How to install a suspended ceiling yourself. Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling pvc

Do you want to replace the ceiling with a suspended one, but are you afraid of the cost of the work, which often exceeds the cost of materials? There is nothing simpler: anyone can master the technology of installing suspended ceilings on their own - the main thing is to study the step-by-step instructions in detail.

Preparatory work

The first thing you need to learn is that without preparatory work it won't work out. However, if you plan to ruin the canvas, and at the same time finishing walls, furniture and other contents of the room, we are not able to prohibit.

If such a development of events is not included in your plans, we suggest proceeding as follows.

  1. 1. Be sure to remove furniture from the room- it can be damaged when heating the air with a heat gun;
  2. 2. Carry out preliminary work on the walls. Depending on the finish you want, level and plaster them or install plasterboard.
    Attention: In the latter case, the corners at the top of the room should be smooth, not rounded.
  3. 3. Carefully clean the ceiling from the old finish: remove whitewash or traces of wallpaper, remove dirt and dust.
  4. 4. Required treat the floors with primer- it will prevent the development of fungus and mold even in case of high humidity in the room.
  5. 5. Conduct electrical wiring.

Careful adherence to all recommendations will allow you to quickly and efficiently install a suspended ceiling without spoiling anything. Once you're sure the space is ready, make a list and head to the hardware store - it's time to stock up on tools!

Selecting Tools

It is best to take care of everything you need in advance - there is less chance that something will be forgotten and you will have to quickly look for the item in nearby stores. To perform stretch ceiling installation work, we use the following tools:

  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Hammer;
  • File;
  • Hammer drill with vacuum cleaner (read more about it below);
  • A screwdriver (or better yet, two);
  • Hand mount holder;
  • Spatula;
  • Hacksaw (or grinder);
  • Passatizhi;
  • Ladder;
  • Laser axle builder with a rod on which it is attached;
  • Hangers for the ceiling canvas (“crocodiles”);
  • Thermal gun (+ propane cylinder).

Draw your attention to: You can replace the gas heat gun with an electric one. Focus on which device is most convenient for you to work with.

We’ve decided on the tools, now let’s study the installation of suspended ceilings from “A” to “Z” in our step-by-step photo instructions with video explanations.

Stage 1. Applying markings

If you want to get a smooth canvas, then you cannot do without this item. Marking is a preliminary outline with a pencil of the desired level of the stretch ceiling. We suggest using laser axle builder- it is the most accurate and practically eliminates errors. Shall we begin?

1. First of all, decide where you plan to place the baguette. Everything is quite simple here, if you take into account two nuances:

  • The minimum height of the laser from the ceiling should be 5 centimeters. If you leave less, then working with a hammer drill will be difficult.
  • Step back one centimeter from any of the protruding ceiling elements. In our case, this is a junction box.

2. Set up a sting maker to a certain height.

You can do without a telescopic rod. For example, your partner will hold the axle builder, and at this moment you will trace the laser beam with a pencil. But, frankly speaking, this method cannot be called convenient and accurate.

Having finished with the markings, we begin the next stage of work.

Stage 2. Installation of baguette

It can be called one of the key ones - if you make a mistake in installing the baguette, or fix it unevenly, the canvas will become deformed or even tear.

Let's look at an example on an external corner:

  1. 1. First, take a measurement with a tape measure.
  2. 2. Place it on the aluminum profile.
  3. 3. Using a hacksaw or grinder in a special way cut the baguette. Watch how exactly to do this in this video.

Note: Internal corner should have one undercut, and the outer one - three, with a distance of 10 mm from the measurement line in both directions.

4. We clean all cut edges with a file. This is necessary to preserve the canvas.

5. Bend the corners. In the end you should end up with something like this:

Advice from an experienced: A hammer drill paired with a vacuum cleaner is a truly practical and very convenient solution for repairs. Simultaneous drilling and suction of construction dust will save you a lot of time on cleaning and your health.

7. All that remains is to drill the holes, insert the dowels there and use screwdrivers and self-tapping screws to secure the baguette itself.

8. We continue to work in the same spirit, installing a baguette around the perimeter of the room.

We pay special attention to the joints, they should turn out as smooth as possible, like in the photo:

Attention: Before starting work, you must decide on electrical wires. You need to understand exactly where they are. Typically, wiring runs strictly vertically along the walls to sockets from the floor, and to switches from the ceiling.

But there are exceptions. Therefore, in places where you assume that you have wiring, the baguette should be made approximately according to this model:

One little secret: If you are unable to secure the baguette in a standard way, then you can resort to a trick that will help press him to the wall. Attach a small strip (10-15 centimeters) to the ceiling, perpendicular to the baguette. Then carefully attach it to the joints.

In order not to damage the ceiling fabric during tensioning, seal all joints with tape as follows (see photo below). You will need a spatula. Carefully apply the adhesive tape to the joint, and then level it with the flat side of the spatula, removing the smallest air bubbles. We tuck the edges under the baguette.

Let's look at the result of the second stage. You should end up with something like this around the perimeter:

  • The high flexibility of PVC baguettes complicates installation;
  • They can become deformed when the canvas is heated with a heat gun;
  • If the profile is rigid, then there is a risk of breakage during installation;
  • Durability is questionable: if an aluminum baguette will serve you for 20 years, then the PVC will have to be changed along with the canvas after 5 years.

Stage 3. Preparation for lighting installation

After fastening the baguette, we proceed to installing platforms for chandeliers or lamps. Plastic platforms look like this:

And you need to make the following structure out of them:

To do this, you will need so-called pawns, which are often used in the installation of plasterboard ceilings.

We drill a hole with equal indentations and secure the platform.

When you have installed all the structures, it’s time to move on to the most important thing - installing the stretch ceiling.

Stage 4. Stretch the fabric

You should start by installing “crocodiles”, which are hung on the four corners of the room,

to attach the coating to them.

When unpacking the canvas, pay attention to the location of the harpoon (a hard strip around the perimeter of the canvas that will be attached to the baguette). It must be located bent into the room.

After that we begin to heat the room, using heat gun- this is done so that the canvas stretches, and also to soften the harpoon (which is also made of PVC, only denser).

When the room is warm enough, use a spatula to begin insert the harpoon into the baguette.

Attention: you need to start from the corners (!), and then go along the perimeter.

This technology for fastening suspended ceilings is called harpoon-baguette.

Let us clarify that in addition to this, there is another type of installation - beading, when the strips are initially made larger than the ceiling area. In this case, preheating is not necessary, but...

  1. 1. If the master did not tighten the canvas during installation, after six months the coating may wrinkle.
  2. 2. Operation of the ceiling. In the baguette-harpoon technique, you can always remove the ceiling to get to the same soldered box or wipe the stain after a flood from above. In a glazing bead, if you remove the ceiling, you will have to buy a new sheet. More differences can be read here.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated. Let's move on to the final stage.

Stage 5. Final work.

After the canvas is stretched and secured, you only have to deal with two points:

  • cut through holes for chandeliers or lamps;
  • place a decorative insert around the perimeter of the room (we are not talking about the ceiling plinth, but about masking tape, which allows you to hide the joints at the walls).

Let's start with lighting. To make a hole in the ceiling you will need special plastic rings that need to be glued to the canvas.

For this:

  1. 1. find the center of the hole of the previously fixed platform;
  2. 2. coat the surface of the ring with glue;
  3. 3. and glue it so that the marked place on the ceiling is exactly in the center of the ring.

When the glue dries, cut a hole around the inner perimeter.

Important: Please note that rings and platforms can be of different diameters. Their choice depends on what type of chandelier or lamp you want to hang.

All that remains is a decorative insert around the perimeter. There is nothing complicated here - carefully lay it along the joints using a construction spatula.

The only thing I can add here is: It wouldn't hurt to glue the corners of the insert with white silicone. This will ensure reliable adhesion to the canvas.

By the way, you can see the entire process described above in this cool video. Be sure to check it out.

Features of installing fabric stretch ceilings

Fabric sheets have a different structure and, accordingly, this affects the technology of their installation.

If we talk about what is the difference between the installation process of fabric stretch ceilings and PVC, there are a number of features here:

  • Clip fastening system. Fabric stretch ceilings are mounted on special plastic profiles- “clothespins” or “clip”. These profiles have a narrow groove into which the web is inserted using a special spatula. At the same time, after refueling there are always excess ends of the “fabric” that are cut off. A caveat: if you need to remove such a canvas, you won’t be able to install it back.
  • The canvas is stretched without using a heat gun or any heating of the room. Quite the contrary - fabric ceiling shrinks when heated. Therefore, it is better to have a hair dryer on hand. It can be useful for straightening out small wrinkles that sometimes form in corners during installation work.
  • Refueling procedure. Unlike PVC, the fabric sheet is first tucked in the center of the wall (usually the one next to the window), carefully straightened out and secured in the center of the opposite wall. This technique makes it possible to center the canvas, which is especially important if it has patterns or photo printing. The process of maximum tension itself may involve repeated “tightening” of the canvas (during installation, and not subsequent operation).
  • Since plastic rather than aluminum baguettes are used under the “fabric” in most cases, it is recommended to additionally glue them with liquid nails before installation.
  • Cutouts for lighting fixtures can be done without reinforcement (strengthening) with glue. This ceiling is an order of magnitude stronger than PVC in terms of the rigidity of the stretched surface. Products from Descor (cheaper, Germany) and Clipso (more expensive, France) have proven themselves particularly well.

Preparatory stage, marking and fastening baguettes - all these actions are carried out according to the same principle and the order that we described above for PVC ceilings.

How to install fabric stretch ceilings yourself is clearly shown in this video.

Security measures

Despite the ease of installation of suspended ceilings, it must be taken into account that working with a heat gun requires increased caution. Especially if you decide to choose a gas model.

  • On each gas cylinder you will find two dates. The first is the date of its manufacture, the second indicates when the cylinder needs to be taken for inspection. This can be done at most repair services for such equipment. Remember that violation of these deadlines is fraught with an emergency.
  • Before starting work, check the integrity of the connection of the cylinder, hose, terminals and heat gun. This must be done to prevent gas leakage into the room.
  • If refueling is necessary, under no circumstances do it yourself - contact special workshops where this will be done in compliance with all technical standards.
  • Check the serviceability of the equipment. At the slightest suspicion of a breakdown, it is better to take it for inspection.
  • Important: Never leave gas cylinders near heating sources or point a heat gun at them.
  • Even if you do not have enough hose length, do not try to increase it yourself - this may compromise the tightness of the structure. It's better to spend the extra money and buy a new one.

We are confident that our visual instructions helped you figure out how to install a suspended ceiling with your own hands - there’s really nothing complicated about it.

If you still have any questions or want to read about the installation of structures more complex than a single-level canvas, study this.

Despite the wide variety of offers from construction companies, in our time many still strive to carry out repairs on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists. Often, such a solution allows you to significantly save money, and most importantly, in this case you can be absolutely sure that the work will be done with high quality, without flaws, because this is done for yourself.

Stretch ceilings are a fairly new material for finishing ceiling space, and most people who want to install such a ceiling still turn to companies whose specialists professionally install suspended ceilings. However, there are also daredevils who decide to install a suspended ceiling on their own, without the intervention of professional installers.

Such a desire deserves respect, because the process of installing the canvas is very labor-intensive and requires the availability special tool and certain skills of the installer. But in this case, it is very important to imagine the entire installation process in advance, and also to carefully consider all the stages of installing the tension panel yourself.

Tools needed to install the ceiling

To install the tension fabric yourself, you should make sure in advance that you have the tools at hand and necessary for installing the ceiling.

  • Hammer;
  • Ladder;
  • Level (preferably a laser level);
  • Dowel-nails;
  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Gas bottle;
  • Heat gun.

The heating gun required for installation can easily be borrowed from friends, rented or purchased. It will definitely come in handy in the future for warming up rooms such as a garage or utility room. The remaining tools, as a rule, are available in every home.

After completing all the necessary tools, you can start measuring the room and choosing a fabric for the future stretch ceiling. In addition, at this stage it is necessary to decide on the lighting fixtures that will be installed in the room, as well as draw in detail the installation diagram of the lamps. This is important because preparatory stage and the fastening of the base for the lamps occurs simultaneously or in advance with the installation of the tension panel.

The ceiling package includes:

  • Baguette (a special profile made of aluminum or plastic into which the stretched fabric is attached);
  • Cloth (here the choice is quite large not only in color, but also in texture and material);
  • Fastening (it is better to purchase dowel-nails with a reserve so that there is no shortage at the most inopportune moment).

When choosing a stretch ceiling fabric, you should be guided by your own taste and the functions that will be applied to the stretch ceiling fabric. The nature of the room in which the suspended ceiling will be installed also plays an important role. Today there are a huge variety of different types of panels, including those with applications, drawings or the possibility of photo printing. The choice will depend solely on the taste of the customer and the design provided for in the room being renovated.

Types of suspended ceilings

There are two types of suspended ceilings:

  • Fabric (made from modern material - polystyrene, treated with special impregnations. As a rule, it has a small number of texture and color options);
  • PVC film (they have a large selection of colors and textures, have a wide range of sizes, and can be either glossy or matte).

The choice should be carefully coordinated with all household members so that the chosen canvas matches the taste of all people living in the room. In addition, when choosing a canvas, you need to carefully check it for defects and clarify all technical characteristics.

Having purchased all the necessary components for the ceiling and the canvas itself, you can begin installing the ceiling surface.

It is important to do high-quality preparation of the surface of the main ceiling. If necessary renovation work to seal gaps and cracks, putty and prime the surface, and, if necessary, install soundproofing materials.

After priming and puttying, you should wait until the work is completely dry, and only then proceed to the direct installation of the selected panel.

  1. Wall marking;
  2. Installation of the panel;
  3. Installation of ceiling molding.

So, the first thing when installing a stretch ceiling yourself is to mark the walls. It's no secret that in many, even new houses, the walls are often uneven. That is why it is necessary to take high-quality measurements and calculate in advance all the irregularities that will need to be hidden.

Step 1: Measurements

Ceiling measurements should be taken at all four corners of the room. Sometimes height differences are barely noticeable, and sometimes they reach 3-5 cm. This is why it is so important to take careful measurements and make notes on the walls.

After this, we measure the perimeter of the room with a laser level and draw a horizontal line on the wall to attach the baguette. It is important to ensure that the line is straight. If unevenness is allowed, the ceiling will also be installed unevenly, which will significantly distort its appearance.

Another parameter that should be observed is the distance of the stretch ceiling from the main ceiling. The average indentation is considered to be 3 cm, but when attaching spotlights to a suspended ceiling, a larger indentation from the main ceiling should be provided.

Having marked the walls, we proceed to attaching the baguette.

Step 2: Attaching the baguette

The baguette is attached to the wall along a pre-drawn line with dowels, keeping a distance of 7-8 cm between the fasteners. For ease of work, it is best to glue the baguette to the wall in advance and only then fasten it with self-tapping screws.

The stage of attaching the baguette is completed and now you can proceed to the most important stage of installing a stretch ceiling - attaching the panel.

Step 3: Attaching the panel

Before installing a stretch ceiling, you should warm up the room in which the stretch ceiling is installed to 40 degrees with a special heat gun. Only after this can you install the panel.

Installation of a stretch ceiling sheet includes several stages:

  • With clean hands, take the canvas out of the packaging and secure the “base” corner, after which we slightly warm the canvas with the same heat gun;

At this stage, it is very important to be careful not to damage the canvas, including protecting it from contamination. To do this, hands, overalls and the room must be clean.

  • The corner opposite the “base” one is attached next;
  • We fix all the other corners and lightly heat the canvas again with a heat gun;
  • Warming up the ceiling little by little, we begin to insert the canvas into the baguette.

It is best to install a stretch ceiling with the help of an assistant. It is quite difficult to cope with this work alone.

  • Using special spatulas, the canvas is inserted into the baguette along the perimeter;

It is important to ensure that the canvas is straightened evenly, without the formation of folds or unevenness. If something goes wrong, this should be corrected immediately so that there are no problems in the future.

Make sure that the ceiling fits snugly against the wall and carefully secure the panel into the baguette. Small folds on the surface of the panel can be smoothed out with light hand movements and slight heating of these places with a heat gun.

Having completely secured and warmed up the canvas, you can begin installation. lighting fixtures. This is the final stage of ceiling installation. Installation locations for future lighting fixtures should be provided in advance and special racks should be secured.

After the membrane of the canvas is installed and smoothed, we cut out the holes necessary for the lamps. At this stage, you need to be extremely careful and patient, as the ceiling canvas can easily be damaged or ruined.

Step 4: Installing the ceiling molding

After proper installation lighting fixtures, all that remains is to glue the ceiling molding and the ceiling is ready for use with your own hands.

Please note that on the market building materials There is a large selection of ceiling moldings made from various materials. The most common are polystyrene foam or plastic baseboards. They are attached quite easily, most often with an adhesive base to the wall in the immediate vicinity of the stretch ceiling. If necessary, after gluing, the plinth is primed, puttied and painted.

If you initially chose not a film stretch ceiling, but a fabric one, the installation will differ little from the installation of a ceiling made of PVC film. The main difference will be the absence of the need to warm up the room with a heat gun.

There are also multi-level stretch ceilings that are mounted on complex, pre-fabricated frames, but it is better not to undertake the installation of such ceilings if there is no or little experience in installing such ceilings.

There is a high probability of not achieving the desired result, which will be a great disappointment and will negate all the time and money spent, as well as the installer’s efforts spent on this.

In this material, we examined the main stages of ceiling installation and all the issues related to installing a stretch ceiling yourself, which a non-professional installer may encounter.

When deciding to install a suspended ceiling yourself, you need to be confident in your abilities and not doubt the desired result. With due diligence and accuracy in performing the work, the ceiling will turn out perfect, and long years will delight you and your loved ones.

Today, most people prefer stretch ceilings, because they are practical and allow you to hide flaws and unevenness left after whitewashing. On sale ceilings have a large color scheme, which will allow everyone to create their own style and design in the room, and they are installed simply and quickly, the main thing is to follow all stages of the procedure. Produce installation of suspended ceilings you can do it yourself, quickly, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Requires a thorough preliminary analysis of the entire ceiling surface. To prevent the new coating from deforming and inflating, the ceiling must be cleaned of possible shedding of the lime layer, cracks and holes, and voids between the walls and ceiling must be sealed. polyurethane foam. It will be more convenient to install ceilings in an empty room; if possible, you need to take out all the furniture for a while, or move it to the center for free access to the walls. Anything that cannot be moved must be covered with film to prevent scratches. The wiring should not touch the new ceiling, so it is attached in advance to old basis. If PVC sheets will be used when installing the ceiling, it is better to temporarily remove the slopes from the plastic windows and thoroughly warm the room.

Necessary materials and tools.

To install the ceiling yourself you will need:

–water or laser construction level

– a hammer drill or drill with attachments for installing a ceramic-coated bathroom ceiling

–straight and angled blade

– plastic rings for lamps.

Installation of a stretch ceiling, step-by-step guide

  1. Determination of canvas area. It is important to accurately determine the dimensions of the canvas, for this:

Make a drawing of the gypsum board covering

– use a tape measure to measure the distance from corner to corner of the room; for more accurate measurements it is good to use an electronic tape measure

– when deciding to install a figured ceiling, first draw the shape of the room on paper

– mark doorways

–start measuring on the left side of the wall as you enter the room

-label all corners with letters

–measure the length of the walls from the top near the ceiling, since the dimensions at the bottom and middle of the wall may vary

–measure the ceiling diagonally, starting from the left corner to the opposite corner

-take measurements between all corners around the perimeter of the room.

  1. Determining the size of baguettes. Keep in mind that when using bead moldings, the fabric must have a reserve. Also, the film must be the same size as the PVC, otherwise it will be difficult to stretch it. It is also almost impossible to adjust the size of the film with a harpoon to the canvas with glazing beads. Decide in advance on the installation method; remove the stretched film, or it will be difficult to install again later. Having calculated the dimensions of the room along the perimeter as accurately as possible, you will not have any problems deciding on the required linear meters of canvas.
  2. Setting the level of a stretch ceiling. Start from a low angle in the room:

– step back 2-3 cm from the ceiling, make a mark on the wall. There is no need to make the indentation distance large, the main thing is that you can conveniently use a hammer drill or hammer

–attach the marking cord with dye to the marks on the walls, stretch it along the entire perimeter of the room so that it does not sag. Then the cord can be released; a clear line of paint should remain on the walls for further fastening of the baguettes.

  1. Installation of baguette. Start attaching the baguette from the left corner:

– using a hacksaw for metal, carefully make a cut on the inside of the baguette approximately in the middle, without damaging the front side

– bend in this part to obtain a corner

– drill holes in the baguette every 10 cm at the bends, at the corners every 8 cm

– attach the baguette to the wall, to the marked line, drill holes in the wall with a hammer drill according to the indicated marks

-screw in the screws, act carefully so that the plastic does not burst

– treat the joints of the installed baguette

– when using plastic, cut off all sharp edges with a knife, if using an aluminum baguette

– smooth out rough edges with a file

– along the front side, connect the baguettes at the joints with tape.

  1. Chandelier mounts. As simple option:

– stretch two cords diagonally across the ceiling, mark its center

-if there is no wiring for the lamp, connect it

– using a hammer drill, drill holes in the ceiling, also in a block or metal profile for screwing in screws

– the fastening must be reliable, which means the holes must correspond to the diameter of the screws

-screw the beam to the ceiling at the same level as the baguette

– when using a metal profile, place it on the anchors, marking the center of the ceiling in advance, drilling holes for the dowels

– using a grinder, cut off all existing sharp protrusions on the edges and burrs, otherwise, without treatment, the canvas may simply tear when stretched.

When using spotlights, attach the base with anchors or metal profiles; it is not recommended to install light bulbs over 59 W.

  1. If communications are laid on the ceiling. When placing the pipes of a ventilation or heating system directly near the ceiling, you should try to wrap the pipes with a cloth:

– take a piece of plastic 4 mm thick, cut it out like an insert according to the diameter of the pipes, slightly larger in size than the diameter of the pipe

– cut the plastic to insert the blade behind the pipe

-clean off all burrs and sharp corners

– warm up the canvas with a heat gun, especially in the part of the pipe passage

–unfold the heated canvas, hook all corners with clamps

– stretch the fabric, mark the center of the pipe with a pencil

– remove the marked corner with an indentation of 1 cm, also make an indentation of 1 cm from the harpoon to avoid displacement of the canvas when stretching it

-attach the plastic amplifier to the markings on the wall, place it on superglue, spreading it in an even layer over the entire plastic

-cut the fabric into 2-3 parts in the inner circle of the amplifier to make 4 triangles

Place the film on the glue wrapped in the amplifier

–glue the insert into the ceiling between the harpoon and the plastic

–cut the canvas and harpoon according to the marked mark

– place the film with the amplifier behind the pipes.

In principle, the obstacles in the form of pipes can be considered overcome. The main thing is not to forget about 1 cm indentations, the heated canvas will expand and the film may simply tear.

Stretch ceiling installation process

  1. First of all, when installing a polyvinyl chloride structure, the canvas must be thoroughly heated using a heat gun to 50-60 degrees.
  2. Remove the lighting fixtures from the ceiling and make a wiring harness for the new structure.
  3. Start attaching the film from the corners. Grab the harpoon with a spatula without touching the film, insert it into the grooves of the baguette. When using a glazing bead, insert the canvas into it and secure with glazing beads.
  4. In this way, place the canvas around the entire perimeter of the room.
  5. Constantly heat uneven areas with a gun to even out the surface as much as possible.
  6. When attaching the harpoon self-installation stretch ceiling can be considered complete; when using glazing bead, you need to additionally cut off excess pieces and sand the cuts.

During installation, keep the gas or heat gun in operating mode at all times. It will take time to thread the blade, the gun may cool down, and unevenness and roughness needs to be dealt with more often so that the main blade does not wrinkle during installation. Next, you need to disguise the baguette with tape or put a plug on it, then you can hang the chandelier.

The place where the fabric is cut under the chandelier must be secured by cutting out a plastic circle and gluing it to the installation site of the lighting fixture.

Today it is fashionable to install suspended ceilings, do-it-yourself installation Can be done by people who have no experience working with building materials. The main thing is to carry out all operations sequentially, first draw up a competent drawing, and accurately indicate all the metrics. Take your time, the stretch fabric can quickly be damaged if it is pulled too tightly or if cuts are made in inaccurate places. Approach the matter responsibly and you will definitely succeed.

Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling installation

  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Materials and tools
  • Preparatory work
  • Profile installation
  • Laying wiring
  • Harpoon fastening
  • Installation using bead method
  • Clip fixation
  • Lighting system

Finishing ceilings with tension structures is fashionable and practical. Therefore, this method has become increasingly popular in recent years. Usually, a team of specialists is hired to install suspended ceilings, but it is also quite possible to do the work yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings

A film made of fabric or vinyl is elastic and will hide all surface defects. Therefore, installation is not required perfect alignment ceiling. However, these are not all the advantages.

These include:

    Variety of shapes and colors. The market today offers stretch ceilings of various colors and textures. The elastic film can take the shape of any geometric object. In this way you can implement original design solutions.

Operational installation. Having certain skills and knowing the installation features, the work can be completed in a few hours. This is significantly faster compared to other ceiling finishing methods. In addition, the process is not dusty, so it will not damage the wall finish.

Reliability. Vinyl is a super durable material. It can withstand enormous loads and prevent damage to furniture even when flooded by neighbors from the upper floors.

  • Durability. The service life of suspended ceilings, of course, depends on operating conditions, but on average reaches thirty years with minimal care.
  • In addition to these advantages, they also highlight the moisture resistance of the stretch ceiling, minimal accumulation of dust and aesthetic appearance.

    As for the disadvantages, they include:

      Relatively expensive. This finishing method is one of the most expensive, although it will last much longer than other materials.

    Fear of sharp objects. In a room with a suspended ceiling, you need to carefully handle long objects (for example, cornices), since you can accidentally damage the film.

  • Limitation on the use of lighting devices. If the temperature is too high, the film will be deformed, so lamps must be installed with a power below 60 W.
  • At correct installation suspended ceilings and their operation, many disadvantages are absolutely insignificant.

    Materials and tools for installing a stretch ceiling

    Before installing a suspended ceiling with your own hands, you need to decide what type you are using for finishing - film or fabric, and whether there will be seams on the canvas. When ordering, be sure to indicate the direction of the seam.

    To work you will need:

      Fasteners. Their types depend on the type of walls. For foam concrete, 5*70 self-tapping screws will be sufficient. For partitions made of brick or concrete, dowels will be additionally needed.

    Heat gun. The tool is expensive, and therefore for one-time use it can be rented. The power of the device is usually below 10 kW. It can be powered using a liquefied gas cylinder.

    Spatula. With this tool, the edges of the canvas are tucked into the baguette.

  • Wire clamps. If you work alone, then they can be used to fix the material.
  • In addition, you need to immediately decide on the type of baguette for installation. It comes in plastic and aluminum. The advantages of the latter are rigidity, but it will cost significantly more. The plastic model is cheaper, but it is less rigid, so preliminary leveling of the walls will be required.

    Preparatory work before fixing the stretch ceiling

    The process of installing a stretch fabric with your own hands includes several stages: preparing the coating, measuring the fabric and components, installing a stretch ceiling profile, laying wires and installing fasteners for lighting fixtures, fixing PVC film, installing lighting elements. At each stage you need to follow certain rules and adhere to instructions.

    Before proceeding with installation, remove large furniture and cover the floor with thick cardboard to avoid damage to the canvas. In addition, you need to carefully study the condition of the ceiling surface and think over the layout of lighting fixtures.

    An insecurely attached layer of the previous finish must be removed, as this may subsequently cause the film to sag. Large cracks and potholes need to be leveled. Stretch ceiling will hide most imperfections, but if the differences are significant, it will ruin the appearance.

    If there are stains on the coating from rust, soot, fungus or mold, get rid of them and prime the surface. Otherwise, after some time they will be reflected in the material.

    Installation of a profile for a suspended ceiling

    Before you start attaching the baguette, you need to mark the fixation line with a level. The optimal distance to the ceiling is 3 cm, but if you plan to install spot lighting elements, then the distance should be 12 cm.

    We work in the following sequence:

      Along the perimeter of the room, along the marked line, we attach the profile with fasteners in increments of 7-8 cm for walls made of plasterboard, concrete and brick. We maintain a step of 12 cm for tiled and metal surfaces.

    At the joints, reduce the pitch of the fastening elements to 1-2 cm.

  • At the corners we cut the profile at an angle of 45 degrees and bend it in the desired direction.
  • Laying wiring before installing a stretch ceiling

    Before you begin installing the racks, mark the location of the chandelier or spotlights on the ceiling.

    We work in this order:

      We fix the hook for mounting the central chandelier. For this purpose, fittings with a diameter of 1 cm and a length of 20-30 cm are suitable.

    We lay the wiring in a plastic corrugated sleeve and secure it to the ceiling with clamps.

    At the installation sites we produce cable loops about 30 cm long.

  • We attach adjustable stands of spot lighting elements to the ceiling.
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    • What is it about VanTuSlim that makes people lose up to 30 kg per course?

    Fastening a stretch ceiling using a harpoon method

    This method is one of the most reliable, although it is considered more labor-intensive. It is used only for installing PVC ceilings. In this case, a special harpoon is formed at the ends of the film. It is usually painted black during production and made from a denser material. In this case, the canvas should be 7% less area coverings.

    We carry out the work in the following sequence:

      We warm the room with a heat gun to +40 degrees.

    We begin to carefully unwind the canvas, making sure not to damage it or stain it. Please note that the material should not be brought close to the fan heater.

    After heating the film to +60 degrees, we attach the base end to the corner. It is usually noted by the manufacturer.

    We fix the diagonally opposite end and then fasten the remaining two.

    Use a heat gun to heat the varnish canvas until it begins to shine.

  • Using a rubber spatula, we begin to secure the sides of the material from the center to the corner, pointing the gun at the middle of the film. First we fix the first two opposite sides, then the remaining ones.
  • Installation of a stretch ceiling using the glazing bead method

    This installation method is more common due to its relative cheapness, but it has its drawbacks. For example, a wooden bead can jump out of the groove, which makes the structure less reliable.

    During the process, we adhere to the following instructions:

      We warm the room with a fan heater to +50-60 degrees, without affecting the canvas with direct flow.

    We unfold the material and secure it with clothespins around the perimeter of the baguette. To avoid damaging the film with the clips, you can wrap them in fabric.

    We fasten the canvas to a wooden bead in a U-shaped profile at the corners. First, on two opposite ones, then on the remaining two.

    We begin to push the material under the profile along the perimeter from the corners to the middle on opposite sides.

  • At the end of the work, excess material must be cut off and the room ventilated.
  • Fixing a stretch ceiling using a clip method

    This method is used only for fabric ceilings and does not require the use of a heat gun.

    We carry out work in the following sequence:

      We fix the material in the profile in the center on each side. The edges of the canvas should protrude 6-8 cm.

    Gradually tighten and level from the center to the edges, fixing the fabric in the baguette.

    Lastly, we attach the material to the corners.

    If wrinkles appear, they can be smoothed out by heating the fabric with a hairdryer at a distance of more than 20 cm.

    After installation, you need to cut off the excess pieces.

  • If desired, the fabric can later be painted with acrylic paint.
  • Lighting system on a suspended ceiling

    From the points on the floor that we have previously designed, we can laser design in the opposite direction the locations of the spotlight racks. Optimally used for these purposes laser level. Then you can be sure that the beam is directed at the ceiling at a strictly right angle. This can also be done by probing, but you need to be very careful not to damage the material.

    We work in this order:

      Lubricate the special thermal ring with glue and fix it to the material. For these purposes, it is better to use cyanoacrylate.

    We cut out the fabric inside the ring using a thin knife after the glue has completely dried.

    We adjust the height of the stands according to the level of the ring and screw in light bulbs with a power of up to 60 W.

  • At the end of the work, decorative caps are attached to the baguettes.
  • How to install a suspended ceiling - watch the video:

    Installing a stretch ceiling with your own hands

    Stretch ceilings are structures for decorative and functional finishing of the ceiling, consisting of special metal frame or a baguette and a panel that is attached to them. Stretch ceilings can be installed in residential and non-residential premises of any purpose and size: in rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, offices, educational institutions.

    What are the advantages of suspended ceilings?

    • The ability to create a perfectly smooth ceiling surface of any color and texture in a relatively short time.
    • Wide range of design possibilities.
    • Durability.
    • The process of installing a stretch ceiling does not leave any dirt.
    • You can use all kinds of lighting for a stretch ceiling.

    Disadvantages of suspended ceilings

    Difficult to install on your own. Special devices and skills are required to perform the work correctly. Disadvantages include the structure's susceptibility to mechanical damage from sharp objects. A stretch multi-tiered ceiling slightly reduces the ceiling height.

    What types of suspended ceilings are there?

    Depending on the type of construction, there are:

    Modern designers often use tension structures such as “starry sky” or models with photo printing.

    Any image can be applied to the surface of the canvas. Photo printing technology involves applying a design either to parts of the canvas - after which they are connected, or to a solid surface. Installation is not very different from other types of suspended ceilings.

    The “starry sky” effect is achieved by combining ceiling installation technology and special lighting. This look is perfect for a children's room.

    The ceiling canvas can be decorated with perforations, made with metallic or suede coating. Textured ceilings are popular - wood, natural stone.

    Installation methods for tensile structures

    The decisive point is the material chosen for the manufacture of the ceiling - textiles or PVC film. In the first case, the cold stretching technique is used. To install a stretch ceiling made of PVC film, hot stretching is required using a special “gun” - a heating gas device. This device heats the air in the room up to 70 degrees, so before installation it is better to remove all objects and plants from the room. Proper Use“guns” for installation practically eliminate the possibility of sagging of the canvas.

    Depending on the method by which the canvas is attached, there are:

    • Harpoonless fastening (for fabric panels and PVC film) or glazing bead.
    • Harpoon mount (for PVC film). This technology allows you to install the ceiling sheet quickly and easily. This method is universal because it allows you to work with any configuration and area of ​​premises. The essence of the technology is that during the production process a harpoon is attached around the perimeter of the canvas - during installation it is firmly fixed in the profile. Experts from all over the world have recognized this method as the most reliable and durable. The advantages of the method are the ability to create all kinds of shapes and structures and dismantle the ceiling and reinstall it. Before installation, measurements are required, on the basis of which the canvas is cut out - it can be of any shape. For particularly complex configurations, computer-aided design is used.

    For reasons of financial affordability and aesthetic appeal, many choose PVC film as the material for installation. tension structure.

    How to install a tension structure yourself

    The process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite troublesome, but using advice and having necessary equipment and skills, you can install such a ceiling with your own hands.

    Let's consider the installation process using a heat gun

    The simplest case is when the room has no pipes or other communications that come out of the ceiling, and the room itself is small in area and has a regular rectangular shape.

    1. The initial stage of ceiling installation is preparation. At this stage, measurements are taken - for these purposes you will need a building level and a protractor. With their help, marks are made - where to attach the baguette - it can be made of plastic or metal.
      We apply a zero level along the perimeter of the wall and measure the corners in order to join the profile evenly.
    2. We take the rail and attach it to the wall. The profile rail can be longer or shorter than the width of the room. Fastening is done with dowels or self-tapping screws.
    3. Using a fan heater, it is necessary to warm the room to a temperature of at least 40 degrees.
    4. When the room is warmed up, you can begin to lay out the film.
      Important! Make sure that the “gun” is not close to the film - it can melt from the high temperature.
    5. The film stretching stage requires patience and precision. We attach one corner to the corner of the baguette, chosen as the base one, then, diagonally, the second. Same goes for the other two corners of the film. Gradually, the same actions are carried out with the side parts.

    This is the basic technology for installing a film ceiling.

    How to attach fabric sheets

    Installation requires a canvas purchased according to the size of the room. The procedure is simple - a fabric impregnated with a polyurethane mixture is attached to the profile. You can do the installation yourself - the process of installing fabric sheets is simpler than PVC films.

    To begin with, as in the case of PVC film, you need to install a profile - clip or U-shaped.

    The clip type of fastening is more often used - it is easier to handle without having much experience in repair and installation work. In addition, the clip method gives a more reliable and durable result, and, accordingly, your stretch ceiling will be more durable. This type of fastening is made from high-strength plastic.

    U-shaped type of fastening (bead, wedge) - requires more skills and abilities; in this case, an aluminum profile is used. Having enough experience, it is possible to install such a mount very quickly and easily. This method is not durable, but it is valued for its cost-effectiveness. The disadvantages of this method are that the bead is not 100% firmly fixed in the groove and can fall out.

    After installing the baguette, we begin to stretch the canvas - first we fasten the side parts, and then the corners (this is the fundamental difference between the fabric covering and the PVC film).

    Decor using a special overlay, lighting installation.

    Many people have a question: what to do first - glue wallpaper or install a stretch ceiling?

    Let's consider two options - for disposable and reusable fastenings:

    The durability of the coating depends on proper preparation for the installation process. Finish the dirty work before installing the ceiling covering.

    The finishing features of the fabric covering allow it to be compared with a regular ceiling - textiles can be painted in any color using paint and a roller, and can be repainted several times. It is recommended to use acrylic paints. Using your imagination, you can create creative designs on the surface.

    Thus, installation of fabric and film coverings is possible provided that certain rules installations. Stretch ceilings will emphasize the style of the room. Single-tier structures are used in classic, minimalism, and constructivism styles. Multi-tiered ceilings are appropriate in modern styles; bright designs will decorate a room in the Baroque style and help zone the space in the loft.

    We install a suspended ceiling with our own hands: calculation, installation and built-in lighting

    Stretch ceilings have long ceased to be considered a luxury, but just five or six years ago it was an expensive pleasure. In addition, the installation technology was kept secret by the craftsmen. Today, almost any beginner in this business can install a suspended ceiling with their own hands.

    This article describes in detail the rules for calculating and installing a stretch ceiling made of polyvinyl chloride film (PVC). Glossy and matte ceiling canvases have affordable price, and wide color palette The produced material will help transform the interior of any home.

    In addition, a PVC ceiling membrane will protect the room in case of flooding from above. It is easy to remove water from under the ceiling, and the canvas will return to its previous shape after heating.

    Stretch ceiling installation technology

    Do-it-yourself installation of suspended ceilings is determined by the following action plan:

    • Measurement and calculation of ceiling sheets and components
    • Installation of wall profile - baguette
    • Installation of lighting wiring and installation of chandelier and spotlight fixtures
    • PVC fabric stretching
    • Installation of lighting devices

    Measuring suspended ceilings with your own hands is a very important operation. It will require maximum precision and diligence from you. First of all, take Blank sheet paper and draw a room plan on it (top view). Be sure to display all protruding parts (pilasters) and recesses (niches, bay windows).

    Label each corner with a letter of the Latin alphabet, starting from the lower left corner (A, B, C, D...). Measure all the walls of the room and transfer the dimensions to the drawing. Be sure to measure the diagonals. List them on paper as well.

    The PVC stretch ceiling is fastened to a special profile or harpoon-type baguette. A flexible harpoon is welded to the edge of the ceiling sheet. Once the harpoon gets into the groove of the baguette, it clings to the protrusions of the walls (like a harpoon or a fishing hook).

    Baguettes are made from aluminum or plastic. The length of the slats is 2 m. To calculate its quantity, you need to add up the length of all the walls of the room.

    Installation of baguette

    This procedure is no less important than measuring the ceiling. Whether it can hold the tension of the canvas or not depends on how firmly the fastening is made. Before installing the wall profile, the walls are marked.

    It is important to know! The stretch ceiling can be lowered 3 cm from the existing ceiling. If point lighting devices are used, then the level of the canvas is lowered by at least 12 cm.

    It is convenient to carry out marking using a laser level. If it is not there, then a regular water hose (a transparent hose with two graduated flasks filled with water) will do.

    At the joints of two baguettes, the fastening step should be no more than 2 cm. If the baguette was trimmed, then this place must be cleaned of burrs with a file or sandpaper.

    Important to remember! You cannot join the baguette in the corners. All joints are transferred to straight walls. In the corners, the baguette is cut on one side and bent at the required angle.

    Wiring and lighting devices

    You can also use self-tightening anchor bolts with a hook. If the chandelier is overhead, then a plywood embedded part must be placed in the place where it is attached. Straight hangers for a plasterboard ceiling are attached to a rectangular piece of plywood 10 mm thick in the corners.

    The hangers are bent in the shape of the letter L to the desired height and secured with dowels to the ceiling. Then, after stretching the fabric, the chandelier is installed, but more on that later.

    Ceiling stretching

    The room is heated with a special gas (propane) gun. The temperature is controlled with a household thermometer (it must be at least 60 degrees C). It is recommended to remove fusible plastic products, live plants and an aquarium from the premises.

    First, the canvas is laid out on the floor, and then secured with clips (crocodiles) in two opposite corners. The first angle is the base one (it is marked in the instructions that come with the canvas). The heated canvas is tucked with a spatula into the groove of the baguette until the harpoon clicks, catching on the protrusions of the walls. Below is a diagram of how to fill the ceiling sheet.

    When the canvas cools, it will stretch and it will be possible to install lighting devices. The location of the chandelier or the anchor hook is felt by hand and a plastic thermal ring is glued in its place with special glue. After 4-5 minutes, cut out the film inside the ring with a sharp knife and remove the loop of the lighting wire.

    The chandelier is hung on a hook and connected to power. After this, the chandelier cup is mounted under the suspended ceiling. For an overhead chandelier, a large thermal ring is glued on, and after removing the film, the mounting strip of the chandelier is secured to the plywood with self-tapping screws. The installation is complete and if you have any questions, this video shows you how to install a suspended ceiling yourself in great detail.

    Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling installation

    For a long time, suspended ceilings were considered an indicator of respectability and prosperity. A wide variety of colors, prints and materials, practicality, safety, the ability to create unique multi-level structures- all this has made tension systems the undisputed leaders among materials for repair and design of the ceiling area. Prices for installing suspended ceilings vary over a fairly wide range. There are companies that provide luxury services, and there are companies that have quite affordable prices.

    Stretch ceiling installation diagram.

    For those who want to save quite a significant amount, we offer detailed guide to how to install a suspended ceiling with your own hands. This is quite easy to do. It is enough to have a desire, skillful hands, necessary tool and the suspended ceiling itself.

    Materials and tools required for installing a stretch ceiling

    Scheme of a two-level matte stretch ceiling.

    It is advisable to prepare the necessary tools in advance. Instead of buying an expensive power tool, you can rent it. To make a hanging structure you will need:

    1. A hammer drill for creating holes for dowels.
    2. Screwdriver for mounting fasteners.
    3. A construction hair dryer (or gas gun) for heating PVC film.
    4. Hydro or laser level.
    5. Ruler and tape measure.
    6. Suspensions for holding the tension fabric suspended. For a small room you need 3-4 pieces, if the canvas is quite massive you will need 10 pieces.
    7. Special blades with which the tension material is pressed into the baguettes.
    8. Painting tap.
    9. Step ladder.
    10. Miter box for cutting profiles at an angle of 45 degrees.
    11. Metal detector to search for hidden wiring that may be located in the place where baguettes are installed.
    12. Consumables (drills for hammer drills, drills, gas, sealant, tape, glue, utility knife, etc.).

    Types of suspended ceilings.

    The materials you will need are the canvas itself and profiles. Profiles can be plastic or aluminum. Aluminum structures are more durable and neat appearance. When purchasing profiles, please note that harpoon (wedge, bead) profiles are suitable for film fabric, and clip profiles are suitable for fabric fabric. Profiles can also be wall or ceiling. If you chose option 2, you need to mount it close to the ceiling.

    After removing the canvas from its original packaging, it should be placed in a warm place. On it you can see creases formed during storage or transportation. Over time (but not earlier than 6 months) they will disappear. It should be remembered that a large suspended ceiling may sag. If you are installing a suspended ceiling with your own hands in a large room, plan lighting in the form of a chandelier located in the center in the renovation scheme. It will protect the PVC film from sagging!

    Fastening profiles for mounting a suspended ceiling

    The first step is to carefully consider the lighting layout, replace the wiring if necessary, and prepare the bases of the lamps. When using the harpoon fastening method, the canvas should be ideally measured and cut, its dimensions should be 7% less than the ceiling area.

    Scheme of installation and fastening of suspended ceilings.

    The wedge installation method requires a blade bigger size, while it does not need to be perfectly adjusted to the dimensions of the room. After tensioning the fabric, all excess can be cut off. The glazing bead method involves securing the film in the profile with a special tape that provides tension on the ceiling. This method can be used on flat sections.

    First, mark the fastening line using a level. Ideally, the distance between the profile and the rough ceiling should be the height of the profile or the maximum uneven point of the ceiling drop. If you cannot check the location of the wiring using a metal detector (and in Soviet apartments the wires are often located on top), the ceiling should be lowered by 7-15 cm.

    If you are the owner flat ceiling, it is better to attach the profiles directly to the rough ceiling, and not to the wall. This will avoid wasting space.

    It is necessary to install the profile so that its lower edge, where the film will adhere, does not have sharp protrusions. This will help protect the film from being torn by sharp elements to prevent the film from tearing. Usually, when installing profiles, difficulties arise when they are joined together. Using a ruler, you need to measure a distance of 5 mm in height from the base of the profile; from the indicated mark, the profile is cut upward at an angle of 45 degrees.

    Installation of suspended ceiling made of PVC film

    Before starting work, the room must be warmed up to 40 degrees. It should be remembered that PVC ceilings are resistant to cutting and piercing objects. Do not contaminate the canvas by dropping it or installing it with dirty hands. The fabric should be unrolled slowly and evenly, gradually heating it to a temperature of 60 degrees so that it becomes elastic and does not suffer during stretching. The area of ​​the heated film will increase to 10%, and after cooling, the ceiling will tighten, forming a perfectly flat surface. If the choice falls on a varnished canvas, it should be polished. This is not difficult to do. You should drive a stream along it warm air. When the canvas shines and trembles, the glossing can be completed. After this procedure, the stretch ceiling will shine with even greater force.

    Installation of fabric stretch ceiling

    Scheme of fastening the suspended ceiling fabric using a harpoon method.

    When installing fabric, there is no need to preheat the room or heat the material itself. First, the canvas must be fixed in the profile in the middle. The edges of the stretch ceiling should protrude by about 5-7 cm. After this, we begin to fix the canvas in the profile, moving towards the corners of the room, gradually tightening and leveling it. At the corners the fabric is fixed last. The resulting wrinkles are also smoothed out construction hairdryer: making circular movements, you should warm up the desired place, observing temperature regime no more than 200 degrees and holding the hair dryer at a distance of at least 20 cm. At the final stage of installation, you need to cut off excess residue and install decorative plugs. Fabric ceilings can be painted using acrylic paints, creating the effects of waves, clouds, etc.

    At this point, the installation of suspended ceilings can be considered completed. Some people still doubt the environmental friendliness of suspended ceiling materials. It should be said that trusted companies do not skimp on quality; their products have hygiene and fire safety certificates. But even in this case, the first 3-5 days after PVC installation The ceiling in the room will have a characteristic vinyl smell. Fabric ceilings do not have any odor. Environmentally friendly fabric ceilings are more suitable for a children's room. When choosing a ceiling for the kitchen, it is better to choose PVC film. It is also practically safe, and in case of leakage it can withstand more weight water.

    All PVC films are treated with an antistatic agent, so the material does not attract dust. If dirty, simply wipe the film with a soft sponge soaked in soapy solution, being careful not to tear the film. When installing a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, you should bypass the areas above the stove so as not to subject the surface to frequent cleaning.

    The topic of our article today will be suspended ceilings, or rather: types, advantages and, of course, installation. Well, first of all, let’s figure out what’s so special about this type of ceiling.

    Stretch ceilings are made of polyvinyl chloride (a kind of PVC film) or polyester-based fabric, fixed in a special profile. At first glance, everything is very simple, however, the process of installing a stretch ceiling contains many subtleties and complexities. Let's move directly to the answer to the question: why is a stretch ceiling so good?

    Advantages of suspended ceilings

    Firstly, a suspended ceiling allows get a really flat (almost perfect) surface. Installation suspended ceiling associated with a large amount of work aimed at eliminating various defects. Among them: careful installation of plasterboard boards at a level, then sealing seams and cracks on the surface, and, of course, puttying the fastening points. Of course, it is very difficult to obtain an ideal ceiling surface with so much finishing work, and almost impossible for a non-professional. A stretch ceiling is a solid canvas with no traces of installation. True, one can object here, since the designer canvas also consists of soldered sections of film, but the places where the canvas is welded are practically invisible. But, despite this, there is a choice, since there are also seamless stretch ceilings.

    Secondly, installing a stretch ceiling is completely not a troublesome task. For example, let's take installation process of a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard which we wrote about in the previous article: working with plasterboard boards is accompanied by a large amount of dust and various construction waste. In addition, the room being finished simply needs to be cleared of all furniture and other interior items, which, you see, not only creates great inconvenience, but also takes a lot of effort and time. And then the process of installing a suspended ceiling itself requires a lot of time to complete all the work: installing a frame from a profile, bending a plasterboard sheet, filling joints and fastening points, priming, painting, etc.

    All this does not apply to stretch ceilings: to install a stretch ceiling, it is enough to mount a kind of frame that is attached only around the perimeter of the room, warm up the room, stretch and secure the ceiling fabric.

    If we talk about service life, then a suspended ceiling will give odds to any other. Stretch ceiling warranty from the manufacturer from 15 years old, while the situation with suspended ceilings is much worse with a guarantee of up to 15 years. One of the main advantages of a suspended ceiling is its resistance to shrinkage of new buildings (as you know, a house shrinks, which causes cracks to form), which is a disaster for a suspended ceiling. It is also worth noting separately the cases of flooding by neighbors above. When this happens in a room with a suspended ceiling, a complete replacement is necessary, but a stretch ceiling is absolutely not afraid of moisture. A stretch ceiling can bend under the weight of water right down to the floor, which you can see in the picture, without being harmed. The strength of a PVC stretch ceiling is 100-120 kilograms per 1m2. It is very easy to pump out the collected water, and the canvas will return to its original position, as if nothing had happened. It is also worth noting that the suspended ceiling does not collect condensation, which makes it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity.

    Stretch ceiling has great functionality. It has good thermal insulation and excellent sound insulation, suitable for installation in the hall, as well as in kitchens or bathrooms, as it is fireproof, allows you to mount any lighting fixtures from bulky chandeliers to miniature spotlights. And also a suspended ceiling perfect option for rooms with low ceilings: when installing a suspended ceiling, more than 10 cm is subtracted from the total height of the room, while when installing a stretch ceiling, only 5 cm.

    We have just listed the functional advantages of a stretch ceiling, but we should also not forget about their aesthetic appeal. For this purpose, manufacturers produce films of the most various colors(by the way: the color of PVC film does not fade over time), textures ( natural wood, marble, metallic, etc.), and the surface is not only matte, but even glossy, thanks to which famous designers use this material for visual increase room spaces.

    But, despite this diversity, the most beautiful view The design of a stretch ceiling is a technique called the “starry sky” effect. This effect stretch ceilings are obtained in two ways: the first - using light guides and a light generator, or the second - using LEDs.

    The first method is that light guides are directed to the places of the supposed stars, and light is supplied with the help of a light generator. You can tinker a little and make it more elegant starry sky effect To do this, you need to attach lenses to the light guides (Swarovski rhinestones...) As a result, we get a simply fabulous effect with .

    The use of LED "starry sky" also has both strengths not really... Using the controller you can create different dynamic pictures such as celestial twinkling or movement, which is impossible in the first case. However, even when using the first type of “starry sky” on light guides, there are advantages, for example, the design is waterproof, which makes it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity.


    As you know, nothing is ideal, this also applies to suspended ceilings. Such a ceiling can be easily damaged by a sharp object. But a more significant drawback of a stretch ceiling at the moment is its price, which ranges from several tens to several hundred dollars per 1 square meter. Well, probably the last, but no less important drawback of suspended ceilings is the complexity of their installation and the need for special equipment.

    Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling installation

    Before installing the ceiling, you need to clarify a few points:

    1. Stretch ceilings are made of PVC film and polyester-based fabric;

    2. It is undesirable to use lighting fixtures with a power of more than 45 W, otherwise they will heat the ceiling, causing it to lose its elasticity and elasticity.

    Now we will look at one of the most simple ways installing a stretch ceiling - when there are no protruding communication pipes coming out of the ceiling or various protrusions near the room. And to attach the ceiling film we will use a special baguette profile.

    First, you need to determine the lowest corner in the room and from there carry out further installation of the stretch ceiling. To do this, we use a hydraulic level, find the angle we need, retreat 2-3 centimeters for the convenience of attaching the baguette (it all depends on the curvature of the ceiling and its differences). Next, in the same way, you need to mark the zero level around the entire perimeter of the room. Once the zero level line is ready, you can proceed to the next stage.

    On next stage We measure the corners in the room - this is necessary for high-quality joining of the profile-baguette in the corners. To do this, we use a special folding protractor.

    There is a zero level, all the necessary measurements have been completed - you can proceed to attaching the profile. But before proceeding directly to the installation of the profile rail, it must be prepared. There are two possible ways here:

    1. In the first case, the slats should be longer than the width of the room - in this case, the edges of the slats are filed at an angle equal to half corner of the room with a measured protractor;
    2. In the second, the slats should be shorter than the width of the room - in this case, one corner of the slats is filed at half the angle of the room, and the second at 90 degrees (to clearly adjoin the second piece of the profile). Next, we take the missing section of the profile and do the same with it, only we make a bevel for the opposite corner. We carefully glue the two parts of the profile with glue.

    Then we attach the profile rail to the wall at the intended zero level using dowels or self-tapping screws. As a result, we should get a room with an attached profile on the wall around the perimeter of the room.

    Now with the help heat gun or a fan heater, we heat the room to a temperature within the aisles of 45-50 degrees. And only after reaching the required temperature can you unwind the PVC ceiling film.

    When all the preliminary preparations are completed, you can proceed directly to stretching the fabric. Installation of the canvas begins with the base corner (as a rule, it is marked on the film by the manufacturer), then we attach the diagonally opposite corner, and so on. Once the 4 corners are secured, you can begin attaching the sides; they are installed evenly from the corners to the center. It is worth noting that for high-quality and easy installation of a stretch ceiling, its canvas must be heated to 55-65 degrees. As we have already said, this ceiling installation procedure applies only to ceilings based on PVC films. If you are installing a fabric stretch ceiling based on polyester, then the order is slightly different - first attach the sides, and then proceed to the corners.

    Thus, we briefly examined the process of stretching film and fabric onto the ceiling, and now let’s take a closer look at the types of fastening of suspended ceilings.

    Harpoon fasteners for stretch ceilings

    Usually, this type Fasteners are used only for installing ceilings based on PVC film. It got its name due to the type of fastening element at the end of the film in the form of a harpoon. The baguette in this case is aluminum profile. This type of fastener is the main one for ceilings made of PVC films, however, in addition to this, the glazing bead method is no less popular due to its cheapness, but, nevertheless, it is not so reliable.

    Harpoon fastening of PVC film

    1 - Harpoon;

    2 - Baguette;

    3 – Ceiling PVC film;

    4 - Base ceiling;

    6 – Room wall.

    Bead fasteners for stretch ceilings

    With this type of fastener, a U-shaped profile with a wooden bead is used to clamp the ceiling sheet. As we have already said, this method of fastening is cheaper, but less reliable.

    With this type of fastening, a U-shaped aluminum profile and a wooden bead are used, which clamps the ceiling sheet. As mentioned above, this method is used in our open spaces to reduce the cost of the ceiling installation process.

    To the disadvantages this method fasteners include:

    • Over time, the wooden bead may pop out of the groove;
    • And in order to reliably fix the film, you need to have sufficient experience.

    Bead fastener for PVC film

    4 – Base ceiling.

    After the ceiling canvas is installed, only the finishing touches remain, such as: installing a decorative insert that hides the ceiling mounting system and mounting and installing lighting fixtures (chandelier or spotlights). While everything is clear with decorative inserts and plugs, the installation of lighting fixtures is far from clear.

    To install a chandelier on a suspended ceiling, you will need a plastic ring with a slightly smaller diameter behind the decorative base (cover) of the chandelier (so that it hides the ring). This ring must be glued to the film in the previously designated location for attaching the chandelier. Once the glue has completely dried, you can safely cut a hole in the ring without fear of tearing the fabric and attach the chandelier to the base ceiling.

    Fabric ceiling in the future it will be possible to paint with acrylic paints, creating various effects, for example, sea waves or clouds, etc.

    We hope that our article will help you make a suspended ceiling with your own hands, without any problems.

    Installation of stretch ceiling "Clipso"

    The times when, after each leak, rough stains and yellowish stains were left on the ceiling, have sunk into oblivion. With the advent of tension structures, we no longer have to re-whiten the ceiling every five years. A high-quality ceiling covering will last for decades and will fully justify the money spent.

    How and from what to choose?

    The main suppliers of suspended ceilings are France and China. Chinese products are much cheaper (from 120 rubles per sq. m.), but their quality is questionable. Ceilings from French manufacturers have passed many tests and have International quality certificates, but the cost of such ceilings averages 450-500 rubles per square meter.

    When choosing a canvas from the catalog, keep in mind that it will have a darker shade than the one shown in the picture. So, by choosing a canvas of a delicate peach color, you can get a bright orange ceiling. The only way out here is to apply a glazing agent to the finished surface of the canvas or place several bright details in the interior that will match the bright color of the ceiling and distract attention from it.

    As for the manufacture of the ceiling, it is best if the entire structure is manufactured in a factory. This also applies seam welding, because to carry out this work directly on site requires bulky equipment and special skills to work on it, and the quality of the seams in this case will be much lower.

    As for the manufacture of the ceiling, it is best if the entire structure is manufactured in a factory. This also applies to welding seams, because to carry out this work directly on site requires bulky equipment and special skills to work on it, and the quality of the seams in this case will be much lower.


    In addition to high decorative qualities, stretch ceilings have the following advantages:

    • Ease of use. This ceiling is easy to clean (read the article about this), it attracts less dust than regular whitewash.
    • Fire safety and environmental friendliness. The fabric is anti-allergenic, does not emit toxins when heated and does not burn.
    • Durability and moisture resistance. In the event of a leak, the film ceiling can withstand up to one hundred liters of water, and after eliminating the emergency, it is enough to bend the film, dry it and fasten it back.
    • The stretch ceiling can be dismantled several times, but the appearance of the film will not change.


    • Sensitivity to temperature changes. This applies to film ceilings that crack at too low temperatures and sag at high temperatures (over 60 degrees).
    • High vulnerability is also a disadvantage of PVC film, which is easily damaged by sharp objects. Even a popped champagne cork can make a hole in the ceiling.
    • Installation of film ceilings in large rooms is impossible without joining several canvases, due to which seams are formed. The solution here is to install polyester fabric instead of PVC film.

    Types of suspended ceilings

    Stretch ceilings differ in:

    • material of manufacture: film or fabric;
    • designs: single or multi-level;
    • texture: glossy, matte, satin;
    • colors: plain, with photo printing, artistic.

    The basis of film and fabric ceilings is polyvinyl chloride. Only in the first case a solid fabric (film) is used, and in the second case the fabric is made of interwoven PVC threads.

    Glossy surface can only be film ceilings. Fabric ceilings are characterized by a matte surface or a satin-like texture (semi-matte).

    Glossy ceilings have the richest palette of shades (more than 40). That is why they are most often installed in the living room. Approximate cost of 1 sq. m. from 390 rubles.

    In the bedroom, hallway, children's room and in rooms where for one reason or another it is impossible to install a glossy ceiling (for example, in a well-lit room such a ceiling will give glare), semi-matte (satin) and matte fabric ceilings are installed. Cost of 1 sq. m. from 120 rubles. Although the color palette of such paintings is limited to pastel shades, you can make the ceiling brighter using photo printing. The cost in this case will increase, but if done correctly, such a ceiling will become the highlight of the room.

    In spacious rooms with high ceilings you can install double- or ceilings, as well as ceilings with a wavy surface, in the shape of a cone or dune, etc. The structure consists of a plasterboard base on which the canvas is attached. Such designs are the most expensive and cost from 2000 rubles per sq. m. m.

    Installation technology

    Installing a tension structure is not that difficult. The only caveat is that to install a film ceiling you will need gas or electric gun.

    If the room is small, then you can get by with an electric gun, the heating area of ​​which, depending on the type, ranges from 14 to 180 square meters. m. A gas gun is a more powerful, but less safe unit and is used only in large rooms.

    Yet, beginners should not do it themselves get to work with heat guns, but installing a fabric ceiling is quite possible with your own hands with a partner. The installation process consists of the following steps:

    • Taking measurements.
    • Installation of profiles (you can read about installation of profiles for drywall in).
    • Installation of racks for lamps.
    • Fastening the canvas.
    • Installation of lamps.

    Tools you will need:

    • Laser level.
    • Roulette.
    • Hammer.
    • Dowel-nails.
    • Putty knife.
    • Aluminum profile.
    • Canvas.
    • Plastic rings.
    • Glue "Cosmofen".

    To take measurements and install the structure, it is not necessary to remove all the furniture. It is enough to organize access to any point of the ceiling for at least half a meter, i.e., remove only tall furniture. When installing a film ceiling, you need to remove those items that cannot tolerate high heat.

    What does a suspended ceiling mount consist of?

    Next, we take measurements of the ceiling, that is, we measure each of its four (or more) sides. If you plan to install a film ceiling harpoon method, then it is necessary to subtract 5-7 cm from the obtained dimensions on each side, since during the installation process the film will still stretch.

    Blade width

    You can buy materials for suspended ceilings from any company that sells building materials. Fabric sheets are produced in rolls and have a width of 3.1, 4.1 or 5.1 meters; film ceilings are also produced in rolls up to 5 meters wide. But this width is not always enough to cover large areas. And then welding of several sheets is required, which is performed by specialists in factory conditions on high-frequency current (HFC) machines.

    Fabric sheets are produced in rolls and have a width of 3.1, 4.1 or 5.1 meters; film ceilings are also produced in rolls up to 5 meters wide.

    As for the manufacturer, here are the most famous manufacturers of suspended ceilings:

    • Arridel is a French company that produces matte, satin, glossy or stylized canvases for various surfaces for suspended ceilings. Cost from 300 to 1570 rubles per sq. m. m.
    • Eleganto- another manufacturer from Europe (Belgium), producing canvases in more than 20 shades. The cost of production, which ranges from 245 to 350 rubles per sq. m. m., allows people with average incomes to install suspended ceilings.
    • C-Light is a Russian company whose canvases are distinguished not so much by their aesthetic properties as by their practicality. Cost 250 rubles per sq. m.
    • DEXFORT is a Chinese company that produces beautiful and inexpensive canvases. Cost from 120 rubles per sq. m.

    When choosing a canvas, take into account the characteristics of the room. So, a dark-colored ceiling installed in a small room will make it even smaller. But a dark insert in the center of a light ceiling will add depth to the room and visually lift the ceiling.

    Installation step by step

    Installation begins with preparing the ceiling and removing old whitewash. If the ceiling is not prepared, then the whitewash will crumble in the future and will be visible on a thin film.

    After this, the mountings for the spotlights and the chandelier mount are installed. As mortgages use bars, which are attached to the ceiling using dowels according to a pre-planned pattern. Wiring is run along them, and holes are made in the places of the proposed lamps, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the spotlight. Subsequently, thermal rings are installed in these holes and the lamps are secured. The chandelier is mounted on a hook mounted in the main ceiling, or a wooden embed is installed using the method indicated above.

    How to tension?

    Having prepared the surface, we proceed to install the canvas into the profile. When installing the film, the room temperature should be 40 - 60 degrees. The film should be heated gradually, slowly unrolling the roll.

    First, we attach the canvas in the corners, and from there we move towards the center. Fastening is carried out in one of 4 ways:

    • Harpoon. Along the entire perimeter of the canvas, an edging is made in the factory like a hook (harpoon), with the help of which the canvas is automatically stretched and secured to the profile.
    • Beading. In this case, the canvas is secured using a bead into a U-shaped profile.
    • Cam. The canvas is attached to the baguette using protrusions in it that resemble a fist, one of which is movable. In this case, one protrusion is pressed out and the fabric is threaded between it and the stationary protrusion.

    First, we attach the canvas in the corners, and from there we move towards the center. Fastening is carried out in one of 4 ways.

    If it is needed make a communications bypass(pipes, risers), then this is done even before the canvas is inserted into the baguette. Cut the canvas at a right angle from the riser to the edge, and make a cross-shaped cut in place of the pipe in the canvas. Next, carefully, without applying extra effort, insert the edges of the film into the profile and secure a special plastic ring on the underside of the film to the riser.

    The hood is bypassed in the same way. It is necessary to remove the hood pipe, attach a plastic nozzle to it and install it back. If you do not use a sandwich pipe, but ordinary corrugation, then you will need thermal insulation in the form.

    Having finished with the ceiling, we attach the lamps. To do this, glue the plastic rings, which will prevent the canvas from heating up and spreading. After the glue has dried, we cut holes inside the rings and install the lamps.

    The good thing about using plastic rings is that they don’t allow you to cut through excess material in the fabric. But nevertheless, such an oversight occurred, the situation can be corrected only by installing false ventilation or a larger lamp in place of the defect.

    How much do specialist services cost?

    The price of installing a tensile structure depends on the area of ​​the room, the number of corners, lamps and type of fastening. Average cost of installation 1 sq. m of canvas from 300 to 500 rubles. Installation of profiles - 80 rubles per linear meter, installation of a decorative insert will cost the same. Installation of the structure and spotlight costs 300 rubles, and installation of the mount for ceiling chandelier- 600 rubles.

    As for the corners, their number does not affect the cost of installing the canvas in a standard 4-corner room. If there are more than 4 corners in the room, then each “extra” corner increases the cost of installing the canvas.

    Video instruction with bypassing the pipe