The foundation is waterproofed horizontally. Waterproofing strip foundations of various types Waterproofing the foundation after its construction

It is a mistaken opinion that strip foundation does not change in any way during operation. It decomposes, corrodes, and sometimes rots, which means it is important to create protective layer, protecting it from external influences.

It must be done with your own hands or with the help of craftsmen, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration of its condition, liquid leakage through microcracks that appear over time.

Is it necessary to do waterproofing if the building is many years old, but moisture does not accumulate in the basement and there are no signs of damage to the foundation? Yes, the procedure must be carried out, otherwise, in a few years, when the material develops microcracks under the influence of incoming liquid, the process will become significantly more complicated.

Moisture inside the walls can also freeze, causing them to deteriorate. This process occurs in all areas of the building, so that a building that has not been insulated is not as durable.

The strip foundation must be isolated from liquid. The procedure can be performed independently or by contacting professionals. If you plan to do the work yourself, the first thing you need to do is decide on the type of waterproofing, understand the application methods, and then find out the specifics of the process.

The waterproofing of the pile foundation must be continuous and proceed without interruption. In places where the procedure was performed poorly, moisture will seep in.

General groups of materials with which work can be performed:

  • Coatings.
  • Sprayable.
  • Rolled.
  • Pasting.
  • Penetrating.

Each group differs in the way they perform work and has its own characteristics.


The work of waterproofing a foundation without a basement is carried out using bituminous materials, mastics and substances made on the basis of bitumen, which have a number of advantages.


  • Low cost.
  • High degree of elasticity.
  • Optimal for similar works hydrophobicity of the coating.
  • High degree of adhesion.

The material is easy to work with; no special skills or special tools are required. The disadvantage is the short period of use compared to others. Approximately 5-7 years after applying the bitumen coating, the substance loses its fragility and elasticity. The layer begins to become covered with cracks, which increase every year, causing the protective properties to deteriorate.

Coating waterproofing

Due to the relatively low service life of the material, it is used less and less. The use of bitumen with additives – polymers – is widespread. As an additional substance, rubber and latex are used in the waterproofing material. Components can increase service life. Adhesion and elasticity improve, and the difference in temperatures at which the material can be stored without loss of properties increases.

The technological process when performing work using a coating material is simple. First, preparation is required, which consists of cleaning the surface from construction debris, dirt, dust, and parts that may peel off or break off during the work. Waterproofing a monolithic foundation slab eliminates the possibility of moisture getting inside the building

A primer is purchased, with which the strip foundation is processed. Be sure to let the walls dry, then the material itself is applied to the surface. The coating must be intact, without severe cracks or breakages.


To use roll waterproofing, it is optimal to first coat your foundation with bitumen, and then stick on roofing material or its substitute. The application technology of the composition differs. In some cases it can be glued, sometimes only fusing roofing material is suitable. To do this, you need to use a gas burner.

Roll waterproofing

The rolled tape is heated and then pasted onto the surface. If you plan to pre-apply bitumen, you should wait until it dries, after which you can add roofing felt. The joints in the strips overlap by at least 15 cm.

When using a burner, the material should not be overheated, otherwise it may melt and become unusable in some places.

The material is popular due to its low cost and high protective properties. Can be used for foundations buried no lower than 3 m. Ruberoid will protect from rain. One layer of such waterproofing together with bitumen will be enough for reliable waterproofing. Durability exceeds 45 years.


Sprayed waterproofing can be used without the involvement of specialists. The method is innovative these days and the material used does the job well. P Can be used for any type of foundation. Sprayed insulation can be applied as a means of restoring an old layer that has lost its properties during operation, for example, to remove cracks in coating materials. Used as independent species.

Sprayed waterproofing

The material is expensive, but has a number of advantages over other types of strip foundation waterproofing:

  • Durability.
  • Easy to apply.
  • No seam connections.
  • Fast hardening.
  • Lack of toxicity and environmental friendliness.
  • Ability not to deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

You need to work with the material as follows: the surface is cleaned of debris and dust, treated with an antiseptic solution, after which the spraying process goes through. For the best effect, it is important to reinforce the surface being treated. To do this, you should use geotextiles.


Penetrating waterproofing is effective, but expensive. The material used for application is most often made from cement mortar with the addition of quartz sand. Apply the same as plaster. You can also purchase a composition applied to the surface similar to sprayed waterproofing. The voids in the concrete are filled with crystalline elements that prevent any moisture from entering.

Penetrating waterproofing

The material is widely used; it can be used to protect any type of foundation from moisture. The composition is processed basements, any types of underground structures made of concrete.


  • the actions are carried out indoors, there is no need to dig up the foundation;
  • concrete does not require drying. The more it is moistened, the faster and better the composition will be fixed;
  • the thickness of concrete through which the material can penetrate is 60-90 cm;
  • the material protects not only the outer walls, but also the inner ones. Liquid does not penetrate into concrete;
  • when a crack appears, it will be filled with nearby crystals on its own;
  • concrete does not lose vapor permeability;
  • the strength and resistance to frost of concrete increases due to the properties of the material;
  • no application equipment required;
  • concrete stops responding to mechanical stress. If it is necessary to clean it with metal objects, the waterproofing is not compromised. The foundation can be drilled, dowels screwed to it and any required operations performed - waterproofing properties will not change;
  • the material is environmentally friendly. Suitable for use on containers in contact with drinking water;
  • at correct selection Even severe leaks are sealed with the composition.


  • Only the concrete surface and substances similar in composition are treated with the solution;
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the surface completely, down to the concrete. The cracks are opened and degreased;
  • the concrete is pre-moistened.

This type of waterproofing would be better suited for fresh material. Old structures need to be cleaned and degreased to free all clogged pores. To do everything properly, sandblasting tools are used.

Other types

There are other types of waterproofing, the use of which will protect the foundation from moisture. consists of blowing a special composition into cracks and seams. Work is performed on any hard surface.

Injection waterproofing

Benefits of use:

  • there is no need to dig up the foundation;
  • work can be performed on any materials: stone, brick, concrete;
  • eliminates possible leaks better than other materials;
  • removes capillary suction in brickwork.

The disadvantages of the material are the following: the cost is high, the implementation requires the involvement of specialists, the finishing must be completely dismantled. For quality performance, it is important to know where the liquid is leaking, otherwise it is impossible to use the material.

Concrete mats

One type of installed waterproofing is concrete mats. The basis of the mats is clay mixed with concrete, enclosed in granules. The composition is laid between cardboard layers or geotextiles. The material is placed on the surface that needs to be insulated from moisture, after which the cardboard will decompose over time, and the mixture will act as an insulator between the water and the surface. When the composition comes into contact with liquid, it swells and takes on a gel-like form.

Concrete mats

The mats should be laid overlapping, and the joints should be filled with concrete granules. There is only one drawback of the method - it is expensive. It can be used on any surface; it can be placed with a foundation in the ground to rainwater did not seep close to the house. Waterproofing work in a similar way is carried out during the construction stage.

Features when performing work

When performing work, the following features should be taken into account:

  • Waterproofing must be carried out during the construction of the facility, but if the work has not been done, it will be more difficult to do this later. The entire foundation will need to be excavated, but to maintain the strength of the building, everything will have to be done in stages.
  • Work begins from the corners and ends with the walls.
  • The first layer of insulation is located horizontally, the second vertically.
  • Once the foundation has been dug out, it should be cleaned, preferably without water.
  • The soil is removed from all holes, which must then be filled with cement mortar or glue. Then the surface is treated with bitumen.
  • The roofing material is fused using a torch.
  • The first layer is always laid horizontally, and then they overlap.

Waterproofing a strip foundation is a simple task that anyone can handle. In this case, it is important to follow the recommendations given, take into account the sequence of actions and the specifics of performing the work for each type of insulating material.

Very often, inexperienced builders, after constructing a foundation, neglect its waterproofing, considering this operation minor.

As a result of further operation, load-bearing walls erected on such a basis begin to come into shape. disrepair due to constant exposure to moisture in the form of precipitation and groundwater.

What is waterproofing and is it necessary?

Waterproofing means protection various materials and structures from the harmful effects of liquids on them. Main The material for construction and foundation is concrete.

This material, despite its apparent solidity, has porous structure, therefore it is easily saturated with water (you can find out what kind of concrete should be used for a strip foundation).

Without waterproofing such a foundation, load-bearing walls begin to dampen and gradually collapse. Application of a protective layer increases service life of buildings and structures and significantly reduces the cost of their current and major repairs.

Types of foundation waterproofing

By purpose foundation waterproofing is usually divided into two type:

  1. Horizontal. Surfaces located horizontally are protected, for example, the base of the foundation, the base of load-bearing walls;
  2. Vertical. Apply to vertical surfaces, e.g. outer part base;

Depending on the used material protective coating distinguish the following kinds waterproofing:

  • Bituminous. Bitumen is used as an insulating material various types depending on weather conditions in the geographical construction area;
  • Ruberoid. Insulation is carried out using sheets of roofing felt, which are laid in several layers. When laying protection, not only roofing material can be used, but also isoplast, glassine or roofing felt;
  • Liquid rubber. This material is made on the basis of bitumen. It has a liquid consistency and high elasticity, which is why it got its name.

By method of application Waterproofing can be of the following types:

  • Pasting;
  • Penetrating;
  • Rolled;
  • Plastering;
  • Spraying.

Horizontal waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is used for guard walls and foundation bases. If you plan to insulate a foundation made of concrete mortar, then the protective layer is laid before it is poured.

To protect the foundation, waterproofing is laid before installation concrete blocks after backfilling and its special layer of cement.

To protect the walls, a layer of waterproofing is laid throughout the perimeter of the foundation plinth after its final setting.

Horizontal waterproofing applies in almost any construction, in contrast to vertical, which is sometimes neglected. This is explained by the fact that horizontally arranged protection effectively protects the walls of the building from exposure not only ground, but also surface waters.

There are various styling methods horizontal waterproofing. Depending on the creation of the required degree of protection and the cost of construction, they are used in its manufacture. special Construction Materials.

Bitumen waterproofing

Bitumen waterproofing is used to protect concrete and metal structures. Before installation mastics, the foundation is thoroughly dried, otherwise when bitumen comes into contact with water, it will form bubbles and the waterproofing will peel off.

To make bitumen waterproofing material, first melted, and then applied to the work surface using a brush or brush. The thickness of the applied layer must be at least 2 mm.

Best to use building grades bitumen containing special additives that prevent the destruction of the material at low temperatures.

Attention! Molten bitumen cools down literally in minutes, so when working with it it is necessary to observe time intervals, avoiding premature cooling of the composition. Insufficiently melted bitumen does not clog concrete pores well. To carry out hydro insulation works bitumen grades BN-3, BN-4, BN-5, BP-5, DH-1V are used.


Roofing felt coating is a highly reliable waterproofing, but such protection requires quite a lot of material costs. Before laying the sheets, a layer of mastic is applied to the surface.

There must be an overlap between adjacent sheets, at least 15 centimeters.

Attention! Before laying sheets of roofing felt, it is necessary to carefully level the surface for laying them! On an uneven surface it will be difficult to ensure the necessary overlap of adjacent sheets, and the waterproofing will be unreliable!

Plaster waterproofing

With this method of protection, the surface is covered with a special plaster solution, which contains water-repellent additives, for example, asphalt mastic.

The solution is applied hot to ensure better adhesion to the surface to be protected. The solution is applied using the same technology as for precise leveling of walls, using lighthouses.

Liquid rubber

The use of this material in the manufacture of waterproofing requires both special tool, and specialists high qualifications. This method produces protection that has high strength and wear resistance, which can be applied even to hard-to-reach places.

A special place in this technology is occupied by Preparation surface, which takes about a third of the total time of applying insulation. Main brands liquid rubber used in foundation waterproofing are "Profix", "Slav", "Ultramast" And "Mastic No. 33".

The equipment with which such protection is applied are special sprayers, operating both from electric drive and gasoline engines.

Penetrating waterproofing

Application of this protection does not require thorough surface preparation and special tools. The materials used in its manufacture fill pores in concrete, making it moisture resistant. Penetrating waterproofing significantly increases term foundation service and is considered most reliable and durable.

Technology making insulation is simple - purchase a dry mixture, for example, "Penetron", which is mixed with water according to the preparation instructions, and then applied to the protected surface using, for example, a roller.

After a few hours, the mixture acquires its final properties. Penetrating waterproofing, along with its advantages, has only one drawback - high price.

Roll waterproofing

Roll materials are often used for waterproofing a building without a basement. This insulation is made on the basis of bitumen.

Materials and itself concrete surface previously heated with a gas burner, then carefully laid and, lightly pressing, smoothed. Adjacent sheets are laid with overlap 15-20 centimeters.


This type of moisture protection is applied using special construction installations, with the help of which a thin insulating layer is laid on the surface.

Spray waterproofing provides reliable protection concrete structures from moisture and can be used in severe frosts and heat. The material used for spraying is synthetic polymers - polycarbamides.

Foundation waterproofing: general rules

Today, to protect the walls of a building from groundwater and other types of moisture, two types of insulation are used - vertical waterproofing and horizontal.

They are also building additional structures, for example, install water collectors that drain moisture into special containers or channels.

Before applying the waterproofing layer, the surface must be leveled and cleaned of dirt and dust. For the best clutch protective material and concrete, special primers are used.

Look video lesson how to make vertical waterproofing of a foundation with your own hands:

Strip foundations are often used to ensure the stability of buildings on dry and heaving soils. It is a strip of concrete poured around the perimeter of the future building. Since the material from which such a base is made can quickly collapse under the influence of water, waterproofing a strip foundation is a top priority for the builder. There are several types and ways of doing this work that are worth considering.

What to consider before choosing the type of foundation waterproofing

If in the process of designing a house the choice fell on pouring a strip foundation, craftsmen should conduct a series of studies in order to do their job correctly:

  • the foundation itself must be below the freezing level of the ground;
  • it is important to take into account the groundwater level;
  • waterproofing requirements may vary depending on the purpose of the future structure;
  • it is worth exploring the area for a sharp rise in water after floods and heavy rainfall;
  • An important factor will be the force of soil swelling, which affects changes in ground level.

All of these factors can affect the depth of the trench that will have to be dug for the foundation and the water protection measures used. Based on the type of location of the foundation waterproofing made from FBS blocks, it is divided into horizontal and vertical, which have several options.

Horizontal waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is performed before the foundation is made in order to prevent capillary water from entering from below. For full implementation Given the objectives, it should be a special foundation, possibly larger than the perimeter of the future house. For a small building, a screed made of cement and sand in a ratio of 1:2 will be sufficient.

When building a residential building, more serious preparation will be required:

  • a layer of sand 20-30 cm thick is laid and compacted at the bottom of the pit;
  • to get started, you can use clay instead of sand;
  • applied on top of the first layer cement strainer thickness 6-8 cm;
  • then you need to wait until the cement dries, which takes up to 14 days;
  • then the first screed is covered with bitumen mastic and roofing felt is placed;
  • the top layer of roofing material is covered with another layer of mastic;
  • a second tie is made.

After the material has completely dried, the manufacture of the foundation begins.

If the proposed structure is made of wood, it is worth performing the upper horizontal waterproofing of the strip foundation. Otherwise, water will flow to the wood, causing it to rot.

How can I do it? upper layer horizontal waterproofing and at the same time easier to cut a roll of roofing felt, can be seen in the following video:

Vertical water protection

Unlike horizontal waterproofing, this type of work can be performed not only during the construction process, but also while protecting the finished structure from moisture. Craftsmen have at their disposal several options for materials used for waterproofing FBS blocks:

  • polyurethane mastic;
  • bitumen in rolls;
  • polymer membranes.

All these products differ in strength, durability, elasticity, installation methods and cost, so before choosing one of the proposed methods, the master should determine the difference between waterproofing materials, their strengths and weaknesses.

Bitumen insulation

This method is considered the most common due to the low cost of the material, its elasticity and ease of application. Liquid mastic fills all the resulting cracks and voids in the foundation, preventing moisture from penetrating inside. Such waterproofing of a strip foundation with your own hands can be done by the efforts of one person.

Bitumen mastic compositions differ in heat resistance, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the markings. Its last two digits indicate the maximum permissible temperature, at which the composition retains its properties.

However, the method also has its drawbacks. The composition is applied in several layers, which increases the duration of the work. It does not guarantee 100% protection and requires re-treatment of the foundation after 10 years.

Before applying a layer of mastic, surface preparation is required. It should be solid, with rounded corners, without sharp protrusions, with the smoothest possible transitions from horizontal to vertical. If there are traces of air bubbles in the foundation, they should be wiped away with fine-grained cement mortar. The surface must also be cleaned of dust and dirt. All this will affect the evenness and integrity of the applied composition.

Be sure to check the surface for moisture. If the indicator is more than 4%, the bitumen will not form a durable layer, but will begin to delaminate later a short time after application.

The next step The job is primer. It is performed either with a bitumen primer or with a mixture of BN70/30 bitumen and gasoline in a ratio of 1:3.

To apply the mixture you will need a roller or brush. In places where the base has joints or irregularities, it is necessary to apply 2 layers of primer. After which you can begin to cover the foundation with mastic.

To prepare it, large pieces of bitumen are crushed and melted in a bucket. Since the composition partially loses its properties even during the first heating, it is worth using the mixture before it cools down.

To ensure more reliable insulation, it is worth applying 3-4 layers. To protect the mastic, the top is covered with geotextile or a heat-insulating layer. In problem areas, the mastic must be reinforced with fiberglass or fiberglass.

Roll waterproofing

This type FBS waterproofing can be used as an addition to mastic, and as independent method protecting the foundation from moisture. The material most often used is roofing felt, which is low cost and accessible. Compared to mastic, it protects the base from moisture for much longer (up to 50 years). At the same time, it will no longer be possible to do this work alone.

To cover the foundation or base with roofing felt, you first need to prepare the surface and cover it with bitumen mastic. In this case, you should not worry about carefully applying the layer, since it will perform the function of attaching the roofing material to the surface.

The sheets of the base coating must first be slightly heated from below using a burner, and then placed on a layer of bitumen. The roofing material is overlapped with an allowance of 10-15 cm. For additional fixation, all joints are also heated. After fastening, the foundation is simply covered with soil without additional protection.

Instead of roofing felt, you can use more modern materials, such as polymer films with bitumen-polymer coating. The operating principle will remain the same. The difference will be in the service life of the coating and in price.

Other methods of water protection

In modern construction practice, along with the methods described above, there are a number of alternative methods:

  1. An ordinary layer of plaster can be used as waterproofing. The service life of such a coating will not be long due to the low water resistance of the material (no more than 15 years), but it is not difficult to apply again.
  2. To protect it from liquid, the strip foundation can be coated with a composition based on liquid rubber. The quality of waterproofing in this case will be high. The disadvantages of such a solution will be the high cost of materials, including a special primer composition, the presence of a sprayer, or low speed of work due to its absence.
  3. Penetrating waterproofing based on special compounds can be used for both external and internal treatment of buildings. The difficulty for the master in this case will be the low prevalence and high cost of this method.
  4. Masters may be asked to create clay castle. To do this, a trench is dug along the perimeter around the foundation, the bottom of which is covered with a mixture of sand and crushed stone, and the remaining space on top is covered with a layer of clay, which becomes a reliable barrier to groundwater or heavy rainfall.

Foundation waterproofing is an important part of the design and construction of any building. This is the main defense of any wall structure. Depending on the type of waterproofing, it can be carried out either before making the foundation, or after completion of construction. The complexity of manufacturing, cost and service life depend on the chosen material and the correctness of its application.

Waterproofing a strip foundation with your own hands includes protecting the vertical parts and the horizontal surface at the base level. The side parts are coated with bitumen if there is contact with the ground.

This type of foundation is perhaps the most common building load-bearing structure for residential buildings, because construction works its construction is quite simple. Waterproofing a strip foundation with your own hands includes protecting the vertical parts and the horizontal surface at the base level. The side parts are coated with bitumen if there is contact with the ground.

It is worth mentioning that the consumption of materials for waterproofing work on a strip foundation is quite moderate, which makes such a load-bearing building structure optimal in terms of price, quality and construction time.

One of the main criteria when calculating a strip foundation is the composition of the foundation soil and the level of groundwater. In addition to calculating dimensions, frame reinforcement scheme and concrete grade, these parameters are also important to take into account when installing waterproofing finished design, since this will largely determine its durability and load-bearing capacity.

Features of insulation work on strip foundations

Diagram of horizontal waterproofing tape

Those who are faced with the construction of their home for the first time and have decided to build it on a shallow strip foundation should remember important point– waterproofing of the strip foundation is mandatory! This rule cannot be neglected even in cases where the structure will be located on rocky soils and there is no groundwater level in the freezing zone of the ground. In addition to waterproofing and insulating the foundation itself, it is highly desirable to make a blind area.

Waterproofing a strip foundation consists of the following steps:

  1. Insulation work carried out at the stage earthworks. This work includes the installation of a horizontal layer of roofing material under the foundation pad. This protection laid directly on the ground, drainage layer or coarse bedding, depending on the design design. The main task of this layer of roofing material is to protect the foundation cushion from possible flooding or frost heaving of the soil. To prevent premature destruction of such a structure by precipitation, it should be protected with a blind area. A cushion under the foundation may not be necessary; the need for its presence is established by calculations or design work.
  2. Horizontal waterproofing. This type of protection is applied to the concrete pad before installing the strip monolith. It is necessary to protect the joint between two structural elements - the foundation pad and the strip foundation itself. If horizontal insulation is not performed, then water that gets into such a joint, after freezing, can compromise both the integrity of the entire structure and damage individual elements of the foundation. In addition to the protection device between the tape and the cushion, horizontal waterproofing also includes laying roofing felt between the upper surface of the foundation and the material of the walls being built (for example, brickwork). Functional purpose Such protection is similar to that which is arranged between the cushion, sole and tape supporting structure.
  3. Vertical waterproofing. Such protection of the structure from moisture must be carried out both on the external surface and on the internal one. This is the most important part of the insulation; it is its installation that is necessary to ensure the durability of the entire structure. Horizontal insulation can be performed either with rolled material, for example, roofing felt, or with a bitumen-based liquid binder, such as bitumen mastic. In addition to such insulation, the foundation must have a blind area; only a combination of these two elements can effectively resist the effects of moisture.

Need for protection

Schematic representation of vertical and horizontal waterproofing with a sand cushion (sole) on the ground

For those who want to save on certain stages or completely abandon measures to protect the foundation from moisture, it should be remembered that even after insulation and decorative finishing horizontal part strip design, the concrete will still continue to absorb moisture coming through the air.

This moisture will gradually destroy the concrete, since microorganisms and spores will penetrate with it, and the moisture itself may contain solutions of aggressive components, which will also affect the structure, which can first lead to microcracks and then to chipping of the surface .

To additionally protect the entire structure from precipitation and flood waters, a blind area is also needed - without it, the base under the cushion (sole) may erode, which will create additional load on the load-bearing elements the entire building. Also, the blind area will prevent moisture from penetrating into the soil when areas of standing water form near the house, and after this water is removed, the blind area will protect the soil from rapid drying out and the formation of cracks. The blind area should be erected at a slope from the building to ensure water drainage. The junction of the blind area and the foundation also needs to be insulated.

Procedure for installing roll waterproofing

The use of rolled material for vertical protection of the supporting structure

Before starting work, you should clean the concrete surface from dirt and dust, and also remove protruding sharp elements so that they do not damage the material. Then you should mark and cut the roofing felt.

To glue the material, it must be heated gas burner so that on the surface to be glued binder material became liquid, after which you can glue.

During application of the material, it should be immediately smoothed so that it correctly takes the shape of the structure and fills all voids; this procedure will also remove air bubbles. If it is not possible to lay a single sheet in any area, then the joining should be done overlapping, heating the edges on both sheets and pressing them tightly, only then they will be welded together.

Insulation should be applied to a clean concrete surface and is not recommended to be treated with a bitumen-based binder unless it is from a single manufacturer that provides joint use. Otherwise roll material may not stick due to the difference chemical composition organic binder component.

Procedure for installing coating waterproofing

Treating the base tape with mastic standing on pile foundation(pile-tape)

For these purposes, an organic bitumen-based binder is used, most often bitumen mastic. Before applying to the surface, it must be made liquid, for which a special solvent or heating is used. Before starting work, you should carefully read the manufacturer's instructions, which also provide recommendations for liquefaction. When the composition is ready, it is applied with a brush or roller in several layers, filling all the pores and voids.

It should be noted that, compared to roll insulation, coating insulation is less durable, and it should be used only when there is no threat of flooding and the groundwater level is low. Before constructing the blind area, an additional layer of coating should be applied; the blind area itself can also be covered with mastic, but only after the concrete mixture has completely dried.

Example of construction and waterproofing of a prefabricated strip load-bearing structure

Let's give specific example waterproofing a strip supporting structure without protecting the base with bitumen:

The house is designed without a basement and ground floor. About 145 meters to the water. The soil is clay-solid wood. A trench 100 cm deep is dug. Layer crushed granite without sand (150-200 mm). A reinforced tape of four rods with a diameter of 12 mm is laid.
Next, a couple of rows of FBS blocks are placed, we get a team load-bearing structure
We produce armored belt 40 by 20
Rolled with bitumen primer and laid with rubemast
Next, 3 rows of red brick are laid, after which a waterproofing primer is applied on top
Laying the first row of gas silicate block

More information can be found in the video

The strip foundation of your house should be “dressed” in waterproofing materials. Correct and reliable waterproofing strip foundation of your house is one of the primary tasks that you must definitely solve.

Tape is a reinforced concrete strip. It runs along all the external dimensions of the structure and along the load-bearing internal walls.

From life experience, we know that in order to maintain our health, we wear warm clothes in cold weather, and put on appropriate shoes in wet weather. We wear special waders when fishing and hunting so as not to get our feet wet and get sick. But many unfortunate builders think that the built house, in particular its foundation, can be located in a fairly damp and cold environment - in the ground - without protection from this aggressive environment.

Therefore, so that the house you build:

  • brought joy to you and more than one generation of your descendants;
  • was a “long-liver”, which is why you need to preserve the “health” of your home;
  • didn't cause any trouble frequent repairs, alterations, reconstructions due to illiterate construction and subsequent operation,

definitely needed modern technology for isolation from groundwater.

We must deal with this important issue.

Strip foundations (diagram).

To create waterproofing that lasts long years, it is necessary to use high-quality, specially designed material with certain properties and characteristics.

The material used must be:

Modern materials have these properties and differ only in the greater or lesser degree of their manifestation.

Good drainage

Light soils - sands and sandy loams - can easily allow emerging moisture to pass into lower layers of soil. Water does not stagnate near the constructed foundation, and therefore waterproofing can be a little lighter compared to waterproofing installed on heavy, heaving soils - clay, loam.

As a rule, on heaving soils they arrange drainage system collection and removal of moisture from concrete foundation. For this purpose, special drainage membranes are used, which are placed under monolithic slab, on which the strip foundation stands.

Scheme of the drainage system.

Under the bottom of the reinforced concrete foundation strip, carried out in a trench (house without a basement) along all external and internal load-bearing walls houses with a foundation base depth of 20-30 cm below the freezing point of the soil must build a sand-gravel or sand-crushed stone cushion. Such drainage is able to remove moisture to lower layers of the earth. The width of the bulk and compacted cushion should be 20 cm greater than the width of the strip foundation. The cushion prevents stagnation of water and silt or clay when the groundwater level rises and damage to the foundation surface vertical waterproofing. A vertically installed drainage membrane helps remove excess water from the building, preventing it from putting pressure on the waterproofing itself and looking for weak points in it.

Horizontal and vertical insulation

Diagram of horizontal waterproofing device

Horizontal waterproofing is carried out under a monolithic slab by laying a drainage membrane on a monolithic layer of lean concrete with a slope into the outlet pipeline, followed by installation reinforced mesh and pouring a monolithic foundation slab onto which a strip foundation is assembled or poured around the perimeter of the house.

Horizontal waterproofing is also done to separate the upper plane of the strip foundation and the starting wall. It is performed by spraying the appropriate material or laying rolled hydro insulating materials.

All vertical planes The strip foundation from top to bottom is covered with modern materials specially developed for this purpose.

Several types of waterproofing

Non-pressure waterproofing protects the strip foundation from external precipitation penetrating into the soil, and from the spring and autumn temporary rise in groundwater levels.

For reliable anti-pressure waterproofing of the basement, it is better to apply three layers of slurry.

After vertical waterproofing is completed, the foundation is backfilled. The best result is achieved by layer-by-layer backfilling with inert materials that conduct water well, such as quartz (river) sand with minimal clay admixtures, gravel mass or earth. Backfill construction waste undesirable, since it is after this operation that damage to the integrity of the waterproofing of the strip foundation is possible. On the surface of the ground along the entire perimeter of the building, a blind area 1 m wide is made of concrete or asphalt.

Anti-pressure insulation, in turn, protects the foundation of the house from contact with permanent nearby groundwater in the area where the foundation is located. For such purposes, coating, spraying, and painting materials are used. After applying such insulating materials, a continuous layer of insulation is formed without joints or seams with good repellent properties.

Capillary waterproofing prevents moisture droplets from entering the concrete monolith. top scores it gives when impregnating concrete with compositions with both internal and external outside foundation tape. Impregnating compounds penetrate several centimeters deep into the concrete, filling the smallest pores in the concrete, making the strip foundation practically airtight and able to withstand external moisture.

Connection diagram of horizontal and vertical waterproofing.

Sequence of work

Work to isolate the strip foundation from external influence environments must take place on a surface free of dirt.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the method of application, and at the same time the insulating material itself.

Coating waterproofing is carried out with mastic, bituminous compounds, liquid glass. In most cases, it is used as the first layer of insulation and as a bonding layer for gluing rolled materials.

After this layer, the foundation is covered with roofing felt or other rolled materials in two layers, gluing the layers onto mastic. The joints are made with an overlap of 20 cm.

Waterproofing is also possible using spraying with special compounds using a spray gun.

After performing any type of waterproofing, it is advisable to install a special rolled profiled membrane, which will protect the waterproofing from damage and help drain excess water from the foundation. The membrane is also rolled out with an overlap of 15-20 cm at the joints.