How to make house foundation drainage with your own hands on clay soils. How to make drainage ⛲ in the area around the house on clay soils with your own hands Drainage well on loamy soil

Groundwater and meltwater can cause serious problems. This is especially true for loamy and clayey areas of soil, since this type of soil prevents the passage of water, which leads to rotting of plant roots. In this case, you can do the drainage of the site on clay soils with your own hands.

Since clay and loam do not allow water to pass through well, it accumulates in the soil, causing plant roots to begin to rot. However, covering with a fertile layer of soil does not correct the situation.

If on peat soil or clay does not have a drain or drainage system, then a little rain is enough for the area country house or the dacha turned into a swamp. It is impossible to work on such land for a long time, in addition, there is a high probability that the foundation will flood or freeze when cold weather sets in.

You should not place high hopes on waterproofing, since its integrity can be destroyed by frozen water.

As mentioned above, in this case there is only one way out - creating a drainage system.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin choosing the type of drainage system, it is necessary to subject the area to a thorough analysis, namely:

  • determine the structure of the soil;
  • find out what is causing it high humidity.

Based on the results of the analysis, the type of drainage system is selected. Next, you need to draw up a plan that indicates where and at what depth the various elements of the system will be located drainage type. After this, construction can begin.

Types of drainage systems

For soil in which clay predominates, layer, surface or deep drainage options can be used. In some cases, it makes sense to use several types together to increase drainage efficiency. Let's look at each type in detail.

Surface drainage systems

This type is ideal when the site is located on a natural slope. For drainage, channels are created slightly deepened in the ground, through which water flows independently into the drainage well. They can be laid on any flat surface, for example, along the perimeter of a building, near sidewalk path or around the lawn.

Gutters are placed in the channel; they can be covered with a protective grille on top.

Deep water drainage systems

If it is necessary to drain a large volume of water on clay soil, it is recommended to give preference to deep drainage systems. They are systems of underground pipelines that serve to divert water to storage areas.

Deep systems can include from one to several main drainage channels directed to a common reservoir. Their depth varies from 1 to 1.5 m, while their width does not exceed 50 cm. Pipes are installed in the channels drainage system. Auxiliary lines are connected to the main line, collecting water from the soil surface.

How the deep drainage trench is constructed is shown in the figure.

The figure indicates:

  • A – layer of fertile soil (20 cm thick);
  • B – backfill soil (20cm);
  • C – this layer is filled with crushed stone (30cm);
  • D – pipe with a diameter of 110 mm;
  • E – geotextile covering;
  • F – “pillow” made of sand;
  • G – soil.

Formative drainage systems

This type of drainage system, like the previous type, is classified as deep. It is used when there is a need to drain groundwater from a building (foundation). It is installed directly under the building. The drainage system is a layer of crushed stone from which water is drained into pipes laid around the building.

It should be noted that the size of this system must exceed the area of ​​the building under which it is located.

List of tools and materials

To independently create a drainage system on clay-type soil, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • shovels (they are used for laying ditches);
  • level (to check the slope);
  • stretcher or wheelbarrow (with their help soil is removed);
  • hacksaw for cutting pipes;
  • cord for marking.

Materials for surface systems will need:

  • geotextiles, it serves as a filter for water that will flow into the drainage system;
  • to create a sprinkle and pillow you will need sand and gravel;
  • gutters made of concrete or plastic, as well as sand traps and storm water inlets;
  • cement.

If you plan to make a deep system, you will additionally need special (perforated) plastic pipes with a diameter of 100 to 110 mm, as well as elements for connecting them.

Video: How to drain the soil in the garden

If you do not want to make a storage well with your own hands, into which water will flow from the drainage in an area with clay soil, you can purchase a ready-made reservoir (the price for it is quite affordable).

Self-created surface system

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • trenches are dug according to the drawn up drainage system plan. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a slope towards the disposal site drainage water. This action is greatly simplified if the site has a natural slope. It is enough to dig a trench 80 cm deep and 40 cm wide;
  • At the bottom of the trenches, a “cushion” of sand is made, which is covered with a layer of crushed stone; if desired, turf can be placed on top, after which the system can be operated.

If you plan to install a gutter in the trenches, you can make them less deep. In this case, the crushed stone is poured cement mortar, on which gutters and other elements (rain inlets, sand traps, etc.) are installed. The gutter is closed from above with a special protective grille, which can play the role of decoration.

Photo: installing a gutter in a trench

Independent creation of a deep system

Arranging this type of drainage system will take longer. Its creation begins with the installation of a collector well, after which they begin to lay the main and auxiliary lines.

The depth of the trenches should be 1.2 m for the main drainage system and about a meter for auxiliary (additional) channels. The width is sufficient 50cm, both for the first and second.

It is important that the main channels reach the drainage well. Auxiliary trenches should have a slope of about five centimeters per meter. The bottom of the trench is filled with sand to create a cushion. Geotextiles are laid on top of it, as well as along the edges of the trench, after which the channel is filled with a 20-centimeter layer of crushed stone.

On next stage perforated plastic pipes. Do not forget to check the slope with the level.

Where the pipes are turned, as well as at intervals of 25 meters, inspection wells are installed.

On last stage the pipes are covered with crushed stone, wrapped in geotextiles, after which the ditch is leveled to the same level as the soil.

Photo: central highway of deep drainage

As you can see, it is quite possible to do the drainage of a site on clay soils with your own hands, even if it takes some time, but in any case, the cost will be lower than hiring builders for this purpose.

The work of making this type of drainage is quite labor-intensive, because it is necessary to select a large amount of soil and then fill it with crushed stone and sand.

To properly make drainage around the house, you should start making it with markings. To do this, the perimeter is measured and a rope or construction lace is stretched along its edges. After that you can start to soil sampling. Since it is insulated slab foundation is a shallowly buried structure, the depth of soil sampling should not exceed 0.5 meters. As a rule, only the fertile layer of soil is removed. Further, to the bottom of the pit geotextiles are laid and wraps around its edges. After this, backfilling and compaction begin. sand cushion. Sand must be compacted using a mechanical vibrator. After a layer of sand, the pit is filled in, leveled and compacted. crushed stone.

Simultaneously with the laying of crushed stone, along the perimeter of the pit is laid drainage pipe in compliance with the required slope. Inspection wells necessary for servicing the system are installed at the corners of the future foundation. The slope of the drainage pipe must be at least two degrees.

The result should be that the drainage pipe is inside the crushed stone layer. If necessary, additional pipes can be laid in several more places, this will enhance the protection of the foundation from moisture.

A receiving well is installed at the outlet of the drainage system pipes. At this point, the work with the drainage system is completed and you can begin further work on the construction of the foundation.

Main mistakes when making drainage

In order to properly drain the foundation, you need to know the main mistakes made when installing it.

The most common mistake when constructing a drainage system, this combining it with gutters coming from the roof of the building. This cannot be done for the simple reason that autumn period, with a large amount of precipitation, the drainage system may not cope with drainage large quantity water and start working in reverse mode.

This will certainly affect the soil moisture and it will turn out that all work on drainage and drainage of the site will be in vain.

Second common problem, This failure to comply with the required drainage slope. As a result, the system constantly becomes clogged and cannot function normally.

Third is use of drainage pipes without additional filter winding, which also affects the timing of system clogging.


Self-manufacturing of a drainage system is beneficial only in the case of deep ring drainage, manufactured along the outer perimeter of a ready-made drainage system, since work on its implementation does not require the use of special equipment.
In the case of reservoir drainage, all work is much more complicated and requires certain skills from the master, as well as the availability special tools, such as a level and a vibrator.

Useful video

How to lay a drainage system for groundwater and drainage system drainage water roofs:

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Clay soil on the site is not a gift, especially in the spring, when it is flooded with meltwater. But such a section can also be brought into normal condition. In this article we will tell you how to do it.

  • Features of drainage on the site for clay soil;
  • How to plan a drainage system;
  • How to make a buried drainage system;
  • How to make a surface drainage system.

Why do drainage on clay soil?

Clay soil is a good enough reason to install a drainage system first thing after purchasing a plot. The design of the drainage system is made on the basis of geological and geodetic studies. FORUMHOUSE members They often carry out such work independently. The composition of the soil can be studied visually by digging a hole at least one and a half meters deep (this is the average depth of soil freezing).

At FORUMHOUSE you can also find out how to do it yourself. The closer they come to the surface, the worse it is for the site and its owner: if the groundwater level is 0.5 meters below the base of the foundation, the water must be drained by placing drainage pipes 25-30 cm below the groundwater level. With a high groundwater level without drainage, the area remains wet almost all year round.

Tamara Nikolaev Architect, member of FORUMHOUSE

First you need to determine the groundwater level; if it is less than 2.5 m, drainage is necessary.

But in the case of clay soils, another misfortune is added to groundwater: surface water, which accumulates in low areas of the site. Such puddles are the first sign that there is a large layer of clay in the soil on your site, which does not allow water to pass through well.

Surface water is not high water. FORUMHOUSE has detailed analysis all live to the owner of the site.

So, a user of our portal with the nickname Brainy encountered this problem: after rains and downpours, there are puddles in the lower part of his site for weeks, and it seems that they are not absorbed into the hard, cement-like soil, but are evaporating.

A simple home test will help you assess the scale of the problem: dig a hole in the area a little more than half a meter deep and pour 5-7 buckets of water into it. If the water does not go into the ground within a day, the site, in addition to drainage, will need a stormwater system that will remove the perched water.

Water that is poorly absorbed into clay soil harms plantings, lawns, and building foundations; In addition, constant dampness attracts mosquitoes. The problem may be aggravated by the location of the site: if it is in a lowland, all the surrounding waters will flow into your territory.

Therefore, a house on a site with clay soil is protected not only by drainage and storm water, but also by layered clay soil.

Drainage plan

When planning a drainage system, it is necessary to take into account the nearby ditches, holes, etc. - after all, we are not going to build a house in an open field; most likely, there will be a place to drain the water. It is also necessary to decide whether we will drain the entire area or divert water from the base and foundation. Draining an entire area, especially a large one, is always a costly and troublesome undertaking; it may make sense to divide the task into several subtasks and first ensure a dry area around the house.

Local wall drainage for draining the foundation is installed 1.5-2.5 m from the house, laying the building pipes 100 mm below the basement waterproofing level.

The plan of the drainage system indicates where the trenches go, what their slope is, where they connect into the main line that goes to the water intake well, where they are made.

Drainage is designed from the top down and built from the bottom up.

When drawing up a plan, you should remember that with buried drainage, it is not allowed to lay pipes where a car and other heavy equipment can drive: the soil in this place will inevitably sag and damage the car. In such places, only drainage by storm sewer is allowed.

Storm drain consists of shallow ditches without pipes directed to a well that collects water. Plastic trays can be inserted into these shallow trenches and covered with special gratings.

With buried drainage They make a system of deep trenches 30-50 cm wide, in which drain pipes with holes of 1.5 -55 mm are installed around the entire circumference. Drains with a diameter of 10 cm are considered the most convenient. Some of them are equipped with shells made of filtering materials.

A buried drainage system is formed from the main main pipeline and perforated pipes that are connected to it.

The main pipe is either made in the center of the site, and the drains are connected to it in a herringbone pattern, or laid along the perimeter of the site 25-30 cm below the groundwater level.

This is an expensive scheme that is used in the most difficult cases, when the area resembles a continuous swamp until mid-summer.


You need to dig from the water intake - storm drain, ravine or storage drainage chamber and up the slope. The drainage is placed in a dry trench.

How to make buried drainage of a clay area

Here is one of the popular and practice-tested drainage systems from Tamara Nikolaev.

  1. We compact the bottom of a deep (120 cm) trench.
  2. Add a layer of coarse washed river sand– 10 cm. The layer is leveled in accordance with the slope angle, carefully compacting.
  3. We lay drainage pipes. They are attached to each other with socket or coupling connections.

By building regulations minimum slope drainage pipes should be 2 cm per linear meter; in practice, for good drainage they make 5-10 cm per linear meter.

If the site has a sufficient natural slope, the depth of the trenches up to the well itself remains the same. Pipes of different diameters require different slope depths: what larger diameter, the smaller the slope. Thus, the minimum slope for turf with a diameter of 10 cm is 2 cm per linear meter.


Pipes in a geotextile filter are not placed in clay soil. A silted pipe can be washed, but the layer of silt on the surface of the geotextile cannot be removed. Pipes in a geotextile filter are placed in sandy, gravelly soils without clay particles.

  1. For good penetration moisture into the pipe in the trench, sprinkle it with permeable materials, such as washed granite crushed stone or gravel fraction 20-40.
  2. The fabric is made of geotextile. GT is needed to separate the layers, and it must be polypropylene, since polyester quickly decomposes in the ground.
  3. Add a layer of coarse sand.

The thickness of the layers of gravel and sand is from 10 to 30 cm. The denser and more waterproof the clay, the thicker the backfill layer.

  1. Let's fill this pie fertile soil from the trenches.


I did this (soil-clay): pour sand into the trench, then geotextiles, then 5-10 cm of crushed stone of fraction 20-40, washed from sand, then a drainage pipe (remove the GT from it, it is not needed on it), crushed stone again on top about 20-30 cm, then we close the geotextile and put the earth on top. That's it, the drainage is ready.

To monitor the operation of the drainage and, if necessary, clean the pipes, inspection wells are made in the system.


Wells at each turn (allowed after one at a high frequency of installation) - the norm of the Moscow Architecture Committee Guidelines, Directive 48 of November 20, 2000 and many earlier ones. We hide the wells under lawn grates and other methods of decoration.

From the pipes, water must flow into a water intake well, which is made at the lowest point of the relief, and accumulate there to a certain level. To install it, they dig a hole 2-3 meters deep; concrete rings install from the very bottom.

The water level in the water intake well depends on the depth of the drainage pipes and on how the water will be drained in the future: usually it is either taken for irrigation or discharged into a ditch outside the site.

How to make surface drainage of a clay area

Let’s make a reservation: experts consider “surface drainage” to be an incorrect term; in building codes the term “storm drainage” is used.

The storm drainage system cannot remove water from clay soil, but it does not allow the formation of puddles on its surface - the water will not stagnate, but will immediately flow into the well.

For such a system, ditches are made about 80 cm deep, the same as in a buried system - on a slope. The bottom is covered with a layer of sand (10 cm), which compacts well, and a layer of crushed stone (about 30 cm). You can go further by filling the layers with concrete and placing plastic trays.

Cause surface waters– stagnation of melt and rainwater in uneven terrain and accumulation of this water in the upper layer of soil. That is, an additional measure should be adding soil to all local depressions, so that the most uniform slope is formed throughout the entire area for water drainage.

Correctly performed rollover - best prevention appearance of surface water.

Member FORUMHOUSE da4hik I bought a plot of land, opened up the floor to replace it and saw a small pool there: strip foundation was completely filled with water. It had been raining for almost ten hours the day before.

The first thing our user did was to dig a hole about 70 cm deep under the floor, which corresponded to the size of the found case from a small refrigerator. I poured sand and some crushed stone on the bottom. In a housing for better filling additional holes were made. At the bottom of the body I attached a siphon from a sink, onto which I put a thick rubber pipe with a diameter of about 60 cm, I passed it under the foundation and made a trench towards the slope, where at the end of the site a brick water intake well remained from the old owner.

Now, after rains, all the water drains from under the foundation. And this drainage system not only removes water from under the house, but also works to partially drain the area. True, now the summer resident has to water more often, but this is a much lesser evil.

Stormwater and melt water cause many problems for owners of areas with dense and heavy clay soils. Capital and temporary structures are destroyed by moisture, garden trees, lawn grass, cultivated plants feel discomfort. Properly constructed drainage in an area with clay soil will become the right decision and protection from troubles. If this is not done, then flooded foundations will freeze and collapse when cold weather sets in. Root system green spaces receive little oxygen necessary for growth, as a result the plants wither and disappear. Drainage of a site on clay soils can be done with your own hands, following the diagram.

Clay soil problems

Clay soil is a great enemy of the foundation of a house and outbuildings, trees and shrubs. The lack of a slope for natural water drainage makes it difficult to carry out agrotechnical seasonal work, reduces the comfort of life. Sticky mud makes it impossible to walk around the area or do routine activities. When it rains, the lawn becomes like a swamp, and after it dries upper layer becomes covered with a crust that is difficult to break even gardening tools. On clayey area Vegetables in the beds do not ripen well, and the waterproofing of the foundation gradually deteriorates.

You can determine the level of soil permeability yourself. To do this, dig a hole 0.5 m deep and fill it with water. In an area with good drainage, within a day all the moisture will be absorbed into the ground. If water remains even in small quantities, then a drainage system is necessary. Drainage in a clay area will be an excellent way to remove water. The owners will be able to appreciate its benefits when the soil gradually dries out, and the harvest of the garden and vegetable garden will delight in abundance.

Types of drainage

In areas with clay soil, several types of drainage systems are allowed:

  • superficial;
  • deep;
  • reservoir

Surface drainage is suitable for areas with a slight natural slope. Shallow channels are laid along the surface of the soil. On clay soils, drainage is organized around the perimeter of recreation areas, lawns, buildings, and along paths. Water moves through plastic channels by gravity and is collected in a certain place in a special well. It can be used for watering, cleaning, or taken outside the site.

Do-it-yourself deep drainage of a site on clay soils is carried out if necessary to remove a significant amount of water. It flows through pipelines laid underground. The system includes one or more channels, the depth of which is 0.5 m wide and 1.2 m deep. Drainage pipes lead to a water collector - a well. In large areas, main main channels and additional side lines are located to maximize coverage of areas with stagnant water.

Reservoir drainage is a type of deep drainage, since its parts are placed on great depth. The canal system is designed to drain water that constantly approaches the foundation of the building. Pipe installation is carried out at the lowest point of the foundation. The water goes down drainage pipes located around the perimeter.

Drainage scheme and arrangement

The drainage scheme for a site on clay soils is determined taking into account the area and amount of moisture, including high groundwater, snow, and precipitation. Surface drainage is considered an inexpensive option, but requires financial investment and implementation construction work- buried. Combining the two systems in clay areas will increase the quality and time of soil drainage. A site drainage diagram and engineering calculations are drawn up to carry out work over a large area. Arranging drainage for small areas does not require drawing up a plan, but it is important to take into account landscape features.

The canal system consists of a central drainage system and additional side branches. The distance between auxiliary routes is at least 10 meters, they are included under acute angle to the main highway. The diameter of the central pipe is 100 mm, additional 500-650 mm. Water is collected in a well with a drainage pump, in a pond, reservoir, and canals along the road.

The question of how to make drainage in a clay area is asked by the owners of their own houses and cottages. Work begins with excavation of the soil; a natural slope is arranged on a flat landscape. The depth of the channels ranges from 0.4 to 1.2 meters. Sand 15 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the side and main ditches, compacted, and crushed stone or expanded clay is poured on top.

Perforated plastic pipes wrapped in geotextile fabric are laid in the finished trenches. Crosses and tees are used for connections. The pipes are covered on top with crushed stone, a layer of sand, excavated soil, the layer thickness is at least 15 cm. In concrete or plastic well water flows by gravity; a drain pump is used to remove excess from the sump.

For supporting efficient work The drainage system requires periodic inspection and cleaning of wells. Using manual cleaning, order is restored to drainage systems open type. Full-scale cleaning is carried out by specialists using cleaning tools and pneumatic units.

Sometimes on a piece of land where there is a private house and a person is engaged in gardening and gardening, flooding occurs due to storm water, as well as melt water. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon for owners, which is fraught with erosion of the foundations of buildings and does not allow trees and other crops to grow. Drying out of clayey soils, which differ in their density, becomes especially problematic. Plants planted in such soil develop very poorly. This is caused by a lack of oxygen. Due to increased humidity on such soils, the foundations of erected buildings are gradually destroyed.

How to decide this problem? The way out of this situation is to drain the area with your own hands. On clay soils it will be a complex system, which includes special ditches and drains. At large area site will need preliminary calculations to determine the location of drainage trenches. To build the maximum effective system you will need to take into account natural slopes, etc. This will make it easier to transport the collected drainage water to a special well or to a nearby reservoir.

Features of clay soils

After purchasing a plot of land, it is recommended to determine its soil type. If there are chernozem or sandy soils, then this greatly simplifies the task for avid gardeners and builders who are busy building a new house. But what if the soil on the site is clayey? In this case, the owner will face a lot of problems. And they will begin with the discomfort that sticky dirt causes, and will end with serious economic damage. So, first of all, the lawn located near the house will suffer. When the clay dries, it will turn into a hard crust and will be difficult to loosen. This will lead to the fact that the grass planted on the lawn will begin to wither and will certainly dry out. Well, if there comes a period of prolonged downpours, the lawn will turn into some kind of swamp. This will lead to rotting of the root system of the plants located on it.

This problem is even more aggravated if groundwater flows close to the surface of such soil. In this case, the clay retains its moisture almost constantly, drying out only on the hottest days of summer. Wet soil is dangerous and winter period. After all, it leads to freezing of the soil to a great depth, which contributes to the destruction of wet foundations and the destruction of berry gardens and gardens. Anyone who wants to protect their site from such problems should do the drainage of the site with their own hands on clay soils.

Preparatory work

Where should you start draining a site with your own hands on clay soils? First of all, you need to carefully examine the area. At the same time, it is important to pay attention Special attention on some important points:

  • the quality and structure of the soil, that is, the presence and depth of clay layers;
  • the presence of a source that increases the degree of moisture, which can be either groundwater or frequent precipitation;
  • selecting the type of drainage system suitable for the existing conditions or taking comprehensive measures;
  • preparation of a diagram or drainage plan, which reflects the order of location of the necessary trenches and wells (the diagram must indicate such parameters as the dimensions of all elements of the system, the depth of soil drainage, as well as the relative slope of the structure).

How to determine the quality and structure of the soil? To do this, it is enough to use a permeability test. It is very simple, and its implementation will not cause any particular difficulties. You just need to dig a small hole, approximately 60 cm deep, and then fill it with water. The result of this test can be obtained only after a day. If during this time the water is completely absorbed into the soil, then there are no problems with its drainage on the site. You can safely use it economic activity and build a house without installing a drainage system. But if the water in the pit is retained at least partially, then in this case a system for removing moisture must certainly be built.

After the preliminary work stage is completed, it is necessary to begin the specific actions that are necessary in order to drain the site with your own hands on clay soils. However, before implementing your plans, you should carefully study existing species similar systems. This will allow the project to be completed with maximum efficiency.

Types of water drainage systems

How to properly make drainage in an area with clay soil? To do this, you need to decide on its type. Such drainage systems are classified into surface, deep and reservoir. Sometimes, to increase the efficiency of water drainage from clayey areas, a complex method is used. It involves the simultaneous use of several drainage schemes. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Surface drainage

This water drainage scheme involves making only small penetrations into the ground. Surface site drainage is usually used in areas with a slight natural slope. From an extensive network of such shallow channels, water is removed almost by gravity.

How to properly make drainage on a site if it is enough to complete a surface scheme? In such cases, trenches are laid along pedestrian paths, around lawns, along the perimeter of the foundations of buildings, near recreation areas, as well as in other similar places.

The surface drainage pattern of a site on clay soils in some cases consists of branched networks of drainage trays. In this case, moisture is removed through plastic or concrete gutters and collected in special wells designed for this purpose. Then the water can either be used for household purposes or taken to a disposal site.

Surface or open site drainage is the cheapest in the device.

Deep systems

How to drain a site on clay soil if a large volume of water is required? In such cases, it is necessary to construct a deep system. This is a network of trenches located at a considerable distance from the soil surface, in which drainage pipes are located that direct moisture to drainage wells.

The deep drainage of the site consists of several main canals. They are dug to a depth of 1.2 m. The width of such channels is 0.5 m. They are directed towards the catchment area. However, this is far from Full description schemes for deep drainage of a clayey area. The main canals require the installation of a whole network of drainage trays that are auxiliary for their purpose. They can be replaced with small trenches. Such a scheme will allow collecting sediment water from the entire territory.

When arranging deep drainage, it is necessary to adhere to one important parameter. This is the permissible distance that is important to maintain between elements called drains. Under normal conditions, this parameter should not exceed eleven meters. But exact value the permissible distance is chosen depending on the depth of the trenches and the quality of the soil.

Compared to surface drainage, deep drainage is a more expensive structure. After all, to create it you will need to use special pipes and geotextile fabrics.

Reservoir systems

This type of drainage system is a type of deep drainage. All elements of the reservoir system are located at a considerable distance from the soil surface.

Such drainage is used when it is necessary to drain water that constantly accumulates around the foundation of a house or other structures located on the site.

How is reservoir drainage performed? For its construction, work is underway to develop an extensive network of ditches located below the level of the heel of the foundation along its base. A layer of crushed stone is laid at the bottom of the ditches. It is through them that water is drained into special perforated pipe channels located around the perimeter of the building. As you can see, such a scheme is quite complex. That is why its dimensions exceed the dimensions of the foundation itself.


What is needed in order to begin the immediate implementation of a plan to remove moisture from the site?

To do this you will need the following working tools:

  • shovels for digging trenches;
  • building level, which will be needed when forming the required angle of inclination;
  • a manual device (wheelbarrow) on which materials will be delivered to the work site and earth will be removed;
  • drilling and cutting tool necessary for processing and cutting plastic pipes;
  • twine for marking the system.

Construction material

To install a drainage system in a clay area you will need:

  • textile fabric, which will be used to filter water entering the drainage system;
  • a certain amount of sand and crushed stone intended for the construction of a pillow;
  • concrete or plastic channels that will provide surface drainage;
  • a set of plastic perforated pipes, the diameter of which ranges from 100 to 110 mm, necessary for deep drainage;
  • elements of finished drainage wells or their components;
  • a set that includes connecting elements for pipes.

Organization of the surface system

Open drainage can be tray or backfill. But in both cases, such installation is carried out after marking the area for drainage and installing a water intake well in its lowest part. Next, trenches should be dug along the perimeter of the work site. Their slope should be approximately thirty degrees and directed towards the water intake. The drainage depth on the site is 50 cm. Trenches are dug with a width of 0.5 to 0.6 m and lead to a common ditch, which goes directly to the drainage basin.

Backfill drainage

At this type For drainage after preliminary work, fine sand is used. It is laid out on the bottom of the trenches in a layer of 10 cm and carefully compacted. After this, the ditches are laid with geotextiles and filled 2/3 with large crushed stone and 1/3 with small crushed stone. The system is covered with turf at the top.

Tray drainage

When arranging it, a ten-centimeter layer of fine crushed stone is laid on the bottom of the dug trenches. Next, this material is poured with cement and immediately prepared pre-prepared plastic or concrete trays are installed, at the end of which sand traps are fixed.

This system is covered with high-strength decorative grilles.

Deep drainage system

If it is necessary to drain the area with high level groundwater, then the algorithm for its organization will consist of the following actions:

  1. First of all, you need to mark the area and choose the most appropriate place for placing a water intake. And only after this, ditches are dug at the working site, the depth of which is from 100 to 120 cm, and the width is 0.5 m. Drainage is carried out on an area with a slope of 30 degrees.
  2. Fill the trenches, and then compact a layer of sand, the thickness of which is 10 cm.
  3. Place pre-prepared geotextiles in the ditches so that the material covers their walls and extends onto the sides.
  4. Pour a 15-centimeter layer of fine crushed stone onto the geofabric.
  5. Lay plastic pipes on top of the crushed stone. They should be perforated down. Next, the pipes are connected with fittings and couplings. There should be inspection wells at the turns of the resulting drainage mains. They are installed above the ground.
  6. After this, the pipes are covered with fine crushed stone and covered with the free edges of geotextile.
  7. Next, the trenches are covered with sand and soil.
  8. Drainage pipes must be directed to the water intake. Its function can be performed by any plastic container or a well dug with your own hands, fixed with reinforced concrete rings.

Optional equipment

For more efficient operation drainage system, special pumps, inspection wells and heating cables can be installed. What is their purpose?

Thus, drainage of an area with a high groundwater level will be greatly facilitated by a pump specially installed for this purpose. After all, if the water collection point is located below the place where moisture accumulates, its removal will be complicated. Forced movement of water will solve the problem.

The need for inspection wells arises when the drainage system becomes silted or clogged with foreign objects.

The use of heating cables will prevent freezing of the drainage system in winter.