How to remove a plastic window (double-glazed window) and its sash - instructions. Insulation and repair of wooden windows (Swedish technology) How to remove a tilting plastic window

On plastic windows, hinges are a mechanism that ensures reliable connection sashes with frame.

Loops- these are types of fittings for windows; they are needed to open and close the sashes and ensure a tight fit to the frame.

Hinges for windows from plastic profile from modern manufacturers prevent sagging of the window sash, ensure a tight fit to the seal, which prevents drafts.

They are made of aluminum, steel or brass, finished with high-strength plastic. According to production technology, they are pressed and forged, the latter option is much stronger.

When choosing hinges, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Type of material.
  2. Axle material and diameter.
  3. Additional features - regulation range, burglary protection.

The color of the hinges can be selected according to the color of the profile.

The hinges are the basis for various options opening - swing, tilt, turn-tilt, hinged.

They provide:

  1. Uniform distribution of dynamic and mechanical load.
  2. Ease of operation.
  3. Quiet opening.

They can withstand loads, depending on the window configuration, from 80 to 150 kg. The quality of the hinges affects the level of sound and sound insulation and prevents heat loss.


There are three types of hinges - hidden, open, partially hidden. They differ in functionality and cost.

According to the place of attachment, they are lower and upper. Depending on the type of opening, windows are: rotating, tilting, overhead.

Hinges are available with and without adjustment. The first option is preferable, since over time the sashes may sag and do not fit tightly to the window frame.

The open type of hinges is installed on a window profile indoors and decorated with a plastic overlay. The hidden version is installed in the thickness of the profile; they have increased heat and sound insulation properties.

Rotary hinges are needed to open the window inward or outward. Folding ones are used to open upwards. Overheads are used for heavy window systems, they are not used often.

The hidden mounting option has many advantages:

  1. Tightness.
  2. Reliability from hacking.
  3. Prevents the formation of drafts.
  4. Laconic design.

Its main disadvantages:

  1. Withstand loads up to 100 kg.
  2. High cost compared to open type. Partially, hidden hinges used for windows non-standard forms with a tilt-and-turn type of opening. They have small size and are cheaper than hidden fittings.

Also, for different thicknesses window profiles are produced various models loops

Adjustment and repair

Adjusting the hinges

To increase service life, it is necessary to carry out Maintenance to prevent serious damage. Most often, problems arise with the regulation of the sashes.

As a result of frequent opening and closing of the sashes, they begin to sag. As a result, they may touch the frame when opening. If you do not pay attention to this problem, the fittings may eventually fail and the window will have to be replaced.

Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the system and lubricate the mechanisms in advance. This can be done with your own hands without the involvement of specialists.

Adjustments are made when the seasons change, and if the fit of the sashes is not tight enough. In the latter case, cold air and dust penetrate into the room through a loose fit.

It is advisable to carry out regulation in spring and autumn. In the spring, this will allow air to penetrate into the room and reduce the load on window mechanism. In the fall, this procedure will help avoid drafts.

How to produce it yourself?

Required tools:

  • screwdrivers of different sizes;
  • hexagons;
  • star keys;
  • pliers;

The system is adjusted in the following sequence:

  1. Open the window.
  2. At the top of the end part there is an adjusting screw.
  3. You need to insert a hexagon into the screw and turn it the right side, clockwise rotation will raise the sash, in reverse side- to lowering. If the position has not changed as a result of the manipulations, you should return everything to its place and perform another adjustment option.

Another adjustment option:

  1. You need to remove the plastic cover from the bottom hinge.
  2. Carefully turn the adjusting screw. A clockwise movement raises the mechanism, and in the opposite direction lowers it.

After this, you should check the closure of the sash. As a result of adjusting the upper and lower mechanisms, friction of the elements is eliminated.

Adjustments with changing seasons are made to ensure a tight fit to the frame. On end sides The valves have eccentrics - these are elements that allow you to change the level of fit.

When installing windows, set the middle position of the eccentrics; it is considered universal for all weather conditions. To adjust, you need pliers or hexagons.

For stronger pressure using tools, the eccentrics are lowered and turned horizontally, and for weaker pressure, they are raised and turned straight. There are windows with a system of mechanisms that can be turned without the help of tools. In this case, the eccentric is pulled forward and fixed in the desired position.

In some cases, adjustments are made from the canopy side.

There are two options here depending on the type of opening:

  1. If swing option– then adjust the screw on the bottom hinge.
  2. When tilting and turning, the top hinge must be adjusted.

How to lubricate hinges?

When opening and closing frequently, the hinge parts rub against each other. As a result, they can wear off, which will subsequently affect technical specifications windows

This is noise or creaking when the sashes move, the connection to the frame is not tight enough, which violates sound and heat insulation. To prevent this problem, you need to periodically lubricate the hinges. For this purpose, technical, mineral or synthetic oils are used.

How to remove a plastic window from its hinges?

When carrying out external work - painting or repairing ebb, slope, dismantling or, it is necessary to remove the sashes from their hinges. When installing, they are always removed; this will not only make installation easier, but will also prevent damage during the installation process. If you plan to dismantle the sash without reinstalling it, then no special care is required. In case of re-installation, you need to proceed very carefully.

The removal process starts from the top loop and then proceeds in the following sequence:

  1. Removed decorative overlay made of plastic.
  2. A window opens.
  3. It is necessary to remove the rotating shaft from the upper hinge. To do this, you need to press the upper end of the loop with a screwdriver. The edge of the shaft should appear from the bottom; it must be carefully grabbed with pliers and pulled out. After this, the sash must be held.
  4. It is very easy to remove from the bottom hinge– the sash must be lifted up and pulled out of the socket.

If you plan to replace it, then before installation you need to remove the spindle or rotating shaft from the upper loop. To do this you will need a hammer, a thin screwdriver or a large nail with a diameter smaller than the spindle. A screwdriver is placed on the spindle in the upper loop and it is knocked out using a hammer.

In the case when you need to install the sash back, the process is performed in the following order:

  1. The sash is carefully installed with the bottom hinge on the spindle.
  2. The two parts of the top hinge are carefully aligned and secured by a rotating shaft. To do this, it is inserted from the bottom up.


Correct installation and well-chosen hinges guarantee the reliability of the design and long-term operation of the product. During installation, it is necessary to check the horizontal and vertical positions of the fasteners using building level. This will further prevent the sashes from sagging.

In order to remove the sash from its hinges, the following tools are needed:

  • large and small screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;

If it breaks or works poorly, the loop can be replaced. Available in stores big choice products from various manufacturers. Before purchasing, you need to decide on the parameters of the loop; here you will most likely need specialist advice. It is necessary to select hinges depending on the weight of the window and the thickness of the window profile.

When installing, it is necessary to evenly distribute the load on each of the hinges and install them strictly horizontally and vertically. Of course, you can do this yourself, but without experience it will be difficult to do this work efficiently.

For help, you can contact the company that installed the windows. If installed incorrectly, the window will not close tightly, which can lead to deformation of the profile.

When installing windows, the hinge design is chosen by the manufacturer, depending on the type of opening, profile weight, glass unit and fittings.

High-quality hinges guarantee long-term operation of windows. If necessary, the valves must be adjusted to avoid serious damage.

You can lubricate and adjust the hinges yourself. If the warranty period has not yet passed, and a defect is discovered in the window design, you should not solve the problem yourself. You need to contact the installers.

The need to remove the sash of a plastic window may arise during dismantling, when you need to remove not only it, but also the frame, ebb, profile, and generally remove the double-glazed window, or when repairing a plastic window. And if you really need remove the plastic window sash, you need to do it correctly - without damaging the structure. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on replacing the sash, buying a new one double glazing, and maybe even a frame, ebb or profile. Therefore, read the recommendations of our specialists, and only then get to work.

Preparatory work

Let's start with preparing the work front. Clear the window sill by removing plants and things. Prepare all the tools - they should be at hand. You will need a screwdriver and pliers.

Changing the sash

Turn the window handle to a horizontal position and open the sash. Remove the decorative plastic covers from the top and bottom hinges.

At the bottom of the upper loop, you need to pry the pin inserted into it with a screwdriver and pull it down. Next, using pliers, almost completely pull the pin out of the sleeve, while holding the window sash. After this, lift the sash up and remove it from the lower hinge.

To reinsert the sash, follow the same steps in reverse order. After installing the sash in place, it is recommended to adjust it.

Plastic windows can last for several years without any problems. But if any damage occurs, it will be possible to remove it without any problems plastic window from the hinges without damaging it.

However, before this you need to carefully inspect the hinges. If they are damaged and/or there is corrosion on them, then it is recommended to remove the window very carefully so as not to completely break them. It is advisable to replace the hinges immediately.

In order to remove the sash from the hinges, you need to remove the plastic caps that protect the hinge structure and at the same time serve decorative element. To get rid of them, you need to pry them off with a knife or screwdriver (can be removed without tools). They are easy to remove and very difficult to damage, as they are made of high-quality plastic.

It is important to choose necessary tools. You will need: a screwdriver, a knife, tweezers, pliers (most often you only need a screwdriver). Select screwdriver sizes based on the dimensions fastening elements. You may need some persistent tool - a long stick, a crowbar. The tool should not be too long or sharp.

Removal process

To remove a plastic window sash you need:

  1. First, you will have to loosen all the adjusting bolts using a screwdriver of the appropriate size. There is no need to remove the bolts from the structure. If the bolts are rusty or difficult to give in, wash the structure thoroughly (you can wipe it with vinegar). However, the design of some upper hinges is completely disassembled.
  2. Then you need to pull out the rod. This can be done using passages or a screwdriver. Don’t be afraid to use force, since the rod and the structure itself are made of durable material and breaking them is problematic. Also, in order for it to come out without problems, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the structure (you can wipe it with vinegar or alcohol).
  3. When the rods are removed from both sashes, you can begin to remove the window itself. You need to lift the window (you may need to use additional tools). Do this carefully so as not to damage the plastic or glass.

When the window is removed, you can begin more detailed repairs. To replace the hinges, you will have to completely remove them not only on the top part, but also on the bottom; you will also need to take some measurements to select the right size hinges.

Hi all! A friend unexpectedly calls me and asks how to remove a double-glazed window from a plastic window.

I ask him what happened and why he didn’t call me.

He says that the matter is urgent: his wife decided to wash the windows, but there are no sashes in them, the developer did not provide for them, so they need to remove them.

I had to explain over the phone how this could be done. Then, however, he suggested simply replacing the window with a casement one.

But if you find yourself in a similar situation, I recommend that you read useful information indicated below.

A large window area is occupied by a double-glazed window - about 80% of the window structure and is its most vulnerable part. Sometimes situations arise when you need to remove double-glazed glass from a plastic window.

Quite often, such a need arises when you decide to replace your double-glazed window with a more improved one, for example, with more cameras or using energy saving glass and so on.

Also, the need to replace a double-glazed window arises when the double-glazed window cracks, breaks, or loses its tightness due to improper installation.

Perhaps you need to finish the external slopes after some time has elapsed after installing the window, but there is no access from the street and there are blind windows, then you will also need to remove the double-glazed window from the plastic window. It is worth saying that this process is not quite complicated, but it requires certain knowledge.

If you are confident in your abilities and want to avoid additional material costs If you call a specialist, our article will help you understand how a double-glazed window is held in the frame and how it can be removed from it.

How does the glass unit stay in the frame?

The glass unit is held in the window frame using glazing beads; this method of fastening was also used in old wooden structures.

The glazing beads, as well as the window profile, are made of PVC and inserted into the frame in the plane of the glass. You must take into account the position of the beads so as not to damage the window during the process of removing the glass unit.

Required Tools

In order to independently remove a double-glazed window from a plastic window, you will need:

  • protective gloves to avoid possible cuts;
  • screwdriver;
  • putty knife;
  • sharp knife;
  • rubber suction cups.


If you need to remove a double-glazed window from a plastic window sash, you must first remove the sash itself. To do this, pull out the retaining rod from the top hinge and now disconnect the sash from the window frame.

Lower the sash and carefully lean it against the wall. Now let's move on to the glass unit.

Attention! Be careful and careful not to accidentally leave scratches on the window profile.

  1. Take a knife or spatula and place it on the vertical seam between window frame and glazing bead.
  2. Now carefully pick up the glazing bead and move it.
  3. Repeat this action along the entire length of the bead.
  4. Carefully remove the bead from the frame, moving parallel to the glass.
  5. Similarly, remove the lower horizontal bead, then the second vertical one, and finally proceed to the upper horizontal one.
  6. When you remove the top bead, be sure to hold the glass unit with your hands.
  7. After all the beads have been removed, you need to remove the glass unit itself from the frame.
  8. You can use rubber suction cups.
  9. If there are none, then you can do it with your hands, making sure to wear gloves for protection.
  10. Carefully pick up the upper edge of the glass unit with your finger, and then tip the glass unit towards yourself, move your hands and grab the glass unit by the sides.


Double-glazed windows big size It should only be removed with an assistant. While you are removing the glazing beads, an assistant should secure the glass unit from falling.

How to remove glass from a double glazing unit?

A double-glazed window usually consists of two or three glasses. In order to remove glass from a double-glazed window, you must carefully trim it using a knife. upper layer sealant. Now carefully remove all layers of sealant and get to the aluminum frame of the double-glazed window and remove the glass.

Installation of double-glazed windows

Now let's talk about installing double-glazed windows back into window frame. Before installing a double-glazed window, you must make sure that there is no dirt or dust in the opening on the frame folds.

Unlike dismantling a double-glazed window, when installing it, the short horizontal beads are hammered in first, and then the side vertical beads are started.

To do this, insert the glazing bead shank into the glazing bead groove of the frame by hand. Using a rubber hammer, press the glazing bead completely into the groove, applying moderate blows.

Having installed all the glazing beads, you can begin to restore order. Wipe down the new glass unit. If there are small scratches on the frame and glazing bead, clean them with fine sandpaper.

As you can already see, removing a double-glazed window from a plastic window is quite simple, without the help of a specialist.


It is important to understand that a double-glazed window is the most fragile and vulnerable part of the window, and such actions should be performed only when absolutely necessary and with full confidence in knowing the specifics of the process.


Modern plastic windows are a rather complex technical design.

The double-glazed window is the most vulnerable part of a plastic window, which often fails.

At first glance it seems strong and reliable, but it is quite fragile and should be treated with the utmost care.

Glass is protected by all kinds of protective films and coatings, but it can easily break or crack.

To replace a damaged or broken double-glazed window, many resort to the help of window repair specialists.

But if you strictly follow all the rules, then it is quite possible to perform this procedure yourself. Basically, the need to replace old double-glazed windows arises when you want to replace them with more advanced ones, with an increased number of sealed chambers or with improved sound and heat insulation properties.

However, it also happens that due to carelessness, a double-glazed window breaks, cracks or becomes unusable (tightness is lost). It is not at all necessary to change the entire window structure; it is enough to replace a single glass unit.

Of course, it’s better not to take risks and order the replacement of a double-glazed plastic window from specialists with sufficient experience. They will be able to quickly and efficiently install in short time New double-glazed windows in your windows.

However, the cost of such work, which depends on the complexity of the process, the delivery distance of new double-glazed windows, the urgency of the order, the size, configuration of the double-glazed window itself and other factors, leaves much to be desired.

Specialists from the company, who are engaged in the production and repair of plastic windows, must first of all produce necessary measurements glass unit using a special measuring tool.

Double-glazed windows are manufactured in special workshops, after which they are delivered in finished form by specialized transport to the desired site.

Then the old one is dismantled and a new double-glazed window is installed in a metal-plastic window. In rare cases, you can replace the glass of a plastic window yourself.

Of course, you cannot make a double-glazed window with your own hands, so you should very carefully measure all the parameters and dimensions of the window, and then order a double-glazed window from a company that manufactures them.

Helpful advice!

As soon as your order is completed and delivered, you need to begin the process of replacing the glass unit.

You can install metal-plastic windows using special mounting plates with a through-frame fastening of the window block to the walls, but many people who decide to install them themselves are frightened by the question of how to remove a double-glazed window without having a special tool.


What tools might you need?

You can install metal-plastic windows using mounting plates or with through-frame fastening of the window block to the walls.

The practice of our craftsmen shows that of all the available tools, the most convenient is an ax, due to the length of the handle, because this makes the job much easier. If you come across a window made of soft plastic, feel free to use a spatula with a hard handle.

Professional installers of metal-plastic windows, in addition to a puncher and other tools, in order to remove the glazing bead from a plastic window, must have a special hammer and spatula, as well as suction cups.

But buying these devices for installing just a few windows is quite expensive, unless you want to install windows large area. In order to remove the glazing bead, we will use the available tools - a knife and a hammer.

The blade of the knife should be thick enough and, if possible, without a sharp tip. You can laugh, but the form table knife very similar to the shape of a spatula for dismantling plastic beads. You can also use a chisel. The main requirement is not to damage the surface metal-plastic window, since you can’t paint it over later.

You will need the following in your work:

  • screwdriver
  • putty knife
  • sharp knife
  • rubber suction cups
  • protective gloves


If you need to not only remove the glass unit from the frame, but also disassemble it, then proceed to dismantling. Typically, a double-glazed window consists of two or three glasses. During manufacturing, a moisture absorber is poured into a special frame.

Using a sharp knife, cut off the top layer of sealant. All actions must be careful so as not to damage the glass, because it can crack if the knife is inserted deep.

Carefully remove the sealant layer by layer until you can reach the aluminum frame. At this stage, disassembly is almost complete. If necessary, repeat all steps with other window sashes.

But remember, to assemble a double-glazed window, you may need special equipment, so all actions must be deliberate, leisurely, and careful so as not to damage any part of the disassembled window.


Note that the network is full of proposals for replacing the ax with a wide spatula with a rigid handle. They say it’s safer and the glass unit cannot be damaged. Trust us, it's a lie clean water. We want to say that a spatula cannot, by definition, always be suitable for these purposes.

It may be suitable in an exceptional case - if we have a soft window profile, i.e. made of soft plastic. However, as we can see, most windows are made of hard plastic.


Part of the design of any plastic window is a double-glazed window.

There are times when it is necessary to disassemble a window for repairs, adjustments or preventive maintenance.

If this is the first time you have encountered such a problem, then you will have the question “how to remove a double-glazed window?”

At first glance, this seems difficult, but if you follow a few instructions and adhere to some rules, it turns out that this task is not that difficult.

To remove a double-glazed window, you need to disassemble the plastic window and dismantle it. To do this, pull out the retaining rod from the top hinge, then you need to disconnect the window sash from the window opening.

Helpful advice!

Be careful when doing this, as the window can be quite heavy. Lower the removed sash to the floor, carefully and securely leaning it against the wall.

Start dismantling the window sash fittings. To do this, you need to unscrew the handle and remove all the screws. A screwdriver is useful to remove parts of the locking device. All removed elements, put the fasteners and accessories in a separate place so as not to lose a single part.

Insert the tool into the gap between the bead and the window and carefully remove it. Do the same with the rest of the glazing beads.


Blind plastic window

If you have a blind plastic window, then sooner or later there may be a reason to remove the double-glazed window, for example, to paint the ebb or slope on the outside, or to repair these same slopes.

To remove the glass unit, we need a hammer (wooden or plastic) and a sharp chisel.

In principle, you can use an iron hammer, but you must be very careful because window glass and an iron hammer are not compatible well - there is a risk of ruining the entire window.


  1. After we are armed, we need to start removing the glazing bead. A bead is a long strip around the perimeter of a double-glazed window; this strip holds the double-glazed window.
  2. We insert a chisel between the frame and the bead and lightly knock out the bead to the center of the glass unit. It is better to start with one of the vertical beads; insert the chisel so that the bead bends and can be pulled out.
  3. The main thing is to pull out one bead, the rest will be easier because they can be picked up at the corners.
  4. Attention! The top bead should be removed last! After all, the double-glazed window on top doesn’t hold onto anything except it; it might just fall out on your head.
  5. After removing the glazing beads, we take out the double-glazed window and carefully place it against the wall, after which you can work on the slopes with ebbs or whatever you wanted.
  6. Under the double-glazed windows you will see plastic plates on black or gray inserts; when you put the double-glazed window back in, do not forget to place them as they were in the beginning.
  7. When you put the double-glazed window into the frame, start hammering in the glazing beads, first the top, then the bottom and then the side ones, it is clear that you should hammer in carefully, this is not a nail and there is no need for much effort.

We take out the double-glazed window using an ax

How to remove a double-glazed window from the frame - this question plagues more than a dozen buyers of plastic windows. Now we will show you how to remove a double-glazed window from a plastic window frame.

Since we will extract it with our own hands, then special tools We don't have it in stock, so we'll do it with an axe. We begin to dismantle the glass unit.

  • The first step is to start carefully inserting our ax into the opening between plastic frame and glazing bead.
  • Then, with a slight movement of our hands, we must gradually press on the ax handle so that the tip of the ax enters the gap between the frame by about 1-1.5 mm, this will be enough.
  • Next, we need to slightly turn the ax handle and snap off the glazing bead. When you hear a click, don’t be alarmed. You did everything right.
  • Now we need to hook the glazing bead in three or four places in order to completely release it from the grooves of engagement with the frame and remove it.
  • Let's imagine that we are simply standing in front of the window, that is, our eyes are directed at the window opening from the front, then the glazing bead should be inserted into the window frame from the side, moving towards the window.
  • It is not difficult to assume that we will remove our glazing bead in the same plane. Thus, we do not need to pull the glazing bead towards us at all while standing in front of the plastic window, because this will not lead us to anything good.
  • You need to get it out by moving it in the side direction, otherwise it will definitely not come out of the window frame.
  • Therefore, after our blade is now where it is supposed to be, you need to press the ax quite firmly and turn its handle to the side.
  • Don’t forget that the ax should go a little deeper and push the glazing bead 1-1.5 mm away from the frame.
  • It is this method that most easily separates the glazing bead from the window frame, especially if we are talking about the first glazing bead. It is not difficult to guess that the first bead is the most difficult to pull out, because... The latches into the frame are quite tight.
  • Well, now it's a small matter. After we have removed the first glazing bead, our work will be more active.

Note that the topmost bead must be removed strictly last, otherwise you risk that the double-glazed window can quite easily fall out of the window and break. When removing a double-glazed window, be sure to hold it with one hand, or even better, ask a friend for help.


We draw your precious attention to the fact that the blade should be used as flat as possible (NOT as sharp as possible), and not rounded, as you see in our picture on the left.

Under no circumstances should the blade be sharpened like a knife, otherwise it will very strongly scratch the edges of the window frame, leaving behind unsightly nicks. Therefore, you need to optimally choose something in between from the axes. You can't take something too sharp and something too dull.

We take out the glass unit with a chisel and hammer

There are many reasons why people need to remove double glazing. Maybe you want to paint the flashing, but your window is blank, and you don’t live on the first floor. Removing a double-glazed window yourself, despite the apparent difficulty, is quite possible.

To do this, you need to stock up on a sharp chisel and a hammer. It is best not to take an iron hammer, but a wooden or plastic one, because working with iron tools on glass is dangerous. However, this is not the case a big problem, if you are careful not to accidentally damage the glass.

So, you took a chisel and a hammer:

  1. Now you need to remove the bead that holds the glass unit in place. It can be seen around the perimeter of the glass unit.
  2. A chisel must be inserted between the frame and the bead.
  3. Now begin to lightly hit the chisel to knock out the bead into the central side of the glass unit. You should start with a vertical bead.
  4. Insert a chisel into its center so that the bead bends and you can pull it out. Then you need to remove all the other glazing beads around the perimeter of the window.
  5. Important! You can insert the chisel from the edge of the bead, but the top bead should be removed last, because this way you will control the glass unit so that it does not fall on your head.
  6. When the bead is removed, you need to carefully take the glass unit and place it against the wall, and proceed to repair or paint the outer slope, ebb, or whatever you want to do.
  7. Under the glass unit you will notice colored plastic plates that lie on black or gray inserts; when you insert the glass unit, you must remember to put them in place.
    When inserting the glass unit back, you should start hammering in the bead, but in the reverse order. You will install the top bead first and then the bottom one.
  8. After this, install the side beads (due to longer length they are easier to bend), you just need to hammer them in carefully, which is why I talked about hammers, since when hammering in a glazing bead, the hammer is very close to the glass.

  • When removing double-glazed windows, do not forget to number all the glazing beads, they will each have to fit into their place, so do not mix them up.
  • During window manufacturing, all glazing beads are measured with a ruler according to their location, so if you install the glazing bead in some other place, it simply will not hold the double-glazed window.
  • Even if the glazing beads look the same, for example, at the top and bottom, it can still differ in length by at least a few millimeters. Remember that a difference of even 2 mm will be noticeable at the junction of the glazing beads.
  • When a window frame is installed in an opening, its entire mass rests on the supporting blocks installed underneath it. In no case should dowels be allowed to bear the entire weight of the window; the window itself is very heavy (120-150 kg), and no bolts in the wall can hold it; in short, support in the form of load-bearing blocks is required during installation.
  • The pads should be placed at the corners of the frame and at the location vertical partitions(imposts).
  • When you align the window vertically, use a plumb line with a sharp tip and axial symmetry. Using a level bar in this case would be a mistake because... with its help, accuracy can be measured only conditionally.
  • When aligning the frame horizontally, for the same reason, a water level made from a durable and transparent hose is best; the principle of its operation is not difficult to find on the Internet. This level is good when you need to install several windows at the same height.
  • It is very important to ensure that water does not enter through the mounting holes into the central chamber during installation. In fact, in any profile there is the possibility of water drainage, because... it will still leak through the seal.
  • But when it comes to initial installation, water can accumulate in the groove above the center chamber of the frame, and this chamber houses the metal frame.
  • Because This water entered during installation, and not naturally, it can flow into the places where the impost is attached to the frame, or into the holes of the screws. All this is very bad because... such water can remain in a sealed glass unit for a long time.
  • For prevention, you can drill several holes from the bottom end through which moisture can escape, but there is nothing good in this because Additional holes in the frame are not needed, although this is certainly better than freezing.
  • There is no need to tighten the fastening screws too much; if you tighten at least one of the screws, the window may take on a barrel-shaped appearance. Therefore, after fixing the frame, you need to check the window levels again.
  • After completing the installation work, you must remove the protective film that is located on PVC profile. This must be done immediately after installing the window.
  • Don't think that if it's on the window protective film then the window will last you longer, in fact, it is intended only for installation, so as not to scratch or stain the profile, and it is not intended for long-term use - the film quickly loses its properties and literally fuses with the profile, after which it will be impossible to peel it off.
  • To completely get rid of the sealant in wooden windows when replacing a double-glazed window, you need a chisel on the glazing beads, a sharp construction knife with a wide and not long blade, a larger piece of sandpaper and some fine sandpaper.
  • Using a chisel, you first roughly remove the old sealant, then cut off what remains with a knife, what remains with coarse sandpaper, and then there’s almost nothing left, scratch paper. To make it easier to work with coarse sandpaper, wrap it in wooden block and then the surface will be smooth and wide.
  • Do not hold the glazing bead suspended, as it is fragile and can crack; place it on a comfortable surface so that it does not slip.
  • When applying new sealant and inserting a double-glazed window, be sure to degrease the surface of the bead and the double-glazed window at the place of application.

To replace a broken double-glazed window or improve the window structure, it becomes necessary to remove it from the plastic window. The same operation is carried out when the structure loses its tightness, has low energy efficiency, or is completely or partially damaged.

Preparing for work

The glass unit is held in the frame with glazing beads, in the same way as in older structures. All parts, including plugs and profiles, are made of PVC and are located in the same plane with the glass. When disassembling correctly, the location of the elements is immediately taken into account so as not to damage the structure.

To work, you will need a mounting knife to cut off the sealant layer. Remove the glazing beads with a sharp chisel or a suitable spatula. It is convenient to hammer the chisel for removal with a rubber mallet. The plugs are pulled out of the loop with a screwdriver; you will also need a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the fittings and fastening bolts.

How to remove a window

Withdrawal occurs only upon strict technology, otherwise the integrity of the glass unit may be damaged and the entire structure will need to be repaired:

  • First they take it off. The polyurethane foam is cut off with a blade or knife and with a short sharp jerk the window sill is pulled out towards you, at the end pointing it slightly upward.
  • The second step of dismantling involves removing the decorative plugs using a flat screwdriver. The upper pin is pryed up so that it can be easily grabbed with pliers and pulled without difficulty.
  • Then you should remove the glass unit from the frame. Experts recommend starting the process from the side of the blind sash. The glass unit is removed from a plastic window using a chisel and a rubber mallet.
  • On last stage you need to unscrew the fastening screws. Then trimmed polyurethane foam, filling the gaps between the wall and the window structure. The frame itself is pulled towards itself with a short jerk and carefully removed from the opening.

For reference!

It is best removed in dry weather, since high humidity Window structures can sag, making dismantling more difficult.

How to remove a double glazed window

In addition to dismantling, improvement and repair, situations arise in which it is necessary to remove the double-glazed window. Most often, owners of fixed windows without moving sashes face this situation. In this case, the most important and critical stage is removing the glazing beads. It is convenient to do this with a narrow rubber spatula:

  • It is most convenient to remove it from the side of the opening sash. The sash is removed from its hinges - first the plugs are carefully removed, then the opening sash is removed. It can be installed on a hard surface and the beads can be pulled out.
  • Experts recommend marking them before pulling them out. Then, when reinstalling, no mistakes will be made and the window will be straight. In addition, the seal will not be compromised. Next, a chisel is driven into the gap to pull the glazing beads out of the frame. If you don't have a chisel, you can use rubber spatula or a knife, but with special care. You need to hammer it in with a rubber hammer. First, the longer elements are pulled out, then the shorter ones.
  • Under the glazing beads there is usually a layer of sealant - it is carefully removed with a spatula and a knife. When the glass is clear of insulating material and the aluminum rim will be visible, the removal process is considered complete.
  • When assembling fittings and windows, it is advisable to label the sides of the frame and parts - during installation there will be no problems with the tightness of the structure.
  • Removing the glass is only possible when visible aluminum frame– by carefully lifting it, you can remove each glass separately, each time removing the sealant that connects all the glasses to each other. To Work with large structures It’s better to work together - while one removes the beads, the second supports the glass, insuring it from falling.

When removing glass, it is not necessary to remove the frame. If the frame is sealed and does not require dismantling, it is enough to remove the insulating elements and the profile holding the glass.

Glass installation

Before you return the glass to its place or install a new one, you need to make sure that the frame is clean and there is no dust or dust on the folds. construction waste. The installation process is slightly different than removal. First you need to hammer in the horizontal and short glazing beads, only then the vertical and lateral ones.

To do this, the shank is inserted into a special groove in the frame. Using a rubber hammer, the bead is driven into the grooves. Then you can insert the glass - first fix the bottom, then the top, and only then on the sides.

For reference!

Have the glass installed in place better for specialists. The process does not require serious knowledge, but it will not be possible to reseal the structure with improvised means.

Replacement work broken glass should only be carried out with rubberized gloves. If there is a serious crack in the glass and the glass is being replaced, it is better to knock out the damaged part before dismantling, as it will inevitably crumble during operation.

At self-installation glass it is difficult to create a completely sealed structure. The sealants used in double glazed windows are not sold in hardware stores. Each company produces them independently for its products.

In double-glazed windows with several chambers, the sealant is placed around the perimeter between all the glasses. The sealant must be removed carefully and sequentially, removing glass after glass.

The glass dismantling process can be done independently; it is enough to follow a strict sequence of actions. In this case, the frame will remain intact, and the new window will become smooth and airtight.


After watching the video, you will learn how to properly remove a double-glazed window from a plastic window with your own hands.