How to properly plant radishes in spring. How to plant radishes in the garden? Planting the plant in open ground

Such an unpretentious vegetable as radish can be planted and cared for under a film or in open ground. You can harvest from one bed 3-4 times a season.

Radishes are considered a cold-resistant plant, capable of withstanding 5-6 degrees of frost, but the most suitable temperature would be 17-20 degrees.

Any gardener may encounter such a problem when the radish starts to shoot, then blooms, and as a result the root crops do not appear. To avoid this, it is necessary to avoid high seeding density, dry soil and low temperatures. There is no need to apply fresh manure to sowing, as the leaves may grow and the roots will be hollow.

Gardeners who want to get good harvest, must initially know in what soil and how to plant radishes. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: as you sow, so shall you reap.

  • First, you need to choose fertile soil in a sunny location for early sowing or shaded areas in midsummer.
  • Secondly, before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seeds for 12 hours.
  • Thirdly, the bed needs to be prepared in advance. In open ground it should be done in mid-April: water hot water, dig to the depth of a shovel, add about 3 kg of humus, add 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska, again dig with a pitchfork to 11-12 cm in depth, then level and compact slightly. Make grooves about 2.5-3 cm deep and at a distance of 8-10 cm, then pour water at 33-35 degrees and start sowing. The seeds are sown in grooves at a distance of 2.5-3 cm from each other to a depth of 2 cm. It is not worth sowing deeper, as the fruit may not set. If the sowing is early, you need to cover it with film to a height of about 50 cm from the bed.
  • Fourth, plant radishes better in spring or in the second half of summer: April 16-27, May 10-11 and 22-24, August 1-10.

When the radish planting is completed, you need to wait for shoots. About five days after their appearance, the seedlings must be thinned out by removing weak plants. Radishes require watering by sprinkling (at home - from a watering can). When the bed becomes weathered, it is necessary to loosen it.

In order to combat cruciferous flea beetles and cabbage flies between the rows before loosening, you can sprinkle dry mustard or pepper in the ratio of 1 square meter. meter one teaspoon. The method of pollinating its leaves with ash or tobacco dust helps in the process of radish growth. If the plant infects clubroot, resulting in growths on the roots, such fruits must be immediately destroyed, and radishes should no longer be planted in their place.

At the beginning of radish growth, you need to water the beds in small doses, but more often. Watering reduces the fruit to a moderate size, otherwise only the tops will grow; in this case, the fruit will not form or will turn out empty.

You should know that if the radish subsequently tastes bitter and hard, then it was watered poorly, and if it cracked, then it was watered a lot, in excess.

After 20-25 days, the radishes ripen. If it grows very slowly, and its leaves are pale green, you need to “feed” the vegetable: dilute 1 teaspoon of crystallin, urea, or ROST in 10 liters of water. There should be 1 such solution square meter 3.5-4 liters. Stir it well and water the beds.

Now it is important not to miss the moment of harvesting the radishes, since you cannot be late with them. If the moment is missed, the fruits become coarse and the radishes go to the shoot. Root crops that have already ripened need to be dug up, the tops torn off and the vegetables laid out in plastic bags. It is recommended to store at a temperature of 2-3 degrees.

Radish varieties for every taste and color

Every gardener should know the varieties of radishes, since the ripening period depends on them. There are varieties according to their age three types: early ripening, mid ripening and late ripening.

1. Early ripening (ripening period is 18-30 days)

Radish 18 days. Most popular variety, as it is very productive and early ripening. Ripens in 18-19 days. Its root vegetables are bright red in color, non-spicy, with white juicy pulp, slightly spicy in taste.

Rhodes. More suitable for growing under film, either for early or late sowing right in open ground. Has a slight tendency to porosity. Its root is bright red and round.

Early red. Very productive variety, the most resistant to shooting. The root vegetable is dark red in color, has about round shape, with white, tender, tasty pulp. Planting is done both under a film in a greenhouse and directly in open ground.

Corundum. This variety ripens evenly within 24-25 days. Its root vegetable is round in shape and carmine red in color. Grows in any soil.

Heat. The variety is productive, with small, dark red root vegetables, 4-5 centimeters in diameter, and white, juicy pulp. Suitable for early sowing in any type of soil. This variety is drought-resistant.
French breakfast. Ripens in 20-22 days. Its roots are bright scarlet in color, but their tip is white. Weight is 17-20 grams.

Hothouse. The variety with pink root crops with a white tip is resistant to bolting.
Greenhouse Gribovsky. It differs from other varieties by its friendly ripening. The variety is resistant to bolting.

Ruby. Has excellent taste. The roots are red, round-flat in shape.

Sachs. The ripening period is 25-28 days. The root vegetable is dense, has a deep red color and white flesh with a sweet-sharp taste.

Duro. The yield reaches 2.5 kg/m2. Resistant to shooting.

Lyubava. The root crop has an oblong shape.

2. Mid-ripening (ripening period is 30-35 days)

Faith. A variety that does not bolt. High-yielding (up to 2.5 kg/m2). Root crops do not crack and have the same size and shape.

Red with white tip. It is distinguished by large root vegetables with carmine-red skin. The flesh is white, but sometimes pale pink.

Slavia. The skin of the radish is pink-red and the tip is white; the flesh tastes a little spicy.

Helios. You can harvest this radish variety 30 days after planting. The root vegetable is yellow in color, the pulp has a delicate taste.

Sachs. The weight of the root vegetable is usually 30 g. The pulp is dense and has a sweet-sharp taste.

3. Late ripening (ripening period is 35-45 days)

Rumpouch. It has a spindle-shaped root crop, quite long. The taste is medium spicy.
Red giant. The root crop is large, weighing up to 120 g. It is resistant to cruciferous flea beetles and diseases. During winter it is well stored in sand.

Champion. Ripens in 40 days. It has red roots with a raspberry tint. This is the best variety for planting in open ground.

The variety of radish varieties is amazing. Various colors can create a bright palette for salads. With the arrival of spring, radishes usually become the main component of salads, because one bunch of this vegetable provides daily dose vitamins

You can start sowing radishes in the ground very early, as soon as the soil has matured and warmed up by 3-4 cm (in many regions of Ukraine - in March, in middle lane Russia – since April), and most late for the same season the second half of September is considered. Pre-winter sowing to obtain a harvest for next spring should be carried out shortly before the soil freezes, so that the seeds do not have time to sprout at the wrong time this year - most often in November.

By the way, with the very first early sowings, root crops of the same variety always grow larger than those sown, for example, in May. And in order to get fresh radishes for as long as possible, each new sowing should be done when the first true leaves of the previous one unfold.

Seed preparation

There is almost no need to prepare the seeds, you can simply soak them for 3-4 days so that the seedlings become more friendly, but it is better to do something like calibration by sifting them through a sieve with 2 mm mesh and leaving the largest ones. If the seeds are dark (and different varieties their color varies from light to dark brown), before sowing they should also be sprinkled with chalk so that it is easier to see how they lie in the ground. But it’s even more convenient to glue them with paste to the paper tape, and then put it in the groove - then they will probably be distributed evenly.

Sowing seeds

You can sow them in different ways - in ribbons, in rows, in wide stripes, or even scattered if the bed is small, but if you want the root crops to be leveled and harvested at one time, it is better to sow them under a marker. The grooves must be made in advance. The distance between the rows should be about 15 cm, and at first only 1-2 between the plants in them. On sandy loam soil, seeds should be planted to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, on heavier ones - 1.5-2 cm. After this, the bed must be watered, or even better, in addition, mulched or covered with film until shoots emerge (not so much for insulation, enough to get rid of many weeds). As soon as they appear, the film must be immediately removed.

For pre-winter sowing, seeds cannot be soaked, nor can the soil be watered (it is dangerous for seeds to grow at this time). It also differs in that the grooves are made smaller (1 cm), but the layer of mulch is no less than 2, and preferably 3 cm thick. At this time, either peat or humus should be used as mulch.

If the seedlings have sprouted too densely, they will need to be thinned out after the cotyledons have expanded. For varieties with small root crops, you can leave a distance of 2-3 cm between plants, for especially large ones, like the Red Giant, 8-10 cm.

Radish refers to early and fortified vegetables. After a long winter, this root crop is one of the first to be planted. It is difficult to imagine a garden where radishes would not be planted.

After all, it is a source of vitamins for the human body, especially in the spring. Radishes are also an unpretentious vegetable that is easy to grow.

Description and features of radishes

Planting and caring for root crops is very simple; in addition, it can be planted in several approaches in one season. However, despite the simplicity of the vegetable, it is still important to know and take into account some of its features. Then the grown radish will delight you with its taste, beauty and maximum benefits.

Planting radishes produced repeatedly every year, it is an annual crop from the Brassica family. The grade of a root crop, as a rule, determines its size, shape, color and taste characteristics.

Radishes can be pink-white or red, these colors are the most common. But now new varieties and varieties are being developed; yellow, purple and white radishes have already appeared.

As for the shapes, the classic oval or round shape of the vegetable is common, others are less common fancy shapes. average value radishes from 2 cm to 5 cm, but sometimes larger.

Radishes are usually spicy in taste, as they are rich in mustard oil. For food purposes, radishes are grown in many countries. After all, its resistance to various climatic conditions is simply excellent.

In addition, it easily survives temperature changes and transplantation. Even a light spring frost is not harmful to radishes. That's why, when to plant radishes into the ground, it should thaw only 3-5 cm, by the end of March or early April.

And for very fast germination, you can immerse the seeds in water before planting, then the radishes will sprout after sowing in just a couple of days. Early varieties of root crops are characterized by an early harvest.

Planting and caring for radishes

Besides spring planting, radishes can be planted at any other time of the year. To do this you need to know how to plant radishes correctly and create a root vegetable the right conditions for development.

When to plant radishes in spring. As already noted, the first sowing of seeds occurs around the end of the first month of spring. Further cultivation root cropping can occur in spring and summer at any time.

For radish seeds, grooves 2 cm deep are dug, then they are watered, after which the seeds are sown. It is necessary to maintain a gap of 15 cm between the sown rows. Next, the furrows are covered with earth and lightly trampled down. A small layer of humus or humus is lined over the sown furrows.

In the evening the time comes when to plant radishes under film needed before morning. After the first sprouts sprout, there is no need to lay down the film overnight.

When to plant radishes in a greenhouse?

Grow this root vegetable in greenhouse conditions Can all year round. Seeds should be sown to a depth of 1-2 cm and at a distance of 2 cm from each other. A gap of about 10 cm should be left between rows.

An important question when greenhouse cultivation, This At what temperature should you plant radishes?? Before sprouts appear from the ground, the temperature should be 16-18 degrees.

After mass germination of root crops, the temperature should be lowered for 3 days to 5-8 degrees, in order to avoid stretching. And then ensure the temperature in the greenhouse is 15-20 degrees.

Watering is done once every 2-4 days, depending on the speed of soil drying. It is extremely important to monitor the humidity level in the greenhouse area, since high humidity There is a risk of black leg disease in the vegetable.

How to plant radishes in egg cells. More recently, this method has gained popularity. But such a landing implies a not entirely direct meaning of this judgment.

There is no need to plant radishes in the cells of the egg storage container. This method will not ensure proper development of the root crop. The container must be used as a stencil to form depressions in the soil for the seeds.

The pits are even, optimal size, thanks to which the radishes will grow evenly and beautifully. One seed is placed in each hole and sprinkled with sand. Caring for vegetables planted in this way is as easy as with normal landing into the ground.

It is worth noting that planting radishes in open ground does not make much sense. The root crop itself holds up well in different climatic conditions, so it will germinate in any case. To do this, it is not necessary to germinate the seeds at home and then send them to the garden, as is often the case with seeds and.

Useful properties of radishes

It should be said that radish leaves are beneficial for human body on a par with the root vegetable itself. Even in ancient times, healers often used radishes in medicinal purposes. Radish has the following beneficial properties:

- an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent;

- cleanses the intestines and improves peristalsis;

- stimulates the production of gastric juice;

- stabilizes sugar levels in the body;

- helps eliminate “bad” cholesterol;

- prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Spring vitamin deficiency is also perfectly eliminated by regular consumption of radishes. And the phytoncides contained in the root crop have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which prevents the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in the spring.

Types and varieties of radishes

Today, a large number of radish varieties have been bred, but the most popular are still the following types: Zhara, Dabel, Cherriet, Rhodes, Rubin, Slavia, Celeste, Red Giant, Mokhovsky, Zlata, Malaga, Autumn Giant and so on. At what depth to plant radishes? often depends on the variety, because varieties differ in the size of the mature root crop.

There are types of radishes that are specifically designed for spring or fall planting. Varieties are also being developed that are intended only for cultivation in greenhouses.

Radish of different varieties differs not only in external characteristics, but also in terms of ripening, as well as resistance to various climatic phenomena. Which radish is better? plant, and when to do this depends on the personal preferences of the summer resident.

In truth, radishes are an unpretentious plant. You can start growing early radishes as early as April, as soon as the last snow melts. Just know, water, loosen and drive away on time annoying pests, trying to feast on fresh herbs and deprive us of the harvest.
Although, growing radishes still has some features, which we will talk about in this article. At the end of this article you will find a table with the most common varieties of radishes.

Temperature conditions.

There are only two factors that most influence the development of high-quality, juicy, tasty and beautiful radish fruits - temperature and humidity. Taking them into account and providing optimal conditions, regular abundant harvests can be grown.

Cold-resistant, moisture-loving, light-loving– main characteristics of radishes. This is why we will “dance.”

Germination of radish seeds begins already at +1 +2°C, this allows you to start growing it from March 1 in heated greenhouses and from April in open ground. The optimal temperature for germination is considered to be +15 +20°C, therefore, when sowing in colder weather, the seeds will take longer to warm up and hatch - 8 - 10 days.
At optimal temperature and humidity, seedlings appear within 3–4 days.

Radishes are not afraid of light frosts: seedlings can withstand -4°C, and adult plants -6°C.
That is why growing radishes is possible in such early dates without fear of losing the harvest.

Optimum temperature for root development +10 +12°C, more better plant develops at +15 +18°C. Spring and autumn are the most favorable times for growing radishes in open ground, as the weather is mostly wet and cool.
When it comes summer heat, root vegetables become bitter, woody and rough. Already at +25°C, the growth and development of the root crop completely stops, it loses moisture and becomes coarser. When grown in dry and hot weather, the root crop becomes woody and bitter. What can we say about high temperatures? The plants simply throw out their arrows - and goodbye to the harvest.

In summer it is very difficult to grow radishes in some regions due to unacceptable temperature regime.
Many sources write that for a full-fledged summer radish harvest, it is necessary to artificially reduce its daylight hours to 12 hours. To do this, it is covered with a dark film from 7 pm to 7 am. And they are planted in semi-shaded places. In my practice, this trick did not work, since in the summer our temperature even at night it does not fall below +25°C.
The seeds simply do not germinate. Although acquaintances from northern regions In Russia, radishes are successfully grown all summer and receive excellent harvests. From which I conclude that temperature is still primary than the length of daylight hours.

How much light do you need?

Radish is a light-loving plant with long daylight hours. What does this mean? That early radishes should be sown in well-lit areas of the garden, where the soil warms up well. The most optimal length of daylight for root development is 12 hours. When it increases to 14 hours, this is a signal for the plant that it is time to move from development to reproduction, and it releases an arrow with seeds. Therefore, the harvest of early varieties must be harvested before this period or artificially shorten the daylight hours, as already described above.

It makes no sense at all to grow late-ripening varieties in the spring, since they do not have time to bear fruit before the due date and, without forming a root crop, bolt. It is convenient to grow radishes in late summer and autumn period when daylight hours decrease. In this case, shooting does not occur. Fruiting continues until frost. The fruits are juicy, large (like a radish) and tasty.

What kind of soil does radish like?

The most better harvests Radishes are grown on fertile, well-drained, loose soils that have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction of 5.5 - 7 pH. On acidic soils, plants quickly become sick, affected by all kinds of rot, clubroot, and the root crops turn out to be unattractively shaped with dense pimples.

On very dense and heavy soils, radishes begin to bolt earlier, and root crops quickly wither. Therefore, it is better to try to sow this vegetable on looser soil. If this is not possible, you can arrange a chest raised by 30 cm and fill it with loose soil or soil mixture.

Important! Radishes do not tolerate fresh manure. Do not fertilize with fresh fertilizer under any circumstances. It is better to prepare a bed for early radishes in the fall by adding 1 bucket per 1 m2 of rotted manure or compost, humus.

For the full development of the root crop, the soil must be constantly moist, like the air.

Technology for growing radishes in open ground

As already written above, the technology for growing radishes in open ground is as follows: it is better to prepare the beds in advance in the fall. Good predecessors: cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and beans. The bad ones are all cruciferous vegetables: cabbages, turnips, turnips, radishes, horseradish, daikon, watercress.

Since the crop is early ripening, it makes sense to sow it in those beds where the main crop this year will be cucumbers, seedlings, and potatoes.

Before sowing, seeds must be sorted and reconsidered; they are small and deformed, atypical in color and shape; old ones must be discarded. All the same, the root crop from them will not grow very well, if it grows at all!

Important! Radish seeds retain good germination for 6 years if stored in a dry, ventilated cloth bag.

The technology for planting radishes in open ground begins when the soil warms up by at least 4 cm and the air temperature reaches +5 - +10 °C. IN different regions these deadlines come in different time. Somewhere in April, somewhere in May, and maybe in March.

To speed up the harvest, radishes can be sown scattered until the soil ripens, as soon as the snow melts. The seeds are scattered on the beds and covered with a rake or mulched with humus and peat. A good decision will sow early radishes under the trees until in early spring the space under them is well lit by the sun. By the time the leaves bloom, the radish crop will already be harvested.

The seed sowing rate depends on the variety, but the average is 5 – 6 g/m2.

To prevent freshly harvested radishes from being wasted on your table, sow them in parts at intervals of 10 to 20 days. Although the best guideline for the next portion of sowing will be the development of the previous one. As soon as the first true leaf appears on the seedlings, it is time to sow again.

Planting pattern:
we deepen from 0.5 to 2 cm, the distance between plants is 3 - 4 cm (more is possible depending on the variety), the distance between rows is 10 - 12 cm.

The technology is this:
first we make grooves, be sure to shed them warm water(+25 – +30°C), then lay out the seeds and carefully sprinkle with soil. We water every day, since a dry top soil crust is death for radishes.

When the seedlings appear and then the first true leaf appears, it is necessary to thin out the seedlings. We leave one plant at 5–7 cm.

Important! It is not recommended to pull out radish seedlings by hand from dense soil, as they can be damaged. root system those plants that we are going to leave. It’s better to cheat and thin out using a rake. To do this, we carefully draw a rake across the row, so we “kill two birds with one stone”: we thin out and loosen the soil.


The main care that radishes need is watering, loosening the soil and protection from pests.

It should be watered every day, or rather evening. At least a little, if the soil is not too dry. Because its roots are shallow.

Important! The soil under radishes should always be loose and moist. This needs to be monitored. Drying out of the soil during the development and growth of root crops leads to a deterioration in their quality and taste.

The most critical time when a lack of water can lead to the fact that the root crop will not be formed is the beginning of the development of the second true leaf and then after 7 - 10 days, when the development of the root crop begins. To begin with, we shed the soil by 8 cm. When the second period begins, then by 15 cm.

Important! Be careful - too much or infrequent watering can lead to cracking of the root crops.

In cold weather, radishes are watered rarely, 2–3 times a week. The intensity of irrigation increases depending on the increase in air temperature.

It is necessary to loosen the soil under the radish and weed it regularly, since the soil crust slows down the development of the root crop. In order not to do a lot of unnecessary work, radish seedlings can be mulched with peat or humus with a layer of 1 - 2 cm (necessarily on wet, loose soil). Spring weeds are not yet so active that they can cause harm.

Light coloring of radish leaves is a sign of deficiency nutrients. Feeding required organic fertilizers, the application of which can be combined with irrigation. You can use a slurry solution of 1:5 (manure: water). The first feeding is done in the state of the first true leaves, the second - a week later.

Radishes are harvested as they ripen. If the size of the root crop is satisfactory, carefully pull it out and place it on the table. You can make a lot of tasty and healthy salads from radishes.

Protection against cruciferous flea beetle

The most harmful pest of all cruciferous vegetables, including radishes, turnips and other early vegetables, is the cruciferous flea beetle. It is clear that everyone wants to eat. But the trouble is that she loves to eat the very first, juiciest cotyledon leaves of the radish. It destroys them in such a way that the further development of the plant stops or is greatly inhibited. Real leaves are already more resistant to flea beetles, so the first step is to protect the seedlings.

Apply chemicals It is not possible to combat cruciferous flea beetle, since the growing season of the plant is very short, and radishes are famous for pulling everything into themselves. Therefore we will have to make do traditional methods and tricks.

  1. Covering with agrofibre.
    This method has received a lot of positive feedback.
    This is the only way to protect the very first cotyledon leaves. To do this, the entire bed is covered with the thinnest agrofibre, which allows light and moisture to pass through. Let the plants develop in the shelter at least until 2–3 true leaves appear.
  2. Common tansy.
    Powdered tansy or celandine. Dust all radish crops at the rate of 1 Matchbox per 1 m 2. Tansy contains strong odorous substances that repel fleas. The disadvantage of this method is that tansy must be prepared in advance, i.e. in a year.
  3. Catching with sticky flags.
    The flag is made from thick paper, fabric or thin plywood and attached to the pole. The surface of the flag is coated with a sticky material, such as resin. Then this flag is passed over the radish shoots, lightly touching them. Shy fleas begin to jump into different sides and fall into the sticky trap. “Flag therapy” sessions are best done during the hottest time of the day.
  4. Radishes with salad in one bed.
    Two spring firstborns next to each other - what could be better. Moreover, this helps protect radishes from flea beetles. Lettuce seeds are sown in the same grooves as radishes.


Among the countless varieties of radishes, it’s easy to get lost. Such diversity is dictated by the fact that breeders were faced with the task of creating the most productive, marketable, sustainable, early varieties. Now among them you need to choose the one that suits you.

Radish varieties are divided into those that can be grown in open ground or in a greenhouse, and some of them are famous for their resistance to bolting or early maturity.

Below, the table shows some common radish varieties and their characteristics. When choosing, remember that each of them is different conditions may behave differently. Therefore, sow several options at once and, based on the results, select those suitable for future plantings.

Table of varieties by ripeness and ripening groups, as well as characteristics of radishes and cultivation methods

Radish variety or hybrid (F1)

Ripeness group

The term is ripe.

Character radishes

Open. priming


Ultra early

Very tasty, red in color, the flesh is dense and tender. It can be sown in spring and summer, as it does not become flabby for a long time and retains its presentation. For film greenhouses.

Cylinder. red shape, white flesh, juicy, tasty.

White Breakfest

Cylinder. forms white, the flesh is white, dense, but juicy, tender and slightly spicy

Round, red, not bitter, tasty, not flabby.

Round in shape, red in color, the flesh is dense but juicy. The taste is good.

Round in shape, red in color, weighing 10–30g, pungent in taste. It does not become flabby for a long time and can be sown in summer.

Round shape, red in color, white flesh, without bitterness, juicy, does not become flabby. Commercial products form. friendly and fast.

Cherry Bell

Round in shape, red in color, weighing 8–12 g, the flesh is white, juicy and crisp, slightly spicy. For received. early products.

Round shaped beetroot radishes. color, weighing 25-30g, the flesh is white, juicy and spicy. Doesn't get flabby. Famous for its high yield.

White early

Round in shape, white in color, weighing 25-30g, the flesh is white, slightly sharp and strong.

Golden ball

Medium early

District shape yellow color, the flesh is dense and sweet. Has good taste.

Early red

Slightly elongated, red in color, weighing 8-14g, white-pink flesh, slightly spicy, juicy taste. To receive early products.

Round, red, 3–4 cm in diameter, the flesh is white and tender.

Slightly elongated, does not become flabby. It is a highly marketable hybrid.

Slightly extended Pink colour, weighing 25 - 30g, the flesh is white, dense, but tender and juicy, slightly spicy. The harvest forms together.

Middle sleeper

Elongated roses. color, weighing 20g, smooth, white-pink flesh, dense but juicy.

Red with white tip

Medium early

Red with a white tip, weighing 10-14g, the flesh is white, dense, but juicy, medium spicy.

Ice icicle

Middle sleeper

It has the shape of a drop, white color, weighing 18-28 g, the flesh is white, juicy, crispy. and mild, medium spicy.

Red in color, weighing 11-28g, diameter 2-3cm, flesh white, tender. The taste is slightly spicy.

Frenchman. breakfast

Early ripe

Konich. shape, easily pulled out of the ground, the flesh is white, tender, not bitter, juicy.

Middle sleeper

Round, red in color, weighing 15-25g, white flesh, medium spicy. Resistant to flowering.

Middle sleeper

Slightly flattened. round shape, red in color, weighing 12-15g, white flesh, medium-hot taste, tender.

Erfurtsk. giant

Middle sleeper

Of red color, big size, with a diameter of up to 9 cm, does not become flabby.

Dungansky 12/8

Late sleep

Slightly flattened. shape, easily pulls out of the ground, does not become flabby for a long time, the taste is sweetly pungent.

Red giant

Late sleep

Extended in shape. pink drops, weighing 80-120g, white flesh, not flabby, juicy, slightly spicy taste.

General information

Radishes are loved for their pleasant taste and the presence of many microelements, vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. This crop is also attractive for its early ripening; the earliest varieties of radishes can produce a harvest in just three weeks.

Among the best domestic varieties of radish for open ground, we can recommend the bright red “Katrusya”, pink “Carmen” or white “Snow White”. All these varieties are very good, they have excellent taste qualities, their seeds have high germination rate. The new ones also performed excellently. hybrid varieties radishes for open ground. The red radishes “Rudolph”, “Tarzan F1”, “Sora”, “Celeste F1” are especially good. For lovers original look and the constant taste of radishes, you will like the white “Taffy” radish, the black “Kulata”, the green “Misato Green” and the long white cylindrical “Titan”.

The principles of growing the listed varieties of radish in open ground do not differ significantly. The main thing is to choose the right place and determine the timing for sowing, and then everything is simple!

Sowing and cultivation

Radish is a light-loving plant, so for its spring sowing you should choose a sunny place, well protected from the winds. To ensure a pleasant harvest, it is best to choose a place in the fall. The soil needs to be dug up, 2-3 liter jars of humus added to it for each square meter, and demolished. The time when you can sow radishes in open ground depends on the climate of your region. Depending on this, the dates for open ground may vary from April 20 to May 20. It is advisable that the daytime temperature is above 15 degrees, and the night temperature does not fall below +5, then the ripening period of radishes is reduced by 5-7 days.

Before sowing, we dig the bed to a depth of two-thirds of a spade, level the soil, make furrows at intervals of 20-25 centimeters. The seeds are sown in the furrows abundantly, they are small, but not all germinate. Dig in the crops a little, and carefully pour in a small amount of water. You can cover them with film at night, this way you can gain another 2-3 days during ripening. If everything is done correctly, then shoots should appear on the 3-5th day. A week after they appear, we weed the beds to remove weeds and thin out the radishes, leaving two or three of the strongest plants every five centimeters. A week later, we remove one more plant, and the rest leave for harvest.

Radishes love moisture, so they should be watered daily on hot days, especially during hot weather. You should be guided by the soil moisture in the garden bed. Since radishes are an early ripening crop, the use of any agrochemicals when growing them poses a potential threat to the consumer, therefore, if possible, treat them exclusively with biological products like “Guapsina”. In fact, radishes have many “enemies” among insects, and garden slugs may also want to feast on its leaves. It’s quite possible to protect yourself from them; “Grom” or “Grom-2” granules are suitable for this. They should be scattered directly between the rows.

We hope that lovers of homemade radishes will appreciate this article. Good luck and have a good harvest!