How to properly make formwork on a strip foundation. Installation and leveling of formwork

Almost everything existing species strip foundations can be poured using only formwork - an auxiliary structure, which is often made from scrap material. It serves not only to ensure constant dimensions of the base, but also gives the foundation even correct forms and reduces the consumption of concrete solution. Plus, it can be removed, moved to another construction site and used more than once.

Types of structures

The construction of an auxiliary structure made of wood, metal or other materials involves the use of rigid structures interconnected and capable of supporting the mass of concrete, but some types also provide excellent thermal insulation characteristics Houses. For arranging formworks they are used different kinds materials, let’s stop and first look at the types of formwork for strip foundations:

  1. Removable (collapsible). These are wooden, less often plastic and metal panels, which are assembled in the form of a constructor, ensuring reliable connection of elements and tightness of seams. In most cases, the calculation of the quantity necessary materials done on the spot when necessary. After use, you can remove and reapply. You can make it yourself from wood.
  2. Fixed. This is a disposable design, made from polystyrene foam, and serves as the main thermal insulation layer. Needed when the building area is limited. Thanks to reinforcement with special supports and spacers, the foam plastic can withstand heavy loads, does not deform, and do-it-yourself assembly is done like a construction set from factory elements. It cannot be removed; it is necessary to calculate the panels for each specific construction. Various materials can be used, but most often polymer products.
  3. Combined. Here wood is simultaneously used as outer layer formwork, and polystyrene foam as insulation. After pouring the foundation outer part The structures can be removed, while the insulation remains embedded in the concrete.

Several years ago, builders preferred to use removable formwork for strip foundations, since it is reusable and can be rented at affordable price. Moreover, many companies and small firms produce such formwork with their own hands and then rent it out at an affordable price. It is worth noting that it is difficult to erect the formwork correctly, according to all standards, taking into account the technical characteristics of the materials used, as well as the possibility of expanding the base if necessary.

Design elements and material

The formwork consists of several main elements:

  1. Wooden boards rectangular or square shape arbitrary sizes.
  2. Clamps for vertical placement of panels.
  3. Horizontal internal bushings, they are used to ensure the required internal width of the tape and prevent the expansion of the panels
  4. Waterproofing. It prevents liquid from leaking out of the formwork, and also ensures a faster drying speed of the solution.

Formwork for strip foundations can be made from wood. The most affordable and cheap material, the device is simple and anyone can make a frame with their own hands using available tools. For the production of formwork in private conditions, plywood up to 15 mm thick or edged boards 40 mm thick are used. In this case, it is easier not only to construct a strip foundation, but also to correctly calculate the required amount of materials.

Metal factory structures are strong and reliable. They are durable and reusable, but due to their large mass they are difficult to transport. Only experienced builders can install such shields correctly. Tape extension is not allowed.

Plastic formwork or polypropylene foam is lightweight, compact, expensive and versatile. Excellent for the construction of load-bearing walls and ceilings, as well as for pouring strip foundations. Plastic and polystyrene foam are artificial thermal insulation, calculations are made right on the spot, and the panels can be cut to your size. It is also easy to construct a plinth on such a ready-made, flat surface.

Installation of wooden formwork

To produce wooden formwork, it is better to use edged board or wide plywood. Ready-made shields of fixed sizes are made from these materials, then grooves are made on the external contours to connect the shields to each other. All joints are treated with waterproof sealant or polyurethane foam. The moisture content of the wood should not be high, the thickness of the cracks should be up to 2 mm. The height of the shields should not exceed 5-7 cm above the level of the foundation strip. Installing the formwork is quite simple, you can do it yourself:

  1. First, the construction site is prepared.
  2. The dimensions of the formwork are calculated, the appropriate materials are selected and the structures are assembled.
  3. Then the shields are installed on the outside and reinforced with braces, where the main fixation will be the soil or reinforced pillars. The braces are nailed to the boards and installed at intervals of at least 1 m from one another, the minimum permissible distance is 30 cm for thick bases.
  4. Jumpers of a fixed length are secured with nails or corners - this is the maximum allowable width of the foundation strip.
  5. The inner part of the formwork is installed in the same way and tightened with clamps, nails or other fasteners.
  6. The vertical and horizontal position of all shields is checked, the permissible slope angle is no more than 3 degrees, and they must not have deflections or bends. The condition of the surface of the boards should be regulated by slats, a level or a construction hydraulic level. Local deviations for plywood should not be 2 mm, and for boards - up to 3 mm.
  7. After pouring the concrete solution, the formwork can be removed and reused, and the base can be constructed on a flat outer surface.

The correct positioning of the formwork panels can also be controlled using casting threads and wires, as well as fixed type fasteners. If not used removable formwork It is advisable to fix it on the inside of the polystyrene foam wooden planks, install strong hooks in them and connect the fittings flexibly. Then the hooks will tension both surfaces of the formwork and fix them within the specified parameters.

After installation, the inside of the formwork must be covered with roofing felt in several layers so that the concrete does not leak out, as well as to ensure waterproofing of the tape. Waterproofing must be laid from downward slopes, closer to the sand cushion, so as not to tear the layer during concreting. It is better to bend the upper part of the ball of roofing material over the upper edge of the formwork, secure it with clamps or screws, and secure it with a stapler. Then the sheet will withstand the load that will occur when pouring concrete from a concrete mixer.

How to install formwork for strip foundations on unstable soil

Even just digging a trench or pit in loose soil is fraught with some danger due to its possible shift. Therefore, first they make the external formwork of the trench in order to prevent soil shifts, and only then equip inner part trenches.

To protect the labor of workers, a trench is dug at a certain slope of the walls and of sufficient width for convenient installation of shields. Then the formwork is installed, which is often made in several layers, where the intermediate zone is the clamps of the outer edge from the ground and the inner edge from the concrete mortar zone.

To ensure that the formwork stands securely, you can pour a layer of concrete on top of the sand-gravel mixture medium density so that it fixes the shields from the inside. When the formwork is installed on concrete base, then it is better to use special threaded ties. They fix the slabs together, prevent them from spreading under the mass of concrete, and steel bushings are provided inside the formwork.

How to arrange a combined formwork for a strip foundation

Combined formwork pays off when you need to build high building and install thermal insulation on a limited area of ​​the construction site. The design involves a combination of removable and permanent formwork, which you can do yourself, while its design remains quite simple. From the outside - these are ordinary removable plastic or wooden boards, and inside there is a layer of polystyrene foam.

This design carries the advantages and disadvantages of two types of formwork. Some developers spend money and time on thermal insulation, especially when it is necessary to build a foundation without calculations in a short time. The disadvantage of such formwork is that when it comes to waterproofing, it can only be placed on the outer surface, and the inner part of the insulation cannot be removed.

If the strip base is erected on strong soils that are not prone to heaving, then the trench is dug taking into account the thickness of the insulation, as well as the removable formwork panels. In the underground part, the insulation is attached to the walls of the trench, and in the above-ground part - using self-tapping screws. You can also use special mounting dowels and umbrellas, but then removing the insulation during restoration or repair is problematic. If the tape is installed in loose soils, then the insulation is installed completely immersed in the ground, provided that the level of frost heaving in the region is insignificant.

The role of permanent formwork for strip foundations

These are panels made of polystyrene foam, connected to each other by grooves in the shape of a construction set, so they are often made with their own hands according to ready-made drawings. A reinforcement frame is installed inside and then filled with concrete. Due to the presence of expanded polystyrene, a thermal insulation and waterproofing layer is simultaneously formed on the surfaces of the tape. This type is used when the building area is limited or the groundwater level is high. The advantages are obvious:

  • it can be quickly assembled directly on construction site, does not take up much space;
  • it is supplied in a factory configuration, there is no need to calculate the parameters of the panels, they can simply be cut, which cannot be done with wooden formwork;
  • all external and internal surfaces of the tape remain insulated;
  • the result is the smoothest outer surface, ready for construction and resistant to frost heaving.

The key disadvantage is the cost of permanent formwork, since it is produced in a factory from expensive materials and cannot be removed. At every individual construction you have to re-calculate the dimensions of the slabs.

Wood formwork

Metal formwork

Permanent formwork

  1. Inspect the formworks prepared for construction wooden materials for the absence of unevenness and contamination.
  2. The installation of the structure must be strictly level;
  3. The fastenings must be fixed very tightly, since if this condition is not met, deformation of the future foundation may occur;
  4. When constructing formwork, it is worth checking the surface for the absence of cracks and gaps.


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When constructing a monolithic foundation, it is very important to correctly position the formwork - the structure must create a rigid shape with given geometric dimensions.

The strength and reliability of the foundation support of the building directly depends on the accuracy of the alignment. This article is all about how to correctly set up the formwork for pouring foundation supports.

Which one to choose?

Permanent formwork

There are removable and non-removable formwork designs. For a monolithic foundation, it is usually made of wood, plywood or metal. Fixed forms for the foundation are made from sheets of expanded polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene is not dismantled after hardening concrete mixture– the layer serves additional insulation foundation supports (this manufacturing method is most suitable for areas with cold climates).

Assembly of foundation formwork is necessary when concreting monolithic building structures– a reinforcement cage is installed into it, a concrete mixture is poured, which, when hardened, gives the foundation structures the necessary shape and rigidity. Clearly positioned formwork panels help maintain the monolithic reinforced concrete foundation in the dimensions specified by the design.

Making wooden shields

Wooden formwork

Formwork made from wooden boards must be adjusted as much as possible, achieving minimal gaps between two boards so that the concrete mixture does not leak out of the box through existing cracks. The formwork forms must be as smooth as possible and free from flaws, in which case the finishing of the foundation walls will be very easy to achieve perfection.

Wooden formwork is made in the form of an oblong panel; during installation, the elements are fastened together using metal fasteners (nails and self-tapping screws). Wood is chosen coniferous species, planed edged boards with a thickness of 25 mm and a width of up to 150 mm are ideal.

The racks and frames of the form for a monolithic foundation are made of wooden blocks - these elements ensure the stability of the panels during pouring of concrete mortar.

It is very important to use lumber for the manufacture of formwork high humidity– this is necessary so that the wood does not absorb moisture from the concrete solution, which will greatly deteriorate the quality of the hardening concrete solution.

Installation Rules

Pouring the foundation

When installing, it is very important to follow the existing building codes and rules - this will help to pour strong and reliable foundation from monolithic reinforced concrete:

  • It is not allowed to install the support posts of formwork panels on dug up or fill soil; it is necessary to ensure the reliability and stability of the structure, for which, on problematic soils, it is necessary to place cuttings of boards under the support posts.
  • The shields must remain in an unchanged position for a sufficiently long period of time, taking into account the impact on them of the mass of concrete poured into the structure, therefore wooden formwork can be strengthened by installing braces, racks and supports.
  • In subsidence and heaving soils, the mold is mounted on special foundation edges buried below the freezing point of the soil.

Installation work

It is convenient to mark the formwork on the building site using pegs and stretching a construction cord or fishing line over them. It is very important to remember that the foundation should be 10-15 cm wider than the walls. Each action should be checked with a level and a laser level - this way you can ensure the most even placement of the formwork panels.

It is possible to position the formwork correctly only by using a level, which should be used to periodically check for possible displacement of the panels during installation.

You can start installing the boards only on level ground, securing each board with scraps of reinforcement and wooden support pegs. The panels are secured from the inside with reinforcing rods - after concreting, the reinforcement will serve as an additional reinforcement element to impart vertical rigidity. Watch the video on how to install formwork without mistakes.

The lower edges of the formwork panels should rest completely on the upper surface of the ground, and adjacent elements should have the closest possible fit to each other.

The side panels are tightened using special ties made of timber, which are strengthened on top of the formwork panels from above. Screeds are installed every 0.5 - 1.0 meter.

How to correctly level formwork panels

Usually the formwork rises 30 cm above ground level; it is very important to set the panels as level as possible so that there are no differences in height on the surface of the foundation. All formwork installation operations should be checked for level. It is very important to level the upper edge of the formwork, for which a stake is driven in the center of the building, on which the zero mark of the foundation is marked. Then, using a tubular level, marks are placed on the surface of the formwork panels or stakes. Concrete should be poured into the structure in accordance with the marked risks.

When the concrete mixture hardens and gains strength, the panels can be dismantled, usually 14-15 days after pouring the concrete.

When installing formwork for the foundation, it is better not to slack in the work, otherwise the durability of the built house will be at risk.

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How to align formwork using a laser level?

By using laser level The formwork is placed simultaneously along the entire perimeter. The device at a distance with high accuracy projects vertical and horizontal lines visible to the eye, determining the shape of the future structure.

Possibilities of laser levels when constructing formwork

Bubble levels allow for significant error. The use of hydraulic ones is possible only in the positive temperature range. Due to the high resistance in the tubes, the liquid level is set long time. Just marking out a complex foundation can take a whole day.

It’s a completely different matter when the formwork is set using a laser level. This is especially true for models capable of projecting a 360° beam. It is enough to install such a device inside the future foundation, and we will be able to place the formwork anywhere. Several workers can start work at once without crowds. The docking of the shields will occur flawlessly.

Speaking of foundations of complex shapes, with inclined planes and edges, setting up formwork without a laser level will require painstaking and lengthy calculations and making a model of the future structure.

Laser level for home use

Professional equipment is expensive and has great functionality. For reference household Inexpensive rack and pinion models are sufficient. For advanced owners of country real estate who are actively developing their homestead farming and arranging the local area, it makes sense to opt for more expensive structures with a self-leveling mechanism. Unlike rack laser levels, where installation is carried out along an air bubble, here spatial coordination is built into the program. The self-leveling option does not allow the slightest deviation of the beam from the base projections. Read in detail modern models Laser levels can be found on the website

Using a laser level to level formwork

Let's consider the possibility of using a laser level using the example of constructing formwork for a strip foundation. Professional approach consists of preparing shields that are installed in a trench, leveled and nailed together. Sequencing:

  • we set the level to the height of the future foundation and, by projecting a beam along the perimeter of the trench, we determine the required width of the shield;
  • After manufacturing the formwork walls, they are installed sequentially. We focus on the projection of the beam. We perform the leveling with pads under the bottom edge of the boards;
  • After installing the shields horizontally, we check the verticality of the planes. Regulation is made by spacers inside the formwork and upper ties;
  • After checking, the design is rigidly knocked down. If necessary, reinforcement is knitted and side slopes are attached.

It is also possible simplified version setting up the formwork, when the beam is projected onto the finished formwork. In this case, the beacons are transferred inside the structure. A wire is stretched along them, serving as a guide when pouring concrete.

How to set up formwork for a strip foundation

Reliability and rigidity, the qualities that formwork must meet, and of course, the zero-level form must be ideal. Therefore, for the geometry of the formwork, a deviation of no more than 2 mm and 3 mm is allowed for the joint gaps between the parts of the system. So today we will talk about how to set up formwork from boards for a strip foundation.

Construction device

Due to its cost-effectiveness, formwork made of wood is the most used option for installing a foundation. belt type. For the manufacture of formwork, boards and bars are used, and plywood and fasteners can also be used.

Product elements

The main parts of wooden formwork for the foundation are:

  • The deck is shaped like a shield and is made of boards or sheets of plywood;
  • The fasteners used are: screws and nails various sizes, as well as the wire necessary to tie together various elements;
  • Scaffolding struts, posts and frames providing lateral stability.

When choosing wood for making formwork, you should check it for bending, since the panels must retain their shape under high loads from concrete, and the boards must bend.

For the production of formwork the best option There will be planed 25 mm boards, preferably coniferous, this wood has high elasticity and strength. When assembling panels, it is necessary to use edged (edged) boards, this will reduce the gaps.

For formwork, it is advisable to use boards with a width of up to 150 mm and high humidity. Dried wood will draw moisture from the solution, and this will disrupt the natural course of hardening and affect the quality of the concrete.

Installation of formwork

Having completed the excavation work and installed waterproofing material at the bottom of the trench, we proceed to the manufacture of shields, for which we can use available materials.

Making shields

To do this, cut three-meter boards are connected to each other with wooden blocks, for fixing which you can use screws or nails. The bars should be installed at intervals of no more than 1 meter. One end of the block should have a pointed base to make it easier to drive it into the ground. When installing the bars to the shield, you should remember that the pointed ends should be directed in one direction.

The formwork parts are fixed with nails, which are located with heads on the inside of the foundation, this will allow you to obtain a foundation with smooth walls and will facilitate dismantling work.

Installation of formwork panels

The formwork must protrude at least 30 cm above the ground. To ensure high quality formwork, wooden panels must be securely fastened, since the concrete solution will exert high loads when pouring.

Ready-made panels are mounted along the entire perimeter of the foundation base. To fasten the shields, boards and bars are used, from which clamps are made. The clamp has U-shape, its vertical parts are made of a bar with a cross-section of 40 mm, and for the vertical part you can use a 25x50 mm board.

To add strength, jibs are installed in the clamps. For successful assembly, it is necessary to choose the correct length of the bars, taking into account that it should be equal to half the height of the shield. Installation of clamps is carried out at each bar that fastens the panels. When installing shields, you should strictly observe the location of the structure in the vertical and horizontal planes.

To make supports (struts), boards are used, which are installed at an angle to the connecting bars and are additionally supported by pegs. To fix the support to the beam, you can use both nails and screws. The length of the strut depends on the height of the shield and is taken to be the same.

The main requirement that the entire structure of wooden formwork must meet is the absence of large gaps between the boards. The presence of cracks will allow cement to leak, and as a result, the foundation structure will have irregular shapes.

An ideal wooden formwork can have gaps of no more than 3 mm; such gaps will quickly disappear when the mortar is poured and the wood gets wet.

If, after manufacturing, the formwork has a large number of cracks, they must be eliminated; for this, you can use roofing material or plastic film. These materials are installed on the inside of the formwork and fixed with nails or a construction stapler.

When installing the formwork, the reinforcement is being installed at the same time. After installing and fixing the formwork, its horizontalness is checked using a level. It would be useful to check the fastening of each structural element and compliance with the design dimensions.

After repeated inspections, you can begin pouring concrete.

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How to place formwork under the foundation

In order to create a concrete or reinforced concrete structure, the construction of formwork is always first required. This is a temporary structure that acts as a kind of form for pouring mortar, which, when dried, becomes the foundation. And here the question arises: “How to correctly set up the foundation formwork and not make large quantity mistakes?" Here you need to show care and responsibility, having studied all the necessary rules and nuances. You can also try setting up the foundation formwork based on the videos you have watched and provided by experienced professionals.

Types of formwork

Foundation formwork is divided into two main types:

  1. Removable, removed after the concrete mixture has completely hardened. For the manufacture of such a structure, wooden boards, shields, or metal elements are used.
  2. Fixed ones remain with the mortar for the entire existence of the future building.

But designs also differ in the type of material used to construct them. There are metal and wooden structures. That is why, before placing the formwork under the foundation, it is necessary to finally decide on its type and the material used for this. To make the task easier, it is worth familiarizing yourself with each option in detail.

Wood formwork

This option is the oldest and, nevertheless, still widespread. To construct this element, wooden boards and various shields are used. In order to connect the individual elements, beams are used. For the same purposes, a variety of ties, staples and wire may be required.

Important! When constructing such formwork, you cannot leave gaps between individual elements, since otherwise the solution may leak out, and this will lead to the formation of a foundation of absolutely poor quality.

Metal formwork

Formwork made of metal is more reliable and durable option. Here are the most suitable options is aluminum alloys and galvanized steel. Each of the proposed options has its own characteristics. You can purchase a ready-made design or make it yourself.

Permanent formwork

This type can be made of metal. But the most commonly used is polystyrene foam, which at the same time also serves as a thermal insulation layer. This type of construction is produced in the form of separate blocks, which are connected at the site of construction before pouring the solution.

Special reinforcement is used for the connection, which also serves to enhance strength.

Conditions for correct installation of formwork

Once the type of structure has been determined, answers to the question are required: “How to correctly place the formwork under the foundation?” After all, the quality of not only the foundation itself, but the entire building, completely depends on this.

In order to do everything correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Before installing the formwork, it is necessary to inspect and put in order the area chosen for construction, namely: remove all debris and smooth out any existing unevenness in the soil;
  2. Inspect the wooden materials prepared for the construction of formwork for unevenness and contamination.

Important! Inner side the prepared board should be perfectly flat, without chips, cracks or heavy pollution. If possible, it is worth replacing this material with smooth plywood.

The installation of the structure must be strictly level; The fastenings must be fixed very tightly, since if this condition is not met, deformation of the future foundation may occur; When constructing formwork, it is worth checking the surface for the absence of cracks and gaps.

It is imperative that after the formwork is completely installed and secured, it is worth re-checking that all rules are followed. The following devices will help with this: building level and corner, plumb line.

Assembly and installation of formwork for strip foundations

As you know, the exposed formwork for the foundation should be at least 50 cm in width. But the height should be about 1 m. When making the structure yourself, you should be guided by these parameters. It is also worth paying attention to the selected board, which must be at least 20 cm wide. The boards must be fastened not only at the points where the elements join, but also in the central part of the assembled formwork panel.

To fasten individual elements, ordinary nails and screws are used.

Advice! There is a unique way of fastening boards with nails. They should be directed relative to each other under different angles. This technique is due to the fact that the resulting result will be more durable when tested for fracture, and, therefore, the structure will be less sensitive to subsequent loads.

It is also necessary to prepare beams and boards with a length of at least 55 cm.

Now you can start installing the prepared structure. The lower part of the shields should be located along the contour of the prepared trench. Top part must be connected using prepared boards and beams. The interval between them should be no more than 1 m.

Next, you will need to wedge the formwork from the inside. For this, fittings are most often used. The length of each metal rod should be about half a meter. To secure, the reinforcement must be driven into the wood with its sharp part.

It will also be necessary to secure the structure with outside. For this purpose, reinforcement is also used, which is installed at an angle to the ground. A building level is used to verify correct installation. Now you can start pouring the concrete mixture.

In order to see in practice how to set up foundation formwork, this video and many others can be viewed on the Internet on construction sites.


In order to correctly assemble and install the formwork, you should carefully study all the rules and features this process. In addition, it will be necessary to determine the type of design, since the process technology largely depends on this.

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Placing formwork under the foundation is a mandatory work required during the construction of buildings. It consists of creating a frame, filled with concrete to create the foundation of the future house. Strict requirements are imposed on formwork: strength, reliability, ease of assembly and disassembly. Its installation should not take much time and effort. And the first thing you need to do is decide on the type of formwork. It can be removable or non-removable. The first type is dismantled after pouring the foundation, the second becomes part of the house.

Choosing material for construction

To install removable formwork, boards made of inexpensive wood are used. Special requirements is not applied to the material; the structure must be dismantled after the concrete has hardened.

Another option is possible - installing a frame made of expensive wood. After dismantling the structure, the boards are used for finishing work (for arranging the floor or ceiling, interior decoration, and so on).

Fixed formwork is mounted from durable materials:

  1. Steel. Metal sheets are suitable for monolithic and strip foundations. The advantages include the ability to bend the sheets at the desired angle, excellent waterproofing of the foundation. The downside is the high cost of the material.
  2. Reinforced concrete. Reduces concrete consumption without losing structural strength. But the slabs are heavy, so working with them is quite difficult and requires the use of special equipment.
  3. Expanded polystyrene. The formwork is made up of separate blocks that are firmly fastened together. Among the advantages are ease of assembly and the ability to give a certain shape. The design has thermal insulation and waterproofing properties. Disadvantages - difficulty in selecting individual parts (for example, round sides), high cost of material.
  4. You can build a structure for pouring the foundation from available materials: slate, corrugated sheets, unnecessary pipes and other items that can be shaped. If you make the calculation correctly, the benefits of using scrap materials are obvious.

Exhibiting the structure with your own hands

Construction work on placing formwork is carried out in several stages. The main condition for a good design is the creation of a perfectly flat surface. If errors are made when creating the formwork, the foundation will be built on an uneven site, which will lead to distortion of the building walls and destruction of the structure.

Preparatory work

Before installing the structure, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

  • digging a trench for the future foundation;
  • removal of construction waste;
  • leveling the trench surface.

To carefully level the site, use a building level or a special laser device. Determining the level by the horizon is easier than by level, but the equipment requires additional purchase costs.

Making shields

To make shields, boards about 3 meters long are used. They are fastened together by transverse cuttings of bars. The part of the boards that will come into contact with the concrete mortar must be perfectly flat and smooth. Depends on the surface of the boards appearance foundation from the outside and its reliability.

When connecting boards, nails and screws are used. Their caps are on the outside of the material. Please note that fasteners should not protrude on the surface. The finished shields are nailed along the perimeter of the trench.

Final work

At the final stage, the following work is carried out:

  1. Making struts. Shields require additional supports. For this purpose, struts are made. They are nailed to the structure at the places where the boards are fastened into a shield.
  2. Construction of clamps. To increase the rigidity of the structure, clamps are made. They are installed between the struts.
  3. Displaying shields. According to the draft foundation drawn up, the panels are placed strictly vertically and horizontally. You can control the process using the building level and plumb line.
  4. Examination. Before pouring concrete, check the formwork for any gaps that could allow mortar to pass through. If cracks are found, seal them with a waterproofing compound.
  • The frame must be made in a separate area, on a flat surface. The entire structure is assembled at the site where the foundation is laid, in a trench.
  • To strengthen the formwork, tie elements are installed along the entire perimeter of the structure every meter. The distance between spacers can be reduced to increase the strength of the formwork.
  • It is important to properly level the top layer of formwork. If this is not done, the work will have to be redone.
  • The boards need to be adjusted as close to each other as possible so that there are no gaps.
  • Correctly selected formwork boards are the key to high-quality work and reliability of the finished structure. Choose a material without cracks and with a smooth surface.
  • The bottom edge of the formwork should fit tightly to the soil. If the structure moves away from the surface of the earth, the foundation will be uneven.
  • We must not forget about the reinforcement of the foundation. To prevent cracks from forming in the foundation, part of a section from the grid should become the beginning of another section.

Correctly constructing the formwork structure is not difficult if you have standard set tools (saw, axe, hammer) and fasteners (nails and screws). You can save money if you use regular boards remaining after previously carried out construction work. To create durable and reliable formwork, we recommend using metal or reinforced concrete - materials that retain their properties for 100 years or more.

Before we start building formwork for a strip foundation, let's look at how many types of formwork structures there are.

The quality of the entire construction largely depends on the quality of the work performed on installing the formwork and on the base of the house, that is, on the foundation.

Types of formwork

The design of the formwork, depending on the type, is divided into two groups:

  • Formwork with removable structure;
  • Formwork that has a non-removable structure.

In construction without forming monolithic, concrete and reinforced concrete structure not enough. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a house or a pre-built frame called formwork.

In the case of self-construction, the formwork for the strip foundation is made by hand. The main thing is to choose the type of formwork and correctly carry out all its step-by-step construction.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

So, the formwork design, as already mentioned, can be removable or not.

The most famous and widely used type of construction. Removable formwork means that after pouring the strip foundation, this type of formwork must be dismantled.

Moreover, in this case it is removed immediately after the poured concrete has set.

Thanks to this type of formwork it is possible to form a foundation with any shape. This applies not only to strip foundations, but also to flights of stairs, monolithic walls and so on.

A removable structure is made using:

  • Sliced ​​board;
  • Sheets of plywood, which differs from ordinary plywood in increased moisture resistance;
  • Steel sheets, which can be made of any material, that is, both steel and aluminum.

But, for the construction of a strip foundation, it is better to use cut boards, moisture-resistant plywood and wooden beams. You can also simplify the formwork construction process by using a special metal frame for attaching cut boards.

At the same time, remember that it is not worth installing formwork using only plywood. It can only be used if the foundation is small in size.

It is better to opt for beams and wooden boards.

It doesn’t matter what material the formwork structure is made of. The main thing is to follow the basic installation rules during construction.

Permanent formwork is considered advantageous type and easy to install; moreover, the speed of construction in this case is much greater than with a permanent structure.

For its construction, improvised materials are most often used. It can be chipboard, fibreboard, metal carcass or even metal or asbestos pipes having a diameter of 150 to 200 mm. Therefore this is a huge plus.

This formwork is easy to install and does not require large earthworks. No spacers or supports are needed during construction.


Types of permanent formwork


This type is considered the most expensive. It is made from steel sheets with a thickness of 1 to 2 mm.

Advantages of this type:

  • good
  • It easily takes the desired shape of the foundation
  • Tape or monolithic foundation fits perfectly on metal formwork
  • The outer side is easy and simple to process
  • high price.
Reinforced concrete

This species is considered a relative variant.


  • Depending on the thickness of the concrete slabs, the consumption of concrete itself can be significantly reduced. At the same time, its strength will not decrease in any way.
  • The slabs are very heavy
  • If the slabs are not monolithic and one height is not enough, you will have to make spacers
Expanded polystyrene

This option is considered the most practical. In this case, the formwork is assembled from separate blocks, which are fixed together.


  • Easy installation
  • It is possible to give a certain shape
  • Insulation
  • Not very low price
  • Difficulty selecting some elements

The material you can use is plywood sheets or boards.


  • Good price
  • Availability of material
  • Easy installation
  • No need to purchase optional equipment for installation
  • Because of various dimensions material, it may be necessary to use additional means to strengthen and connect the formwork
Available materials

What available materials can be used in the construction of formwork?

  • Pipes
  • Corrugated sheet
  • Slate
  • Any other suitable material, which can provide the desired shape and at the same time prevent cement leakage


  • Cheap construction
  • Assembly complexity
  • Concrete leakage during pouring
  • Possibly low load carrying capacity
  • Additional supports may be needed

How to do it right permanent formwork for a foundation with your own hands?

Do-it-yourself permanent formwork for the foundation

It is being built in several stages.

The first stage - excavation work

After calculation required power future formwork, a trench is being dug.

Advice: leave a margin of 1 to 2.5 cm between the soil and the future formwork. This method will simplify installation.

If you decide to use reinforcement, then it must be installed at this stage.

The second stage is the construction of formwork elements

At this stage, the formation takes place reinforcement cage, if it is used. In addition, a structure with the selected material is erected.

After these steps, the concrete is poured. In about 25 - 30 days, construction can begin. During this time, the concrete will set and harden and it will be possible to proceed to the next steps.

How to assemble formwork for a strip foundation

  • The frame of the structure is only rigid, with strong fixation of all elements;
  • The formwork elements should not have any gaps, all parts of the formwork must fit exactly together;
  • The formwork must withstand the created pressure of the concrete solution.

Material is being prepared. These should be cut boards, 20-45 mm in thickness. Width doesn't matter. But the wider the board, the easier and faster it is to construct the formwork.

A board is knocked down from the prepared board with a height in accordance with the height of the foundation.

The shields are fastened together wooden beams using self-tapping screws, and only the screws are screwed in with their caps from the inside. The slots are additionally lined with slats in accordance with the dimensions of the shield.

The instructions for constructing the formwork themselves look like this:

  • Preparation of the workplace, that is, digging a trench, preparing building materials and tools;
  • Cut the boards to size according to the size of the foundation;
  • Manufacturing of shields;
  • Fastening the formwork, fixing the strength from the outside of the structure;
  • Test of strength.

Properly completed formwork construction means there is a complete absence of problems during the manufacture of the strip foundation.

A well-prepared pad and excellent quality concrete are worth nothing if the formwork for the foundation is made extremely poorly. It is clear that the accuracy of the geometry of the support plate or tape depends on many factors, but first of all on the serviceable and durable frame for pouring concrete. Therefore, in addition to a normal cushion, concrete and reinforcement for installing formwork under a good quality foundation, most likely you will need to buy normal saw logs and not collect slabs from the nearest storehouses, even if it is disposable formwork.

Basic elements of formwork for the foundation

A standard form for pouring a foundation involves the use of the following materials:

  • Marking cords and stakes, guide boards. Boards and stakes will need to be sewn to the cushion at the bottom of the trench, after which the side panels and foundation formwork fasteners can be installed;
  • Edged board, at least 30 mm thick, and timber with a section of 50x50. The amount of lumber required for assembling side panels is calculated based on the depth of the foundation, the width of the strip and the dimensions of the perimeter;
  • Side struts, supports, spacers and ties for foundation formwork, studs, plastic film, steel angles and nails are purchased with a reserve; it is better not to use old illiquid stock.

For your information! The best fasteners for wooden formwork are ordinary hardened self-tapping screws, 35 to 70 mm long. They cost more, but the quality of fixation is much better, especially since the danger of splitting the board or plank is eliminated.

If you decide to install the formwork under the foundation using self-tapping screws, stock up on an electric screwdriver and a couple of replaceable batteries, and you can wash the stock of self-tapping screws with kerosene, this will help to properly fasten the material without distortions in the wood.

Forget about laminated chipboards and steel tubular frames, this version of reusable formwork cannot always be installed correctly on your foundation. If you like a steel, aluminum or plastic frame, then immediately hire a team of workers who can properly assemble and install it according to your requirements.

Correctly assemble and install foundation formwork

In the vast majority of cases, builders prefer to assemble side panels, struts, bring the entire set to the foundation trench and only then assemble and install the finished parts according to the markings made.

The best option would be the following order of work:

Transfer all the characteristics and dimensions of the future foundation into an accurate sketch of the formwork, if necessary, check the dimensions of the trench and correctly increase the width in the places where the struts are installed:

  1. Assemble side panels from edged boards. For conventional formwork under MZLF, you will need to install a shield 60-70 cm high. The length, with the correct selection of material, does not greatly affect the quality of the formwork and, as a rule, depends on the possibilities of transport;
  2. We cut spacers from the timber and mark on the boards the places for their installation; in the foundation trench, the notches will help to correctly install the beams so as to maintain the required width of the tape;
  3. We manufacture required amount struts, you will need at least one pair of them per meter of shield length.

For your information! In some cases, craftsmen prefer to make and install struts directly when installing side panels in a trench.

There is little left to do - hammer in the support stakes according to the markings, install the shields and fix them correctly, taking into account the readings of the building level and plumb line.

How to properly place foundation formwork on the ground

The most critical stage of formwork installation has always been and remains the process of adjusting the position of racks and panels relative to the marking lines. First of all, along the stretched cords, you need to install and drive a number of marking stakes, preferably made from scraps of the board used to assemble the side panels. A flat peg is cut at least 20-30 cm longer than the vertical posts of the formwork side panels.

Each such stake must be installed at the bottom of the foundation trench, while the side plane and height of the stake are aligned in the direction of the marking cord and the vertical plumb line. It is necessary to install the marking stake very securely; if necessary, provide external support.

For your information! It is very important to correctly install and securely fasten the marking stakes; all further assembly of the formwork is done quite quickly.

On next stage it is necessary to install external formwork panels. On the outside, the shields will rest on marking pegs; on the inside, temporary fasteners will need to be installed from the same pegs, hammered in a checkerboard pattern with the markings, as in the photo. After aligning the shields with self-tapping screws, we attach them to the marking posts.

Next, we install the inner perimeter from the side panels, and temporarily fix the inner row with the help of spacers and struts. We check and adjust the position of the boards according to the building level, stretched marking cords and a vertical plumb line, after which we connect the top boards of adjacent boards with planks.

Final operations

After setting up and adjusting individual formwork elements to the markings and dimensions of the foundation, you will need to perform another important element- secure and strengthen the base of the side panels of the formwork. It is on the lower part of the side surface that the maximum bursting load falls, so each shield at the bottom, on the outer side, must be hemmed with timber or a bottom board, it is advisable to do this at the stage of assembling the shields, since hitting nails at an angle, splayed out in a trench, is not very convenient . Installed braces tend to hold the sides in place, but do not prevent the bottom from deforming, so installing wedges at the bottom is vital.

Along the hemmed bottom board, wedge-shaped pegs are driven into the ground every 60-70 cm; their task is to fix the bottom part of the formwork and prevent the panels from moving apart under the pressure of concrete.

At the final stage, experts recommend covering the wooden formwork with coating or laying it out thick plastic film. A properly laid coating will protect the formwork wood, less water will be absorbed, and after the concrete has set, it will be quite easy to remove the boards.

Pouring concrete, tapping boards and removing formwork

The integrity and resistance of the formwork to the hydraulic load from liquid concrete largely depends on the ability to carefully pour the concrete solution into the mold. You can correctly regulate the pouring process by rearranging the guide gutters through which the solution flows into the mold. The main thing is that after pouring the foundation, the solution should flow evenly throughout the entire formwork, gradually increasing the level of the poured mass.

Sometimes a situation arises when the lower and middle boards bend under the pressure of concrete. There is no catastrophe in this if it does not affect the overall dimensions and position of the formwork, although, according to all canons, such a defect must be eliminated. If there is a threat of the board being torn off or the entire plane of the board being deformed, then it is necessary to urgently take urgent measures to strengthen the surface and the specific board. First, additional screws are inserted and reinforcing spacers are installed correctly. Secondly, it is necessary to screw or drive a pile half a meter from the bend, install a car jack horizontally, and carefully press down the defect through a steel plate or thick wooden board. It would not be entirely correct to call everyone present for help; they are of little use; one competent assistant with a jack and a pile is enough.

It would be correct to remove the formwork after pouring for a strip foundation after a week at an average air temperature of at least 15-17 o C; in cold weather, the period before disassembly begins must be doubled. To properly disassemble the structure, you will first need to remove the struts, pull out the wedges along the bottom board and knock down the upper strips that tighten the panels. If film or roofing felt was laid, it is enough to carefully drive several wedges into the gap between the shield and the foundation strip.


All variants of wooden formwork are built according to the same scheme, therefore, having mastered the most complex strip version, you can, without hesitation, correctly assemble and install the form for piles, MZLF or slab foundation. The biggest problem When assembling the form of any type of foundation, there will be a problem in correctly assembling the structure for steps, a stove or an extension of a complex structure. Any of the listed elements will require a lot of time to come up with and install a frame of the desired shape and size.

The installation of floor formwork may differ in different parameters, which is characterized by the type of product and the nature of the work. In this article we will look at the types of formwork for floors, and also describe detailed instructions on installation.

Types of flooring products

All work on the installation of floor formwork is intended for the construction of buildings or houses. in a monolithic way. When carrying out work, it is important to adhere to the rules and recommendations to ensure the strength and stability of the structure. The formwork installation technology must be carried out by workers or specialists in this field.

Before proceeding with the installation of floor formwork, it is important to consider the parameters and types of this type products. There are these types of structures:

  • on bladed scaffolding;
  • formwork on cup scaffolding;
  • on volumetric bowls;
  • formwork on telescopic stands.

For telescopic racks made of steel, formwork is used when the ceiling height is no more than 4.6 meters. When erecting a structure of greater height, it is important to use volumetric formwork for the floors. In this case, the installation is intended for monolithic floors made of reinforced concrete, with a height of 20 meters and a thickness of up to 70 cm. For this type of formwork it is necessary to use vertical racks, inserts, jacks, crossbars and other connecting elements. All installation and dismantling work is not complicated.

Features of installing telescopic slab formwork include fixing the tripod at the base, which supports the entire structure. At the same time, the installation technology is carried out using special shields. They are made of plywood, which has waterproof properties. In fact, plywood panels are essential items for assembling formwork.

Another type of construction is carried out on wedge scaffolding, which is used for installing floors multi-story building. They can be used for other purposes, however, instead of plywood, scaffolding is laid on them and ladders are fixed, which is necessary for lifting workers. Wedge scaffolding has a prototype design that consists of horizontal and vertical posts. They can be connected at different angles, which will allow for high-quality work on difficult sites.

The technology for installing floor formwork on cup scaffolding is to install a frame-shaped structure. This method differs from the previous one in that the option of connecting the racks must be done using the cup method. This will allow you to install from 1 to 4 parts in 1 bowl on the same level.

Features of assembling formwork for beam floors

The technology for installing floor formwork involves the use of beams made of reinforced concrete. They carry out the main load of the building. Therefore, formwork is important not only for the floors, but also for the beams themselves. Work should begin after the installation of the columns is completed.

First of all, the beams are attached to special grooves, which are located in the formwork structure of the columns. After this, you can begin installing telescopic stands, however, it is important to remember the permissible heights. It is recommended to install all supporting elements on tripods, which are fastened with crossbars, which will increase the stability of the beam floor.

Next, they begin to install the formwork walls, which are important to fasten together and the bottom using special fasteners. Additional element strengthening is a flooring of wooden beams. It is also important to install telescopic racks underneath them for floor formwork. The last stage The work consists of installing panels on the sides of the formwork and laying the reinforcing frame. In this case, it is necessary to additionally check the following aspects:

  • the final procedure for adjusting the formwork;
  • checking the level of floor beams and other elements;
  • establish the presence of sagging or deflections that are important to eliminate.

Features of installing formwork without monolithic beams

The formwork installation scheme using this technology can be compared with the installation features for a beam floor. However, this method is simpler, since there is no need to install additional fences designed for pouring monolithic beams. You should know that to assemble the formwork, it is important to adhere to the requirements and rules that determine the installation distance of the support posts.

  • The installation step should be no more than 2 meters if the ceiling height is up to 230 mm.
  • A step of 1.7 meters is used for floors 28 cm thick.
  • If the ceiling is about 320 mm, then it is recommended to install racks every half a meter.

During installation work, you need to remember that the distance between the posts described above has maximum values. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the step between the supports slightly. Plywood, plastic and others can be used as panels for the construction of floor formwork. Construction Materials. It is important to know that to obtain a good quality surface it is important to use laminated products. If you plan to use plywood, it is important that it is moisture resistant.

Features of installing polystyrene foam formwork

This installation scheme has some nuances that are important to remember when installing the formwork. The design scheme is designed for certain cavities, which are intended to form load-bearing beams made of reinforced concrete. This will reduce the amount of work. At the same time, in all parts of the formwork there are special niches through which various communications can be laid, such as sewerage, water supply, electricity.

The approximate diagram of creating formwork for a monolithic polystyrene foam floor does not present any particular difficulties, so 2 or 3 people can participate in the work process. It is recommended to start the installation technology with the installation of racks and load-bearing beams.

It is important to know that the direction of the beams must be perpendicular to the position of the shields and the perforated metal profile, which will strengthen bearing capacity. If you need to carry out the necessary communications through the formwork, then you can cut an opening in the wall, and it is important to seal the joint area.

Features of dismantling work

Parameters for dismantling formwork may depend on various factors, which are determined by some regulatory and design documents. In this case, meeting deadlines depends on several factors:

  • brand of concrete used;
  • time of year when installation work is carried out;
  • thickness and parameters of the overlap.

As a rule, in the summer it will be possible to remove the formwork after 3 or 4 days, but it is recommended to continue construction work only after 3 weeks. In winter, the drying time for concrete is extended, depending on damp and cold weather. The essence of formwork dismantling lies in the simplest disassembly of parts. If the design has special falling heads, then the dismantling process is greatly simplified.

Also, the use of such parts will allow partial work to be carried out, but it is possible to simultaneously remove the floor formwork, photos of which can be seen on this website. The time to remove the structure can be determined by calculating the strength level of the concrete, which should be at least 70 percent.

How to make formwork for floor slabs: step-by-step instructions

In such a situation, we will consider the features of constructing formwork for monolithic floors. They are often used in current construction. If during the work you use quality materials manufactured using the latest technologies, this will reduce the weight of the structure and load parameters, which will reduce construction costs.

High-quality work performance ensures correct installation formwork, because pouring and forming the foundation is not a complicated process. As a rule, builders use several options for using formwork, some of which offer to purchase a ready-made structure, while others prefer to do everything themselves.

It is important to know that the formwork for the floor slab is made using this method: a frame is assembled from vertical posts, which are fastened together with special beams. They are nailed perpendicularly to the cross beam on which the plywood flooring is laid. It must be laminated and moisture resistant, which forms the bottom of the formwork. To carry out the work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • support posts, which are beams with a cross section of 120x120 millimeters to 150x150 mm;
  • transom beam and transverse beam - has the form of an edged board, the cross-section of which is 160-180x50 millimeters;

  • braces, which are a board that is 3 cm thick;
  • flooring, moisture-resistant plywood is used, the thickness of which is 1.8 cm.

For such work it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials, manufactured and coniferous trees, which is very uneconomical, so several alternative options can be identified:

  • use lumber that is intended for the rafter system;
  • use previously used products that were previously used in construction;
  • preference for materials made from low-grade tree species, such as soft-leaved trees.

To carry out the work, you need to make a calculation of the floor formwork, namely, install the required number of supporting elements, which are racks. So, when assembling the formwork, it is important to consider the steps for placing the rack. All parameters and distances were indicated in this article.

Step-by-step instructions for installing formwork:

1. Taking into account the thickness of the floor, we recalculate the steps between the beams, thus forming the first row. To do this, you need to drive a longitudinal beam into special grooves into the upper ends of the support posts using nails. The approximate depth of the half-groove should be equal to the crossbar. This will provide the required load on the support. Next, we fix the ends of the longitudinal beam to the wall.

2. In the same way, it is necessary to assemble the second row of formwork. The base for the structure must be strong and level. To do this, it is recommended to place a board under the supports, the thickness of which should be about 5 cm.

3. We attach a transverse beam with a set distance of 60 cm perpendicular to the longitudinal beam. Next, we install support posts, the verticality of which is checked using a plumb line.

4. Using the same technology, you need to install the remaining rows to create a framework of the required parameters.

5. It is important to level the horizontal beams using a building level, while the height of the posts can be easily adjusted.

6. It is important to fasten all racks together using braces. They can be attached using nails, and their position should be diagonal. At the same time, you need to ensure that the entire frame of the racks is strong and reliable enough for further work.

8. It is important to keep the ends of the ceiling from freezing. Thus, around the perimeter you need to make masonry, for example, from aerated concrete blocks. For brick walls it is necessary to lay out four rows of brickwork, the thickness of which is 12 cm. And it is recommended to insulate the outer side with polystyrene foam.

10. We pour the concrete solution. It is recommended to dismantle the formwork after 20 days.

The installation scheme for formwork for different types of floors represents a large volume of work, the implementation of which will require huge costs. Of course, you can build the formwork yourself, or you can purchase new design. In this case, all costs will be the same.

Floor formwork: installation instructions, Construction portal

Construction of houses Installation of floor formwork may differ in different parameters, which is characterized by the type of product and the specifics of the work. In this article we will look at