travels you heard vague news about a soldier who somehow managed to survive the Battle of Ostagar. He is hiding in the lands of Banna Loren and you must help your friend in misfortune.

Go to the location that appears on your map. When you find this person, you can either intervene in what is happening or simply observe it, but in any case, this will not affect the fate of the bann in any way. The soldiers will soon stab Bann Elric to death on the spot and the only difference will be that you will be able to hit the soldiers on the head. Eventually, you will have to talk to a dying bann. Elric will tell you that before the battle, King Cailan gave him the key to a chest that contains some very important documents, so his dying wish is to find the chest and take the documents. In addition, you have to recapture the armor of King Kailan from the adventures of darkness, and if you find his body, then give him a decent burial.

Travel to Ostagar Fortress. Here everything will be filled with the adventures of darkness of every kind and every size, and Kaylan's armor will be divided among the commanders. Two pieces of armor will be located in the western part of Ostagar, two more in the eastern part, well, and the last part will be almost at the very end. In the western part of this fortress you can find the key that the dying Elric once mentioned. King Kaylan's chest will be located in the same place, slightly south of the key. The chest will contain very interesting documents...

In addition to the royal chest, you can also find another locked chest in the western part of this fortress, which is designated as the “Magic Chest”. You can open this chest only if you did not open the chest at the very beginning. When you were given the key to this chest by a deserter. If you have not received this key before, then you can find it on the body of the same deserter in the northwestern part of the fortress.

Once you clear the western part of this fortress and receive two parts from Kaylan’s armor, which you received from Harlock the Kolobrod (northern part of the fortress) and Harlock the Guard (southeastern part of the fortress), then go through the bridge and along the way you will meet the body of the fallen King, but you can’t do anything with him yet, and they won’t give it to you, since enemies will stand in your way. In general, the picture is this: you are surrounded from all sides, more precisely from two, there will be both magicians and skeletons, so the battle will be dusty.

Once you make your way through the hordes of enemies, quickly clear the eastern part of this fortress. In addition to the spawn of darkness on the surface of the southern part, almost immediately behind the bridge there will be a bunch of traps, and then you will come across ballistas. Luckily for you, they don't have any maneuverability, so you just need to avoid getting directly under their shooting line. Behind all these traps and ballistae you will find Harlock the Strategist, from whom you can remove another piece of King Kaylan's armor. Now we go in search of the last piece of the King’s armor. Move to the northern part of the fortress to the Harlock general, who is protecting the approach to the Tower of Ishal.

Once you clear the area from enemies, go to the Tower of Ishal. Don't worry - now you don't have to go through all four floors of the tower, this time you only need to go through the first. Here an ogre and low-level opponents will attack you. Carefully examine the first floor of the tower. Soon there will be a hole near the barricaded doors - jump into this hole.

In these tunnels you will find spiders and a couple of Herlock emissaries, but they will not cause you problems, and soon you will simply enter the already familiar battlefield. Here you have to fight for the last time. The necromancer raises from the dead the same ogre who once killed King Kaylan and whom Duncan killed. In addition, the necromancer will also call on small enemies for help. Once you defeat this ogre, then switch to the necromancer. The necromancer is not too dangerous and attacks only with a staff.

From the ogre you can get Duncan's legendary weapons - a dagger and a sword, and from the necromancer you will remove the last piece of King Kaylan's armor. Now go back to the tunnels and soon you will automatically find yourself near the corpse of the deceased King. You need to decide what to do with it. You can give him a decent burial, you can leave him, or you can leave him to be torn to the wolves. Depending on what you do, your teammates will react differently. Once you have made your decision, you can leave this fortress. Please note that once you leave the fortress, you will not be able to return back, so it is best to carefully examine everything at the end.

This completes this DLC.


Blight Wolf x4 Spawn of Darkness Rank 2
Bereskarn x2 Spawn of Darkness Rank 3
Jowan x1 Spiritual healer Rank 3 Jovan's intentions.


Private Militia x5 Warrior Rank 2, 3 Optional quest battle King's Confidant.


Kadan-Fe Mercenary x7 Warrior Rank 2, 3 Quest battle Trial of the Ravens.


Taoran Hawkwind x1 Warrior Rank 4 Optional quest battle Change of power.
Blackstone Mercenary
(Blackstone Mercenary)
x8 Warrior Rank 2

Quest from the preacher's board. If you release the prisoner Jovan in the basement of Redcliffe Castle, then after completing the quest Earl of Redcliffe a task will appear in the journal - to find the maleficar Jovan. A new marker should appear on the world map, but due to a bug in the game this may not happen. Completing the quest is possible using a cheat code.

Entering cheat codes is possible if:

1. In the Keybindings.ini file in the My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings folder in the OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X line, change X to any key not used in the game (for example U).

2. Create a shortcut to the Daorigins.exe file and in the shortcut properties after the file name, add -enabledeveloperconsole separated by a space.

After this, you need to launch the game using the created shortcut. Press U, enter runscript zz_ran_debug and press Enter (the entered text may not be visible on the screen). In the list that appears, select section 1.Forest, then location 4.Jowan. The squad teleports to the Thicket location, where Jovan saves refugees. You can kill him or release him after rescuing the refugees.

If you tell the refugees that Jovan is a blood mage, they themselves will kill him, although he “saved their lives three times.” Interestingly, Jovan does not use blood magic in this episode - he has become a spiritual healer.

175 XP and 3 gold coins for completing the quest.

[Need a mod Return to Ostagar.] On the world map in the location of the Land of Banna Loren (new mark) you need to talk to Elric. He will offer to return King Kaylan's documents, weapons and armor from Ostagar and will tell you where the key to the royal chest is hidden. Additional dialogue is provided for Alistair (or Loghain) and Wynne who participated in the Battle of Ostagar.


[Need a mod Return to Ostagar.] This quest appears after completing a conversation with Elric on the quest King's Confidant. You need to go to the Ostagar location (a new mark on the world map) and pick up the weapons and armor of King Kaylan (6 items in total), as well as his secret correspondence.

It is advisable to take Alistair (or Loghain) and Wynn with you from the Battle of Ostagar, as additional dialogue is provided for them.

Kailan's armor set, Kailan's weapon set.

If you talk to Master Ignacio in the Denerim Trade Quarter, he will later invite you through a messenger to a meeting at the Bitten Nobleman tavern and offer a number of tasks.

2. Kill the Kadan-Fe mercenaries. A new location, Kadan-Fe Shelter, will appear on the world map.

3. Kill Ambassador Heinley. The ambassador and security guard are located in the Royal Palace of Orzammar, in the rooms of Prince Trian.

4. Kill Captain Chase. A new location, Ransom Place, will appear on the Denerim map.

After completing the quest, merchant Cesar will have an additional assortment at the Denerim market. If you kill Master Ignacio after completing the quest, trading with Cesar will become impossible.

Crossbow with improved grip And Rough Gut Gauntlets for the first three tasks;
gloves Finders of Red Jenny for completing the quest.

Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be taken in Denerim). The quest is given after completing the other five volunteer quests. You need to talk to Relnor Hawkwind in the Trade Quarter and make a decision: either kill him or kill his son Taoran Hawkwind (random encounter on the world map, location Taoran's Camp).

350 XP and 4 gold coins if you kill Relnor;
350 XP, 4 gold coins and Free Scout Helm, if you kill Taoran;
3 gold coins if Taoran is released for ransom.

A second chance to return to Ostagar, the battlefield, will only appear after installing the “Return to Ostagar” downloadable add-on. The add-on is sold in the official Bioware store. By downloading and installing the files, access to premium content will automatically open after activation. On the map, a little above and to the right of the tower of the Circle of Magi on Lake Calenhad, a yellow tree icon called “ Lands of Banna Lorena"(you need to leave Lothering). Arriving at the place, the dying Elric Mairen, the king's confidant, will be found. He will talk about the correspondence between the king and the Empress of Orlais, which must be found and returned at any cost. On the map, near Flemeth's hut, Ostagar's icon will appear again. This time the entire territory is under the control of the creatures of darkness. King Cailan's golden armor and weapons were lost in the battle. The warlords of the creatures of darkness took them as trophies and divided them among themselves. The armor consisted of a helmet, breastplate, greaves and gloves. Kaylan's weapons were the sword of his father Maric and a shield with a coat of arms. The correspondence was kept in a chest in the royal enclave. The key to it is hidden in the magicians' camp under a pile of stones. After completing the assignment, it is necessary to burn the body of King Kaylan, crucified in the middle of the bridge over the abyss.

Armor of the deceased King Kaylan in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Cailan's Greaves(strength: 36; armor: 2.70; +1 to armor, +20% chance to dodge attacks) - garlock messenger at the military council site.
  • Kaylan's Shield(strength: 32; defense: 4.00; +1 to armor, chance to dodge projectiles) - a garlock from the front line near Duncan’s kennel and fire.
  • Maric's Blade(damage: 9.80; +0.75 to restore health and stamina in battle, +6 to damage against creatures of darkness, weakening of creatures of darkness, 2 slots for runes) - Kaylan’s chest in the royal enclave.
  • Kaylan's Plate Gloves(strength: 36; armor: 2.25; +1 to armor, +15% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab) - harlock strategist on the platform with ballistae after crossing the bridge.
  • Cailan's Breastplate(strength: 36; armor: 15.75; +1 to armor, +15 to physical resistance) - Garlock general in front of the Ishal tower.
  • Kaylan's Helm(strength: 36; armor: 2.70; +1 to armor, +10 to psychic resistance) - Genlock necromancer on the battlefield.

The weapon of the deceased Duncan in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Duncan's dagger(agility: 24; damage: 5.60; +4 to agility, +10% to the chance of a critical hit or backstab, +10 to damage against dragons, 2 slots for runes) - a rebel ogre on the battlefield.
  • Duncan's sword(damage: 9.60; +3 to willpower, +3 to cunning, +2 to stamina recovery in battle, +4 to damage against creatures of darkness, 2 slots for runes) - a rebel ogre on the battlefield.

The Beginning of a Legend: Let's Talk About Dragon Age: Origins

Review of one popular game.

1. Why did you want to write THIS?

The last battle is over. The Archdemon is defeated, the world is saved, the remnants of the creatures of darkness are fleeing. The new king of Ferelden speaks of a hero who saved the world. My soul is calm and good because of what has been done. It's time to take stock.
For me, DAO immediately became a game that immediately took pride of place in my collection. Not the first, but one of the first. And under the impression of her, I undertook to write this review for the first time in my life. Whether I'm doing the right thing, I don't know. Maybe my essay will help someone. And someone will literally be interested in this extraordinary game in every sense. I will be glad if my thoughts meet with understanding, because I write this from my heart and soul.

2. Six Hero Paths

Let's go back to the Beginning. The game is loaded and launched, we start a new game and watch a video in which, as if on behalf of the Gray Warden Duncan, a certain background of events is outlined. It grabs you right away, because it makes it clear to the player that there will be a lot of action. However, it happens that the exciting beginning turns out to be the only worthwhile episode in the game. Therefore, not trusting what we see, we move on and create our own character.
The process of sculpting a hero for me personally is one of the most important in the game. After all, we have to admire our character for quite a long time and it is important that we do not get tired of him by the middle of the game. And so that his appearance corresponds to his...hmm...inner world or something. The appearance editor does not offer much variety. Three classic fantasy races - human, elf, dwarf. – gender is accordingly your choice, specialization is also classic: warrior, mage, robber. But further... We are asked to choose a backstory for the character. And then something began that immediately brought DAO to the category of megagames for me. Our computer hero found a situation that brought him into the ranks of the Gray Wardens. A noble lord loses his family and name due to the betrayal of his father's close friend. A free elf, infected in the ruins with an ancient curse, is forced to leave the clan forever and serve among people. A city elf, defending the honor of a bride kidnapped by the earl's son, commits murder and a call to the Gray Wardens will save his life. For an untouchable dwarf, enlistment in the Gray Wardens is a chance to escape a past life of crime, but for a dwarf heir to the throne, it is a consequence of treason and a coup d'etat. Only the backstory of the magician is quite typical; in other cases, the creators of the game showed ingenuity and managed to bring the hero very close to the player. One way or another, our hero looks quite alive, and although he cannot speak to us (it’s a pity, the other characters talk, and we just throw phrases like “These creatures are definitely dangerous” or “It will be done”), his liveliness and realism do not evoke doubts. With such a hero, spending time at the computer becomes not just interesting, but very interesting.

3. In the thick of battle

The backstory is completed, and the very handsome knight Duncan leads us to Ostagar, where the royal army intends to fight hordes of evil creatures known as the creatures of darkness (in some ways, these guys reminded me of Tolkien’s, and even more movie orcs). We already have an idea of ​​the game’s combat system - in my opinion, it’s quite nice, and although it doesn’t shine with variety (many techniques and feints will become available to us as we acquire new skills), third-person combat looks quite spectacular. Some complain about the low speed of the combat, but this is just realistic - it’s hard to imagine that fighters in heavy armor will jump with the agility and speed of Jackie Chan. In Ostagar, we begin to acquire companions who will then follow us throughout the game - at first it is the former templar Alistair, then the funniest and cutest dog (if anyone starts playing as a non-human, the dog accompanies the human hero from the very beginning of the journey!). And here another great side of the game becomes visible: each of the companions who join you is individual. He or she is a person in the full sense of the word, and your behavior will largely determine what kind of relationship you will develop with your companion. Everything is like in life.
The videos of the Battle of Ostagar are magnificent. It's like watching an expensive historical film. It’s not like what happened, for example, in Oblivion, where five soldiers represented the army of the Empire. And character animation is a special matter. Here you really sometimes forget that in front of you are computer animations.

Every discovery or conversation is often accompanied by entries in the codex - like a hero’s diary. The most interesting thing. The imagination of the game’s creators, and especially David Gelder, the main storymaker, truly knows no bounds. Even the smallest details of the world in which our quest takes place are spelled out. Legends and stories, traditions and myths, everything that is commonly called lore - all this is in the codex entries. Therefore, the events of the game do not look like just a set of body movements and transitions from one location to another: they are justified, thought out and have logic. Personally, I found this very interesting and necessary.

5. Satellites

The best thing about this game. If our hero had wandered across the expanses of Feredden alone, cutting down crowds of adversaries with sword and magic, he would have ended up with another clone of Oblivion or the Witcher. But no - the creators of the game came up with companions for us. Moreover, each of them is unique and his inclusion in the squad is a whole story.
Alistair is a virgin templar, an impeccable knight and also the illegitimate son of the king. Correct and morally stable, he rushes headlong into the attack, and he has no double bottom. Be careful not to do nasty things in front of Alistair, he doesn’t like it. A dishonest act can greatly tarnish our reputation in his eyes and make him leave us, but there are very high expectations associated with him in the game. Which? Play for yourself and find out.
The opposite of Alistair is the beautiful witch Morrigan. She joins the squad without desire, obeying the will of her mother, a real bitch by nature. Any good deed, such as saving a blacksmith’s daughter in trouble (“Maybe we’ll start picking more cats from the trees?”), or trying to reason with an insolent speculator profiting from refugees, causes her to have a sharp negative reaction. But how smart she is, how caustically she conducts dialogues with her companions, how she mocks the correct and simple-minded Alistair! She also absolutely loves gold jewelry, and the best way to please her is to give her trinkets. If you achieve Morrigan’s love, be prepared that the formidable witch will begin to be wildly jealous of your female companions with explanations and other attributes of “close relationships.”
Another mage, Wynn, is a fanatically devoted healer to the Circle of Mages. Bloodshed disgusts her, but she follows us because... she's dead? You will learn this riddle when you get to know her better.
Rescued by us from a cage where he was put on suspicion of murder, Qunari Stan is a typical Indian hero from old westerns. Laconic, laconic, incomprehensible, desperately brave and strong. He goes into battle without reasoning, but anything that distracts him from the war with the creatures of darkness will be severely criticized. Try, in the presence of Stan, to promise to help Bann Tegan in protecting Redcliffe from the resurrected dead, or to bother brother Rendell about opening a church in Orzamar - and it will immediately become clear that Stan does not like this at all. But this stern warrior, obsessed with the path of Kun, collects flowers when no one is looking, and the best gift for him is a picture of a girl with geese or a beautiful queen. So I can’t believe from the very beginning that this giant could slaughter a family along with their children, and the solution... it awaits the player later.
The red-haired rogue Leliana, saint, thief, archer, lockpicker and bard is one of your most interesting companions. She can talk you to death with her chatter about hairstyles and shoes, but how does she react to gifts, like a bouquet of wildflowers or an underground pig mole! And most importantly, if your hero follows the path of a righteous knight-paladin, Leliana’s approval is guaranteed.
Oghren. When I played through the game for the second time, I started the playthrough with Orzammar so that this character would quickly join my squad. A dwarf berserker, a drunkard, a womanizer, a vulgar man and an excellent fighter, a kind of mini-tank, amuses us with his most intoxicating maxims (witness the famous “Give me a lullaby!”), and his image of a hardened martinet simply touches the heartstrings. And it’s not difficult to win his favor - just organize a good fight for him or buy him something to drink.
Zevran, the elf assassin, mannered, glamorous and talkative, seemed uninteresting to me. However, this character also has considerable potential, especially if you are playing a negative character. In some situations, his presence is very desirable, and if you win his favor, he will prove to you that even murderers have a certain code of honor.
Finally, Loghain, a traitor to King Cailan, a self-proclaimed usurper who was hunting for your head - this is how the developers conceived it, so that in due time you can get this character as an ally and traveling companion. You can step over your revenge and concepts of morality, then act, and you will get a magnificent warrior who will not let you down in battle.
As for your dog (choose your own name), he loves you because he is a dog. He marks landmark trees, looks for all sorts of useful and useless things for you, fights to the death for you, and happily rides on his back if you pet him. Even if you don’t give him a single bone during the entire game and don’t buy him a new collar, he will still go through thick and thin for you. This is him, a friend of the hero of Ferelden.
I will also add that our characters do not just accompany us. We can switch from one to another using their skills and abilities. The advanced tactical combat system allows us to assign each of them a separate combat mission, and he will complete it in the best possible way. They talk behind our backs, give us the opportunity to mock them (what will we say if we find out that our brave mabari stuffed a dead hare into Morrigan's intimate underwear?) or encourage us, fall in love with us and are ready to... hmm... walk with us in tent (except for Stan, a tough Qunari guy who is obsessed with war). And if we gave our heart to one of them, it’s better not to flirt with the other one or the other - we won’t be able to maintain unity in the squad. So we walk through the expanses of Ferelden, always the four of us from adventure to adventure, earning trust, affection, love, and sometimes hatred of each other. And if they begin to hate you, they may leave the squad, or they may betray you. So companions are the best that the creators of the DAO could offer the audience. I think they succeeded.

6. Graphics

You won't see anything that will take your breath away and bring tears to your eyes. The game does not have the luxurious interiors from Dark Messiah, the wonderful atmospheric landscapes of Oblivion and the amazing special effects. There is no change in weather, the rooms are quite the same type and similar to each other. The weapon looks very tacky (fortunately, mods can fix everything here). But at the same time, the graphics in the game are of quite high quality and I didn’t get the feeling of a cardboard-like, inharmonious world compared to the characters. I really liked the facial animation, the way the NPCs move. Artificial intelligence, of course, is not up to par - during the bloody battles, the NPCs who happened to be nearby continue to stand as if nothing had happened, not paying any attention to what was happening. But in general, we can say that the world of the DAO looks quite natural and memorable.

I am not an expert and cannot evaluate the game as an expert. I am a simple user and a big fan of playing. I fell in love with this game immediately and for a long time (one might say forever). And that’s why I give her the highest score. And the shortcomings... if you want, you can find them anywhere. Even the sun has spots.