Phoenix Altai apple tree. Semi-cultivated apple tree Altai Phoenix: description, photos, reviews

Quite pleased with the variety

Grade: 5

I bought Altai Phoenix seedlings at a nursery, they were quite expensive. I paid about 4,000 rubles for 3 bushes. My site is in the lowlands, and winter temperature in the coldest frosts it usually reaches -35C. There were, of course, even stronger colds at -44C, the fruit crop also endured them, only the main branches froze, which in the spring I simply removed with pruning shears and covered the affected areas with garden varnish.
Our summers are very dry in Altai, and I don’t have time to water the apple trees. They cope with this problem very well and can withstand all the typical climatic conditions of the region.
The fruits grow very juicy and tasty. Apples taste sweet and aromatic. Thanks to long-term storage, I eat them until spring. The taste does not deteriorate at all from storage, only at the end of winter the peel loses its elasticity and becomes soft. The apple tree suffers from scab, but I keep an eye on the tree and spray it immediately. After treatment, it recovers quickly and the fruits never spoil.
With proper care, you can harvest more than 40 kg of apples from an apple tree. I often sell some of it because the harvest is good every year.

Not happy with the apple tree

Grade: 3

For 10 years there has not been a single normal harvest from this apple tree, I constantly suffer from scab and powdery mildew - it’s just some kind of misfortune. The tree is tall, strong, the crown is wide and dense. It is difficult to treat the entire Phoenix for fungus and trim the branches.
It began to bear fruit early, the apples are medium in size, when I pick them from the tree they are green, and when they lie down they turn yellow. Very juicy, sweet and pleasant in taste. I always wait until the last minute and remove them from the tree in October. Instead of the promised 35-40 kg, I barely gain 10-15.
But compared to other winter varieties, the Altai Phoenix lies quietly until spring and does not spoil, remains just as juicy and aromatic, only in March the apples begin to rot, black spots form on them, which enlarge and spoil the fruits. This variety is zoned in the Altai Territory and the Western Siberian region, why our apple tree freezes slightly in the Tula region - I can’t imagine, our frosts are much less than in Siberia. It does not pollinate on its own, so you need to plant a pollinator nearby - the same winter variety.

Average apple tree, there are better ones

Grade: 3

I purchased a two-year-old seedling. In the future, I took care of the growing one as it should. The tree began to grow. I was taught that for the first 3 years it is necessary to pick off flowers and prevent fruiting. We have enough apple trees on the site, so that’s what I did. In the 4th year the apple tree produced a harvest, and it increases every year.
The apple tree is quite large, tall, strong branches extend from the main trunk at right angles. It takes up a lot of space in the garden, but the yield is high! We collected several buckets from our six-year-old apple tree this year. Now we eat apples; they keep well until February.
Still, winter apples have an average taste. They are small, yellow-green, but juicy. In the future I plan to process them into juice. The apple tree is not afraid of frost. In our country, despite the severe frosts, even if the apple tree freezes slightly, it recovers well. You can't call her unpretentious. It is susceptible to various bacterial diseases and pests love it.

Due to its taste and beneficial qualities of fruits - the most popular fruit crop in gardening.

Every year, breeders develop new or improve old apple trees. Thus, the Altai Phoenix appeared in the Altai Territory.

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of the plant, reading all the tips and recommendations experienced gardeners, you can avoid a lot of mistakes when choosing this variety for your site.

Apple tree Altai Phoenix – variety for winter fruit consumption, which was developed by Kalinina I.P., Zherbovskaya L.Yu., Ermakova N.V. and M.A. Lisavenko himself at his Scientific Research Institute in the Siberian region.

The fruit crop was obtained from open pollination of the Belfer-Phoenix apple tree.

Initially the variety was zoned throughout the Altai region, but thanks to its merits it gained great popularity outside of it, especially in the West Siberian region.

additional characteristics

To find out all the advantages of the Altai Phoenix variety, which are appreciated by experienced gardeners, you should familiarize yourself with it in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages

Apple tree has a lot of advantages, which allow her to conquer new regions and regions of Russia every year.

The most positive qualities varieties are:

  • Good winter hardiness;
  • Taste and consumer qualities of apples;
  • Productivity;
  • Shelf life of fruits.

Altai Phoenix is ​​a winter-hardy variety.

The disadvantages of the variety include the following indicators:

  • Instability to harsh climatic conditions;
  • Exposure to disease.

Important! The apple tree develops better in low mountains than in the steppes.

Dimensions of an adult tree

Apple tree medium height. It has a rounded spherical crown, which is formed by sparse skeletal branches. The annual growth of the fruit crop is 5–7 cm. An adult tree reaches no more than 8 m in height.


The fruits are small and heavy on average from 100 gr. up to 150 gr. But despite the size of the apples, the fruit crop is quite high-yielding; up to 23 t/ha or from one tree more than 43 kg.

From one Altai Phoenix apple tree you can collect up to 43 kg of apples.

Tasting assessment

Apples sweet - sour, according to tasting assessment - 4.3 points. The pulp of the fruit is fine-grained, white and very juicy.

Chemical composition of fruits

Altai Phoenix is ​​valued not only for the dessert taste of the fruit, but also for its high content of nutrients. For 100 gr. one apple accounts for:

  • Titrated substances – 0.98%;
  • Pectin substances – 4.16%;
  • Sucrose – 10.6%;
  • P – active substances – 122 mg;
  • Tannins - 83 mg;
  • Ascorbic acid – 16.8 mg.

You should know! Jams, mousses and jams are prepared from fruits with high pectin substances.

Winter hardiness

When choosing a seedling, you should take into account its survival rate in different relief zones. In winter in low mountains the tree is more resistant to low temperatures than in the steppes. On average, an apple tree tolerates minus temperature at 35 degrees.

The Altai Phoenix can withstand temperatures of -35 degrees.

Disease resistance

Kind of pretty not resistant to fungal species origin. Most often affected:

The following video will tell you how to properly cover an apple tree for winter:

Nuances and questions from readers

Readers very often ask different questions about the Altai Phoenix variety. Let's look at the more asked questions and, with the help of experienced gardeners, we will try to answer them.

Apple tree or semi-cultivated?

Altai Phoenix variety - half-cultured, since this apple tree was bred using and large variety apple trees

How and what to cover for the winter?

Cover fruit crop before in winter- a fairly simple process. A suitable covering material at home is burlap or nylon tights . Having matched the crown of the apple tree to the trunk, everything is carefully wrapped with covering material and secured with tape or fabric tapes.

In contact with

Apple tree variety Phoenix Altai refers to winter high-yielding, universal varieties.

Apple tree is considered average in winter hardiness.

The variety is characterized by high consumer qualities and relatively long shelf life.

At proper storage Phoenix Altai apples are stored for about four months.

Apples are stored in winter in wooden containers or racks, possibly also in cardboard and wooden boxes.

The optimal temperature is 0°C. It is advisable that the fruits be calibrated in size.
It is important not to mix them with other varieties.

Winter varieties of apple trees also include:, and.


Since the Altai Phoenix apple tree belongs to to self-sterile type, pollination occurs due to pollen from flowers of apple trees of another variety.

Ideally, plant strips of two varieties at a distance of four to five meters from one another.

Description of the Phoenix Altai variety

The appearance of the apple tree is characterized by medium height, bright green crown and light yellow-pink fruits.

They grow at an average rate, also reaching medium size, have a round, spherical, compact crown of medium density.

The branches are located close towards each other, but do not intertwine.

They depart from the trunk at a right angle.

The leaf is bright green, slightly curved with a matte sheen.

The bark is dark brown-gray. The shoots are well pubescent with a brownish tint.

The fruits are not very good large sizes . The average weight is approx. 70-135 grams.

The surface of the apples is smooth. The shape is round with clearly visible ribbing.

Color – light yellow with a light red tint. The fruits have sweet and sour, dessert taste.

The pulp has a loose consistency, white, juicy, with a spicy aroma.

Chemical composition:

The following varieties also have good dessert taste:, and.


History of selection

The Phoenix Altai apple tree variety was obtained by free pollination of the Bellefleur-Phoenix variety at the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture named after Lisavenko M.A. in the Siberian region.

Breeders: Lisavenko M. A., Zhebrovskaya L. Yu., Kalinina I. P., Ermakova N. V.

Region of natural growth

The natural growth zone of the Phoenix Altai apple tree is West Siberian region of Russia.

But the apple tree adapts well to other regions when correct landing and care (see below). The variety is zoned in 1974.

In these regions, they grow magnificently:, and.


Apple tree variety Phoenix Altai considered high yielding. Fruiting occurs on fourth-fifth year after landing.

In practice, as a rule, it occurs earlier, but it is better to avoid this.

During the first five years, cut off the flowers, then the apple tree will, in the future, produce a larger harvest.

On average, they harvest from one apple tree up to 160 kilograms. Fruiting is annual, irregular, but abundant.

Removable maturity arrives in early September. The consumer period lasts until the beginning of February.

Planting and care

When planting a tree, use classic fertilizers.

The apple tree is not fussy to care for.

If you follow the basic instructions below, the yield of the Altai Phoenix apple tree can increase significantly and produce even more tasty and healthy fruits.

The time of planting on the site directly depends on the age of the seedling. For example, In spring it is better to plant trees no older than two years.

If your tree is much older, it is better to choose autumn period. If the tree is completely mature, the planting season is definitely autumn, perhaps even closer to winter.

In this case, the apple tree will adapt more easily and will not die.

Altai phoenix is ​​a winter variety of apple tree, and therefore it is recommended to choose the autumn period for planting.

Need to choose seedlings with a developed root system. Choose well drained areas for planting this variety.

If it is not possible to obtain such soil, you can dig a hole one meter deep and one meter in diameter, fill it with sand, compost and peat chips. This will create more Better conditions for seedling germination.

Be sure to water the tree thoroughly immediately after planting.

To prevent the tree from rotting, when planting, avoid places where groundwater placed close to the surface. Otherwise, the seedling will end up in water, which will lead to the death of the tree.

Regardless of when the Phoenix Altai apple tree was planted, intensive care begins in the first spring.

Basic care includes feeding, mulching the tree trunk circle, crown formation, prevention of diseases and pests.

To achieve the entry into fruiting of an apple tree for 4-5 years you need to fertilize with the following substances:

  • nitrogen organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • replenishment with urea.

Otherwise you can feed again with urea solution(a tablespoon per bucket of water) at the end of spring.

In summer, the following feeding is carried out:

  • adding ash to the soil;
  • feeding with compost.

Mulching the tree trunk circle with manure humus is especially useful. The circle is sprinkled with dried grass or straw on top.

Among unpretentious varieties It’s also worth paying attention to: , and .

Diseases and pests

The Altai Phoenix apple tree is characterized by low resistance to fungal diseases, and therefore their prevention is extremely important.

A number of comprehensive measures that have a preventive effect against various apple tree diseases:

  • pollination with colloidal sulfur and copper compounds;
  • destruction of affected elements;
  • application of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers;
  • adding ash to the soil;
  • crown formation;
  • replenishment with potash fertilizers;
  • spraying with calcium chloride during the growing season;
  • timely harvest.

In case of non-compliance preventive measures The Phoenix Altai apple tree is subjected to the following row diseases:

The first signs of scab are the appearance green-brown spots on leaves and small brown ones that form a crust, spots on fruits.

Scab first of all affects the leaves of the tree, and then moves to the fruits.

The cause of this fungus may be high humidity or air stagnation inside the crown of a tree.

If fungus-like wounds appear on the bark of an apple tree, then the tree has been infected tinder fungus.

This fungus severely affects the trunk of the apple tree, but affects the fruit indirectly. Necessary in the first stages get rid of the mushroom.

If the mushroom has severely damaged the tree, has become very hard and has reached large sizes, then the mushroom will have to be destroyed with an ax, then Naturally, healthy wood will also suffer.

If the wound is small, then it can be carefully cleaned with a garden knife. It is important to destroy the fungus at its very roots.

Otherwise, after some time, the mushroom will “settle” in the same place again.

After eliminating the fungus, the place in which it grew needs to be disinfected.

The treatment should be carried out copper sulfate , after which it is advisable to paint over the treated area oil paint . Otherwise, the tinder fungus will settle in the same place again.

Most often appears after heavy rains powdery mildew, usually in the form white plaque on the leaves of an apple tree. Infection occurs along the tree from the bottom up until it completely attacks the tree.

Quite often, the Phoenix Altai apple tree is affected. These are nocturnal butterflies that lay eggs first on tree leaves, and after the formation of ovaries, on fruits.

Read how to do this in separate articles on our website.

The Altai Phoenix apple tree is one of the most attractive appearance And taste qualities fruit varieties.

Apples are characterized by long shelf life and good transportability.

However, the tree is often affected by scab. The codling moth also likes to eat fruits, but with simple prevention these troubles can be avoided.

Watch a video about what scab is and how to deal with it.

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Age 2 years 500 RUR,

3 year old 600 RUR,

4 year olds 900 RUR

Altai phoenix

The winter variety was bred at the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M. A. Lisavenko, selected among seedlings from free pollination of the Bellefleur-Phoenix variety. Authors of the variety: M. A. Lisavenko, L. Yu. Zhebrovskaya, I. P. Kalinina, N. V. Ermakova.

Widely distributed in gardens Altai Territory, especially in lowlands and mountainous zones. Zoned since 1974 in the West Siberian region.

The trees are medium-sized, with a spherical crown formed by a few skeletal branches extending from the trunk at right angles with a large number of ringlets and fruit twigs, on which the main crop is formed.

Escapes thick, dark brown, pubescent.

The leaves are green with a matte sheen, ovoid in shape with a small tip, with crenate pinkish edges, folded in a boat along the central vein. Leaf petioles extend from the shoot at an acute angle, pubescent, with small needle-shaped and lanceolate stipules.

Fruit average or below average size(72-134 g), flattened-rounded, sometimes with large blurred ribs, light yellow with a slight blurred light red blush on the sunny side.

The surface is smooth.

The peduncle is medium long, pubescent. The funnel is wide with a radiant rustiness.

The calyx is of medium size, closed, the subcalyx tube is medium, funnel-shaped.

The axial cavity is narrow. Seed chambers are closed. The saucer is deep and ribbed.

The pulp is white, fine-grained, juicy, sweet and sour, of good taste.

Chemical composition of fruits:

total sugars – 10.7% (7.2-16)

Titratable acids – 0.97% (0.68-1.31),

tannins – 83 mg/100 g (46-116),

ascorbic acid – 16.7 mg/100g (6.1-25.8),

P-active compounds – 123 mg/100 g (83-163),

pectin substances – 4.15% by dry weight.

The fruits ripen in the first half of September and are stored in the refrigerator for up to 120 days.

It is valued by Siberians for its relatively large for Siberia, shelf-stable fruits, good taste, and universal use.

Fruiting begins in the fourth or fifth year. Productivity is high and irregular.

Winter hardiness is average. In particularly harsh winters, trees freeze slightly and are susceptible to scab.

Advantages of the variety: high productivity, high commercial and consumer qualities of fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: moderate freezing in particularly severe winters, sensitive to scab in wet years.

The variety is used in breeding. At NIISS, with his participation, the Altynai variety was developed and a large number of elite forms (candidate varieties) with high resistance to scab, with quite large fruits good taste.