How to insulate the outside of a house made of expanded clay blocks. How to insulate the outside of a house made of expanded clay blocks. It is better to insulate an expanded clay concrete house from the outside.

Expanded clay concrete blocks relatively recently appeared on the market as building material, so not everyone knows about their qualities. Expanded clay concrete stands out among other building materials existing today for its strength, frost resistance, low thermal conductivity, quick erection and durability. Thanks to these many positive qualities it has earned its popularity in the construction market.

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When using expanded clay concrete blocks in the construction of houses, an important question may arise - do the walls need insulation and what building material is better to choose for insulating a house made of expanded clay concrete. Let us consider in detail all the nuances of this issue.

Is it necessary to insulate a house made of expanded clay block?

Most often, when constructing the walls of a house from expanded clay concrete blocks, they are laid in two rows, due to which the thickness of the wall structure is 40 centimeters. To significantly save money on heating a house made of expanded clay block in winter time, the issue of thermal insulation of the wall should be resolved in advance, even at the planning stage of the future construction of the house wall, since expanded clay concrete is not the warmest building material when constructing walls. For walls 40 centimeters thick, in order for the thermal insulation to be of high quality, its thickness must be at least 10 centimeters.

What materials are used to make thermal insulation for a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks?

Insulating the facade of a house using mineral wool

Among experienced builders There is an opinion that for insulation expanded clay concrete house It is better to use mineral wool. Its main advantages are safety for health, since it is made from natural mineral components. Mineral wool has low thermal conductivity and is also safe in case of fire. But when using it to insulate expanded clay blocks, it is necessary to protect it from moisture with waterproofing membranes.

Use of foam plastic as insulation for houses made of expanded clay concrete block

As thermal protection, you can use the most common and less expensive material - polystyrene foam. It must be mounted using glue with outside walls, while tightly laying expanded polystyrene slabs, and, if necessary, sealing the resulting seams between them, polyurethane foam. You must also remember that this type of insulation can be damaged by rodents and small birds. If it is used, the façade must be covered with siding or plastered to avoid damage. The main advantage of this type of insulation, such as polystyrene foam, is its low cost and ease of use.

Method of insulating a house made of expanded clay block with penoplex

Compared to expanded polystyrene, penoplex has a denser and more durable structure. Also, extruded polystyrene foam is safe for human health and is not affected by moisture. This material It weighs little and is easily mounted on a façade made of expanded clay concrete. In our opinion, he is one of the the best materials for insulation building structures.
Thermal insulation of the facade of a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks from the outside
There are several options for insulating a house from the outside, from the inside, and using facing masonry. Below we will consider all these options in more detail.

40 cm walls made of expanded clay block without facing masonry

From the outside, a façade made of expanded clay concrete can be insulated using facing masonry, i.e. lay polystyrene foam between the blocks and the brick, leaving a ventilated gap for ventilation. This method of insulation is effective, but highly costly due to the complexity of the work performed and the need to attract specialized masons. Therefore, in practice it is used quite rarely. There are methods for thermal insulation of houses made of expanded clay concrete blocks that you can apply yourself, without hiring qualified specialists.

One such option is to install polystyrene foam slabs with a thickness of at least five centimeters in two rows, so that the second row covers the joints of the first row. Then the siding is attached to the mounted vertical guides. As an insulating material, you can use not only polystyrene foam and penoplex, but also basalt mineral wool insulation, having previously taken care of their protection vapor barrier film.

And another way to insulate walls made of expanded clay concrete from the outside is to use polystyrene foam required density or penoplex with a layer covering them on top facade plaster. After fixing the slab insulation with glue with the additional use of dowels, the entire surface is covered with a painting mesh and then puttied with decorative plaster.

Walls made of expanded clay concrete block with a thickness of 40 centimeters with facing masonry

If there is no insulation between the expanded clay blocks and the facing masonry, then to reduce heating costs in winter period time, it is necessary to insulate the walls from the inside. Polyurethane foam (PPU) can easily cope with this task. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall, and using a special installation, polyurethane foam is poured into them. After pouring into the wall, polyurethane foam expands like polyurethane foam and creates a continuous layer of insulation, replacing the air gap. Using this method you can protect yourself from dampness and keep your house warm during cold periods. But this material has a high cost and its use is possible only with the use of special equipment, which entails additional expenses. This is the main disadvantage of using this method for insulating a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks with facing masonry. Therefore, even at the stage of erecting walls made of expanded clay blocks, you should not leave voids between the wall and the facing masonry, but immediately take care of insulation made of foam plastic or extruded polystyrene foam.

Methods for insulating a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks from the inside

Using thermal insulation materials from the inside as a finishing for expanded clay concrete blocks is not the best option, since there is a possibility of a dew point appearing in the wall. To prevent the wall from freezing and condensation and moisture forming on its surface, it is best to insulate it from the outside. But, if it is not possible to insulate expanded clay concrete blocks from the outside, then plaster can be used to insulate the house from the inside. In its composition, it is a dense material and has a high vapor barrier, which gives good insulation and protects walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks from the inside. Plaster can be either gypsum or cement-sand. There are differences in the use of these two solutions for insulating expanded clay concrete blocks. Let's take a closer look at which ones:

  • Gypsum plaster

This type of plaster has less weight, and accordingly its thermal insulation is higher. It should also be mentioned that gypsum plaster There is also a drawback, namely poor adhesion to a wall made of expanded clay concrete. To use it, you will need to additionally treat the walls with a primer, which will increase the adhesive characteristics of the gypsum plaster.

It is well suited as a material for insulating expanded clay concrete walls, since it has the same composition as expanded clay concrete blocks. Cement-sand plaster easily penetrates into the pores existing on expanded clay concrete blocks, which creates an ideal coating and provides a good barrier against moisture penetration.

And in conclusion, let us remind you to get good thermal insulation houses made of expanded clay concrete blocks and at the same time save money on heating in the cold season, you only need to use quality material for thermal insulation of the walls of the house, and also do not forget about insulation strip foundation and basement floors. To do this, you need to approach this issue very carefully and correctly. After all, when wrong choice thermal insulation material and violation of the rules and regulations for its installation, there is a high probability that the quality of the house will deteriorate and its service life will decrease.

Preface. Even before the construction of an expanded clay concrete house begins, many developers ask the question: is it necessary to insulate walls made of 40 cm expanded clay blocks? It happens that the house has already been built, but the owners spend a lot of money on heating it. Then the question becomes relevant, what is the best way to insulate a house made of expanded clay block. In this article we will analyze both of these questions and show video instructions on how to insulate walls made of expanded clay concrete.

Expanded clay concrete blocks appeared on the construction market not long ago and many have not yet encountered them. This material is characterized by strength, durability, frost resistance and low thermal conductivity. Due to its increased strength characteristics, but at the same time with a low thermal conductivity coefficient, expanded clay blocks are in great demand.

The most important thing is that without high-quality thermal insulation walls, insulation of the strip foundation and basement, heating the house in the cold season will be much more expensive. Regardless of what material you chose for the walls of the house during construction. Let's consider what is the best way to insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks, how to independently insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks?

Is it necessary to insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks?

When building a house, many people lay walls made of expanded clay blocks 40 cm thick, i.e. in two blocks. Both before the start of construction and after putting the house into operation, many developers decide to additionally insulate the walls in order to save on heating the house in winter. Since these blocks, although durable, are not the most warm material for the construction of external and load-bearing walls, such as wood concrete.

For high-quality thermal protection of a building, thermal insulation of at least 10 cm is required. For this task, you can take the most common and inexpensive foam plastic, which is attached to the outside of the house. The boards should be secured with polystyrene foam adhesive and laid tightly; seams should be sealed with polyurethane foam if necessary. Read more about how to do thermal insulation work correctly further on our website.

How and with what to insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Insulation of a house made of expanded clay block with mineral wool

According to many builders, when insulating a house made of foam block or expanded clay block, it is better to give preference to mineral wool. The advantage of Izorok mineral wool, like that of other manufacturers, is that it is safe for health due to its natural ingredients. In addition, the material has low thermal conductivity and is fireproof. But when insulating an expanded clay block with mineral wool, it is necessary to protect the material from moisture.

Insulation of a house made of expanded clay block with polystyrene foam

When insulating expanded clay block walls with foam plastic with your own hands, you should remember that this insulation is chewed by mice. The insulated facade must be covered with siding or plastered to prevent the possibility of damage to the heat-insulating layer by small rodents and birds. But the main advantage of expanded polystyrene is the low cost of the material, ease of installation and low weight of the sheets.

Insulation of a house made of expanded clay block with penoplex

Penoplex is a denser and more durable insulation material compared to expanded polystyrene. In addition, extruded polystyrene foam is not afraid of moisture and is safe for health. Insulation of expanded clay block walls with penoplex minimizes the appearance of cold bridges in the masonry; the material weighs little and is easily mounted on an expanded clay concrete facade. This is the best option for insulating any building structures, in our opinion.

How to insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks from the outside

In this article we will consider several options for insulating blocks from the inside, outside, with facing masonry. Whatever option you choose, you should remember that basalt insulation must always be covered with a vapor barrier film. Ursa mineral wool is able to absorb moisture from the air, while the thermal conductivity characteristics of the material increase.

1. walls made of expanded clay block 40 centimeters without facing masonry

You can insulate an expanded clay block façade from the outside using facing masonry, laying foam plastic slabs between the blocks and the brick. Despite its effectiveness, this method is not used often, as it is expensive and complex. The work of masons is expensive, so consider an option that you can do yourself.

It is possible to insulate the facade and then cover the walls with siding. Alternatively, 50 mm thick foam plastic slabs can be laid in two rows, so that the second row of thermal insulation overlaps the seams of the first row. Next, the siding is attached to the vertical guides. In addition to expanded polystyrene, you can use basalt insulation, protecting it with a vapor barrier film.

The last option for insulating walls made of expanded clay blocks from the outside is to cladding the house with slab insulation (foam plastic or penoplex) and applying façade plaster over the heat-insulating layer. The insulation is attached to the facade on adhesive composition and is additionally secured with dowel mushrooms. A painting mesh is glued on top and the entire surface is puttied with decorative plaster.

2. walls made of expanded clay block 40 centimeters with facing masonry

The issue of additional heat protection for a private home may arise when there is no insulation between the expanded clay blocks and the facing masonry, but only air gap. At the same time, it takes much more money to heat your house in winter than you expected. In this case, you will need to solve the problem of how to inexpensively insulate the facade of a house made of expanded clay blocks with your own hands.

In this case, there is only one way out - to insulate the expanded clay block wall from the inside using polyurethane foam (PPU). Using a special installation, polyurethane foam is poured inside the wall into drilled holes, after pouring, the polyurethane foam expands, like polyurethane foam, creating a continuous layer. Polyurethane foam is not afraid of moisture, will ensure heat retention in winter and protect the house from dampness.

The only disadvantage of using polyurethane foam for thermal insulation of an expanded clay concrete house is the high cost of the material, as well as the need for special equipment. Therefore, if you have just started construction, then when building walls, use slab insulation (foam or extruded polystyrene foam) to lay between the wall and the facing masonry.

How to insulate houses made of expanded clay concrete blocks from the inside

Use thermal insulation materials for finishing the expanded clay block from the inside - not The best decision. With this option, the dew point will be between the insulation and the wall. It is better to display the dew point closer to external wall or avoid it altogether, otherwise the wall will freeze, and condensation and moisture will appear on the surface. This can be avoided by insulating the wall from the outside.

Builders recommend insulating structures in the following sequence - the lower the material’s vapor conductivity, the closer it should be to the street. Those. the material with the lowest vapor barrier characteristics should be located closer to the heated room. But it is best to build walls without insulation, having initially calculated the required wall thickness.

Houses built from expanded clay concrete blocks are budget option in individual construction.

Exterior view of a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

This is due to the low cost and strength of the material. The buildings are much lighter than brick ones - lined foundations are used for their construction. You can lay the blocks yourself. However, already in the first winter, owners often think about the fact that the walls do not “hold” heat very well. Insulating walls made of expanded clay concrete wall blocks from the inside or outside becomes a solution to the problem.

Features of blocks and the need for insulation

Expanded clay concrete, which seems “warm” at first glance, is not actually warm - the thermal conductivity, depending on the amount of filler (expanded clay), ranges from 0.15 to 0.45 W/mdegrees. Based on this, in different regions countries, the wall thickness according to GOST is from 40 to 80 cm. There is no need to talk about savings.

Important! Products with low thermal conductivity contain a higher percentage of expanded clay and are fragile and fragile. It is prohibited to build houses higher than two floors.

The porous structure contributes to high heat transfer and water absorption (up to 50%;), if the structure is not protected from climatic conditions.

Thus, a house made of blocks must be insulated. Among the advantages of the material, they note the absence of shrinkage - it can be done immediately after construction is completed.

Insulation methods

It’s good if the owner thought about thermal insulation of the home at the design stage. This expands the choice of insulation and methods of its application.

There are three possible approaches to thermal insulation of buildings:

  1. Insulation of masonry. In this case, the heat insulator is laid between the load-bearing and facade (finishing) walls.
  2. Installing a layer of thermal insulation on the internal surfaces of walls during finishing or major renovation premises.
  3. External installation of insulation on a wall made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Insulation during the construction phase

Blocks are an unsightly option and external wall Rarely left unfinished. The laying of the outer layer of finishing brick can be combined with insulation. In this case, thermal insulation is laid between the load-bearing and decorative parts of the masonry.

For insulation use:

  • Expanded clay;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Foamed polyurethane foam.

Expanded clay - natural material, obtained by sintering special types of clay. No additives are used in production. During the construction stage, the material is simply poured into the gap between the walls.

Expanded clay, poured between load-bearing wall And facade finishing

The advantages include environmental friendliness and low price. Among the disadvantages are not the best thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity.

Expanded polystyrene for construction comes in two types. Foamed - foam plastic, familiar to everyone, and extruded - a material known under the names Penoplex, etc.

In terms of thermal conductivity, these materials are the same, but the price of the latter is 2-3 times higher. However, penoplex is rarely used for installation inside walls, since in a place protected from climatic conditions it does not have any advantages.

Installation of the slabs does not cause any difficulties - they are simply placed between the bricks.

The material is environmentally friendly and non-flammable. Foam damping time after the impact has stopped open fire- 4 seconds. Poisonous styrene from polystyrene foam is released when the slabs are heated to 80 o C, which is only possible in the event of a fire. However, the insulation is in a “packaged” form, so it is quite safe.

Another option for using polystyrene foam is to fill cavities with granules. This is the same polystyrene foam, but not in slabs, but in the form of balls (in bulk). The price of granules is 2000 rub. per cubic meter.

It is worth noting that foamed polystyrene foam is produced in 3 types, differing in density PSB-15, 25, 35. The numbers in the marking indicate the approximate weight of a cubic meter of material. The price directly depends on the density - 1500 rubles for density 15 and 3900 rubles. for 35 kg/m3. They produce polystyrene foam with a thickness of 10 to 200 mm. In retail sales, material thicknesses of 30, 40, 50 and 100 mm are more common. However, you can order slabs of any thickness from the manufacturer.

Important! Polystyrene foam with a density of 15 kg/m3 cannot bear a load, it cannot be plastered, but it is excellent as an inner layer in masonry.

Penoplex is produced with a specific gravity from 35 to 80 kg/m3. The price of extruded polystyrene is 4,500 rubles/3, but it has no advantages as an inter-brick layer and is rarely used.

Basalt wool - modern insulation. Products are produced by sintering rock with added fillers. Environmental friendliness and beneficial features I make stone wool a popular insulation material. They are produced in the form of slabs with a specific gravity from 30 to 200 kg/m 3. Thermal insulation properties are close to foam plastic, but cotton wool has vapor permeability - the walls will “breathe”. When heated, some products may emit phenol and formaldehyde, but use inside sealed walls will not affect the health of residents. Just like polystyrene foam, toxic substances are released when heated. Installation consists of laying between layers of brick.

Basalt wool in masonry

Another option to insulate the masonry is to use polyurethane foam. The material is introduced between the carrier and façade wall through drilled holes, and after hardening it looks like foam glue. The method is rarely used due to its high cost - it is necessary to use special equipment. It is impossible to make insulation yourself.

The cost of polyurethane foam sheets is high, so there is no financial benefit to using it.

Insulation of masonry with polyurethane

The advantage of the material is the lowest thermal conductivity, but the cost negates all the advantages.

Comparative table of insulation for installation between walls.

Thermal conductivity, W/(m*K)Density, kg/m 3Price, m 3
Expanded clay0,1-0,18 200-400, depending on the faction1300-2500, the larger the fraction, the cheaper
Foam plastic PSB-S-150,04 11-12 1500
Foam granules0,045 9-12 2000
Penoplex0,032-0,038 35-70 4800
Basalt wool0,035-0,04 35-200 1700-5200 depending on density
Polyurethane0,019-0,03 50-300 9000-16000,
The average price for insulation with a 50 mm layer is 500-1600 rubles/m2

Thermal insulation from the inside

Insulating the walls of a house from the inside is an extremely undesirable option. When installing insulation inside a building, the dew point moves from the walls into the room, and the “thermos effect” appears. Condensation may appear on the walls, finishing, for example, wallpaper, becomes wet and peels off, and mold and mildew appear on the walls. Repeated freezing cycles of blocks lead to their destruction - the manufacturer provides 50-220 such freezing-defrosting cycles. After reconstruction, the thickness of the insulation and finishing will decrease effective area premises.

Justified use internal thermal insulation in cases where:

  • The construction and finishing of the facade have been completed;
  • the house is rarely used, the heating is turned off when the owners are away. When connected heating devices the room warms up quickly because brick walls do not warm up. Internal insulation - best option for cottages and guest houses;
  • It is impossible to insulate external walls - for example, a dwelling in a building made of blocks is located in an apartment building.

Other advantages of this method are:

  • possibility of carrying out work at any time of the year;
  • there is no need to install scaffolding for working at height.


As internal insulation choose materials with low moisture absorption rates. For example, mineral wool slabs are not suitable.

When choosing a technology, it is necessary to provide gaps between the insulation and the finishing. For example, it is advisable to install plasterboard or MDF panels on a frame made of galvanized profile.

Foam insulation indoors

The properties of polystyrene foam and penoplex are described above.

Foil polyethylene weighs up to 60 kg/m3, while the thermal conductivity is comparable to foam plastic, about 0.03 W/(m*K). The advantage lies in its ability to not absorb moisture and ease of installation on your own. A little worse properties without a layer of foil.

Installation of thermal insulation from the inside

Any craftsman who knows how to use power tools can make thermal insulation of the inner surface of the walls.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Foil insulation is laid on the surface of the wall, secured with dowels. It is important that the heads and dowels and nails are wide - like a “mushroom”.

Insulation with foil material

Important! Installation of foam plastic is carried out after installing the frame under finishing.

  1. A galvanized profile sheathing is attached to the wall for finishing with plasterboard or various siding modifications. Horizontal distances and vertical distances between lags are selected based on the finishing material. For drywall - according to the size of the sheets, for siding, plastic or MDF panels, no more than 50-60 cm between horizontal profiles. The foam sheets must fit between the profiles “in tension.”
  2. When installing the sheathing, provide a gap of 1-2 cm to the insulation after installing the finishing material.
  3. Install drywall or siding.
  4. Finishing is completed by plastering the surface. If you used drywall, or glue the corners onto MDF panels.

Important! Using roll materials, it is necessary to make an overlap at the junction of the external walls with the ceiling and internal partitions.

External insulation

Insulating the facades of houses is the best of the proposed options:

  • After finishing, the building takes on a well-groomed appearance;
  • The dew point moves closer to the outside of the block;
  • It is possible to use any type of insulation without the risk of harming the health of residents;
  • Interior spaces do not lose usable space;

The disadvantages include:

  • Additional costs for steam and waterproofing;
  • Impossibility of work in the cold season.

Materials for insulating external walls

About qualities and characteristics different types polystyrene, basalt wool and polyurethane as described above. Often, mineral or glass wool, formed into separate sheets or packaged in rolls, is used for insulation.

The main advantage of these materials is their affordable price. However, it's not worth saving. Mineral wool has a high moisture absorption rate, cakes and thins with poor waterproofing, losing some thermal insulation properties.

Mineral wool as insulation for facades

The disadvantage of glass wool is that it is difficult to install - it is necessary to use skin and breathing protection due to the small volatile fraction, which scatters even when touching the mat.

In terms of thermal conductivity, the materials are inferior to stone wool, and they also lose some of their properties over time.

Types of external thermal insulation

There are two fundamentally different different ways carrying out external thermal insulation walls:

  1. Wet. Sheets of insulation are glued to the walls and plastered. During operation, thermal insulation is influenced by external weather conditions.
  2. The dry method, or ventilated facade, involves waterproofing insulation and finishing with panel materials.

Wet method

This type of insulation involves the use of foam plastic, penoplex, stone wool.

Structural composition of the “wet” facade

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Level the walls, sealing the recesses, seams between the blocks, removing the build-up of masonry mixture.
  2. Level the walls with plaster if the masonry is of poor quality, treat the surface with a primer deep penetration for outdoor work.
  3. Glue is applied to the surface of the thermal insulation sheets, choosing its type based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Important! Polystyrene foam with a density of 15 kg/m3 is not suitable for wet thermal insulation - it is not intended for load. They use material marked PSB-S-25, which requires plastering.

  1. Glue the sheets to the wall surface. After the solution has dried, the insulation is additionally strengthened with dowels with wide heads.
  2. Adhesive plaster is applied thin layer for insulation.
  3. Place the sheets on the surface and embed them in the initial layer of glue. plaster mesh for external use.
  4. Finish plastering is carried out, choosing mixtures for external use or, for example, a “bark beetle” mixture.
  5. After drying, paint the surface with facade paints.

Dry method

Such insulation will require the installation of sheathing and the use of vapor and waterproofing membranes.

"Dry". Ventilated facade

Work order:

  • Seal the seams in the masonry, remove the remains of the masonry mixture with a pick.
  • Strengthen a layer of vapor barrier membrane to the wall.
  • The frame is mounted based on the size of the thermal insulation sheets and finishing material.
  • Lay sheets of thermal insulation between the sheathing.
  • Nailed to the frame waterproofing membrane, using slats with a thickness of 10-20 mm - they will provide a gap for the facade finishing.
  • Install the finishing touches.

IN Last year appeared the new kind building material for finishing the facade - insulated tiles, consisting of two layers.

The outer layer is made of concrete or plastic - it performs a protective and decorative function, imitating wood or stone. Inner layer- Styrofoam. The two materials are “tightly” glued together.

Warm tiles for facade

Installation is carried out on a flat surface, gluing the tiles and securing with dowels. According to the characteristics, the material is similar to polystyrene, but does not require exterior decoration. The price for such tiles is still quite high, from 500 rubles/m2, which is caused by small production volumes.

Expanded clay concrete walls in the construction of private houses - profitable solution for individual developers. However, the house will take on a finished look, and the inside will become more comfortable after thermal insulation. An additional advantage will be a significant reduction in the cost of heating, which will “recoup” the costs in several years. Installation of thermal insulation is within the capabilities of any person and minimum quantity construction skills.

When constructing houses from expanded clay concrete, the walls are created from two layers of the described material. Often this is not enough to keep the house warm in the winter. That is why it is important to properly insulate the building. In order for walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks to reliably retain heat in a room, it is necessary to properly insulate it, taking into account the characteristics of the specific structure and the materials used.

Why is it worth insulating?

Expanded clay concrete is different high strength and durability, making it great for creating residential buildings. It is worth noting that the thermal conductivity of the described material is 3 times lower than the thermal conductivity of brick. But it is worth remembering that it is necessary to insulate expanded clay concrete house walls. This is due to several reasons:

  1. To give expanded clay strength, the material is created very dense, so heat passes through it quite quickly. Because of this, expanded clay concrete walls must be insulated from the outside.
  2. Walls made of the described material are easily destroyed under the influence of external factors. To protect the material, it is worth cladding and insulating the building from the outside. Often, facing bricks are used for this.

It is worth remembering that insulating walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks will not only help maintain more comfortable conditions, but will also extend its service life, as it protects against condensation in the walls.

What materials should be used for insulation?

Before carrying out work on wall insulation, it is necessary to plaster the surface on both sides. This also helps keep the house warm. Insulation of expanded clay concrete buildings occurs using the following materials:

  1. Mineral wool. Many builders purchase this particular insulation, since it is not flammable and is made from environmentally friendly components. But when choosing this material, it is worth remembering that during insulation it is necessary to correctly create a waterproofing barrier. If this is not done, mineral wool will begin to deteriorate under the influence of moisture.
  2. Styrofoam. This material is lightweight and low cost. The foam is easy to attach without any help professional builders. It is worth noting that it is easily damaged by rodents and loses its properties when exposed to moisture. But when you create a reliable waterproofing barrier, you don’t have to worry about its destruction.
  3. Penoplex. This material can be installed quite simply with your own hands. At the same time, it is resistant to moisture and consists of environmentally friendly components.

How to insulate a house with mineral wool

All work on insulating a house made of expanded clay concrete thermal comfort blocks occurs as follows:

It is worth noting that polystyrene foam is not recommended due to the fact that it is a vapor-proof material, which can result in condensation on the walls. Installation of such material is carried out in the same way as fixing sheets of mineral wool. In order to properly insulate a building, before carrying out work it is worth finding out about the thermal conductivity of a particular structure.

Which method of external thermal insulation to choose?

When creating houses from expanded clay concrete, insulation is carried out in three ways:

  • in-wall insulation;
  • ventilated facade;
  • thermal insulation using the “wet” method.

To understand which of the presented methods is more preferable, it is worth considering the features of each of them.

Ventilated facade- this is a method in which the construction of a frame covered with facing material occurs. In this case, the created structure carries an additional load on the wall. Due to the increased weight of the structure, using this method is not recommended.

In-wall insulation involves fixing the insulation layer and lining on the outside decorative material. This method is quite common, but it is worth noting that it is necessary to spend quite a lot of money on its implementation. a large number of money.

Wet insulation has the following advantages:

  • helps create a protective layer that helps prevent weathering of expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • does not create a large load on the walls of the building;
  • allows you to choose one of many shades of the facade;
  • When using this method, a small amount of money is spent.

It is worth noting that partitions in a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks are not insulated.

Selecting the type of insulation depending on the characteristics of the structure

If the façade of the house is not finished with anything, you can line the walls with bricks, having first secured the insulation. The effectiveness of this insulation method is quite high. But it is worth noting that this method is used infrequently. This is due to the cost of materials and time spent on cladding.

Also, buildings made of expanded clay concrete are often insulated in a similar way, but instead of bricks, others are used facing materials. An example can be given metal siding. Polystyrene foam often acts as insulation.

Another one possible situation- a house made of expanded clay concrete is already finished with brick, but without a layer of insulation. In this case, you can treat the structure with polyurethane foam.

To do this, holes are first created in the wall through which the polyurethane mixture is supplied. After this, the material fills the cracks and hardens. The use of such material has many advantages. This material cannot be damaged by rodents and is not susceptible to moisture. But it's worth remembering that similar material has a high cost. Because of this, many home owners abandon the described method in favor of cheaper options.

Very often, construction country houses made from expanded clay concrete, while the walls are laid in 2 blocks with a total thickness of 400 mm. On initial stage Many people are puzzled by the problem of whether insulation should be done, how exactly - from the outside or from the inside? If you miss this moment, then in the future it will be much more expensive to carry out the corresponding work, and, probably, the question will already be raised about how to do this as affordably as possible.

A special feature of expanded clay concrete blocks is their reliability and strength. At the same time, the material is quite “cold”. Without insulating your home, you will have to pay hefty heating bills. It is best to choose thermal insulation of at least 100mm, for which polystyrene foam is ideal. They are allowed to process walls both outside and inside. It is imperative to ensure the tightness of the finish by treating the joints with polyurethane foam.

Video No. 1. Insulation of expanded clay concrete

What is the best way to insulate a house?

The choice in favor of expanded clay concrete blocks justifies itself in operation, since a more affordable, durable and reliable material, perhaps, cannot be found. Let us add that in terms of water resistance and frost resistance it has no equal components. Actually, due to this, it enjoys great interest from construction companies.

Next let's look at different variants insulation of walls from the outside, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the choice outer part The insulator is always covered with a vapor barrier film, which prevents the absorption of moisture by the insulation and allows you to retain heat in the house.

Choosing cladding

Consider the case where the thickness of the walls of the house is 400mm, without external brickwork. Great option Insulation on the outside can be provided by cladding when the insulation is located between expanded clay and brick. The method is not particularly popular due to its high cost, high price of materials, and complexity of the work, although it is considered effective. For those who plan to do everything with their own hands, we immediately warn that without experience and necessary knowledge Unfortunately, it will not be possible to produce quality work.

An alternative would be to cover the outside of the expanded clay concrete wall with siding or PVC panels that protect the insulation. A worthy option would be to lay 50mm polystyrene foam in 2 rows, and you should try to lay them in a checkerboard pattern, with overlapping joints. The fixation of the sanding is done on prepared vertical guides mounted in the walls. It is allowed to use rolled basalt insulation with vapor barrier protection.

A good choice is insulation in the form of slabs, be it penoplex or expanded polystyrene (more about them below), which in the final phase of construction is subjected to decorative treatment with plaster with outside insulator. The corresponding components are fixed with glue or fungi. On the outside, a reinforcing mesh is installed and puttied.

We use polyurethane foam

Now let’s look at the differences between insulating a house wall with a thickness of 400 mm and facing masonry . Very often, people who bought an unfinished home made of expanded clay concrete blocks face a problem. Usually in the space between the wall and the cladding there is only a 50mm layer of air. The main task is to insulate the interior of the building façade.

The simplest and fastest way out of this situation can be polyurethane foam, which in a liquid state can easily fill the entire internal space. The component is supplied through pre-prepared holes in the walls. It is in some way similar to polyurethane foam, which expands after hardening, filling all joints, cracks and gaps as efficiently and tightly as possible.

Insulation of block walls

It is noteworthy that the insulation performed does not attract the attention of rodents and is absolutely not afraid of precipitation. This means that the house will always be warm and cozy, and the service life of the materials will be as long as possible.

The only downside here is the relatively high price of the method, and besides, it will most likely not be possible to do the work correctly on your own.

Other insulation materials

The problem is significantly simplified by the timely installation of a heat insulator between the walls, even at the construction stage of the building, while perfect choice It will be mineral wool, penoplex or expanded polystyrene.

One effective option is to use foam plastic. It is worth understanding that it is attractive to rodents, burns easily and quickly deteriorates when it gets wet. In the case of a ventilated facade in extreme points It is recommended to always install a grill to prevent birds and animals from entering the space. The price of the material and the ease of its installation also look interesting.

Processing expanded clay concrete blocks will be a more reliable and expensive method. mineral wool , which is a reliable, environmentally friendly and harmless material to human health. In addition, it burns poorly and retains heat well. Required condition When installing mineral wool, it is necessary to perform a vapor barrier, since moisture ingress on it significantly reduces its positive properties.

Insulation will be an innovative method penoplex– a stronger, more durable and dense component. It is not interesting to rodents, does not require protection from moisture, and does not pose a danger to environment. Due to the locking system, the possibility of cracks and loose fit of the insulator plates is eliminated.


As you can see, the methods and materials for insulating houses built from expanded clay concrete slabs are more than enough to create a comfortable and optimal internal atmosphere.