How to put a bed in Feng Shui - helpful tips. How to put the bed in the bedroom: recommendations Where is the best place to place the bed

Feng Shui bed placement

Only by organizing the bedroom according to the teachings of the five elements will sleep healthy, wholesome, energizing and effective. Each person takes a certain number of hours to get a proper rest. And here everything is individual. Some need only four hours, others do not need ten. This is influenced by the characteristics of the body and sleep hygiene. From a European point of view, you need to sleep on a moderately comfortable bed, medium firm mattress, in a well-ventilated bedroom. Such things are known to all of us. But from the point of view of feng shui science, it matters not only and even not so much. Everything is important: from exactly how to sleep, in what position, to how to put the bed according to Feng Shui. In the process of organizing a bedroom and our rest, there are so many subtleties that they should be considered separately.

Feng shui bedroom


If it is intended for a couple, then it is necessary to use one large mattress, since "splitting" into separate parts disturbs the flow of Chi energy. This leads to the well-founded idea that it is impossible to replace one solid bed with two that are put together, since there will still be separation and disunity. It seems like people sleep together, but in reality - separately. And this separation will accompany them in Everyday life causing controversy, disagreement and problems.

Bed position

If it is located between a window and a door, the flow of energy from the window to the door and back passes through the sleepers. From this there are various disorders in the body, relationship problems.

If the house has sloped ceilings, this also adversely affects the energy of the bedroom. The position of the bed in such a room should be such that it does not fall under the sloping part. In addition, the bedroom needs to be decorated in the colors of the Fire element, and also to maintain good lighting, which will make her psychologically less overwhelming.

Sleeping with their heads against a slanted wall can lead to disobedience or poor grades in school.


In Feng Shui, the bed with its feet to the door makes the energy unbalanced. You will feel overwhelmed in the morning, as if you have not rested. And all because of the "leak" of favorable energy.


It is best if they are not in the bedroom at all, since this is a magical attribute that is attributed to the properties of doors to other worlds. And there is a justification for that. Mirrors have hidden properties that are invisible to us in everyday life. There are certain rituals for communicating with the other world in which these items play important role... The sleeping person is vulnerable to many influences from outside, and when his reflection in the mirror occurs, there is always a possibility of disruption of the flow of energies. This is especially dangerous for couples reflected in the mirror. This carries a symbol of satiety with marriage, and leads to the appearance of third parties in the relationship.

It is important to choose the correct position of the bed in order for the Qi flows to have the most positive effect on the person, improving health and bringing success in life. There are a number of beliefs about the orientation of the bed that do not have under them. solid foundation, but we will give them so that you know what misconceptions should be avoided:

  • The north orientation of the bed gives great intuition.
  • To the north-east - favors work related to science and experiments.
  • To the east - a wonderful restful sleep.
  • To the southeast - gives strength and perseverance in work, perseverance in achieving goals.
  • To the south - a great reputation.
  • To the southwest - favorable for love affairs.
  • To the west, you will have wonderful offspring.
  • To the northwest - good luck in friendship.

But all this, as already mentioned, is just a belief. In fact, it is mistakenly believed that it matters what position a person occupies during sleep according to the cardinal points. In fact, it is important when he was born, not how he sleeps. The main problem here is that married couples usually have different dates of birth, but sleep in the same bed. But there is a way to resolve this disagreement - if you place the sleeping bed in a place where there is a strong flow of Chi energy. In addition, people often do not know how geomantic influence is related to the orientation of the bed itself or to the position of the sleeper's body. According to the generally accepted opinion of feng shui masters, it is believed that the geomantic influence is on the sleeping person himself, and not on the bed.

Several rules for setting the bed:

Additional rules:

  1. The bed must have correct sizes... Height is not significant. Usually on the market you can find 1400 x 1200 mm beds, but from a feng shui point of view, this is not good. Sizes are considered favorable: 1500 by 2200 mm, 2200 by 2200 mm, 2200 by 2400 and 1900 by 2200 mm.
  2. Do not place or hang anything at the foot of the bed.
  3. Also, do not hang a fan over the bed according to Feng Shui (or any other talismans).
  4. If there are lamps in this place, they need to be decorated with a pattern.
  5. If the newlyweds strive for the appearance of children, it is better to put an amulet corresponding to this at their feet.
  6. You cannot move the bed during your wife's pregnancy.
  7. A round bed is undesirable.
  8. Be sure to put five lucky items under the bed. In ancient times, Japanese and Chinese emperors buried the "five lucky objects" during the construction of palaces. On his deathbed, the sacrament of the ritual was passed on to the heir. This was done in the strictest confidence, since these items had excellent properties:
  • attracted positive Qi into the house;
  • leveled its current so that it does not move too fast or too slowly;
  • Qi in a house where there are these objects becomes special: radiant, capable of neutralizing negative Sha;
  • time acts on these objects only positively. Their influence is increasing.

According to the teachings of feng shui, these objects can be any, as long as they have the properties of the five main elements of feng shui: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Metal.

Bunk beds

Bedroom for two children

Particular attention should be paid to baby beds in two tiers. Feng Shui and bunk beds are incompatible things. That is, one child cannot sleep over another. And that's why:

  1. The sleeper below will be under the influence of the plane above him, which presses not only energetically, but also psychologically. Such a child will always feel oppressed. His behavior can also change.
  2. Sleep on top is usually more resilient and strong child that influences whoever is on the ground floor, which is not good.
  3. Qi flows in different ways on different tiers. Better to put the beds in a row in the nursery.

The science of feng shui is rich and diverse. If you follow her recommendations, your life will be much better!

The main purpose of a bed in a dormitory is sleep.

How it is located depends on how quickly a person regains strength the next day, what will be the degree of his performance and well-being.

Let's try to figure out how to properly put the bed in the bedroom so that the night's rest is full and productive.

Consider how to correctly position this piece of furniture in the bedroom space.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the bed should not be placed so that the sleeping people lie with their feet towards the exit.

The wrong arrangement is also unpleasant in the Russian tradition, so it should not be arranged like that.

There is a belief that at night the room enters negative energy... Therefore, it is recommended to close the bedroom doors tightly at night.

Place next to the sleeping place tall plant or line it up with curtains.

These two objects should be above the bed, then they will take all the negative energy upon themselves.

A bed in a small room

The question arises, how to put the bed in the bedroom if it is narrow? Exists certain rules, you can agree with them or not follow them, but there is a main point that is better not to be neglected.

Do not let the sharp corners of the bedroom furniture face the bed.

An acute angle carries negative energy. When a person is sleeping, he is in a relaxed state, negative energy has a detrimental effect on him. Ideally, the bed is narrow and small room should be located along the bedroom.

It is necessary to make it so that it can be approached from both sides.

Bedside tables in a small bedroom are always needed. They are capable of performing several functions, so you should not abandon them.

The bedside table is an integral part of the bedroom set.

You can find many photos on the Internet that show how to put a bed in a small bedroom.

Baby bed

Depending on the location of the crib, the quality of the dreams of the newborn baby, and therefore his health, is also determined.

Doctors advise parents to sleep in the same room as their baby.

For the correct positioning of the crib, there are a number of simple rules that must be observed.

Ceiling and entrance doors

The ceiling, sleeping bed and dreams are closely related. You cannot hang a huge chandelier in the bedroom.

With a large chandelier above the bed, the subconscious sleeper will feel anxious in his sleep.

Does not need to be installed in the bedroom and massive lighting... It is better to paint the ceiling with white paint, you can make it hinged.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is better to refuse mirrored ceilings Over the bed.

It is important for a person relaxing on a bed in a bedroom to see the front door.Even if this is not possible, it is worth hanging a mirror on the wall so that the entrance doors are visible in it.

As for the cardinal points, the headboard of the sleeping furniture should be directed either to the north or to the east.

The optimal position of the bed is diagonal to front door to the bedroom. For single bed the best place- corner of the room.

It will be more peaceful to rest there.

It is believed that if the student's bed is set up in this way, he will study better, and entertainment will become a secondary matter.

Couple's bed

A bed intended for a couple's relaxation must be correctly positioned. It is better to place it so that it has an approach from both sides. It should be located close to one of the walls.

Each sleeper should have a personal bedside table where he will keep his things.

They can accommodate lighting devices such as table lamps... When the main light is off, the lamp, turned on by one person, does not interfere with the rest of the second.

A canopy can be used to create a secluded atmosphere.

Do not allow the head of the bed to point towards the windows. If you cannot arrange the bed differently, you should buy thick curtains and curtain the windows with them before going to bed.

For this, the use of roller blinds- they are quite dense, and the dawn will not wake a resting person.

A double bed requires a mattress of a suitable size. Do not put two small mattresses on it - this symbolizes the division of the family and a quarrel between spouses. It is necessary to make sure that the bed rests against the wall with the headboard. You cannot put it near the fireplace, door, aquarium, fountain.

When choosing the location of the bed in the bedroom, you need to follow the design project, convenience and ordinary logic.

Choosing a bed

It is not enough to position the bed correctly, it is important and wise to choose it. Bedroom furniture is in fashion today. different forms... You can find models with casters or water mattresses.

For all the originality of these structures, they are not very stable and durable. Therefore, rest on them is not comfortable.

The main quality of the purchased bed for the bedroom is that it should be comfortable for a restful deep sleep. Therefore, reliable designs should be purchased.You should not buy furniture that is all over the floor. As Feng Shui teaches, there must be free space between the bed and the floor, where energy circulates.

It is also important not to put anything in this place, as the floor under the furniture must be clean.

It is advisable to buy a bed with a high back.

V two-storey houses you cannot place the bedroom under the shower or bathroom. It is believed that the negative energy of the sanitary facilities is transferred to the bedroom. The bed should be located away from them. Avoid placing your bed over a dining room or kitchen.

There should be free space next to sleeping furniture.

Feng Shui and its rules

The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, mentioned above, is a whole art of the ancient Chinese in using space. It stems from the religion of Taoism, which seeks to penetrate the meaning of life. Like many Chinese teachings, Feng Shui was founded by Chinese monks. There is no point in describing the concept of teaching - for this there is a large number of books. We have already given some recommendations regarding the location of the bed.

According to Feng Shui, the location of the bed relative to the cardinal points matters.

  • If the head of the bed is directed to the north, the person will develop his intuitive abilities;
  • The headboard on the northeast side develops intelligence;
  • A bed with a headboard to the east gives peace and strength to sleep;
  • The southeast direction gives rise to perseverance and perseverance in the implementation of the tasks set;
  • The bed, directed by the headboard to the south, creates about a person good opinion from others;
  • Southwest direction is conducive to love;
  • Northwest - friendly relations;
  • Western - the emergence of healthy children.

That is why the correct and competent arrangement bedrooms, bed layout.

These are the rules of Feng Shui for placing the bed on the cardinal points. According to his principles, it is necessary to install images of four animals in the room. To the left of the bed, you need to place a figurine depicting a dragon. There should be a tiger on the right. There should be a picture of a bird with red feathers on the wall in front of the bed, and a picture of a turtle should be hung at the head of the bed.

It is up to you to follow the Feng Shui rules governing how to put the bed in the bedroom, or neglect them.

You can argue a lot about the rules of Feng Shui. Someone does not perceive this teaching, someone fanatically follows it in all spheres of life. The truth is probably somewhere in between. There is undoubtedly a rationale in Feng Shui. It has been proven, for example, that our ancestors chose a place for construction according to the rules, in many respects similar to the canons of ancient Chinese teachings. Our ancestors must have known some laws that we do not know.

We sleep almost a third of our lives. Thanks to sleep, our strength is restored, the body fights disease, and dreams help to forget about anxiety and pressing problems for a while.

Without a night's rest, not a single creature... The strength and health of our sleep, mood and performance depend on compliance with the above rules.

VIDEO: How to put the bed in the bedroom correctly.

The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. And your general well-being depends on how true it will be comfortable. But not only its qualities, the choice of a mattress, etc., are important, but also its correct location in the room. If you think it is easy to fit your bed correctly in your bedroom, you are wrong. There are too many nuances, both from the point of view of ergonomics and from the point of view of energy, which is studied by Feng Shui. You will have to smash your head in order to choose its optimal position, but the rest will be complete.

Feng Shui bedroom: rules

To feel good, to work - at least normal, you need to get enough sleep. You can't argue with that. The atmosphere should be calm and relaxing, and for this, light, pastel colors are mainly chosen.

But it's not just the color that creates the atmosphere. The furnishings, including furniture and other items, are equally important. Great attention correct location objects and decor are devoted to oriental philosophy, and in particular, one of its directions - feng shui. There are quite a few rules, here are the main ones that apply specifically to the bedroom:

  • It is advisable to place the headboard close to a solid wall without windows or a doorway. If you can't put it against a solid wall, then at least not under the window.
  • Do not put your feet against the door.
  • Should not stand on the straight line connecting the window and doors.
  • If there are ventilation shafts behind the wall or sewer risers, the bed is definitely not placed against such a wall. This applies to bedrooms with their own bathrooms. Position the bed so that it is as far from such a wall as possible.

Orientation to the cardinal points

According to the Chinese sages, the direction both at home in general, and places to sleep in particular, influences our life: we spend much more time at home in a dream than while awake. Therefore, choose where to put the bed as a headboard:

  • to the south - provides a stable reputation;
  • to the southeast - enhances persistence, contributes to the achievement of goals;
  • to the east - sleeping peacefully;
  • to the northeast - activates thought processes;
  • to the north - promotes the development of intuition;
  • northwest - attracts friends;
  • to the west - strengthens health and promotes the appearance of offspring;
  • to the southwest - attracts love.

Based on all this, choose to sleep with your head to the north and develop your intuition or to the southwest to find love ... well, or somewhere else.

How to safely and comfortably put a bed in the bedroom

Safe - this time in terms of health and possible dangers, but convenient - from the point of view of ergonomics: to make it comfortable to sleep and maintain the bed - to fill, change linen.

From this point of view, sleeping on the straight line connecting the door and the window is not worth it. The reason is drafts, which can be dangerous and will definitely not add comfort.

You should not put tall cabinets on the sides of the bed. This creates an uncomfortable feeling and there is a chance that something will fall. Feng Shui also, by the way, does not recommend such an arrangement of furniture, but for a different reason: the corners of the furniture are directed towards the sleeping people, disrupting their energy.

A little about how to put the bed in terms of ergonomics. It is desirable that on both sides there is a passage of at least 70 cm. If on one side there is a dressing table, chest of drawers or other furniture, then the distance increases - not less than 0.95 cm, and preferably a meter or more. Then you can squat near the furniture to open bottom drawers, for example, and it will not interfere when making the bed.

The bedroom is a place where you can sleep and relax. Therefore, I want to equip it as comfortably and comfortably as possible. How to put the bed in the bedroom correctly and comfortably? And how can you not put it?

A bedroom is a special place in an apartment or house

Basic rules for installing the bed

Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to properly fit the bed in the bedroom, especially in a narrow room or room with a non-standard layout. But there are basic placement rules that cannot be violated.

  • the headboard should not be directed towards the windows, doors - this negatively affects the psyche, the sleeping person is at the intersection of energy flows;
  • near a window, fireplace, radiators - in such places it is difficult to maintain the required temperature;
  • near the walls that are adjacent to the toilet, storerooms, ventilation shaft - constant extraneous sounds worsen the quality of sleep;
  • near tall cabinets, under shelves, ceiling beams, chandelier - a sleeping person will experience a constant sense of danger under overhanging objects;
  • in the immediate vicinity of electrical appliances - TVs, computers remind of work, have electromagnetic radiation, which interferes with proper sleep;
  • opposite the mirrors - waking up in the middle of the night, you can be afraid of your own reflection.

You cannot sleep with your feet to the front door - this rule is present in all people, regardless of nationality. If there is no other option, you need to close the door tightly at night.

The prohibition to place the bed with its feet to the door has been known for a long time.

How to properly position the bed in the bedroom? It is necessary to provide a comfortable approach from three sides, especially if the berth is intended for two people.

The sleeping place should be located in a calm place where bright light and loud sounds do not interfere. Psychological comfort will be provided by a support behind the bed - a wall, a low partition or a wardrobe.

Correctly position furniture for relaxation diagonally from a window or door, it is especially convenient to do this in narrow bedroom... So the sleeping place will be sufficiently lit, conveniently located relative to the passage area - you can see those entering the room. This will help the person feel calm and secure.

You can place the bed in front of the window. If the windows face east, you can always wake up in good mood with the rays of the sun. But if this prospect does not please you, you can hang blinds or blackout curtains on the windows.

For comfort and coziness in the bedroom, special attention should be paid to the placement of the bed.

When decorating a bedroom, Europeans adhere to the rule - you cannot place a bed near the door. Slavs often put a bed along the most long wall as most of the bedrooms in apartments are quite narrow.

People of a romantic warehouse prefer to put the bed in the corner between the entrance and the window. So it is convenient to approach the resting place from any side. Do it in narrow rooms difficult, but such a situation guarantees harmonious family relations.

How to put a bed in a small bedroom

Rooms in standard apartments often do not differ large size and the bedroom can be very narrow. Therefore, the question often arises of how to properly place the bed in a small bedroom and where to arrange all the other necessary furniture.

The resting place must be equipped along the smaller wall. Often in small spaces make alcoves or niches, in which many equip a resting place. But in such small spaces air circulates poorly, a person may feel a constant lack of oxygen. Therefore, you cannot put a bed in a niche; install a wardrobe in the alcove correctly.

If there is a niche in the bedroom, it is better to place a wardrobe in it.

You can arrange the furniture for sleeping with the headboard in a corner, diagonally. This solution looks original and correct, taking into account the peculiarities of the size of the room. The vacant corner can be decorated with flowers.

Furniture in small bedrooms should be functional, without unnecessary decorative elements... To visually expand the space for the walls, choose a light finish correctly. Can not use dark colors, bulky furniture - such a bedroom is not intended for good rest... In small and narrow rooms, it is better to replace the bed with a folding sofa.

Feng Shui and other areas of harmonious organization of space

Feng Shui is a Taoist practice designed to create harmonious space... It is based on the flow of qi energy, which permeates all the space around it. This teaching pays a lot of attention to the location of the bed in Feng Shui, depending on the cardinal points.

This teaching also recommends leaving free access to the box from three sides - this helps to maintain harmony, brings prosperity to the house. In Feng Shui, one should not put the bed so that the person lies with their feet against the door, so as not to accumulate bad energy during the night's rest. Any tall object or flower near the bed will take the whole negative energy to myself.

Follow the rules of ancient teachings when placing your bed in your bedroom

The Feng Shui bed should not be located near sharp objects and corners. Sharp angles directed at a sleeping person have a devastating effect on the physical and psychological state.

If you install the bed according to Feng Shui, you must put a dragon figurine on the left side, and a tiger on the right. In front of the bed there should be an image with a red bird, and behind - a picture with a turtle.

Vastu is the religious teaching of the ancient Hindus. This is a whole scientific system, according to which buildings and structures are erected. It is also based on the movement of energy, which is called prana.

Both directions are aimed at creating a harmonious balance between a person and his place of residence. But the recommendations for bed placement in Feng Shui and vastu are radically different.

Side of the world Feng Shui Vastu
North Promotes the development of intuition. According to the doctrine, it is categorically impossible to put a bed like this. Sleep becomes restless, nightmares torment.
Northeast Improves mental and mental capacity.
East Provides sound and restful sleep. Most favorable position sleeping place, especially for children. Improves intelligence.
Southeast Helps to become stubborn and persistent, to achieve the set goals.
South Builds a good reputation. Promotes sound sleep and pleasant dreams, improved health.
Southwest Suitable for lovers, helps in matters of the heart.
West Good location for those wishing to soon become parents. Deteriorates health.
Northwest Helps to find good friends.