Innovative technologies in Russian language lessons. Modern pedagogical technologies in secondary schools

Modern educational technologies in the classroom in schools they are used taking into account the latest trends in education. Many teachers note that the use of promising approaches and educational technologies in lessons various subjects allows you to significantly increase the perception of lesson material by students.

During lessons in primary school The teacher uses the following technologies:

Gaming technologies .

Gaming technologies are widely used both in organizing educational and educational processes.

A game in pedagogy is considered as a type of activity that takes place in some specially organized conditions according to certain implicit or explicitly formulated rules and models socially significant human activity and behavior. During the game, the social experience of humanity is assimilated, value characteristics and dynamic stereotypes are formed.

The effectiveness of the use of gaming technologies in the educational process is based on the fact of emotional upliftment of the participant in the game, the activity of activity, which undoubtedly increases the effectiveness educational activities.

Pedagogical gaming technologies, depending on their goals, are divided into entertaining, didactic, diagnostic, and correctional.

It is also important to classify pedagogical games (physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological) according to game methodology (subject-based, plot-based, business, simulation).

Through play, the child develops his ability to engage and participate in collective activities. Through play and in the process of play, the child is prepared for socially assessed, first educational, and then other types of activities.

In junior school age usually role-playing or simulation-modeling games are used, in which the rules of the simulated situation must apply. Through the game, an educational problem situation is well activated and translated into a personally significant plan. However, due to the increased emotional perception of the game situation by younger schoolchildren, the educational element of the game, the analysis of the relationship between the game and the real situation, and the course of the game itself may not be recorded.

Problem-based learning technology.

Problem-based lesson technology plays one of the leading roles of modern teaching aids. It develops logical thinking, and spatial imagination activates children's cognitive activity, increases attention and interest in the object of discussion. Promotes unification, cohesion of the team to solve problems, promotes the establishment of contact between children within the team and contact between the team and the teacher. At the same time, the authority of the teacher increases. But it is imperative to remember that the object of research must arouse some interest among the subjects of the study. Otherwise, problem-based learning technology will not bring the desired result.

The technology of problem-based learning is based on the fact that the student’s passive perception of educational material cannot be effective. Effective learning is learning based on the student’s awareness of the presence of a problem, for the successful solution of which his existing ideas, knowledge and apparatus are not enough. Provided that the formulated problem is relevant for the student, motivation is created for him to develop a particular theory and master it.

The technology of problem-based learning can be used in working with students of any age, on any issue and in constructing any theory of this subject. However, it should be borne in mind that the greatest effect when using this technology can be achieved provided that the formulated problem is personally significant for students. As a rule, scientific problems of those subjects in which the child has no interest in studying do not have a special stimulating effect. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the child’s natural interest in the world around him and, if possible, bring out educational problem from the student's direct life experience.

Key concepts of problem-based learning.

A problematic question is a question in which what is known does not cause difficulties for students, a logical proof of the essence.

A problematic task differs in that its data is presented more widely using numerical information.

Problem task - includes the known and the unknown, associated with methods of practical action; as a result of completion, students must find an as yet unknown method of action or apply the known in new conditions.

Problem situation - includes a problematic task.

Types of problem situations (PS).

1. Inconsistency between existing knowledge and methods of action and new knowledge.

2. PS caused by the difficulty of choosing the most rational method of action from the theoretically possible in a particular situation.

3. PS that arise when it is necessary to find ways to use existing knowledge and methods of action in fundamentally new conditions.

4. PS caused by the contradiction between a theoretically possible way of solving problems and its practical impracticability or the expediency of the chosen method.

5. PS caused by the discrepancy between a specific object and its image.

6. PS reflects the discrepancy between the created course of action and its practical implementation.

7. PS caused by overcoming " psychological barrier» past experience in the process of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

8. PS, as a result of the manifestation of contradictory judgments.

The presented PS technology, as practice shows, is essential for organizing problem-based learning.

Technology "Step by step".

The “Step by Step” technology is based on the following pedagogical ideas:

The primacy of self-education: the priority of children’s independent knowledge before studying at school under the guidance of a teacher (creative homework, research, collecting information, writing essays);

Contextuality of learning: family, school, society are active subjects of joint activities to form the younger generation and the main resources in ensuring the educational practice of children.

Focus on the formation of new educational needs: the general educational goal of these educational technologies is to develop in children the ability to learn and develop throughout their adult life.

Training efficiency:

a) external - the presence of a technology consumer (teacher and educator) and its customer (parents);

b) internal - the presentation of free choice to children when organizing the educational process at school;

Cooperativeness: the method of organizing the educational process is based on an individual-group learning system;

Creativity: there are no ready-made notes for the teacher, there is no strict “link” to the curriculum and the content of textbooks / there is a guideline for fulfilling the educational standard;

Focus on transforming one’s own practice: changing the content and methods of the educational process.

The social development of the child in the “Step by Step” educational model is given one of the most important roles. The quality, not the quantity, of relationships with other children is a significant indicator in this process. Nowadays, when the growth of social egoism is sharply increasing, for most children the traditional system of educational interaction in the back of each other’s heads, with the concentration of voluntary attention by 80% through the visual-auditory route, is counterproductive. In this sense, the individual-group learning model has a positive impact on children.

It has been established experimentally that the first subject of educational appeal to an adult is not an individual, but a group of children working together. The direct transfer of content and methods of action from teacher to child in traditional groups and classes upsets the balance of educational interaction due to the “leakage of reflection” to the teacher’s pole. During the testing of technologies in experimental kindergartens and primary schools that worked on their basis, it was possible to prove that initially the teacher must organize collective activity, and then create conditions for its gradual transformation into individual activity.

Conditions for organizing technologies.

The presence of a sufficient number of different educational and educational-game techniques materials that allow children to interact with them;

Providing the opportunity to freely choose materials, type of activity, partners for joint activities, etc., which makes learning person-centered;

Compliance equally with the interests of children and the requirements of government programs, which is the most effective in the activities of these technologies;

Replacing the frontal method of organizing the educational process with an individual-group one, allowing each child to contribute to the learning process, and the teacher and peers to take this contribution into account;

Establishing a relationship of equal cooperation between the three most important subjects involved in the process of education and upbringing: family, school and society. At the same time, the family is given a priority role.

Thus, in the Step by Step educational model, the child is seen as a whole and as part of his family and community.

Modular training technology.

Modular technology (according to T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko) transforms the educational process so that the student independently (in whole or in part) works according to a targeted individual program.

The core of modular training is a training module, including:

The final block of information;

Target action program for the student;

Modular technology ensures the individualization of training: by the content of training, by the pace of learning, by the level of independence, by methods and methods of learning, by methods of control and self-control.

The differences between modular training and other systems are as follows.

2. The form of communication between teacher and student changes. It is carried out through modules, the process of individual communication between the managed and the manager is realized.

3. The student works independently as much as possible, learns goal setting, self-planning, self-organization and self-control.

4. There is no problem of individual counseling or dosed assistance to students.

The purpose of modular learning is to promote the development of students' independence, their ability to work, taking into account individual ways of working through educational material.

When developing modules, you must proceed from the following principles.

Implemented feedback is the basis for controllability and controllability of the process of knowledge acquisition. At the same time, water and output control is more stringent, carried out by the teacher, and current and intermediate control is soft, taking place in the form of self- and mutual control of students.

Educational and didactic material is presented in an accessible, concrete, expressive manner, in a dialogue form.

When constructing a module, the logic of students’ assimilation of knowledge is observed: perception, comprehension, memorization, application, generalization and systematization.

The structure of the module must correspond to the logic of a training session of one type or another.

The first step is to define the integrating purpose of the module.

The second step is the breakdown into educational elements in accordance with the logic of a particular type of training session.

The third step is to formulate the purpose of each educational element.

The fourth step is to determine the content of each educational element.

Interactive learning technology.

Interactive learning technology can be defined as a set of methods for purposefully enhanced intersubjective interaction between a teacher and students, the consistent implementation of which creates optimal conditions for their development.

Interactive learning technology can be a technological characteristic of a separate lesson, activity, or extracurricular activity. At the same time, you can conduct a series or all lessons or classes in any discipline interactively.

The concept of interactive methods.

The meaning of the concept "inter" active methods“consists of the definitions of the concepts “method” and “interactive” (interaction). The method in pedagogy is interpreted as a way of purposeful interaction between the teacher and students to solve pedagogical problems, i.e. for development. In the concept of “interaction” two terms can be distinguished: “inter” - between; “action” - increased activity. Thus, interaction can be interpreted as increased activity between someone. Based on this, we define interactive methods as ways of purposeful, enhanced intersubjective interaction between the teacher and students to create optimal conditions of its development.

The key concept that defines the meaning of interactive methods is “interaction”. Interaction is understood as direct interpersonal communication, the most important feature of which is the ability of a person to “take the role of another,” to imagine how a communication partner or group perceives him, and to interpret the situation and design his own actions accordingly. Pedagogical interaction is a process of joint activity between a teacher and students, the attributes of which are: spatial and temporal co-presence of participants, creating the possibility of personal contact between them; the presence of a common goal, an anticipated result of activity that meets the interests of everyone and contributes to the realization of everyone’s needs; planning, control, correction and coordination of actions; division of a single cooperation process, general activities between participants; the emergence of interpersonal relationships. Pedagogical interaction is an exchange of activities between a teacher and students, in which the activity of one determines the activity of the other (others).

Interactive methods are enhanced pedagogical interaction, mutual influence of participants in the pedagogical process through the prism of their own individuality, personal experience life activity. This is a process of intensive intersubjective communication between the teacher and students (the teacher, the subject of his professional activity, puts him in the position of subject educational activities- student). Interactive pedagogical interaction is characterized high degree the intensity of communication of its participants, their communication, exchange of activities, the change and diversity of their types, forms and techniques, the participants’ purposeful reflection of their activities and the interaction that took place. Interactive pedagogical interaction, the implementation of interactive pedagogical methods are aimed at changing and improving the behavior patterns and activities of participants in the pedagogical process.

Analysis of the practice of interactive pedagogical interaction made it possible to identify the following leading features and tools: polylogue, dialogue, mental activity, meaning-making, intersubjective relationships, freedom of choice, creating a situation of success, positivity and optimism of assessment, reflection, etc.

Interactive pedagogical interaction is an alternative to traditional pedagogical influence. The priorities of the interactive pedagogical process are such characteristics as procedurality, activity, communication, dialogue, the possibility of self-expression for participants, meaning-making, reflection, etc. Traditional pedagogical influence as an attribute of an authoritarian imperative, personally alienated pedagogical process is aimed primarily at the formal implementation of the compulsory curriculum .

Classification of interactive methods.

Interactive methods can be classified according to their leading function in pedagogical interaction into methods:

· creating a favorable atmosphere, organizing communication;

· organizing the exchange of activities;

· organization of mental activity;

· organization of meaning-making;

· organization of reflective activities;

· integrative (interactive games).

Methods of creating a favorable atmosphere and organizing communication have as their procedural basis a “communicative attack” carried out by the teacher at the very beginning of the organized pedagogical interaction (at the beginning of a lesson, activity, extracurricular activity, etc.) for the prompt inclusion of each and every student in joint work. The methods of this group contribute to the self-actualization of each student and their constructive adaptation to the emerging pedagogical situation.

Methods for organizing the exchange of activities involve a combination of individual and group collaboration between participants in pedagogical interaction, joint activity, and the relationship between the activities of the teacher and students. The leading feature of these methods is the uniting of students into creative groups for joint activities as the dominant condition for their development.

Methods for organizing meaning-making have a leading function: the creation by students and teachers of new content of the pedagogical process, the creation by students of their individual meaning of the phenomena and objects being studied, the exchange of these meanings, the enrichment of their individual meaning.

Methods of organizing mental activity, on the one hand, create a favorable atmosphere, contribute to the mobilization of the creative potential of students, the development of their positive motivation for learning, on the other hand, they stimulate active mental activity, the performance of various mental operations by students.

Methods for organizing reflective activity are aimed at self-analysis and self-assessment by participants in pedagogical interaction, their activities, and their results. The methods of this group allow students and teachers to record the state of their development and determine the reasons for this.

Integrative methods (interactive games) are ways of interaction between a teacher and students, in which all the leading functions of interactive methods are integrated (combined).

Thus, a clear understanding of the content and parameters of pedagogical innovations, mastery of the methods of their application allow both individual teachers and students who have completed pre-graduate practice to objectively evaluate and predict their implementation.

Based on the above material, we can say with confidence that the tasks that life poses to us in the field of education will be solved with the help of various pedagogical innovative technologies.

Types of innovative lessons

The concept of “innovation” has become firmly established in our professional lives. The Russian equivalent of this word is innovation. Today, innovative phenomena are found in all elements of the pedagogical process. Thus, an innovative lesson is considered from the perspective of new introductions to the organization of the educational process for a certain period of time.
There is a strong opinion that an innovative lesson was formed on the basis of new educational technologies in the educational process. This is partly true, but changes in the education system in recent years have played a major role in the development of a new type of lesson.
Firstly, the volume has increased new information from different fields of science: philosophy, history, geography, literature, psychology, sociology, production technology, economics, foreign languages. What portion of this volume should be offered to children? where and how can they select the information they need, changing in content and significance almost every day? These questions formed the task of teaching schoolchildren the ability to search for the necessary information, determine for what purpose it is used and disseminated, and distinguish the type of information.
Secondly, the conditions for organizing education have changed: the status of the school; educational programs, plans and textbooks; forms of education (day, correspondence, evening, external, home, family); equipping classrooms with technical equipment. In connection with new requirements of a socio-economic nature, affecting the development of both group and individual activities of students, the structure of the organization of the educational process has also changed.
Thirdly, the requirements for professional competence teachers, approaches to teaching. Currently topical issues in the learning process they became: child health; his psychological, pedagogical and age characteristics; adaptation to the next level, class, school, teacher’s requirements, etc.

Basis for modeling an innovative lesson

Innovation lesson is a dynamic, variable model of organizing the training and learning of students for a certain period of time.
It may be based on:

  • elements of extracurricular work, laboratory and practical work, excursions, forms of extracurricular activities;
  • teaching students through artistic images; revealing the abilities of schoolchildren through active methods of creative activity (using elements of theater, music, cinema, fine arts);
  • research activities, which imply the active use of methodological knowledge in the learning process, revealing the characteristics of students’ mental work;
  • application of psychological knowledge that reflects the specifics of students’ personality, the nature of relationships in the team, etc.

The teacher strives for progress, wants to change his activities for the better - this process is innovation. Inventive activity of the teacher on innovative lesson is revealed in a variety of unusual tasks, extraordinary actions, constructive proposals, entertaining exercises, designing the course of a lesson, creating learning situations, didactic material, selection scientific facts, organizations creative work students.

Types of innovative lessons

Highlight the following types innovative lessons*: lessons of independent activity; research; based on group technology; problematic; differentiated learning; based on project activities; training lessons, etc. Let's look at some of them in more detail.
Tips for teachers on conducting independent activity lessons:

  • demonstrate trust;
  • do not interfere with the task until the student himself asks for help;
  • do not criticize for mistakes;
  • conduct the interview in the form of clarifying details;
  • determine a specific amount of work so that the student can calculate his strength;
  • set a time frame for completing the work;
  • create conditions for students to self-assess the results of their own activities;
  • determine criteria for performing independent work;
  • develop forms of monitoring independent activity, criteria for assessing the results of activity by the teacher.

Lessons of independent activity– a form of educational process based on the organization of independent work of students. The purpose of such lessons is the formation and development of mechanisms of independence of schoolchildren, the affirmation of independent personality qualities. Such mechanisms can be habits, beliefs, traditions, actions.
These lessons play a great educational role.
When preparing for lessons of this type, it is necessary to study the levels of general educational skills of students, their ability to work independently; determine the content and direction of students’ independent activities.
A model of independent work is developed for each student: a teaching technology is selected; volume and content of educational material; literature and didactic material; technical and technological means of the educational process. Each student is given appropriate recommendations in written and oral form.
In independent activity lessons, the positions of the teacher and the student should be clearly defined:

  • teacher's position: initiating the student's subjective experience and developing his individual abilities during the educational process; choice of teaching technology (how and what I will teach);
  • student’s position: choice of learning technology (what and how I will study) for a certain period of time.

Independent activity lessons cannot show a complete picture of a teacher’s pedagogical skills; they only partially reveal aspects of his creativity and originality.

Research lesson is a form of teaching schoolchildren based on knowledge of the world around them, organizing the study of a particular subject or phenomenon. The purpose of the research lesson is to use, develop and generalize the experience of students and their ideas about the world.
The basis of such a lesson is the organization of a practical laboratory study of a problem, topic or task. During the lesson, students themselves select questions to study, search for a solution to the problem, exchange opinions, experiment, develop perfect option suggestions for study.
The goal of students’ activities in a research lesson is to obtain a specific result (product). Distinctive features of the technology of such productive (product-oriented) training:

  • independent educational activities of the student, closely related to his real work activities;
  • orientation of study and work towards the final result;
  • changing lesson-based, closed forms of relations between teacher and students to more open ones aimed at joint activities and cooperation.

The ideology of productive education opens up wide opportunities for teaching students outside the walls of classes and school programs.

Lesson based on group technology may involve work in micro groups; according to options; cool conveyor; test in pairs, etc. The purpose of group technology is to teach the ability to work in a team and by means of a team.
Each participant in group activity involuntarily gets involved in joint work and faces a choice: either do like everyone else, or determine his place, role and function in the team. For teenagers striving for self-affirmation among their peers, such self-determination in activities has great importance.
Experience shows that group work is especially effective if the teacher organizes the process of distributing educational tasks and has thought out the technology for discussing them in a group. It is the very process of discussing educational tasks, problems, scientific facts in the student body that is perceived as if adults were consulting with students, asking about their attitude to what is happening and listening to their opinions. This situation helps students purposefully carry out the learning process and feel more confident. The most effective group technology lessons are based on methods of dialogue, interviews, exchange of opinions, and joint activities.

Lessons in Differentiated Instruction are built in accordance with the student’s level of development and the level of his basic knowledge. The goal of differentiated instruction is the development and formation of the abilities of each student. The organization of educational activities in such lessons is specific and requires consideration of individual teaching principles, as well as improvement of the theoretical and practical material of the teaching and educational process in the lesson.
The most common type of such lessons is a lesson that involves students working in small groups with several levels of knowledge (level differentiation of learning). Conditions for the implementation of such lessons:

  • determining students' knowledge levels and learning abilities;
  • highlighting the basic amount of knowledge necessary for consolidation;
  • determining learning methods for each student;
  • preparation of didactic material;
  • preparation of blocks of educational material;
  • establishing regulations for performing certain tasks;
  • determination of a mechanism for monitoring students’ learning activities during independent work in order to indicate further steps or stages of organizing learning.

The level of children's knowledge and their ability to learn is the main indicator on the basis of which the teacher should organize the educational process. In differentiated learning lessons, the process of mastering a certain topic or section can be repeated several times until the student learns certain actions.

Problem lessons – a form of organizing student learning based on the creation of a problem situation. In such a lesson, students are either presented with a problem or a problem is identified with them. The goal of problem-based learning is to activate the cognitive sphere of students’ activities based on identifying cause-and-effect relationships.


Let us clarify how a problem differs from a task. A problem is a contradiction that can manifest itself in any actions, phenomena, or facts. The problem itself does not have clear conditions for its occurrence. A task necessarily has some conditions that reveal the nature of the action, event, phenomenon, and requires execution. For example, situation 1 – fire (subject – life safety). The terms of the problem are not clear. A number of questions arise: what is burning? why is it burning? where is it burning? what to do? Situation 2: an apartment is on fire on the first floor of a brick building on Lesnaya Street, 3. This task is already relatively clear, since the conditions of the fire process have been revealed. Accordingly, the actions of the rescue service are understandable.

Problem-based learning is a technology for teaching the ability to see and identify contradictions in a specific subject, as well as the ability to solve problems. Problem lessons are structurally somewhat reminiscent of psychological situations, which have a unique design of activity. The art of a teacher is to present educational material as unknown knowledge that students must discover for themselves.
Problem-based learning is, first of all, learning the ability to find new ways to solve existing contradictions. The teacher’s task is to organize educational activities based on activating students’ thinking at all stages of the lesson. The nature of students' cognitive activity can be different: some solve using questions and answers; others - by the method of situation analysis; third - by the method of diagnosis and conclusions; fourth - by selection, etc.
Without knowledge of the patterns of students’ mental activity, it is almost impossible to give a problem-based learning lesson.

Lesson-training – a form of organizing students’ educational activities based on the process of practicing certain actions and consolidating educational material. The purpose of this technology is for students to acquire certain skills and abilities through repeated repetition of the same knowledge or actions. This specific training activity can be either individual or group. Individual training lessons differ from group ones in the specifics of the problems. In group technology training lessons, a problem that is typical for all participants in the educational process is considered, while in individual lessons, for a specific student.
The principles of conducting training lessons are selected or developed by the teacher depending on the nature of the problem, the socio-pedagogical conditions of conducting, as well as the goals and objectives of consolidating the studied material. For such lessons, criteria for student actions are developed as a standard of skills, and printed samples are distributed during classes. different types activities. For example, a sample of one exercise; a sample of another more complex task. These samples help children quickly and efficiently acquire a particular skill or ability. The teacher helps students track the procedure for completing a specific task, identify errors in learning activities, and necessarily carries out measurement and evaluation of activities, without which it is impossible to determine the result of achievement.
During a training lesson, students have to do monotonous work, so experienced teachers always use elements of pedagogical creativity, for example:

  • selection of unusual tasks, didactic material;
  • organization:
    – competitions;
    – mutual control, etc.

Lessons based on project activities provide for the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, analyze the information received, put forward hypotheses and find solutions. Using the project method makes the educational process creative, purposeful, and the student - responsible and purposeful. The teacher’s duty is to prepare all students for cognitive activity that is feasible for everyone, but mandatory.
Advantages of the project method:

  • systematic consolidation of knowledge in other academic subjects. Often the knowledge students need to work on a project “spurs” their interest in other disciplines;
  • development of skills and abilities of planning, research and systematization of obtained data;
  • development of social (team work) and physical skills;
  • development of self-confidence. Children learn to approach the world around them creatively and gain confidence that they can improve their lives and the lives of others.

Modern innovative pedagogical technologies in technology lessons.

Innovative pedagogical technologies are interconnected,

are interdependent and constitute a certain didactic system,

aimed at fostering values ​​such as openness,

honesty, goodwill, empathy, mutual assistance and

ensuring the educational needs of each student in

according to his individual characteristics.

Currently, the determining factors in education and personal development from the point of view of pedagogy are considered to be the internal activity of the individual, his needs and abilities for self-development and self-improvement.

Motivation is the most serious issue in learning. Probably everyone remembers very well how easily and simply subjects were given school curriculum, in which there was interest, and how difficult and tedious the lessons of the unloved subject were. Technology, as one of the main and rather complex school disciplines, requires not only interest, abilities, perseverance and attentiveness from the child himself, but also high quality teaching, the ability to present complex knowledge in a simple and accessible form. It is no secret that many teachers are afraid of difficulties and do not want to make efforts to acquire knowledge. Therefore in modern conditions, in educational activities, it is important to focus on the development of cognitive activity, independence of students, and the formation of problem-search and research skills.

To implement the cognitive and creative activity of the student in the educational process, modern educational technologies are used, which make it possible to improve the quality of education, use educational time more effectively and reduce the share of reproductive activity of students by reducing the time allocated for homework. Such technologies include:

Use of ICT in lessons

Modern lesson impossible without the use of information and telecommunication technologies. Every day the online community of Russian teachers is replenished with new names, new educational resources appear on the Internet, and new software comes to schools. The teacher cannot remain aloof from these processes. The introduction of information technologies (IT) follows the path of increasing methodological material by each teacher within the framework of his subject.

The subject “Technology” develops a polytechnic outlook in children, introduces them to new equipment, modern technologies for processing materials, helps them navigate the world of professions, and gives them the opportunity to get involved in creative work while still at school. Labor plays an important role in the development of students’ independence, their aesthetic and environmental culture. Currently, there is a need to organize the learning process based on modern ICT, where electronic means, primarily global telecommunication networks Internet. An important component of informatization of the educational process is the accumulation of experience in using ICT in the school lesson. This is a completely new direction in school pedagogy.

The use of ICT, in particular multimedia presentations, in technology courses makes it possible to visually demonstrate the material being studied on a large screen or monitor, replacing the blackboard to fix students' attention on illustrations, data, diagrams, tables, joint study of information and its subsequent discussion. Test materials allow the teacher to quickly and accurately track the degree to which students have mastered new terms, concepts and definitions. Children complete didactic tasks on the topic being studied with greater interest using a computer than in the usual way in a notebook. In addition, the time required to complete tasks is reduced, which allows you to increase their number.

Computer technologies have opened up new opportunities for creating illustrative material: videos, slides, electronic textbooks. I use ICT in technology and economics lessons to check homework, explain new material, consolidate topics, monitor the assimilation of what has been learned, generalize and systematize topics covered.

For each of the topics I study, I try to choose different types of work and activities: tests, test questions and assignments printed in Word; online tests, presentations. I often use animations, modeling, and simulators, because I believe that these techniques make learning more visual, understandable, and memorable. For my subjects, I have developed a presentation for each topic, which I often change and supplement, since all classes are different in their abilities.

5th grade (The art of decorating vegetables and fruits - Carving, Table setting, Milk and its properties, Egg dishes, Terminology of wet cooking, Terminology handmade, Terminology of machine work, What clothes are made of, Mechanical engineering, Designing an apron, Constructing a drawing of an apron, Patchwork technique, Flowers from paper ribbons - Quilling, Origami, Mysterious button)

6th grade ( Cereal dishes, Wool, Linen, Fiber, The history of the skirt,

Construction of a skirt, Applique, Cross stitch, Satin embroidery, Christmas tree decorations, Types of seams)

7th grade (Making of fabric, History of costume, History of clothing, Magic isothread, Silk ribbons, Three-dimensional embroidery, History of hairstyles, Decorative and applied arts, Kitchen, dining room interior,

Modeling hairstyle depending on head shape)

8th grade (Family economics, Budget types, The art of bead weaving,

Flowers and beaded decorations, Magic hook, Knitted napkins, Knitted flowers, Crochet, Fabric flowers, Knitting techniques, Knitting pattern)

9th grade (Interior of a residential building, Artificial flowers - flowers that do not fade, Design work, Volumetric embroidery, Career guidance, Character, Temperament, Classification of professions, Agro-industrial complex,

Art technologies, Light industry, Fundamentals of professional self-determination, Entrepreneurial activity, Professions of the future, Professional activities in the social sphere).

At the final lesson, I use programmed control of knowledge using cards - tasks, tests, while I manage to reduce the time for questioning and cover all students at the same time. Experience shows that the use of programmed knowledge control activates students, increases the level of knowledge, and their strength.

The use of computers in technology lessons is becoming a new method of organizing active and meaningful work for students. With the use of computer technology at school, new opportunities have opened up for teachers to create conditions for development cognitive interest of schoolchildren in the subject being studied.

Problem-based learning technology

The essence of the problem-based learning method is that I construct my own or borrow a research problem constructed by others, and the student looks for a way to solve it. Problem tasks of varying degrees of complexity, each with its own search field. In difficult cases, students need to be helped, but in such a way as to preserve the possibility of creative thinking. The problem task is different in that I deliberately provoke the creation of contradictory situations, giving rise to students’ desire to understand and eliminate them.

Traditional education, as a rule, provides students with a system of knowledge and develops memory, but little is aimed at developing thinking and independent activity skills.

Problem-based learning eliminates these shortcomings, it activates the mental activity of students and creates cognitive interest.

Depending on the nature of the problem, several types of situations are distinguished. In the process of explaining new material, I most often use situations of inconsistency and surprise.

I have accumulated, summarized and systematized problem-oriented assignments in various sections of the technology course.

The use of elements of problem-based learning makes it possible to create conditions in the classroom for creative mental work of students. There is no need to mindlessly memorize a large amount of educational material. The time for preparing homework is reduced, since the main part of the educational material is learned in class.

Research method of teaching

The etymology of the word “research” contains an indication of extracting something “from a trace”, i.e. restore some order of things based on indirect signs, random objects. Consequently, already here lies the concept of the individual’s ability to compare, analyze facts and predict the situation, i.e. concept of the basic skills required of a researcher. In research activities, the determining factor is the approach, and not the composition of the sources on the basis of which the work was carried out. The essence of research work is a comparison of data from primary sources, their creative analysis and new conclusions made on its basis.

Under research activities In general, this form of organization of work is understood, which is associated with students solving a research problem with a solution unknown in advance. Within the framework of the research approach, training is carried out based on direct

student experience, its expansion during work.

Research work is the first stage of this research, the object of which is the educational process. Therefore, in the fifth grade, such work was carried out to reveal lexical meanings the words “fashion” and “model”. And, I think, the research was successful, since the students found words with the same root, made a report about their origin, after which their essence became clear.

Let me dwell on the integration of the “technology” lesson with literature, in particular on the topic “Folk Art”. I was convinced in my lessons that this topic allows us to reveal the enormous creative potential of students. In addition, creativity and culture always have a beneficial effect on the spiritual and moral formation and development of the individual. Folk rituals and traditions, clothing, national motifs in handicrafts - all this is usually studied in technology lessons.

On modern stage development of society, education increasingly turns to folk traditions, customs, and rituals. This interest is quite natural, as it is associated with society’s awareness of the historical continuity of generations, the preservation, dissemination and development of national culture, and the cultivation of a careful attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of various peoples.

Remembering with children the customs and rituals of their ancestors means teaching them love for the Motherland, respect for the culture, rituals, and customs of peoples. During a lesson on mastering new material, you can use a demo program.

Project activities.

In my work, I use the project method, as it allows for the diversified development of children, their creative interests, creative abilities, self-education skills, and helps create conditions for creative self-realization of the individual.

The project method, as a pedagogical technology, is focused on the independent activities of students, which they carry out over a certain period of time. Creating projects allows students to fully explore their creativity. Work on a project develops stable interests, a constant need for creative searches, because interests and needs do not arise outside of activity.

Using the technology of the project method in teaching, I pursue the following goals:

teach students independent, critical thinking;

reflect, based on knowledge of facts, laws of science, draw informed conclusions;

make independent reasoned decisions;

teach how to work in a team, performing different social roles.

Project activities make it possible to involve all students in educational work, stimulating students to creative activity, and contributes to the emergence and development of active interaction between the teacher, his students and information technology.

Work on the project is structured as follows:

Students identify a relevant problem that they will work on individually or in groups. Then they draw up a work plan, identify research objects, and look for possible ways solutions. Hypotheses are put forward, the data obtained from the various sources information. The results of the work are summed up. The children present reasoned conclusions, process and formalize the results obtained, and learn to solve cognitive and creative problems. The defense of the project is being prepared. At this stage, the children independently prepare a presentation and a project booklet using a computer. Project defense: presentation of the results of one’s activities, a method for solving a problem, proof of the correctness of decisions. Thus, schoolchildren’s work on a project requires them to: be able to independently navigate the information space and the variety of software products; skills in working with various software necessary to organize research and design a project. Students’ ability to master information culture and communication culture develops, theoretical thinking develops, cognitive skills are formed, and the ability to independently solve tasks and problems.

The organization of project activities of schoolchildren using basic information technologies provides for the active cooperation of students in the development of educational projects and their support with electronic materials in the form of presentations, publications and websites, which makes it possible to evaluate the results of the work of each participant.

Working on a project using information technology helps the student to form cognitive motivation for learning activities; the ability to identify a problem and then solve it; the ability to analyze the results obtained from the point of view of solving the identified problems and allows you to publicly defend the work, prepare reviews and reviews of the programs provided and their descriptions, and evaluate the project.

The project-based form of education contributes to the formation of general cultural, educational, cognitive, informational, communicative, research competencies, and readiness for self-education.

Technology of using game methods in teaching

Of greatest interest in the educational process are

gaming technologies. Gaming technologies are associated with gaming form

interaction between teacher and students through the implementation of a certain

plot (games, fairy tales, performances, business conversation). Wherein

educational objectives are included in the content of the game. In educational

in the process they use entertaining, theatrical, business, role-playing,

computer games.

Implementation of game techniques and situations in lesson form

occurs in the following main directions:

the didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game


educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;

educational material is used as its means, in educational

activity introduces an element of competition that translates

didactic task into a game one;

successful completion of a didactic task is associated with a gaming task


The game has magic that can feed fantasy and lead to entertainment. The game is a model of the game itself. A game the most important means education of schoolchildren. Play is a spontaneous, relaxed activity. The world of games is very diverse. Exist different variants classification of games. Each game is unique, contains various functions. Each type of games helps in the development of the child, both a healthy person and a healthy personality. With the right selection of games, you can plan and create conditions for the normal development and socialization of the child.

Health-saving technologies.

Modern technologies also include those aimed at preserving the health of children. Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and moral well-being. But it is a known fact that a huge percentage of students in educational institutions lose their health if the learning process is organized incorrectly or not organically enough. Therefore, from my point of view, great attention should be paid to health-saving technologies. For example, lessons that are devoted to the physiology of nutrition of adolescents. The developmental goal of the lesson was determined: to explore the problem of adolescent nutrition culture. To achieve the goal, certain tasks had to be solved. For example, to determine the role of proper nutrition in the life of a schoolchild, to develop a daily food consumption rate, and to learn how to organize a diet. While drawing up a lesson plan and building a single line, I came to the conclusion that I should apply the elements critical thinking. That is, build a lesson according to a certain algorithm: challenge>comprehension>reflection (thinking). I was able to generate motivation associated with various associations (associative thinking). And, at the same time, the lesson was structured on a situational basis. All examples were taken from real-life situations, therefore, it was easy for children to understand the problem at the moment in the lesson and begin reflective activity. Uneven food intake, its variety or monotony, as well as the processes of fermenting milk and rising dough are examples that children already encounter in their lives. That is, the need for a diet, obtaining the required amount of minerals and vitamins, the activity of bacteria, viruses, infection - logical lines of thinking led to the necessary solution. And, therefore, such activity made it possible to draw important conclusions for human life. And, at the end of the lesson, the children were asked to solve a crossword puzzle based on the terms studied in the lesson. Summing up the lesson, we noted that the goal of the lesson was successfully achieved through solving the assigned tasks. From my point of view, I can note that after conducting lessons based on the promotion of health-saving technologies, students pay much more active attention to their health, proper nutrition, etc. This is especially noticeable in cooking workshops: children no longer need to be reminded about the need for hand cleanliness, food quality and food hygiene..

Personally-oriented technologies.

This technology is based on a humanistic attitude towards the learner’s personality. The main distinguishing feature of the humanistic approach is attention to the individuality of a person, his personality, a clear orientation towards the conscious development of independent critical thinking. Personality-oriented technologies include “pedagogy of cooperation.”

Personally-centered learning involves the use of various forms and methods of organizing educational activities. Collaborative learning involves organizing groups of students working together to solve a problem or study a topic. This technology is aimed at helping the child learn to learn.

I will consider organizing a lesson using this technology using a specific example. I organized my lesson on the topic “Materials Science” in the 5th grade as follows: I announced in advance the topic of the lesson and the names of the groups - “historians”, “experimenters”, “theorists”, “biologists”, “practitioners”.

The guys were divided into groups and given assignments. For example, “experimenters” learn about the properties of cotton and flax. The “practitioners” demonstrated devices related to fabric production. “Biologists” prepared reports on the effect of tissue on humans, etc.

After the presentation of each group, I asked the speakers to briefly highlight the most important things and answer questions. We wrote down several sentences in a notebook. During the performance of the group members, the others evaluated them using special criterion sheets. Thus, we worked together on the topic of the lesson.

Test technologies.

Test-based assignments have become widespread in teaching practice. I use them at various stages of the lesson, during different types of classes, during individual, group and frontal work, in combination with other teaching tools and techniques. Today there are a variety of test options. Thematic tests are very convenient to conduct after studying the entire topic. As a result of testing, you can see how well, fully, and consciously the student has mastered the material.

In my opinion, tests created by the teacher himself make it possible to most effectively identify the quality of knowledge and individualize tasks, taking into account the characteristics of each student. I compose test tasks taking into account the objectives of the lesson, the specifics of the material being studied, cognitive capabilities, and the level of readiness of students. Therefore, I have compiled tests for each group aimed at developing skills and consolidating knowledge.

Test technology helps in monitoring students' knowledge. The test provides a subjective factor when checking the results, and also develops logical thinking and attentiveness in children.

Test tasks vary in difficulty level and in the form of answer options. The use of test tasks allows for differentiation and individualization of student learning, taking into account their level of cognitive abilities.

Systematic work on my use of modern pedagogical technologies and their elements in the educational process allows me to increase the efficiency of the educational process, help me achieve better results in learning, increase cognitive interest in the subject, leads to improved academic performance, students take an active part in subject weeks, participate in the Olympiads.

Using innovative methods in technology lessons

Every teacher raising a new generation must seriously think about how to develop the creative and artistic abilities inherent in a person, strengthen spiritual strength, and help him find himself.

Innovations, or innovations, are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. The innovation process consists of the formation and development of the content and organization of the new. The goal of innovative activity is a qualitative change in the personality of a student with a traditional system. Developing the ability to motivate actions, independently navigate the information received, the formation of creative unconventional thinking, the development of children through the maximum disclosure of their natural abilities, using the latest achievements of science and practice - the main goals of innovative activity.

Innovative technologies in technology lessons include the application various methods, for example, the use of multimedia technologies, which include the use of text, graphics, and video in the educational process. Multimedia tools make it possible to ensure the best implementation of the principle of visualization, compared to other technical teaching aids, and contribute to a greater extent to strengthening knowledge and practical exercises– skills. The use of slide films in classes allows you to clearly demonstrate to the whole group the correct working methods and their sequence, which is very difficult to do by showing them directly on the work floor. Students delve into the dynamics of the technological process, the features of each operation. Since an educational film can contain material of varying degrees of complexity, it becomes possible to differentiate educational material and tasks depending on the preparedness of a particular group of students, and to more fully take into account the capabilities of each student.

In a modern school, a computer does not solve all problems; it remains only multifunctional technical means training. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each student a stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of students’ cognitive activity.

When choosing teaching methods, I focus on those that stimulate the cognitive and practical activities of students, expand their polytechnic horizons, form practical skills, and contribute to the formation of a creative personality. When preparing for a lesson, I think about what micro shifts in the development of attention, memory, observation, imagination, morality of schoolchildren I will achieve in this lesson, what methodological techniques I will use for this. In modern school practice, various pedagogical technologies are used to ensure the development of creative abilities in students. IN educational field“Technology” I consider project projects to be the most productive creative technologies training. In the process of project activities, students develop their creative potential and learn the fundamental principles of constructing modern technologies.

The project method is a didactic tool that promotes the formation of skills and allows students to find optimal ways to achieve stated goals with appropriate guidance from the teacher. Working on developing the creative abilities of students, I was convinced that Special attention should be aimed at developing positive motivation for students, independent acquisition of knowledge, and a creative approach to learning. The project method is based on creativity, the ability to navigate the information space and independently construct one’s knowledge. Design technologies are at the core of design methods, so students should first be familiar with basic design strategies. It is important to develop in them a sustainable interest in technological creativity, which contributes to an understanding of the structure and composition of the technological process in public form and ensures the transfer of acquired knowledge to a wide variety of situations. Didactic system teaching involves the widespread use of heuristic and research methods in the learning process, which should satisfy the creative needs of students. Control and self-control ensure the effectiveness of mastering the necessary knowledge. Educational, educational and developmental functions of training in a complex can be implemented against the background of high emotional activity of students. Through the project method, I manage to establish strong connections between students’ theoretical knowledge and their practical activities. The project method is a teaching system in which learning is realized through planning (design) and doing. The pedagogical technology “Project Method” is an open and developing system that can be improved based on taking into account advanced pedagogical experience.

The structure of students' mental activity when solving problems using the project method is similar to the mental activity of a professional designer with the addition of the stage of implementing the project in practice by doing. It should be noted that the main task of the teacher is to organize the educational activities of schoolchildren in a form that models the fundamental stages of design technology. Both material objects and production and service situations can be designed. It is appropriate to note that the modeling activity of the teacher is leading and has a focus on recreating (modeling) in the educational process the structure and content of the technology being studied by students.

At the first stage, all upcoming actions are designed by students in theoretical form with the obligatory identification of possible problems and contradictions and the development of options for overcoming them.

At the second stage, all ideas are implemented in practical activities. All practical actions are carried out on the basis of the developed activity strategy. As the project progresses, students’ theoretical constructs can be clarified and specified, and adjustments can be made to them. The general structure of activity remains unchanged, recreating (modeling) the basic patterns of design technology.

With all options for constructing the educational process, I draw students’ attention to the following concepts:

Basic information about design;

Design methods;

Personal design factors;

Design technology;

Artistic design;

Technology for evaluating proposed projects.

So, a creative project is the result, the result of some independent work. The assessment of the project will depend on how accurately and clearly the technological operations were carried out, and how completely and firmly the acquired knowledge was assimilated.

For example, using embroidery for a creative project helps children express themselves more fully. creative idea, give the product greater individuality. The project consists of several points:

    making a sketch of the intended product (embroidery sample or design of a finished garment) based on modern fashion trends and the history of embroidery;

    selection of embroidery stitches;

    justification for the selection of fabrics and threads;

    detailed elaboration of the product (pattern);

    drawing up an embroidery plan;

    economic calculation;

    transferring the pattern to the fabric;

    doing embroidery, etc.

During the organizational and preparatory stage of the project, it is necessary to select and justify the project.

When selecting embroidery (design of a garment), children learn to take into account:

    the exact size of the product (apron, skirt, panel, bag, napkin, etc.);

    type of fabric for its implementation;

    features of the type of embroidery (counted stitches, colored satin stitch, openwork embroidery, carpet embroidery, etc.);

    selection of threads, working out seams;

    During the technological stage of the project, I teach children to accurately follow the technological process and embroider a pattern.

    During final stage The guys and I are trying to control the operations performed.

    I teach while doing a project, creating piece of art, do not forget about saving money. Children learn to determine the cost of a product:

      calculate direct costs (for the purchase of fabric, threads, needles, hoops, etc.);

      indirect (for energy consumption when lighting the workplace).

    By comparing the amount of costs with the price of a sewing product of the same type, which is sold in a store, they can evaluate whether they managed to save the family budget.

    When carrying out project work at school and defending the project, this is, first of all, a demonstration of the results of students’ independent work and one of the main stages of their learning. By teaching others, you learn yourself. Understanding this pattern, a student, having studied something, strives to tell others about it. During the defense of the project, schoolchildren learn to present the information received, encounter other views on the problem, learn to prove their point of view and answer questions.

    The use of innovative technologies in teaching not only fuels the motivation of children, not only makes lessons more varied and interesting, but also contributes to the self-development and self-education of the teacher. Pride in the results of work and the search for new, more rational teaching methods enhance the teacher’s image.

    The advantage of project activities is the creation of a special educational atmosphere that allows you to develop thinking, memory, the ability to obtain information from various sources, cultivate spiritual and communicative qualities, and reveal talents. Project-based learning is an incentive for teacher and student success. The guys learned how to perform creative projects in various types of decorative and applied arts. The result of our joint work is participation in various events held both at school and at the district level, as well as victories in regional competitions.

    Used Books:

    1. Moleva G.A., Bogdanova I.A. “Application of developmental learning principles in technology lessons.”

    2. Guzeev V.V. The project method as a special case of integrated learning technology.

    3.Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Paths to creativity. M: Knowledge.

    4. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Learning Theory M, 2001

    In my lessons, I use such student-oriented methods as the method of dialogue, when the teacher and student are interlocutors; the method of comparisons and associations , when each student can express his or her association regarding a given situation; inventing an image or situations; individual work.

    Thus, the application in my teaching practice of all the above educational technologies will allow us to identify and develop students’ artistic abilities, skills in performing original creative tasks, as well as cultivate a creative attitude towards any activity.

    Innovative pedagogy requires a rethinking of the entire pedagogical process, both teaching and upbringing, and a view of the student as a subject of activity.

    “Use of innovative technologies in the classroom”

    (summarizing experience)

    If you have knowledge,

    let others light lamps from it.
    Thomas Fuller

    Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

    Welcome to my teacher's kitchen. It would seem, well, what could be interesting here? The kitchen is the kitchen. Everything rustles, hisses, gurgles. Some things are about to burn, but some just don’t want to boil. The smoke is thick and your mouth is full of troubles. Strangers usually don't come here. But we are not strangers!
    So you are welcome to my teacher's kitchen. Tie an apron, a ladle in your hands - and go! But do not forget that, as they say, there may not be any comrades to suit your taste and color.

    It’s spring outside, and I really want summer. Let these little butterflies remind you of summer. Choose one and place it on your palm, and at this time I will tell you one legend:

    There lived a wise man in the world who knew everything. But one of his students wanted to prove the opposite. What did he do? Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.”

    Indeed, everything is in our hands. It is in our hands to create an atmosphere in the classroom where every student will work thoughtfully, answer correctly, and write beautifully and competently. It is important that in our hands the child feels loved, needed, and most importantly, successful.

    Success, as we know, breeds success. There should be no losers in school. My main commandment is to notice even the smallest progress of a student and support his success.

    The story of student growth is the story of every teacher's professional success. Each teacher is looking for that one recipe for professional excellence that ensures the comprehensive development of the child, and this pedagogical search is individual. In my opinion, skill modern teacher depends on the harmonious combination of the components of the pedagogical kitchen. For me, these ingredients were the concept: “by teaching myself, I will train and develop a child.”

    In accordance with this, the topic of my teaching experience was “Use of innovative technologies in the classroom”

    I'am a teacher primary classes. And it depends on me, the first teacher, how things will turn out school life child, how parents will relate to school, whether they will become faithful associates and like-minded people.

    My goal pedagogical activity- develop a comprehensively developed personality, teach children to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and apply them in practice.

    But in recent years, I have been faced with the problem of low motivation in the educational activities of my students. Every year more and more students do not want to study.

    I thought about it. How to achieve success? How to arouse interest in learning among today's children, gradually force them to think, reason, prove, agree and disagree, and be able to defend their point of view.

    How to make the learning process fun.

    How to make learning bring pleasure from the knowledge gained, so that every day spent at school becomes the discovery of something new, unknown, necessary right now, and not years later.

    This put me, as a good housewife, in a constant search for new recipes: technologies, programs.

    Having become acquainted with a variety of innovative technologies, forms and methods that can quantitatively and qualitatively change the content of education, improve the quality of education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, to prepare the “main course” I selected those necessary components on which my pedagogical beliefs are formed.

    In order to ensure that the “dish” is to the taste of everyone, I use a person-centered approach to teaching in my teaching activities. To make the “product” bright, I implement it through the introduction of such technologies as: gaming, health-saving, information and communication, critical thinking, project method. To “enhance the taste of the dish” I took the teaching structures of Singaporean technology and reflection.

    The essence of my teaching experience is the realization that the entire elementary school consists of three capital U: Surprise, Success, Confidence. Over the years of my work, due to the characteristics of my profession, I have determined my pedagogical priorities and values, the main components on which my methodological kitchen is built and learned to use modern technologies in combination. I carefully think through them and use them regularly, because any stage of activity begins with surprise, any activity must be successful, the child can have his own point of view without fear of making a mistake.

    Depending on the type of lesson, I usually give preference to one of the technologies, using the others as additional ones. Well, I made some porridge!

    Today I invite you to try the “non-traditional” dishes of my “methodical cuisine”.

    No gourmet will deny himself the pleasure of tasting dishes such as: “ Gaming technologies»

    The initial component for launching a learner-centered model is the gaming technology ingredient. This is one of the most unique dishes that allows me to make things interesting and fun for my students.

    Using the technology of business, role-playing educational games. They are especially important during the adaptation period when children move from kindergarten to first grade. Gaming technologies preserve the child’s cognitive activity and facilitate the complex learning process, contribute to both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of many personality traits

    In the context of the implementation of my methodological kitchen, they became firmly established in the practice of my work and information and communication technologies.

    Computer technologies in the classroom have been my main assistants since 1998. The computer helps me make lessons more intense, create a positive emotional mood: beautiful graphics, fairy tale elements, “magic” in educational programs involve children in an atmosphere of creativity, makes it easier for children to learn the material, increases students’ motivation to learn and improves the quality of learning.

    In my methodological collection, I have collected a large amount of multimedia materials on the subjects I study. In my lessons, I use presentations found on the Internet, as well as those I created myself. When conducting monitoring, I use testing.

    Dishes « health-saving technology" on the grill in combination with fresh air and beautiful nature will be a wonderful addition to a pleasant day or evening.

    They form in students a conscious need to lead a healthy lifestyle. The health-saving approach can be seen at all stages of my lesson, since it provides for a clear alternation of activities. Effective method Work in this direction can be considered carrying out physical education minutes, music therapy, finger games, relaxation breaks in the lesson. Weekly health lessons help foster an attentive attitude towards one’s health.

    Also, I can offer you delicious hot dishes: project method and research methods. With the help of projects children create unique products that have not been created before

    Using research methods in lessons and extracurricular activities, I force students to learn new things not from the words of the teacher, but on their own, thinking, analyzing, comparing. All this develops cognitive interest and gives the opportunity to be creative.

    My methodical kitchen involves reflection. I include reflection at different stages of the lesson, which provides me with feedback from the students.

    I teach children to competently evaluate themselves and their comrades, develop observation skills, and reflect. The child must understand what attracted failure. After all, as I said V. I. Lizinsky: “Many people know the formula for success, it’s just a matter of knowing success itself.” Reflection is a new development in elementary school. A child leaving primary school must understand himself: why did he receive praise?

    All cakes have different fillings, and each work experience has a zest and something new. And the filling of today's birthday cake will be educational structures Singaporean technologies .
    In Russia, little has been heard about such a system. I myself have been using these structures for only six months. At first it was all so incomprehensible, but when I started using it I even liked it.

    The goal of this program is to move from passive learners through learning structures to engaged learners of the 21st century.

    This system is very similar to the Soviet and Russian developments of Lev Vygotsky and Sofia Lysenkova, Daniil Elkonin and Vasily Davydov.
    The first thing that catches your eye is the unusual arrangement of the desks. Two tables are pushed together and four students sit at them facing each other. In this case, two of them inevitably end up with their backs or sides to the blackboard. The lesson is not focused on the board, even if it is interactive. The most interesting things happen in the center of the classroom.

    4 students - a close-knit team, equipped with working materials: paper, notebooks, pens, etc. Teams receive tasks and carry them out noisily in their environment. At a signal, the team quickly changes, groups are mixed and new teams (fours or pairs) are formed. A question or a new task is given, and children actively exchange information and skills in a limited amount of time. There are no bored students in such lessons, because students do not just have to sit and write, they will have to move around the class and at the same time complete certain tasks. The lesson creates a working environment from which it is no longer possible to leave, and you don’t even want to, it’s so captivating.

    At the teacher’s signal “Stop!” Self-learning stops and the teacher begins summarizing general results.

    Let's just say: the Singaporean methodology is a set of theses and formulas, called structures in Singapore, for better elaboration of the lesson.

    The good thing about the Singaporean education system is that the whole class is involved in the lesson. Using this system, students, whether they want it or not, have to learn to think independently, answer questions posed, complement each other, and exchange opinions. In such a lesson there is no leader, everyone is equal.
    With the correct organization of interaction, all the basic universal educational actions of the individual are formed: personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative.

    I can say with confidence that lessons using structures are quite interesting and educational. They can be used at various stages of the lesson, when repeating homework and consolidating the topic, to explain new material, as well as when repeating and generalizing topics: when communicating with their partners, the student is forced to repeat the material several times, which contributes to its development and assimilation.

    For me, the Singapore teaching method is the same training in collaboration, only with a huge variety of teaching structures . There are thirteen main teaching structures, but in fact there are several dozen of them.

    TRAINING STRUCTURES - techniques and forms of organizing training, carried out according to a specific algorithm.

    All educational structures can be divided into three groups:

    1. Learning structures showing interaction student-student, necessary for the development of communication and cooperation.

    2. Educational structures showing the interaction between student and educational material. They allow students to think about the material, connect it to previous knowledge, and reflect on the academic material they have acquired to develop critical and creative thinking.

    3. Learning structures to make lessons fun, increase students' self-esteem and confidence, and allow students to practice social skills for communication, cooperation and decision-making.

    In teaching practice, we have used similar elements before: working in pairs, preparing questions based on the text, asking friends, etc. Now they are presented in a new form and have new terms

    The structures are interesting and very diverse. Now we will get acquainted with only some of these techniques.

    At the stages of the lesson, when determining the topic of the lesson, learning new material, the following structures are suitable:


    Work on them begins with a question from the teacher (it is convenient to use a problematic question or situation), students work in groups, followed by thinking, discussing, and answering.

    Successful at the initial stage new topic will use the structure of the AR GUIDE with “before” and “after” statements.

    The Singapore methodology provides many opportunities for consolidating and testing knowledge acquisition. We can distinguish the structures MIX-PEA-SHEA, RELLY ROBIN, JOT TOTS, TIK-TEK-TOW, KUIZ-CUIS-TRADE (at least 6 students).

    Interesting job To organize cooperation in a lesson, even with a small number of students, you can use the FREYER MODEL structure.

    Emotional fatigue of students during the lesson can be relieved not only by switching attention, but also by increasing physical activity. The training structures MIX-FRIZE-GROUP (at least 6 students), MIX PEA SEA (at least 6 students), and STE CLASS are well suited for this moment.

    It is convenient to conduct a generalization lesson using the TOKIN MET structure. Its use tests not only knowledge, but also develops creativity, creativity, and strengthens the community.

    I consider the use of teaching structures of the Singaporean methodology at various stages of the lesson acceptable, it is interesting for children. They take great pleasure in preparing questions for their classmates and communicating. And moving around the classroom during a lesson and finding a partner for cooperation have a positive impact on the entire course of learning.

    The above technologies make it possible to effectively extracurricular activities realize educational process.

    Bottom line

    In each lesson, I do not use all technologies, but only certain structures. All the technologies I use allow me to structure educational material so that the child sees the educational space and interdisciplinary connections; found application for the acquired knowledge in later life, was sociable and successful everywhere.

    When preparing for a lesson, I try to think through the structure of each lesson so that children can always discover something new for themselves, pay attention to the main thing, so that everyone achieves success to the best of their abilities and capabilities.

    The systematic use of innovative technologies makes it possible to create an original type of lesson, solve the issue of increasing students’ motivation to learn, and creating a conscious need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Which, in turn, will lead every teacher to realize main goal– improving the quality of student education, and accordingly, will contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the new generation standards.

    I consider the teaching experience to be relevant and effective.

    Pupils of my classes annually take part in school scientific and practical conferences with research work. (“A gift to a veteran”, “Childhood scorched by war”, “The Sorceress salt”, etc.).

    Children show great interest in distance quizzes and olympiads, which broaden students’ horizons, develop creative thinking, and increase self-esteem. The children also take part in creative competitions at various levels with great pleasure.

    What is the secret of success? It is in choosing the right and effective methods and techniques of work, this means that we are on the right path. Thus, my professional “recipe” has, in my opinion, convincing confirmation!!

    I believe that my students will not get lost in the huge, complex, rapidly developing world whose name is life. That little life experience acquired in elementary school lessons will help you gain independence and be confident in your abilities, and this is the key to success.

    Who am I today?

    I am a spring that flows from underground and quenches the thirst of those who turn to me. I want to give water to everyone, shimmer under the rays of the spring sun, be bright and people need, giving to others good mood.

    We must remember that the filling makes any culinary product tastier and healthier. And in my teaching activity, the filling is my experience, my creativity, my love for the profession.

    Good luck!


    Here are some tips on how to make your “professional dish” turn out great:

    Rule 1.

    Strict compliance with the menu.

    The project being implemented must clearly fit into the overall concept of your school. And even if you propose something completely “exotic”, think about how to justify the relevance of the project with provisions from your development program.

    Rule 2.

    The road is a spoon for dinner.

    You should not postpone the development of the project until better times. In just six months it will be completely unclaimed.

    Rule 3.

    A smart approach to choosing ingredients.

    Analyze your resource base educational institution(don't forget that your colleagues, parents, students and social partners are also a resource!)

    Rule 4.

    A moderate mix of the famous and the exotic.

    Rule 5.

    Find like-minded people.

    Rule 6.

    Don't be afraid to experiment.

    A Russian proverb says: “Appetite comes with eating.” Get a taste for design and you will see what changes will happen in your school.