How to clean tile grout. Methods for cleaning floor joints between tiles

The most common building material for cladding walls, floors in kitchens and bathrooms is ceramic tiles. This is due to her excellent operational properties and the ability to choose the desired color. That is why the question of what is the best way to wash it becomes extremely acute.

Before installation ceramic tiles it is necessary to think through everything down to the smallest detail, namely how to protect the seams between products, which can darken and become a breeding ground for germs. This way, a special liquid will help prevent contamination. She needs to go over each seam at least 2 times. You can buy it at a hardware store.

To remove ingrained construction dirt on a matte surface, experts advise using a scraper or a stiff brush, as well as a concentrated acid mixture. Today, such chemicals as Professional, Karcher, Powerfix, Tana have proven themselves well.

Self-removal of dirt mechanically is a safe method for matte tiles, while glossy tiles require more careful care.

Cleaning tiles: rules

  1. Cleaning tiles After grouting the joints, it should be done using a viscose or synthetic sponge, a special compound and wearing rubber gloves.
  2. Before washing the surface, it is necessary to assess the degree of contamination. The choice of cleaning product for tiles and grout depends on this.
  3. With regular use of abrasive substances, the tiles may lose their shine.
  4. Before washing the tiles on the floor, use a steam cleaner or vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning ceramic tiles: traditional methods

1. A tiled surface can be easily cleaned with chalk dissolved in water. To do this, you need to go over the entire wall with the composition, and then wipe it with a dry cloth. The tile becomes shiny, and the grooves between the joints become light.

2. You can clean the tiles in the bathroom and give them a shiny look using a mixture of water and 6% vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

3. To make the tiles shine, use a cloth moistened with denatured alcohol.

4. Cleaning floor tiles and walls can also be done using a solution of ammonia and water (2-3 tablespoons of ammonia per 1 liter of liquid). After treatment, the surface should be wiped with artificial suede.

5. To remove traces of grease, replace the ammonia solution with the same amount of vinegar. In very dirty areas, use undiluted vinegar, which is then immediately washed off with water.

6. You can clean the tiles after repair using an abrasive grinding paste or regular soap solution. However, the first can only be used for unglazed surfaces.

7. A composition of 3 liters will help to wash off soap residue on the tiles in the bathroom. hot water and 2 tsp. salts of phosphoric acid. After the procedure, the surface must be washed clean water.

8. Darkened tiles can be washed using any liquid detergent or powder. It should be left for 3 hours and allowed to saturate the surface. After this, remove stains with regular warm water and a sponge.

9. The fungus is cleaned with a solution of bleach and water. To do this, use a brush with soft bristles and then treat the surface special means against mold.

10. Chlorine bleach will help remove stains from mustard, blood, coffee, ink, and juice. It must be diluted with water and applied to the stain, leaving for 10 minutes, and then rinsing with clean water.

11. Traces of rust from unglazed tiles can be easily removed with a 5% aqueous mixture of hydrochloric acid.

12. Light stains from hard water can be removed using regular white vinegar, which is used to wipe the surface of the tile.

Cleaning joints between tiles

Cleaning methods

  1. With the help of steam.
  2. Masking seams.
  3. Folk remedy.
  4. Using compounds containing chlorine.
  5. Using household cleaning products.

The best tile grout cleaners

1. If there is accumulation in the seams a large number of dirt - use a toothbrush, treating the dirty areas with any known cleaning agent (for example, Cif, Silit, etc.). Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash it off with warm water. Then wipe the joints with a soft cloth.

2. If fresh blackness appears in the seams, use a cleaning agent containing chlorine (for example, “Whiteness”).

3. Folk remedy for removing dirt between seams:

  • ammonia;
  • toothpaste;
  • baking soda;
  • vinegar 6%;
  • lemon juice diluted with water.

Preparation of the solution:

  • Before preparing the solution, open windows and doors - create a draft;
  • use rubber gloves;
  • After renewing the seams, leave them to stand for 15 minutes and wipe with a clean cloth.

4. If small areas of the seams are affected by fungus, mask them with a felt-tip pen with waterproof filler. If big square— paint the seams with moisture-resistant (water-based) paint.

5. In addition, a steam generator can be used to clean the joints between the tiles. Here it is enough to direct a stream of hot steam to the desired area, and then remove the dirt and thoroughly rinse the cleaned seam.

6. You can remove fungi, heavy dirt using fine sandpaper.

7. If cleaning no longer helps, you need to replace the grout. To do this, the old one is removed and a new one is applied, but with special protection against contamination.

8. To clean the grout, you can use oxygen bleach, which will restore the color of the grout and require a minimum of effort. Simply mix it with warm water and pour it onto the stained area. Leave for half an hour to an hour and rinse with clean water.

If you periodically wash the cladding and joints with special solutions, then general cleaning will be avoided. When using a tile covering, grout joints often lose color and become damaged. How and what is the best way to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor? Let’s try to figure out how to turn a yellow moldy seam into a white and clean stripe.

How to clean the grout between tiles

The tile covering is perfectly cleaned, but the connecting seams are less easy to clean and wash and fade over time, accumulate dirt and grease and are a “home” for mold and mildew. The tiles are placed in the kitchen area, where during the cooking process, grease and other contaminants stick mainly in the area of ​​​​the connecting seams between the tiles. In bathrooms also as flooring tiles are often used, where due to constant humidity, exposure to various detergents and water, a coating is found on the tile joints, in which favorable conditions bacteria and mold develop.

You need to take a scraper and gradually, centimeter by centimeter, clean upper layer grout with dirt

Used to clean seams various ways, it's chemical, mechanical methods, traditional methods, oxygen bleaches and steam cleaners.

During operation, the seams between the tiles darken, rub off from washing the floors, and accumulate various foreign particles. All this contributes to the development of fungus and various bacteria. Since tile coverings are mainly found in the kitchen area and bathrooms, it is necessary to pay due attention to cleaning in these rooms.

One method for cleaning the grout between tiles is steam cleaning. For this they use special device called a steam cleaner that works in temperature conditions not less than 170˚С. Steam cleaners operate without the use of chemicals, which is a positive point; cleaning from various contaminants and fungus is carried out thermally. Also, when working with a steam cleaner, there is no need to wear gloves to protect the skin of your hands, but you need to take care respiratory system and, where possible, open windows and doors for access clean air. After using the steam cleaner, the treated areas must be washed with clean water at room temperature.

Instructions: how to clean the seams between floor tiles

When cleaning the seams between the tiles, you should not use an abrasive, as it can scratch the tile, damage its top layer, and scratch the coating. The scratches left after using an abrasive and an iron sponge are filled with dirt, grease, and bacteria can develop there, which will adversely affect human health.

The tile joints can be cleaned different ways and various cleaning materials

To clean the seams between the tiles you will need:

  • Pure water;
  • Water container;
  • Sponge and rags;
  • Toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • Spatula and knife.

To clean tile joints, you can use the following substances: dishwashing detergents (Biolan, Myth, Pemolux, Sorti, Pril, Chirton, AOS, Fairy and others); products for cleaning glass-ceramic materials (cleaning gel or cream Lotta, Sanox, Cif and others); products for ceramic tiles (“HG” for floor tiles, Flat and others). Since it is inconvenient to clean tiles on the floor, a rag will help make the process easier. The rags must be folded into a pillow and placed in a bag, this is done so that it does not get wet, then the bag with the rags is placed under the knees for a more comfortable position while cleaning the floor. To protect the skin of your hands, use rubber gloves.

If there is intense contamination between the joints, you can scrape it out with a knife or spatula, however this method damages the seams, and therefore, after these operations, it is necessary to use new grout.

If the seams between the tiles have lost their brightness and former whiteness, then you can use Sanox and a toothbrush, it will help to quickly scrub and whiten floor tiles in the kitchen and bathroom. To do this, you need to apply gel in the area of ​​the joints and seams, wait 10 minutes and clean the seams with a toothbrush, then rinse with clean water. If a yellow coating or fungus appears in areas of the tiles, then it is necessary to remove the old seams using a scraper, wash, dry and apply new grout.

Cleaning tile joints

If you need to clean tile joints after repairs and finishing works, then you will need a solvent or kerosene. To clean the remaining paint primer and grout, you need to take out kerosene or solvent on a rag, after putting rubber gloves on your hands. Gently clean the facing surface from dirt using progressive and rotational movements, then wash with any detergent, clean water and dry. When bleaching the seams between tiles, you can use various gels and cleaning agents, but you should not resort to detergents that contain various inclusions and abrasives, as this can damage the aesthetics of the tile.

If during a major cleaning you don’t have any industrial products, then you can clean the tiles well with what you almost always have at home

Tile grout cleaning experts use a solution based on peroxide and soda. It is prepared with the consistency of sour cream. The prepared mixture is applied only to the seams, left for three to four hours for the reaction to occur and to corrode the remaining dirt and grease. Clean the seam joints with a toothbrush, then rinse with clean water, wipe with a rag and dry.

The seams between the tiles lose their color under the influence of various aggressors, such as water, high temperatures, sunlight, grease, detergents and cleaning agents, humidity and water ingress. Darkening of the seams between tiles quite often indicates the appearance of mold and mildew.

It is quite easy and simple to wash the seams between the tiles from any kind of dirt, using any detergents

Special means are used to eliminate fungus and mold in tile joints.:

  • Products for bathrooms and toilets (for removing mold in bathrooms Bagi “Anti-Mold”, UNICUM and others);
  • Special cleaning products (“HG” for removing mold and mildew, Caparol Capatox, Eco Mist for removing mold and mildew Mold & Mildew and others).

However, you can avoid purchasing expensive products to remove mold and mildew from tiles. The problem can be solved with a simple baking soda, bleach or vinegar. Cleaning tiles with these products is carried out using rubber gloves, and when applying for the first time, you need to wait 10-20 minutes, after which you should intensively clean the area around the fungus using a sponge or toothbrush. Intense fungus is perfectly disinfected with bleach. Next, rinse with clean water and dry. Yellowed seams are removed with a special marker that contains a fungicide that prevents the formation of mold. The felt-tip pen has indelible waterproof ink with a varnish effect. After sequential operations, the seams between the tiles will be white and clean.

Options: how to clean the seams between floor tiles (video)

The aesthetics of a tile covering depends on its frequency. Tile coverings on the floor are easy to clean, but the seams often remain dirty, which can cause many illnesses among family members. The causes of contamination of the joints between tiles are dust, dirt, particles of various food, ingress of various liquids, residues of detergents, as well as residues of materials after laying tiles. Therefore, you need to choose a product that can be used to clean and wash the seams without harm to health.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 4 minutes


The seams between tiles sooner or later become dirty. The reasons for this are lime deposits, humidity, drops of grease, soot, mold, and poorly washed off cleaning agents and detergents. But, nevertheless, the problem of cleaning tile joints can be solved!

General rules for caring for tile joints:

  • You can use store supplies- for example, liquid to protect seams "Atlas Dolphin", this product is used if the seams have not yet become dirty, or with a deep cleaning agent such as Ultrastripper. In addition to popular "Sif", "Dr. Muscle", a well-proven viscous disinfectant for cleaning tiles and the joints between them BOZO.
  • Mold discovered in time in a small area is easy to eliminate special felt-tip pens. The waterproof dye contained in them masks the affected areas of the tile joints.
  • To clean tile grout without resorting to expensive cleaning products, you can prepare a paste mixture of bleach and baking soda. This option will do for those who used grout without color pigments. Otherwise, the bleach will neutralize the color. After mixing the components to a viscous mass, apply with a spatula to the seams of the tiles. Wait until the mixture dries and rinse with water using a brush. The brush should not be hard, so that the bristles do not leave scratches on the tiles or damage the seams between the tiles. Alternatively, you can use bleach and a washcloth. Do not forget about protective equipment - rubber gloves are a must. Chlorine-containing products are effective at the initial stage of the appearance of fungus.
  • Fungus caused by high humidity can be removed table vinegar. Tablespoon vinegar mixed with teaspoon water softener, 2/3 cup warm water and a tablespoon of ammonia is a good disinfectant.
  • Professionals advise cleaning tile joints environmentally safe methodusing steam. Thick hot air destroys any type of pollution. Specialists use equipment that works on the principle of a steam cleaner. The structure of the grout is not disturbed, there are no smudges or streaks. After treating the seams with hot air, you need to wash off the dirt with warm water. At the end of cleaning, it is recommended to treat the seams and tiles with antifungal disinfectants.
  • Fine sandpaper will help mechanically remove dirt and small fungus from tile seams. By cleaning the outer layer of grout, dirt is also eliminated.
  • Do not use soap to clean seams. The washing mass, consisting of alkalis, favors the spread of mold spores.

Homemade tile grout cleaner recipe:

Now I would like to tell you how to prepare bleach for tile joints with your own hands.

  • First you need to put on rubber gloves, because health comes first!
  • Provide air access to the room.
  • Then mix soda with water in a ratio of 1:14, i.e. for 1 cup of soda - 14 cups of water, add 2/3 cup of lemon juice and half a cup of vinegar.
  • When mixing soda with lemon juice or vinegar, a corresponding reaction occurs with the formation of foam. Therefore, this procedure must be done carefully and carefully.
  • Mix the resulting solution and apply it to the tile joints using a sponge.
  • After washing, do not rinse the solution from the seams for about 15 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, rinse the surface with clean warm water.

Many who have used this recipe are happy with the result.

Tile finishing implies a long and high-quality service life of the coating. But sooner or later you will have to face the problem of how to clean the seams between the tiles. During operation, various contaminants accumulate in them, including the formation of mold and mildew. Therefore, the relevance of this task is beyond doubt.

After finishing work, the tiles please with their perfection, but after a while, the gaps between the tiles begin to darken and spoil the whole look. Even the most expensive ceramic coating Because of this, it loses its attractiveness. Contamination of seams is a natural process that cannot be prevented, but its consequences can be reduced.

Grout aging occurs under the influence of an aggressive environment:

  • bathroom, toilet is high humidity, household chemicals for bathing;
  • kitchen working area and floor - humidity, drops of fat during cooking, food residues, etc.;
  • floor in the hallway - sand, dust, dirt from outside.

To these reasons are added non-compliance with tiling technology and a number of operational issues:

  1. The base is not treated with a primer that protects against mold and mildew;
  2. The grout is not coated with a special protective compound;
  3. Seams that were not cleared of glue were rubbed;
  4. Lack of ventilation in the room;
  5. No heating;
  6. The surface is not maintained in a timely manner.

Initial contamination– an excellent environment for the development of fungus and mold. Fighting them is much more difficult. Therefore, periodic wet cleaning using household chemicals.

To protect the seams, special compounds are used, which are applied to the dried grout after finishing the facing work. Such measures reduce deep penetration dirt, provide easy surface care.

How to clean the grout between floor tiles

When cleaning, housewives pay attention to the tiled surface and do not focus on the gaps. And after a significant change in color, they begin to look for a way to quickly clean the seams between the tiles. If you periodically wash the cladding and joints with special solutions or abrasives, then general cleaning will be avoided. The option for cleaning the seams between tiles on the floor depends on the room:

In the bathroom

If not heavily polluted An ordinary sponge and soap solution are enough. For moderate levels of contamination, you will need a toothbrush and abrasive or chlorine-containing products. The process has reached the point where mold and mildew have formed; the seams between the tiles will have to be cleaned in a drastic way - removing the old grout and applying new one.

Useful video: How to remove dirt and mold with vodka?

In the kitchen

Light dirt - sponge, degreasing detergents, Medium - abrasive or chlorine-containing substances, toothbrush, bleach, fine-grained sandpaper. For strong grout, remove old grout and apply new grout.

In the toilet

This is a less aggressive environment. You can clean the tile seams on the floor using a sponge and a regular soap solution. In case of deep contamination, abrasive substances are used.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the cleaning of the surface and seams from tile adhesive. If the gaps between the tiles were not cleaned before applying the grout, then in case of severe contamination you will have to undo the joints between the tiles and reapply the solution. If the glue is visible in several places, then they are carefully cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper or partially embroidered, rubbed over again. Another method is special cleaners, which are purchased at hardware stores. It is important to know the brand of grout and glue.

Depending on the type of contamination, the type of room where cleaning is carried out, cleaning products and work methods are selected.

Methods for removing contaminants

There are several methods for cleaning tile joints.

Chemical methods

This method involves the use of household chemicals. The composition is selected taking into account contamination. It is recommended to use chlorine bleaching agents for bathrooms. They will help get rid of fungus and mold if the stage of spread is not very advanced. For the kitchen - alkaline. These can be liquids, sprays. Oxygen bleaches are often used. They are diluted 1 to 2. You can bleach the seams using special markers, but this is a less effective method that will have to be repeated periodically. It helps get rid of stains, but not mold.


Abrasive powders are used for medium contamination. Deep cleaning of the seams is carried out using fine-grained sandpaper. The sheet is folded and the gap between the tiles is carefully rubbed with it. The purpose of the work is to remove the layer affected by the fungus.

Useful video: How to clean the joints between tiles?

Separately, you can highlight a steam cleaner

Under pressure and high temperature, it copes well with dirt in the seams, even if fungus has developed. Clean slowly with back-and-forth movements, achieving maximum effect. After using a steam cleaner, dirt from the cladding is removed with a damp cloth.

Traditional methods

This means washing with improvised means. Several compounds are used to remove pollution:

  1. Baking soda ¾ tbsp., hydrogen peroxide ¼ tbsp., dishwashing liquid 1 tbsp. l. The solution is applied with a brush using a rubbing motion. Waiting time 15 minutes. Wash off with water.
  2. Two solutions are made: soda with water 3:1 and vinegar with water 1:1. The first batch is rubbed into the dirt at the joints with a brush, and the second batch is sprayed through a spray bottle on top of the applied composition. After the reaction is completed, go through with a brush and wash off with water. Soda and vinegar achieve excellent results.
  3. Water 1 tbsp., citric acid 1/3 tbsp., soda ½ tbsp., vinegar ½ tbsp. The solution is mixed, applied to the seams with a brush, and left for 20 minutes. Washed off warm water. Solutions with citric acid allow you to get rid of limestone deposits and rust.

Useful video: How to clean tile grout using home remedies?

Oxygen bleaches

Mix with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Rub on contaminated areas. Allow up to 30 minutes to react. Treat with a brush and rinse with warm water.

With chemical and traditional methods, you should check the effect of the product on small areas. All of the listed compositions can give a whitening effect, which is not good for colored grout.

Clean the seams on the floor folk remedies easy enough. But we must remember that the work is associated with active chemical reactions. Therefore, you should take care of the funds personal protection: rubber gloves, respirator, goggles. They will help avoid chemical burns. They are also recommended for use when cleaning grout. chemicals. All listed methods are quite effective if the degree of spread of fungus and mold is minimal. If cleaning does not help, take drastic measures - updating the grout.

Replacing grout between tiles

What to do if all of the above did not help to clean the seams in the bathroom from mold effective ways? There remains one proven method - removing the old grout and applying new one.

To begin with, the facing layer is washed from all types of contamination. Take a seam sealer and clean it up. To speed up the process, a power tool (drill, grinder, screwdriver) is often used, but this increases the risk of damaging the tiles. To facilitate the process of grouting, solvents are used, but you should know what kind of grout was used previously. Or folk remedies: solution citric acid or vinegar.

After cleaning, dirt and dust are removed, and special compounds are applied to the gaps to protect against mold and mildew and allowed to dry.

New grout is applied to the seams with a special rubber spatula. Excess is removed with a damp cloth. The grout has dried, the lining is washed from contamination, and the resulting seams are treated with an additional protective agent.

How to protect grout joints from contamination

Everyone chooses how to clean the seams themselves. Having achieved the original appearance of the grout, it is better to apply a special protecting solution to it. It will fill microcracks and pores in the putty. This ensures maximum ease of care. The joints will be washed easily, like cladding.

The process of applying protective fluid requires precision. A thin brush is used for it, and the solution is distributed exactly along the seam. Do not stain the tiles. After the protective solution has dried, the surface of the tile is difficult to clean, and over time these places will turn yellow. Therefore, such processing requires accuracy and should not be rushed.

Another important protective factor for tile holes is constant care using household chemicals. This will keep the grout pristine for up to 10 years.


At home, everything is often used available methods for cleaning seams. For drastic measures they invite professional tilers. The cost of their services is quite high, and quality guarantees are rarely provided. And such work requires precision, accuracy, and takes a lot of time. Therefore, doing it yourself means saving money. good part budget.

Video: How to clean tile joints in a bathroom using folk remedies?

Dirt in the space between the tiles makes every housewife think about how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom. This is done using a variety of compositions. The editors prepared the site detailed instructions how to clean hard to reach places Right.

Read in the article

Why wash tile joints: every housewife should know this

Cleaning the seams between them is dictated not only by aesthetic considerations. Timely removal of the resulting contaminants will protect households from possible problems with health. In the space between the tiles are created optimal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and the appearance black mold. We suggest further learning how to clean the grout between tiles in order to achieve a high-quality result.

Dirt is a serious cause for concern

Cleaning tile joints with household chemicals

When starting to clean tile joints, you should decide on the appropriate composition. Manufacturers offer enough a large assortment, among which it can be difficult to choose a suitable option.

Among the popular means for cleaning tile seams, it is worth highlighting:

  • "BOZO". The composition is effective in combating limescale and rust. Disinfects the base and eliminates odor. On the packaging you can read how to clean the grout between floor tiles to achieve the best effect;
  • "HG". Does not contain bleach, so is suitable for cleaning surfaces of all colors;

Review of HG product

More details on Otzovik:
  • IVIclean "proTECt". The spray allows you to effectively deal with various contaminants;
  • ECO MIST. Contains natural ingredients. Effectively copes with the task.

Review of ECO MIST

More details on Otzovik:

To ensure that cleaning of tile joints is required as late as possible, pay attention to Atlas Dolphin. The product allows you to protect the surface due to the formation of a dense impermeable film. Apply immediately after cleaning the space between tiles.

Review of the product "Atlas Dolphin"

More details on Otzovik:

How to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom: we resort to folk recipes

The use of household chemicals is associated with certain difficulties: a suitable drug may not be available for sale, or its cost may be prohibitive for a particular family. In such a situation, when deciding how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, you should use the means at hand. Often folk recipes turn out to be more effective than store-bought drugs. We invite you to get to know them.

Cleaning joints between tiles with soda

If we talk about how to clean the seams between, you should immediately pay attention to soda. This substance has good disinfectant properties and will help cope with various contaminants at home. Just add a little water and use the resulting paste to clean off the dirt.

Prepare soda, water and brush

Cleaning tile joints with ammonia

If you want to not only clean the tile joints, but also add shine to the tiles, you should pay attention to ammonia. This substance will quickly cope with the task. Now about how to whiten the seams between tiles in the bathroom:

  • prepare the solution by mixing tbsp with 2 liters of water. l. ammonia;
  • spray over the surface to be cleaned using a spray bottle;
  • wait 20 minutes;
  • wipe the walls with a damp cloth.

Rub the surface thoroughly

How to clean the grout between bathroom tiles with bleach

If you don’t have the necessary household chemicals on hand, consider how to clean the seams between bathroom tiles with oxygen bleach. It should be diluted with water in equal proportions, and then spread with a sponge over the entire surface. The exposure time is 1.5 hours. Remaining dirt can be removed with a hard sponge.

Which of the combined products can be used to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom?

If the listed options turned out to be ineffective, when deciding how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, you should pay attention to combined compositions. A paste consisting of powder containing bleach and soda is quite effective. This composition cleans the surface well and disinfects. Apply to the contaminated area, wait until it dries completely, and then wash off.

Attention! This composition should not be used to disinfect colored surfaces.

A solution consisting of vinegar, soda and citric acid will also remove mold.

Steam cleaning of tile joints

If the use of aggressive substances is impossible, and the question of how to clean the tile joints is relevant. It's worth paying attention to. Such a device is not only capable of creating a jet of steam and releasing it under sufficiently high pressure.

As a result, the dirt is first softened and then knocked out of the space between the tiles. Enough heat(150−170°C) allows you to cope with pathogenic bacteria and fungi. For allergy sufferers, the question of how to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom is not worth it. For them, a steam generator is the only thing effective remedy, which they can use in their apartment. Cleaning tile joints using a mechanical method

If the dirt has not penetrated deep enough, you can resort to cleaning the tile joints using mechanical force. To do this, you will need paper containing abrasive. With its help, it will be necessary to process all the joints. After treatment, the entire surface is simply washed with water. Instead of sandpaper, sometimes a hard sponge is used.

Attention! If you decide to resort to mechanical cleaning, you should work very carefully so as not to damage the cladding.

How to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom with special coloring compounds

If it is not possible to completely remove dirt, you can simply paint over it. For this purpose, a composition with suitable characteristics and desired color. The most popular ones include:

  • Edding 8200, has the shape of a marker with a tip 2-4 mm thick. Allows you to paint over a white base;