How to design your personal diary for boys. How to decorate a personal diary (PD) - tips and ideas for maintaining and designing a personal diary

In childhood and adolescence, many had Personal diary, which set out the most precious and secret things. You can’t trust such a thing even to your closest people. Very often, ordinary notebooks or notepads were used for the diary. Today you can buy ready-made option with standard decor, but this cannot be compared with self-made decoration. Below are some examples of how to decorate your diary with your own hands.

How to decorate a personal diary with fabric

A good decoration will be made from fabric that is pleasant to the touch. bright colors. You will need several pieces of bright fabric, scissors and a needle.

1) Measure the sides of the diary, cut strips with a width equal to one third of the width of the diary cover, and a length equal to the width of the diary. Add 2 cm to each side for seams. Sew three pieces to make a continuous fabric. Finish the side seam with a zigzag stitch.

2) Fold the diary cover so that the right and left edges are folded inward. There will be pockets at the bottom and top into which you will need to put the diary cover and stitch it. The place of stitching can be marked with pins so as not to make mistakes in the calculations.

3) Seam the top and bottom edges of the cover, bend it 1-2 cm and turn it right side out. The cover is ready.

Leather cover

Can be done stylish cover made of leather or leatherette. You will also need decorative metal spikes, scissors, glue gun, hole puncher.

1) Place the diary on a piece of leather, trace along the contour and add 4 cm on each side. Cut out the part.

2) On the front of the cover, make holes at equal distances from each other with a hole punch, insert metal spikes into them.

3) All that remains is to insert the diary into the cover, coat the edges with glue and tuck it in, wait for the glue to dry. Ready.

Diary for girls

A gift for a little princess can be a diary decorated with small envelopes for storing notes, lacing or a miniature lock. The diary can also be decorated with paper applications, stamps, rhinestones, beads, ribbons and lace.

Other options for decorating a diary are clearly shown in the video:

There are so many ideas on how you can decorate the inside of your personal diary, for example :

1) The decoration can be a picture that illustrates what is written. Or it could be a photograph.

2) Registration of the events that occurred in the form of small schematic drawings.

3) Writing text in letters different shapes and size, in different directions. This way you can describe any facts, for example, about yourself.

4) Pockets on the pages for things dear to your heart (notes, tickets, small photographs).

5) You can not only write down thoughts and events, but also decorate them with photographs, pictures, and memorabilia.

6) Come up with an interesting signature and put it at the end of each entry.

7) Use bright, multi-colored pens and pencils so that the diary does not seem boring.

8) In a good way decorations are stickers.

10) Decorate the diary pages with watercolors: smear and splash. Write text on top. If the pages are thin, first glue them together in twos to make it neat.

11) You can make a personal diary not from a notebook or notepad, but from an old unnecessary book. It is advisable to tear out every third page in the book so that it is not too voluminous. Next, paint the pages with gouache and paste blank sheets for notes, as well as various pictures and photographs.

Thus, you can decorate your diary not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

Decorating the pages of a notebook is a very simple process; all you have to do is use your imagination and come up with interesting elements.

Video on the topic of the article

Life moves quickly, but it is not possible to retain all the memories in your memory. But some inanimate objects This can be done, for example, with photographs and a personal diary. A personal diary is a special storehouse of memories, which in the future will help you return to the past and remember the happy moments of life. In order not to be ashamed to look into it and the diary to have a proper appearance, we advise you to decorate it beautifully.

How to decorate a personal diary - make a bright cover

A colorful, eye-catching cover is a great start to decorating your personal diary. Cover the diary with bright pictures cut out from magazines or stickers. Alternatively, make a paper case, choosing your favorite color. A fabric cover will be more practical because it can be removed and washed if it gets dirty. If you are a craftswoman, design the cover in an original way using scrapbooking.

How to Decorate a Personal Diary – Visualize Memories with Stickers

Cover the inside of the diary with special stickers. In the absence of such, cut them out from newspapers and magazines or find them on the Internet and print them out. Visualize your dreams, happy memories, plans for the future. Try to choose clear, bright, cheerful pictures. This will make it easier to find the necessary information in the future and pages with pictures will be easier to understand.

How to decorate a personal diary - design pockets with important things

Let your personal diary have secret pocket envelopes in which you can keep secret things. Travel or concert ticket; foreign coin; your portrait drawn by a classmate; letter to a friend; photo from the holiday; dried flower petals - such small symbolic things will take you back to a carefree time of dating, traveling, and good-natured communication. A small symbolic object can remind you of many things.

How to decorate a personal diary - paste newspaper clippings with news

When you fill out your diary, leave room to paste in the news of the day from the newspaper. Now what is happening in the country, city, and world seems something ordinary and unimportant. Years later, you will be able to draw certain conclusions. For example, that there was a crisis in the country, but you managed to have fun and meet with friends. Or that you entered a university recognized as prestigious at that time. And after comparing the article about fashionable hairstyles and your notes and photos about going to a beauty salon, you will become proud that you were quite a stylish woman. The opening of a new park or cafe in your city and the first opinion from the visit should also be written down and pasted in the news from the newspaper. If in the future your grandchildren read such a diary, it will be easier for them to navigate the entries and what was happening in your life at that time.

How to decorate a personal diary - experiment with text and background

  • The background of your personal diary can be painted over with colored pencils. To make it look more delicate, distribute the lead shavings over the sheet and rub it over the page with a cotton swab. Alternatively, print backgrounds for letters and notes from the Internet.
  • You can write text about each day in a column, changing the colors of the pen.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with font. Make a test on a separate sheet. The font can change depending on your mood. But make sure it is easy to read.
  • Underline or highlight important things with a marker. Frame conclusions or personal quotes.

A personal diary is a personal memory. Make an effort to correct design memories. After a while, it will be nice to read about the first ups and downs; plans that have become reality; turn over the ticket from the concert of your favorite band, saved in a secret envelope, in your hands and smile happily.

Before you start reading this article, I want to clarify that a personal diary is still your personal space, so how and what will be inside it is a matter of your taste. I'll just try to direct your creative thoughts in the right direction.

Sometimes you hear the following phrase: “I want to keep a personal diary, but I don’t know how.” At least it sounds strange, doesn't it? After all, a personal diary is not a tribute to fashion, it is a need of the soul. If there is a need, then you take a pen (no matter what color!) and trust your thoughts to paper (no matter what notebook!). But now we are talking not about how to keep a personal diary, but about how to arrange it inside.
Even 20 years ago, such a question did not arise often, believe me personal experience. It’s just that in those years there was not a stunning variety of notebooks themselves (the diary was kept in ordinary notebooks of 48 or 96 sheets), pens and decorations. The most we could do was glue on magazine clippings, pretty candy wrappers or chewing gum inserts. Or draw something by hand. But now is a different time, many wonderful goods for handicrafts have appeared, so I want it to be beautiful (even if not for everyone, not for show) and no worse than others.

Probably, the difficulty also arises in the fact that it happens like this: you feel the need to keep a diary, you write with inspiration, you even fall in love with it and... suddenly... stupor. There is no inspiration, no need, and the previously beloved notebook is gathering dust on the shelf. For such a case, sometimes one “kick” is enough, or, if you prefer, advice, support, and inspiration returns!

From personal experience I will say that the best “kick” is looking at other people’s work. They inspire, help to add zest to your personal diary... So, let's look together at what ways there are to design a personal diary inside...

1. Many people prefer the usual, traditional style: they write by hand in solid text, the most they allow themselves is multi-colored pastes. After all, a personal diary is a whirlwind of your thoughts, events and feelings, why do you need anything else? But let’s say you’re bored of just writing... In this case, any picture that illustrates what you’re writing about will help add some zest and decorate the pages. It can be a photograph, but it doesn't have to be.

Are you writing about a book you like? Cut out a stack of books from a magazine and glue them next to them. Are you writing about how great it was to meet with your friends in a cafe? Or about how, after visiting a doctor, you had to fork out for medicine? Take “material evidence” with you (a receipt, a business card or an advertisement for a new dish) and stick it in your diary. And in general, any photo or even the most careless hand drawing will make your notebook more alive.

2. Why not try your hand at depicting the events that took place in the form of small, primitive drawings? Can't draw? But small drawings (maybe even schematic ones) are much easier. Maybe by training day after day you will get better?

3. The same small drawings can be used for different thematic pages in the diary, for example, “what am I striving for” or “plans for this year.”

4. Sometimes, for variety, you can design pages in this way: on special cards of different shapes. There you can write down some individual thoughts and even quotes, aphorisms, excerpts from songs or poems that resonate with your mood and thoughts... If there are no such cards, this is not a reason to be discouraged! You can get creative yourself and draw something similar on multi-colored pieces of paper. Or even on pieces from different packages (tea, toys, etc.) or labels from clothes - bright, colorful. There is absolutely no point in throwing them away!

5. On the pages of your diary you can paint with watercolors, mix them, smear them, blurt them and splash them - any text will look very nice on top! Just keep in mind that if the pages of your notebook are thin enough, then before all watercolor experiments you need to glue them together in two! Then everything will work out neatly.

6. Good helpers The diary will be decorated with colored pencils, gel pens, scraps of paper or some kind of pictures. The main thing is don’t be afraid to imagine and experiment!

7. This method looks very nice when you write with letters of different shapes and different sizes, as well as in different directions: obliquely, vertically, horizontally. Of course, this is not suitable for recording events or thoughts, but if you want to write facts about yourself or write down “100 things I love,” then it’s just right.

8. Any personal diary definitely needs pockets for things dear to the heart! For tickets, notes or even small photographs.

9. If you decide to take your personal diary seriously, so that you not only record thoughts and events in it, but also decorate it by pasting in photographs, pictures and other memorable things, then cards with ready-made inscriptions will be a good accent: photo fact, appreciate every moment, news of the day, an unforgettable moment, etc. Join the VKontakte group

For many girls, a personal diary is a real treasure. It contains all the secrets, dreams and desires. Any girl wants to make her personal diary the best, and for this she needs ideas. In this article ld personal diary ideas for a personal diary, we have collected for you several ideas for designing pages of a personal diary.

ld personal diary ideas

Start designing your ld from the cover - the cover is the face of the diary. We recommend sewing beautiful cover made of fabric, or carefully paste over the cover beautiful pictures from magazines.

Next comes the first page of the ld. On the first page, many write about themselves and post their photo. Some post their details, such as name, phone number and email. For what? And if you lose your diary... how can we find you later?

By the way, if you don’t want strangers to read your diary, “READING IS PROHIBITED” is placed on the first page! Or they come up with all sorts of other “scares”.

If you don't want anyone to be able to open your diary without your knowledge, consider buying a notebook with a lock.

LD personal diary ideas: how to keep and design

What ideas are there for a personal diary and what can you write or draw in it? The answer is simple - whatever you like! After all, this is your business! Design and decorate exactly the way you like.

So, you have already made the most important decision - you decided to keep a personal diary. Great! Since decades will pass - and you will happily re-read your youthful experiences and worries, a smile will remain on your face for a long time when you remember your childhood. In addition, in adolescence it is especially important to share your impressions, emotions and experiences accumulated during the day. A personal diary is always happy to “listen” to all your innermost secrets.

So how do you start keeping a personal diary?

First of all, you need to decide: will you use a ready-made diary for writing or will you make it yourself. In the first case, everything is simple: choose the notebook you like in the store. To add some color and originality to your diary, you can add some finishing touches to it. If you want to decorate your personal diary, the pink theme is perfect for a teenage girl. For example, you can decorate the cover of a notebook with patterns of pink rhinestones.

At self-production diary will have to work hard. For example, you can take a piece of lace and cut it according to the size of the purchased notebook. After this, you need to cover the cover of the notebook with glue and glue the prepared piece of fabric onto it.

Having completed the diary, you need to start filling it out. Let's focus on choosing a topic for a personal diary.

What to write first?

The very first topic of your diary should be information about yourself: your name, age and contact phone number (in case you suddenly lose or forget your diary somewhere). At the same time, remember: never write your home address.

Also interesting topic for a girl’s personal diary there can be a story about her hobbies and interests, for example, about her favorite food, music, TV shows, films or cartoons.

In addition, you can paste your photo into the diary and decorate it beautifully, for example, draw a frame with multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

What else can you “tell” in your personal diary?

Topics for a girl’s personal diary can be completely different: on one day you can write about the events of the past day, about relationships with classmates, about a quarrel with a friend or a conflict with your parents, and on another day you can write down poems, lyrics or quotes you like. Also, entries about animals can be an excellent topic for a girl’s personal diary.

In addition, you can paste photos and stickers of your favorite cartoon characters, television series or films. You can also make a “family tree” and paste photographs of your relatives into the diary. The main thing, remember, this is your diary - write in it whatever your heart desires, everything that you are so afraid to say out loud, do not hesitate to express all your thoughts.

How to divide your diary into sections on different topics?

can be divided into sections based on your interests and events in your life. For example, you could create a chapter called “I Am Beloved.” In this part of your notebook, write down compliments you have received, things you have done that are pleasant to you, and also write down when you yourself do a good deed for someone. When you feel sad, re-read these pages - you will immediately feel pleasant and your mood will improve.

Another great section of your diary could be a story about your travels. Take a notebook when you travel, paste tickets and photographs into it, write about the trip itself: what impressed you most, what you remember. Write down literally all your thoughts and discoveries - and you will never forget the bright moments of your adventures.

At a young age, it is especially interesting to interpret your dreams, so you can create a section in your personal diary about your dreams and their interpretation. It will be especially interesting to re-read them over time and verify the veracity of the dream interpretations.

If you like to cook by yourself or with your mother, this will be for you useful topic about cooking. Write down the recipes you like in a separate section of your diary.

Keeping a personal diary is an exciting and interesting activity. Opportunity independent choice Topics for a personal diary help reveal your individuality, allow you to look into the depths of your own soul, and also forever preserve in your memory pleasant moments and experiences, which in the future may not be as scary as you initially thought.