How to reduce the volume of the hips, remove the ears and pump up the buttocks. Weekly weight loss program, exercises in the gym and at home

Thin women are often dissatisfied with their narrow hips and, in order to give them more femininity, try to enlarge them. In addition, wide hips and toned buttocks, and fragile girls with teenage figures faded into the background.

Making your dream come true with the modern development of medicine will not be difficult, but this does not mean that you need to start planning an operation. There are many simple and proven ways to make your hips wider. While at home or on vacation in nature, it will be useful to do exercises that are designed specifically for this. In addition, if you know some tricks, you can visually make your hips larger and give them roundness. 6 proven methods will tell you and explain in detail how to increase the width of your hips.

Methods associated with correcting nutrition and lifestyle

  • Method No. 1 “Protein diet”

In order for muscle tissue to fully grow and thicken, you will need several times more protein than was needed before. Without this condition, no exercise will have a positive effect, because the cells will not receive sufficient nutrition for growth. The daily diet should include fish, eggs, meat, cottage cheese and a variety of plant foods. If you have an individual intolerance to fish or cape, you can replace them with special protein shakes or other foods.

  • Method No. 2 “Yoga classes”

Yoga has many poses and exercises that help open and widen the hips. Performing them with the required sequence will not only improve the flexibility of muscle tissue, but also strengthen the vascular wall of the capillaries in the thigh area. In turn, flexible and stretched muscles grow much faster than untrained ones. Yoga poses are aimed precisely at achieving this result.

  • Method No. 3 “Clothing that widens the hips”

Except listed methods to widen your hips, there are a few more wardrobe secrets. To visually expand your hips with the help of clothes, you need to know a few simple secrets. For example, light glossy fabrics will help visually add volume to narrow hips.

Small details of outfits located horizontally at hip level can also expand the pelvis. In addition to this, you should wear clothes with a wide waistband, such as trousers, shorts or trousers.

Trousers with unstitched pleats and drapery at hip level, short jackets - such outfits should be used as casual wear. As for accessories, a crossbody bag with a long strap visually enlarges the thighs.

Physical exercise

  • Method No. 4 “Squats with and without weights”

Squats to strengthen the muscle mass of the thighs have always been popular, both at home and in the fitness center. In order for all muscle groups to be involved in the work, you need to use sports equipment - shells or dumbbells. Due to the resistance that occurs during exercise, these attributes increase the effectiveness of squats because the muscles contract at an accelerated rate. You can first buy yourself a machine or a barbell, but for your own safety it is better to use the help of a trainer at a fitness club.

During squats, it is important to monitor your posture and ensure that your heels are firmly fixed on the floor. At the same time, the knees look to the sides, and with a correct deep squat, the effectiveness of the exercise will be 100%.

Squats without weights are exercises that increase the tone of the thighs and buttocks, increase blood circulation and grow muscle fibers in the thighs.

Squats should be done this way:

  1. You need to stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. The toes are spread out to the sides, the heels are fixed to the floor.
  3. Inhale and lower your body down, bending your knees, arms extended in front of you.
  4. Pretending that we are sitting on an invisible chair, we freeze for a second and then rise to the starting position.
  5. As you rise up, it is important to squeeze your buttocks to enhance the effect of the exercise.

During squats, it will be difficult to keep your heels firmly pressed to the floor, but this is necessary for proper exercise technique.

Magic cream and radical method

  • Method No. 5 “Hip enlargement cream”

There are cosmetics that work on the same principle as breast enlargement creams. By themselves, they do not make the hips wider, but they contain substances that, after being applied to the skin, increase the density of the skin, and blood flows to this area in an enhanced manner.
Due to this, muscle tissue increases. Other types of creams can restore the lack of collagen and elastin in the skin, due to which the rate of muscle regeneration around the thighs will increase.

It will be much more effective if the use of the cream is combined with exercise and a protein diet. All together, these methods will perfectly complement each other and be beneficial.

  • Method No. 6 “Pregnancy and childbirth”

Everyone knows that during pregnancy and after childbirth, women's hips become wider and their posture becomes more feminine. This is explained by the fact that on recent months During pregnancy and childbirth, the bony symphyses diverge slightly so that the baby can safely pass through the birth canal. Some women's hips return to their prenatal state, while others remain a couple of centimeters wider than before for the rest of their lives. This method is probably the most drastic of all, but if you are planning a pregnancy in the near future, you can also make your hips wider.

All 6 methods must be combined with each other, then the effectiveness will increase and it will be easier to achieve the desired volumes.

Hello everyone, friends, I’m in touch with you again, Alisa! Today we will discuss another topic that worries great amount representatives of the fairer sex, how to make the hips wider and the waist narrower? Nature does not always give us ideal forms. There are several ways to solve this problem: proper nutrition, physical exercise and modeling the figure by selecting special clothes.

Girls, it is important to understand that by enlarging the buttocks, the waist itself will seem relatively narrower. And for this, ordinary gymnastics will not be enough; all exercises to pump up the legs and buttocks will have to be performed with weights. Only in this case will the growth of the gluteal muscle be ensured. Otherwise, you will simply tighten and round the shape of your butt, but its size will remain the same. So, let's talk about all the intricacies of transforming your figure into ideal shapes.

You can open your hips and make them fuller by practicing certain yoga poses. This technique will help develop flexibility and strengthen the muscle corset, which will become good help in the process of performing physical exercises with additional weight in the future. Pay attention to the poses of a frog, a pigeon, the face of a cow, a lizard.

Girls! I enlarged my butt without creams! A special exercise machine for the buttocks. I just wore it for 2 weeks. Now it’s so strong and beautiful, as if I were going to the gym;) I ordered it here - order it.

Try to sit on your butt more, which will lead to increased production of triglycerides and an increase in the butt due to the accumulation of adipose tissue.

And the most drastic way is surgical intervention. The most desperate fashionistas will stop at nothing to get wide hips. Some are not even deterred by expensive surgeries. This is the fastest way to get the desired shape, but it’s still worth weighing everything carefully before going under the scalpel.

Calories to the rescue

It is quite possible to change your natural body composition by reviewing your daily diet. An insufficient amount calories in the menu will not allow you to gain weight required amount muscle and adipose tissue. In all girls, consuming excess calories leads to the accumulation of fat in the thighs (boys have a completely different body constitution). Already in adolescence, as a result of hormonal changes in the body, the volume of the fat layer in girls doubles, and the bulk of fat cells are concentrated in the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks.

To increase your hips, but not provoke obesity, and keep your waist thin, I recommend including only healthy foods in your menu. The main thing is to increase portions and eat food more often than three times a day. For example, girls who work out in the gym and actively build muscle mass switch to five meals a day.

Important! Under no circumstances should you overeat or consume large amounts of sweets. The main task is to provide fuel to your body so that your muscles can receive the energy they need to grow.


Enrich your daily diet with a sufficient amount of protein, which will help you maintain a thin waist, while the muscle mass of your buttocks will begin to rapidly gain volume. Every day you need to consume at least 100 g of protein, because it is the main building material for muscle fibers. A lot of protein is found in meat, egg whites, cottage cheese, and yogurt. In addition, dairy products are rich in calcium, which will strengthen your bones.


The main thing here is not to overdo it. Fats are an important component of a balanced diet and good lipid metabolism, but this does not mean that we should eat fatty sausage, fried potatoes or butter by the spoonful. Give preference to unsaturated fats ( plant origin). They are found in all vegetable oils. Dress your salads with olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil. At the same time, when calculating the amount of fat consumed, include those found in meat, dairy products and fish.


Carbohydrates are fuel for the body, so a sufficient amount of them is simply a must, because otherwise, with a lack of energy, the body will begin to “eat” muscles and you can forget about the desired round butt. Carbohydrates are also responsible for good health, vigor and normal functioning of the entire body. I recommend getting the required amount of carbohydrates not from cakes and donuts, but from cereals, some vegetables, seeds and nuts.


Fresh vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, so they have a beneficial effect on metabolism, the acceleration of which helps to process all food without residue into energy. It is she who will be spent on gym and any other physical activity.

I wrote in more detail about nutrition for buttock enlargement.

Workouts for wide hips and narrow waist

Finally, we have reached the most important point, the implementation of which will make our hips wider and rounder. Avoiding physical activity on the gluteal muscles and quads will not achieve the desired result. Muscles should be kept in good shape regularly and it is not necessary to sign up for this in the gym. Any trainer can choose effective exercises, taking into account your physical fitness, which can be performed even at home. The complex must necessarily include the following exercises:

  • hip raises;
  • weighted squats;
  • weighted lunges (straight and sideways);
  • stepping onto the podium;
  • "bike";
  • throwing the leg to the side from a half-squat.

The main exercise with which you can enlarge your buttocks while leaving your waist thin is the squat, but it must be weighted with additional weight. On average, a woman needs dumbbells or a barbell with a weight of 6-8 kg to effectively work her gluteal muscles.

Even earlier, I already talked in more detail about, about and.

Important! Perform all squats correctly. Keep your toes off the floor, keep your back straight, keep your knees straight, and tense your abs and gluteal muscles. Such simple rules will allow you to avoid injuries and direct the entire load not on the back and knees, but on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Modeling your figure with clothes

This interesting technique will allow you to further emphasize thin waist and emphasize the convexity of the hips, making them visually wider. Buy pants and skirts light colors or with colorful prints. In this case, take only skirts with a “tulip” silhouette, flared above the knee. Direct all your attention to the lower part of your body, so avoid sweaters and T-shirts with ruffles, flounces, rhinestones, etc. They should not be flashy, preferably in pastel or dark colors.

Buy special modeling underwear with pads, which will make your butt appear even larger and your hips visually wider. Sometimes such a decision will be less traumatic and beneficial. It will also allow you to fit into your favorite jeans and shorts at any time, which is unlikely to happen after building muscle mass on your butt.

In the end, I would like to add that it is not a lush butt that makes a woman feminine. But fashion, as always, is inexorable and almost every representative of the fairer sex simply dreams of the opportunity to get a luxurious, curvy buttock. When resorting to proper physical activity, do not forget about nutrition and an appropriate wardrobe. By observing each of these points, any of you can achieve your goal. Good luck!

Before you start reducing the volume of your hips, you need to be prepared for comprehensive solution question. This approach will allow you to get rid of fat deposits and your muscles to become more elastic and strong.

There are 4 main methods to effectively reduce hip size at home:

  • diet;
  • massage;
  • physical training;
  • shapewear.

Proper nutrition It will help you avoid gaining extra pounds and stay in shape. The duration of the diet depends on the type of diet followed. This will allow short term get rid of excess weight. In order for the results to last, you should adhere to proper nutrition constantly.

Anticellulite massage considered the simplest and in an accessible way reduce hips. You need to use it regularly throughout your life in order to have elastic skin at any age.

Physical exercise– the most effective way to reduce the volume of your hips. It allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. You can bring your thighs into a toned state in a few months of hard training. To maintain the results obtained, it will be necessary to continue to lead an active lifestyle.

Shorts for weight loss will allow you to get rid of more fluid and toxins during training. Thanks to shorts, excess weight loss occurs faster, cellulite disappears and body contours become clearer.

Diet food

When following a diet, you need to drink regularly and a lot (water with lemon and honey, still mineral water, green tea, weak rosehip decoction). They eat food in small portions 5 to 6 times a day. After 8 pm there is no need to eat.

The diet allows you to get rid of toxins, improve liver function, and speed up metabolism.

Fresh vegetables and fruits will improve bowel function. For their high-quality absorption, you need to adhere to the sequence of consumption: fruits should be eaten between main meals, and vegetables - immediately before meals. Cooking should be such that minerals and vitamins are preserved maximum quantity- can be boiled, steamed or stewed.

Smoked, fried and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. To quickly remove toxins, you need to include in your diet foods with a slight diuretic and laxative effect: plums, apricots, watermelon, melon.

When correcting hip volume, the following will be useful:

Products prohibited during the diet:

Diet for a week to reduce hips in volume

The daily calorie content of consumed foods should be no more than 2000 kcal per day. During the week you need to eat for breakfast: green apples, melons, grapes (several berries a day), you can drink green tea without sugar. A couple of times a week, toast with sour jam or one soft-boiled egg is acceptable.

For lunch, experts advise eating vegetable salad with olive oil and lemon juice, meat (boiled chicken breast, rabbit) or grilled fish, stewed vegetables. For dinner, the following are acceptable: buckwheat, boiled rice, stewed vegetables. Twice a week you can have a glass of green wine with dinner.

It is advisable to add asparagus, beans, broccoli to the menu, Brussels sprouts, Champignon. Cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir should have low fat content. You can add honey to tea. Such a varied menu will replenish the body with important microelements, vitamins and will allow you to effectively lose excess weight in the hip area.

Exercises to reduce hips at home

Before you begin exercises to reduce the volume of your hips, you need to do a short warm-up to warm up the muscles. Within 1 min. you need to walk in place, raising your knees high. Next, over the next minute, do a series of jumps.

The simplest and most effective exercises:

Exercise to reduce buttocks in a month

Swings back and up:

  1. To do the exercise, you need to kneel down with your arms slightly bent at the elbows and lean on the floor. The gaze should be directed forward.
  2. Resting on the forearms, the bent leg is raised up, held for a few seconds, and slowly lowered.
  3. You need to perform 15-20 swings with each leg, keeping your back straight.

Leg swings lying on your side:

Knee Raise:

  1. You need to lie on your stomach, with your knees bent (at right angles), your hips should be shoulder-width apart, and your shins pressed tightly together. The arms are placed above the head in a closed position, resting the forehead on them, the neck remains relaxed.
  2. Inhaling air, raise your knees together. The lifting height should not be large - 10 cm.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. The upper body remains relaxed, only the abs, buttocks and thighs are tensed. Tension must be maintained in these parts of the body throughout the entire session.
  4. It costs 20-30 lifts to complete.

Exercises with a fitness ball

Exercises using a special ball will allow you to effectively develop and strengthen the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks. The exercises should be performed in several sets with a break of 30 seconds.

The most common and simple exercises are:

Exercises with a rubber band

A set of exercises for working out in the gym

Experts can advise you on how to reduce hip size in the gym. Among the huge variety, they highlight 3 of the most effective exercises that help give the hips the desired shape.

Such exercises include:

  1. Hyperextension. Starting position: lie on your stomach on the machine, your calves resting on the roller. You can use a weighting agent. The back remains straight. From this position, bend forward at a slow pace. When lifting, the body should be in a straight line with the legs. You need to stay in this position for 2-3 seconds.
  2. Deadlift. The legs are placed narrowly, their lower part touching the barbell. When lifting the barbell, you need to strain the muscles of the buttocks and thighs as much as possible. The movement occurs in the lower back; there is no need to strain the upper body. You need to do the exercise smoothly.
  3. Squats with a barbell. Taking the barbell in your hands, your feet should be positioned wider than your shoulders, your toes should point outward. The back should be straight, slightly arched in the lumbar area. As you inhale, do a smooth squat with the pelvis moving back. Your knees should be in line with your toes. During the squat, the back remains straight, and the angle between the calves and thighs should be 85°. Return to the starting position as you exhale, straightening your legs.


Massage is enough effective method to combat excess volumes. You can periodically undergo a massage course in the salon. It includes 10 procedures. After the course, the skin becomes more elastic, the orange peel disappears, and the body acquires clearer outlines. The only contraindication to salon massage is considered to be weak blood vessels.

For a more visible result, massage can be combined with water aerobics, other physical exercises and diet.

LPG massage

A type of hardware cosmetology aimed at body correction. This method allows you to get rid of cellulite, fat deposits, and improve the condition of your skin. Massage involves 10-15 procedures every 1-2 days. After the course, to maintain the result, you should undergo 1 more procedure every month.

This type of massage is not suitable for people with:

  • benign formations on the skin;
  • skin diseases of any origin;
  • hernia in the groin, lower back or thigh;
  • inflammation of lymphatic vessels and nodes;
  • phlebitis or thrombophlebitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hemophilia.

In addition to the above cases, such massage is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, after liposuction and during menstruation.

LPG massage gives good result in combination with mesotherapy. Mesococktails should be administered immediately after the massage.


With the help of a wrap, you can reduce the volume in the hips - this method is not very suitable as the main option for combating excess weight. But in combination with massage and physical activity, it gives excellent result. Wraps help improve skin condition and get rid of cellulite.

The following active components are used for wrapping in the salon:

  • essential oils;
  • healing clay;
  • plant extracts;
  • seaweed;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • special compositions for wrapping.

There are several ways to perform the procedure: hot wrap, cold, contrast and isothermal (wraps whose temperature corresponds to body temperature).

The effect of the wrap will be better if you visit a sauna or bathhouse before the procedure. It should be done 2 hours after eating. The process takes from 1 to 2 hours. After wrapping, sugaring, mesotherapy, and injections are contraindicated. Course duration is 5-15 procedures.

For wrapping at home, you can use the following recipes:

  1. 100 g honey, 2 tbsp. burdock oil, 3-5 drops of lemon essential oil.
  2. Black clay – 2 tbsp. (diluted with water to form thick sour cream), 1 tsp. dry mustard, 1 tsp. honey
  3. 1 tbsp. yellow clay (slightly diluted with water), 1 tbsp. freshly brewed coffee grounds, orange essential oil – 5 drops.

For convenience, you can purchase special mixtures in ready-made form:

  1. Natura Siberica - warm body wrap.
  2. Cold wrap Mixit.
  3. “Modeling silhouette” produced by the company “Clean Line”;
  4. Cold wrap Guam.

Before wrapping, you can make a thigh scrub at home using 2 tbsp. salt and 2 tbsp. honey Massage the skin for 5 minutes. will increase blood flow and improve results. After applying the mixture to the skin, you need to cover the body with film, put on warm pants and wait 40-60 minutes. If you do physical exercise or dance at this time, the effect will be better.

Blue clay

Blue clay is often used to reduce hips. It allows you to get rid of cellulite and remove skin defects. The result becomes noticeable after the first 3-5 procedures.

Blue clay used for a mask, which is applied to the area of ​​​​the thighs, buttocks and abdomen - as a wrap. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes. The clay is diluted with water to a liquid state, then essential oils are added, it is best to use citrus fruits.

Shaping underwear for slimming thighs and lifting buttocks

To correct your figure, you can use special underwear with a tightening effect. It is comfortable with minimum quantity seams or without them. High-quality shapewear makes the figure chiseled and provokes the burning of fat cells in the buttocks, abdomen and thighs.


The method is considered one of the most effective and involves the introduction of lipolytic drugs into adipose tissue. The procedure allows you to effectively break down fat cells, after which they are excreted with lymph. The skin is tightened and cellulite disappears.

After completing the course, the volume of the thighs decreases by 4-10 cm. The duration of the course depends on the amount of fat deposits. It can last from 7 to 10 sessions. The procedure is performed once every 10 days.

Indications for mesodissolution are cellulite and excess weight.


  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • diseases nervous system, including epilepsy;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • renal failure;
  • allergy to injection components.

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, a balanced diet and follow all medical recommendations, the result after mesodissolution lasts a long time.


The procedure is a vacuum removal of fat from the area of ​​its accumulation to correct body contours. For the results to last longer, you must: physical exercise(they should be started no earlier than 1 month after the procedure), adhere to a low-salt diet.

Before the procedure you need to carefully prepare:

  • to be healthy;
  • get tested;
  • Quit smoking 2 weeks before the procedure and abstain from smoking for 3 weeks after it.

Liposuction is a one-time procedure. This is a full-fledged operation using local anesthesia. After it, they stay in the hospital for 1-3 days. Over the course of 1 – 1.5 months. Be sure to wear compression garments. It is not advisable to become pregnant for the next six months after the operation.


  • pregnancy;
  • obesity caused by endocrine disorders;
  • chronic somatic diseases in severe form;
  • low skin elasticity.

Expert advice: how to reduce hip volume after childbirth

After childbirth, women lose their shape. In order to quickly return to the previous contours, you need to perform physical exercises, combining them with cardio exercises. Experts recommend running and cycling.

It is important to take care of the skin in problem areas, take vitamins and adhere to healthy eating by excluding high calorie foods. A few days after giving birth, you need to start wearing shapewear as this will reduce the volume of your hips and abdomen, and also prevent sagging skin.

Video about ways to reduce hip volume

Effective and simple exercises for perfect hips and buttocks:

A set of exercises to get rid of ears on the thighs:

The fashion for a wasp waist forces girls, whom nature has not endowed with such external data, to create a figure on their own with the help of hard training and diets. Even prohibited anabolic steroids, growth hormone and other unsafe substances are used. Making your hips wider than your shoulders is possible in an acceptable time frame and is absolutely safe for health. The main thing is self-discipline and strict adherence to the training process.

Exercises to increase hip width

Really increasing hip width is only possible through heavy weight training in the gym. To start growth processes, you need serious muscle stress, which can be achieved by using exercise machines, barbells and dumbbells.

The width of the hips is formed by the quadriceps muscle - one of the largest in the human body. It is located on the front of the thigh and has four heads, which stand out as independent: the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius.


To trigger the growth mechanisms of the total array of the quadriceps femoris muscle best exercise is a barbell squat.

Before starting the training, you need to do the following preparatory steps:

  • Warm up. 15-20 minutes on an exercise bike or treadmill will be enough to warm up your joints and muscles and prepare your heart for anaerobic training.
  • Stretching. Before the main lesson, it would be a good idea to do a little stretching of all the large muscles of the body, and unwind the joints in the shoulders with swinging movements. The knee and hip joints need to be warmed up with rotational movements.
  • Selecting working weight. If this is the first workout, it is very important to decide on the weight with which you plan to perform the working approaches. To do this, you need to make 3-4 warm-up attempts, gradually increasing the weight of the barbell to the level until it is possible to perform 10-12 repetitions. This will be the correct training weight.

It is important that your back is straight while squatting. This rule is very difficult for beginners to follow, since intuitively they will try to ease the effort by shifting the load to the spine. This is dangerous and can lead to injury. Therefore, during the first training sessions, when there are no skills yet, you must definitely use the services of a personal trainer. Or take a person with you to the gym who has such experience.

The exercise itself is performed in this way: remove the barbell from the racks, take half a step forward and squat to the floor, i.e. below the horizontal line of the thigh. After this, you need to straighten up without pausing at the lowest point. After 12 repetitions, the barbell is placed on the racks with the help of a trainer or partner.

The peculiarity of this exercise is that if the legs are spread wider than shoulder level, and the toes are turned to the sides, the load will go to the biceps of the thigh, i.e. on its inner side. In this case, the aesthetic effect will be noticeable on the buttocks, which will become rounder and firmer. But the width of the hips will not change significantly. Therefore, it is important that during the exercise your legs are at shoulder level and your toes are “looking” straight.

Leg extension while sitting on a machine

This variety is an isolation exercise that works well on the muscles of the front of the thigh - the quadriceps. The absence of stress on the back and the need to maintain balance allows women with various injuries and diseases to train hip joint or back. The machine has a seat with a backrest to support the spine. It also has a defined trajectory of movement, which reduces the risk of injury from loss of control or falling weight.

The exercise is performed in 4-5 approaches of 10-14 repetitions each. The rest between them should be 1.5-2 minutes.

For the girl who has low level fitness or lacks it at all, at the initial stage of training with weights, only squats will be a sufficient load.

The thigh muscles recover after a very long time - 5-7 days. Therefore, squats should be performed no more than once a week. Otherwise progress in muscle growth will not be.

3-4 weeks after the start of training, you can add leg extensions while sitting on a machine to squats. This should be the first exercise. This will pre-fatigue the thigh muscles before heavy squats, which will additionally load the desired area.

Waist reduction

Unlike increasing the width of the hips, reducing the waist can be achieved at home.

  • change in diet;
  • performing training;
  • change in diet.

An additional stimulation of the fat burning process in the abdominal area will be an increase in overall physical activity.


There is no local fat burning, and it is impossible to remove fat from the waist while leaving it in the hips. Therefore, the training process will be aimed at increasing the overall energy expenditure of the body, and not just performing abdominal exercises.

In practice, such activities should look like this:

  1. Warm-up – 10 minutes.
  2. Running – 10-15 minutes.
  3. Stretching – 5 minutes.
  4. Abdominal exercises – 20-25 minutes.

To effectively work the abdominal muscles, it will be enough to perform 3 exercises: raising the legs from a lying position, raising the chest to the knees and the horizontal plank.

Raising legs from a lying position

Popular and most effective exercise to work out the lower part of the abs. You need to lie on the floor and put your arms along your body, raise your legs to a position “perpendicular to the body,” then slowly lower them to the starting position. The number of repetitions is at least 80% of the maximum in 3-4 approaches. The break between approaches is 1 -1.3 minutes.

Beginners need to do this exercise with their knees bent so as not to stretch the muscle ligaments that have not yet become stronger.

Raising your chest to your knees

An effective workout to work your upper abs. Performed from a lying position. You need to put your legs under a bench, sofa or chair, bend them at the knees, and clasp the back of your head with your hands. Lift up top part You need to move your body quickly, until your knees touch your chest. After this, you should slowly lower yourself and repeat the rise.

The number of times depends on the girl’s level of training, but not less than 80% of the maximum possible. The number of approaches is 3-4. The break between approaches is 1-1.3 minutes, for rest between exercises - 2-3 minutes.

Horizontal bar

The exercise perfectly loads all parts of the abdominal press and helps to get rid of not only subcutaneous fat, but also the fat lining internal organs. You need to lie on the floor face down, lean on your elbows and toes, raise your body and hold it in this position as much as possible. possible quantity time. After which you should rest for 1.5-2 minutes and repeat the horizontal plank.

More efficient this type carry out at the end of the press workout, alternating it with the “Vacuum” exercise. It allows you to quickly make your waist thinner. This result is achieved not so much by reducing fat, but by increasing the strength of deep muscles that holds the internal organs. You need to sit on a chair, lean forward a little, exhale and pull your stomach in as much as possible. You need to hold it in this position for 15-20 seconds. After resting for 30-40 seconds, repeat.

To reduce the width of your waist, it is strictly not recommended to perform various exercises on the lateral abdominal muscles. A slight decrease in fat in this area is compensated by an increase in the volume of the lateral muscles themselves, which is why visually the waist will remain the same or even increase.

Changing your diet

The width of the waist largely depends on the volume of the stomach. Therefore, changes in diet should be aimed at maximizing the reduction of a single serving of food.

The amount of food that the girl ate 3 times a day should be divided into 8 small portions. You need to eat food every 1.5-2 hours at regular intervals throughout the day.


Making your waist narrow is quite difficult if you have a genetic predisposition to excess weight or other characteristics of the body that prevent you from having a beautiful figure. Changing the diet in such cases should be aimed not only at reducing total calories, but also at correct selection products. You need food that is quickly digested and does not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

List of light foods that do not provoke obesity:

  • Boiled eggs.
  • Unsweetened cottage cheese.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Protein shakes.
  • Boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Sugary drinks, chocolate and flour products should be completely excluded from the diet. Exception: half an hour before a hard leg workout, you can eat a small chocolate bar. There will be no harm from this, since all the energy from the sweets will be used up during exercise with a barbell.

Sports nutrition

Various sports supplements will help make your hips wider than your shoulders. Their use is especially important for girls who do not have time to prepare their own food in the morning for the whole day.

Effectively use:

  • Whey protein helps replenish the body's supply of essential amino acids. It is a building material for muscles, including the thighs. Take 1 serving (50 g) several times a day.
  • Creatine – provides additional energy during training, increases its intensity, and activates the fat burning process.
  • L-carnitine is a very effective weight loss supplement. The energy deficit during training is replenished due to the breakdown fatty acids. The optimal dose for women is 1-2 g per day.

The task of increasing the width of the hips while reducing the waist is very difficult. This is fine jewelry work on yourself, when the training process needs to be balanced between gaining muscle tissue and reducing fat. But the hardworking and patient will be rewarded in the form of a beautiful wasp figure, which is now so popular among young girls. You won't be able to achieve results in a week. The minimum period under conditions of following a strict diet and training regimen is 4-6 months.

There are several ways to make your hips wider. You can increase the parameters using muscle tissue. You can do special exercises regularly to increase your circumference. In addition, the size is increased before childbirth or through surgery. You can visually expand the lower body with the help of clothing.

Why is it good to have voluminous hips?

Studies conducted by American scientists have shown that girls with strong leg muscles in old age are less likely to experience severe pain in the lower extremities. They have lower cholesterol levels. In addition, there is a more intense production of hormones responsible for lowering blood sugar levels.

The risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system is reduced. With regular exercise, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, blood flow improves, and the risk of cholesterol plaques decreases.

The lower body becomes stronger. Endurance increases: a girl with a rounded upper part of the lower extremities is able to run, dance, and play game sports longer. In addition, when training the muscles of the lower extremities, more calories and fat are burned, since these muscles are larger than all the others.

Many people also like wide hips visually. Often muscular legs are observed in girls with rounded buttocks: most of techniques on how to tighten your hips also help to enlarge your buttocks. This feature of appearance is liked by a large number of men. Also, clothes fit well on owners of a similar figure.

Exercises to increase hip width

To enlarge a little slim hips, you need to regularly perform a special set of exercises. Are used power training. You need to exercise at least 2-3 times a week. A greater effect can be achieved if physical activity is more frequent: 3-4 times a week. It is not recommended to train daily: muscles need rest to recover and grow. You can exercise both in the gym and at home. It is recommended to consult with a trainer to select a suitable complex.

Squats help a lot. For greater effect, you can use weights and dumbbells. You should start with light weights, gradually increasing the load. Do 10-15 repetitions, then rest. You are allowed to do 2-3 approaches.

Lunges are useful: one leg should be bent at the knee, the other should be pushed back. For each leg you should do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. This exercise is not the most effective for increasing volume, but it helps to achieve a beautiful shape of the buttocks and upper legs.

To increase the muscles on the side of the thigh, you should do lateral lunges. This exercise also helps improve stretching and flexibility.

Walking on your buttocks helps a lot. You should sit on the floor and stretch out lower limbs in front of. Then move forward, leaning on your buttocks, then rest for 10-15 seconds and head in the opposite direction. This will help not only strengthen muscles, but also get rid of cellulite.

Yoga exercises will be beneficial. This oriental gymnastics strengthens muscles and improves well-being. Utkatasana, Ushtrasana, Malasana, Navasana, Salabhasana are useful.

How to reduce hip size?

Sometimes, to get slender thighs, you need to get rid of excess fat mass. To do this you need to lose weight. It should be remembered that it is impossible to get rid of adipose tissue locally. To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake and create a calorie deficit. You should not reduce your food intake by more than 200-250 kcal per day: too much of a deficit can cause stretch marks to appear.

To reduce volumes, cardio training is suitable. Running, swimming, cycling, dancing, mountain and cross-country skiing. Long walks also help fresh air. To get slender hips, it is recommended to walk at least 10,000 steps (about 5 km) per day.

Diet for beautiful thighs

If you need to increase your hip circumference or build muscle mass, you need to create a calorie surplus. The daily calorie intake should be increased by 150-250 kcal per day.

Required a large number of squirrel. Its sources are meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Legumes and soy cheese tofu will also be beneficial. The norm is calculated individually; age, weight and physical activity must be taken into account.

You will also need carbohydrates. It is recommended to give preference to complex ones found in cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. Vegetables and fruits will bring benefits: they not only supply the body with carbohydrates, but are also sources of vitamins and minerals.

The diet should include healthy fats. It’s not worth giving up on them at all: metabolism will slow down, skin quality will deteriorate, and hormonal imbalances will occur. Recommended sources of fats are vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, and fatty fish.

Sweets should be eliminated from the diet completely or their amount reduced. You can replace store-bought options, which contain large amounts of sugar, fats and chemical additives, with homemade ones. The composition of such sweets is more natural, and they often contain fewer calories.

Eating foods containing phytoestrogens will help widen your hips. Changes under their influence hormonal background women. However, the volume of adipose tissue will increase, because Such products will not affect muscle growth.

It is important to maintain water balance. Use sufficient quantity water helps eliminate swelling and speeds up metabolism. You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day clean water. Effective method How to make your hips rounder is to avoid caffeine-containing drinks: they promote fluid retention and prevent getting rid of cellulite. You can drink coffee in limited quantities without adding sugar or milk.