What should a kitchen set be made of? What material is best to order a kitchen set from? What material is best to choose a countertop from? Kitchen styles

The kitchen is the most multifunctional and frequently used room in the house

Kitchen the most popular and passable place in the house. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are not just prepared here. This is where friends and relatives gather for tea or for a banquet. Kitchen furniture is subject to constant exposure external environment– water, steam, fire, chemical treatment of working surfaces. The main thing in kitchen interior design is to choose the right kitchen unit. The question arises - how to choose the right kitchen set? What will be the design and what will it be made from, how to choose the right materials, what kind of facades will the future set have and how much furniture may be required.

It is necessary to take measurements of the room before you start choosing furniture for the kitchen.

Before you go to the store to buy a headset, you need to measure the space in which it will be placed.

It’s better to follow a few rules and then nothing will be forgotten.

  1. Measurements are taken to know exactly how much space a kitchen set and other furniture can take up.
  2. The place where everything will stand is visually selected and a rough layout is made.
  3. The next stage is the project. On a piece of paper, draw on a scale where the set itself will be located, and where the equipment will be. The design must leave room for unobstructed movement and for all doors and cabinets to function easily.
  4. Selecting and purchasing the headset itself.

To get accurate measurements, you need to arm yourself with a tape measure. You need exact dimensions of window and door openings, and it is also worth measuring the length of the walls and the distance between them, the height of the ceiling, the distance from the floor to the window sill, and do not forget to measure the protruding elements - sockets, pipes, switches and taps. After the data has been recorded, it is necessary to design a detailed kitchen plan. Based on this drawing, it will be possible to determine exactly what kind of furniture there will be and how to rationally use the space in the kitchen.

Possible furniture layout in the kitchen

Thanks to modern headsets made according to a modular principle, you can not leave every corner in the kitchen space empty. It would be very rational to opt for a P-shaped headset if kitchen space If such a model allows, then it will be possible to use the window area. This will allow you to expand your working space for cooking.

According to experienced designers, a certain sequence should be followed for rational space planning:

  • first the refrigerator is installed;
  • the place where pre-processing of products will be carried out;
  • washing surface and waste bin;
  • countertop for cutting food;
  • cooking stove;
  • lunch group.

Functional areas of a perfect kitchen

True, not all kitchens fit this ideal planning option. But thanks to the versatility of the headsets, even for small room you can choose a great option. Once measurements have been taken and a design has been drawn up, you can begin choosing a kitchen unit. This not an easy process– choose a kitchen set. The first thing you need to do is choose quality material, from which it will be made, and the second thing is to select fittings, decide on the facade and come up with a design.

How to choose a kitchen set: material and equipment

When choosing a high-quality set, make sure that the lower cabinets have legs. This will protect the product from moisture, and is also advisable in terms of hygiene and cleanliness.

Key points when choosing a product:

  1. dimensions of the future headset;
  2. decide on the manufacturer and price category;
  3. the material for the headset should be chosen carefully so as not to regret the choice in the future;
  4. ease of use and versatility of the future headset;
  5. design project (color scheme, lighting).

The height of the working space of the headset is selected based on the height of the person who will be holding it most time. Usually it is 85-90 centimeters, and the size of the cabinets is 72-36 centimeters. The main thing is to keep the distance between work surface and cabinets about 50 centimeters.

Standard sizes and their ranges for kitchen furniture

According to experts, work surfaces and the stove should be at different levels, this reduces the load during cooking, but single-level surfaces are often made, as this looks more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. In addition, multi-level furniture must be made to order, and this increases its cost significantly.

Manufacturers of kitchen sets are both domestic and imported. Difference in price category. For example, domestic products fit perfectly into Russian small kitchens for quite reasonable money. Most parts are ordered from Europe, so the quality speaks for itself.

Italian cuisine is the best in the world. This is an exquisite design, high-quality assembly, high-strength materials and expensive fittings. Sometimes prices for such products reach a million. But it's worth it. True, you need a lot of space for such a headset, otherwise it loses its attractiveness.

Italian cuisines are considered the highest quality in the world

The material from which the future set will be created must be highly durable and also be protected from exposure to water and steam. To correctly determine the material, it is necessary to study the characteristics of each type.

The main types of material for the manufacture of kitchen sets:

  • solid wood.

Chipboard is the main material for making furniture, as it is cheap and quite practical. He can be the most different colors, it is made from particle board, which is then covered with laminate or other resistant material. There is a lip along the edges of the parts that protects the product from moisture.

Inexpensive kitchens are made from particle board covered with laminate or other durable material.

MDF - environmentally friendly pure material, at a very reasonable price. It tolerates all kinds of temperature changes, exposure to steam, and is resistant to fungus. Kitchen furniture made from this material is practically no different from furniture made from wood. The color scheme can be very diverse.

MDF kitchen sets come in a huge variety of colors and textures

Solid wood is one of the most expensive materials. Usually it is oak, ash, walnut or cherry. Solid bars are glued together and processed by special means so that in the future the tree will tolerate moisture well and not dry out. Kitchen sets made from solid wood amaze with their aesthetics and versatility.

Kitchen furniture made of solid wood

Now it’s worth talking about the material from which facades for kitchen furniture are made. Laminated chipboard and MDF are usually used.

LDSP is laminated chipboard. It has earned its popularity due to its low cost. These are the most economical kitchen fronts available to the average buyer. But laminated chipboard also has its downside. The edge of the parts is poorly protected from moisture, so with prolonged exposure to moisture and steam, it comes off and over time the facades swell and become unusable. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, at least very quickly, be sure to hang cabinets from hob approximately 60 centimeters away.

Kitchen in beige and pink tones with laminated chipboard facades

MDF - unlike laminated chipboard, is more practical, and it is also environmentally friendly and safe to use; it does not contain formaldehyde resins, as in chipboard. MDF facades are popular for their durability, and manufacturers use the most different kinds finishing, which allows you to preserve the product even longer. For example, the most popular finishing elements are veneer, plastic and PVC film. All this protects the facades from chips, scratches and temperature influences.

Classic kitchen with white semi-gloss MDF fronts

After choosing the material for the future kitchen facade, you need to take care of its coating. The four main types of coating are PVC film, acrylic, plastic and enamel.

The first option suits consumers quite well in terms of price and variety of textures. The kitchen can be decorated brightly and dynamically. But the film has its main disadvantage - sensitivity to high temperatures. So, at a temperature of 100 degrees, the film can be damaged, so in such a kitchen you need to use the stove carefully.

It would be more practical to choose plastic. It will protect furniture from chips and scratches, you can choose any color scheme. The downside of plastic is its cost.

The facades can also be painted with enamel, but this is not a very practical option. Over time, the paint loses its brightness, and very noticeable chips and scratches appear on the headset.

Acrylic coating adds shine and shine. You can choose any color scheme. But this also has its drawbacks. On acrylic facades Dust, finger stains and scratches are clearly visible. True, there is also a peculiarity - cracks can be sanded out.

What kind of coating the façade will have is up to the buyer to choose. Some will choose beauty, others practicality of use, others low cost.

The next stage of choosing a kitchen set is the work surface

As experts suggest, it is better to choose a solid countertop along the entire length of the kitchen space.

Materials from which countertops for kitchen sets are made:

  1. laminated MDF;

    Laminate countertops come in all colors and textures and are inexpensive

  2. typesetting board or stainless steel;

    Durable and resistant solid wood tabletop

    Due to its composition, a stainless steel tabletop best meets the standards

  3. use in the manufacture of natural stone or granite;

    Kitchen set with stone countertop and built-in sink

    Granite countertops are not susceptible to chemical and physical effects from appliances, products, and household chemicals

  4. tempered glass (looks very rich, costs the same);

    Glass countertops for the kitchen are practical and functional

  5. ceramic dust compressed with rubber;

    The ceramic countertop is durable, moisture-resistant, resistant to mechanical damage

  6. marble and corian.

    Beautiful marble countertop in a chic kitchen

    Corian artificial stone kitchen countertop

First, let's talk about marble and Corian. The second material is very practical to use and resistant to chemical influences. What can you say about marble? It begins to deteriorate from exposure to high temperatures, hot water and blows. If you choose a stone, it is better to opt for granite. Very strong and durable material. This tabletop will last forever.

Laminated MDF or typesetting board are the materials more commonly known among ordinary people for creating work surfaces. Affordable price, environmental friendliness and the ability to choose any color palette.

How to choose the right kitchen style

The styles of kitchen sets are very diverse. Particularly popular are high-tech, country, classic and modern.

The classic style of the set is wood, glass and natural stones. The product itself is made in light colors. Built-in appliances hidden behind facades. Typically, such sets are decorated with carvings and balustrades.

Chic kitchen in soothing colors in a classic style

As for the country style, it is a combination of wood and artificial materials. The facades are decorated with bright glass or plastic, country style prevails - elements of nature and village life.

Bright kitchen with island in country style

High-tech - the materials used are mainly artificial. Glass, metal, and the main emphasis is on the combination of colors. In the high-tech style, muted and austere shades predominate.

Kitchen interior in high-tech style

Art Nouveau - classic style rectangular shapes, which go well with non-standard rounded facades. The color scheme is dominated by cool shades, and the materials used in the design are glass, metal, stone or plastic.

Green corner kitchen in Art Nouveau style

In any of the listed styles, the headset is made as comfortable as possible. This is the presence of all kinds of cabinets, both with folding doors and pull-out structures. Metal tubes are also often used, which is very convenient for hanging both cabinets and all sorts of small things. Another option for cabinets in the set is on wheels. Very convenient if space is limited in size.

When choosing a color for the kitchen, experts advise choosing a combination of no more than two shades. Also, you should not choose too dark shades, firstly, everything light visually expands the room, and secondly, gloomy colors make the kitchen set boring and nondescript.

Kitchen color

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the choice depends only on the personal wishes of the buyer himself, his material capabilities and the size of the room. The kitchen is the place where humanity spends most of its life; it should be as comfortable and cozy as possible. Therefore, the choice of style, color, and materials from which the future kitchen set will be made should be approached competently, and it is better to seek advice from specialists. And then the kitchen will become not only a work space, but a comfortable and favorite habitat for all household members.

Dom.by magazine has long convinced its readers that in their own apartments they are not only owners, but also designers. Any color and texture has a different effect on space, and we regularly reveal these secrets to you. But there are requirements, without which visual aesthetics will not give you pleasure. This is the knowledge that the experts will share with us.

Which material to choose?

The material you choose for your kitchen set will determine how long and faithfully your kitchen will serve you. Alexander commented on the features of the most popular materials,"Etalonstyle":

Tree- environmentally friendly and the most expensive material, but it justifies its high cost. Firstly, it is resistant to mechanical stress, and secondly, it is durable. Products made from pine and birch are considered budget option, while walnut, oak and beech are rated higher. Kings among tree species are mahogany and rosewood. However, these materials also have disadvantages: the appearance of the front side of the tree may suffer from knots, internal voids (the so-called “twists”) or cracks. Another weakness natural material is intolerance to humidity, which chipboard copes with better as an example. To summarize: wood is a high-quality material, but it is worth purchasing it only if your financial condition can easily bear such costs.

Chipboard (chipboard)- a leader among materials for cabinet furniture. Due to its increased moisture resistance, ultra-lightness and fire resistance, chipboard can be used in a variety of conditions: it is perfect for both the office and the home, even the bathroom high humidity and regular temperature changes will not detract from the advantages of the material. Among other things, chipboard is considered an economical option, which means it won’t hit your pocket hard. Although it does have a drawback: from the name of the slab it is clear that it consists of sawdust and wood shavings, all this is connected by formaldehyde resins, which in turn are dangerous to humans. Of course the level negative influence is determined by the concentration of evaporation, but it would not be worth placing chipboard in children's rooms. Environmental standards divide the material into 2 classes - E1 and E2. The first group is characterized by greater environmental friendliness, the second has less stringent requirements. Note to buyers: Japanese manufacturers have the most stringent requirements for these indicators.

Laminated chipboard (LDSP)- the same plate, covered with a specially treated paper-resin film. This coating can imitate texture, color and pattern various breeds wood and other materials, therefore, the choice of chipboard is very rich. The material is also resistant to mechanical damage and is not afraid of boiling coffee pots and hot steam, but, of course, within reasonable limits. The disadvantages are similar to ordinary chipboard: formaldehyde fumes and the impossibility of fine processing of the material.

Fiberboard (fibreboard) or so-called hardboard - these are the back walls of kitchen cabinets, the bottoms of drawers in economy class furniture. Fiberboard is essentially compressed cellulose fibers, synthetic polymers, special additives and water. The material has a characteristic “mesh” texture. Fiberboard has good thermal insulation properties, pleases with the price and service life, but does not tolerate moisture. In addition, the material is considered “consumable” and is used for “rough” work.

MDF- also a fibreboard, but of medium density, as indicated by the abbreviation (Medium Density Fiberboard). This variety is characterized by better properties, which means it has a wider range of applications. The advantage of MDF Another advantage is that during its creation a very small amount of formaldehyde is used, so that the environmental friendliness practically reaches the natural level. In addition, the texture of MDF is more uniform. This expands the possibilities of use: the slabs are actively used for finishing walls, ceilings, and floors. This material is actually twice as strong as chipboard and withstands moisture and thermal changes better. The cost of MDF is no less pleasing, but since this market in Belarus is not particularly developed, the material increases in price precisely on the territory of our republic.

"Etalonstil" company

Read more about the use of certain materials in interiors various styles Yulia Sergina, designer of kitchen furniture at the furniture salon “YOUR HOME”, said:

To choose facade material for the kitchen, you need to understand what you want to get, what properties are important to you in furniture and what appearance it should have.

Facades from natural wood - required condition to create a kitchen in classic and country styles. Another material simply will not allow you to create decor, boxes and all those features that customers love so much in furniture of these styles. Solid wood is durable, gives the furniture a cozy feel and modern processing very practical and prestigious.

MDF can be coated with paint, veneer and plastic. Painted MDF has the most shades compared to other materials. If a special color is critical to you, this is the best solution. It can withstand high temperatures and humidity, but is more susceptible to scratches than plastic. In this façade you can make internal cutters different shapes and design a kitchen in a neo-classical style.

The metal frame is very durable and also allows you to work with non-standard sizes. Aluminum is absolutely not afraid of moisture and high temperatures, and is combined with a variety of materials, which is relevant today. However, there are also disadvantages: the price of an aluminum profile is much higher than average. Add to this special fasteners and you can forget about budget. In addition, aluminum is a rather soft material, which means scratches can be left on it not only by your children, but also by abrasive detergents. Speaking of care: aggressive detergents will leave a white coating on the surface.

To summarize, we can classify solid aluminum profiles as not the most practical. To confirm this, here is the opinion of our expert Yulia Sergina, designer of kitchen furniture at the furniture salon “YOUR HOME”:

Steel profiles for framing facades are used extremely rarely. The main reason is the high price. But you can’t do without them, if for kitchen facades you have chosen plastic with a special effect. You simply cannot find a suitable PVC edge for processing the ends of the facade. I consider finishing the ends of the tabletop with aluminum impractical.


How tall will your kitchen be?

The height of the kitchen wall varies from 500 to 600 mm and depends on the width of the countertop, the height of the customer and the height of the ceilings in the room. Any other height will be inconvenient to use. The height of the floor part depends on the mechanisms and equipment that is built into it and ranges from 860 to 950 mm and is adjusted to the client’s height. It changes mainly due to the height of the base and the height of the table top. Do not forget that a kitchen is a product that consists of a huge number of elements, and therefore has a strict unification. A custom-made kitchen is a kitchen made from standard elements and individually selected.

Fittings and accessories

Most buyers consider kitchen fittings only an auxiliary material, and therefore try to save money on them. Meanwhile, a variety of hooks, handles, loops and much more are the key to the ease of use of a kitchen set. In order not to encounter drawer jamming, hinges rattling and other mechanical problems, you should take the choice of fittings seriously. What other parting words will the experts give us?

Modern manufacturers make sure that the kitchen space is ergonomic. Thus, the useful space strives for maximum utilization. Corner sections under sinks, for example, are equipped with retractable mechanisms or “carousels”. The development is very useful, but for Belarusians it is not the most relevant, since it is angular combined wardrobe in this case it must be empty and not less than 1050 mm. In apartment projects, of which there are most of them in Minsk, this drawer houses the sink and drains, which makes it impossible to have any mechanism in it. Containers for sorting waste almost always have a small volume. These and many other elements are offered by the manufacturer or designer as needed or requested by the customer.

Among other kitchen bells and whistles is an anti-drip groove - a polymer sticker in the form of a tape on the underside of the countertop. Most often from postforming. It makes it possible to trap drops of water under the countertop so that they can be wiped away. This ensures that there is no moisture on inside postforming and is inexpensive. This solution is standard for German manufacturers.

Mechanical subtleties: how will the drawers be pulled out?

Any kitchen set today is equipped with a “turn-on” device. Thanks to this mechanism, retractable drawers promise to last longer and be quieter. Agree, the opportunity to push a box and hear it smoothly fall into place is enticing. At the same time, some mechanisms allow the drawers to extend by 75%, others - completely. But why does this depend and what is more convenient?

The main type of furniture fittings are guides. They can be roller or ball. There are also metabox and tandembox systems. Drawer extension along these guides can be of two types: partial and full. Of course, the second option allows you to use the entire volume of the shuffle as efficiently as possible.

The most economical option is roller guides. One of the elements here is attached to the side of the cabinet, and the second - to the bottom of the drawer itself. This system is designed for no more than 10 kg.

"Etalonstil" company

In turn, ball bearings provide movement in ball guides. These elements are usually made of steel, so they are more wear-resistant. Ball guides are often equipped with telescopic full extension mechanisms and protect the system from rolling out. Their load-bearing capacity varies from 15 to 40 kg (the figure depends on the width of the guides). From our point of view, this is the optimal choice for furniture. In our furniture we mainly use this type of guides.

As for meta- and tandem boxes, these systems are characterized by the most technologically advanced mechanisms and can withstand up to 50 kg, but their prices are much higher. A box with a metabox system, for example, has only front, back walls and a bottom, while the side of the box is the retractable system itself. Tandem boxes are also not afraid of lateral loads.

What is the conclusion? Yulia Sergina, designer of kitchen furniture at the furniture salon “YOUR HOUSE”, advises:

In order to choose a retractable mechanism, you need to know what size drawer you are going to pull out. Deciding on a suitable system is the task of a kitchen furniture designer. The wider and higher the casing, the more complex and expensive the mechanism.

Now the table top

This element of the kitchen set is most often chosen based on aesthetic considerations - color, texture. Meanwhile, the tabletop will work area, which means it must be adapted to the appropriate actions. Here is what Yulia Sergina, designer of kitchen furniture at the furniture salon “YOUR HOME”, said about the features of the most popular materials:

Postforming is the most common material for countertops, as it is practical, has a variety of decors and a very reasonable price. Thickness - from 28 to 60 mm.

The typesetting board (wood) is relevant only in some styles of your furniture. It is important that the manufacturer guarantees that the tabletop will not change its size and shape during use. Wood is a living material and must be properly dried, joined and processed.

Table top made of of stainless steel used by European factories. If this is provided for by the model and you like it, go ahead.

Natural stone has more negative properties than positive ones. At the moment, mostly a natural stone replaced with artificial one. Yes, acrylic fake diamond has excellent ductility, looks good, and can have a complex shape in the product. You can have a sink that mounts under or connects to the countertop. The main problem of this material: due to its composition, it is easily scratched, and it has a high cost. Although it can be sanded later. Quartz (composite) artificial stone has a variety of colors and excellent operational properties. Suitable for solution complex tasks and for open countertop elements. Does not scratch, withstands heat and looks great.

Sink: which material to choose?

Sinks are also different and each of them reacts differently to water and detergents. What is most popular among buyers in Belarus?

Yulia Sergina, designer of kitchen furniture at the furniture salon “YOUR HOUSE”:

Metal sinks are not losing their positions. Great for modern furniture. Ideally, the reference should contain 18% nickel and 10% chromium. In addition, they use a glass frame and various surface coatings. These sinks are hygienic and are produced by all manufacturers in the world. They have a very varied price from 150 USD. up to 2,000 USD

Sinks from composite material especially suitable for classic kitchens. Composites have sufficient strength and are resistant to chemical influences and can withstand temperatures up to 280 degrees Celsius. Price from 200 USD up to 2,000 USD

Ceramic sinks are very rarely used in Belarus due to the price. Expensive! Made from natural raw materials. They can withstand high temperatures, are resistant to shocks and scratches, and are practically impervious to household chemicals. The number of factories specializing in the production of ceramic sinks is not large. Price from 600 USD up to 3000 USD


4. Accessories.

5. Facades.

Alexander adds:"Etalonstyle".

What if you plan to move soon after purchasing a kitchen?

On this issue, the opinions of our experts absolutely agree: if you have no idea what an assembly diagram is, it is better to immediately entrust this matter to specialists. A professional knows everything about furniture: about materials, about manufacturers, and about how to handle this or that furniture. But, if you decide to disassemble and assemble everything yourself, then you need to do everything carefully and slowly. Although dismantling makes sense only if the new room matches the kitchen design project.


What is the minimum price that those wishing to purchase a new kitchen should expect?


Based on the prices of our company, the average price varies from 11 to 13 million BYN. rubles Such a kitchen will be made from Polish laminated chipboard Kronopol without the use of multiplex (melamine) pasting on the ends; everything will be covered PVC edge. At this price we offer film facades and facades made of Kronopol or EGGER chipboard (Germany). The fittings, both external and internal, will be of good quality economy class.

Yulia Sergina, designer of kitchen furniture at the furniture salon “YOUR HOUSE”:

One thing to remember simple thing: the price of kitchen furniture depends on its volume and customer requirements. If you are ready to carefully think about the information provided by the designers, draw clear conclusions and adjust your requirements, you will get the kitchen at the price that suits you. The cost of custom-made kitchens in Belarus ranges from 1,500 USD. up to 50,000 USD

Let's figure out how to inexpensively buy a high-quality kitchen, ready-made or to order, and not overpay - the secrets of an inexpensive kitchen from the pros. Regular expert website interior designer Yanina Krasnova told us what options you can save on without compromising the quality and convenience of the kitchen. Choose those that are right for you.

Compare prices correctly

  • Calculate the cost of your future kitchen from several companies. Important point: It makes sense to compare prices only when you have a clear vision in your head and in your hands a kitchen design project with dimensions and a list of materials and accessories (professionals call it a specification).
    Different manufacturers use different materials. To really find inexpensive option headset, compare prices for specific materials and items.
    In one company they told you very low price, and the three other competitors have a noticeably higher cost? It is quite possible that an unscrupulous manufacturer simply uses cheap, low-quality materials. Take an interest in the brand of MDF, chipboard, plastic and other elements of the headset and ask the seller for safety certificates for them.

Discounts, promotions and sales

  • A high-quality and beautiful kitchen can be bought very inexpensively at the sale of exhibition samples in furniture showrooms. On the sites large manufacturers kitchen furniture usually has a special section where sets are presented that can be purchased at a special price. Sometimes the discount can reach 60-70%. Often, ready-made sets are sold together with built-in appliances, fittings, hoods, countertops, sinks and mixers.
    Example: at the time of publication of the article, a Mix22 kitchen from the Maria factory with a length of 2144 mm with Beko and Elikor appliances, a Franke sink, a plastic countertop with a starting price of 236 thousand rubles could be purchased with a 45% discount for 130 thousand rubles.
  • You can also buy an inexpensive kitchen from a stand at furniture exhibitions (in Moscow they are regularly held at the Expo Center and Crocus Expo). The main thing is to have time to book the set you like.
  • Kitchen sellers often offer promotions and discounts. But be careful: sometimes special prices turn out to be just marketing ploys. For example, a discount on a countertop can only apply if you order a turnkey kitchen from the showroom along with all appliances and accessories.

We buy the headset in parts

  • A good way to get a good and inexpensive kitchen is to take a ready-made cabinet of the required dimensions, for example, in, and order the facades separately. Some companies specialize specifically in the manufacture of facades, and they work not only in Moscow and the region, but also deliver throughout Russia.
  • Another option is to order inexpensive cabinet bodies from a small furniture factory or private owner, and choose more expensive facades from a specialized company or the same IKEA.

Which cabinets are cheaper?

The main rule is that the simpler the design of kitchen modules, the cheaper the kitchen.

Inexpensive kitchen = standard?

  • As a rule, yes. If you want to spend less, you will have to limit yourself to standard sizes of modules and facades. Almost any manufacturer can make a kitchen to your individual dimensions. But most furniture companies, especially large factories, in this case will take an additional payment for non-standard (usually 25-30%). Some private manufacturers do not add a markup. But depending on your luck, problems may arise with the quality of work and materials, warranty and deadlines.


  • The most inexpensive facades are smooth, solid, without milling. If you are counting on an economy class kitchen, you will have to abandon radius (curved) and paneled (frame) doors.
  • Budget option - models with facades made of laminated chipboard. But even the most inexpensive MDF kitchens are much stronger, more environmentally friendly and last much longer. Ask a consultant to calculate your headset in both options. It is likely that the difference will be very small.
  • Combine budget materials with more expensive ones. For example, the facades of the lower cabinets can be ordered from chipboard in plastic or MDF in PVC film, and the upper cabinets can be ordered from higher quality and more effective MDF with “high gloss” enamel. Great way make an inexpensive kitchen more respectable and more expensive.
  • If you need inexpensive glossy kitchen, pay attention to sets with facades covered with glossy PVC film. Of course, they will not give such a mirror shine as acrylic enamel. But MDF with film costs 25-40 percent cheaper than plastic and 40-60 percent cheaper than painted ones.
  • If your budget for buying a kitchen is limited, and you have always dreamed of a set made of solid wood, take a closer look at the facades made of MDF with natural wood veneer. By appearance it is almost impossible to distinguish them from wooden ones, and the price is noticeably lower.
  • Kitchens in the Art Nouveau style with smooth, laconic facades are much cheaper than classics with intricate milling, complex finishes, grilles and stained glass inserts.
  • In inexpensive kitchen projects, designers try to do without glass facades or use them to a minimum. Transparent glass is cheaper than frosted or painted glass (lacobel), but translucent doors look better - the view of the contents of the cabinets will not create a feeling of clutter.

How to save money on accessories wisely?

When ordering a headset, a significant part of the budget is consumed by the filling. Is it possible to save money on it without compromising the convenience of the kitchen?

  • When planning your kitchen, consider which cabinets you will use most often. It is on them that you should install the highest quality, reliable and convenient fittings, and on the rest you can save a little.
  • Tip: It is better to invest in lower cabinets to make them as spacious and comfortable as possible.

  • Expensive guides (metaboxes and tandemboxes) can be placed on a couple of the heaviest, deepest and most popular drawers, for example, for pots, pans and groceries. For the rest, you can get by with inexpensive but fairly reliable roller guides.
  • A similar approach works well with lifts for horizontal folding facades. Place a good Aventos lift from Blum on the cabinet that you use most often, and for other doors you can buy simpler and cheaper fittings (the same gas lifts).
  • Pay attention to what kind of handles the designer offers you in the salon. It is quite possible that you can save a lot of money by purchasing better quality pens yourself.
  • If Italian or German pens don’t fit into your budget, take Polish or Russian ones, but always with a galvanic coating. The most inexpensive Chinese ones quickly scratch, fade and lose their appearance.

The Aventos mechanism is often placed on a cabinet with a dish drainer

Case finishing

  • The laminated chipboard from which the kitchen cabinet is made may also differ in price. For some manufacturers, the most popular decors are cheaper and are available in warehouse positions. Other options may be more expensive and are often available only on order.

Which countertop is cheaper?

  • The most popular option for middle and economy class kitchens is a countertop made of plastic-laminated chipboard. The price is affected not only by the quality of the finish, but also by the thickness of the base. The most inexpensive option is made from ordinary chipboard with a thickness of 26 mm. A tabletop made of moisture-resistant chipboard 38 mm thick will cost about twice as much.
  • Kitchen modules from which inexpensive ready-made kitchens are assembled often do not have a common countertop. Each module has its own. The option is budget, but not very practical. There will be micro-cracks between the cabinets that allow dirt and moisture to get into them; they are more difficult to care for, and the furniture will quickly become unusable.

How to save money on built-in appliances?

  • Kitchen showrooms often offer to order a turnkey set - along with built-in household appliances. Its prices are usually higher than in online stores (sometimes the difference can reach 30-40%), and you will most likely have to pay extra for its installation. Perhaps you should just buy the equipment separately? Yes, but there may be nuances here. Example: if you refuse to buy equipment in a showroom, the seller may make an additional markup on cabinets and facades, especially if you chose non-standard modules, or increase the cost of assembling the set.
  • If you cook a little and often ventilate the kitchen, you can do without a hood. This way you can save not only on the purchase of the device, but also on a special cabinet for it. However, keep in mind: over time, plaque will still appear on the furniture, and the body and facades of wall cabinets may be damaged by exposure to hot steam.
  • Household appliances of reduced dimensions save space, but not the budget. If the kitchen area allows, buy appliances standard sizes. As with cabinets, the price for custom models is higher.

Is it worth saving on assembling a headset?

  • Collector services often have to be paid additionally. The usual rate is 10% of the cost of the headset. For inexpensive kitchens in Moscow you can find assemblers who charge a fixed amount or quote a price per linear meter. Theoretically, you can save money and assemble the kitchen yourself. But keep in mind: many manufacturers provide a guarantee for furniture only if the set was assembled by their specialists or officially certified craftsmen.

A kitchen set should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and functional. And for it to really be like this, you need to know some rules according to which it is better to arrange furniture. There are still a lot of other points that “come out” only during use. So that you don't get into trouble (literally and figurative meaning this word), read the tips that were prepared based on the experience of operating many kitchens. And the kitchen furniture you plan will delight you, and being in the kitchen will be comfortable and safe.

What are they made of?

Typically, a kitchen set consists of floor and hanging (wall) cabinets; there may also be a pencil case. They make them from different materials- from inexpensive to elite. All of them are not ideal for the kitchen. We have not yet come up with a material that tolerates well high humidity, temperature, exposure to acids, alkalis, abrasives and detergents, it also lasts a long time, is easy to care for and looks attractive. Some of the components have to be sacrificed, and sometimes several.

Kitchen set made of chipboard

Types of kitchen units

Now about how furniture is arranged in kitchen sets. It can be located:

  • linear (linear kitchen) - along one wall;
  • two-line (two-row or two-line kitchen) - along two opposite walls;
  • angle - in the form of the letter “G” (angular or L-shaped kitchen) - on two adjacent walls;
  • in the form of the letter “P” (U or U-shaped kitchen) - on three walls adjacent to each other;
  • with an island (island kitchen) - a separate stove, table or sink;
  • in the form of the letter G or a peninsula.

The type of location is determined by the size and configuration of the room, as well as the location of communications - sockets, water supply and drains. You can place furniture on two opposite sides only if there is at least 80-90 cm of free space between them; in extreme cases, 70 cm may be enough. Otherwise, it will be too cramped and uncomfortable.

Optimally equipping corners

If the kitchen is corner - L-shaped or U-shaped - you need to organize the corner correctly: there is a lot of space there, but it is difficult to use it. You can put a corner cabinet. Moreover, the doors must open on the sides and have a width of at least 40 cm. This will make it possible to reach the farthest corners.

Please note that with this design the entire area is accessible. They differ only in the location of the second shelf, although you can also put pull-out rotary drawers there.

This option corner cabinet not so convenient: in far corner it is very difficult to get to: you have to almost completely “dive” inside. The solution is to make corner shelves (approximately along the shadow that is in the photo) and store rarely used items.

This option for a corner cabinet is one of the most unfortunate. Once the doors are hung and the countertops are fully installed, it will be very difficult to get into the corner.

Locker dimensions

If we talk about mass-produced kitchen sets, the dimensions of the cabinets are calculated based on the average height. For example, the height of floor cabinets is in the range of 80-90 cm, their depth most often is about 60 cm.

But it is more convenient to carry out different operations at different heights. Because in Lately there were cabinets with different heights tabletops - just for different operations. Such kitchen sets are called multi-level. This is also an opportunity to choose more comfortable furniture for people with non-standard height, and also an opportunity to more rational use space (example in the photo above).

But different levels are not only a plus. The downside is that part of the side surface is exposed, which does not have the same operational properties as the tabletop. She can quickly lose her attractiveness. The second disadvantage is the gap into which residues will get clogged. But this, by the way, is not so critical: it can be sealed with a transparent sealant. It is only important to choose it correctly: it should not be acidic.

The standard depth of base cabinets is 60 cm or so. But it can be larger or smaller and depends only on the dimensions of the countertops produced. They are maximum 1.2 meters wide. More than this value can be made only on an individual order, and less - trimmed - you are always welcome. You just need to understand that a microwave or oven will not fit on a countertop 50 cm or less. But sometimes, in narrow kitchens, such a kitchen set with a cut-off countertop is the only possible option, at least on several tables.

The depth of wall cabinets is determined based on the width of the countertop - take approximately 65% ​​of its width. This makes the furniture look harmonious. But these cabinets also don’t make them smaller than 30 cm: they won’t even fit a standard plate. Wider wall cabinets for the kitchen can be made at the request of the customer: suddenly you need to install something more voluminous.

The distance from the table top to the bottom edge of the wall cabinets is at least 45 cm. The maximum is 60 cm. Most often they make 45-50 cm. The shelves in the wall cabinets are positioned so that at least two of them can be reached. If you plan to make them right up to the ceiling, you will need a stepladder or step stool (there are also such).

Which doors for kitchen cabinets are better?

Hinged doors (No. 1 in the photo) and hinged doors (No. 2) can be dangerous when open. That's why they need to be closed all the time. In the case of folding ones, you can make the opening angle not 90° but 110°. It's much safer this way.

Doors running upward parallel to the facade (No. 3) are safe, but if the cabinet is divided horizontally and has separate doors, then the open lower one blocks access to the one located above. The folding facade (No. 4) is convenient, but the flap that rises up blocks or knocks down objects placed on the cabinets. Often there are decorative dishes or other items for decoration. The most convenient are facades that open upward (No. 5). To save space, they can consist of two parts.

Purchase new kitchen– this is a super-important event that requires thorough preparation. After all, its service life can be 10-20 years and what it will be will, to some extent, even affect the image and quality of life of the family. In this material we will tell you how to choose the right kitchen set, in the format of a step-by-step guide with a selection of photos for inspiration.

10 stages of choosing and designing a kitchen set

Stage 1: Determine needs and requirements

Before you start planning your headset, think about what exactly you need from it. For example, if you often organize home celebrations and parties, then you should provide a place to store cutlery and a minibar in the kitchen. Do you love baking? Note to yourself that in the future set there should be a place for all kinds of shapes, molds and bread maker.


It would be great if you made a list the necessary equipment, large utensils and dishes, as well as features such as a shelf for cookbooks, a bottle holder, a module for storing a dustpan and a broom, and more.

Stage 2. Looking for ideas, deciding on color and style

Do not neglect the stage of searching for ideas, because it has a lot of practical significance– the more carefully you think about the details of your future headset, the less chance you will have of making mistakes and missing opportunities. Just look at the pictures on the Internet (for example, on our website :)) and take note good decisions By:

  • Module configurations;
  • The location of the “work triangle”: stove/oven, sink and refrigerator;
  • Location of household appliances – built-in and stationary, small and large;
  • Materials and design of facades (shapes, styles, combinations of colors and textures);
  • Materials and design of countertops and splashbacks;
  • Fittings design;
  • Furniture lighting;
  • Location dining area regarding the cabinet itself.

Stage 3. Planning the design of the kitchen set

The design of a kitchen set depends mainly on its facades rather than on the frame, which is practically invisible. What should they be? Here are some key tips for choosing their color:

  • If the kitchen is small, rely on light colors (white is best) and possibly a glossy finish. Then the kitchen facades will reflect light, and the set will seem much less bulky.

White kitchen set in a small kitchen in a one-room Khrushchev building

  • Also, the color of the facades can be matched to the tone of the walls - then the set will seem to “dissolve” in them.
  • If your kitchen windows face south or southwest, then you can choose almost any color for the facades, and cool shades will be especially good - blue, indigo, turquoise. But if there is not enough light, then facades of warm colors - beige, yellow, red, pink, lilac and others - will help replace the sun.
  • Do you want to spend as little time as possible cleaning the kitchen? Then beware dark colors(including in the choice of apron and tabletop), and especially in combination with gloss. There is nothing more tedious than wiping off fingerprints, tiny crumbs and water droplets from dark surfaces.

Now let's talk about kitchen furniture styles. Conventionally, kitchen sets can be divided into classic and modern.

  • Classic headsets are, of course, suitable for traditional interiors, starting from “palace” and ending with “village” ( Provence , country etc.). Their main feature is paneled facades made of wood (or imitation wood). Otherwise, they can be very different - decorated with cornices, carvings, patina, glass inserts, stained glass, etc.

A set with panels, decor and cornice in the Art Deco style in a kitchen in Khrushchev

Choosing classic facades, remember that too elegant facades risk overloading the interior and complicating cleaning. For small kitchens, units with decorative elements and are completely contraindicated, panels and glass inserts will be quite enough.

  • Modern headsets, as a rule, are solid and often even without handles (with a push mechanism). They can compensate for their laconicism with color or unusual texture, for example, glossy, matte, satin surface, finish exotic tree, photo printing, etc. Due to their smoothness, they are easier to clean and “split” the space less, which is good for small kitchens.

Stage 4. Room measurements

Before designing a set, you need to measure and mark on the plan:

  • Length and width of the room;
  • The height of the walls from floor to ceiling;
  • Distance between walls;
  • Distance from corners to door;
  • Doors and windows, as well as the distance from their edges to the floor, ceiling, corners. Don’t forget to measure the amount of space needed to open windows and doors;
  • Dimensions of all protrusions;
  • Distance from the wall and from the floor to the exhaust vent;
  • Dimensions and location of pipes, ventilation shafts, radiator, geyser, if it exists;
  • Sockets and switches. If you are at the renovation stage, then indicate on the plan the location of the sockets at the moment, as well as their desired location and number in the future kitchen;
  • If you already have household appliances, then you need to measure them too.

It is extremely important to measure all parameters correctly. An error of even 0.5 cm can cause you a lot of problems at the assembly stage


Before going to the store, measure all the parameters yourself. However, we recommend that you do not refuse the service of a full-time surveyor, which the seller will offer you after drawing up the project. After these “control” measurements, the project is once again clarified, approved, and only then they begin to manufacture your future kitchen.

Stage 5. Independent kitchen design (preliminary), layout of modules, placement of equipment

Now we have come to the most important step - the preliminary design of the set, which you will focus on when creating a final version of the project together with the designer of the furniture showroom.

  • Designing a kitchen set is reminiscent of assembling a children's construction set, and the parts of this construction set are modules.

So, take graph paper or a checkered piece of paper, or best of all, use a simple online planner like Planner5D or SketchUP Pro, draw your kitchen with all its features and, finally, assemble “brick by brick” the project of the future set, following these simple tips:

  • The main principle that must be adhered to when arranging the set and arranging equipment: the three vertices of the “working triangle” - the food preparation area, the food storage area and the sink - should be in reasonable proximity to each other and form a conventional triangle.

This diagram shows how to properly plan a kitchen set to make it as convenient as possible.

  1. Linear – the most inconvenient layout, since all working points are placed in a row, and not according to the triangle principle. But this option is the most compact and suitable for very small kitchens.

  1. Double row - suitable for narrow and elongated kitchens. The passage between rows of furniture must be at least 1 meter.

  1. L-shaped (corner)- most universal type layout, since it is compact, but at the same time comfortable and roomy due to the use of two walls and a corner.


  • The short part of the headset must be at least 1 meter in length. In such a module just fits the washing machine .
  • If you want to save space on the side corner kitchen can be made narrow. In such a module you can build a narrow washing machine or boxes for vegetable storage/utensils.

  1. U-shaped is the most convenient layout, but it “eats up” a lot of space and greatly clutters it up. In small kitchens, a U-shaped set is possible provided that a window sill is built in. Important condition– the passage between the sides of the kitchen should be at least 1 meter, but no more than 180 cm, otherwise it will become inconvenient.

  1. Island - another super-convenient type of layout, which involves the presence of a remote module, and therefore requires large area premises – from 18 m2. The simplest tables are equipped only with a bar counter and shelves, the most advanced ones are equipped with a sink, stove, minibar, and oven. The island should follow the shape of the kitchen, and the passages around it should be at least 1 meter.

  1. Peninsular - a kitchen with a module, the end of which rests against the wall or furniture, making the layout more compact.

Read more about the types of kitchen layouts in specialized articles on our website:

  • You should start planning your kitchen from the dishwashing area, since the sink is usually a stationary point. Mark it in your plan. Above the sink, of course, there will be a place to store dishes and utensils, and under it it is convenient to hide a trash can and household products. On the right or left, sinks can be built in if necessary dishwasher .


If you are right-handed, then the dishwasher should be placed on the left, since with your left hand you will hold the plate, and with your right hand you will clean the dishes from leftovers, and then put them into the machine with your left hand. For left-handers, accordingly, placement on the right is recommended.

  • Then you can determine the location of the hob/stove. As a rule, it is located near the sink, vent and gas pipe, if it exists. Between the sink and the stove it is advisable to place a food preparation area and, consequently, a storage area for utensils and groceries.


The distance between the sink and the stove should be at least 60 cm and no more than 180 cm, otherwise the kitchen will not be comfortable. Especially if you plan to place a cutting area in this gap.

  • Ideally, on the other side of the sink you should place a storage area for food supplies and a refrigerator. Minimum distance from the sink to the refrigerator should be at least 40 cm.
  • Then think about the location of the oven, microwave, dishwasher and washing machine. Keep in mind that oven can be placed at eye level and separately from the hob, for example, next to the refrigerator.


If your kitchen is small, you should use smaller appliances. For example, a dishwasher 45 cm wide, a hob with 2-3 burners, a washing machine 45 cm deep, a narrow refrigerator 55 cm wide. Multifunctional appliances such as an oven-microwave will also help save space. By the way, all types of equipment that can be built into the headset are preferably built in.

Narrow Dishwasher will satisfy the needs of a family of 2-3 people

  • You can increase the number of storage spaces by adding an additional third or even fourth tier, even if it reaches the ceiling. There you can hide not only rarely used utensils, but also an air duct.

  • If there are small children in the house, or some corner of the cabinet protrudes awkwardly into the aisle, then it can be made rounded or beveled as in the photo below. This wish must be communicated to the designer.

  • It is advisable that the height of the set correspond to the height of the most active cook in the house. If it is not high, then you should abandon the high apron, choose floor cabinets with a height of 70-85 cm and refrain from door closers that raise the doors upward. Although this is convenient for opening upper cabinets, you will need to use a stool to close them back. In addition, over time, such fittings become loose and stop holding the door.
  • A cabinet or a whole block of cabinets (see photo below), into which you can build a microwave oven, oven, refrigerator and drawers for utensils/groceries, will help to increase your kitchen storage system.

  • Remember that today many furniture manufacturers can do everything exactly as in fashionable design magazines, so get rid of old templates and feel free to ask consultants about the possibility of implementing non-standard solutions. For example, drawers can be built into the base, as in the photo below, and even a stand for pet food.

So, the idea of ​​your future kitchen has become clearer. Show your plan to the designer in the store so that he can draw up a project in a special program taking into account your wishes, perhaps adjusting something, adding or removing unnecessary things.

Stage 6. Selection of materials for facades, countertops, apron

Comparison and selection of materials is a separate and important topic, requiring detailed consideration. We recommend that you study it in more detail, but for now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief summary of the materials of the facades, as well as the countertops and apron.


By “kitchen materials” we most often mean facade materials, since the kitchen frame is usually made of laminated chipboard (LDSP). This is reasonable, because the frame is practically invisible.

Front panel materials come in a variety of varieties, most often:

  • Laminated/veneered chipboard;
  • MDF laminated/veneered/varnished or other types of finishing;
  • Solid wood of any kind (today completely wooden facades– this is a rarity, usually under “ wooden kitchen» means veneered facades);
  • Glass (most often in the form of inserts or overlay panels);
  • Metal (finished).

You should choose the material of the facades based on your planned design of the set, budget, practicality and wear resistance.

The most economical, but not reliable option– facades made of chipboard. The most common and average-priced facade material is MDF. It is practical and reliable. Veneered or wooden doors are the most beautiful and expensive, but not the most practical in everyday life.


The tabletop should be as wear-resistant as possible and, ideally, seamless. Countertop materials are as follows:

  • laminated chipboard;
  • Chipboard with top layer made of wood;
  • Solid wood;
  • Porcelain tiles and lithoceramics;
  • Fake diamond;
  • Natural stone - marble, basalt, granite.

If the company manufacturing your kitchen does not have a suitable countertop, order it separately from another company.


Apron materials can be the following:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • Mosaic from different materials;
  • Mirror coating.

  • Glass (skinned or triplex);
  • Plastic;
  • Metal panels;
  • Artificial/natural stone;
  • Wood (in combination with safety glass, for example).

Stage 7. Selection of internal filling, fittings and accessories

The convenience and spaciousness of the kitchen depends on the contents of the kitchen set. Here are some useful tips:

  • For easy access to contents, it is recommended to use drawers instead of cabinets with shelves. So the necessary things will always be visible and easily accessible. The largest drawers are located at the bottom of the kitchen and are intended for storing large and heavy utensils/supplies.
    • Handles are not an obligatory part of facades, because they can be equipped with a push mechanism and can be opened only with a light touch.
    • In order for the corners of the kitchen to be used to the maximum, it is recommended to equip them with retractable systems - baskets (for example, for garbage), shelves, shelves, and rotating carousels.
    • In order to always keep your drawers in order, it is worth equipping them with special dividers. So you can conveniently organize storage with compartments for lids, for pots, for molds and other things.
    • Stainless steel trays and dividers are best suited for storing cutlery.

    Stage 8. Purchase of equipment and plumbing

    At the stage of planning the headset, you have already thought about what household appliances and plumbing fixtures you need and approximately where they will be located. Now it's time to think about how to buy this equipment:

    • Complete with a set, that is, through a furniture showroom– this method is good because it allows you not to worry about size compatibility, delivery and quality of installation of equipment/plumbing. In addition, companies often give a discount for a combined purchase. Unfortunately, the choice of models will be limited.
    • Separately - equipment is purchased before or after ordering a kitchen from another store. When purchasing appliances before ordering a kitchen, the furniture will be designed to fit its dimensions. When purchasing equipment, after ordering, you will have to buy it yourself in the dimensions already specified by the project and deliver it home at the time of assembly.

    Stage 9. Selecting a furniture showroom

    Now you can proceed to the decisive stage. Be prepared for the fact that finding the kitchen of your dreams will not be easy and the search will not be limited to one day, especially since the market is now very large.

    • Don’t be lazy and ask your friends or on the Internet real reviews O furniture companies, specifying production time, build quality and prices.
    • When communicating with design designers (this should be done not with one company, but with several), do not hesitate to ask them for all the details and ask them to work out several options for the layout of modules.
    • Visit manufacturers' websites and compare prices, materials offered, and assembly options. Manufacturers often organize promotions, offering, for example, free assembly or measuring services, holiday discounts, etc.
    • If you really like the kitchen, but its price does not fit into your budget, do not hesitate to ask for a discount. In order not to lose a client, companies often meet and provide a discount of 5-10%, which is always useful.

    Stage 10. Kitchen assembly

    Finally, the set and equipment have been chosen, all that remains is to assemble everything into a single whole.

    • Do not skimp on assembly and do not assemble the headset yourself if you are not 100% confident in your skill. The assembler service costs about 10% of the cost of the headset, but it will save precious nerves and time.
    • It is also better to entrust the installation of plumbing and installation of household appliances to a specialist.
    • Be patient. Assembling a kitchen set takes about 6-8, and sometimes more, hours. After everything is done, carefully check how all the drawers and doors open, whether the appliances work, whether the seams and joints of the modules are neat, and whether all surfaces are free of scratches and damage.
    • If you have any complaints, you must report this immediately to the collector. Then the company will conduct an examination, and as a result, most likely, they will make a discount or correct errors at their own expense.

    We hope this guide to choosing the perfect kitchen unit really helped you. We wish Enjoy the shopping, let your kitchen delight all household members and guests with its beauty and convenience for many years to come!