How to choose a jigsaw: professional advice. Which jigsaw to choose for home use Choosing a jigsaw for home

In addition to an even cut, a good jigsaw should have a smooth operation, have sufficient power for the planned work and be light in weight. Ease of use is also important - you should pay attention to the shape of the handle, the stability of the support sole and the presence of a speed controller.

This universal tool Can be used for almost all sawing jobs. At a price of 4200-4300 rubles. The jigsaw has a decent power of 620 watts. For home use and daily work for several hours it is more than enough. The PST 900-PEL model easily copes with both wood 90 mm thick and thin sheets of steel - the stated metal cutting depth is 8 mm. You just need to rearrange the desired file. Moreover, the model is also capable of sawing accurately, without going to the side and giving an even cut.

We will briefly list the remaining advantages of the product of the famous German brand:

  • comfortable ergonomics: the rubberized handle will not slip off even by accident;
  • smooth start and convenient speed adjustment button;
  • blade tilt switching regulator;
  • pendulum stroke, the presence of 4 stages allows you to adapt to the density of the material;
  • speed regulation: when the load increases, the speed does not decrease and the operating speed does not drop;
  • minimum vibration (although, of course, everything depends on the thickness of the blade, it is still not intended for sawing logs);
  • anti-chip insert;
  • ease of changing the file;
  • lighting equipment;
  • stamped steel sole;
  • the presence of a spacious carrying case, plus there is a small slot in the sole of the instrument in which you can store nail files - they will always be at hand.

There are only two drawbacks, and they are insignificant:

  • the wire is too short and hard - in the cold season it will become even rougher;
  • insufficient airflow efficiency when connecting a vacuum cleaner: the hole is located too far away.

Makita 4329K

A well-balanced, high-quality jigsaw from another Japanese manufacturer that has been proven over the years. Structurally, it is simpler than Bosch, without unnecessary bells and whistles and less rich equipment. But this does not affect the quality of work in any way. We gave second place to this model only because, after all, it is not worth sawing all day long - with sufficient power of 450 W, the support rollers simply cannot withstand harsh use.

The wood cut thickness indicated by the manufacturer is 65 mm. In this it is slightly inferior to the previous model. But still, a jigsaw is not a sawmill, and is simply not intended for sawing thick boards (although users claim that the Makita 4329K easily takes old garden trees and greater thickness). And it cuts steel sheets up to 6 mm quite decently. If you work slowly, the cuts will be smooth and clean.

Buyers will also undoubtedly be pleased with:

  • rubberized handle;
  • speed adjustment, and the button is slightly recessed, conveniently located and always at hand;
  • The fastening of the file is even better than the clamping one - it is installed firmly and does not dangle;
  • adjustable pendulum stroke (4 stages) – much less effort will be required when moving the tool along the cut line;
  • files with a T-shank: they are easy to find in the store;
  • presence of a dust damper;
  • airflow connection system (connected construction vacuum cleaner copes with the task quite well).

We have already mentioned the disadvantages:

  • weak support rollers;
  • the average price of the product is 3700-3800 rubles.

Bosch PST 900-PEL

Another safe and reliable tool from Bosch.

It also has many advantages:

  • sufficient power (620 W): it is easy and without special effort takes a 90mm piece of wood and saws it in a few seconds;
  • minimal noise and vibration levels;
  • smooth start;
  • high-quality straight and curved cuts;
  • the staple-shaped handle is covered with rubberized material and will not slip out of your hand;
  • smooth pendulum motion;
  • massive steel platform and its convenient fixation;
    built-in lighting;
  • Convenient large storage case.

But, unfortunately, there is a minus, and a very significant one:

  • hanging cost - the average price of such a jigsaw is 5000-5200 rubles.


Another “workhorse” with a power of 550 W, capable of making cuts in wood up to 85 mm thick. It also easily takes 10mm sheet steel.

  • comfortable staple-shaped handle;
  • reduced vibration level;
  • pendulum stroke (by the way, it is only necessary for straight cutting; for curved cutting it is better to turn it off);
  • availability of quick-release fastening;
  • the sole is adjusted without a key;
  • ideal blowing of sawdust;
  • dust removal screen;
  • vacuum cleaner adapter;
  • LED backlight;
  • sufficient cord length;
  • The package includes a convenient case for storage and carrying with metal latches.


  • For home use this is not the cheapest option -
  • the cost of this model is 7100-7200 rubles.


The ideal jigsaw for fine work and precise cuts. If you need to regularly cut thin boards, laminate or thin metal, you can also safely take this tool. For the money (and it costs 4300-4400 rubles) it is almost perfect. AEG STEP 70 will work accurately, quickly (despite the average power size) and with a minimum of vibration and noise.

Just remember to take into account that, although the manufacturer indicates a wood thickness of up to 70 mm, this only applies to soft and medium-hard wood. If you try to cut too thick coniferous bars, the cuts may not be very even.

The significant advantages of a jigsaw include:

  • saws almost silently;
  • cuts, subject to the thickness of wood and metal declared by the manufacturer, are straight and even;
  • the rubberized handle fits well in the hand;
  • A pendulum motion would also be useful;
  • equipped with a protective shield;
  • equipped with sawdust blower;
  • has the ability to connect a construction vacuum cleaner;
  • The kit also includes a chip protection device.


  • there is no quick-release fastening of the saw and no battery operation;
  • locking at low speeds wouldn't hurt either - you'll have to hold the trigger a little.

Hitachi CJ90VST

A small, lightweight jigsaw with a power of 705 W with a pendulum stroke, made in traditional Hitachi black and green colors, has good performance and is capable of sawing even shaped holes and curved lines. The cutting depth is decent: 90 mm for wooden blocks and 8 mm for steel.

In general, the tool is not bad:

  • part of the body is made of aluminum, all other parts are covered with rubberized material, so the likelihood of the tool slipping is minimal;
  • the handle fits like a glove in the hand;
  • minimum noise;
  • low vibration;
  • fairly even cut;
  • effective blowing of sawdust, and not so much of it is formed;
  • perfect clamping and collet saw blade change;
  • cut exactly at 90;
  • convenient case.

But still, this jigsaw has a little more disadvantages than previous models:

  • lack of speed control (at a retail price of 3800-3900 rubles, this is a serious drawback);
  • there is no provision for a smooth start - the car rushes straight into the quarry;
  • short and too stiff cord (this is considered a disadvantage of almost all Hitachi products);
  • the sole is connected to the body with one screw; However, for a tool that constantly vibrates during operation, this is clearly not enough.

It was, of course, possible to foresee auxiliary tool for sawing at a given distance, but for an inexpensive jigsaw this disadvantage is not so significant.

Interskol MP-100E

A very successful model worth 3000-3100 rubles. has a fairly significant number of positive reviews from users. Even famous manufacturers offer much worse options at this price. The jigsaw's power of 705 W makes it easy to work with boards up to 100 mm thick. With the correct selection of files, it will also take metal up to 10 mm thick.

The unit works quite quickly, effortlessly and can cope even with serious work and large volumes. And it doesn’t get hot!

Plus has:

  • a comfortable rubberized handle (but the first Interskol models, although considered “indestructible,” were very uncomfortable);
  • metal gearbox housing;
  • smooth adjustment of the number of strokes - the thumb finds the wheel perfectly;
  • standard 4-speed pendulum;
  • low vibration;
  • thick aluminum sole with an inclination of 45°.

Interskol, unlike the models described above, weighs a little more - 3 kg, but this is rather an advantage - it only gives stability to sawing. But, unfortunately, there is no quick-release fastening for the saw. And the service life of the support roller with such power, unfortunately, is limited.

Fiolent PM 4-700E

This simple model costs about the same as Interskol MP-100E. With a power of 701 W, it is capable of overpowering 110 mm thick wood and 10 mm steel.

But the advantages as well as the disadvantages, unfortunately, are equal.

The advantages include:

  • good quality of the mechanism: to burn it, you need to work very hard;
  • does not heat up even under increased load;
  • cutting can be done quickly enough, without much effort;
  • smooth start: at the moment of starting, the tool does not move from its place, so the likelihood of damaging the workpiece during entry is minimal, plus the load on the electrical network does not exceed normal limits;
  • fixing the power button;
  • protective shield;
  • 3 stages of pendulum travel;
  • possibility of connecting a vacuum cleaner.

We list the disadvantages:

  • not the most comfortable handle;
  • insufficient thickness of the sole - it bends when pressed, although the manufacturer considers this metal to be steel;
  • excessive vibration: despite its power, it can probably only be used for rough work and cutting thin plywood;
  • It’s difficult to get a perfectly even, curly cut using a jigsaw;
  • sawdust blowing is too weak;
  • lack of quick-release fastening.

Bison L-570-65

An inexpensive model with a power of 570 W - its price is only 1500-1600 rubles. – is able to fully work out its value. Bison L-570-65 is designed for cutting 8 mm steel and 65 mm wood of medium hardness. Moreover, you can even use it for figure sawing. You can also work with plastic, for example, acrylic or laminate.

Let us list the other obvious advantages of the model:

  • moderate vibration;
  • acceptable quality of cut;
  • successful speed control;
  • keyless file clamp;
  • there is a guide for an even cut;
  • durable sole good quality– it’s unlikely to bend it easily;
  • light weight 1.7 kg;
  • pendulum stroke.

There are some drawbacks, but at this price you wouldn’t be able to avoid them:

  • when working with non-uniform density wood, the file may move slightly;
    loose buttons;
  • warranty period is 5 (!) years (but the number of workshops involved in repairing products can be counted on one hand, plus very often spare parts are simply not available; therefore, in the event of a breakdown, the user will have a hard time);
  • insufficient cord length.

Among all the variety of power tools that are currently on store shelves, jigsaws occupy a special place. This power tool is very popular among both professionals and home craftsmen. They have gained such popularity due to their versatility, compactness, functionality and affordable price. The choice of a jigsaw will be discussed in this article.


Every master, whether professional or amateur, has in his arsenal a set of the tools he most needs. Among the classic set of such tools, as a rule, there is a jigsaw, which is an indispensable assistant in many technological operations.


The jigsaw is omnivorous, because with its help you can cut various sheet materials. This is due to the wide range of characteristics of the produced files, which allow you to cut the following types materials.

  • Wood of different species;
  • Wood panels (fibreboard, MDF, laminate, etc.);
  • Metal;
  • Various polymer materials(plastics);
  • Glass and ceramics.

Our separate article is devoted to the selection of jigsaw files.


The range of characteristics and parameters of jigsaws is very wide and it allows us to distinguish certain groups. Thus, the following classification of all jigsaws can be made.

Tool class

  • For home use (household);
  • Professional;
  • Industrial.

The tool for home use does not have a high price, but has a short service life and a relatively small range of functionality. A professional tool, on the contrary, is adapted for long-term work, heavy loads, and accordingly has an increased service life, high technical characteristics and expanded functionality. Naturally, with such a set of positive parameters, the price of a professional tool is significantly higher than for home use.

Industrial jigsaws have an even greater reserve of power and resource, but have less functionality compared to professional tools. This is due to the fact that in production, basically, all technological operations are quite standard and do not require unique capabilities and needs, since specialized industrial solutions are used.

By type of power supply

Jigsaws can be classified according to the type of power supply:


Corded jigsaws include models that receive power from a standard household power supply - 200V alternating current. Advantages - continuous operation (if there is electricity in the network), Disadvantage - the need to have it within reach electrical outlet.


Cordless jigsaws include models that run on portable batteries. Advantages - the ability to carry out work without the need to have an electrical outlet within reach. The disadvantage is limited operating time and low power.


To make the right choice of a jigsaw, you need to understand how it works, what elements it has, and what is their difference. Below is a schematic cross-sectional image.

Number Description
1 Start button
2 Adjusting the motor speed
3 Stock
4 Gearbox
5 Clamp
6 Support roller
7 Electric motor
8 Brushes
9 Support bearing
10 Chip drain pipe

Let's look at the purpose of each element:

  1. Start button. Closes the electrical circuit and turns on the electric motor. Many jigsaws are equipped with a soft start system, which allows you to adjust the engine speed by the degree to which you press the start button.
  2. Adjusting the electric motor speed. Using this regulator, you can determine the maximum number of revolutions of the electric motor when the start button is fully pressed.
  3. Stock. A metal rod that determines the forward movement of the jigsaw saw blade.
  4. Gearbox. A mechanical device that converts the rotational motion of an electric motor into the pendulum motion of a rod.
  5. Clamp. A device that allows the saw blade to be rigidly attached to the rod. There are different fastening standards and, accordingly, types of shanks.
  6. Support roller. A roller that rests on while moving.
  7. Electric motor. An electric motor is the basis of a power tool, and in the case of a jigsaw, it drives the rotating parts of the gearbox, which in due course transmits the translational movement of the rod.
  8. Brushes. Graphite brushes transmit electricity from stationary current-carrying wires to the rotating elements of the electric motor. They are not durable, so over time they wear out and the engine, not receiving electricity, stops working. In this case, you just need to replace the brushes. This is one of the common malfunctions of any power tool.
  9. Support bearing. Despite its apparent insignificance, the journal bearing has a very important role– it is the support of the electric motor. It is this that often fails in the cheapest models of jigsaws. This is due to the fact that the bearing is fixed in a plastic housing and when long work When using a jigsaw under load, it heats up to temperatures at which the plastic surrounding it begins to melt, which leads to deformation of its seat and displacement of the electric motor and further jamming.
  10. Chip removal pipe (dust collector). The jigsaw is equipped with a system for removing dust and chips from the sawing area in the form of a special pipe, which must be connected to the hose. During operation, a large amount of sawing products (dust and shavings) is formed, which are recommended to be removed.
  11. Support platform (or "sole"). It is not indicated in this diagram, but it will be discussed separately below.

The main components of a jigsaw are discussed above, but various functional parts that may optionally be present on the jigsaw are not touched upon. various models. These include:

  • The flashlight acts as a backlight for the sawing area;
  • Laser level allows you to make cuts more accurately;
  • The chip blowing system allows a directed air flow to remove sawing products (dust and chips) from the cutting area for better review sawing places.

Parameters, features and technical characteristics influencing the choice of a jigsaw

The problem of choosing a power tool is a difficult task, since at the moment there is a wide variety of models and choosing the right option that will be optimal in terms of functionality, technical characteristics and price is not so easy. We will try to understand all the nuances.

Type of support platform (“Sole”)

The support platform is very important detail in the design of the jigsaw, since it is it that comes into contact with the workpiece and, in many respects, the ease of use and various functionality depend on it. let's consider possible options execution of the support platform.

Classification by manufacturing methodology

We present a table from which the options and their features will be clear.

Support platform type Preparation method Advantages Flaws
Stamped from sheet metal, thickness from 0.5 mm to 3 mm
  • low cost;
  • low strength, that is, the possibility of deformation over time and under significant loads on the jigsaw;
  • low manufacturing accuracy, that is, uneven sliding surface.
Cast all-metal, cast with subsequent milling of planes
  • high strength, that is, resistance to deformation over time and under significant loads on the jigsaw;
  • high manufacturing precision, that is, evenness of the sliding surface.
  • high price;

Adjusting the tilt angle of the support platform

The ability to adjust the angle of inclination of the support platform significantly expands the capabilities of the jigsaw, since it becomes possible to make cuts at an angle to the sawing plane, and not just at 90°. It should be noted that inexpensive models have only two positions: 90° and 45°, while more expensive models (usually professional) have the ability to discretize the angle by 15°, that is: 90°, 75°, 60° and 45°.

The fixing mechanism for the angle of rotation of the support platform can be made in two versions:

  • clamp with screws;
  • special quick-release mechanism.

Obviously, fixing the sole with screws is a more labor-intensive process and, in addition to time, also requires the presence of a tool (screwdriver or special key), while changing the position of the platform with a special quick-release mechanism does not require a tool and is done in a few seconds. Accordingly, the quick-clamping mechanism increases the cost of the tool.

File fastening standard

At the moment, there are several standards for attaching a saw blade to a jigsaw rod, but only one is the main one, it is the most popular and, in fact, is now replacing all others. In addition, the fastening standard also determines the type of file shank that is attached to the jigsaw. That is, when choosing a jigsaw, you need to understand exactly what fastening standard is used. This will determine the types of saw blade shanks that will need to be purchased for it in the future.

However, let's look at all the options. There are three types of clamps:

  • Screw
  • Shoe
  • Quick-release


This is the simplest method of fastening, in which the shank is clamped with one single screw on the side.


With this method of fastening the file, it is clamped into a special block with a slot, in which it is fixed with two screws located frontally. The advantage of such a standard is its versatility, that is, a saw blade with any shank can be clamped into such a holder, but the disadvantage is that if the screws are unevenly clamped, the saw blade can become skewed and, as a result, the saw cut can be crooked.


This is the most common method of fixation, since it does not require additional tools (screwdrivers or special keys) - the clamping is done using a special clamping mechanism, and changing the file takes a few seconds. The mount is quite reliable. The disadvantage is the lack of versatility, that is, you can install a saw blade only with a certain type of shank; others will not fit. In addition, very thick files may not be suitable.

Shank types


There are several types of shanks available today, but the most common is the T-shank. It was developed thanks to good design, which was first proposed Bosch company. In this regard, this type of shank is also called “Boshevsky”. Now it is essentially a standard as it has been “adopted” by many eminent manufacturers.


The second most common is the U-shank. It is less common and is considered an American standard, so it can already be considered obsolete. Previously, this type of saw blade shank was very popular and was used for jigsaws with block and screw clamps.

Proprietary Shank Types

They are now almost never used because they are not widely used due to their proprietary nature (unique affiliation with a specific brand protected by copyright). These types of shanks were used by saws (and jigsaws) from Bosch, Makita, DeWalt and others.


Engine power is a very important parameter, as it characterizes the jigsaw’s ability to work under load, and, accordingly, the ability to cut thicker workpieces. Even if you are not going to work at maximum loads, it is still very useful to have a so-called power reserve in the tool and, as a result, a service life. The standard power range for jigsaws ranges from 350W to 100W. Accordingly, the most optimal choice there may be a “golden mean” - 600-700W. Let's give some conditional table of the relationship between the power of a jigsaw and the thickness of the workpiece being cut.

Jigsaw power Workpiece thickness (wood) Workpiece thickness (metal)
400 W 60-65 mm 4-6 mm
600 W 80-85 mm 6-8 mm
800 W 100-105 mm 8-10 mm

This table is very arbitrary, since a lot depends on what kind of saw blade is installed, and what kind of wood (linden, pine, birch, oak, etc....), and what specific brand of steel is being sawn, and what efforts the master makes and the concept itself “saws” or “does not saw” different masters different.

It is important to note that power is directly proportional to the weight of the jigsaw, and if at the time of choosing a tool this does not seem to be a very important parameter, then when working with a jigsaw for a long time, this parameter becomes significant. This is due to the fact that your hand gets tired, and the quality of the cut directly depends on how firmly and firmly you hold the tool in your hands. So it turns out that the quality of long-term operation directly depends on weight and, as a result, power.

Blade stroke frequency

The frequency of movement of the jigsaw rod is an important parameter. The quality of the saw largely depends on it. Let's figure it out - the electric motor transmits rotational motion to the gearbox, which in turn converts it into translational motion of the rod. Accordingly, the frequency of movement of the rod directly depends on the number of engine revolutions, as well as on the gear ratio. It is important to understand that if the gear ratio is large, then the number of translational movements of the rod per revolution of the electric motor shaft will be large, and the power of rod movement (force during movement) will be lower, and vice versa. Thus, the number of saw blade strokes is directly proportional to the number of engine revolutions, taking into account the gear ratio.

The range of stroke frequencies for a jigsaw is from 1500 to 3500 strokes per minute, however, most jigsaws have this parameter from 2500 to 3200 strokes per minute. This is the optimal operating mode.

Speed ​​adjustment and soft start

Soft start is a function that allows the engine to smoothly pick up speed, otherwise a microshock occurs during start-up, which negatively affects the entire design of the power tool. The jigsaw is not designed for shock loads.

Adjusting the speed of the electric motor is directly related to the speed of the electric saw and allows you to change them within a given range. Adjusting the saw stroke frequency can be done in two ways (of course, not for all models):

  • The start key, which, as it is pressed and released, accelerates and slows down the speed of the electric motor (see the picture in the “Device” section - No. 1).
  • A special regulator for the number of engine speeds (see the picture in the “Device” section – No. 2). It sets the maximum number of revolutions when the start button is fully pressed and is set before starting work.

The need to adjust the number of revolutions is related to the density of the workpiece being cut - the higher the density, the fewer the number of strokes of the saw blade (lower the motor speed). So, for example, soft wood (linden, pine) can be sawed at maximum speed, but when sawing metal you need to reduce the speed to a minimum. This is due to the fact that when sawing dense material, the load on the jigsaw itself increases sharply, and the saw blade (file) begins to heat up very much, which leads to its premature failure. And the jigsaw itself experiences unreasonably high loads.

Pendulum stroke

IN this moment This is perhaps a standard feature, although it has appeared relatively recently. The bottom line is that the jigsaw saw blade, in addition to vertical reciprocating movements, also makes oscillatory movements back and forth. This trajectory is possible due to the pendulum movement of the support roller (see the picture in the “Device” section – No. 6). The amplitude of the pendulum stroke is adjusted using a special switch, which usually has 3 or 4 positions - from “no stroke” to maximum.

The pendulum stroke of the saw allows you to significantly increase the speed of work and increase the service life of the saw blade. True, the negative side is the deterioration in the quality of the saw. Thus, if you need to do rough work and the quality of the saw is not important, then you can set the maximum amplitude of the pendulum stroke of the saw, and if necessary, get a clean cut - remove it completely. If radius or figured cut, then the pendulum motion must be turned off, otherwise the file may become deformed and jam.

Depth (thickness) of cut

This parameter is indicated in the characteristics of the jigsaw and can be used as some criterion for selection. The documentation usually gives three indicators: for wood, for steel and aluminum. You need to understand that this is a very conditional parameter, since even under the word “wood” the most delicate balsa or iron wood, comparable in density to some metals. By by and large this is a derivative of the tool's engine power, although it can be assumed that some design features The jigsaw itself can increase or decrease these figures. Let's give a few values.

Maintaining constant speed under load

This is a function of the jigsaw electronics that analyzes the position of the controls responsible for the speed of the electric motor with the actual engine speed. With a significant load on the jigsaw, the engine becomes difficult to operate and a natural decrease in speed occurs. This fact electronics records and adjusts speed by supplying additional electricity. Thus, across the entire spectrum permissible loads on a jigsaw, engine speed is maintained at a constant level. This function is very useful for the tool itself, since excess load and, as a result, slowing down the rotation of the motor, will lead to increased currents in the motor winding and its overheating. In addition, maintaining constant speed is good for the master, since the frequency of movement of the saw directly affects the quality of the cut, and accordingly, a constant frequency is the key to the quality of work.

Backlight and laser pointer

Some jigsaw models have lighting for the sawing area or a laser pointer. Backlighting can be very convenient for working in low-light areas, although even where there is good lighting, there may be natural shadows or areas of poor visibility, so backlighting is a very useful feature.

The laser pointer is used to improve cutting accuracy, as it is a kind of direction indicator that helps the master accurately guide the jigsaw along the marking line.


The importance of the weight of a jigsaw was mentioned above, but we repeat that during long-term work, when the hand of the master holding the tool gets tired naturally. Therefore, the quality of the cut decreases. If the jigsaw is heavy, your hand will get tired faster.


This is not a parameter or characteristic of the jigsaw itself, but the composition of the kit being sold. Often the package includes a case (plastic box), which is optimized specifically for this tool and its components. If there is no case, then the kit comes in a cardboard box, which over time will lose its shape and is not convenient to carry.

In addition, the kit often includes branded files for various purposes, this is also a positive point, since for the first time the master will be provided with saw blades. And also in the kit, in addition to standard components (instructions, special keys, etc.), there may be additional accessories - see the next section.

Additional accessories

As mentioned above, sometimes additional accessories are included with a jigsaw.

This is a special pad that surrounds the sawing area. Its use reduces the number of possible chips of the saw material, and accordingly improves the quality of the cut.

Removable sole pad

This is a special cover made of metal or plastic that is installed on the support platform. It improves sliding, which reduces friction and, as a result, makes work easier, and also prevents scratches on the workpiece.

TOP 5 jigsaws

Now let’s try to apply the information described above in practice and try to compare the TOP 5 most popular models of jigsaws, comparing their characteristics, parameters and configurations.

Comparison table of characteristics of jigsaws

Manufacturer Hitachi Bosch DeWALT Makita Metabo
Model CJ110MV PST 900 PEL DW349 4350 FCT STEB 70+ case
Price 6,990 rub. RUB 5,190 RUB 4,379 RUR 9,790 RUB 5,499
Manufacturer's warranty 3 years 1 year 3 years 1 year 3 years
Saw stroke, mm 26 23 20 26 22
Pendulum stroke Eat Eat Eat Eat Eat
Power, W 720 620 500 720 570
Max cutting thickness (wood), mm 110 90 75 135 70
Max cutting thickness (metal), mm 10 8 15 10 20
Speed ​​adjustment, There is There is There is There is There is
Number of strokes, stroke/min 850-3000 500-3100 0-3200 800-2800 900-3300
Availability is fast. deputy files, There is There is There is There is There is
Availability of backlight There is There is There is There is No
Adjustment of the inclination of the sole without tools, No No There is No No
Availability of laser No No No No No
Availability of soft start, No No No There is No
Maintaining constant speed under load, No No No There is No
Molded sole, No No There is There is There is
Equipment, case case box case case
Weight, kg 2,20 2,10 2,50 2,50 2,00

Instructions and descriptions of jigsaws

The workspace is well lit built-in light bulb, which turns on automatically after pressing the start button. Also, works great debris and sawdust removal system.

Of the pros and cons You can consider the weight of the jigsaw, about 2.6 kg, and its dimensions. Its length is 30 cm. The body of the jigsaw itself is quite thick and resembles a small grinder. Because of this, you have to hold the device with both hands, and this is not very convenient when performing certain tasks. construction work. To disable the start button, you need to grab it with your hands, because you simply cannot get it from the working position.

Makita 4351FCT jigsaw is powerful and functional construction tool. When purchasing, many people wonder which jigsaw to choose for professional work. Now we can safely say that this jigsaw is more suitable than others for these jobs.

Electric jigsaw BOSCH PST650

  • well-fixed metal platform;
  • adjustable blowing of debris and sawdust;
  • vibration protection system;
  • good stabilization of the saw blade.

But there is also minuses. Not all saw blades can be installed in the quick-release chuck of the BOSCH PST650 jigsaw. But those that fit are fixed very securely.

Considering the ratio, price and quality, this good jigsaw will become an indispensable assistant in the house, and will serve for a long time without any serious failures or breakdowns.

Electric jigsaw Einhell BPS600E

The Einhell BPS600E jigsaw was developed by a German company. It is also included in the list of necessary tools.

Pendulum stroke with three modes, 600 W motor, speed controller present.

Minus This tool is built quality.

For example, over time, your power button may break, or the rubber on the handle may begin to peel off, the cord may crack, etc.

The only mechanism that has no complaints is the motor.

It is better to buy this tool for amateurs, for infrequent use.

The Einhell jigsaw is not suitable for professionals.

An electric jigsaw is an indispensable tool that every home craftsman needs, just like a drill. The versatility of this device allows you to use it for or as a hacksaw for wood and even metal. Taking into account the versatility, it becomes clear that when choosing such equipment, it will not hurt to be careful. Today we will look at the characteristics that a high-quality product should have and present the TOP 10 best jigsaws according to consumer reviews.

An electric jigsaw is a device with which shaped blanks are cut from wood, chipboard, and even metal for various purposes. Similar equipment is used in furniture production, the production of figured decorations, and for household purposes (as an auxiliary tool). After all, if you have an even piece of wood, you can ideally cut boards, PVC or NDF panels. The angle of inclination is also adjustable, which allows you to chamfer or unravel the fiberboard lengthwise at the desired angle. He can even do garden work like removing dried tree branches.

Design features of an electric jigsaw

Every home craftsman knows what a jigsaw looks like. But it makes sense to understand how it works. The basis of this equipment is an electric motor, which rotates an eccentric wheel (a roller with an offset center) through a gearbox. It is the eccentric that transmits reciprocating movements to the canvas.

An electric jigsaw for wood or metal is equipped with an electronic rheostat to regulate speed. This is necessary - the same speed will not work for different materials. Some models of household jigsaws are equipped with a bag to illuminate the cutting area, as well as a bag for collecting sawdust that appears during work.

Classification of electric jigsaws by power and application

Despite the fact that today the line between professional and household tool noticeably rubbed, this did not affect the classification of jigsaws. Let's look at what groups such equipment is divided into. The main ones can be called:

  • Professional corded jigsaws;
  • Professional rechargeable;
  • Household network;
  • Household battery equipment;
  • Industrial devices.

You need to understand what the difference is between these groups.

Corded and cordless professional jigsaws and their features

Network equipment is more powerful than battery equipment. After all, if you imagine the power of the battery, comparable to the electrical network, then it will be heavy and bulky. Arises logical question: “Why such a battery then?” The only disadvantage of network equipment is its “attachment” to . If you need to do work outside, you will have to pull an extension cord, and this is not always convenient.

Professional equipment is distinguished by expanded functionality, settings for the position of blades (files), power and endurance (the ability to work in aggressive environments and a rigid rhythm).

Good to know! If you need a jigsaw for the home and will not use it often, you should not purchase professional equipment, the cost of which is several times higher.

Household electric jigsaws of mains and battery type

Household equipment has less power. But it is enough for housework. Research has confirmed that such equipment with a power of 350 W is capable of sawing boards 70 mm thick. And household jigsaws offered by the manufacturer today consume 600÷700 W. Draw conclusions.

A household jigsaw, despite having sufficient power, is only suitable for short-term work. A home workshop, where the owner works with wood “for the soul,” is their element. But if you plan, a household jigsaw will not work. Here you need a professional device capable of working 7–8 hours a day.

Industrial jigsaws: differences from professional ones

Industrial devices are stationary. They represent . The wood on them is sawed differently than with an industrial jigsaw - it is not the device that moves, but the material.

Such machines are installed in workshops and rarely move. They are used in the furniture industry and can work up to 24 hours a day. For the home handyman, regardless of employment in woodworking, such units are useless - their cost is significant.

Having summarized the information presented, we will answer the question of which is better to buy a jigsaw for the home like this: if there is no construction planned, and a jigsaw is only needed periodically, suitable option with household tools. For construction or small furniture production– professional.

The best jigsaw blades: selection criteria

Before purchasing a blade, you need to clarify which shank will fit your model of electric jigsaw. There are only 4 options, and now we will look at them:

Photo Shank designation Explanations

T-shapedThe first manufacturer to introduce such a shank was BOSH. Today, giants such as Makita, Metabo, Hitachi, Skil, AEG, DeWalt, Sparky, and Interskol have switched to such blade shanks.

U-shapedShank for block and screw clamps. Installed on old models “Skil”, “DeWalt”, “Wolf”, “Ryobi”, “Stayer”, “Black&Decker”.

Makita shankOld Makita models only

It is impossible to say which of them is better. If it is not a Chinese fake, then the quality is not in dispute. The main thing is that the shank fits seat tool. The length of the canvas varies in the range of 40÷250 mm. But when purchasing saw blades, it is worth taking into account the capabilities of the tool and its power.

Which jigsaw to choose and what to look for when buying

Before you choose electric jigsaw for the home, in addition to power, you should pay attention to:

  • maximum stroke frequency of the rod - a frequency of 3,000÷3,200 strokes per minute will be sufficient for operation;
  • cutting depth - this parameter determines the thickness of the material that the tool can cut;
  • additional functions– this can be adjusting the angle of the sole, soft start, maintaining speed under load, blowing off chips, backlight or a laser pointer for cutting.

When purchasing electrical equipment, you must be sure to read the certificate of conformity for the product and check the terms and conditions of warranty service with your sales consultant. The device must be in perfect condition, without chips, cracks or scratches. High-quality equipment is supplied by the manufacturer in plastic cases.

After checking the functionality of the tool in the store, the seller is obliged to fill out a warranty card in front of the buyer, affixing the date of sale and stamp. If even one of these conditions is not met, it is better to refuse the purchase. After all, even an inexpensive model can ruin your mood if it stops working on the second day.

TOP 10 best jigsaws 2017-2018

In the rating of electric jigsaws, we will consider the brands and models of household appliances that became the most purchased at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. We won’t give the cost, we’ll talk about it later. Our task now will be to understand which models are the most popular and for what reasons.

10th place – jigsaw AEG PST 500 X 428260

Despite the fact that this tool is in tenth place, it cannot be called bad - others did not make it into the TOP 10 at all. It’s not just the power that let this jigsaw down (only 440 W). The power button, located inconveniently (at the top of the handle), often fails (according to customer reviews). There is no speed regulator, as well as cutting line control.

Jigsaw "AEG PST 500 X 428260" - tenth place, but it is in the TOP

9th place – network Bort BPS-800-Q

The Bort BPS-800-Q jigsaw could compete for a higher position, but with a power of 800 W and a cutting depth of only 80 mm on wood, this is impossible. Although he takes 10 mm steel. The tool weighs 2.6 kg. Buyers note strangeness in the work. When cutting wood thicker than 50 mm, the blade moves to the side. The advantage is that it blows away sawdust from the cut.

Jigsaw “Bort BPS-800-Q” - problems with cutting wood thicker than 50 mm

8th place – electric jigsaw Interskol MP-100E

Powerful unit of 705 W. The cutting depth for wood is 100 mm, for steel – 10 mm. Weight about 3 kg. Among the disadvantages, owners note strong vibration (which will subsequently lead to loose parts) and the fact that on long cuts the tool does not hold a given strip well.

7th place – stylish and ergonomic Ruobi CJS 180L

The 18 V battery allows you to work only with wood 40 mm thick, which is a rather mediocre indicator. Blade stroke frequency – up to 2,100 units/min. The gearbox is rather weak and consists of plastic gears. This means that when exceeding permissible thickness material can “lick off” the teeth. The plus is the laser cut pointer and smooth, soft operation. Seventh place in today's ranking.

6th place – features of Metabo STEB 65 Quick

With a power of 450 W, the cutting depth for wood is only 65 mm, for soft metals – 6 mm. Quite modest characteristics for network equipment. The weight is also small - less than 2 kg. Supports an instant blade change system, no backlight. Those who purchased this tool complain about insufficient adjustment canvas holder.

5th place – Dewalt DCS331 cordless jigsaw

The stroke rate of this electric jigsaw is higher – 3000 units/min. The cutting depth for wood is 135 mm, for soft metals – 10 mm. Backlight working area missing, which is disappointing. There is also no connection to a vacuum cleaner or dust collector; instead, it blows away sawdust. Weight more than three kg. Fifth place.

4th place – jigsaw with a powerful battery AEG BST 18X

The battery of this model is 18 V, but the cutting thickness is small. It is 40 mm for wood and 10 mm for soft metals. The speed of the blade is 2050 movements per minute, weight is 3.5 kg. With such a powerful battery and significant weight, the characteristics could have been better, and therefore fourth place.

3rd place – famous Makita JV0600K

Powerful device of 650 W. The possible cutting thickness for wood is 90 mm, for soft metals – 20 mm, for steel – 10 mm. Limit rheostat installed maximum speed(wheel behind the handle). Weight – 2.4 kg. Instant change of blades, ability to connect to . The disadvantage is the lack of illumination of the cutting area and the third place in the rating.

2nd place – electric jigsaw Hitachi CJ 14 DSL

Battery device with 14.4 V power supply. Cutting depth – 135 mm for wood and 10 mm for soft metal. It is possible to connect a vacuum cleaner to collect sawdust. Replacing the blades is simple - you just need to press two buttons on the sides and the lock is removed. Equipped with cutting strips. Weight 2.6 kg (with battery). Deserved second place in today's ranking of jigsaws for 2017-2018.

1st place – as always, German quality is ahead – Bosch GST 65B

Wood, plastic and aluminum are no problem for this tool. A properly selected canvas can easily handle these materials. During testing, this jigsaw, although with difficulty, coped with corrugated sheets and 3 mm metal, which already says a lot. The possible thickness of non-ferrous (soft) metals is up to 12 mm, and wood – up to 65 mm.

The power of the Bosch GST 65B electric jigsaw is only 400 W at a rotor speed of 3,100 rpm. Convenient tool, durable in operation, deserved first place in the rating.