Interactive school board operating principle. How to choose an interactive whiteboard or other interactive equipment

In education, it is very important to present information clearly and clearly, since human perception for many people relies heavily on vision. And now an increasing number of educational institutions are equipping their auditoriums and classrooms with interactive whiteboards. An interactive whiteboard (ID) is the latest technical teaching aid that combines all the advantages of modern computer technologies.

An interactive whiteboard is a peripheral device designed to control all computer functions on a large screen without using a computer mouse and keyboard, that is remote control computer.

The main methodological role of the interactive whiteboard is to concentrate the audience’s attention on the central object of explanation, directly on the board.

There are several types of interactive whiteboards:

· Active electronic board – connects to a power source and to a computer. Work with files is carried out using a special stylus.

· Electromagnetic interactive whiteboard - works on the principle of passive electromagnetic technology, which allows the use of special markers.

· Interactive electronic board based on infrared scanning technology - a large display equipped with infrared sensors, which can be operated either using a special stylus or simply using your fingers ( interaktivnoe-education)

Speaking about the interactive whiteboard, it is worth highlighting it main function– demonstration and active work with all types of graphic and text files and videos, creation of an electronic lesson protocol. Using an interactive whiteboard, the teacher can also interact with students online throughout the lesson.

To work with interactive whiteboards, special software is used, with which the teacher can add notes over any image on the screen, focusing students’ attention on important details, use for training ready-made templates documents and lessons, import and modify various graphic objects.

An interactive whiteboard can be the first step towards creating a multimedia educational environment in the classroom with the ability to conduct interactive surveys and tests, as well as use a document camera.

Fully functioning interactive whiteboards typically include 4 components:

· computer

· multimedia projector

· appropriate software

· and the interactive whiteboard itself, which can also be equipped with a built-in printer (

The interactive whiteboard allows you to use the following interactive elements:

Various transitions (from slide to slide, from a graphic object to a video fragment; inclusion of an audio file, use of hyperlinks);

Movement and movement of objects across a virtual “field” using touch;

Launching animations;

Screen dims, object appears;

Ability to record and delete it;

Rotations, reversals, symmetry of objects, etc.;

Video projector and capture function;

Means of recording what is happening on the screen, etc. (Gilyarova M.G. Increasing the level of learning motivation through the use of interactive elements of electronic educational resources / Gilyarova M.G. // Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education. – 2012. - №2.)

A teacher working with an interactive whiteboard can increase the level of comprehension of the material through a combination of various forms transmission of information - visual, sound and tactile. During the lesson, he can use bright, multi-colored diagrams and graphics, animation accompanied by sound, interactive elements that respond to the actions of the teacher or student. If necessary, if there are students in the class with low vision, the teacher can simply enlarge one or another element drawn on the surface of the board with one movement of the hand. Remotely, while managing the presentation, the teacher has more opportunities to provide individual assistance to students, because all the constructions and diagrams that he had to complete on the board during the lesson are already on the presentation slides.

Competent work with an interactive whiteboard in the classroom also allows for optimization educational process. The teacher’s use of high-quality educational electronic resources makes it possible for students to receive a school education that is adequate to modern needs. (Gilyarova M.G. Increasing the level of learning motivation through the use of interactive elements of electronic educational resources / Gilyarova M.G. // Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education. - 2012. - No. 2.)

Many teachers are of the opinion that the interactive whiteboard is one of the most effective technical means learning because it combines projection technology with a touch device. The interactive whiteboard allows you to control the presentation process, make corrections with an electronic marker, make notes and comments over video clips or presentations. The color scheme allows you to highlight important areas, drawing students’ attention to the most significant blocks of information (Tkachenko E. E. The use and capabilities of multimedia in comprehensive preparation for final exams/ Tkachenko E. E.// Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education. – 2012. - No. 2.)

An interactive whiteboard reduces the psychological barrier, allowing a child to overcome his fear of technology and begin to use modern technologies in lessons. By the way, no special lessons are required to study the board; children quickly master the techniques by observing the teacher and their classmates. It should be noted that, according to numerous tests, in these lessons even lagging students change their behavior, follow the progress of the lesson with interest, raise their hand to go to the board and complete the teacher’s assignment. Factors associated with increasing student motivation and the clarity of presentation of the material come into play here. For students with high cognitive motivation, you can also provide additional individual tasks on the computer. It is especially useful to involve such students in preparing and teaching individual parts of the lesson using an interactive whiteboard. An individual approach can be ensured not only through multi-level assignments, but also through the student’s self-education and initiative.

Using an interactive whiteboard during a lesson gives students the opportunity to see realistic 2-D and 3-D models of learning objects, observe their changes and manipulate them simply by touching the board with their hands. This technology allows you to implement the principles of developmental education in practice (

Electronic educational resources used in the learning process expand the teacher’s capabilities at all stages of the lesson and, among other things, help increase motivation by attracting various types of information. It provides the possibility of various types of visualization: on a plane, in space, with animation and interactive effects.

Thus, innovative interactive technologies make it possible to implement essential principles presentation of educational information: clarity, multimedia and interactivity. Big advantage interactive whiteboard is the combination of all multimedia capabilities (sound, video, animation, text, table, diagram, drawing) with the ability to change them. In addition, the teacher can demonstrate objects or processes that are difficult to imagine in reality, for example, images of planets, the movement of atoms and molecules, internal organs person

1.3. Experience of using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process when teaching a foreign language.

One of the most effective interactive tools that helps increase the motivation and activity of students is the interactive whiteboard. It allows you to not only display information; it is not only a means of visual accompaniment of the lesson, but also makes it possible to include students in an interactive learning mode.

In foreign language lessons, an interactive whiteboard can be used for teaching various types speech activity. It is valuable to use software SMART Boards, primarily SMART Notebook utilities. The materials presented in SMART Notebook can be actively used when studying all sections of the target language. Dynamic tasks that students perform using an interactive whiteboard serve to present new material and initially update the acquired knowledge. Also, tasks can be of a linguistic nature, for example, working with vocabulary and grammatical structures. Many tasks are used to exercise the development of oral and writing, dialogical and monologue speech.

For example, when teaching reading, the techniques “Establishing correspondences”, “Restoring deformed text”, “Text with gaps”, “Isolating necessary information” are used. When studying a foreign language literary work, the possibilities of an interactive whiteboard provide students with big choice dynamic visual supports for collective interaction. While working, students perform tasks at various levels: from receptive exercises for studying a literary work to productive and creative ones: producing situations specified in a literary work, developing the plot, behavior patterns of the characters, their characters. (Korchazhkina O.M. Simulation tasks for the interactive whiteboard when working on foreign language literary works/ Korchazhkina O.M. //Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2012 - No. 7.)

The tasks “Unfinished sentence”, “Correlating remarks in dialogue”, “Establishing correspondences” have communicative value when teaching speaking. Useful when creating such tasks are flash animation, videos, images, ready-made diagrams that can be found on the Internet and filled with the necessary thematic material.

When introducing lexical material, the most effective techniques are: “Distribution into groups”, “Remove the unnecessary”, “Comparison”, “Filling the gaps”. To develop these tasks, the cloning function is used, which allows you to increase the number of identical objects. Using their material, you can not only introduce new lexical units, but also teach how to pose a question, compose a statement, organize a speech situation, which contributes to the development of communication skills .

Audio recordings made by native speakers, user-friendly interface, game uniform allows you to interest the student and achieve certain results in understanding foreign speech by ear.

When teaching writing, the most effective tasks are “Filling the blanks”, “Restoring deformed text”, “Text with gaps”, using the “Blind” functions, which allows you to quickly and effectively organize control, and “Transparency”, thanks to which you can highlight the correct options .

When practicing grammatical material, you can use the following techniques: “Find the error”, “Eliminate the unnecessary”, “Filling the gaps”, “Text with gaps”, “Creating diagrams”, “Linguistic games”. In this type of activity, the graffiti mode comes to our aid. Write-draw, complete-draw, underline-crossout - all this is possible with the help of electronic pens.

When presenting a grammatical phenomenon, you can present a diagram using different colors to attract students' attention to one or another aspect. Some of the material can be hidden using the curtain function. When studying individual speech structures, it is advisable to use tests with omissions, which allow you to monitor the development of grammatical skills quickly and effectively. You can use electronic textbooks and video lessons.

In addition, working with an interactive whiteboard in a foreign language lesson develops linguistic and communicative competence in students. (Korchazhkina O.M. Simulation tasks for an interactive whiteboard when working on foreign-language literary works / Korchazhkina O.M. // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2012 - No. 7.) The board will help the teacher organize a correspondence excursion. It is interesting to work with linguistic and cultural material, for example, with a map of a country or city, since there are no captions on them, the teacher can design various tasks: sign the names of cities, lands, rivers, lakes, mountains, especially since this is all easy to do, since It is easy to select any object with a marker, which cannot be said about a computer mouse. Interactive animations are rich in possibilities, used to visually reveal the topic of the lesson and help reconstruct the events of the past.

When checking your homework, the prepared material allows you to:

1. conduct a test illustrated or text survey and check its implementation independently or by mutual verification (you can close the answers with a “curtain”);

2. complete a task to correlate concepts;

3. establish a correspondence between the key points of several topics of previously studied material;

4. look at home material from a different angle;

5. conduct an oral dictation based on images and symbols;

6. illustrate homework in a printed notebook.

When updating background knowledge, providing better perception and understanding new topic, a positive effect is achieved by the technique of selecting the necessary concepts from the material covered when the teacher formulates questions that set the direction of systematization. The updated concepts can form a crossword, puzzle, rebus, and guessing which will indicate the topic of the lesson.

A successful link between the studied and new material can be a photo fact or a short video, the explanation of which will help to apply the learned concepts in a different context. The capabilities of the interactive whiteboard allow you to overlay notes and notes on top of the image, which increases the information content of this material and gives it the status of a general class workbook.

Sound and music, video material, real images, moving objects undoubtedly increase motivation for learning, involuntary memory works, and the student receives already selected, systematized information.

So the analysis methodological literature showed that the use of an interactive whiteboard in a foreign language lesson helps to increase the motivation of schoolchildren, the formation of skills and the development of oral and written speech, sociocultural competence, the formation of research skills, skills in working with linguistic and cultural material, and solving problematic problems. (Kozlova V.A. Use information technologies in teaching English language/ Kozlova V.A.// Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education. – 2012. - No. 2.)

The interactive whiteboard allows you to:

· active commenting on the material: highlighting, clarifying, adding additional information using electronic markers with the ability to change the color and thickness of the line;

· full-fledged work on translating text and individual sentences, indicating connections and relationships between words;

· typing any task text using a virtual keyboard in any application and demonstrating it in real time;

· not only familiarization with test tasks in viewing mode, but also demonstrative testing of an individual student or group of students for the entire audience, if the school does not have a computer class or it cannot be provided to the teacher at the moment;

· saving the results in a separate file in the form of pictures or in HTML and PDF format.

Thus, using an interactive whiteboard, it becomes possible to organize the student’s constant work in in electronic format. This significantly saves time, stimulates the development of mental and creative activity, and involves all students in the class in their work.

It is also necessary to take into account an important psychological point: modern schoolchildren, who usually have computers at home with numerous games and televisions with aggressive video, get used to perceiving the surrounding reality in this way. The capabilities of the interactive whiteboard make it possible to switch schoolchildren to the understanding that videos and game programs are successfully used for learning, promoting the development of creative activity, passion for the subject, creation the best conditions to master listening and speaking skills, which ultimately ensures the effectiveness of learning material in foreign language lessons.

Based on the above, we came to the conclusion that the use of an interactive whiteboard in the educational process significantly increases the efficiency of students’ learning of the material while saving significant time, and also motivates students to gain knowledge and be successful. Work in the lesson becomes a live action that arouses genuine interest in the student, and also contributes to the improvement of practical knowledge and speech skills, the development of students’ sociocultural competence, and the improvement of communication skills in foreign language. The pedagogical capabilities of the electronic board as a teaching tool in a number of indicators far exceed the capabilities of traditional means of implementing the educational process, contribute to the improvement of the educational process, activate and make creative independent and joint work of students and teachers. Thanks to the interactive whiteboard, children learn with great pleasure and their results improve.

What is an interactive whiteboard?

An interactive whiteboard is a convenient modern tool for effective implementation meetings, business presentations, seminars and training sessions. Interactive whiteboards not only combine the benefits of a large projector screen and a whiteboard, but also allow you to save all the notes and changes made during a discussion and even control computer applications without leaving the board or interrupting the presentation.

What is an interactive whiteboard?" alt="Work" align="left" width="140" height="111 src=">Достаточно подключить интерактивную доску к компьютеру и проектору, чтобы получить возможность работать с изображением от любого источника. Работа с интерактивной доской не требует !} special knowledge and skills.

How to use an interactive whiteboard?

Using a special electronic marker or even your finger, you can make notes on top of the image projected onto the board, which will be saved in a special file on your computer. The presenter can not only highlight fragments of the image on the screen using a marker, but also make corrections to the text, control computer applications with a marker or finger like a computer mouse, and use numerous functions that make the speech or presentation more lively and visual.

What types of interactive whiteboards are there?

Manufacturers of interactive whiteboards use different technologies to determine the position of the writing instrument on the board.

Video camera" href="/text/category/videokamera/" rel="bookmark">video cameras. When using this technology, the performance and accuracy of cursor positioning are significantly increased, and functionality. This technology is implemented in SmartBoards.

Infrared and ultrasonic technologies - supplying the surface of the board with infrared and ultrasonic sensors that determine the position of the markers and eraser. The writing part of the markers is inserted into a special frame that interacts with sensors. Infrared and ultrasonic sensors can be built into attachments that, when attached to a regular marker board, turn it into an interactive one. The disadvantage of the technology is that such boards are susceptible to influence from extraneous sources of radiation.

Laser technology uses two infrared lasers located on the top edge of the board that track a marker as it moves across the surface. Laser scanners, receiving the reflected signal from the rims printed on the markers, determine the exact position of the marker. This technology is used in Polyvision interactive whiteboards.

Electromagnetic technology is based on the transmission of electronic signals from a writing device, which can be either a special electronic pencil or markers embedded in electronic holders.

In addition, interactive whiteboards can be forward and backward projection. There are also interactive attachments for plasma monitors that turn them into touch plasma screens.

With direct projection, the projector shines “outside”, from the side of the speaker.

In rear projection boards, the projector is located behind a translucent interactive screen in a special housing.

Where are interactive whiteboards used?

The scope of application of interactive whiteboards and panels is very extensive.

In the field of education, they enable the teacher to work with an electronic map, diagram, drawing, painting. The ability to transmit data over the Internet makes the electronic interactive whiteboard an excellent tool for distance learning.

The ability to save printed images as a file and exchange them via communication channels makes interactive whiteboards a good solution for equipping situational and crisis centers.

Another broad sector of application for interactive whiteboards is business presentations, meetings and seminars. In addition to working with standard business graphics, these tools are ideal for demonstrating software or an Internet site to a wide audience. In this case, the speaker is not strictly tied to the computer, mouse and keyboard, so the presentation becomes more lively and listener-oriented.

Interactive whiteboards are increasingly in demand from travel agencies, who use them to demonstrate to clients, select and coordinate tourist routes.

How to use your interactive whiteboard

The best way to understand how an interactive whiteboard works is to simply try working with it. You'll see how easy it is to control your computer right from the board. Everything you can use on a computer can be found on an interactive whiteboard.

To get the most out of your interactive whiteboards, you need the following:

Equipment components:

Interactive whiteboard and software for it, computer and projector

You should also take care about additional software and other multimedia resources.

You also need to pay attention

· Installation



· Connection to the school network and the Internet

It is important to remember that there may be additional costs that must be considered when using an interactive whiteboard. For example, you may need spare lamps for your projector. They are expensive, but they last a very long time.

What is an interactive whiteboard for?

Interactive whiteboards can change teaching and learning in a variety of ways. Here are three of them:

1. Presentations, demonstrations and modeling

Using the right software and resources in combination with an interactive whiteboard can improve your understanding of new ideas.

However, the benefits of using an interactive whiteboard for students and teachers are significant. The teacher can place the necessary materials inside one file, linking them with hyperlinks. Audio and video files can be easily monitored using the board, playing short excerpts if necessary. Any comments and additions to the file can be saved and used in future lessons and for repetition.

Students admit that working with an interactive whiteboard is much more interesting than just working with printed material. They believe that a multimedia approach helps them focus and take Active participation in the discussion.

It is very important for the teacher to prepare properly and ensure a good pace of the lesson, maintaining it throughout the entire time. Interactive whiteboards save time because they allow you to store all your materials on one computer.

Interactive whiteboards help present new information, stimulate discussion of the topic and the process of creating new ideas.

Another example effective use interactive technologies can serve as an example for studying the history of the Second World War, in particular the Holocaust. In the previous lesson, students discussed what propaganda is and how it can be used to influence people. Now students will look at how the Nazis used propaganda during World War II in practice. The teacher shows three posters that were found on the Internet and placed in the presentation, each depicting Hitler differently.

The first poster shows Hitler surrounded by children. He is dressed in a Nazi uniform, and the edge of a Nazi flag can be seen in the corner of the poster. Hitler plays with children and looks very friendly.

The teacher uses the "spotlight", an interactive whiteboard tool that allows you to highlight only small area images to draw students' attention to it. Before asking students what he is wearing and what impression this person leaves, the teacher suggests carefully studying the image.

He then opens the poster more and more and asks students to comment on what they see and ask questions. Then he invites students to the board so they can add comments over the image. The poster is now visible in its entirety along with the comments. The teacher encourages students to pay attention to detail in order to analyze the image as thoroughly as possible.

This process is repeated for the other two posters. In them, Hitler doesn't look so friendly anymore. The teacher guides students in the right direction, offering to analyze the techniques that were used in the posters and compare different approaches to the image of a dictator.

On the last slide, the teacher can show all three images at once, so that they can be more easily compared. Drawing on previous knowledge about Germany at the time, students discuss the meaning of each poster and what audience they were intended for.

The interactive whiteboard allows you to show all the images in color and manipulate them - write on top of them, change their size - which in this case fully meets the needs of the teacher.

In a lesson on the topic “Perestroika in Russia”, students became familiar with the main events that took place during this period, and in the next lesson the teacher asks them to systematize the knowledge gained. The teacher suggests a discussion to help students consolidate what they have learned and prepare for the next assignment.

The teacher opens the file on the interactive whiteboard and shows the whole class what he has prepared for the lesson. This preparation took him no more than 10 minutes. He then gives students the time and starts an on-screen stopwatch, which is available in some software. For a certain period of time, students work in small groups, deciding which words can be grouped and which problem they relate to. The teacher may allow them to use their notes.

After 5 minutes, each group selects its “representative”, who goes to the interactive whiteboard to place keywords that determine the nature of the restructuring processes, and then explain his choice. In this example, students placed the keywords for one of the problems inside the circle. After this, a discussion begins about why these particular events and people were included in the classification, and why they were a problem in post-Soviet Russia. Some words may be used twice. The teacher can structure this task as a game, asking the student who answers well to choose who will go to the board next. At the end of the lesson, students sort the words and come up with headings for each “problem.”

The interactive whiteboard allows you to rearrange objects in different ways - so the student can check whether he is thinking correctly, and if he is wrong, the word can always be moved back. This allows discussion to develop in the class. The teacher and students can record comments and additions directly on the screen.

This task can also be done using traditional methods, for example, using cards and tape. However, in order to work with them more than once, they need to be saved somewhere. The electronic version allows you to store everything on one computer, share materials with colleagues and quickly change them, adapting them for different classes, and the teacher can “post” them on the interactive board in literally a matter of seconds.

May 2, 2011 at 07:56 pm

Interactive whiteboards. Why are they and for whom?

  • Presentations

This is the first part of the review where we will look at the basic concepts and operating principles of interactive whiteboards.
Interactive whiteboards are increasingly being used in our lives. They stand in offices, they are taught in schools, they become good tool transmission and perception of information. What is an interactive whiteboard, how does it work, what are they, and are they needed in Russian schools? These are the questions I would like to answer in this review.

Recently, news was published about a new development by LG where the company presented the “school board of the future”, various statements appeared in the comments, some said that “... all the most eminent scientists in the largest universities in the West create flowcharts and describe equations with chalk on a regular blackboard.. "and the emergence of such innovations leads to the dullness of children, while others believed that this is a new impetus for the development of education, now you can not explain with your fingers how electrons move around the nucleus, but clearly show on video or 3D models that will once again interest children and attract their attention to the scientific process. Well, we'll figure it out.

And so what is an interactive whiteboard? It’s nothing more than just a huge touch panel onto which a desktop image from a connected computer is projected using a projector.

Boards with this type of installation are called “direct projection boards” due to the fact that the projector is installed directly in front of the panel, or suspended from the ceiling. This type of board is the simplest and cheapest, which is important, but it has a significant disadvantage: when using it, you have to stand sideways to the board so as not to block the projected image, which is not always convenient

A rear projection board, where the projector is located behind the touch screen, does not have this drawback, and the presenter, when approaching the screen, does not block the light flux of the projector, which is very convenient in work. In addition, the bright light of the projector does not reach the presenter's eyes.

Stationary boards are built into walls or into special structures; the mobile kit does not require additional construction; its design includes a system of mirrors that allows the implementation of a compact mobile device. But the weight of the structure, of course, corresponds to ~200 kg, with a weight regular board around 40 kg.

It should be said that interactive whiteboards are produced using various technologies determining the position of a marker or finger on a surface. Now there are: Touch resistive, optical, infrared, ultrasonic, electromagnetic technologies.

Touch resistive technology is used in interactive whiteboards, the surface of which consists of two layers, between which sensors are located. When you press any object (or finger) on upper layer The working surface of the board has sensors that determine the location of contact and transmit information to the computer.

The optical technology used in interactive whiteboards also allows you to work with any object on the board. Infrared sensors “see” an object that is brought close enough to the surface of the board, determine its coordinates and transmit it to the computer.

Infrared and ultrasonic technologies allow you to work with the board only with the help of a special marker. When the marker touches the surface, it emits an ultrasonic and infrared signal, which is detected by sensors in the frame of the board.

Electromagnetic technology also involves the use of a special marker with the interactive whiteboard. Its position is determined by sensors in the surface of the board. The same technology is used in wireless tablets, as well as in interactive panels that replace a computer monitor.

those same markers

and they are in action

All these technologies can be divided into 2 conditional subgroups: boards that can be controlled by hand or boards for which a special “marker” is needed.
Each of them has its own advantages; the main ones for one are speed and ease of control without additional gadgets, while for the other it is easier to do constructions and all operations related to the accuracy of touch detection.

So when choosing an ID, you need to decide on the following questions:
- How often and in what capacity will the interactive whiteboard be used?
If you will often write on the ID, then it makes sense to buy an ID on which you can write not only in the “white” board mode, but also with an ordinary marker when it is turned off. If you plan to make presentations with written additions, or use drawing programs, for example, PAINT, then for these purposes would be better suited electromagnetic board with hard coating.

Do you need a movable or fixed board?
Your choice depends on the purpose of using the ID

Do you need companion devices for ID?
These are, for example, remote controls remote control, which are used in questionnaires, surveys or testing using ID. Such remote controls can come complete with the board or be sold separately

What ID software do you need?
Each ID is equipped with software, only some include only the most basic utilities, and some have additional software, for example, multimedia software - libraries, encyclopedias, educational books, educational flash games, etc.

Of course, these are not all the questions that should guide you when choosing an interactive whiteboard. You should consider the terms of warranty and repair in case of malfunction of the ID, make sure that you have Russian-language instructions, familiarize yourself with the functionality of the interactive whiteboard and the ease of its development, and, of course, do not forget about the price.

The most important advice: do not rush to buy the first interactive equipment you come across just because it is called an “interactive whiteboard”. It is best to consult with a specialist, visit online forums where they discuss Various types boards, get acquainted with the products of different manufacturers.

In the second part of the review there is an idea of ​​a duel SmartBoard vs ActivBoard, they are from different categories SmartBoard Touch (without manipulators) and ActivBoard Electromagnetic (marker) so suggest what parameters they can be tested by and the methods of these tests;-)

New technologies have begun their attack on such a seemingly conservative area as education. Increasingly, in various educational institutions you can see technology that represents the embodiment of One of these innovations is the interactive whiteboard. It is a complex that consists of a large touch panel, a projector and a computer. The screen displays information from the computer desktop using a projector.

Based on the method of placing the projector, a distinction is made between forward and rear projection installations. The simplest are straight ones, but they have a number of disadvantages: when using them, you have to stand sideways to the screen, choosing a position so as not to block from the projector. An interactive rear projection board does not have such disadvantages, and the light from the projector does not interfere with the lecturer (teacher), but the disadvantage of such a system is its high price.

Today there are stationary or mobile models of these devices, but their weight cannot be called small (about 200 kilograms, while a regular board weighs about 40 kg).

According to the method of determining the position of the marker, the interactive whiteboard can be:

  • infrared;
  • ultrasonic;
  • optical;
  • touch resistive;
  • electromagnetic

Ultrasonic and infrared technology only works with a specific marker, which, when in contact with the board, emits signals (ultrasonic or infrared) that are detected by the detector frames of the board. Based on these signals, the location of the marker is calculated.

The optical detection method allows you to work with any object: what is brought close to the surface of the board is “seen” by infrared sensors, determining the coordinates that are transmitted to the computer.

Resistive touch technology also allows you to work with any object. Screens of this type consist of two layers, between which there are special sensors. When pressed, the sensors are triggered and determine the coordinates of the touch.

Electromagnetic technology allows you to work only with a special marker, the position of which is determined by surface sensors.

Each of these technologies has its own. To choose the right type of board, you need to decide on its main functions. If you need to write on this board not only when it is turned off, but also edit materials displayed on the screen, then it is worth purchasing an electromagnetic board that has hard surface. By the way, they allow you to connect various editors, for example, the PAINT program. An important role is also played by the presence of instructions in Russian, ease of operation, and the presence of repair points or service (warranty) workshops in your city.

Any interactive whiteboard is equipped with software. But its volume can vary greatly: some contain only basic utilities, others may have libraries, training and development programs, encyclopedias, ready-made lessons, etc. Such an interactive board in a school or institute will become an indispensable assistant. Working with an interactive whiteboard should be comfortable and convenient. Information about all additional features various models can be obtained from the official websites of the manufacturers.

Interactive whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards is a device that combines a screen and a marker board, which has become traditional device in offices and schools. Using this multimedia device, it is possible to demonstrate videos, slides, make notes in real time, as well as draw graphs and diagrams, and draw like on regular office boards. At the same time, these electronic boards allow you to save all the necessary information on your computer for re-display or subsequent processing.


How interactive whiteboards work

Electronic boards are equipped with a shock-resistant canvas onto which an image is projected using a projector beam. Special sensors continuously intercept touches of hands and markers to the surface for subsequent transmission of coordinates to the computer. Processing of incoming data is carried out using software, after which, in reverse order, the processed information is fed from the computer to the interactive whiteboard through the projector.

The canvas of the electronic board is something like a huge monitor, and the interactive system plays the role of a continuous closed connection with the operating principle of “electronic board-computer-projector”. Using this equipment, it is possible to make notes on top of any materials and immediately print them out, thanks to which it is actively used in offices, schools and other educational institutions.


A. Use interactive whiteboards in educational institutions not only greatly expands opportunities, but also increases the efficiency and quality of information exchange between teachers and students, as it allows:

  • - connect various devices, such as a video camera or even an electron microscope in order to project an image from them onto a large plane;
  • - supplement lectures with various video and audio materials, graphs, diagrams, maps;
  • - in educational institutions, use Internet resources during classes;
  • - prepare page-by-page lessons in advance interactive type, and during the lessons themselves, supplement the material with various notes over the image;
  • - record lessons taught at school for subsequent printing, analysis, distribution to students, and so on.
  • - record the lessons taught along with the notes made, analyze, print them and, if necessary, send them to students by e-mail.

B. Interactive whiteboards- the key to saving time
Electronic whiteboards provide access to additional resources - free templates, an impressive gallery of images, as well as ready-made lessons - all this makes it easier to prepare for classes and lectures in schools and other educational institutions. Interactive whiteboards allow you to reproduce the same lesson repeatedly in front of different audiences, while quickly making changes and adjustments.
IN. Interactive whiteboards raise the efficiency of the educational process to a new level
Color drawings and notes, connection of additional multimedia tools, animations, use of modern visual materials - all this becomes available with the presence of electronic boards in schools. With their help, the fascination and dynamics of the lessons are increased, the children’s perception of the material is facilitated and, in general, the assimilation of information is significantly accelerated.


Interactive whiteboards, depending on the location of the projector, can be divided into two classes: with rear and front projection:
- in rear projection boards, the projector is located behind the screen; they take up more space in the classroom and are significantly more expensive than front projection boards.
- electronic whiteboards with front projection are more widespread due to their affordable price, but have an obvious drawback: due to their design, the speaker can block part of the image with himself. To avoid this, the projector is mounted under the ceiling as close as possible to the interactive whiteboard, while tilting the lens down. In this case, trapezoidal distortion appears, which is compensated by digital correction systems.

Electronic boards are also divided into four following types, based on the technologies used in them:
A. Electromagnetic technology
Using electromagnetic technology, the boards received a hard surface. They have a layered structure, inside which there are regular lattices of horizontal and vertical coordinate conductors. To use this type of board, you need a special marker.
Electromagnetic touch boards have a faster response time than, for example, analog resistive boards. They have a high speed of information output, due to which the system reaction time is limited only by the performance of the computer itself.

B. Analog resistive touch technology
Interactive whiteboards of this type called a multi-layer cake, which is covered with wear-resistant polyester plastic with wide angle light scattering and matte surface. The main positive and negative qualities of analog-resistive technology:
- high screen resolution;
- there is no need to use special markers, you can use your fingers or a pointer;
- the surface of the board is soft, so it bends a little when pressed;
- boards within for long years do not lose reliability and quality. But when working with analog-resistive boards, you cannot use felt-tip pens; in this case, the plastic is extremely difficult to wash;
- when working, you cannot lean on the board: it will immediately react, after which it will be impossible to draw or write anything on it.
Interactive Technologies, Egan TeamBoard, SMART Technologies and PolyVision produce interactive whiteboards with analog resistive touch technology.

B. Laser technology
Laser electronic boards are the most expensive to develop, their system consists of two infrared laser inclinometers, which are located along upper corners boards.
To use boards with laser technology, a special marker is required. Information about pressing is sent to the system using a signal or ultrasound. The fundamental disadvantage of laser technologies is the fact that the speaker has the opportunity to accidentally block the laser beam, as a result of which the process of changing coordinates is disrupted.
Interactive whiteboards of this type are produced by only one manufacturer - PolyVision.

D. Ultrasound/infrared technology
The system, which is patented under the name eBeam, uses differences in the speed of propagation of sound and light waves to operate.
The disadvantage of this technology is the same as that of laser and electromagnetic technology - to work, you need a special marker that simultaneously emits ultrasound and IR light.
Interactive electronic whiteboards using ultrasonic/infrared technology are produced by Panasonic, Hitachi and ReturnStar.


Many schools and other educational institutions, due to financial limitations, install interactive whiteboards on their own. As a result, if the interactive whiteboard is not correctly positioned, the quality of education not only remains at the same level, but is also significantly reduced, since the equipment causes a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, to install an interactive whiteboard, it is best to use the services of qualified specialists who can, taking into account technical specifications, achieve maximum quality of the projected image.

Installation of an electronic board has a number of technical conditions:

If installation is carried out in classroom primary school– in this case, the board should be positioned in such a way that children have the opportunity to reach its top edge;

If editing is carried out in an auditorium high school– in this case, in many respects, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of the teacher. In any case, the installation must be carried out in his presence in order to agree on the optimal location of the board.

The supply of signal and power cables must be hidden in a plastic cable duct and everything must be put away in the baseboards. If necessary, move it to the side where the chalk board is located. It is also necessary to darken those windows from which both reflected and direct light can fall on the electronic board. sunlight- most often used for this roller blinds or curtains-blinds.