How to build a house from expanded clay concrete blocks. Construction of a house made of expanded clay concrete

There is probably not a single family that does not dream of a cozy, warm home. Often dreams are shattered by the realities of life related to the material side of the issue. In such cases, you should pay attention to a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks. In the construction market, products from this lightweight concrete has not lost popularity for several decades due to its favorable price-quality ratio. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the building material and the technology of working with it. Let's figure out how to build a house from expanded clay concrete blocks so that it warms not only us, but also our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

House made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay concrete - characteristics, advantages, disadvantages

Products made from lightweight concrete, the main filler of which is baked clay pellets, are in high demand in the construction of small private houses, as well as in construction country houses and auxiliary buildings. Expanded clay is a lightweight, environmentally friendly, porous and, at the same time, very durable material.

When binding pellets cement mortar, receive products that have many positive aspects:

Advantages that do not affect the quality of work, but improve mood when purchasing materials and during construction activities include:

  • low cost of production. The use of readily available components in manufacturing allows us to maintain a price range accessible to most developers;
  • ease of masonry. Small dimensions and weight of individual elements allow installation at an accelerated pace;
  • increased surface roughness, which improves adhesion to finishing compounds and facilitates cladding work.

Having studied the advantages, we can quickly conclude that a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks is ideal. Reviews from owners largely confirm this opinion.

But when choosing a building material, you should not turn a blind eye to the disadvantages, which include:

Studying the advantages and disadvantages will help you properly prepare for construction activities.

Calculator for expanded clay concrete blocks for home

To one of preparatory stages construction refers to the design stage. After developing and agreeing on the project, it is necessary to calculate the need for materials. You can determine the required amount of building material yourself. Let's take for example cottage made of expanded clay concrete blocks with dimensions of 10x20 m and a ceiling height of 3 m.

Calculation can be done using two methods:

  • by area;
  • by volume.

When calculating the required number of elements according to the first option, we proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. We define total area walls In our case – (10+10+20+20) x3=180 m².
  2. We calculate the number of units of production per 1 m². For an element with dimensions 400x200x200 mm this is 12.5 pieces (1/0.4x0.2=12.5).
  3. We multiply the total area of ​​the walls and the quantity by 1 m² - we get the required number of units of production - 180x12.5 = 2250 pieces.

How many expanded clay blocks are needed to build a house?

The second calculation option is similar to the first, only when carrying out calculations they operate not with area indicators, but with the values ​​of masonry volumes and one unit of production.

It is worth emphasizing that window and door openings are not taken into account in the calculation process. This was done deliberately to account for the loss of building materials during the work.

We build a house from expanded clay concrete blocks

Having understood the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of products, having studied methods for calculating the need for building materials and having made their purchase, you can begin construction work. To build a strong and durable house from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands, adhere to proven technologies.

The general construction algorithm includes:

  • foundation construction;
  • walling;
  • roof arrangement;
  • waterproofing, insulation, cladding.

Let's take a closer look at each point.

Foundation for a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

When choosing the type of foundation, you first need to focus on the structure and composition of the soil, as well as the groundwater level.

Foundation for a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Of the variety of foundations for structures made of lightweight concrete, only three types are suitable:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • slab

By analyzing the soil at the construction site, you can determine which foundation will be preferable. A slab foundation is justified on unstable soils prone to movement. Due to large area and increased strength, it is able to compensate for bending loads and prevent cracking of the material during soil shifts. But there is a nuance that you need to know about - slab base labor-intensive to set up.

A pile foundation has many advantages when erected on soils prone to frost heaving. It is also indispensable in cases where it is necessary to build a building on a site with a slope. But pile foundation unevenly distributes loads arising from soil shifts. Therefore, choosing screw design for a house made of lightweight concrete, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Optimal, with low occurrence groundwater, is a strip foundation.

It has a number of advantages over other types of bases:

  • distributes loads evenly, which prevents cracks;
  • allows you to fill it yourself, since the work process does not require large-sized equipment;
  • allows for the arrangement of a full basement.

How to pour a strip foundation

Pouring work strip foundation follow the following algorithm:

  1. Plan the site surface. Uproot trees and bushes. Remove small vegetation by hand or using chemicals.
  2. Mark the base using pegs and rope.
  3. Dig a trench to a depth greater than the freezing level of the soil. Level the walls and bottom of the trench.
  4. Prepare and install the formwork. For formwork, you can use scrap boards or use plywood panels.
  5. Fill the trench with crushed stone and sand mixture. Perform tamping.
  6. Assemble the reinforcing frame. The connection of metal rods can be done using welding or binding wire.
  7. Prepare concrete mortar according to the recipe. Use a concrete solution of at least grade M400 for work.
  8. Fill in ready-made composition into the trench. Tamp the solution thoroughly to remove any air bubbles.
  9. Level the surface. Cover with plastic to retain moisture.
  10. After completing the hardening process, remove the formwork.
  11. Waterproof the foundation.

After the base has gained strength, begin building the box.

When laying expanded clay concrete blocks, professionals advise using adhesives

Wall construction work two-story house from expanded clay concrete blocks in the same way as country house from expanded clay concrete blocks, follow the general algorithm:

  1. Place the first row. Start laying from the corner area.
  2. Check horizontality using a level.
  3. Lay the next row, shifting the elements relative to the lower level by a third or half of the thickness.
  4. Reinforce the masonry every 3-4 rows. Use metal rods or reinforcing mesh for this.
  5. Strengthen door and window openings.
  6. Swipe on upper level concreting the reinforced belt for installing the roof structure.

Upon completion of work, proceed with the installation of the roof.

Roof arrangement

The roof, like the foundation, is the key to the durability of the building. Before you start installing the roof, think over the design, choose suitable material ceilings Save when choosing roofing material not worth it.

It is important that he be:

  • durable;
  • durable;
  • resistant to natural factors;
  • environmentally friendly.

Arrangement of the roof of the house

To install the roof, prepare the following materials:

  • wooden beam 150x150 mm for the Mauerlat;
  • edged board for sheathing;
  • roofing material;
  • hardware for fastening structural elements.

Guided by the documentation, assemble the frame and secure the roofing material.

Insulation of a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks

Buildings made of expanded clay concrete need insulation. Developers often have a question about how to insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks. To maintain a comfortable microclimate, it is advisable to install thermal insulation both inside and outside. Such A complex approach to insulation will reduce the cost of maintaining a favorable temperature.

How to insulate a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks from the outside

For external insulation It is important to choose the optimal thermal insulator.

Insulation of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks

The most common insulation materials include:

  • Styrofoam. It is characterized by low price, ease of installation, ease of finishing. Disadvantages - flammability and damage by rodents;
  • mineral wool. Is different at an affordable price, increased thermal insulation properties. When laying it outside the building prerequisite is the use of waterproofing;
  • facing panels. They are characterized by a high price and increased installation costs. The installation technology ensures effective thermal insulation.

Any of the proposed options has the right to life. The choice depends on financial capabilities.

Estimated construction cost

The estimated cost of construction can be obtained by summing up the following cost items:

  • development and approval of project documentation;
  • purchase of materials for the construction of the foundation, walls, roof, finishing;
  • transportation costs for delivery of building materials to the work site;
  • expenses for the services of hired workers.

Operating current prices, you can get an approximate cost and plan the amount of upcoming costs.

The desire to acquire comfortable low-rise real estate outside the city is quite feasible. But how to achieve your cherished goal? How to understand the range and quality parameters of building materials? What technologies should be used, and which company should be entrusted with solving the issue of building construction? For acceptance right decisions Sometimes information is sorely lacking. It is quite difficult for a person who does not have professional knowledge to make the right choice.

And it's not just about the choice of materials good quality and reasonable cost. Great importance has a competent project development, taking into account many details, observing strict calculations. It is equally important to find qualified craftsmen who will do everything as it should, working quickly, honestly and with a guaranteed result.

"Mera-Stroy" is a team of specialists that has significant construction experience low-rise buildings, we have been working in the market for more than 10 years. Those who are used to dealing with real professionals and making informed choices should turn to us.

Advantages of houses made of expanded clay blocks from Mera-Stroy

One of the components of expanded clay blocks is expanded clay. What it is? Keramos means “clay” in Greek. It is from this raw material that a light and porous material is produced (fraction 5 – 10 mm), which is obtained by firing clay rocks at a temperature of 1200˚C. As a result, porous granules are formed, which are mixed with cement mortar and sand. The mixture is formed into blocks, pressed and dried in special ovens.

The output is material that is worthy in many respects:

  • environmentally friendly, does not emit toxins and poisons;
  • durable thanks to a reliably fastening connection - baked expanded clay granules;
  • practical in all respects: resistant to water, not afraid of fire, invulnerable to temperature changes, not attracting putrefactive microflora, rodent pests, insects;
  • lightweight (one block weighs 25 kilograms), which allows you to do without lifting mechanisms and avoid excessive load on the foundation;
  • economical both in terms of funds (1 m³ of expanded clay concrete block costs half as much as the same volume of bricks) and in terms of time costs (installation of one expanded clay block, replacing a masonry of 7 bricks, is 3 times faster);
  • does not require complex technologies during the laying process: expanded clay concrete adheres like a special construction glue, and with ordinary cement mortar;
  • “breathable” due to the vapor-permeable and moisture-absorbing porous structure, which will ensure optimal climatic conditions in the room without unnecessary material costs;
  • retains heat well (up to 40%), which is why outer wall may consist of only one row of blocks;
  • preventing the penetration of extraneous noise, which will provide household good rest;
  • having clear geometric lines and a leveled surface, which contributes to the ideal contours of the structure being built and simplifies plastering work;
  • does not shrink, and therefore allows you to start finishing the walls immediately after their construction.

Many experts consider expanded clay concrete to be the “king” among building materials. In Europe, almost half of the houses are built from it, not only residential, but also industrial. They look stylish, meet hygienic requirements and are cheaper than brick buildings.

"Mera-Stroy": how do we differ from others?

Our company is not new to the construction services market. We have honed our skills for more than 10 years. During this time, we studied and mastered the experience of famous construction companies Europe and Canada, have acquired valuable skills and a reputation for not letting their clients down.

Our MERA-STROY brand embodies the following distinctive features:

  • providing a 15-year guarantee for each construction;
  • compliance with all regulatory requirements and legislative acts provided for in the construction business;
  • punctuality in the delivery time of each object;
  • free assessment of the construction site: taking into account climate, soil characteristics, landscape nuances, cardinal directions;
  • house design according to the latest techniques;
  • use of constantly updated tools, modern special equipment, and our own fleet of vehicles;
  • established relationships with trusted suppliers offering their products at discounted prices;
  • production of branded building materials (profiled timber) and structures ( plastic windows, roof trusses) guaranteed quality;
  • ability to implement both standard and original project;
  • production of a model of the designed house in 3D format for visualization and approval by the customer.

We are always ready to accommodate the client and agree on a form of payment acceptable to him:

  • payment on credit (giving the customer the opportunity to take out a loan from a partner bank for favorable conditions);
  • gradual payment of funds for each stage of construction.

We are waiting for your calls

We accept orders and conduct telephone consultations every day. You can count on comprehensive (free and non-binding) reference information. Call now. We will be happy to help you with the choice of materials or home design. Together with our engineering team, you will make the most beneficial decision for yourself. If we conclude a cooperation agreement, we will meet your expectations.

When designing country house and the choice of material for walls, first of all, lightweight and budget-friendly masonry products with high insulating properties are considered. These conditions are fully met by expanded clay concrete blocks, average cost They cost 3,000 rubles for 1 m3, and the final prices for their laying are 2-3 times higher than for brick. The dimensions and weight allow you to carry out the work on your own and reduce costs by 1/3 compared to paying for the services of the relevant companies, but drawing up the project is usually entrusted to professionals. The finished documentation includes the main dimensions of the house and individual structures, the results of calculations of building materials, masonry diagrams, reinforcement, location of floors and roofing systems.

The blocks are produced by vibrocompression; the main components are Portland cement, sand and baked clay granules; after steaming and strengthening, they are completely suitable for masonry. For the construction of houses, both hollow and large-slot products are used to strengthen load-bearing capacity structures are reinforced. The benefits include:

1. Lightness, allowing to reduce the load on the foundation of the house. For the construction of load-bearing walls, elements with a specific gravity in the range of 700-1200 kg/m3 are used; in this regard, expanded clay concrete is inferior to foam blocks and gas silicate, but undoubtedly outperforms brick and concrete.

2. Resistance to fire, biological influences, aggressive environments and moisture.

3. Acceptable for construction country houses and cottages strength, withstand loads from 35 to 100 kg/cm2. This allows them to be used for the construction of 1-3 storey buildings, including those with an attic or basement. The only exceptions are the foundation structures of residential buildings.

4. Good energy saving ability. The thermal conductivity coefficient depends on the purpose and density of expanded clay concrete: it varies between 0.1-0.18 W/m °C for thermal insulation blocks - from 400 to 600 kg/m3, from 0.22 to 0.45 for structural thermal insulation, and over 0.55 for high-density products (up to 1800 kg/m3), but the latter are more often used in industrial construction than in private construction.

5. Compliance sanitary standards, ensuring a comfortable microclimate inside the house.

6. High speed of laying, ease of processing, better ability to retain hardware and fasteners compared to cellular concrete grades.

7. Durability, if all rules are followed, houses built from expanded clay concrete will last at least 50 years.

The restrictions and operating conditions taken into account when designing a cottage include the need for strengthening load-bearing structures, finishing and protection from external influences during the first 2 years, insulation, waterproofing of the bottom row. The requirements for the foundation are average: expanded clay concrete is lighter than brick, wood and conventional grades of concrete, but denser than gas silicate and foam blocks. In terms of geometric accuracy of dimensions, they are inferior to autoclaved aerated concrete, which negatively affects the thickness of the joints and the number of cold bridges; measures to close them are mandatory.

Ready-made house projects

A cottage for a comfortable stay of a multi-generational family with three floors: a basement made of stone, two residential floors with expanded clay concrete walls. The project includes a kitchen combined with a dining room, a living room with a fireplace, a recreation room, 4 spacious bedrooms, a sauna, storage rooms and utility rooms, including an aggregation room. The main advantage is the possibility of arranging an internal recreation area and adding a swimming pool or gym. The garage attached to the cottage is designed for 2 cars.

The interior is made in Irish style; on the second floor there is a balcony and a spacious terrace. Exterior finishing ground floor posted from natural stone, the first one is made of red brick, the top one is white plaster, complex roof covered with metal tiles. The project involves the construction prefabricated foundation, when constructing on soils with low bearing capacity, additional measures are required to strengthen the foundation.

A one-story house made of expanded clay concrete blocks with an attic, optimal for a family with children. The plan includes a living room and 2 bedrooms, 2 separate bathrooms, kitchen and built-in boiler room. The useful volume of the house is increased due to the attic with a symmetrical gable roof. The construction budget depends on the finishing material; if you choose the option included in the project (cladding colored brick), the cost of such a turnkey house is 1,500,000 rubles.

Two-storey cottage with internal garage and a loggia made of expanded clay blocks. With a plot size of 138 m2, the house has a spacious living room, a kitchen-dining room, an office and 4 bedrooms, bathrooms are provided on both floors. The attic room is small, acts as a separate recreation area open loggia, located above the main entrance. There is an additional entrance to the garage. The main advantage is the proper division into functional areas, isolated from each other, only the living room is a passage.

The nuances of construction from expanded clay concrete

The masonry process is practically no different from brick: products are placed with bandaging, starting from the corner, with a mandatory level check. For the construction of load-bearing walls, expanded clay concrete blocks with a strength grade of at least M50 are used (more is better), the technology involves reinforcing every third row with rods with a cross-section of 8 mm and above, corners, lintels and laying an insulated reinforced belt in the upper part for installing floors or tying roof elements . Despite the lower ability to absorb moisture compared to aerated concrete, the bottom row is insulated.

The laying is carried out using either glue (with a seam thickness of about 5 mm and a higher consumption compared to aerated concrete) or a cement-sand mixture in proportions 1:3. In the second case, the distance between adjacent products is at least 9 mm, the formation of cold bridges is inevitable. Regardless of the type of masonry mortar, the bottom row is placed on cement-based compounds. This, like the need to insulate a house made of expanded clay blocks, is due to their low frost resistance.

The number of defrosting cycles, even for high-quality brands, rarely exceeds 50. To obtain accurate parameters of walls and interlayers, thermal engineering calculations are required, standard project At home in middle lane RF usually involves laying in one block of 400 mm (minimum to ensure load-bearing capacity and temperature retention) and insulation basalt wool about 50 mm, this is enough for comfortable year-round living.

When carrying out construction in northern latitudes, they turn to double-row masonry: the rows are installed simultaneously with the obligatory connection of the walls to each other. The internal space is filled with expanded polystyrene chips or foam insulation; in this case there is no need for external insulation; finishing is enough. Products begin to crack and crumble at the edges without protection from external influences. The maximum permissible service life without it is 2 years.

Exterior finishing of expanded clay concrete houses can be done in any style; the most popular ones include classic and modern. Thanks to high adhesion, the block holds well plaster compositions or facing products (tiles, thermal panels, siding, a natural stone, decorative brick), preference is given to vapor-permeable and heat-insulating types; if necessary, the walls are strengthened. Expanded clay concrete allows you to combine different types finishing building materials, even when using a standard house design, you can get an original building. The method and types of finishing are selected at the design stage (this is one of the most expensive parts of the estimate), when laying the foundation with outside a brick-wide distance is provided for installation of insulation and facade.

This building material is not available everywhere and must be ordered in advance. The geometric dimensions and manufacturer are determined at the stage of drawing up the house project; preference is given to certified products. Best reviews have expanded clay blocks from the Cheboksary Construction Plant, TPA Unite, PBI Maksimovo, Steingot. High-quality expanded clay concrete contains sand, does not chip, is not painted by hand and does not crumble upon impact. It would not be superfluous to check the dimensions and density: the block is measured with a tape measure and weighed, the volume is calculated taking into account the indicated voidness.

Prices for design and construction

The most simple option is the purchase of a ready-made house project, the cost of standard plans for medium-sized buildings (10x10 or 10x9 m) with a garage or attic is 25,000 rubles. The advantages of such a solution include the possibility of starting construction without delay, saving money on the development of documentation, time-tested layout and reliability of the design, errors when purchasing materials are practically eliminated. The main disadvantage of standard plans is that they are tied to a specific type of soil and communication schemes; consultation with specialists when checking their compliance with real conditions or if you want to make changes is required.

Development individual project costs 2-4 times more - from 100,000 rubles and above and will take longer (from a month to six months). This is due to the need for adjustment taking into account all the customer’s wishes, but the final result is worth it. In fact, this is the only way to get a reliable custom building. The prices for the development of a turnkey project usually include an analysis of geodetic and climatic conditions, calculation of structures taking into account expected loads, eliminating errors during the construction and operation of the house. The final cost of design services depends primarily on the complexity: with the same number of floors, drawing up a plan for a 10x9 cottage will cost more than 10x10 or 12x12 m if there is a basement, attic, garage, balconies or an asymmetrical roof.

The minimum price for building a house when contacting specialized companies is 11,000 rubles per 1 m2 for a “box” and from 15,000 for turnkey construction. Projects with basements are the most expensive: their walls are laid out of concrete blocks using special equipment, which leads to an increase in the budget for laying the foundation by 30% or more. Minimum price for a one-story cottage when all work is carried out on our own is 800,000 rubles; if there is an attic, the costs double.

Became popular in foreign countries Expanded clay concrete blocks are increasingly being used in the construction of low-rise buildings throughout our country. Have you been dreaming of your own private home away from the noisy city? Today is the time to make your dream come true. In this article we will tell you how to build a house from expanded clay blocks with your own hands in short time, at minimum costs, both material and physical.

Application of expanded clay concrete

A house made of expanded clay blocks does not need special care and has a long service life. For the construction of dachas or country houses, multi-slot and solid expanded clay concrete is mainly used. If you are planning to build a one-story house with light wooden ceiling covering, it is better to raise walls from solid blocks. For buildings with two or more floors, both types of blocks are used.

Multi-slot blocks have grooves and ridges on both sides, which allows installation along vertical seams without the use of mortar. This type of masonry is called a butt joint and is designed to improve the thermal conductivity of the wall by reducing the number of cold bridges.

The design of your future home should be ordered from a highly qualified specialist. When discussing various nuances, you should pay special attention to the fact that the house will be built from expanded clay blocks. A well-drafted project indicating all dimensions will help to avoid various unforeseen situations that worsen the quality of the structure.

Advantages of expanded clay blocks over the use of other building materials:

  1. Ecological cleanliness.
  2. Resistance of blocks to various external influences.
  3. Increased technology.
  4. Low water absorption rates.
  5. Expanded clay concrete has excellent thermal insulation properties.
  6. The small mass of the products does not require a powerful foundation.

Calculation of the required number of blocks

You can save construction costs if you know how to calculate expanded clay blocks for a house. To make the most accurate calculations, you need a house design. From it you can determine the dimensions of the building. The length of the external and internal load-bearing walls should be summed up. The result is the length of all the walls of the house, which must be multiplied by the height of the premises. To continue the calculation, you need to know the thickness of the designed walls and the dimensions of the blocks used for construction. The last figure obtained in the calculations is multiplied by the designed wall thickness. The result is the volume of all the walls of the house.

When purchasing expanded clay blocks, start from the volume received and be sure to add up to 5% to it for unforeseen situations. This could be a fight or a marriage of individual elements.

Construction technology

Let's consider the technology of building a house step by step.


If the project provides basement, the foundation must be built from concrete blocks. For an ordinary house A strip foundation is laid from expanded clay blocks.

  1. The construction site should be thoroughly cleared of debris and leveled.
  2. Dig a pit, the depth of which depends on the type of soil and groundwater level in the construction area.
  3. Place a cushion of coarse sand and crushed stone in layers of 30 cm at the bottom of the pit.
  4. Install reinforcement cage and formwork made of wooden panels.
  5. Using a concrete mixer, prepare a solution from fine crushed stone, sand, cement and water. Pour the foundation.

When laying the foundation for a house, it is necessary to immediately lay pipes for water supply and drainage. Don't forget about the device ventilation holes along the entire perimeter of the building.

The foundation should be left to harden for at least two weeks, and preferably three months. During this time, the foundation will sag under its own weight, which will improve the quality of the construction of the entire building. To prevent moisture from entering the basement and foundation, you need to install high-quality waterproofing.

For ease of work, stretch the cord from corner to other corner. Start laying the walls from the corner. After placing the corner block on the base, check its vertical and horizontal orientation. Having completed the laying of the first row, begin laying the second. Be sure to bandage between rows.

The height of the seam between the blocks should be 10 mm. There should be no empty gaps between the blocks, so it is necessary to carefully coat all seams with the solution.

If you want your home to be warm and cozy, we recommend that, along with laying expanded clay blocks, parallel laying of insulation and external decorative element. It could be facing brick, special blocks or other materials.

When using brick for cladding a building, it is necessary to tie the inner and outer layers of the masonry with fiberglass rods or mesh. Special attention pay attention to the laying of blocks forming window and door openings.

Check each row of masonry horizontally and vertically.

Reinforcing the walls every four rows will help give greater rigidity to the building structure. To do this you will need reinforcement or masonry mesh. Having completed the laying of the walls, you need to install a reinforcing belt made of reinforced concrete or ordinary brick on top.

Roof construction

The better the quality of the rafter system, the more reliable the roof structure will be. Expanded clay blocks should also be used for laying gables. Do not forget about the need to carry out thermal insulation and waterproofing work before installing the roofing material. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of chimneys.

A house made of expanded clay blocks can be faced with the most different materials. The cheapest way is to finish the building with sand and cement plaster. You can make a regular one or decorative plaster and paint the building any color you like.

Natural stone will look aesthetically pleasing and noble. The most important thing is that its characteristics include excellent frost resistance.

Economical cladding - thermal panels made of polyurethane foam and clinker tiles. Wonderful environmentally pure material perfectly retains heat in frost and life-giving coolness in hot weather.

So we told you how to build a house from expanded clay blocks to make it warm and reliable. About how to do internal lining buildings made of expanded clay blocks, installation floor coverings, rafter system, the supply of communication systems and other works you can read in our next articles.


We bring to your attention a video in which you will learn how to correctly lay the corner of a house made of expanded clay concrete.

Do you want to build the most cheap house made of durable concrete blocks? Then choose expanded clay concrete block. This is the case when cheap means both good and reliable! Newer options for expanded clay concrete blocks are heat blocks, expanded clay concrete blocks with finishing stone cladding.

The advantages of houses made of expanded clay concrete blocks (eco-blocks) are undeservedly forgotten today. And they are very significant for the construction of country houses, dachas, cottages, garages:

The high structural strength of the block, close to concrete, and the absence of shrinkage allow you to use blocks with a thickness of 190 mm and not worry about the reliability of a building up to 3 floors high.

Improved compared to concrete thermal insulation characteristics provide savings on external thermal insulation walls and heating. The size, weight and geometry of the blocks speed up the construction process compared to bricks and make it more technologically advanced and simpler.

Sometimes expanded clay concrete blocks are called ecoblocks or bioblocks, because... they consist of cement, sand and expanded clay. All components are made of stone and do not release anything into the air even when heated. They don't rot. Absolutely non-toxic and safe for people.

Expanded clay is a stone porous heat insulator. It is made from special types of clay and fired at a temperature of 1100-1400 C. Some factories in Russia make cosmetic face masks from the same clay. A fraction of expanded clay of 5-10 mm should be used in the block.

The rough, cement-porous surface of the blocks is absolutely suitable for further plastering or wall finishing.

The use of hollow lightweight blocks allows not only to improve thermal insulation properties, but also reduce the load on the foundation. The use of blocks for load-bearing walls with a thickness of 190 mm and partitions with a thickness of 90 mm increases the internal usable area Houses.

The lowest cost of construction of non-lined concrete walls. The cheapest and most durable stone house.

What is expanded clay, how stone insulation? We take suitable clay, roll it into rods, cut it into small cylinders and into the oven. The firing technology is the same as for ceramics, but has its own specifics. The subtlety is that the final fired granule must have large voids inside and a durable shell.

Therefore, the oven is long and the granules move in it in a special mode. Firing takes place at a temperature of 1100-1400 C. Everything that could come out of the clay flies away. Expanded clay does not rot like stone, although it has significant water absorption due to large quantity open pores. In the block, the expanded clay pores are closed with a cement-sand mixture.

The areas of application of expanded clay as insulation extend from internal and external insulation of floors, walls, roofs to insulation of paths, blind areas, etc.

The myth about expanded clay. On the Internet they often talk about the supposed radioactivity of expanded clay or blocks. However, expanded clay and blocks sold in Russia by large manufacturers do not have an increased radioactive background. And this can be easily checked before purchase using a radiometer (costs from 5 thousand rubles) and make sure that the characteristics declared by the manufacturer correspond to reality.

The advantages of expanded clay concrete block provide significant benefits to both builders and home owners.

Reference. In Russia, the number of buildings in which expanded clay concrete blocks are used is about 7%. In a number of European countries this figure reaches 40%.

The precise geometry of the block allows for:

  • make the thinnest possible seam using regular mortar, which reduces cold bridges and reduces mortar consumption;
  • speed up the laying process, as it does not require time spent on adjusting the blocks;
  • create smooth internal and external wall surfaces, which significantly saves money on plastering and finishing.

Stable quality and supplies from reliable large manufacturers allow:

  • have guaranteed block quality;
  • make timely deliveries on time;
  • eliminate financial risks when purchasing blocks;
  • have high-quality packaging and a minimum of defects.

The high strength and lack of shrinkage of expanded clay concrete makes it possible to:

  • erect load-bearing walls, floors and roofing immediately, without waiting for a shrinkage period of 1-2 years;
  • avoid cracks during the construction and operation of the house;
  • increase the internal area of ​​the house by reducing the thickness of the wall. In a house of 10*10 m on 2 floors, 11 cm of wall thickness gives an increase in area of ​​about 9 m² - a whole room!

In general, building a house from expanded clay concrete blocks is quite rational option in terms of price/quality ratio and speed of construction.