How to paint a wall with horizontal stripes. How to paint striped walls correctly

Decorative stripes are a very popular room decoration technique. It sets a certain rhythm, adds dynamics and makes the interior more alive. Stripes in the interior are a game of contrasts that attract attention. You can implement such an idea as striped walls yourself.

1 Required materials and tools

If you decide to make your walls striped, you will need:

  1. Paints of selected colors
  2. Roller for painting walls and ceilings 12 cm
  3. Masking tape 5 cm

In addition: level, masking film, paint tray

2 Sequencing

Scheme of a drawing on a scale of 1:10, which you can do yourself.

Step 1

On the wall, in the color of double stripes, use a ruler and a pencil to mark a horizontal line on which we measure the width of the stripes we need - three times 5 and once 10 cm.

Step 2

We apply a level vertically to the points previously marked on the wall and carefully draw lines corresponding to the edges of the strips.

Step 3

Places that should remain the same color as the wall are carefully sealed with masking tape 5 cm wide (equal to the width of the stripes).

Step 4

We paint the narrow strips between the glued tape with a roller. When the paint dries, cover the wider strips with the next color (in our case, white).

Step 5

After a few hours we repeat the painting. When the paint is dry, carefully tear off the masking tape, exposing the straight edges of the stripes.

Stripes add variety to interior design premises and adjust some of its proportions. Let's imagine two more patterns of patterns of vertical and horizontal stripes, designed in shades of cream, beige and brown.

3 Effects achieved with decorative stripes

  1. Correctly selected to size and proportions interior space stripes create a regular rhythm and graphically organize the space.
  2. A vertical pattern on the wall visually “stretches” the room in height, therefore, it is great for rooms with low ceilings.
  3. Painting walls with horizontal stripes is an easy way to improve the visual proportions of an overly narrow room. It will be perceived wider, but the ceiling will visually appear lower.
  4. For small rooms Small strips are more suitable; walls with a large surface are better divided into wide segments.
  5. Frequent, pulsating pattern drawn on large area, can cause nystagmus in a person, so it is better to limit its application to one wall or its fragment.

Such “touches” on the walls, like stripes, can be used in almost any interior. At the same time, the colors of the stripes can be either from the same color range or contrasting. When creating your interior, do not be afraid to experiment. Sometimes the bravest design solutions They look especially elegant and beautiful!

Paint the walls without smudges or streaks. Check out the three most important tips.

Roller, the most convenient and universal tool for painting walls. The final effect of painting the walls depends on the quality of the chosen paint, and the procedure itself is quite simple, but it is worth paying attention to several factors that have a great influence on the uniform distribution of color and the final result.

1) In order to apply the paint evenly, it is necessary to prepare the wall surface in advance. Uniform coverage depends on the wall surface. Proper preparation includes repairing defects and covering the surface with primer. Thanks to this I level, which guarantees correct application paints.


The primer contains special additives that eliminate any differences in texture and color when painting. This is especially important when repairing damage to wall surfaces. The primer is applied in a thick layer to the wall surface using a roller. The primer, thanks to special components, penetrates the substrate in such a way that it becomes homogeneous, improves the surface and reduces paint consumption, which reduces the cost of repairs.

2) The cause of scratches during painting may be an unsuitable roller. Rollers are divided into three categories, based on the length of the pile - and the choice depends on the type of surface that is to be painted. Short pile roller (6-10mm) - painting smooth walls - for example: on plaster. A roller with a medium length of pile (13-15mm) is intended for traditional painting, putty and structural wallpaper. A roller with long bristles (19-30mm) is best used for painting rough surfaces such as brick walls, walls made of concrete or structural gypsum.

Also important factors When choosing a roller, consider the size and material from which it is made. Let's consider rollers made of plastic or metal, with fur or foam lining. The choice should be tailored to the type of paint you plan to use on the walls. For paints on water based it is better to choose a roller with microfiber for latex and oil paints A roller with a sponge works great. Wool and velor rollers are typically used for solvent-based paints. Paint manufacturers know the properties of their products and offer tools that will help paint the best on the surface. Read the information contained on the packaging. Roller size - selected depending on the size of the area we want to paint. When painting large surfaces, it is better to choose a roller that is wide and has thick bristles.

3) A new roller may leave streaks and lint on the wall. To avoid this, before starting work, soak the roller in water and roll it out well on a flat surface. Sometimes the dry method is used - a lint roller is wrapped with adhesive tape. The idea is to thoroughly remove all loose lint. When painting, immersing the roller completely in the paint is a big mistake, you need to pour a small amount of paint into a special or regular box and make an impression on the bottom of the box with movement in both directions. When painting, we roll carefully, without pressing the tool too tightly to the surface.

Each time we add the same amount of paint and apply it using long up and down strokes. Too little paint and chaotic movements of the roller are one of the most common causes of veins (stripes) on the surface of the wall.

Considering the paint, rollers and these tips, we guarantee that you will paint your walls perfectly and everyone will be delighted with your professionalism and perfectly painted walls and flawless structure. Good luck!


How to paint a wall professionally


Stripes on the walls - fashionable decor. They provide dynamics in the interior, helping to visually change the parameters of the room - for example, making it taller or more spacious.

Stripes are a great way to highlight any part of the room. Using simple tools and paint, you can get amazing results.

Materials and tools for applying stripes to walls

  • Measuring tools – tape measure, ruler.
  • Level.
  • Pencil.
  • Adhesive tape.
  • Dye.
  • Roller or brush. It is advisable to use a roller to achieve a uniform finish.

By playing with the color and width of the stripes, we achieve the desired result.

Painting walls with stripes - master class

The walls in the room should be painted with a base color. If the paint on the walls suits you in color and holds firmly, you can apply striped decor on top of it. The coating is old, dull, has cracks or other defects and should be renewed. If you're painting stripes over existing trim, it's a good idea to have at least some base color paint - you may have to make adjustments as you go.

Draw the lines using a long ruler. It’s better not to put dot marks, but to draw lilies on the wall with a simple pencil.

It is very important that the stripes are not only even, but also run exactly horizontally or vertically. Otherwise, all the work will have to be redone. Therefore, we check the level repeatedly.

The level is the key to ensuring that the stripes are applied evenly.

Apply adhesive tape along the drawn lines. We make sure that no bubbles form under it, as the paint can penetrate under the tape and ruin the design.

The duct tape will limit the size of the strip.

We paint the free space between the strips of adhesive tape (adhesive tape). Apply two thin layers.

Painting the part of the wall limited by tape

We're waiting a little. The paint must harden, but not completely dry, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the limiter tape without damaging the edges of the strips.

Easily remove the adhesive tape. The edges of the strip may need to be adjusted, but there shouldn't be any major defects.

How to paint striped walls effectively

When planning to paint your walls with stripes, decide what effect you want to achieve. By playing with the sizes and colors of the stripes, you can create completely different interior pictures.

Colorful stripes different widths make the room bright. Horizontal green stripes - calm and traditional
Delicate blue bedroom with vertical stripes
A wide horizontal stripe on the walls of the corridor gives the interior dynamics
Red wide vertical stripes on the walls of the corridor - original
Stylish striped wall decor

Thus, a gradient of stripes of equal size produces a calm and relaxed atmosphere, while stripes of bright, contrasting colors, of different widths, will give a feeling of conviviality and modernity.

We support striped walls with accessories
Stripes highlight wall decorations
Bright yellow stripes on the walls of the nursery - light and sunny.
Calm vertical stripes of the same width - similar to the pattern of classic wallpaper. Different shades of the same color. Below - darker, heavier, above - light, light. The color of the stripes is close to gold, this makes the decor rich.
The vertical stripes on the walls look like a barcode. An original place. You can apply stripes to the wall partially to highlight a fragment
It is important to choose the right color scheme stripes and support the pattern on the wall with interior details. Cozy bedroom with striped wall decoration

The decor of stripes of the same color but different in texture (matte and glossy) looks interesting.

Alternating matte and glossy stripes - a special decor
Interesting solution wall decor
Modern bright decor walls The stripes on the walls continue on the ceiling Interesting solution in the bedroom Black and white stripes in the interior small room

Bathroom wall decoration can also be dynamic
Green colors in the interior Cheerful bright room for a child

When painting walls, you need to draw a straight line at the junction of the plane and the ceiling. This must be done both with and without a ceiling plinth, although the technologies differ. Today we will tell you how to paint a line on the wall so that there are no stains left on the ceiling and you don’t have to return to the work done.

Layering with a brush

You can draw a line without additional tools. If your hand is full of home repairs, then one brush with hard bristles and confidence in movement is enough. Before work, the brush is burned, that is, scorched with fire, so that there is no protruding hair. They do this with matches and a lighter - the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will have to throw away the brush.

After firing, acrylic is applied to the upper edge of the flute brush, and the joint is trimmed with a horizontal movement. One wetting of the brush is enough, depending on the texture of the wall, for 20-50 cm of layering; during the work we recommend turning the brush over several times - this is better than dipping it in paint every 20 seconds.

This classic way, which painters use; if there is no experience, then it is better to use an auxiliary tool for layering.

Auxiliary tool

If you want to paint a straight line, the following will come to your aid:

  1. — Special roller with brush,
  2. - Masking tape or tape,
  3. — Wide spatula or plaster rule.

The video with the roller will be below, in a nutshell, this tool has a special brush that protects the ceiling from paint and helps to draw an even line along the wall with an indentation from ceiling surface in 3 mm. If you don’t need to draw lines often, then there is no point in buying a roller specifically for one-time work - we’ll make do with improvised tools and consumables.

The simplest option is to use masking tape or tape, which is glued to the ceiling where it meets the wall, after which trimming is done and the tape is removed. Here are some tips:

  1. — The tape cannot be glued to a freshly painted ceiling, so you can remove it only with paint,
  2. — Tape is better than tape,
  3. — Remove the tape immediately after laying the line - do not let it “dry” to the ceiling,
  4. — Not suitable for suspended ceilings.

If you don’t have masking tape, but have a wide spatula, that’s fine too, just keep in mind that some spatulas are not perfectly even. Take a spatula with one hand, and with the other hand, apply the spatula blade to the joint line between the wall and the ceiling and move the line away. Move the spatula to the side and downwards, otherwise drops of paint may fall on the ceiling.

It’s even more convenient if the house has a plastering rule, but here you will need an assistant. One person applies the rule to the ceiling joint, the other draws a line. The length of the rule is 1.5-2 meters, so you can draw the line quickly.

Under the baseboard

If it is glued at the junction of the ceiling ceiling plinth, and you are going to paint the walls, then the masking tape is no longer necessary, since it cannot be glued well to curly shape curb. The roller also disappears into oblivion, since the same plinth will not allow its brush to press against the ceiling.

All that remains is a spatula and a rule. If there is neither one nor the other, then you can replace them with a flat, thin strip - just look at it in the light - it should not be very crooked. The plank should be thin, the block will not fit - you will not attach it to the baseboard.


You will see how to lay a line using a special roller in the video. If you often do home repairs, then it won’t be superfluous to buy a tool - it doesn’t ask for porridge, and it will reduce the time of laying.

One of the newfangled interior design trends is stripes on the walls. It would seem that there is nothing more elementary and simpler than a straight line. In fact, painting walls with stripes is not an easy task. You can verify this if you carefully study the instructions before painting the walls with stripes.

If you intend to see the walls striped, then it is important to pay attention to the fact that different locations of stripes on the wall will be perceived completely differently. Thus, vertical stripes will visually increase the height of the wall surface between the ceiling and the floor, while horizontal stripes will give a feeling of freedom and spaciousness. In other words, painting walls with stripes involves choosing:

  • the direction in which it is preferable to see stripes on the walls in the room;
  • places where the stripes will be placed (on the entire surface or on one wall);
  • the effect of the action - a visually high or spacious room.

Painting the walls with stripes: preparation for the main work

The first step is to analyze the existing surface on which you plan to place the lines. The surface texture can also be painted ( water-based paint, enamel, etc.), paper (covered with wallpaper) or something else.

Whatever the surface, it must first be prepared: cleaned of dirt (dust, cobwebs), remove old wallpaper, if necessary, restore defects in plaster, remove peeling paint. Then apply the primer and allow it to dry.

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Choosing a stripe design

The number of straight lines, their width and colors depend entirely on personal preferences, creative imagination and, to a large extent, on possibilities.

There are a lot of options for how the striped composition will be located, starting from one strip along the entire perimeter and ending with wide stripes from floor to ceiling (from corner to corner). Single lines are a common technique and are often used to separate a panel area.

The originality of the pattern is formed by different shades of one color segment. It is better if the shades gradually and consistently replace one another, starting from light to dark, and vice versa. If you darken the bottom, you will create the illusion of a bowl; if you darken the top, you will create a pyramidal effect.

The color of the stripes is chosen based more on your own taste and interior parameters. You should take into account some undesirable aspects that can be obtained completely unexpectedly when experimenting with color. For example, if the lighting in the room is dim, then the cold tone of blue will create the impression of an unattractive “gray” environment.

Warm colors - peach, apricot, caramel. Their companion flowers are turquoise and sea waves. The combination of burgundy, beige and pink looks beautiful.

It is not always appropriate to use many narrow stripes. Especially if each of them has its own shade. For visual perception, a feeling of obvious color saturation will be created. In such a colorful space, hardly anyone will feel comfortable staying in it.

You should decide in advance at what interval the lines will alternate, and also establish the sequence of the composition by color.

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Paint the walls with stripes yourself

Painting walls in a line with your own hands is within the capabilities of most people, but not everyone House master aware of the subtleties of painting surfaces with a striped pattern. To make the task easier, we will describe the entire sequence of actions in as much detail as possible.

To work you will need to prepare:

  • tape measure for measurements;
  • chop cord (or light-colored twine);
  • colored chalk for pigmenting the twine;
  • a simple pencil;
  • many buttons;
  • builder level;
  • shallow plastic bath;
  • short-hair roller;
  • masking tape;
  • fly brush;
  • rags.

It is better to paint walls in a line with a partner. Since this will affect the quality of the work performed, and this is required for safety reasons.

It is also quite possible for one person to master everything, but the procedure will be carried out without a hydraulic level.

Instructions for operation:

  1. Taking a tape measure, measure the required width for the strip.
  2. From one corner of the wall to the other, a chop cord or twine colored with colored chalk is stretched and secured with buttons. With the assistance of a level, the plane is verified. If everything matches, pull the center of the cord a couple of centimeters and release. The line marked on the wall will similarly act as one of the boundaries of the future strip. These steps are repeated required amount once.
  3. Masking tape is applied along the resulting boundary markings. This technique allows you to create a clear and uniform distinction, and when painting, it eliminates the formation of smudges.
  4. When painting, the main actions are performed with a roller, while corrective actions are performed with a brush.
  5. After waiting for the paint to dry completely, the masking tape is torn off from the surface of the walls.

If there is only one bath, what do they do in this case? Of course, before filling it with paint, they first lay polyethylene or foil material inside. After working on one color, the film is taken out of the tray and thrown away. In place of the old one, a new one is laid in a different color of paint.

After learning the intricacies of stripes, you can safely get to work.

Happy renovation!