Horoscope for the year of the metal goat. Year of the rooster for the goat

The Goat horoscope 2017 predicts goodwill towards her from the Rooster. He is just like you, artistic, ironic and energetic. The main thing is not to hide your talents and big ideas from others. They can not only support you, but also help you implement your plans in short time. The horoscope for 2017 for the Goat promises many envious and spiteful critics who are haunted by her fame and demand. You shouldn’t talk about your success, financial situation and happiness at all corners. personal life.

It is better for the Goat to find influential patrons in 2017 in order to feel under a reliable wing. By the way, not only the Rooster. In summer and autumn period your family life will be cloudless and harmonious.

Work, career and money for the Goat for 2017

In 2017, the Goat will constantly fuss, run somewhere and, headlong, strive for well-being. At this rate, you are unlikely to have time to do anything and achieve tremendous success. The Rooster himself is a punctual person, so he will demand the same from the Goat. If possible, in 2017, help your colleagues complete emergency work. The bosses will appreciate the flexibility and abilities of the Goat, so she will not be left without a bonus and reward for her hard work. In 2017, you may be sent abroad in order to improve your skills and establish business connections. The Goat horoscope for 2017 predicts an ambiguous financial situation. But, if you find an adviser experienced in such matters, then invest your capital successfully.

Goat love horoscope for 2017

The horoscope promises love at first sight for the Goat in 2017, as well as an official marriage proposal. True, all this will not happen at the same time, but you still have a chance to improve your personal life. The Goat should not withdraw into itself and sit at home all evenings. So you will not meet your soulmate in 2017, but among your friends you will be known as a beech and an avid bachelor. Go to the theater, cinema, sign up for dancing, fitness and even step aerobics. Wherever there are people, there should be a Goat in 2017. Even. If a love story does not last long, it will still leave an indelible mark and a slight taste of romance in your soul. Kose's horoscope 2017 predicts one such dizzying romance that she will really want to get married and never let go of her newly-made chosen one from her arms.

Goat family horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Goat will often turn to the wise Rooster for advice, because it will be difficult for her to cope with problems in family life. Well, what can I suggest here? You need to look at yourself from the outside and eradicate such qualities as selfishness, cynicism, vanity and intransigence. It’s not easy for a Goat to admit all this in himself, but it’s necessary. But in terms of finances, everything is excellent for you in 2017, so you can more than spend some of the money on your loved ones.

The Goat horoscope for 2017 recommends spending more time with children. Especially in the spring. Those Goats. Those who recently got married find out about pregnancy and the imminent birth of a baby. The Rooster reminds the Goat to call his parents and visit elderly relatives. After all, you rarely see each other and talk on the phone. In the fall of 2017, you will be given pleasant news regarding moving or entering into inheritance rights.

Goat health horoscope for 2017

If the Goat's mood is at zero in 2017, then his health will be the same. After all, mental and physical states are interconnected. Therefore, the Rooster advises you to be optimistic and look confidently into the future. Beware of even the most notorious cold in 2017, otherwise you will end up in the hospital with complications. The Kose horoscope 2017 recommends reducing your loads and following the trainer’s instructions in the gym. Take a walk before bed, and don’t forget about soothing teas and a warm bath. In 2017, the Goat will often go out into nature with friends, which will have a beneficial effect on well-being. In summer - swim and sunbathe, and in winter go sledding, skiing and skating. Well, in the spring the Goat will buy a bicycle and completely forget about passive relaxation on the sofa. Eastern horoscope for 2017, Kose advises to be extremely careful while driving a car. Injuries, bruises and serious fractures are possible. Try to walk more and follow traffic rules. Yoga and relaxing treatments will help the Goat restore mental and physical strength in 2017.

Water Goat (Sheep) horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Water Goat will want not only new experiences, but also a different quality of life. She can do anything if she has the right and reliable people nearby. Long-distance trips, business trips, events and negotiations on commercial issues are possible. The eastern horoscope for 2017 advises the Water Goat not to hide from colleagues creative ideas, and jointly implement them into production. You have to work hard and hard to get the desired result. But at the end of 2017, the Water Goat will breathe a sigh of relief and praise himself personally for his worthy and profitable work.

Wood Goat (Sheep) horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 predicts that the Wood Goat will meet influential people, career and developing your own business. You have to confidently take on any job that is offered. But this is only beneficial for the Wood Goat, because it can be strengthened financial position and prove yourself with the best side. Although, there will be a lot of scammers and selfish individuals around the Wooden Goat. In 2017, stability must also be demonstrated in your personal life, so as not to lose your “soul mate.”

Fire Goat (Sheep) horoscope for 2017

Already in January 2017, the Fire Goat will set such a high standard that loved ones will gasp in amazement. But confidence in yourself and your capabilities is inexhaustible, so many desires will truly come true. The main thing is not to lose the goodwill of friends and relatives in the pursuit of recognition and success. In 2017, the Fire Goat will be so absorbed in its work and projects that it will forget about family and household chores. It won't be easy to catch up - remember that.

Earth Goat (Sheep) horoscope for 2017

Energy is boiling, there is a lot of strength, and inspiration is overflowing - this is exactly how the Earth Goat will feel in 2017. You will have to mind not only your own affairs, but also help your loved ones implement their plans. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the Earth Goat will forget about the most important thing - solving financial problems. Such absent-mindedness can result in complete ruin and lack of money for her. But, if you listen to the horoscope for 2017 and start looking for a promising job, then everything will work out faster than it seemed. Moreover, there is a decent position with a good salary on the horizon.

Metal Goat (Sheep) horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Metal Goat must beware conflict situations, otherwise relationships with colleagues will be damaged for a long time. At work, you need to be as responsible and precise as possible in order to get the desired position. The priority should be teamwork rather than solo racing. The Metal Goat will show creative talents in everything it undertakes. This will help her significantly climb up the career ladder. In her personal life, she will slightly “overplay” with indifference in 2017, which will push her loved one away from her.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for other zodiac signs:

In the love sphere in 2017, everything is fine - Goats-Sheep are blooming and smelling, and you even have to fight off numerous fans with the help of sparkling horns. Free Goats can plan wedding ceremonies - at the registry office they are only waiting for you. Family Goats-Sheep per year Fire Rooster learn what it means to be parents. How, do you already have heirs? No problem, the storks decided that your children urgently need brothers and sisters. Many Goats who are married will have their second or even third honeymoon in the year of the Cockerel - the chosen one is ready to carry you in his arms at least all year round.

IN financial sector The Rooster has prepared many surprises; a meeting with a goldfish or Emelina’s pike is definitely guaranteed. Goats-Sheep can order new fur coats, there is enough money even for natural ones, the stars hope that animal rights activists did not notice this phrase. Money luck will delight the Goats every month - either a favor will arrive from the past, or suddenly you will become the winner of some competition. Gray wolves in the year of the Rooster, they will not dare to come close to the pasture where the cute Goats graze, so you can do whatever you like - there will be income, no doubt.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Goat-Sheep

Year of birth: 1967.

Fire Goats-Sheep are energetic guys, and, forgive the stars for the pun, you will do any work with a spark. And the owner of 2017 will always be close to creatures from his element - the Fire Cockerel will bring you together with suitable people, and will provide finances if suddenly there is not enough. There may be disagreements with colleagues - no, don’t rush to sharpen your horns, you won’t have to butt heads, some colleagues just can’t keep up with you, and are very worried about this. Share your experience and be done with it, but warn that there is no place for lazy people in your Fire Team.

In the love sphere, everything will go well for Fire creatures. Goats do not like scenes and showdowns, but sometimes you have to be patient - fans will start to put you before a choice every now and then. Indeed, as long as you can wait - the cards with wedding invitations have been printed a long time ago, all that remains is to enter the name of the chosen one, so look for your soul mate as quickly as possible. Family Fire Goats-Sheep will thank the Cockerel all year long for the gifts he has showered you with. Either the stork will fly in laden with gifts, or the chosen one will be seized by a romantic mood and he will begin to compose poems and love serenades in your honor.

In the area of ​​finances, things will go uphill - it will sometimes seem to the Fiery Goat-Sheep that you are in a good fairy tale. However, in every fairy tale there are evil and insidious wizards, in this case, cunning individuals who are itching to lure out your money. Of course, the caring Red Cockerel will protect you with his Fiery wings, and his beak is unusually sharp in 2017, but it won’t hurt to be careful. Read the papers they give you to sign more carefully, and if you don’t like anything, incinerate them with your Fiery gaze.

Horoscope for 2017 for Water Goat-Sheep

Years of birth: 1943 and 2003.

The Fire Rooster will allow the Water creatures to roam. You can graze on the magical Field of Fire all year 2017 - competitors are stuck in last year, and will only appear if you get bored. Deals concluded in the year of the Rooster will bring water creatures good profit Moreover, all business partners are making insidious plans and dream of luring you into their team. Some ideas of the Water Goats will appeal to respectable and influential people, with whom the Fire Rooster signed a long-term contract just the other day. If the Water Goat-Sheep wants, the Cockerel will put in a good word for you.

The element of water gives you creative abilities, and this will come in handy in the love sphere. The artistry of Water Goats will help you win the heart of anyone you like, so you will meet admirers literally at every step. Where there is flirting, there are romances, and where there are romances, it is not far from the registry office - the Rooster will personally escort you to the registration hall, and will not leave the Water Goats until he sees the coveted stamps. In 2017, storks are active, and of course, they will not ignore the Water Goats and Sheep - yes, yes, it’s time to run after the blue and pink ones.

There will be no problems with money in 2017, or rather, one difficulty is still expected, the Goats and Sheep will break their Water Heads all year - where to spend so much capital? Why do banks exist? - asks the Fire Cockerel and gets a job as a doorman in order to personally open the door and let the Water Goats into the sparkling establishment of a reputable bank. The stars will also give a couple of tips - change your wardrobe, make repairs, go on vacation, but you never know where you can spend money, but when you don’t have it, then it’s a different question, but in the case of Water Goats, everything is easy and simple.

Horoscope for 2017 for Wood Goat-Sheep

Years of birth: 1955 and 2015.

Wooden Goats-Sheep are sensitive creatures, you try to help even your competitors. The cockerel will watch your efforts for a long time, but in the end he will fly up and give a pair practical advice. Although Wooden creatures in 2017 do not really need advice, because your intuition is simply excellent. Business is thriving, competitors respect you, and they even dream of joining you in one team. Trust is a good thing, but still respect the Cockerel and, before putting your signature anywhere, consult with one of the lawyers of the Fiery owner of the year.

Wooden Goats-Sheep are domestic creatures, and do not particularly like to shine at parties. But in the year of the Rooster, you will be drawn to adventures, and everyone will want to flirt - both married and single Goats. With free Wooden creatures, everything is clear - no one can forbid you to have dizzying romances and disappear at night in clubs. But it is advisable for family Wooden Goats to be more careful - the Rooster has stored up so many gifts, and you disappear somewhere. Storks will not stand on the threshold for long, they will be offended and take the babies to their neighbors, so try to spend the evenings with your beloved household members.

The financial situation in the year of the Fire Rooster will please you Wooden creatures- capital will be not only in “wooden” rubles, but also in more respectable banknotes. The abundance of Wooden creatures will grow, and so will their needs. There will be no more holidays in the village of Wooden Goats; you will want to go to the sea, or better yet, to the ocean. The stars don’t see any obstacles, buy a yacht and go sail all the waters in a row. The year is good for thinking about profitable investments, here we are in a hurry to help faithful friends- don’t be afraid to lend them money, the interest rates will be no worse than in banks.

Horoscope for 2017 for Earthy Goat-Sheep

Years of birth: 1919 and 1979.

Earthy Goats-Sheep creatures are unusually patient; they can wait for surprises from fate for years, but the stars are in a hurry to please - in the year of the Fire Rooster, your wishes will finally come true. Earth guys are excellent diplomats, and Cockerel will definitely introduce you to useful people. In 2017, many interesting contracts await the Earth Goats, all transactions will go off with a bang, and a friendly atmosphere will reign in the team. Many Earth Goats can test their strength in the field of entrepreneurship - do not hesitate to declare yourself, and everything will work out for you in the best possible way.

Shyness is the middle name of Earthy Goats-Sheep, but in the year of the Cockerel it is advisable for you to learn flirting and love games. The owner of 2017 came up with something for you most interesting scenario- endless and beautiful romances will make your head spin, marriage proposals will be almost daily, and there will be no end to cute admirers. But these delights of life await lonely Goats, but the Cockerel saved the most delicious things for the family Earth creatures. Well, of course, you guessed correctly - there will be a new addition to your friendly families.

With money, the Earth Goats will be on their way, everything is so good that the Earth guys will start doing weird things and spending money on all sorts of and completely unnecessary nonsense. But the stars advise you to calm down, take a suitcase with bills and take it to the bank - you will have enough interest for both entertainment and serious purchases, because even Rockefeller himself never bought stupid little things that were not part of his plans (that’s why he is so rich ). It is advisable for earthy Goats-Sheeps to avoid gambling - there will be many temptations in the year of the Fire Rooster, but the owner of the year believes in your prudence.

Horoscope for 2017 for Metal Sheep-Goat

Years of birth: 1931 and 1991.

Metal Goats have a tough character, you never give up and go ahead - these qualities are to the liking of the Fire Rooster and he crows in your honor every morning. Metal Goats-Sheep are honest and their competitors, although they gossip about this, respect your principles in their hearts and would gladly lure you over to them. In the year of the Rooster, Goats do not give in to any persuasion - you will be comfortable in your usual meadow, where there is fresh grass and a kind boss who will let you go on vacation and give you some money. But the Cockerel has saved a couple of new things for you - at your leisure To metal creatures It is advisable to think about this topic.

If everything is clear and understandable with the work of the Metal guys, then in the love sphere there is complete confusion. It’s as if the fans have come to an agreement; they don’t even care whether the Metal Goats are single or have been married for a long time. Suitors wander in crowds, do not notice the morning on the street, or night, and every now and then they begin to sing serenades or throw roses. In general, the stars will give one piece of advice - in the year of the Rooster, free Goats have a direct path to the registry office, and it’s time for family Metal creatures to think about heirs. At least your admirers won't shout out declarations of love if they see you with a baby in your arms.

Mephistopheles' aria that people, as you know, die for metal, is not about you, dear Metal Goats-Sheeps. You treat money calmly, and banknotes reciprocate your feelings - you just have them, and exactly as much as you want. This could not have happened without the magical wings of the Fire Cockerel, but that’s another story. Metal Goats are restrained when it comes to spending, but in the year of the Rooster you can indulge in excess. Your principles will not suffer if you please your relatives - the kids will be happy with the purchase of another technical novelty, and your older relatives will cry with delight if you re-roof your dacha.

Horoscope for other eastern zodiac signs:

The Year of the Fire Rooster promises to bring good luck and well-deserved recognition into the life of the Goat. The symbol of 2017 has prepared many pleasant surprises for representatives of this sign, ranging from career advancement to success with the opposite sex. In the new year, you will often be with your family, feeling help, support and attention from loved ones. The family and domestic Goat will appreciate the opportunity provided by the Rooster to take a break from the haste and stress of past years.

Natural prudence and tact will help the Goat resolve long-standing disputes and conflicts. If you want to become the center of everyone's attention, the eccentric Fire Rooster will allow you to do this too - the flow of invitations to various parties and gatherings will be simply inexhaustible, all you have to do is choose the most interesting events. By the way, the year promises many interesting acquaintances, many of which will be very useful in the future.

  • Years of the Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027.
  • Personal qualities: elegance, friendliness, sociability, capriciousness, frivolity, politeness, generosity, openness.
  • Best professions: children's doctor, theater and film actor, teacher, interior designer, musician, singer, presenter.

Forecast for Goat for 2017 Rooster

Your charm and sociability will allow you to attract anyone to your side. However, the Rooster, who values ​​honesty and directness, warns against using your abilities for personal gain. In general, 2017 will bring the Goat many chances to improve his life, but he needs to use them wisely. The Fire Rooster is a hardworking and active sign, he is generous with gifts, but they will need to be earned through perseverance.

Many representatives of the Goat sign will be able to fully reveal their talents in 2017. The coming year will be one of the most favorable periods for creativity, extraordinary actions and creative solutions, so that the Goat will be able to reach unprecedented heights in any field. The only danger is the capriciousness of the representatives of this sign.

In 2016, the Goat should forget about guile and not lie to others

If you are left with nothing at the end of 2107, then remember that everything is to blame for your lack of punctuality, frivolity and forgetfulness. Leave these qualities in 2016 and don’t take them with you into the future - they will only slow down your development. The Rooster does not forgive laziness, so from the very beginning of the year, stick to a carefully thought-out plan and do not deviate one step from it, developing and strengthening your internal discipline.

During this decisive and significant period of life, the Goat must learn to make reasonable and logical decisions. Representatives of this sign should somewhat moderate their inherent idealism, because the greatest danger for the Goat is not real world with its complexities, but self-deception, leading to disappointment and depression.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, you will be haunted by mood swings - only recently the Goat fluttered like a butterfly, filled with optimism, but in a few days it can plunge into the abyss of pessimistic moods. Astrologers talk about the need to learn to accept any uncertainty, otherwise a rush of panic will lead to conflicts with loved ones and clashes in the work team.

You notice other people's shortcomings very well, but the stars advise you to turn your insight to yourself. Stop explaining your mistakes with mood swings and character traits. The Rooster favors self-critical people and will always give a chance to atone.

Love and relationships

2017 does not promise the Goat any changes in his personal life: a period of peace awaits you, which will give you the opportunity to fully enjoy communication with your family. Don’t forget to pamper them with your attention and care - the return will exceed your wildest expectations. Remember that the Rooster does not tolerate whims, so you should be more tolerant of your partner, accepting his weaknesses and shortcomings. Presence nearby loved one will help you find peace of mind.

It is important for representatives of the Goat sign to know that they can always count on the support of others. For family Goats, the stars recommend finding a partner additional points contact - you will be brought together by a joint hobby, frequent walks and home movie screenings. You should also spend your vacation together - avoid noisy companies and crowds, it’s better to go on a romantic tour or just hide in the country from the bustle of the big city.

Dedicate your summer vacation only to yourself and your significant other

Lonely Goats can count on increased attention to themselves. Your natural sociability and charm will help you gather many fans around you. However, the stars do not recommend spreading yourself over several novels at once. You will, of course, raise your self-esteem to unprecedented heights, but the fall into the abyss of disappointment will be quick and painful.

The Rooster approves of serious long-term relationships and does not tolerate frivolity and empty coquetry. Moderate your ardor - and by the middle of the year you will meet a person who will bring harmony and balance into your life. Well, Goat parents don’t have to worry about their offspring. Children will demonstrate obedience and a responsible approach to learning without causing too much trouble. Important point: Pay attention to your child’s hobbies.

The rooster promotes the development of creative abilities and sports - it's time to find a club or section for your child to suit his taste. Beware of the temptation to fulfill your own unrealized dreams in your child: perhaps you suffer because you did not go to music school, but your child has no desire for music, but wants to engage in athletics. Just take it for granted. Listen to your child’s opinion, and your relationship will become even closer and warmer.


At the beginning of the Year of the Fire Rooster, the Goat will feel great, using the reserves of previously accumulated energy. However, an excessive tendency to neurosis and frequent mood swings can lead to a loss of strength by mid-2017. Astrologers advise representatives of this sign to pay due attention to maintaining their nervous system.

Rest more, don’t worry too much about yourself, communicate with nice people and don’t forget about healing power relaxing procedures. You can learn several techniques from Tibetan medicine, sign up for a relaxing massage and get into the habit of taking a bath with aromatic oils. Chronic diseases will hardly bother you this year.

Relaxing treatments will have a beneficial effect on your body

The exception is the musculoskeletal system. The spine is often weak point representatives of this sign. Don't forget about the need for moderate physical activity to strengthen your back muscles. The active Rooster does not want to hear your argument that Gym It’s too far away and there’s not enough time for everything.

Exist simple exercises which can be done at home. In addition, the stars advise starting to adhere to a normal diet. Your unhealthy snacks may give you an unpleasant surprise at the end of the year. If there is no possibility of a full lunch during the day, stock up on a handful of nuts, dried fruits or a couple of apples.

Work and career

2017 will bring long-awaited advancement for representatives of the Goat sign. career ladder. The year could be extremely good for the busy Goat own business. However, the Rooster warns: support will be provided only if you work hard and have a creative approach to solving professional problems. Astrologers advise caution for Goats working in the legal field and engaged in stock trading.

Read all documents carefully and agree on each point so as not to fall into the hands of scammers and pay for inattention. a large sum money. If you are business owners, pay attention to the competitive situation - it is quite possible that they will try to survive you from the conquered market segment. The heavenly bodies recommend taking preventive measures and taking care of increasing your own competitive advantages to retain old and attract new customers.

Avoid conflicts and quarrels on work issues - they are of no use to you

Try not to get into conflicts with business partners and work colleagues. By mid-year you may need their help and advice. In general, the year is more suitable for teamwork. Goats who prefer to carry out projects alone will find it too difficult to meet stated deadlines and achieve high results.

The Fire Rooster favors people of creative professions, so you can count on recognition and wide publicity. The main thing is not to give up if your muse has left you. Show perseverance and hard work, which will not hinder even the most notorious dreamers. You won’t even notice how new thoughts and fresh ideas will fill your head!


The symbol of 2017 will require generosity from the Goat. Do not refuse financial assistance to your loved ones, even if you are sure that the loan will not be returned to you soon. Give up personal purchases – you won’t feel bad, but your relationships with relatives and friends will only improve. The stars promise that money will flow into your wallet in a constant stream. You will be able to purchase everything you planned and even set aside a small amount for a rainy day.

You won't be lucky in the lottery - in 2017, luck is not on your side!

You will not be able to make money from gambling and lotteries, so immediately refuse any offers in this area. In addition, at the beginning of the year, the heavenly bodies recommend somewhat moderating vacation expenses - instead of a foreign resort, look suitable option within the home country. You will have no worse rest, and save money. Goats can expect the main financial flow from professional activity and freelancing.

Year of the Monkey for the Sheep (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The Goat will achieve all desired positions in the year of the Rooster. A series of pleasant, positive events await her that will affect her worldview and attitude towards life. The once gray and bland life will turn into a bright rainbow, which with its variety of shades will pleasantly please the eyes of both the Goat and her loved ones. In the year of the Rooster, the Goat will dramatically climb to the top of the career ladder and will be especially popular among members of the opposite sex. She will have many fans and admirers who will be ready to do crazy things for her favor. A goat is a domestic animal, so it will gain strength, recover from hard work and seek support only within the limits own home. Home means a lot to representatives of this sign Chinese horoscope, therefore, it is not at all surprising if the Goat tries with all his might to make his family nest more comfortable and cozy.

It is on home improvement that the Goat will spend most their savings, and it is likely that the purchase of real estate will also be included in this year’s list of acquisitions. And this is no wonder, because the main priorities for the Goat are comfort, stability, security and safety, which is why she tries to make the house correspond to her idea of ​​a happy and carefree life. The Rooster, the patron of 2017, as a sign of gratitude and respect for the Goat, will reward her with numerous prospects and opportunities, and she will only have to be able to properly manage such generous gifts of Fate. To do this, the Goat needs to re-educate itself a little - to become more responsible, serious, decisive, punctual, honest and disciplined. Without these qualities, the Goat is unlikely to be able to stand firmly on his feet. Luck will accompany the representatives of your sign everywhere, but if you are lazy and idle, the Rooster will punish for such frivolity and you yourself will have to fight for your right to happy life. The Goat needs to be patient, somewhere even to step over its own beliefs and do as circumstances require. The first results obtained will inspire and fill new energy, and the Goat will cease to be as categorical as it was before. By nature, the Goat is an extraordinary, elegant person, but at the same time capricious and slightly frivolous. She cannot be accused of stinginess; she is very generous and friendly. And her innate manner of politely and openly conducting a conversation attracts interesting interlocutors to her, among whom there are many useful individuals who are able to help Goat realize her ideas.

The personal life of the Goat will be filled with harmony, mutual understanding and respect. She will devote all her victories and achievements to her loved ones, surround them with attention, tenderness and care. In return he will receive several times more than he gives. Such returns in the form of support, assistance, understanding and strong love The goat has not experienced this before. The Rooster favors those who are tolerant, diplomatic and wise people. Therefore, in relations with a partner, Goat should remain on an equal footing, respect his opinion, learn to find compromises, look for common interests and benefits, and be ready to give in. She will become truly happy if she stops re-educating her life partner, silently accepts all his shortcomings and weak sides character. After all, there are no ideal people in the world, and the Goat is not a model either. This must be taken into account when a strong, irresistible desire arises to teach, to point out other people’s mistakes and shortcomings. It will be nice if the Goat finds common topics, which will be interesting to both spouses, and for those who have just started building a relationship, it is better to start it with a person whose interests completely coincide with yours. For this purpose, you can look for a potential life partner among colleagues and co-workers, among friends and their friends, in hobby groups, various courses or master classes. In any case, at least one subject of conversation will be of interest to both, and this already sounds promising.

For families with small children, it is important to have privacy with each other. After all, communication in a quiet and calm environment encourages more frank and sincere conversations, intimate conversations, completely excluding discussion of everyday and routine issues. Such hours of spending time will help the spouses restore their former feelings, return romance and passion to the relationship, and get to know each other better. Feeling a reliable shoulder next to her, on which she can lean at any moment, the Goat will be ready to do anything for the good and happiness of this person. Lonely representatives of your eastern sign you should be more serious and responsible when choosing a potential companion. The thing is that you are surrounded by crowds of fans, but among a dozen or hundreds of admirers, there are only a few people who truly deserve reciprocity. The Chinese horoscope for the year of the Rooster does not recommend that the Goat rush into making a final choice. Do not force events that are already developing rapidly.

A Goat in the year of the Rooster can safely make plans and implement them; success awaits you in any endeavor. The most successful will be those representatives of your sign who hold positions such as doctor, teacher, actor, singer, musician, artist and designer. In other words, the Goat will achieve maximum success where its ingenuity, improvisation, imagination and extraordinary thinking are most needed. Brilliant creative ideas will be appropriate in personal business, because the non-standard solutions– the engine of progress and the surest path to success. The Goat will not have to work hard to achieve something, since she is endowed with all the qualities necessary for this at birth; all that remains is to rationally use her innate potential.

However, the Goat may be hampered by its other innate qualities - restlessness, frivolity and irresponsibility. The bulk of efforts will need to be directed towards eradicating harmful and negative traits character, strengthening positive qualities. With great desire, the Goat will easily overcome its complexes without any effort and take the right path leading to success. And having become a responsible, serious, business-like and diplomatic person, the Goat will quickly gain authority in society and various mutually beneficial business offers from potential investors and partners will rain down on her.

Along with the horoscope for the year of the Rooster 2017 for the Goat, the site provides information about the Chinese horoscope sign Goat with detailed description and the characteristics of this sign in Eastern astrology.

Year of the Rooster for the Goat (Chinese horoscope)

Born 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003

The Year of the Rooster 2017 will be a very turbulent period for those born under the auspices of the Goat. They will have to complete some major projects and start new things. It won't be without trouble. Fortunately, everything can be fixed quickly and easily. And it’s better to hurry up with this in order to continue your journey without regard to sudden difficulties. There will literally be a premonition of positive changes in the air. Tempting prospects will open up ahead. This year is perfect time to make plans for the future and chart a course towards new achievements.

The professional interests of Goats will receive an unexpected expansion in 2017. Already in winter, circumstances will develop in such a way that a recent ordinary project, the completion of which will have to be worked on, will demonstrate the best business qualities. Moreover, Goats will have the opportunity to show their skills and experience in progress. The management will note the promise of the Goats and will keep an eye on them for career advancement throughout the year. Success, as you know, gives you inspiration. Goats will begin to fulfill their duties with redoubled zeal. Unfortunately, an obstacle will arise in the form of a competitor for the place that the Goats will already consider practically theirs. Most likely, the opponent will impose a pace on them that will be beyond their strength. Goats will become nervous and may even become depressed. In order not to lose their positive attitude, Goats must constantly remind themselves of folk wisdom: “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.” Let the competitor rush and make mistake after mistake. In the end, it will become clear who is here best worker. When it comes to quality, there is no equal to Goats. The main thing is not to allow an unusual work style to be imposed on yourself. You should always keep in mind main goal, carefully work out the details, but do not bury yourself in them. It is important to dismiss the pessimistic forecasts that a competitor will regularly throw at the Goats as insignificant. Only energetic activity will lead to victory. And you can cry over the failures that could have happened, but didn’t, later, if you want, of course. In October 2017, the time will come for this. By mid-autumn, Goats will already have to do everything that they were assigned at the beginning of the year, and will begin to work on bonus tasks. It will be a pleasant period. Work will bring not only money, but also pleasure.

The financial situation in 2017 will be stable if the Goats stay within their financial capabilities or clearly plan the influx of capital when using borrowed funds. Frivolity is unacceptable. Before taking any significant steps in terms of money, Goats must make sure that they have calculated all possible scenarios. It must be said that in 2017 of the Rooster there will be many ways to replenish your wallet in addition to the income that will come from professional employment. You may need to invest part of your savings in a business or enter into an inheritance, having previously paid for a lawyer and the corresponding taxes. One way or another, this will be an expected event, and common sense will not fail. Goats will find an opportunity to carry out the operation so that it does not have a very noticeable impact on the current budget. They will probably start optimizing expenses and increasing discipline in everything related to money. The energetic influences of the year will greatly contribute to this. Major financial movements will occur between February and July. At this time, you may need to turn on the economy mode. However, the Goats waited a long time, and these recent months They will somehow survive before the onset of financial freedom. Already in the fall you will be able to breathe more freely and start reorganizing your bank account and drawing up long-term plans.

In the year of the Rooster, Goats will break endurance records. Indeed, the challenges of the year will keep them in constant voltage. This statement applies not only to physical activity, but also to emotional and intellectual activity. Despite the favorable placement of the planets that control the area of ​​health, Goats will have to take care of themselves. You should follow the regime and alternate periods of stress with rest or a change in activity. However, you only need to hold out until August. The velvet season of 2017 is literally made for vacation. On the days when summer gradually turns to autumn, nature itself will help restore strength. But at the end of the year, Goats may feel unwell. Most likely, problems will arise with the musculoskeletal system. In November-December it is important to avoid drafts and dress according to the season. Physical exercise during this period it is best to reduce it to an optimal minimum.

It would be foolish not to use the chances that the 2017 Year of the Rooster will provide for Goats to overcome the crisis and optimize the situation in all areas. Even though they will be strenuously prevented from achieving success by certain hostile forces, Goats will be collected and energetic enough to achieve positive changes in all directions. If some personal connections become an obstacle to progress, this year the Goats will be able to painlessly distance themselves from the irritating factor. In fact, for the sake of straightening things out, for once you can refuse to give up your home to annoying relatives or overly intrusive friends. In the end, they will understand and forgive when they see at the end of the year why the Goats limited communication. The pace of life in 2017 will be very high, but Goats will cope with all problems. Especially if they manage to overcome natural timidity and boldly get down to business.

Year of the Goat (by element of year of birth)

Green Goat (element of the year Tree) - 1955
Red Goat (element of the year Fire) - 1967
Yellow Goat (element of the year Earth) - 1919, 1979
White Goat (element of the year Metal) - 1931, 1991
Black Goat (element of the year Water) - 1943, 2003