How to write a command block in Minecraft. Command block in Minecraft: how to use? Creating a Command Block

Command block- a non-transparent block that cannot be crafted. This block is necessary to activate a variety of commands that are written in the command console.

How to get a command block in Minecraft?

To get it, you need to enter the following command in the chat without parentheses: /give [Your_Nick] command_block [Desired number of blocks]. For example, /give Razmik command_block 1. After pressing the Enter button, the command block will appear in your inventory.

How to activate a command block in Minecraft?

You can activate the code you entered in the command block using a lever, redstone, redstone torches, or through a button.

Let's look at the simplest commands that can be used in a command block.

  • Changing the time of day. For example, you want night to fall. To do this, install the block, click on it with LMB and enter the following command in the console: /time set night.
  • Teleportation. For example, you need to teleport to some point on the map. To do this, go to the selected point, press F3 and remember the x, y, z coordinates. Then we go to the command block and enter the following command: /tp @p 252 56 -175. The numbers 252 56 -175 are the coordinate values ​​x,y,z.

There are a huge number of commands, the simplest of them are given above.

And so hello to everyone, dear friends. Today I will tell you how to get a command block in Minecraft. In our review today we have two methods at once, and both methods are still relevant today and will remain relevant (we will update the material if the method of obtaining changes). How to get a command block and why is it needed? Command blocks are needed so that the player can quickly get a certain item, thing, etc. using a certain code. For creating a command block we need to use a few simple steps:

First, let's launch Minecraft.

If you want to get a command block on the server, then you should go straight to method 2.

After which you need to create a world with cheats enabled. To do this, open the advanced settings and change the “Allow Cheats” item from OFF to ON.

Then start the world.

After the world loads, open the chat using the “/” button.

To get a command block, use the command:

/give [your name] minecraft:command_block [number of command blocks desired]

/setblock x y z minecraft:command_block” - this command will replace one block with a command block.

You can also take commands from our catalog " "

Method 2 - How to create a command block on the server

This method is suitable if you want to receive a command block in an already existing world or on a server.

Select an existing world or server in which you want to receive the command block.

Command blocks can also be used to obtain various mechanisms. Using ready-made commands from our section Commands for the Minecraft Command Block. Such commands can replace full-fledged modifications, for example, there is a command for the command block that will add weapons to the game.

Command blocks can also be used with various redstone torches, mechanisms and various electrical circuit boards.

I bring to your attention a short video instruction in which the author clearly explained how to obtain a command block.

A command block in Minecraft is a special cell in which the user can enter commands. Commands in the block begin to be executed when a signal is received from the red stone. The command block is a good help for those who create maps in Minecraft, or for those players who want to “privatize” some territory. Using special commands can save you and other players in this interesting, but rather harsh pixel world. So how do you create and activate a command block in Minecraft?

If we answer this question purely formally, then no. You can receive a command block, because a special person is responsible for this matter - the administrator of the server on which you play. You can get the command block yourself (if the game mode is single player). To make a block, type “/give Player command_block”, where Player is the nickname of the player who needs this block.

Let's figure out how to write commands into the newly created command block. To do this, right-click (RMB) on the command block. A window will appear in front of you into which you need to enter commands. In the same window you can see logs of executed commands: this will help you figure out at what stage of “programming” the error was made. To learn all the commands available to you, you need to type “/help” in the chat.

About limiting command actions in Minecraft

Using a command block will make your game in Minecraft more lively and rich. Depending on the type of game, you or your comrades will receive a number of privileges. In this case, the effect of the entered commands can be limited to a certain radius or extended to all players and all entities.

And now - more specifically:

  • @p – the command’s effect extends to the nearest player;
  • @a – the command applies to all players (if possible);
  • @r – command to apply an action to a random player;
  • @e – the command applies to all entities.

For the first team, a special parameter “c” was selected, which limits the number of players to whom the action will be applied. So, @a indicates that the command will be used in relation to the first 10 players from the list, @a - the action applies to the last ten players from the list.

With the help of a command block, you can reverse the entire game and literally change the environment in Minecraft beyond recognition.

  • What are command blocks?
  • Retrieving command blocks in

What are command blocks?

Command block(CB, from the English Command Block) is a block in , capable of executing certain commands. These commands are executed automatically as long as it is activated using redstone.

Command blocks work in adventure mode. Their main goal is to create various effects and special mechanisms on. In addition, other players Minecraft PE They simply will not be able to destroy or create another command block. Also, the command block cannot be moved by the piston and does not burn.

Getting command blocks in Minecraft PE

Unfortunately, the command block cannot be crafted. Also, you will not find it in your creative inventory in creative mode. But how can you get it then? To do this, you must have cheats activated. Or you must be an administrator. Use the command:
  • /give<имя персонажа>command_block<кол-во блоков>
Here is an example of using the command: /give GAMEMCPE command_block 10 . Using this command, I will give the player with the nickname GAMEMCPE 10 command blocks.

Using Command Blocks

In order to enter a command for a command block, you need to click on it. This action will open the command block interface with a text field. Please note that only players in creative mode and players with administrator status on the server can place command blocks, enter commands and save changes.

After you have entered the command for the command block, be sure to activate the command block using redstone. Otherwise it simply won't work. Also, for the command block there is a certain direction, on which the order of activation of blocks in the chain depends.
Remember that one command block can only execute one command!

Commands in command blocks can be associated with a specific entity type. To do this you need to use an argument:

  • type (for example, I’ll show the use of this argument. Let’s say, using the command /kill @e You will kill all the skeletons, and using the command /kill @e You will kill all creatures except the player.)
If you decide to connect multiple command blocks to one power source, please note that the order in which the commands are executed will vary. This can be demonstrated very clearly in the screenshots below.

There is also a dependence associated with the location of command blocks relative to the cardinal directions.





Examples of using command blocks

Have you heard that using a command block you can change the rules of the game? Am I interested in you? This is illustrated in the image below.

You can make the map show constant night, or vice versa, day. You can also disable the spawning of mobs, the drop of items from them when killed, and more. To do this you need to use the command:

  • /gamerule<игровое_правило>

Many of you know that in Minecraft it is possible to achieve the goals the player needs by writing a certain command on the command line. It is very comfortable. It is also very convenient to download free games for Android and enjoy your favorite game from your phone or tablet. But you should always strive to improve convenience. At this point, the developers were promoted to such an interesting thing as a command block. The essence of this device is that it executes your console commands, receiving a signal from the redstone (attention to the screen). With the advent of this block, the capabilities of crafters creating maps with adventure mode have significantly expanded.

Of course, having such functionality, the command block is not at all “eager” to succumb to crafting. Only the “chiefs” of servers - their administrators - can get it in multiplayer. To do this in ""they need" enable-command-block» set to position « true" Why is such a useful thing only available to management in a multiplayer game? Everything is very logical. Imagine that two neighboring gardeners will pray at the same time: one for rain, the other for clear skies. Who should I answer? First or second? That’s how it is in Minecraft, if all crafters could get to the command block, whose will, whose commands should he carry out?

But single people can also get a magic box. To do this, you need to write the following cheat code in the settings: /give @p command_block. Considering the number of cheat codes, the owner of the command block becomes a truly cool crafter. Do you want to become your own director? Try this device.


However, such a multifunctional box requires the ability to use it. You obviously can’t get by with “trachtibidoch” here, but there’s no smell of nuclear physics here either, so fears aside. Let's start with the fact that you need to use the command block through an interface with a text area. You can save changes made only if you have the status of a server administrator and creative mode. The entered commands will be executed in Minecraft by activating the block with redstone. To use a full command block, it is very useful to use special pointers to gamers:

  • @p - to the nearest player
  • @a - a “hint” to all crafters, if the situation allows it
  • @r - random player
  • @e - pointer to all Minecraft entities

For example, if you are in a good mood and you want the crafter closest to the device to enrich himself with cobblestones, you need to issue the following: /give @p (4). The id of the cobblestone is indicated in parentheses. Do you want to communicate with crafters in writing? Enter in the interface field: /w @a [your text]. You can write, for example: “What do you want here, next to my command block?”

Pointer Arguments

The pointer to a specific crafter can become even more specific if you use arguments that should be specified separated by commas and in [square] brackets, for example, like this: @p. Minecraft has the following arguments:

  • X, Y, Z- coordinates of the search center. If we set the value to “~” (tilde), then the center will be our command device
  • r- search radius (maximum)
  • rm- search radius (minimum)
  • m- game mode argument
  • l- experience level (maximum)
  • lm- experience level (minimum)
  • name- player nickname
  • c is a special argument for the pointer " @a" Its purpose is to limit the number of crafters to whom commands are applied. Eg, @a- the first 8 crafters from the list, @a- last 8.