How to cover the inside of a balcony with your own hands. Do-it-yourself finishing of a balcony with clapboard: step-by-step instructions for preparation and installation

The balcony can be treated as a place to store very “necessary” things, or you can turn it into a room for relaxation, tea drinking or communication.

It is for this purpose that many apartment owners begin renovating their loggia. Unlike others repair work you can easily deal with these on your own - you just need to follow a certain algorithm of actions.

We make a choice - what to sheathe

The first thing you need to do is decide which decorative coating You will use it for cladding. The most common finishing options are PVC panels and wooden lining.

Both materials are different relative simplicity and attractive appearance (this is a matter of personal taste), but wooden panels have at least three undeniable advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • insulation;
  • "breathable" structure. Unlike plastic, wood allows air to pass through, thereby preventing the formation of mold or mildew.

The second question that needs to be answered at the preparation stage is the location of the lining. It can be vertical and horizontal. The first option allows you to visually increase the height of the ceiling, and the second option significantly expands the space and preserves it. harmonious proportions. A vertical arrangement requires horizontal lathing, and a horizontal one requires vertical lathing.

It's up to you to decide whether to cover your balcony with plastic or wood. The methods of their installation are no different. Below are examples:

Grade B Wardrobe made of lining from class “A” boards Vinyl lining Block house

Preparing the tools

The next stage is the preparation of repair devices. You will need:

  1. cordless or electric screwdriver;
  2. hammer drill An impact drill will also work;
  3. hacksaw for cutting wood;
  4. jigsaw (the presence of a reverse function will only be a plus);
  5. square for checking angles;
  6. the construction level will avoid unevenness;
  7. roulette;
  8. hammer;
  9. sometimes an axe;
  10. nails (usually chosen 30 mm long);
  11. dowel-nails (they are taken in the range of 6x60 - 6x100). In this case, the choice is influenced by the evenness of your walls;
  12. screws for wood (50, 75 and 90 mm).

Preparatory operations

If you are thinking about how to properly cover a balcony with clapboard, Special attention pay attention to preparatory work. They consist of several stages:

  1. Check the condition of the walls. If you find any damage or cracks in them, be sure to repair them and wait until the solution dries;
  2. Assess the degree of unevenness of the walls. To do this, use a level. Large curvatures must be straightened out if you want the lining to lie smoothly and neatly;
  3. Treat walls and wood with antifungal impregnation. This precaution will not be unnecessary: ​​the balcony is constantly exposed to humidity and contrasting temperatures.

Features of the lathing

With the sheathing installed, insulation can now be installed.

If we cover a balcony with clapboards with our own hands, then we need to start with the sheathing. First, make a marking that will indicate the position of the frame strips.

They should be located approximately 50-70 cm from each other. Those closest to the edge should be installed at a distance of about 5-10 cm from it.

Please also consider that standard width bars is 60 mm and they must be aligned along the upper border. Thus, the marking lines must have a clearly horizontal or vertical direction.

Then you can start cutting the bars (their length depends on the size of the balcony). Attach them to the marking lines (keep to 40-50 cm increments) and drill holes for fastening.

Plastic choppers and self-tapping screws are inserted inside (but do not secure them completely yet). Don’t forget to check how evenly the block is attached, and only then can it be finally secured. Use this principle to install the frame on the entire balcony.

Sheathing stage

The most difficult thing to do is cover the ceiling; your hands will become numb.

Now we begin to secure the lining. The connection of the boards is usually tongue-and-groove (that is, the ridge must fit into the groove).

Place the first lining against the frame beam, check the level and nail it. It needs to be secured both from the groove side and from the ridge side.

To prevent the wood from accidentally breaking off, the nail should be driven into the ridge not too close to the edge, but not too far (the caps should then be covered with a vertical plinth). This is not so important for the groove, because it will be covered by the next strip.

Installation using clamps.

There is another way of fastening - using clamps. The lining remains intact, and the fastening is completely invisible. The instructions for installing this fastener are simple.

Secure the board with nails, but do not drive them in completely. Then install the clamp and remove the nails. The next rail is inserted with a tenon into the groove of the previous one and secured. All walls and ceiling are sheathed in this way.

After this, all you have to do is treat the boards with a special impregnation.

Video - how to sheathe a balcony wooden clapboard:

How to sheathe horizontally or vertically?

horizontal layout option

If, when choosing how to cover a balcony with clapboards, you were inclined to choose the option of horizontal slats, then you will have to start installation from the ceiling and then move to the floor.

To prevent moisture and dust from accumulating in the grooves, the planks must be placed with the tenon facing upward.

The boards must be connected with clamps so that the groove of the previous plank does not interfere with the tenon of the next one. The last board is placed near the floor. You can reduce it to the desired width using circular saw.

It is better to choose nails for fastening. Don't forget to leave a small indentation from flooring(10 cm will be enough). Once the repair is complete, it will hide behind the baseboard.

At vertical way location, it is necessary to start the sheathing from the least convenient angle in order to facilitate the completion process. Clamps installed on the non-face side of the groove are attached directly to the sheathing. The first strip is fixed with nails, the subsequent ones are connected to each other with clamps.

Possible difficulties

When you are just planning a renovation, you don’t even think about some of the difficulties that may arise during the process. Let's talk about the most common of them:

  • Finishing of doors and window slopes. For convenience, we recommend that you align the slats horizontally and vertically in the same plane as the overall frame. It is done according to the same principle as for walls. At one end, the slats can be attached to the wall frame. Check that corner connections the boards were as smooth as possible. We recommend closing them wooden skirting boards. The window sill can be left plastic or bought a special one made of wood;
  • Installation of corner finishing strip. To perform this operation as accurately as possible, measure the distance between the groove of the already attached board and the frame on the other wall. Then transfer this measurement to the final lining. Do not take the ridge into account when measuring: it will be inside the groove. Cut off the excess material using a circular saw and attach the board in place. There will only be a small gap left, which can easily be closed with a corner plinth.

Video - how to properly sheathe a balcony with your own hands:


If you are concerned about how to cover a balcony, spending a minimum of money on it, then the answer is simple - you need to do it yourself. And for those who are accustomed to using the services of professionals in everything, information about how much this work costs will be useful.

The cost is influenced by two main components: the volume of work and the type of lining. The minimum price is 500 rubles. for 1 sq.m. Please also keep in mind that for long-term use the wood requires additional processing.

Sanding, impregnation and varnishing work is usually paid for separately. Another nuance is the small internal volume of the balcony.

The price in this case is usually higher than the market average. Conversely, a large amount of work can bring you a very nice discount. Try to negotiate this with employees individually.

Balcony cladding is one of the most popular types of renovation work today. Whether you do it yourself or hire professionals is up to you. The main thing is that this renovation will allow you to make your apartment even more comfortable and - which is always important - add a couple of square meters actively used area.

How to turn a balcony into a cozy one, warm room, where you can not only dry clothes or store old things, but also read, relax or do what you love? The answer is simple - cover it from the inside with clapboard, that is, a natural, environmentally friendly and easy-to-care material. The finishing process itself is also quite simple - you just need to acquire the appropriate tools, be patient and strictly follow the instructions.

Lining is planks of a certain size with a well-treated surface. Usually it is made of wood, less often - of plastic, and wooden and plastic lining has both disadvantages and advantages. Wood - natural, environmentally friendly material with excellent decorative characteristics. Plastic is much cheaper, easy to maintain and resistant to negative factors, but its artificial origin is considered a significant disadvantage.

Another criterion by which different types the linings differ from each other - the type of profile (“Tongue-groove”, “Tongue-groove plus chamfer along the length”, “Soft-line”). There is no fundamental difference between them - if you put the boards side by side, it will only be in the depth and type of connection; you can give preference to the material that is more convenient to work with.

In addition to the usual lining, you can choose eurolining for finishing the balcony - it has standard dimensions(thickness 12.5 mm, width 88 mm) and is equipped with a special tongue and groove lock. Contrary to popular belief, it does not undergo any special treatment or finishing, but it is much easier to work with and the finish is very elegant.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing a balcony with clapboard

Stage one. Material selection

For interior design For balconies, experts recommend choosing wooden lining from hardwood, since needles may begin to release resin when the temperature rises (however, it is worth noting that coniferous wood It’s quite soft, so it’s easier to work with).

In addition, before going to the store, you should carefully measure the area of ​​​​the room and add 10-20% to the resulting figure - this is exactly the amount of lining that will need to be purchased for work. Additional meters are needed as a margin for adjustment and trimming, but it is better to choose the length of the boards in such a way as to reduce the amount of waste to a minimum.

The grade of the material can also be different - grade A is considered the most expensive, since its surface is well polished and does not require additional processing, but to save money, you can buy lower grade material and sand it yourself after installation.

Stage two. Preparation of tools and auxiliary materials

Auxiliary materials for covering a balcony with clapboard include slats for arranging the frame, fasteners and, if necessary, insulation (foam plastic, polystyrene foam, ecowool).

Most often, the planks are mounted on rectangular guide rails with a cross-section of 20x40 mm, from which a vertical or horizontal frame is made.

Using insulation materials the distance between the slats should be such that insulation can be laid there without cracks or gaps. If insulation is not used, the distance can be arbitrary, but not more than 60 cm.

The footage of the slats is calculated as follows: the perimeter of the room is multiplied by the number of verticals or horizontals, and the perimeter of all openings is added to the resulting figure. In the same way, you should calculate the number of guides for the ceiling. The materials are fastened using dowels (the intervals between them are no more than 80 cm), wood screws 50, 75 and 90 mm, as well as final nails with small heads or clamps. These are special brackets that allow you to connect the planks to each other so that the fastening elements are invisible to prying eyes.

In addition, for finishing works You will need the following tools:

  • hammer drill or drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill (diameter 6 mm);
  • wood drill;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • cords;
  • axe, mallet and hammer.

Stage three. Surface preparation

Before starting work, the walls should be cleaned of any remaining paint, whitewash or old cladding, and window slopes, a tin window sill and baseboards - the end result should be an empty box with rectangular openings. Rest preparatory activities depends on design features balcony

Note: the surfaces that are planned to be covered with clapboard must be as smooth as possible - in this case the finish will be beautiful and durable. If there are a lot of bumps and cracks on the walls, it is better to first level them with a primer.

Stage four. Frame installation

Installation of the frame is a key stage of work, on which the final result largely depends, so it must be carried out carefully and carefully, strictly following the sequence of actions. The slats should be placed perpendicular to the lining strips - if they are mounted vertically, the frame is packed horizontally, and vice versa. It is recommended to pre-treat them with special impregnations that will protect the wood from rotting and fungus.

Step, no.Description
Step 1The first two slats are mounted under the ceiling (distance from the surface - about 10 cm) and approximately 3-5 cm from the floor. Installation should begin with the rail that needs to be set aside less - this can be determined by applying a level to the wall.
Step 2Cut the strip to the required length, mark holes on it at equal intervals (60-80 cm) and drill them with a drill with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the fastener.
Step 3Attach it to the wall and mark the places for fastening on the surface, then use a drill to drill holes to a depth of 5-6 cm.
Step 4Attach the rail with plastic choppers and insert self-tapping screws without screwing them in completely.
Step 5Check the evenness of the guide with a cord or plumb line, and if necessary, tighten it with dowels or move it away with wooden blocks.
Step 6It is best to drive the fasteners in with a hammer, leaving about 10 mm, and then tighten them all the way with a screwdriver so that they hold as tightly as possible.
Step 7The second rail is aligned with the already reinforced one and mounted in a similar way.

After the first two guides are strengthened, the distance between them must be evenly marked for other frame elements (intervals - no more than 60 cm) and the cords must be pulled vertically. The rest of the guides are aligned along them and fastened as indicated above. Using a similar principle, you need to mount the frame on the remaining walls and ceiling. Guides should also be placed around the openings, aligning them horizontally and vertically in the same plane with the entire frame.

If insulation is used, it must be laid between the guides (laying technology depends on the type of material). The exception is roll insulation– they can simply be glued to the surface of the wall, stuffing the frame on top.

Balcony insulation - photo

Stage five. Cladding

The process of covering walls with clapboard is quite simple, and after preparatory work It will seem like a real pleasure. The planks are connected using the tongue-and-groove principle, that is, the groove of one board is inserted into the tongue of another, and it is nailed to the frame with finishing nails.

You should work with the lining very carefully - it is natural material, which is easy to damage, so it is recommended to drive nails through a small block. It is better to start work from a corner - so that you can gradually move along the walls, and the algorithm of actions is as follows.

The first board should be placed against the guides and leveled with a level - this is very important, otherwise the entire paneling will turn out crooked. The nails are driven into the groove and tongue at a slight angle, not too close to the edge, otherwise you can split the wood, but not too far, so that the head overlaps the next board. Place the next board with a comb into the groove of the previous one, carefully hit it with a mallet and nail it on top and bottom. Thus, the entire area of ​​the balcony should be covered with clapboard. Experts recommend leaving small gaps in the corners for free air circulation.

Fastening with clamps is done a little differently. You need to take a board and drive one nail in at the top and bottom - loosely, just to keep it in place. Next, you need to take the clamp, attach it tightly to the plank and nail it to the frame. The nails that originally secured the paneling can be removed.

If the length of the lining is not enough for the height of the walls, you will have to add the necessary meters with short boards. It is best to do it this way: first attach a long bar, and after it a short one, which will serve as its continuation. Next, a short board is attached again, then a long one, and so on, in a checkerboard pattern.

After finishing the entire balcony, you can proceed to the slopes, and then lay the floor. The covering can be anything: laminate, linoleum, boards or the same lining. The finishing touch is the installation of casing and skirting boards.

Stage six. Finishing work

After finishing is completed, the lining is coated with a protective agent against fading and moisture. This may be a special varnish that will not crack from high temperatures, or bioprotective impregnation that prevents the appearance of fungus and mold.

If necessary, the wood must be sanded and dried well, and the coating itself is applied in 2-3 layers.

At correct execution Once completed, the balcony will turn into a warm, cozy room, and the decoration will delight the eye with elegance and bright colors for a long time.

Balcony cladding - photo

Video - Cover the balcony with clapboard

Once upon a time, owners of apartments with balconies were very envied: additional meters in the Khrushchev era were priceless. Not everyone was able to decorate the space beautifully and not turn it into a warehouse. Today, it is possible to properly manage a loggia and make it cozy with your own hands, but if you don’t have design skills, then you need step-by-step instruction. A interesting ideas on finishing with eurolining will help not only create a unique and practical design, but also significantly insulate the apartment itself.

The best material for a balcony

Of course, you can simply cover the room from the street with the profile and stop there. Starting a balcony renovation is not a task for the lazy. But the interior decoration with clapboard will transform concrete walls, will make them elegant and well-groomed. How nice it is to drink tea on such a balcony in the summer!

Cladding with clapboard will require some skills and costs, while many of the works can be done with your own hands and, in fact, it does not take that long. First of all, you should choose the finishing material, the rest will depend on it. Any strips for cladding are called lining (because wooden slats to make it cheaper, the cars were lined). Today it is a common name for PVC panels (“plastic” lining) and wood.

Plastic is not so difficult to lay, it is light and easy to maintain, resistant to temperature changes, humidity, household chemicals. It is better to choose light panels that hardly fade over time (this is true if the loggia faces the sunny side). The cost of PVC and wood differs in different regions, this can also influence the decision to purchase a specific material. For some reason plastic sheathing does not impress compatriots; to many, the most budget-friendly wooden lining seems more interesting. Although there are many more difficulties with its preparation, installation and maintenance.


If you want to cover the loggia with wooden lining, then be prepared for the following:

  • Before installation, the wood must be treated with special compounds;
  • If you plan to paint or varnish the panels, then this is done after installation;
  • Wood is afraid of water and should not be wetted, washed with rough sponges or abrasive chemicals;
  • In a few years it will be necessary to remove protective layer(coating) and again treat the lining with compounds.

Those wishing to cover with natural lining different rooms does not get smaller, so advice on choosing will be useful.

Types of lining

The lining is made from different breeds tree. They may also differ in variety and processing. All this affects appearance cladding and its cost. Lumber is called eurolining if there are longitudinal shallow grooves on the back side of the blade, so that the wood breathes and does not change shape over time. Previously, eurolining meant more high quality wood, today manufacturers do not always follow this requirement.

Wooden panels are made from:

  • Spruce and pine- these are the most available materials. They are resinous, so in hot weather drops may appear on the walls, but such panels are resistant to fungi and many pests. The wood of these species is considered soft: from strong blow a noticeable mark may remain.

  • Cedar and larch– more dense, with an interesting wood pattern. They contain less resin, which is why they are in great demand among softwoods.

  • Linden, alder, aspen– not resinous, a little harder than spruce and pine. They are loved for their amazing shades of color. Deciduous trees can be chosen according to your taste.

  • Certainly, oak- durable, hard, durable, but also more expensive.

The cost per type of wood depends on its quality - the smoother it is, the more expensive and higher the grade. The more knots and defects, the lower the grade and the cheaper. There are 4 varieties in total:

  • Extra - the cleanest and most expensive lining;
  • Elite or grade A - almost smooth wood, without knots, marks and cracks (1 minor defect is allowed per 1.5 sq.m.);
  • Grade B may have small changes in the pattern (no more than 4 knots and 2 resin formations for the same area);
  • Grade C – everything else. Sometimes such planks create a special charm and originality. The main thing is that such marks are not completely black and rotten - then there is a possibility that the panel will deteriorate further or break during installation.

When purchasing wooden lining, give preference to already dried material ( chamber drying indicates 7-10% humidity, this is normal for finishing). Damp wood can take an indefinite amount of time to dry, which can cause the panels to warp and create cracks and gaps between them. And this is unlikely to add zest to the updated loggia.

You can find lining on sale different sizes, but taking into account the space (we do not sheathe inner room) it is better to use average parameters. The thickness of lumber varies up to 25 mm; for cladding a balcony you need to take 14-16 mm, in a relatively warm climate - 12 mm.

The width of the plank creates visual effects, increasing or decreasing the volume of the room. Narrow panels (6 cm) require more installation time, while wide ones (15 cm) can make a small loggia look very tiny. If in doubt, buy lining 9-12 cm wide, it will be comfortable to work with and pleasant to look at the result. The length of wooden panels can reach 6 m. Eurolining has strict standards: length - 0.5-6 m, width - 8, 10. 11, 12 cm, thickness 13, 16, 19 mm.

Plank profiles

The external cut of the panel (face, front side) can create a perfectly flat surface with a wood pattern or have a relief needed to create a certain atmosphere and spatial effect. The most popular are:

  • Standard– almost flat panel, the sides are processed at an angle;

  • Softline– a version of the standard, where the corners are slightly rounded, the wood looks a little softer;

  • American– the panel itself is cut at an angle ( different thickness strips on the sides), the surface will be ribbed, with clear lines;

  • Landhouse– even width with grooves along outside to enhance the pattern and geometry of space;

  • Block house– the face of the panel is rounded, it is a relief imitation of timber.

You can always find interesting options, even place an order for a batch of unusual or non-standard profiles, if you want something unusual. Remember that you will have to pay more for an exclusive.

How to sheathe it yourself?

After selecting the lining, the work itself begins: preparing the room, insulating and lathing, installing the sheathing, processing the lining. It is assumed that the glazing of the balcony has already been completed. It is important to carry out the steps consistently and carefully. This will make loggia repair simpler, better and more durable.

How to calculate the amount of material?

To do this, you need to measure the area of ​​the room, subtract the area of ​​the windows and doorways. Add 10% for defects and joints, and then divide the resulting area by the area of ​​one panel. This way you will know the number of bars needed for the cladding. If the room has complex geometry, then calculate the area of ​​its parts. A similar calculation will be made for you in a store or on the website of the lining manufacturer.

The consumption of bars for sheathing is calculated separately for the ceiling, floor and each wall: there should be 0.6 m between the slats, divide the height of the wall by this value and multiply the length. Then we sum up all the numbers and get the total footage of the beams for the sheathing. This calculation is performed in meters.

You will save time if you immediately take other consumables (antiseptic primer, varnish, insulation, moisture insulation film, putty and foam for installation, liquid nails, clamps or screws, nails with a 3cm head, baseboards).

Preparing the premises

In order for the panels to last a long time, you need to clean all surfaces from old, dilapidated coating (paint, plaster, tiles, other finishes). Cracks and depressions must be sealed or foamed, protrusions must be beaten off. After this, check the level when significant differences level with putty. After surface cleaning, remove debris and prime the entire loggia (ceiling, walls, floor) with an antiseptic composition to avoid fungus and mold; it must be treated with an antiseptic and wooden parts. When the composition has dried, you can begin next stage.

Choice of insulation

You don’t have to insulate the balcony, then the air temperature will be the same as outside. For wood, it is better to do insulation - the changes will be less sharp, there will be less contact with moisture and better protection. Lathing will be needed in any case, but when thermal insulation it will be necessary to take into account the thickness of this layer and the characteristics of the material. How are loggias insulated?

  • Styrofoam– lightweight, inexpensive, functional. Disadvantages include the formation of toxic fumes during combustion, the creation greenhouse effect(does not conduct moisture).

  • Mineral blocks- This mineral wool, fiberglass or cinder blocks. They give high-quality thermal insulation. Slag and stone products are praised for their work; glass wool has its own nuances. Doesn't highlight harmful substances When burning mineral wool, it is somewhat more expensive. The ability of minerals to retain moisture forces the slabs to be well insulated from other surfaces.

  • EPPS ( extruded polystyrene foam) modern material, creates noise and heat insulation. It is laid in an unusual way, so there are no gaps between the slabs. It is higher in cost and requires ventilation, but is in demand in a professional environment for its technical characteristics.

  • Foil polyethylene foam used for thermal insulation only in warm climates, however it does not allow moisture to pass through, so it is used as protective film And additional material when insulating with mineral wool.

  • Foam glass- another modern and natural insulation. Pros: non-flammable, lightweight, withstands huge temperature fluctuations, easy to install. Cons: price. Best Features from European manufacturers, but the cost will be high, from Belarusian companies more available options with acceptable quality. But it’s better not to take Chinese products.

All these materials can be used to insulate walls, floors, and ceilings.

How to make a sheathing?

Covering the balcony with clapboard essentially begins at this stage. To do this, we create a frame of beams around the perimeter of the walls; the thickness of each plank should be 1.5-2 cm greater than the thickness of the thermal insulation in order to provide ventilation for the lining. With the “budget” approach, this rule is slightly violated: the materials for the sheathing are taken the same thickness as the insulation or a little wider, and then a counter-lattice is attached to the primary frame - the same slats, but perpendicular. This creates the necessary air pocket, but there will be more work.

The direction of the lining can be chosen horizontal or vertical (even diagonal), and the frame under it is made in the opposite direction. Therefore, when using a counter-lattice, the primary row of beams is laid in the direction of the lining, and the secondary row (the lining will be attached to it) is perpendicular. When simply laying the sheathing, the first guide is laid horizontally 1 cm from the bottom (if the lining will lie vertically or diagonally) or vertically 1 cm from the corner of the wall (horizontal arrangement of the panels).

It is important that the first plank is perfectly horizontal (vertical), the remaining beams will be aligned with it. Cut the bars to the required length (reducing the original parameters by 1-1.5 cm under seasonal changes), mark their placement (60 cm from the top of the bar), checking the level. Next, proceed to the installation of the sheathing: lay the timber along the marking line and drill it along the length with a hammer drill, leaving holes every 50-80 cm. In this case, the drill should enter the wall to a depth of 6-6.5 cm so that dowels can be inserted.

Expanding vapor barrier material and fix it assembly adhesive, lay the sheathing on top of it and fasten it with nails, aligning it with the first bar. We lay insulation between the “ribs” of the frame. It is convenient to adhere to this order - walls, ceiling, floor. The sheathing on the floor is called “logs”; after insulation, we lay moisture-resistant plywood (no thinner than 12 mm) on top of the logs, securing it with self-tapping screws.

IN modern world people are increasingly introducing a piece of nature into their everyday life, and lining the balcony with eurolining is no exception.

Practicality and aesthetics of this material deserves high praise. Moreover, the popularity of eurolining has gained a sufficient level so that there are no doubts when choosing this type of wall decoration.

Pros and cons of covering balconies and loggias with eurolining

Eurolining slats fit well to each other

Only modern calculations and practicality in use, thought out by professional developers, distinguish lining from wood with a number of advantages:

  • two parallel gutters made on back side linings prevent mold (mold);
  • due to an increase in the depth of the groove and the height of the tenon, the joints of the eurolining are highly reliable and cannot be deformed;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • during manufacturing, the canvas is dried to a moisture content of 16%, while for conventional lining this figure is 30%;
  • enhances the thermal insulation effect.

Eurolining is only suitable for finishing glazed balconies

As for the disadvantages of finishing a balcony with eurolining, there are quite a few of them:

  • work with the canvas can only be carried out on glassed balcony or loggias, because eurolining does not tolerate temperature changes;
  • if the balcony is on sunny side, from coniferous need to be abandoned, deciduous would be appropriate here;
  • the need to treat the lining with antiseptic materials.

This material was created as an excellent alternative to solid wood.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing a balcony with eurolining

Here we will talk about how to cover a balcony with eurolining. IN detailed description actions, it must be taken into account that the speed of installation work depends on the availability the necessary tool And consumables in order for the finishing of the loggia to be successful. Inventory list:

  • hammer drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction stapler;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • ladder;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw for wood;
  • popcorn and tassels;
  • stationery knife.

Supplies may vary depending on the budget and personal preferences of the event host.

We can only emphasize the recommended consumables: 20 mm nails, crabs for convenient fixation of eurolining, guide beam 50×50 mm, 60 mm dowels, staples for convenient fixation of the frame, foam with a minimum degree of expansion, 50 mm polystyrene foam, hydro- and vapor barrier (placed on walls and ceiling are not made of concrete).

Usage electric tool significantly speeds up the installation procedure.

Preparation of all surfaces

In order for the finishing of the balcony with eurolining to be without flaws, it is necessary to smooth out all the unevenness using putty or cement mortar. If there are protrusions on the walls, they must be removed using a hammer or a hammer drill with a chisel. After leveling, a primer containing an antibacterial additive must be applied to the surface to be sheathed.

Walls that are made without using brickwork or monolithic slabs, covered with a hydrobarrier film.

Creating a frame for lining

The sheathing is made from 50/50 timber

For the frame you will need a beam, the desired size of which is 50 mm by 50 mm, because it is better to use foam plastic 5 cm thick.

The beam is placed horizontally along the entire plane on which the lining will be installed. The second beam is attached at a level of 20 cm from the ceiling; installation must be done using a level so that both planks are in the same plane.

The slats are fixed either with dowels or staples. Staples the more convenient it is that it is easier to regulate the evenness of the beams. The slats that are located between the first two panels should be 50 cm apart.

The ceiling frame is done last. The installation of the frame should begin by placing the first beam at the bottom of the wall, 20 cm from the floor.

Insulation of walls and ceilings

You can insulate the balcony with penoplex, polystyrene foam

Foam sheets are cut to size between the slats, so that the joints between the sheets are minimal. After completely installing the insulation, you need to blow out all remaining cracks with foam. There are two ways to secure the foam: with glue or with special “umbrella” fasteners.

In order for the walls to breathe without loss of heat, it is recommended to fill a vapor barrier on top of the foam using a stapler.

Well, now let’s look at how lining balconies and loggias with eurolining is done.

The final stage - installation of eurolining

It is necessary to nail the first eurolining on both sides with nails at an angle, so that the head of the nail is recessed into the wood. Subsequent panels are inserted into the grooves and nailed only with reverse side installation locations. For details on the installation of eurolining, see this video:

Just like the sheathing, the ceiling is sewn up last. A one-centimeter gap should be left at the bottom and top of the lining, this is necessary for the free flow of material. The remaining cracks will be covered with baseboards.

After the entire balcony is finished with eurolining, it is necessary to mount all the baseboards, corners and cornices. The material of these elements should be combined as much as possible with the main one.

The final touch is to paint the lining with wood primer, and then acrylic varnish. Today it is fashionable to give eurolining a bright translucent shade.

Laying the canvas should begin from the corner, installing the first lining with a tenon from left to right.

Important points

Scheme for calculating the number of lining slats for a balcony

Exactly following the attached instructions will help you easily complete the finishing with eurolining with minimal costs. The most important of them:

  1. To calculate the amount of lining required for the area being finished, you need to take the total length of the walls, multiply it by the height to the ceiling, and divide by the size of one panel of lining. To the resulting figure you need to add 15% for trimmings.
  2. The amount of timber is calculated as follows: the total length of the walls, multiplied by the amount horizontal stripes in increments of 50cm. The beams come in different lengths, it is better to buy a 3-meter one; if you take a longer one, you won’t be able to turn around at the entrance.
  3. Most convenient way fix timber, these are staples that are used to fasten metal structures under drywall. Fasten the bracket to the wall with a dowel, and press the edges of the beam on the sides, bending the excess in the opposite direction from the batten.

Now you know how to cover a balcony or loggia with eurolining, you can finally sit on a rattan chair and put a cup of coffee on coffee table, enjoy your work of art. For details on covering the balcony with clapboard, see this video:

Good luck in your endeavors!

When you purchase an apartment, the first thought that usually dawns on the owner is to turn it into a real oasis of beauty, peace and love, a cozy nest, which is so pleasant to return to after long working days. After all, a person’s mood largely depends on what kind of atmosphere can be created in a living space.

Today there are many ways interior decoration loggias, each of them has its own specifics and advantages, but now we’ll talk about only one, the most popular, practical and inexpensive, this method is called very simply: cladding a balcony.

Wooden or plastic, what to choose?

It seems, what choice can lining have? Regular boards and that's it... But no. There are three types of this material:

  • wooden;
  • eurolining;
  • plastic.

Now let's look at each type in a little more detail.

Tree from time immemorial
was held in high esteem in Rus', and throughout the world. Its qualities of durability, strength, ability to retain heat and not allow moisture to pass through have earned it fame as one of the main building materials for all time.

But wood is famous not only for its strength: it creates a special atmosphere, warm, favorable: in a house built of wood or in a room decorated like linden, oak or aspen, you can breathe easier, because it is an absolutely environmentally friendly material that in a positive way affects the physical and psychological health of a person.

Another advantage wood finishing is its low cost. But when working with wood panels There are several nuances to consider.

  • firstly, it is necessary to treat the boards with varnish in order to eliminate the possibility of mold and destruction of the material;
  • secondly, wood is not flexible, so if you need to create a shaped structure in a room, it is better to choose a different finishing method.

Eurolining is good because that it has a much larger tongue comb, which makes it stronger and more reliable: when high humidity indoors, the ridge will not come out of the groove, which happens with ordinary lining.

It also provides protection against condensation: two slots in each plate ensure the durability of the material.

There are two profiles to choose from: standard with right angles and Soft, with rounded corners. Everything is fine in the European version, and even when you ask at the market: “How much does such beauty cost?”, the answer you hear is a completely acceptable figure.

Video - finishing with eurolining:

And finally, the third option, plastic lining. It is in no way inferior to the first two in terms of durability.

One more positive property plastic is the ease of working with it, it takes any shape, creates lovely style, so it's not at all difficult to do high-quality repairs on the loggia with your own hands.

But still, plastic is inferior to wood in the most important way, in environmental friendliness. But everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

Video - PVC installation panels:

Required Tools

So, covering a balcony with clapboard requires the following equipment:

  • Slats 20 by 50 mm. with cross section. To understand how much material you need to purchase, you need to measure the perimeter of the room and its height. The sheathing frame is made of horizontal, so-called “guide” slats, which are attached at a distance of 60 cm from each other. Therefore, we calculate the number of slats we need using the formula: divide the height of the balcony by 60 and multiply by its perimeter.
  • Of course, for work we will need nails, they are always needed and the more, the better. Here it is advisable to buy two types of nails: small, for fastening skirting boards, and with a large head;
  • You need to purchase dowels.
  • You will also need self-tapping screws;
  • Sheathing cannot be done without first treating the walls, otherwise they will become covered with mold, so you should also look at the hardware store for PVA putty and varnish, and don’t forget to buy polyurethane foam;
  • Drill;
  • Hacksaw, for working with slats;
  • Tape measure for carrying out measuring work;
  • Hammer;
  • Axe;
  • Pliers;
  • Screwdriver;
  • And, lastly, a stepladder.

As a rule, most of these instruments are always kept at home by the original owner. So you only need to purchase boards and fastening materials, so we can say with confidence that the cost of covering a balcony with clapboard turns out to be quite small, which is what makes this method of interior finishing so attractive and popular.

Preparing the sheathing frame

Covering a balcony with clapboard with your own hands is a labor-intensive process that should be approached with all responsibility.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls, create reliable protection from mold fungus.

To do this, we treat the walls with putty; the lining also needs to be treated with varnish so that it does not deteriorate over time.

Sheathing technology

Sheathing technology consists of three stages:

  • creating a frame;
  • laying insulation into the frame;
  • installation work.

Video - do-it-yourself balcony cladding:

Step-by-step instructions for covering walls and ceilings

Step-by-step instructions will help you understand this process. So:

1. Check the evenness of the walls and ceiling, correct all flaws using putty.
2. We saw the slats to the required length, make marks every 80 cm and drill holes: this is where the fastening with dowels will be made.
3. Place the guide rail against the wall at a distance of 1 cm from the floor. Through the holes in the slats, we make marks on the wall and drill 6 cm deep.
4. We secure the rail with self-tapping screws, but not completely, so that it can be adjusted and leveled if necessary.
5. Having aligned the slats, we hammer dowels into them to a depth of 4 cm.
6. We fix the slats: top and bottom, and stretch the cords between them. The maximum gap between the slats should not exceed 60 cm. Now the remaining planks are installed, they are aligned along the line of the cord. In the same way, a frame is formed around the entire perimeter of the room, as well as on the ceiling.

The frame is ready. Let's move on to the next stage, insulation.

7. The insulation is tightly placed into the frame and secured with bars; liquid nails are also used.
8. Finally, we have come to the most important stage, plating.

There are several cladding methods: horizontal, vertical and diagonal installation. Everyone chooses a method based on their aesthetic preferences. In principle, the installation technology in all three options is the same, only the result is different:

  1. We measure the required length of the lining, saw it off and secure it in the corner of the wall with screws or nails.
  2. The first strip is attached to both the groove and the tongue, and to all the guides.
  3. Fastening is done with nails or clamps, which in practice is used much more often. Below are 4 mounting examples.

Video - :

Approximate cost and prices

Covering a balcony with wooden clapboard takes no more than one day. Of course, to make a quality renovation, you need basic construction skills and, most importantly, patience. But after completing all the work, you will be able to enjoy the fruit of your hands.

The cost of covering a balcony with clapboard is quite acceptable for any wallet, which is also positive feature this type of repair.

Now all that remains is to place a sofa and floor lamp on the balcony, pick up your favorite book and plunge into a state of peace and bliss.