How to imitate someone you admire. Why do people “put on masks” of famous personalities, and what is the danger?

Russian language


Psychologists say that there are many ways of self-realization. Everyone can choose for themselves perfect option to completely change your life better side. Experts call imitation one of these methods. Of course, it is desirable that the object of imitation is higher than you in status or older in age. Such a person probably has a lot of experience that he is able to convey. It’s very easy to find role models – you don’t need to methodically read biographies famous people. Perhaps such an example is near you - this is someone more successful, a person from whom you can learn a lot. Psychology of imitation

To imitate means to copy the lifestyle and habits of another person. It often happens that young people choose the wrong ideal for themselves. Having chosen him, young people strive for him with all their being, and sometimes such actions can greatly ruin their lives. It is necessary to choose the right role models - people who have been able to achieve certain heights or are on the way to achieving them are worthy candidates. But it is worth remembering that complete copying in this situation will not benefit you, since each person has an individual mindset, capabilities and physical characteristics. The average person will not be able to do the splits just as quickly after watching enough flexible gymnasts. This requires time, which must be spent to achieve the desired result - this will be the most the best way self-development. You can also borrow a little of the desired qualities from each personality: run in the morning like your neighbor, cook delicious delicacies every day like a friend does, or learn languages ​​that a work colleague is interested in. Just remember: you cannot lose your own “I” by copying other people’s interests and preferences. This technique is only a way to work on yourself, and when the task is completed, you need to find your own path that will be ideal for you

Role models for teenagers

Teenagers are especially susceptible to the influence of others. They are still deprived of life experience, in puberty their mental and physical state undergoes a series of shocks, sometimes leading the teenager to rash and stupid decisions. It is very important that the child finds the right example for himself, a person who will help him become a better person.

There is no need to look for distant ideals - there is probably such a person among your classmates or close acquaintances. You watch and wonder how he can do so many different things and at the same time remain cheerful and academically successful. He simply trained himself or, perhaps, also took an example from more successful people. Watch him, learn his habits and subtleties of character. If he visits any sport sections or is always prepared for lessons, then try doing the same. Be sure that this will not make things worse - you need to learn to live someone else’s life in order to properly build your own.

Also good example for teenagers their own parents can become. If they are successful and have achieved everything they once wanted, then this can be a great incentive for the child. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to friends who graduated from high school and entered prestigious universities. Compared to them, the teenager will not want to look flawed, so he will try to achieve the same result or even better.

Role models for schoolchildren

It is very difficult to guide school-age children on the right path. They live as they see fit, but if they have been told all their lives about good studies, then they will try to do their homework efficiently. But this seemingly positive trait has its drawbacks - it means that the teenager very quickly succumbs to the influence of others, which even parents cannot overcome. For such children, a clear example is especially necessary; perhaps a teacher who enjoys authority can become such an ideal. Teachers sometimes share parts of their biography with their students, so children often try to imitate them.

Of course, there are other examples to follow. At school age, they can become cartoon characters or the main characters of books. In the second case, there is a large group of individuals who can be imitated. Most Russian classics in their works describe highly moral persons who, despite all the difficulties of life, remain true to their principles. There are a great many such examples: Petya Ivanov from the story by S. Prokofieva, Andrei Bolkonsky from the epic novel “War and Peace”. You can list them for a very long time, the main thing is to look into the book and find the ideal option for yourself.

Role models from history

The World History It is also rich in outstanding people from whom it is possible and even necessary to take an example. Thus, great scientists, thanks to whom our world has changed a lot, are excellent objects to imitate. You can start looking for them from the ancient era. For example, Aristotle is a man whose thoughts are popular to this day. His teachings have survived several thousand years, and even now people write books and prepare dissertations using his works.

When choosing outstanding personalities, you need to be guided by the desire to perform a worthy act that people will always remember. Try and maybe your ideas will bring something new into the world. Then, even after thousands of years, humanity will not forget about your existence, and your descendants will strive to reach the same heights.

Role models in Russia

Our country has always been famous for the fact that it is born on its territory a large number of talented people. Take, for example, the Golden Age of Literature, when for such a thing, it would seem, a short time dozens of literary figures have left an outstanding mark. These are Pushkin, who is considered the true “beam” of Russian literature, Lermontov and Gogol, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, as well as many others.

It is very easy to find role models in Russia - to do this you need to choose one outstanding personality, with whom the Russian land is so rich. It could be a writer political figure, an athlete or a ballerina - they are all undoubtedly talented and their biographies are excellent motivation.

Role models: celebrities

Probably one of the best examples for personal motivation would be celebrities. After all, they are not just people who are known all over the world - they are also very persistent and strong personalities. Many of them achieved fame on our own, for example, actors who were waiting for the results of their next tests. Not everyone believed in them; failures were predicted. Despite everything, they managed to achieve their place in this life, and their names will always be remembered as the films and songs will live forever.

Stephen's Path to Success

The personality of Steven Spielberg is familiar to everyone because his films are some of the best in the history of cinema. As you know, his path to success was very thorny. After graduating from school, he collected documents to enter a university to become a director, but failed the entrance exams and was sent home. But the guy did not give up - on next year he again tried to enter the same faculty, but again failed. If that attempt had been his last, we might never have seen his famous films. But, fortunately, young Stephen was not going to give up and for the third time he entered the university of his dreams, and the profession acquired within its walls brought the director millions of dollars.

Marilyn's story

The story of Marilyn Monroe is also not without its failures. Her career began with small roles or even playing as an extra. For a long time the directors considered her an ugly and untalented actress, so they did not let the girl go beyond minor roles. But, as we know from her biography, Marilyn became a sex symbol, earned a fortune, and was courted by celebrities. Thanks to her perseverance, she was able to achieve unprecedented heights, and her name is still associated with beauty and charm.

Role models for girls

Sometimes girls just need to be like someone, but they cannot choose an ideal for themselves. Although there are definitely people nearby who are suitable for this role. For example, my best friend, for whom everything always works out quickly and correctly, and life turns out very well. Often girls are simply jealous of such friends, believing that all their achievements are just a gift from heaven or an incredible level of luck.

By the way, it is possible to envy, and sometimes even necessary, but this feeling should be “white” and harmless. You shouldn’t reproach a person for being more successful; it’s better to try to achieve even greater results on your own. Take your luckier friend as an example. Repeat some habits after her: regular care behind oneself, hard work and persistent movement towards the goal, for example. Taking all this as a basis, you can create your own foundation that will lead to better life.

I don't think I should imitate anyone. Each person is individual, each seeks his own goal, his own purpose in life. For some this choice is obvious, but for others it is a long and difficult path. There are people who command my respect and admiration. These are people with unique knowledge and erudition. For example, players of the television game “What? Where? When?”: Maxim Potashev, Alexander Druz, Andrey Kozlov and others. It is clear that knowledge did not fall on them from the sky, that it is the result of long work, great amount books read.
Another example is hackers. But not in the sense of burglars computer programs, creators of viruses. First of all, hackers are highly skilled computer programming specialists with out-of-the-box thinking. And without such specialists, it would hardly have been possible to create the Internet, and indeed the world would have been different. A person’s desire to acquire new knowledge, to be a specialist high level, while remaining a normal and decent person, is an example for me to follow.

Everyone knows for certain that the behavior of each person is determined not only by her moral and aesthetic ideals, but also by her environment. Each of us has our own pattern, which is sometimes chosen on a subconscious level. Much of our life is explained by the desire to bring ourselves closer to our chosen ideal. After all, daydreaming is completely natural for a person. This phenomenon does not cause absolutely any surprise, but it is worth noting that it is precisely the image that is fixed in our minds that is our sample.

I have never had a desire to be like any famous person. The only real role model was almost always my mother. She is a true example of what a real woman should be. My mother gave me life, raised me, educated me, cherished me from the first minute of my appearance in this world. She is well versed in modern life, modern views. From her I receive understanding and support. I can turn to her with any problem or question, and I am sure that she will understand and help. We always have a warm and friendly atmosphere in our family. This is how my mother created her and supported her all the years, because she always exudes goodwill and balance. She never tried to teach me good manners or attitude towards the world around me, she simply showed everything by example. People say correctly: “It’s better to show once than to say a hundred times.” Mom doesn’t speak high words, she just teaches visually. At times she tries to cultivate my independence, because we should also be able to cope, although we are not too adults yet. And if one day my children say that I am an example for them, then this is all only thanks to my own mother.

Anyone today can become a role model: a film artist, a singer, a public political figure, a hero of a film or work. Whoever you choose, you should remember that you need to take only the best traits from everyone, because our life already has many negative obstacles. We can change the world for the better, everything is in our hands.

During the period of personality formation, I really want to see a role model in front of me. This is absolutely logical - any person wants to have an authoritative image until you become holistic and fully formed. What to do if a teenager chooses not a good example for himself? What to do when an adult needs such an idol? What is good and bad about imitation? We will consider all these and other questions in this post.

Imitation in childhood

If you have children, or you could observe the children of loved ones or acquaintances, then you have probably noticed that the child often wants to “be like everyone else.”

Such imitation is a normal child’s reaction to the world during the period of growing up, when peers act as models of appearance and behavior. You should not limit a child in his desire to be like other children; on the contrary, any prohibitions will cause misunderstanding.

Imitation in adolescence

The most pressing issue role model gets up in puberty. This is a time when boys and girls already identify themselves, but as individuals remain immature. It’s great if older brothers or sisters or parents become the authority. But you need to understand that the child is constantly in social environment, and there will definitely be those at school who look and act “cool.” For boys, these are guys who disdain teachers and lessons, drink alcohol and smoke. For girls, role models are most often girls with a bright appearance, not without the help of cosmetics, who dress in open and sexy outfits and are popular with guys. If your exemplary daughter suddenly completely changed her wardrobe to an inappropriate one, in your opinion, she has new, older suitors - don’t panic. But you shouldn’t step aside either.

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How to explain what is good and what is bad

Children are sensitive to advice from those they respect. If you yourself smoke and use foul language, but forbid your child to do the same, then do not expect unquestioning obedience. Moreover, be sure that they will not listen to you. If you consider yourself a good example for your child, then you can have confidential conversations from time to time. But under no circumstances do you read lectures and don’t be what your child considers a boring grumbler. Your moralizing should be elegantly disguised. For example, these could be stories from personal experience or the experience of your friends.

Something like this: “There was a girl in our class very similar to your Tanya. She was just as bright, she was friends with older guys. And so, in the tenth grade, she got pregnant from God knows who, gave birth to a child, but did not receive an education. I saw her recently, she works for us at the market as a saleswoman, it looks terrible." Do not draw further conclusions, like “you see, you will continue to look up to her, it remains to be seen what will happen to you,” otherwise the child will immediately see through you. On the contrary, leave the story unfinished, let your child summarize your “report” and decide for himself what is good and what is not so good.

When adults imitate

Many people believe that deliberate imitation is that's your prerogative children or teenagers. No matter how it is! The biggest imitators are “adults,” that is, those who are twenty or younger. The fact is that an undecided child is normal. But the man who passed puberty, He definitely needs to understand who he is! Not so simple. In the process of development, each of us in any case needs an example. If it was unsuccessful, we will eventually realize this, since life will not develop according to our ideas, and the most in a simple way to change it will change yourself. Again the question of finding an example arises, and then imitation of others becomes the answer. We unconsciously choose someone we know who seems successful, attractive, holistic, and just as unconsciously we begin to copy his style and lifestyle, from minor habits and gait to appearance.

All other roles are filled

Imitation is an opportunity to feel confident in a world where there are no rules of life. What our parents and teachers told us in childhood is refuted by our own life experience. We listen to the advice of others, we can’t do without it, but still our life is not like anyone else’s. All our successes, failures, happy days and the darkest of them - this is the result our behavior, and no one else's. While you look at others and look for a worthy example to follow, your life, not the other person’s, is passing you by. The only thing that remains true is to be yourself. However, as true as this is, it is also difficult.

The hardest and easiest thing is to be yourself

Why is it difficult to be yourself? The fact is that then you will have to take full responsibility for all your actions. When you imitate others, whether intentionally or not, you shift some of the responsibility to those authorities. If something goes wrong in life, you can always say to yourself as a consolation: “It’s all because I took my example from the wrong person.” Meanwhile, you can only be considered a formed personality if you are ready to be responsible for all your actions. It turns out that in adulthood, imitation is a way to avoid responsibility, and nothing more. What should be a role model?

In order to be inspired to new heights, a person often needs a role model. In this case best example can serve as a person who has been or is doing something that we like. At the same time, this person must achieve serious success. Those people who know the secrets of mastery can teach us a lot. At the same time, it is not even necessary to communicate with them personally. It is enough to catch their way of thinking, to adapt to their so-called mental map. However, the best way to help in this matter is to perform the following exercise from neurolinguistic programming.

Exercise 13. "Example to follow"

1. Find your idol. Think about what kind of person you consider your idol. Whose actions, lifestyle, behavior evoke your admiration and who you would like to be like. Some of you may choose a very famous person (Alla Pugacheva, Sergei Kapitsa, Andrei Arshavin, Andrei Mironov, etc.). For some, it can serve as a role model spiritual guide humanity (Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha). But even if it is “just” a person you like for his business, spiritual, etc. qualities that you know personally, including your friend or even your older brother, so be it. If you have problems finding a specific person, you can take some literary character or even come up with a fictitious person. Let your imagination run wild.

2. Analyze each action. Think about exactly what actions, manners, and qualities of your idol appeal to you most. This could be, for example, Andrei Arshavin’s participation in the final match of the European Football Championship. Or the performance of your favorite singer on stage. Or a series of scientific discoveries by Sergei Kapitsa. Whatever you focus on, special meaning should be given to those specific actions that serve directly as a source of inspiration for you, that you want to do. While doing this analysis, imagine that you are in a movie theater and sitting in the front row watching a movie about your hero. Become the director of this movie, use the best colors and sounds. Also, do everything to fill the film with great inner meaning, as if you want to involve main idea film of all those who are sitting with you in this virtual cinema. As soon as the movie ends, rewind it to the very beginning and press pause.

3. Get into the lead role. Imagine yourself as the main character of this film and, as an experiment, take part in some episode filled with deep meaning. To do this, first step into the role, reflect on your deepest values, principles, goals and the mission that calls you. “Remove” the film from pause and mentally live through some episode. Try to feel all the experiences that you have while participating in the episode.

4. Clarify a number of points for yourself. Immediately after living a scene from the film, ask yourself and find answers to a number of the following questions: 1) what motives (motives) moved me when I performed certain actions? 2) why, on the way to achieving the goal, did I have a desire to perform these particular actions? 3) how do this goal and my mission fit together? 4) what sensations do I begin to experience when I achieve my goal?

5. Return to the real world. Consider the impact that becoming your chosen idol might have on you and how this experiment in moving toward a mission might benefit you.

Many great people had their own idols, whom they admired and whom they wanted to be like. As evidence - biographies of many famous people. Therefore, if your hero is a specific person, try to find information about his biography and study it carefully.

If you perform this exercise systematically in your life, then over time the level of your vital resources will increase noticeably. People who are role models will serve as consultants and trainers. Before you do anything important step On the way to realizing your mission, you can always ask the question: “What would my “role model” do in this situation?

Imitation - highest form flattery.

Hercules. The beginning of a legend

Imitating someone only makes us feel more acutely

own inferiority, inauthenticity.

Jose Ortega - and - Gasset. Spineless Spain

It is better to live your destiny imperfectly than to live by imitating

others, and achieve perfection in this matter.

Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat, Pray, Love

Imitation as a personality quality is a tendency to follow someone else’s models in actions, behavior, creativity, lifestyle; take an example from someone.

Ever since the Rebbe achieved enlightenment, he lived very modestly and liked a simple life. However, he laughed at the disciples who decided to live a modest lifestyle in an attempt to imitate him. - What's the point of copying my actions without knowing their motives? - he asked. - Or the motives themselves, without knowing where they came from? Does a goat become a rabbi because he also has a beard?

Imitation is the desire to fabricate truth from untruth. This is an attempt to demonstrate something that actually does not exist. There is sincere following and imitation. The gap between them is a significant difference. Sincere adherence is hard work, it is the realization of determination, it is the desire for excellence. For example, a person sincerely wants to follow God in all his actions. When making a decision, he asks himself: “What would God do in this situation?” It is not easy to follow God, but such a desire leads to personal growth, self-improvement, to the affirmation of decency in oneself as a clearly manifested quality of personality.

Imitation is just a game, sometimes a hypocritical game, it is a desire, a fruitless dream to take the place of your idol. Imitation is ineffective. Like any kind of fun, it can only delight a person’s insatiable feelings and his restless mind. Unlike sincere following, imitation is irresponsible and lacks seriousness. Today I am the president, tomorrow - Olympic champion, the day after tomorrow is a popular artist. There is a huge psychological difference between the copy and the original. A stream of energy of sincerity emanates from the original. The copy, like an imitation, flickers dimly with insincerity.

Stephen Van Dyne writes: “... In each creative work there must be what critics call enthusiasm and desire to work, as well as freedom of creative thought. A copy of a work of art or an imitation of it loses this creative stamp - they are too carefully made, too smoothed, all the rules are too slavishly observed in them ... "

Live despising imitation. A role model is just a thought pattern if it leads to empty fun, a game of mind and feelings. A model for sincere following is a goal towards which a person goes persistently and persistently, striving through continuity to borrow from his standard all the best - virtues, skill, and way of life.

A person, of course, needs an example to follow sincerely. When you have a person in front of you who has reached the heights of the human spirit, it is useful to understand his experience, try to communicate with him personally, or through books, articles, lectures, speeches. In such communication, you take part of the “soul” from your idol. This is not a fake imitation. This is tuning into the wave of someone you want to sincerely follow. This is an attempt to get into the mood of someone who has achieved success and live with this mood. It seems that you are following in the footsteps, but, nevertheless, on your own path.

No matter how you imitate, your nature will still come out. “A person who tries to imitate someone still does it in his own way! No one can hide their nature and habits!” - anime "Death Note".

Imitation is both indulgence and the best compliment and the best degree of praise. Writer Elie Wiesel states: “You see, I would also like to learn how to open other doors. He got angry: “You can’t learn this.” Do you want to imitate me? You will never learn to discover anything if you imitate anyone else. The key cannot be bought, it must be forged personally. What is my strength can become your weakness. The student’s duty is to follow the teacher, not copy him.”

For example, should we imitate the saints? No. Honor - yes, imitate - no. Saint Goswami drank kefir all his life and ate nothing else. This does not mean that we now have to eat only kefir. We may admire his renunciation, but to imitate him blindly is to take the path of foolishness.

Another example. A woman begins to imitate a man, that is, she tries to show masculine qualities personality, puts family in the background and work in the first place. How does such imitation turn out? A woman leaves her nature, loses depth, loses her true treasure - feminine personality traits. Thinking that she will find happiness in the outside world, in work, in business, over the years she becomes disappointed and becomes depressed.

A man comes to the circus: “Don’t you need bird imitators?” “No, we have plenty of them.” “It’s a pity,” said the visitor and fluttered out the window.

In the art gallery, a Jew asks the general (burr): - Who is this, Suvogov? General (mimicking): - Yes, this is Suvogov, Suvogov. - Why are you imitating me? You'd better imitate him!

“Imitation, custom and habit are the main springs of most human affairs,” writes Arthur Schopenhauer, “and rarely does anyone act according to his own thoughts and opinions.”

Philosopher A.K Khakimov, in the context of thoughts about the inappropriateness of imitation, says: “It is unique that each of us has a unique, inimitable nature, we don’t need to imitate anyone, in fact. Although this culture of imitation is powerful in terms of especially Russian culture, because Russia has always imitated Europe and France, and England, and Germany, and America is now imitating... That is, this is a strong influence and people imitate some kind of material success, someone , something and they also forget their own self. Joy, happiness comes from human nature, and not from imitation. That is, you cannot betray your nature, you cannot follow someone else’s path. This entails serious misfortunes and consequences, because a person following his nature does not commit sin.”

If it were not for the desire to imitate, a person would reach unprecedented heights. Sustained imitation becomes a personality quality. Every person should have their own path. The paths do not intersect. The path calls for sincerity. Sincerity is when you follow the path of your life purpose. If you lied, succumbed to persuasion, or surrendered to the mercy of opportunistic interests and embarked on the path of profitable imitation, it means that you betrayed yourself, which means that you broke the mandate of God with which you arrived on Earth. Imitation whispers: - Become someone. Life purpose says: - Be yourself. Find the sphere of life where you will reach the optimum, where your talents, gifts and virtues will be fully realized. You need to be, not seem. Imitation is insincere. It will lead you to disappointment, sorrow and a lot of complexes. By following your own path, you will become confident, decisive, responsible and purposeful. Unwittingly, we have listed four personality traits that women value most in a man. Isn’t this the best incentive for men to give up empty imitation and take their own path - the path to realizing their life’s destiny?

Peter Kovalev

Imitation can be a fantastic way to grow as a person. If you have a mentor, be it a famous person or someone you know, emulating them can really be helpful. By imitating the style of someone you admire, you can feel more confident. The main thing is to remember to ultimately create your own style. Imitation is excellent Starting point, but ultimately you can inject your own uniqueness into it.


Watch the man

    Find out everything you can about the person. If this person is a celebrity, read his biography as well as articles about him. Watch interviews with him on the Internet and observe his manners and character traits. If you know this person, watch or listen to him regularly. Ask him personal questions to learn more about him. For example, if you admire a teacher, observe him in class and visit him in work time to talk to him.

    Highlight the qualities that admire you. To emulate a person's best qualities, it is important to understand why you admire them. Think about how he dresses, how he acts, and how he otherwise presents himself. Ask yourself what traits you admire.

    • What do you admire most about his personal style? What about his behavior? Do you particularly like his way of speaking or his sense of humor?
    • Once you figure out what you like about a person, try to emulate it. For example, if you are attracted to a sense of humor, try making jokes in the same manner.
  1. Spend time with this person whenever possible. When we spend a lot of time with someone, we begin to unconsciously copy certain things, such as their voice. Make an effort - try to be around the person you emulate, and you will naturally begin to talk and act like him.

    • If you admire a friend or classmate, try to make plans with him regularly. For example, meet for coffee every Tuesday.
    • If you do not have a personal relationship with this person, you can, for example, watch interviews with him on the Internet. While it's not as effective as face-to-face time, you can pick up some of a person's behavior by watching videos with them.
  2. Dress like this person. Dressing like someone you admire will make you feel more like them. Go to the store and buy the type of clothing and accessories that the person usually wears. Once you change your wardrobe, your worldview will likely begin to change.

    Imitate his mannerisms. To some extent, if you observe a person often, this should happen naturally. However, try to make a conscious effort as well. If the person you admire tends to tap a pencil, try doing it from time to time too. And although manners are often expressed only at the level of visible gestures, imitation of them will help you feel more deeply about this person. It may also encourage you to act like him.

  3. See the world the same way as the person you admire. In any situation, pause and think about what he would do. Try to act in a similar manner.

    • For example, you spilled a drink on yourself during lunch. Even though your first instinct will be to be upset, it will make the person you admire laugh self-deprecatingly. Instead of getting angry, make fun of yourself.
  4. Imitate man to overcome difficult situations. Imitation can help you get through difficult situations. If you are faced with some kind of stressful or frightening situation, imagine that you are not you, but that other person. This way you can ignore your natural tendencies and weaknesses and perform decisively.

    • Let's say you're naturally shy and you need to give a presentation. Imagine that you are acting as your idol, who usually expresses himself boldly. This will help you give your presentation with confidence.


People who can imitate the voices and manners of others have been valued at all times. In the twenty-first century, the parody genre is still popular. Concerts of talented parodists usually attract full houses. Masters of parody are happily welcomed at public holidays, parties, and festivals. A person who has at least modest acting abilities can become a parodist.

Talent and work

Almost everyone has acting skills to one degree or another. It’s just that not everyone considers it necessary to develop natural abilities. If you want to become a parodist, you just have to learn the skills of acting. It is best to enroll in a theater studio or school. There you will be taught stage speech and movement, and most importantly, how to create and convey the image of a certain character, real or fictional. But don’t expect that the theater studio will teach you everything that a parodist needs. You will have to learn a lot on your own.

Learn to observe

Observe those around you - relatives, neighbors, random passers-by. First, try to analyze the speech and manners of a person you know well. Pay attention to what words he uses most often, how he constructs his sentences, and with what intonation he pronounces them. Maybe he uses professional vocabulary or speaks a dialect characteristic of a particular area. Try to construct a sentence the way he does it and pronounce it with the same intonation. At the first stage, it is not necessary to accurately transmit the voice. Facial expressions can help you. Try to convey your character's facial expression. Then you can try to impersonate a popular singer. The algorithm is the same: listen to the song, pay attention to the text and intonation features, try to convey these intonations.

Convey different sounds

The real one can not only convey the features of speech different people. He can imitate any sounds. There are real virtuosos who manage to make sounds in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from the “original”. Start with something simple. For example, imagine the boiling of a kettle or the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Record what you get on a voice recorder, listen to it and compare it with the sounds your “hero” makes. When you start to get everything more or less similar, try to convey the singing of birds or the sounds that different animals make. By the way, for example, a hunting club can help you master bird trills. This genre is extremely popular among game bird hunters, and even competitions are held.

Prepare your number

If you are convinced that you are good at skits, try preparing a small concert number. If you're parodying a popular singer, come up with a famous song new text. It should be very similar to the original, but you can include witty fragments that remind listeners of other songs by the same artist, of well-known facts from his life, etc. You can go another way. Take, for example, the plot of a famous fairy tale and try to show how this fairy tale would be retold or sung by famous actors.

If everything worked out for you...

There comes a time when an amateur parodist begins to think about a professional career. There are several possibilities for this. You can enroll in a vocational school educational institution– The Academy of Theater Arts, for example. They teach acting there, but a professional actor can choose any theater genre. The College of Circus and Variety Arts also provides professional training. You can also get on the professional stage through numerous variety competitions. By the way, in Lately Competitions held on the Internet have become popular. To participate in such a professional competition, you need videos with your numbers; it is better to make them in advance.

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Making a game alone is a very difficult and time-consuming task. Especially when there is a desire, but there is no experience or skills yet. Of course, there are successful indie games, for example, Samorost or Braid, but the authors of these masterpieces (Jakub Dvorsky and Jonathan Blow, respectively) studied or worked in the relevant field. The first gnawed at the granite of science at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, the second made a living as a programmer. In addition, they brought an original idea to their creation, which became one of the elements of success.

Therefore, in the first couple of years, you should decide on your specialization, get used to it a little (specialized portals and professional courses will help you) and try to join some development team. However, if you are ripe original idea, and you are confident in your abilities, why not try to implement it? Or, if you have endowed with a bit of organizational talent, the logical decision may come to your mind to put together a development studio and personally lead it.

Another option is to go to college to study a specialty that may be needed when creating computer games. Worthy programmers are trained, for example, in St. Petersburg state university information, mechanics and, Moscow State University at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes, Moscow State Technical University. Bauman at the Faculty of Informatics and Management. Those who want to express themselves in a creative profession (artist, 3D modeler, screenwriter, animator) should try their luck by enrolling in VGIK, Moscow State University (faculty of journalism, department of new and theory of communication), St. Petersburg State University of Cinematography and Television (Institute of Screen Arts, specialty "film directing and" ) or Moscow Financial Industrial Academy (Department of Design, Department of Comics and Manga).

For imitation, why should anyone imitate anyone at all and does society need mass imitators? These questions have long been of concern to psychologists and sociologists, who are trying to find answers to them through long-term observations of various strata of society and age categories. Why do teenagers and children so insistently want to imitate someone, from harmless makeup sessions with their mother’s lipstick to full-body tattoos and outrageous behavior?

What is an example to follow?

It is not for nothing that one of the commandments of God’s law says: “You shall not make for yourself an idol.” After all, a person who is under the impression of his idol can completely lose himself as a unique personality, becoming another cell of a faceless host. A synonym for role model is idolatry as an object of blind dependence. For some, this craving is expressed in actions: by copying actions or deeds, the individual believes that at some point he himself becomes identical to his deity, others, in an effort to become like an idol, imitate him in the style of clothing, hairstyle or manner of speaking, some go further and try engage in the same activities as the role model.

And only the most perspicacious copy not the external, but the internal qualities of their idol, cultivating in themselves the necessary character traits. Many Sting fans took up yoga like their idol, and Tobey Maguire fans became vegans, following his example.

What or who do modern teenagers imitate?

Unfortunately, most of the younger generation sets sometimes insignificant aspects for themselves and others as examples to follow: the clothing style of their idols, not theirs spiritual world and actions that deserve respect, gestures and facial expressions, without completely understanding what is behind it. The thirst to own technological innovations overshadows everyone and everything, and the craving for self-affirmation due to the mass of hidden complexes often pushes them to unworthy actions.

Some statistics

A survey was conducted among young people about who they consider to be a role model, and the following examples were given:

  • 14% are parents or grandparents, sometimes a brother/sister.
  • 70% of the votes were cast in favor of famous people: pop and film artists, public figures, and sometimes even politicians.
  • 6% claimed that they do not imitate anyone, preferring to be themselves.

Educate yourself, and your children will follow your example

The first role model, serving as an ideal for small child, are parents: up to the age of five, children copy almost everything coming from mom and dad. And, if dad says one thing, but at the same time commits a completely opposite act, the child immediately records this and concludes that the words mean nothing.

This is how the first object—the word—loses its weight. Its price is now scanty, and with every action that goes against the words, it becomes less and less. For comparison: a four-year-old child and an 18-year-old child will react differently to a parent’s unfulfilled promise, since they already have experience that influences their feelings.

The pride of humanity

Many names for modern schoolchildren and teenagers will probably say little, because golden youth are closer to one-day names like participants in “Dom-2” or “X-Factor”. But the names listed below are individuals about whom we can confidently say: with capital letters A man, a role model and an idol for true connoisseurs.

  • Albert Einstein: a genius scientist, a C failure at school, who discovered the Theory of Relativity to the world.
  • Stephen Hawking is another genius scientist, who remained confined to a wheelchair for many years due to severe paralysis of the entire body, but at the same time uses his mental abilities for the benefit of science.
  • Chuck Feeney - few people know this name, but everyone knows Duty Free Shoppers. But Chuck is the founder of this network. He is a billionaire who spends all of his income supporting elderly people in nursing homes around the globe.
  • Mikhail Lomonosov is an outstanding Russian scientist of world level, who has gone from a simple peasant who cannot read to an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Sylvester Stallone: ​​cult actor of the 70-80s

Fearless Rimbaud, stubborn Rocky, incorruptible judge Dredd - these film heroes have served as role models for children, in particular boys and teenagers, for more than forty years. The actor who played these roles began to undergo trials of fate from the very birth: during a difficult birth, when baby Sylvester was just beginning to enter this world, obstetricians had to use special tools to help the child be born.

Medical negligence led to injury to the facial nerve: half of the face remained paralyzed for the rest of his life. To the ridicule of his classmates about his appearance and lisp, another misfortune was added: when Stallone was nine years old, his parents divorced. The guy's character began to deteriorate so quickly that at the age of 15 he had to be sent to a specialized military academy for problem children, and doctors attached the diagnosis as a stigma: attention deficit disorder.

Tired of the endless bullying of his classmates, at the age of 16 Sylvester begins to spend whole days in the gym. Finally, they begin to fear him and leave him alone. Unexpectedly for himself, the guy decides to become an actor: either to prove something to himself, or to everyone else. Long years he tried to make his way onto the silver screen, working as a waiter in a penny cafe, as a security guard in a restaurant, as a hotel doorman, as a fish deliveryman, as an usher, and even as a cage cleaner in a menagerie.

In 1975, Sly went to the fight of the legendary Mohamed Ali and did not leave the room for four days after it: thus the “Rocky” script about the unbending boxer was born. The film was shot in a record one month and was nominated for ten Oscars, three of which it deservedly won. Sylvester Stallone literally woke up famous and remains so to this day, but at the same time he never forgets what he had to go through on the way to fame.

The Tale of a Real Man

These are the words that will forever be associated with Alexey Maresyev, whose willpower and love of life are an ideal example worthy of imitation. Soviet pilot during the Great Patriotic War was shot down by an enemy fighter. His plane crashed, and Alexei himself, having received serious injuries, began to make his way to his troops. He spent 18 (!) days on the road, crawling as his feet were frostbitten, eating whatever he could find: pine cones, berries, gnawing tree bark. The legs had to be amputated as gangrene developed. But Maresyev did not give up. After just six months of intensive work on himself, he began to walk like a ordinary people, only on prostheses. And six months later he was given permission to return to aviation again. Before the end of the war, he managed to shoot down 11 more fascist planes, and spent the long post-war years working in pilot training, while simultaneously practicing skiing and skating.

Nick Vujicic: a story of parental love

This young man knows the whole world: he is a symbol of the victory of a strong spirit over a weak body, and his parents are an example to follow and a living instruction to everyone who wants to give birth to a child.

Duska and Boris Vujicic, a simple nurse and pastor in a Protestant church, did not even imagine what test God had in store for them. Their long-awaited child was born with a rare pathology - tetra-amelia: the baby had neither arms nor legs, but only a pitiful semblance of a left foot. Boris, who was present at the birth, together with the doctors was the first to see his long-awaited child and realized that this was a test of his faith. The child was not shown to her mother for the first few days, but Dushka was tormented by internal feelings even during pregnancy, and a woman’s intuition told her something was wrong. And when her husband explained the situation, her first reaction was: “Why?” But literally immediately she realized: “If God wants it, so be it, who is she to challenge the decision of the divine will?” Moreover, the little squeaking lump did not suspect anything yet and demanded attention and parental warmth. This was probably the deciding factor. Despite the advice of doctors, the child was left and surrounded by care, raising him as an ordinary boy.

At every performance, Nick sincerely thanks his parents for their unearthly patience, boundless love and faith in his strength. And when Nick decided to take his own life at the age of 10, it was the thought of his parents that stopped him: how can he betray their faith, how can he hurt them with his selfish act, because they suffered so much for him?!

Nick Vujicic grew up, received two degrees in finance, and even at university he realized that he was able to inspire people with disabilities to conquer themselves every day, not to give up under any circumstances, accepting every step of fate as a gift and an incentive for development, and not punishment . Nick is successfully married, his wife is pregnant with their third child, from the lips of this handsome man his smile never fades, showing the whole world that he is a role model.

Ernestine Shepard

This woman is now 81 years old, in 2010 she was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest female bodybuilder: her weight is only 59 kg with a height of 168 cm. Many will chuckle: well, yes, she spent her whole life in the gym. Nothing like this. Ernestina began playing sports at the age of 56, when she critically examined herself in the mirror. She realized that her body was no longer the same as before. She started with simple aerobics and, when she felt a lack of exercise (this was at her age), she moved to Gym and took up the iron.

Her daily routine is very strict: getting up at three in the morning begins with meditation, followed by a 16-kilometer run, and at eight in the morning she is already in the gym working out with a personal trainer. Ms. Shepard's daily diet is only 1,700 calories and mainly consists of protein foods. Ernestina goes to bed early, at 10 pm, claiming that sleeping until 12 am is the most beneficial.

Ernestine Shepard won two bodybuilding competitions and ran more than nine marathons - all in the last twenty years of her life. Her husband, Collin, claims that she needs an eye and an eye, because the glamorous grandmother, who has a 15-year-old grandson, is courted by many men. This woman is an excellent role model for all women who believe that there is no life after fifty. In fact, it is just beginning.

Not all idols are equally useful

It’s one thing when a girl, inspired by a video by Kino McGregor or Laruga Glaser, enrolls in a yoga studio and begins to actively work on her self-improvement. Or a guy, following the example of Bruce Lee, decides to master the skill of kung fu and completely changes himself.

If the role model is the shocking Sergei Zverev, his fan begins to copy his style of clothing and behavior in society, not understanding what this is fraught with, and whether it is worth it.

Do society need idols?

Idols that serve as role models and significantly influence the fragile consciousness of adolescents - are they necessary?

Often the media, wittingly or unwittingly, spurs society to worship someone or something: with intrusive advertising, various shows about nothing, stimulating young people’s thirst for universal recognition, disseminating information about who, how much and how. Who is responsible for the suicide of a teenager who decided to become like Cobain or Marilyn?