How to bleed air from a heating radiator: step-by-step instructions. How to bleed air from a battery - possible options. Plug in the radiator at the bottom of the battery

It would seem that what could be simpler than draining the water from the heating system? After all, all you need to do is connect it to the battery drain hose and open the water. However, an incorrectly performed operation can lead to the most unpleasant results, especially in the event of unforeseen situations in apartments, where you can simply flood all your neighbors with water. We will talk about the rules for removing liquid from the heating system in this article.

Draining the coolant in the apartment correctly

Intervention with the heating system should only be carried out if such actions are necessary for normal operation communication, prevention or elimination of breakdowns. For example, it is impossible to replace a radiator in a room without first draining the liquids. In addition, it is necessary to remove liquid from the pipes when leaks occur, the system is contaminated, and, if necessary, replace the coolant with a new one.

In an autonomous system home heating The easiest way is to drain the coolant. To carry out such work, no special permits or approvals are required, since even the occurrence of unforeseen situations in this case cannot cause significant harm to people. To replace the coolant, we perform the following work:

  1. 1. turn off the heating boiler;
  2. 2. wait for the water in the system to cool completely;
  3. 3. close the cold water supply valve to the system;
  4. 4. open special air valves, which are necessarily present in closed communications.

Modern heating networks have drain valves that are located at the lowest point of the system - usually on the return pipeline in close proximity to the boiler. After completing the operations described above, connect a hose to this tap through which water can be drained from the circuit. When there is no coolant left in the heating network, you can begin to repair the communication, replace its damaged elements, or any other work for which the drain was performed.

It is more difficult to properly drain water from the pipes and batteries of an autonomous system if a “warm floor” is installed in the house. In this case, to remove the coolant, you will have to connect a compressor to the inlet pipe of the network, which will help displace water from the pipes using air pressure. Although it is not always necessary to completely drain the water from the system. For example, if you need to replace only one heating battery in a house, you can drain the coolant only from it, of course, if the design of the system and the features of its installation allow this.

It is highly desirable to provide for the possibility of draining water from specific radiator through the installation of valves and taps.

So that when following the described recommendations, replacing the coolant does not cause big problems, it is necessary to prepare a container of suitable size in advance. It should contain all the liquid from the autonomous heating supply without any residue. In some cases, you can simply use a long hose that is pulled from the heating drain tap to the street. However, the longer the hose and the older it is, the higher the likelihood of leaks occurring during heating network repairs.

Drain the coolant from the heating system located in apartment building, much more difficult. If you need to remove water from a communication in order to modernize it, you will have to empty the entire riser pipe running through all apartments located in the same vertical from the coolant. Such repairs require prior approval from the company that services the heat supply of the apartment building.

The service of draining water from the riser is paid, it is performed by employees of the responsible company, its cost depends on the time of repair. The most expensive drain is winter period during heating season, and it’s cheaper in the summer. Therefore, you should plan in advance for the modernization and maintenance of heating elements.

How to replace a radiator - dismantling procedure in an apartment building

The easiest way to replace a radiator is in relatively new apartments, in which engineering communications are installed correctly, and builders have provided the ability to drain liquid from the system without affecting the common riser. To replace the radiator in such an apartment, first close the shut-off valves at the battery inlet, thereby stopping the supply of water to individual sections of the heating network, but without stopping the circulation of the liquid as a whole. Your further actions when working with coolant depend on whether the system design includes outlet valves on the radiators. If there are taps, then you just need to connect a hose to them and drain the liquid into a large container.

WITH single-pipe heating it is necessary to work differently. You will first have to open the valve on the bypass (bypass), which is a backup path for the coolant, which is used to replace the radiator. Only after opening the bypass valve can you close the shut-off valves on both sides of the battery itself.

After this, you can begin to disconnect the radiator from the heating network in the house. When a new battery is installed instead of a broken one, it is necessary to check the sealing of the connection, check the tightness of the lock nuts and only then gradually open the valves at the inlet and outlet of the radiator. At the end, you can open the Mayevsky tap and slowly close the bypass so that the radiator fills gradually. Slowly filling the system will prevent water hammer, and air will escape from the battery through the Mayevsky valve. The tap can be turned off once water starts flowing through it.

We solve problems with the heating network

Problems with utilities occur quite often, but to repair the heating supply it is not at all necessary to always remove the coolant from the pipes. The most common heating problems include:

  • air entering the system circuit;
  • pollution;
  • insufficient diameter of system pipes;
  • low circulation pump power;
  • absence check valves in complex networks;
  • making various errors during installation work.

Problems in the heating network are often related to each other. For example, the gurgling of water in pipes can be caused by air getting into the pipes, poor sealing of connections, or the presence of leaks. For the system to provide the apartment required quantity thermal energy and did not cause discomfort to users, it must be constantly checked. Monitor the quality of the connection, bleed air through the Mayevsky taps, and if you find a problem on your own and cannot get rid of it, turn to professionals for help.

Calling specialists in a timely manner when detecting the slightest signs of problems in the heating operation will allow you to avoid serious malfunctions, to eliminate which you will have to spend your money and time, obtain permission to drain water from the riser and coordinate your work with the responsible authorities.

Cold times have arrived, and every home has been running a heating system for a long time. Modern radiators are so convenient and practical that many have already forgotten how it was possible to heat a house without small, compact and convenient radiators. But even heating has its drawbacks. The first is very dry air, which can be humidified using special humidifier air to the battery. Secondly, there are many technical issues, one of which we will discuss today.

What is a congested battery and how to determine it?

If you notice that the batteries do not heat up at full capacity, although just yesterday the entire system worked perfectly and the house was warm, the problem is probably that you just need to bleed the air from the battery that is not quite hot. This article will tell you in detail how to bleed air from a battery.

Before bleeding air, you need to make sure that this is really the cause of the system failure.

First, check all the batteries: if they are all too cold or, on the contrary, too hot, the problem may be directly in the heater or perhaps other sediment has accumulated in the batteries. Also check to see if water is dripping from the batteries. There may be a leak in the battery, then you just need to turn off the heating system and.

If the situation does not change as a result of the actions taken, the nut may be corroded and needs to be replaced. There are times when the radiators on the upper floors remain cold, while on the floor below the radiators are very well heated. In such cases, it is advisable to call a master who specializes in this field.

And if, as a result of a detailed examination of the heating system, you have not found any other problems, except that some battery is partially or completely cold, then you just need to understand how to bleed the air from the battery.

In private houses with autonomous system heating, sometimes it is necessary to drain water using an expansion tank, which is always located at the highest point of the heating system.

After the water has been drained, wait a while and then turn off the tap expansion tank. Almost always the plug comes out on its own when the radiator temperature rises. If these actions do not lead to the desired result, bring the water in the heating system to a boil and then the air lock will definitely come out.

Also keep in mind that an air lock can form in places where the pipeline is bent; for this reason, when installing a heating system, it is necessary to maintain the optimal distance for the direction of slopes when laying out the pipeline.

If the actual slope of the pipe differs from the designed one or the pipeline makes a loop, then it is necessary to install additional air bleed valves.

Read more: Insulation for heating pipes - choosing the best option

Modern manufacturers heating radiators sometimes they are not very conscientious in their production, and as a result, we receive a low-quality radiator, which can bring additional headache. And all because, no matter how much you bleed the air from a battery that is not made according to standards, the air in it will be endless. Because the radiator material itself promotes the formation of gases. There is only one solution to this problem - buy a new high-quality battery.

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I wish you a warm home and no air-filled radiators!

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to take care of starting the heating system. If you live in an ordinary apartment building, the HOA plumbers will do everything for you, but if you live in a private house, you will have to turn on the heat yourself.

Even if the launch is carried out by professionals, it may be accompanied by a number of problems. If you notice that the radiators are cold , This means that most likely an air lock has formed in the system. To eliminate such unpleasant consequences you need to know how to bleed air from the battery.

Why is gas accumulated in the heating system dangerous?

It is very easy to understand that air has accumulated in the system. If you hear strange gurgling and hissing sounds from your radiator, and its heating level is far from desired, then there is an air lock.

An air lock interferes with the proper functioning of the system and leads to corrosion of the radiator. If measures are not taken in time, there is a risk of damage to the entire heating system.

Where does the air lock come from? Most often this happens due to improper filling of the system with water, installation errors, low pressure in the system, the quality of the water itself, in which dissolved oxygen is present, is poor.

Most often, air accumulates in radiators installed in apartments on top floors Houses.

In order to bleed air from the radiator, it is enough to perform a few simple operations. Let's start with the fact that today all radiators are equipped with special air vents. They come in the following types:

  • Manual, so-called “Maevsky taps”. When carrying out the operation, a special radiator key or a regular screwdriver is used, with the help of which this tap is turned and the gas leaves the system. The Mayevsky valve is located at the end of the radiator.
  • Automatic . They work without human assistance when necessary. When air appears in the system, the float located inside opens a special valve, which releases the accumulated gas. Such devices are installed where there is a high probability of its accumulation.

Removing air from the radiator

Let's tell you in more detail how to bleed air from a heating battery.

  1. Find the Mayevsky tap on the radiator. It is a small valve with a recess that can be turned.
  2. Prepare a container for the liquid that will drain from the radiator, place a rag on the floor.
  3. Turn the Mayevsky tap with a wrench or a screwdriver (depending on the design of the tap). First, drops mixed with air should come out of it. When a normal flow of water begins to flow from the hole, you can close the tap. Gas has been drained from the system.
  4. Follow these instructions to bleed all radiators in your home.

Most often, the problem of air formation in the system is familiar to owners aluminum radiators. To avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to immediately take care of the event when the launch begins, otherwise the batteries will not last long.

Removing air from the system is a fairly simple procedure that is very easy to handle. If you follow these tips, the problem will be solved.


We invite you to see what we talked about.

Is a problem that prevents the system from working efficiently. The fact is that the battery in this case cannot heat up completely. prevents water from spreading throughout the radiator. Naturally, the issue needs to be resolved immediately. Otherwise, you will pay money for poor-quality heating and freeze, wrapped in a blanket.

The reason for this problem is repairing or preparing the system for the season, improper filling of pipes with water, poor sealing of elements, and the presence of air in the liquid itself. If the radiator heats very poorly, then you need to learn how to bleed air from the batteries. In principle, the procedure is not difficult, so you can do it yourself. Naturally, all actions must be done very carefully so as not to break the radiators.

First of all, you must make sure that your system is equipped with special air vents with valves on which faucets are installed. Before bleeding the batteries, decide whether you need any tools for the job. In principle, they are only required for manual air vents. In this case, for the procedure you will need a simple key or a screwdriver. WITH automatic systems everything is much simpler on the way down. However, they are very sensitive to dirt.

Before deflating the batteries, try tapping them lightly with a hammer. If you hear very ringing sound, which means there is a traffic jam in this place. Now you can start deflating. Since water will begin to drip from the pipe after it comes out, you will also need a towel or small container to collect it. Now take a wrench or other tool and open the valve. At this time, you should listen to the sounds that will be heard from the battery. The air should come out with a whistle or hiss.

Since it is quite simple to bleed air from the batteries, you should still be careful. Once the plug is gone, water will begin to ooze from the radiator. This indicates that there is no more air in the system and the valve can be closed. Do this carefully so as not to break anything. Otherwise, you cannot close the battery and you will have to call a repairman.

If, after carrying out this work, the heating does not work efficiently enough, then you will have to wash or blow out the batteries. If this procedure does not help, it means that the system is not well filled with water. You should also take into account that the air lock comes out faster if the liquid in the radiator is hot.

It should be noted that it is quite difficult to remove the problem from batteries made of aluminum. Therefore, try to bleed air regularly, even if the system heats well. If the heating is autonomous, then to combat the plug, sometimes you have to drain water through the expansion tank.

Now you know how to bleed the air from the radiator yourself. Let your home be warm and cozy during the cold days of winter. Good luck!

If the temperature in your apartment or private house with a water heating system begins to drop, but the boiler is working normally, you need to check the system for the presence of air jams and eliminate them. Thus, to always keep your home warm, it is important to know how to bleed air from a heating radiator.

In this article we will look at ways to remove air locks from a battery, and also look at how to properly bleed air from the heating system.

What are air pockets and how can you tell if there is air in the battery?

Air may enter the heating system when repair work, through the slightest leaks in the connections, and can also remain during the initial filling of the system with coolant. Trapped air accumulates in places where pipelines are kinked, as well as in heating radiators, forming plugs that prevent normal coolant circulation.

Extraneous noise, gurgling, and uneven heating of the battery indicate that air has entered the system and needs to be removed.

Methods for removing air locks

To prevent airing of an individual heating system, automatic air vents are used, which are installed in places where air may accumulate. Structurally, an automatic air vent consists of a housing in which there is a float pivotally connected to a needle valve. Caught in heating system air accumulates in the air vent body, the float lowers and opens the needle valve through which the air comes out.

In large individual heating systems, it is advisable to use air separators. Passing through them, the air bubbles in the coolant are separated and released through the air vent.

On modern radiators For heating, Mayevsky taps are installed - this is a manual needle valve that allows you to manually remove air from the battery. For example, using a Mayevsky tap it is easy to bleed air from a Rifar heating radiator.

If the Mayevsky valve is not installed, then to bleed the air it is necessary to unscrew the top plug at the end of the battery. This must be done carefully and do not unscrew the plug completely; often it is enough to loosen it and turn it by 2-3 threads.

If you have old ones installed cast iron radiators and you live in an apartment with centralized heat supply, That the best solution will contact the organization that services your home.

How to bleed air from a Rifar heating radiator?

All Rifar radiators are equipped with Mayevsky taps, which allows you to promptly and quickly remove air from the battery. To do this, use a flat-head screwdriver or a special key to slightly turn the tap counterclockwise.

The air will begin to hiss out. As soon as a stream of water flows without air bubbles, the tap must be closed. This way you will get rid of the air lock in the radiator in a minute. After a few hours, the procedure can be repeated to ensure complete removal air from the battery.

As you understand, the question of how to bleed air from a Rifar heating radiator can be solved very simply if you have installed crane Mayevsky.

How to remove air from a new radiator?

All modern systems heating systems provide for the installation of taps in front of the batteries at the inlet and outlet, which allows you to replace the battery without completely draining the coolant from the system. After installing a new radiator, it is necessary to open the shut-off valves on the pipelines so that the battery is filled with coolant slowly. It is also necessary to slightly open the Mayevsky tap. This way you can bleed the air from the new radiator.

How to get rid of air locks in the heating system?

After carrying out repair work related to draining the coolant, and during the initial filling of the heating system, it is necessary to perform one important rule. Filling the system is done slowly, this will help to avoid the appearance of air pockets in the highest places of pipelines and in heating radiators. But still some amount of air will remain in the radiators. How to properly bleed air from a heating system? The work is performed in 5 steps:

  1. heat the coolant to the highest possible temperature;
  2. turn off the circulation pump;
  3. wait 20-30 minutes for all the air to collect in the batteries;
  4. one by one, through the Mayevsky tap, bleed the air from the radiators;
  5. After a few hours, repeat the procedure for removing air pockets.

To avoid spontaneous airing of the heating system, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the connections. Air can be sucked in through the slightest leaks, which will gradually lead to the formation of new air pockets.

Now you know how to properly bleed air from the heating system, and you can always do this work yourself.