(EDS) electronic signature for government services, creation and receipt. Step-by-step instructions for checking your digital signature on the government services portal How to log in to government services using your digital signature


In simple terms, an electronic digital signature (EDS) is an encrypted part of a document that protects the original information from distortion. The digital signature carries data about the owner and can be in the form of an image, a digital code, or have no visual form at all.

Where and how is an electronic digital signature used?

EDS can be used to carry out most electronic services. As a rule, it is stored on removable media (flash drive). It is important that the signature is qualified, otherwise it will not have proper legal force. The most popular areas of application of electronic signatures:

  • work with (all services, up to registration of the organization);
  • admission to higher educational institutions (documents can now be sent electronically);
  • remote collaboration with people or organizations (for example, drawing up an agreement when working as a freelancer);
  • participation in electronic auctions related to the liquidation of enterprises or work projects;
  • registration of a patent for an idea or invention.

When working with the State Services portal, an electronic signature does not provide advantages in receiving services, but it significantly speeds up the process of filling out applications. You can also use it to log into your personal account without a password or login and confirm your account.

Where to go to get an electronic signature

It is possible to obtain an electronic signature only through the MFC or any accredited certification center (for example,). A complete list of such centers is presented on the resource e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA. To complete the application you will need:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;

The electronic digital signature itself is issued free of charge, but for removable media for it you will have to pay about 700 rubles. The issuance of digital signature will take no more than one working day. As a result, you receive a USB drive, a certificate for keys for electronic signature and a transfer certificate.

How to confirm the authenticity of an electronic signature

The digital signature can be located directly on the document (attached) or attached separately (detached). There are several ways to confirm its authenticity:

  • through the State Services portal (registration and confirmation of your personal account are optional);
  • through a single Electronic Signature portal iecp.ru;
  • using certain computer programs (one of the most popular is “Crypto APM”);
  • via MS Office Word;
  • through unofficial resources on the network.

EDS authentication via State Services

Due to the fact that the new State Services website is being finalized, electronic digital signature can only be confirmed on the old version of the website at gosuslugi.ru/pgu/eds. When checking a signature certificate, you receive information about its owner, the authority that issued the signature, and its validity period. Download the certificate, enter the code from the picture, and click “Verify”.

The following type of confirmation is used to verify attached signatures. Upload a document with digital signature, enter the code from the picture, and click “Check”.

The usual verification of a detached electronic signature (in PKCS#7 format) allows you to find out its authenticity if you have the signed document in its full original size. We upload the document, upload the file with the signature below, enter the code and check it.

The latest option for verifying a signature in PKCS#7 format using a hash function. The hash function is used when sending large documents. To speed up the file exchange process, a signature is placed on the so-called hash image of the document. To confirm a signature using this method, you need to download the proposed utility, unzip the resulting file and run the program. After loading a document with an electronic signature into the program, the system will produce a hexadecimal hash value. We enter it into the window on State Services, also upload the document, enter the code from the picture, and click “Check”.

Verifying the authenticity of digital signatures through a single Electronic Signature portal

On this site it is possible to check only the digital signature certificate. In the menu on the left, click “Electronic signature” / “Check electronic signature certificate”.

If you don't know where to get a signing certificate, the website provides detailed instructions for obtaining one. Click “Select”, upload the certificate, check the “I am not a robot” checkbox, and check.

Verifying the authenticity of digital signatures through a special utility

Confirming a signature through special software will be convenient for those who regularly work with digital documents. As mentioned earlier, the most popular authentication program is Crypto APM. You can download it on the official website of the developer, both a licensed version and a free product. Install the program, after launch, select “File” / “Verify signature”.

We upload the document using the “Add file” or “Add folder” command (when checking several documents at once).

Confirming the authenticity of an electronic signature using MS Office Word requires certain skills and will not be discussed within the scope of this article. It is also worth noting that all of the above verification methods are valid for qualified electronic signatures obtained through an accredited certification center.

When making civil transactions, providing state and municipal services, as well as when performing other legally significant actions via the Internet, an electronic digital signature (ED or EDS) is used. In essence, an electronic signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature. The only difference is that digital signature helps to sign any digital documents. Digital signatures are actively used on the State Services portal. With the help of an electronic signature, you can also use it to receive various state and municipal online services. In this regard, many portal users need to figure out how to obtain an electronic signature for the State Services website.

The method for obtaining an electronic signature will depend on its type. If the purpose of creating an electronic digital signature is to significantly speed up the process of obtaining government services due to the absence of the need to personally visit government organizations to sign papers, then a simple electronic signature will be sufficient for you. Obtaining such an electronic signature is not difficult. There is also a strengthened unqualified signature and a strengthened qualified signature. You will have to tinker with getting them, but they open up much greater opportunities. In any case, as part of this review, we will tell you about all types of electronic signatures and provide detailed instructions for obtaining them.

  • Important
  • To access all services of the State Services portal, an enhanced qualified electronic signature is required.

Types of electronic signature

As mentioned earlier, there are three types of electronic signature. A simple electronic signature has no legal force and you do not need to contact specialized centers to obtain it. Everything is done remotely and quite quickly. As a rule, this type of electronic signature is used to log in. As for the other two types of digital signatures, they also differ in status and their scope is not the same.

Types of digital signature:

  • Simple electronic signature;
  • Enhanced unqualified signature;
  • Strengthened qualified signature.

We cannot say which signature you need. It all depends on the purposes for which you plan to use the digital signature. You have all found yourself on this page in order to find out how to obtain an electronic signature for the State Services website, while the areas of application of the electronic signature will differ. To make it easier for you to decide what type of electronic digital signature you need, let’s consider their purpose in more detail.

Types of digital signatures and their differences:

  1. Simple electronic signature. The scope of application of a simple electronic signature is all types of document flow in an organization. Can be used on the State Services portal. Requests for the required service can be sent digitally, endorsed with a simple electronic signature. Essentially, this is a kind of identification through a code request via SMS.
  2. Strengthened unqualified signature. Confirms the authorship of papers, identifies the sender and records changes to the signed document. To obtain this type of digital electronic signature, you must contact a certification center. Does not provide for the possibility of signing government documents containing secrets.
  3. Enhanced Qualified Signature. Electronic signature with the highest level of security. Documents signed with this signature have the same legal force as documents signed with one’s own hand. Issued together with a special key and certificate at an accredited center. It is used when submitting reports in government organizations, in online trading, etc.
  • Important
  • Every citizen can obtain an electronic signature for the State Services website for free. You only need to pay for physical media (token or smart card).

Obtaining an electronic signature for public services

We have figured out the types of electronic signatures, now you can find out how to get an electronic signature for the State Services website. To gain access to all functions of the State Services portal, an enhanced qualified signature is required. You can do it before registering on the portal or later. Ideally, first you need to register on the site. Perhaps you don’t need an electronic signature at all. You should understand that many services do not require an electronic signature. For example, you can easily pay taxes, deregister a car, etc. without an electronic signature.

If the issue of obtaining an electronic signature has already been resolved, then you need to contact the certification center. You can find out the addresses of certification centers by following the link e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA. Please note that obtaining an enhanced qualified signature is only possible at an accredited center. If you need a simple electronic signature, then you do not need to do anything, since it was assigned to you automatically when you confirmed your account.

To obtain an electronic signature, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Follow the link e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA and select a certification authority;
  2. Go to the website of the certification center of your choice and fill out an application to receive an electronic signature;
  3. Wait for a specialist from the certification center to contact you and inform you of the procedure for your further actions (usually the specialist provides a list of documents with which you need to come to the center).

Be prepared to pay for the physical media (token or smart card) on which your electronic digital signature will reside. Also, some electronic digital signature media require the installation of a special program. A certification center specialist will definitely tell you about all these nuances.

Before setting up, make sure that the technical parameters meet the recommended ones.

Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher.

Plugin for the State Services portal corresponding to the operating system used.

Setting up the Internet Explorer browser

  • In the “Tools” menu item, select “Internet Options”, then go to the “Security” tab in the “Trusted Sites” zone.
  • Click the “Nodes” button and enter gosuslugi.ru in the “Web nodes” text field.
  • Uncheck the box next to “All nodes in this zone require server verification (https:)”
  • After adding the site address, go to the “Other” tab.
  • In the Security window, select Trusted Sites.
  • In the “Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone” tab, set the “Access to data sources outside the domain” to “Enable”.
  • In “Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone”, enable all the “ActiveX Controls and Connectivity Modules” items.
  • Save the changes by confirming the action by clicking the button that appears after clicking “OK”.
  • In the Privacy tab, change the level to Low, turn off pop-up blocker, and click OK.
  • In the "Advanced" tab, enable "SSL 1.0" and "TLS 1.0".

After completing the above steps, the browser is ready to work.

Installation and configuration of the Public Services portal plugin

  • Download the plugin by following the official link https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/sia-web/plugin/upload/Index.spr.
  • Make sure that you have downloaded the plugin that matches your OS (plugins are available for Windows versions XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, as well as systems such as Apple Mac OS X 10.8 and higher, Linux LSB .6/4.0 32-bit and 64-bit bit).
  • Start the download and wait until it finishes.
  • Run the plugin installation, then restart the browser.

With virtually no user interaction, the required plugin will be installed and activated. There is no need to make any additional settings.

Registration on the State Services portal

  • Go to the government services portal page and complete the registration procedure by clicking on the “Personal Account - Registration” button.
  • Select a registration option - for a legal entity, individual or individual entrepreneur. An individual fills out 4 points, these are “last name”, “first name”, “mobile phone”, “email”.
  • Confirm your email and phone number by entering the sent code.
  • In your personal account, edit your personal data.
  • Enter the entered information and your identity using an electronic signature (EDS). Users also have two other confirmation options available - in person and through Russian Post.

If the identification procedure was successful, a message will appear informing you that registration has been completed and your account has been confirmed.

When choosing a confirmation method, please note that all portal features will be available only if you have an electronic signature. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a signature from a certification center. The validity period is 1 year, which means that within 365 days you will be able to work with the portal remotely, saving yourself from personal visits to various departments.

Electronic signature does not work for government services

If the State Services portal does not see the digital signature, you must first check the signature for validity. To do this, it is better to switch to the live version of the portal at gosuslugi.ru/pgu. In the footer of the site, click on the “Reference Information” link. In the section that opens, select “Electronic signature”. Then select the appropriate verification option:

Certificate confirmation.

Checking the electronic signature in a document in PKCS#7 format.

Checking the disconnected electronic signature in PKCS#7 format.

Checking the disconnected electronic signature in PKCS#7 format using the hash function value.

Attention! To check the digital signature for State Services, you do not need to log in to your account. The check is available to unregistered users.

You can find the reason for refusal to accept a signature in the following ways:

Reason in the browser:
  • Check your browser for compliance with technical parameters.
  • Update the browser version, reinstall it, disable additional plugins and extensions.
  • Login to the portal from another browser.

An electronic signature (ED or EDS) is currently often used on the State Services website. It helps to sign any digital documents and is mainly used for the purpose of getting more online services. In our country, every citizen can obtain an electronic signature for the State Services portal. After the user has issued an electronic signature, he will have access to more opportunities when using electronic services and services posted on the online portal gosuslugi.ru. Through a single portal, you can significantly speed up the receipt of government services, because there is no need to bring extra papers to government organizations. Citizens can submit applications for services using a single portal at any time convenient for them, and also monitor the status of the department’s decision-making directly on the website.

How can I obtain an electronic signature for public services?

Every citizen can obtain an electronic signature for State Services completely free of charge. The user must pay only for the flash drive; as a rule, its cost does not exceed 500 rubles.

The service is provided when a citizen visits a certification center (CA), where he can directly obtain an electronic signature key for the State Services portal. A complete list of CA addresses can be found on the websites of the State Services (e-trust.gosuslugi.ru/CA) or the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia (minsvyaz.ru/ru/activity/govservices/certification_authority/). After the flash drive has been received, on the portal it will be possible to use those services that were previously not available and required identification using a signature.

What you need to do to get an EP

To create an electronic signature for State Services, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out an application for a personal electronic signature on the website of the certification center of your choice and indicate the telephone number and email for contact.
  2. The center specialist takes the application into consideration, contacts the future owner of the signature and sends a list of documents to the email address specified in the application. Phys. persons must bring an application for the issuance of a signature, their, and. When receiving an electronic signature, legal entities must provide an application, a certificate of state registration. individual entrepreneur registration, TIN, passport, SNILS and extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Sometimes additional documents may be required. In any case, the final list of required documentation for each citizen will be sent in a letter to the email address specified in the application.
  3. After submitting the requested documents, the electronic signature is produced within 1 day.

Types of electronic signature

At the moment, it is possible to obtain one of three types of electronic signature for State Services: simple, unqualified or qualified (abbreviated as PEP, NEP or CEP).

A simple electronic signature is used to certify authorship and when maintaining documentation in organizations. It does not give the documentation legal force and does not guarantee that there will be no changes in the papers after signing. The most relevant use of PEP is to enter the State Services portal.

NEP confirms the authorship of the papers and guarantees that the content will not be changed. An unqualified electronic signature is used for the circulation of documentation within a company and for the exchange of documents between other companies with which an agreement has been established and the rules for using this signature have been determined. To create it, cryptographic protection is required to ensure data security.

A qualified EP has all the advantages of an unqualified EP, but it can only be obtained from an accredited CA. The EPC is used when submitting reports to government organizations and for participating in online auctions. CEP cryptoprotection tools are certified by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (for example, CryptoPro CSP). Accordingly, such an electronic signature is a valid analogue of a living signature.

Checking the validity of the electronic signature through State Services

On the State Services website, electronic signature verification is carried out by monitoring the accuracy of the root (self-signed) certificate, which is included in the list of accredited CAs and in the list of trusted CAs of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. You can also check the digital signature on the State Services website by verifying the correctness of the certificate received at an accredited CA.

In the “Select a certificate for verification” column, you need to indicate the document whose electronic signature you want to confirm is correct, and select the “Check” button. Next, information about the reconciliation result will be displayed.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

An individual registers in his personal account on the State Services website using the CEP. The correct certificate for this signature includes the owner’s full name and SNILS number.

Legal entities to receive State Services are also registered using the CEP. In the certificate, the owner indicates an employee who can perform actions on behalf of this legal entity. The citizen's full name, SNILS, full name of the legal entity, address and OGRN (main state registration number) must be indicated.

The validity period of the electronic signature key may vary, but usually the certificate is valid for 1 year.

What can EP be used for?

Citizens who own an electronic signature can use it for the following purposes:

  1. Apply for government services via the Internet;
  2. Take an active part in public initiatives;
  3. Make full use of online services;
  4. Send documents to higher educational institutions upon admission;
  5. Individuals can quickly apply for loans online;
  6. Obtain accreditation for an expert;
  7. Send documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  8. Persons with individual entrepreneurs can take part in supplies for government agencies;
  9. Submit documents in order to obtain a patent.

How to use a digital signature

In order to use the EP, you need:

  1. Install a cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) on your computer or laptop;
  2. Install the program for a closed flash drive (eToken, ruToken);
  3. Install a user digital signature certificate;
  4. Install the certificate of the selected CA.

Typically, using ES does not cause difficulties and does not require special knowledge.

Important! Do not forget to check the validity period of the digital signature through State Services in a timely manner. If a notification appears that you are using an invalid electronic signature tool, you must renew the certificate.


When using an electronic signature on the State Services portal, the user is personally responsible for correct use and is obliged to control the protection of keys from third parties. If there is even the slightest possibility of violating the confidentiality of the signature, the electronic signature user must immediately visit the CA where the certificate was issued.

At the moment, the State Services portal has minor drawbacks regarding electronic signatures, on which preventive work is currently underway: not all organizations are ready to work under the new document flow program, not every user of the system has complete information about the benefits of using electronic signatures. The creators of the State Services portal are interested in making its use as convenient as possible for individuals and legal entities in the near future, therefore they are making every possible effort in this direction.

Three necessary steps to work with digital signature in the UEC on the government services website (gosuslugi.ru)

3. Working with the government services website - “Installing a plugin for working with the government services portal” (The Rostelecom plugin should be installed without running browsers). According to the instructions, we also add the address https://esia.gosuslugi.ru to the “list of trusted sites for Internet Explorer” (how?).

When registering on the public services portal using an electronic signature, select the item “Confirm identity using an electronic signature”, then “Electronic signature tool with a software crypto-provider”, click “Next”, select a certificate for registration using an electronic signature, after clicking on “OK” and a long wait In the “Password” field, enter the 6-digit “ID.PIN2” from UEC.
When entering the public services portal using an electronic signature (may be needed if you have forgotten your password), select authorization “Through a crypto provider”, click “Login”, select a certificate for authorization using an electronic signature, after clicking “OK” and waiting a long time in the “Password” field, enter 6 -digit “ID.PIN2” from UEC.
If you make a mistake entering the password three times... you will have to go with your feet to unlock the digital signature where you received it, to unlock it you will need an 8-digit “ID.KRP” from the UEC.
For completeness, I’ll add that “ID.PIN1” from UEC serves to identify the owner (can be requested, for example, at the hospital reception), and “BankPIN” is the password for the bank card application (requested at terminals, at cash desks).

And finally - FAQ (Frequently Questions) from the developers.