How to choose a quality spatula. Spatula for puttying walls

In the process of repairing an apartment or house, a lot of tools are used. And perhaps the main role here is played by a spatula - without it it will not be possible to simply and quickly remove old wallpaper or apply a high-quality putty solution. There are many types of these tools - let's look at what a spatula should be for puttingty walls.

What is a spatula?

Everyone has heard something about this tool, but not everyone knows what it is or what it looks like. Consultants in construction supermarkets have probably encountered such buyers more than a dozen times.

The spatula is german word, which translated into Russian means “scapula”. The tool is a small spatula made of various materials with handle. The spatula is used to remove old wallpaper, putty, old paint, for applying various solutions, including cement, to the surface. A spatula is needed for puttying walls, floors, installing tiles, grouting joints, and when laying bricks. With the help of this simple device they straighten minor defects on delicate surfaces.

In addition to the fact that spatulas are divided according to their application, they are also classified depending on the material from which they are made. Thus, there are metal, rubber, and plastic tools.

Types of spatulas

Even from the name you can understand that this tool is intended for puttying, but it is used for a variety of jobs.

You should select devices according to the type of work, and at each stage you may need tools different types. Let's look at what spatulas are needed for putty.

Facade spatulas

This tool is intended for application to the surface and subsequent leveling of mixtures for plaster and putty. In this case, the surface size must be significant - then the spatula will be as effective as possible. The difference between this type is increased strength. The blade has high rigidity and is made of anodized steel alloys.

The canvas is fixed in aluminum profile, which minimizes the risk of deformation and bending during operation, increases the level of reliability and durability. The handle is most often soft, made of two-component plastic thermorubber - it allows you to work with the tool as comfortably as possible. The façade trowel can have a width from 150 to 800 mm. The cost of these products is higher than the price of other analogues, but this is due to high quality and higher loads during use.

Painting spatulas

This tool, unlike façade models, has a thinner blade. It is much more flexible and springy. The handle can be made of wood or rubber. Due to the flexibility of the working blade, you can not only conveniently apply putty mixtures to any type of surface, but also remove old wallpaper or layers of paint without a trace.

Scope of application of a painting spatula - the final stage finishing works. They apply and level putty, seal cracks, and perform minor repairs concrete walls.

However, due to the thinner blade thickness, this spatula has a lower service life during intensive use. In addition, the blade is not always made from of stainless steel. Often, in order to save money, manufacturers use ordinary steel, which further reduces their service life. Spatula sizes range from 20 to 450 mm.


This tool has a narrow purpose. It is only needed for applying glue to various surfaces. The teeth on the canvas allow you to distribute the adhesive composition as evenly as possible, reduce overconsumption, and remove excess mixture. This ensures a strong grip.

The size of the blade and the depth of the teeth are selected according to the type of surfaces and materials. For larger tiles, use a trowel with a larger tooth. The ceramics are placed on a shallower furrow.


This spatula for puttying walls is used only for leveling corners - internal and external. The blade is made of stainless steel, and both sides are at right angles to each other. A very popular instrument with internal corner. It is used when leveling joints between walls, as well as between the floor and ceiling.

But since right angles are not precisely maintained so often, the process of working with this spatula is not always convenient. They are now installing on external joints decorative corners. Therefore, the external tool has lost its relevance.

Rubber spatulas

These devices are made from durable, but elastic types rubber. They can be the most different forms and sizes. This spatula has no joints or joints, as it is made from a single piece of rubber. The working surface of the tool is thin and quite flexible. Thanks to it, you can apply putty mixtures to very delicate surfaces.

This spatula is convenient for grouting joints, filling scratches or dents on walls and floors. It can be used to apply putty in a thin layer. Spatula sizes can vary from 40 to 100 mm. They are sold in sets of three or five pieces. These sets contain the most popular sizes.

Models with wide working part I use up to 200 mm for working with liquid mixtures. They are convenient to use on large areas for finishing. These models are equipped with a handle made of wood or rubber.

Tools for decorative putty

Among the standard spatulas for puttying walls, a special group of tools can be distinguished - they are intended for decorative plaster. Often, a trowel is used to work with decorative finishing materials. This device has four sides - all of them are working. The tool allows you to conveniently apply decorative putty to the surface and make patterns. The device is equipped with a comfortable handle made of wood or rubber. A trowel is nothing more than a Venetian relief spatula.

You can create a relief on the surface using special grater. It is used not only to work with these types of putty, but also with bark beetle. The second type of spatula is a spatula with a blade polished on both sides. It is not much different from an ordinary small painting shop. The Venetian relief spatula can have a width of 80 mm and above. The working part must be made of stainless steel.

About sizes

Any tool consists of a working plate and a handle. The plate can be metal, plastic or rubber. Among the huge number of species, non-professional disposable models and more serious specimens are also distinguished. Thus, a non-professional spatula has a thinner plate and a plastic handle.

Professional spatulas for puttying walls have a thicker plate, 1 mm thick. It does not deform under the slightest load and has a much longer service life.

As for the sizes, there are several standard and important sizes. Length is not as important as width. This parameter is selected individually according to the type of work performed. A long instrument, like a very short one, is not entirely good choice. During the puttying process, the long plate will bend. This will negatively affect the result.

As for the width, for most construction spatulas optimal size The width is considered to be 100-150 mm. You should also have facade tool width from 300 to 400 mm. To apply putty mixtures, models with a plate width from 20 to 80 cm are used. The narrow tool allows you to process hard-to-reach places. Models up to 30 cm are used for leveling small surfaces. You can correct large defects on the walls using a large spatula - its width is more than 30 cm. Models with a width of more than 60 cm are used for starting putty.

Which tool is better to choose for the job?

With a large number of offers on the construction market, choose suitable tool hard enough. When choosing, you should pay attention to some important parameters.

Remember that a short, stiff and thick handle should not create elasticity when pressing on the plate. A spatula with a plastic handle would be much more practical. It is easier to clean from putty.

The second important parameter is the shape and strength of the working part. If the blade has poor geometry, the whole job will have to be redone. A good spatula is only professional tool. Finishers have been using these for about 4 years every day. But if you need to make minor repairs, purchasing such a device is not justified. Although, despite this, it is still better to purchase this tool, because cheaper options will have to be changed frequently. It is recommended to use a set of spatulas of different sizes at once.


Tools from brands such as Matrix, SanTol, Khoma, and Eurolex are especially popular among consumers. Among domestic manufacturers, one can highlight the Zubr company. Reviews note that the tools from this company are different good quality. And the cost of TM “Zubr” spatulas is an order of magnitude lower than that of imported analogues.

So, we found out what a spatula is, where and how it is used. This is a useful (and sometimes irreplaceable) tool for finishing work.

A spatula for puttying walls is an indispensable tool at the most important stage of construction.. If we translate this word into our language from a foreign language, it will mean “scapula”.

And in fact, the tool visually resembles it, because it consists of a handle, a plate or a working blade. But which spatula is the best for putty? You will learn about this in this article.

How to choose a professional construction spatula for wall putty

A professional spatula for finishing and walls must be steel. You can familiarize yourself with the finishing putty for painting. Moreover, its thickness is no more than mm. Its fabric should bend and have maximum rigidity.

Disposable spatulas are easily recognized - they are complemented by a black plastic handle and a metal work area.

Its thickness should not be more than 0.5mm. Such a tool will begin to deform at the very minimum load, and it is extremely difficult to achieve smoothly even walls with its help. It does not level the surface, but only makes defects more noticeable, repeating and highlighting them against the general background.

Often on the market you can buy painting tools with a plate, which range in width from 80 to 450 mm. How many masters, so many opinions, and everyone determines the most convenient spatula differently, the following sizes of putty spatulas are available on the market:

  • classic, standard tool, which stands out with a width of 200 to 250 mm;
  • additional, width from 80 to 100 mm;
  • corner spatulas for putty, the prices of which also vary.

To process internal and external corners, it is rational to purchase professional spatulas. They distinguished by two cavities located at an angle of 90 degrees.

Such spatulas are not in great demand because their operation requires mastering a certain technique, and the corners in the room must be even.

Many repairmen prefer not to spend extra money on buying special corner spatulas, and create them with classic variations.


A good spatula for puttying walls is used to perform a variety of construction and repair work. Here under the wallpaper. To make a tool plate, the manufacturer uses different materials.

They often opt for metal, plastic or rubber. Today on the market you can buy spatulas that are used for highly specialized purposes.

To process the load-bearing surface, it is rational to use products with a flat surface, a holder made of plastic or wood and a metal plate.

The material discussed in the article varies, so its price will be based on the manufacturer and type of material used.

Despite the fact that this tool is called that, it can be used not only for facade processing, but also for interior decoration load-bearing structures.

A professional spatula for putty is distinguished by a more massive blade, which is made of strong steel; it cannot be deformed during operation.

Using such a tool, you can easily apply the construction mixture to the surface to be treated. In its shape, the working surface resembles a quadrangle with two parallel and two non-parallel sides, with a width of thirty cm or more.

Facade tools are most often used simultaneously with painting tools. If the layer of putty will be applied with one solid ball, it is more convenient to collect the building mixture from the container with a more compact analogue. Depending on the size of the ball it will depend.

At the stage of applying the last ball, the spatula is used as additional element. The construction mixture is placed on it, and using a painting spatula, it is scooped up in small portions and applied to the surface.

For finishing It is more rational to use a paint spatula. Using it you can perform the following manipulations:

  • make the surface as smooth as possible after applying putty material;
  • mask the seams between the plasterboard layers. about puttying drywall for painting;
  • earn defects and notches;
  • handle complex structures.

Since the facade spatula, it stands out with a trapezoidal shape and is complemented by a plastic handle.

But despite the structural identity, the painting tool stands out with the following differences:

  • the minimum width of such a spatula is 20 mm;
  • thickness. The plate of the painting tool is, as a rule, thinner than that of the façade analogue;
  • level of elasticity. The tool is distinguished by a more elastic and bendable blade;
  • material. For the production of paint spatulas, alloy steel is used, which is resistant to corrosion due to the chromium content, while the other analogue under consideration is made from steel with a carbon content of over 0.6%.

Painting tools are divided into the following types:

  • for professional and non-professional work;
  • those that can be used once.

Metal scraper

If you still don't know which spatula to choose for putty, don't forget to buy a scraper.

It has a narrow scope of application and is used to remove excess building material from the surface.

Its feature is considered to be the thickest blade possible, which does not deform; it is made of strong metal. This spatula has a relatively small width, equal to 50 mm.

Most often it is used for rubbing seams. It is a solid layer of rubber, which varies in type and shape and its used to cover scratches and dents on floor covering from fibreboard.

But basically such a spatula is purchased for rubbing seams. tiles, while during work you don’t have to worry about its integrity.

Rubber can never affect the quality of the tiles, no matter how hard you clean them. Putty knife perfectly repeats all the irregularities and roughness surface, so it is ideal for grouting joints.

This type of spatulas is not particularly distinguished by its wide range. They can be divided only by a couple of characteristics: the size of the teeth, which are used to determine the ball of glue used, as well as the shape. The larger the ball, the longer. The latter differs only in width.

In the first case, a spatula with a width of 20 cm is used, in the second the width may be larger. Such differences can be characterized different areas applications.

Tools with teeth are used when working with small-sized rectangular wall plates made of baked clay, and a falcon-shaped tool is used for massive slabs that decorate floor and wall coverings.

Regarding the height of the teeth, on the market The following standard sizes are available: 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, .4 mm. If you need a larger tool, then purchase a classic spatula.

The thickness of the tile adhesive layer (its composition) may increase if it is simultaneously applied to both the facing surface and the tile. But only the directions of application of the material should be opposite.

When working with rectangular putty plates, you should also pay attention to rubber spatulas, with which the seams are rubbed. By the way, they are used as putty spatulas for cars, which also vary in width.

Classic sets of such tools consist of several types of spatulas. They are considered semi-professional, and working with them is extremely tedious. Most likely, it is more rational to use them for processing small-sized objects and for large-sized tiles.

Putty Tool Dimensions

To process walls, it is rational to choose the tools required in terms of dimensions.

Wide for leveling

To level an uneven base and easily putty the walls, use:

  • wide type for facades (up to 600 mm);

  • rule (1500–3000 mm).

Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate the most severe and massive defects. They are used to apply the so-called initial putty mixture, and the material is applied in as thick a layer as possible.

Is it convenient to putty with medium

Medium putty tools (with a width of 150 to 250 mm) are used to process large irregularities and dents that remain after the initial treatment.

This spatula allows you to create the smoothest putty layer possible. The main task of such a spatula is to fill holes and eliminate visible defects.

After processing, the spatula may leave minor protrusions, which are removed after complete drying using special ribbed paper.

Narrow for puttying

Narrow (50–100 mm) is suitable for processing minor depressions that remain after using the previous material. After its use, there are practically no flaws left on the surface.

It is irrational to use this tool to make the surface as smooth as possible, because it fully replicates all the chaotic irregularities on the walls. At the same time, it is often used to treat hard-to-reach areas. With this material you can take the mixture from a container and apply it to the work surface.

Choosing a tool for applying finishing putty

In order not to get completely confused in the presented options and to purchase a product that will perform the assigned tasks, we recommend that you pay attention to such characteristics. First of all It's worth paying attention to the handle.

It should be comfortable, and it is better if there are no flaws or sharp protrusions on the surface of the metal. If they appear during the work process, then this indicates that you are about to purchase a low-quality product.

Do not purchase items that are too long or narrow. They will be inconvenient to use during operation, while they are extremely difficult to operate.

To level the surface, it is more rational to purchase a product that is shaped like a trapezoid. Tools in the form of triangles or droplets are not so convenient.

Ceramic brick is a material that has been successfully used in construction and renovation for a long time. pros and cons of this brick.

Putty can almost perfectly level the surface, as well as make it strong and durable. find out how long the putty takes to dry.

Crushed stone is mined by crushing rocks and metallurgical waste. By going through, you will become familiar with the characteristics of the flakiness of crushed stone.

If, while pressing on the blade, it begins to bend strongly during operation, the spatula will roll off. mortar, it will even be difficult to apply it to the wall, not to mention leveling it. Spatulas with excessive rigidity will undoubtedly become deformed during operation.

A proper spatula should be equipped with a blade that will spring back slightly when pressed. To apply the finishing putty, you can use a tool whose blade is made of stainless steel.

This will make it easy to clean after work and will ensure there is no corrosion that will negatively affect the finish. Putty knife with iron cloth and metal coating is considered a low quality product and requires the utmost care to prevent rust formation.

It can negatively affect not only the material, but also the treated surface. Pay attention to the blade. There should be no sharpening points on it; it is rational to use such products for other types of work.

For more information about choosing a spatula, watch the video:

How to clean the tool

There are many videos and articles on this topic on the Internet. But these two options are considered to be the most common.

  • make a couple of slits in the tin can, and in the end you will have accessible and effective adaptation for cleaning instruments;
  • arm yourself with a wet rag (to prevent dust from appearing) and an ordinary washcloth to clean scale from stainless utensils.

For effective cleaning, you just need to delicately treat the contaminated surface with iron filings.

It is rational to use a wet rag to brush away falling dust particles. After a few minutes of manipulation, the instrument will look like new.

In this way, even old, long-hardened putty can be easily cleaned. Some people recommend using sandpaper, but it can damage the delicate surface of the spatula. This method can only be used by professionals who know how to control the intensity of friction.


Of course, the fact that a hardware store has a large assortment of the tools discussed in the article should certainly please you. But, alas, on the one hand, the choice is great, and this creates additional difficulties during the purchase. What spatulas are needed for putty?

On the market today You can purchase any instrument you are interested in, and its price will be quite acceptable. The main thing is to decide on the type and purpose of the purchase, and everything else is a matter of technique.

In the process of repair and construction work, attention is paid to the preparation of walls and ceilings for subsequent coating finishing layers. How to make the surface smooth, remove all irregularities and improve adhesion properties? For these purposes, putty is used.

This process is simple or requires certain skills and experience. The main task of the builder is to accurately carry out the sequence of actions and correctly handle the appropriate construction tools.

To perform such tasks you will need a certain set of tools, including:

  • Drill. Or rather, a drill equipped with a specialized attachment. Or use an industrial mixer. The fact is that the putty is sold in the form of a dry mixture, which is diluted and mixed. This can be done efficiently either using a drill with an attachment or a mixer;
  • To directly apply putty to the walls, use a tool such as a spatula. Purchase a whole set consisting of spatulas various sizes. The relevance of this solution is simple - a wide spatula is convenient in normal spaces, a small one is useful in hard-to-reach spots;
  • Rollers and brushes for priming. You should not skip this stage, since the primer covers the surface of the walls with a special protective layer, which has a positive effect on strength and adhesion with any facing materials that are used in the future.
Puttying tools

Additional tools

A level will come in handy - with this tool they can accurately determine how smooth the walls are.

To remove unevenness and frozen mixture, the surface is cleaned. They do this with sandpaper. If the work area is large, they prefer a manual skinner. With its help, it is much easier to work with; moreover, this simple device is equipped with a mechanism - clamps for securing sandpaper and mesh, so the skinner will not become unusable after the first task; it will be used in the future.

For efficient work It's worth buying some coarse sandpaper. If work is done with finishing putty, fine putty is preferred.

You should definitely take into account that the putty needs to be diluted and mixed in a container, so you should take care of purchasing it in advance. In cases where a large amount of work is planned, you should not mix the entire mixture at once. The putty will dry in a few hours; if you do not have time to apply it to the wall, it will remain in the container. Therefore, in this case, knead the mixture in parts.

Mixing putty

It is worth remembering that upon completion of all work, the tools should be thoroughly washed, otherwise it will be difficult to use them in the future or you will have to clean the mixture that has frozen on them mechanically.

How to apply the mixture

Apply the putty using a spatula. Among large assortment It won’t be difficult to choose one that’s convenient for you. But not everyone will get the job done using these tools. Working with a spatula is difficult and requires skill rather than experience.

Therefore, they wonder whether it is possible to apply the mixture using a conventional roller. Puttying with a roller is possible, although, of course, it is difficult to level the walls using this tool.

More often, a roller and brushes are used to prepare walls and ceilings. For upcoming and subsequent painting, covering with a decorative layer or wallpapering.

To perform such a task, you need a roller with a pile, the length of which is 2-3 mm.

Puttying with a roller is done in a similar way to painting - periodically dip the roller into the solution and then roll the mixture over the area of ​​the walls or ceiling.

After completion of work on small area, take a spatula and use it to scrape the mixture off the surface. Hold the tool at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the surface. In this way, the mixture fills the pores and irregularities on the surface of the walls and ceiling, leaving thin layer putties.

Cleaning wet putty

Then allow the surface to dry and repeat the operation again. It is enough to carry out a similar procedure 1 – 2 times. The number of repetitions depends on how satisfied the builder is with the result.

Each repetition is performed taking into account that the direction of movement of the spatula is the opposite from the previous time. In other words, if the first time the user walked from left to right, then the second time they peel off the layer from right to left.

Selecting the right spatula or set

When planning to buy a spatula, consider several varieties - for facade works and painting spatulas. It is not difficult to distinguish them; the latter have a thinner blade thickness and greater elasticity. The first ones are distinguished by their larger width, since they carry out a large scope of work.

Pay attention to the handle. To purchase quality tools, make sure that the blade is made of high-quality material, otherwise the tool is disposable and cannot be used in the future. It will simply get damaged during the first task. Choose a spatula with a comfortable rubberized handle with a comfortable surface that is tightly attached to the working part. In this case, it is guaranteed that it is convenient when applying the mixture to the walls.

Types of spatulas

When purchasing painting spatulas, keep in mind that due to their flexibility, these tools are not durable. Intensive use will quickly make them unsuitable for subsequent work.

Spatulas are also available with different working blade widths. Options for performing main work are offered with a width of 40-60 cm, and “auxiliary” ones, used for working in hard to reach places, offer widths from 6 to 15 cm.

When planning to purchase spatulas, buy a set. It is useful in the current situation and in the future. Great choice– purchase of tools with widths of 50, 150, 400 and 600 mm. As for wide spatulas, they are purchased when they are convenient for the room where the work is taking place. For small room, puttying its walls, a spatula with a working surface width of 40 cm is sufficient.

If you do not install special corners in the corners of the room, then purchase a corner spatula. Only a specialist can work with it. This tool creates even 90-degree angles, but since this requires experience and skills, it is better to make the angle using perforated elements, which are then puttied.

A builder who works with putty adheres to the rules. A common mistake made by beginners is trying to put more mixture on the spatula. There is no need to do this - the surface of the tool is deformed and then it is more difficult to use. He will do the job poorly. Besides, a large number of putty is more difficult to apply on the surface of the walls in an even layer. This will require more effort than if you make smaller portions of putty.

Under no circumstances should they try to pull out or, conversely, hammer nails into the wall with a spatula. It is forbidden to use a spatula as a percussion instrument or to perform non-core work with it. The slightest damage to the blade will lead to deformation of the tool, and therefore to the impossibility of further use.

Do not use a grouting spatula after the mixture has dried. This will lead to damage and deformation of the walls.

Uncleaned tool

Be sure to clean the tool after completing the work. Do this first, before the mixture on the blade has dried, if the user wants to use it in the future. Then wipe the surface of the blade thoroughly so as not to leave the spatula wet, otherwise it will be impossible to putty the walls in the future.

They wash not only the blade, but also the handle, otherwise it will not be comfortable to work with a spatula later.

In contact with

The spatula is one of the most widely used types of tools in finishing, painting and tiling work both indoors and outdoors. With its help, you can remove old coatings, apply plasters, putties and decorative compounds, grout seams, press wallpaper, apply adhesives and much more.

To carry out quality work, you should select best option high quality, we will look at how to do this in this review.

Overview of the main types of instruments

In order not to make a mistake when purchasing, you need to clearly understand which spatula is used to do what job, because you will have to work with your own hands. Next, you should choose the most optimal option, both in terms of quality and price, in retail networks There are many options, the price of which is unjustified.

Painting spatulas

This group of products is characterized by the following properties:

  • The main purpose of the products is to putty indoor surfaces.
  • The blades on such products are elastic and quite thin.
  • The price of such options is quite low.
  • These devices are not suitable for working with heavy mixtures and for heavy-duty operations.

How to choose a spatula for putty?

Please note the following factors:

  • The handle should fit comfortably in the hand, there should be no burrs or holes on the surface of the plastic - this is evidence of low quality injection molding equipment.
  • The length of the handle should not be too long; a wide and not very long configuration is much more convenient.
  • The shape of the product should be trapezoidal; triangular products are less reliable and not very convenient to work with, especially if narrow version, used to apply the solution.
  • Press on the blade - it should not bend much; if this is the case, it means the metal is too thin, and such a product will very soon fail. The closer the length and width of the blade are to each other, the more reliable the product.
  • Everything should be made of stainless steel, this guarantees the product’s resistance to corrosion and ease of cleaning after use. Besides, everything metal surfaces should be smooth.

If you come across a spatula with a sharpened blade, then know that it will also remove the paint and varnish layer from surfaces during repairs.

Facade spatulas

The instrument of this group must meet the following requirements:

  • High reliability, since you will have to work with heavy mixtures.
  • Enough big size, since these devices are used to finish large areas.
  • Application quality materials during production, since many mixtures contain aggressive substances that can damage the metal.

When considering the question of which spatula is best for puttingtying facades, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • If you are not a professional in this field, then you should not purchase options wider than 400 mm, they are quite difficult to work with, and the wider the blade, the more it bends under pressure, and the more difficult it is to achieve ideal surface quality.
  • It is much more convenient to work with spatulas in which the handle is made at a slight angle; this position is more ergonomic, in addition, the hand will get less tired during work.

  • Pay attention to the place where the handle is attached to the blade - it should be reliable and durable - the elements should not dangle, otherwise the product will quickly fail.
  • Most important factor, according to which the tool is selected - the correct geometry and strength of the metal on the blade, it must be absolutely even, otherwise smooth walls you probably won't be able to. As practice shows, the blades on eight out of ten cheap products are curved; in expensive versions this problem is less relevant. The thicker the metal, the longer the weapon will last.

Most professionals also use façade spatulas for interior finishing - they are much more reliable and rigid, which provides more high quality application of mixtures and long service life.

Notched spatulas

This type is used in finishing when applying adhesive composition for facing materials - ceramic tiles, natural and fake diamond and other similar products.

When choosing these spatulas, consider the following factors:

  • The handle should be comfortable, the place where it is attached to the blade should be strong and rigid. Since such products are not subject to high loads, manufacturers sometimes skimp on the handle, and it turns out not to be very reliable.
  • The size of the teeth affects the layer of application of the adhesive composition - the larger they are, the thicker the layer. As a rule, the most popular are the medium options with a tooth height of 6-8 mm.
  • The blade must be made of stainless steel, this guarantees its durability.

In this material we will assume that you will need a spatula for puttying and plastering, and not for anything else. So, first, let's look at the types of spatulas.

There are quite a lot of them, but in this article we will talk directly about spatulas intended for painting work, and only about metal ones. You can’t get by anywhere without: and when, and when, and before, always and everywhere we need a spatula.
So, spatulas for painting work are divided into great amount subcategories, but here we will consider only flat spatulas. There are also angular, curly and others, but so far only about flat metal spatulas. Flat - that is, the most ordinary ones. Let's begin.
Flat spatulas are divided into two types: spatula and facade spatula. What a spatula is, of course, is clear, but a façade spatula is called because it is much larger size than a spatula, and is intended for processing large areas, which craftsmen usually work with on facades, that is, the outer surfaces of buildings. Of course, the façade trowel is so named not because it is intended only for outdoor work - indoors it is used not much less often than a “shovel”, and often it is its indispensable companion and boss :) The trowel is used for puttying very rarely; it usually serves as an aid to the façade spatula, obediently (with your help) applying putty or plaster on it. But about the puttying technique another time, I mean that you have an idea about this, and therefore you need a set of the following type: spatula + facade spatula. This is what we will proceed from.

Spatula photo:
There are so many blades in stores now, and making a choice is not easy. However, I will share with you my personal experience, and then act at your own discretion. So, the first thing you should pay attention to is the handle of the spatula. If you use this spatula in conjunction with a facade spatula, then you need a spatula with a width of 100 mm. This is the best option, but you can also use 150 mm. spatula So, the spatula handle should be quite thick and short. Because if it is thin and long, it will create additional elasticity when pressed, which is not at all desirable. The handle should fit comfortably in the hand, no burrs or anything like that. It is preferable to use a spatula with a plastic handle.
Now look at the spatula blade. First, you should pay attention to its shape: a teardrop-shaped or triangular shape, as well as a trapezoidal one with a wide base, is undesirable (see pictures below). With a spatula of this shape it is inconvenient to take the solution from the bucket; it will scrape the edges against the walls, at the same time the solution easily slides down from the spatula. If you use a spatula without a pair with a facade spatula, then the trapezoidal shape is quite convenient, but scraping the putty out of the bucket is still inconvenient.
Take a spatula and turn the blade towards you - this way you can see its unevenness and choose a better tool. Now about the material of the blade: take the blade by the edge with two fingers, the handle with the other hand and slightly (slightly!) Bend the spatula. If the canvas bends too much, you cannot buy such a spatula. This usually happens with thin canvases - less than 1mm. thick. Do not take a spatula if its blade is “high”; the distance from the end of the handle (where the blade is clamped) should not be much greater than the width of the blade. That is, if a spatula with a blade width of 100 mm has a length of the same blade of 170 mm. - this is not what you need. The dimensions of the canvas should be almost square - this is the best option. Of course, you need to take only a stainless steel spatula (usually the blade material is specified on the price tag or “passport” - a piece of paper glued to the spatula). By the way, it is convenient to remove this sticker by heating it with a lighter and then wiping the area with solvent No. 646 or white spirit.
Please note: a spatula with a thick blade sharpened on one side at an angle is intended for removing paint (or rust), and cannot be used to putty! Therefore, look at what you choose before purchasing.
The façade spatula is selected in almost the same way, but you should pay closer attention to the degree of curvature of the canvas - it must be even, without kinks or kinks, otherwise you will be tormented later with puttying! So keep an eye on this. It is most convenient to work with a facade spatula with an oblique handle (preferably rubberized) and a blade length of 300 - 450 mm; a longer one is already difficult, a shorter one is unproductive, although this is all a matter of habit. The greater the width of the facade spatula, the more it bends during operation and “leads” the plane. Therefore, you need to make sure that the blade is not too wide - no more than 2-3 times wider than the width of the handle clamp in which it is attached.
And one more thing: many cheap façade spatulas (for example, those manufactured by FIT, RemoColor, Styer, Matrix and others often have an arcuate bend in the canvas, in whole batches, and nothing can be done about it. However, you can do it: inspect the canvas and somehow mark that its side, which is curved outward. You will apply solutions to it, this will be your working side. Usually I burn something on it for orientation :) So, if you putty with the concave side, then you cannot avoid being “hooked” by the corners of the canvas already smoothed layer of putty, which is very, very unpleasant. And it is much easier to sand off the sagging than to remove the hooks - they will have to be covered and sanded. Therefore, if you purchase a cheap façade spatula (or any kind in general), be sure to pay attention to this, and you will be happy :)

Features of working with spatulas

A good tool is made of stainless steel. The working blade of the spatula is easy to clean and does not deform during operation. A bad tool is made of iron with a metal coating. If you come across such a tool, then clean it, wash and dry it after each use. Otherwise, the spatula will leave traces of rust on the putty surface, which will soon appear on the dried putty, and then protrude through the wallpaper or through a layer of paint. When purchasing a tool, pay attention to the evenness and flexibility of the blade along its entire length. There are spatulas that are too hard and can break during operation. There are also super-flexible specimens that sag from the weight of the putty; the mixture falls off from such a spatula even before it reaches the wall.

A good spatula should have a smooth, flexible and stainless working blade that is slightly springy when pressed.

We distinguish two stages of work: applying the mixture to the base and leveling the applied. Movements with tools at these stages can be any, but it is more correct when they are mutually perpendicular. The width of the working edge of the tools used when applying putty to the wall does not matter. You can apply the mixture with a narrow spatula on a rule or a wide spatula and spread it on the wall, or you can apply the mixture directly to the base only with a narrow spatula without using a wide tool. However, it is better to perform leveling first with a wide tool, and then with a narrow one. The specific width of the spatulas used is not so important; what is important is the consistent reduction in the width of the tools from layer to layer. A wide spatula is used to level the mixture applied in a thick layer; it is convenient to level large surfaces and wide holes, and a short spatula is used to smooth out small defects. It is important that the width of the spatula blade be greater than the width of the hole it is leveling.

Tool Application:
The rule (1500–3000 mm) and a wide spatula (up to 600 mm) provide a rough thick-layer leveling of the putty (or plaster) mixture on uneven surfaces, laying the first thick-layer trim that allows you to eliminate all rough plane defects.
A medium trowel (250–150 mm) is used for filling large holes left by a wide trowel. It creates a smooth putty layer. Small imperfections left behind with a medium spatula can be sanded off after the putty has dried.
A narrow spatula (100–50 mm) fills the holes left by the middle spatula; it leaves almost no marks around the individual defect being puttied. If there are smooth bends on the surface, then it easily follows their profile - it cannot be used to level the surface.
When working with spatulas, especially wide ones, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the tool. The tool is made in such a way that when you press its handle, the spatula blade bends. Moreover, the edges of the working surface are bent more than the middle. If the spatula is pressed against the surface of the wall almost parallel to it, then a large deflection of the edges of the blade is obtained, and vice versa, when the spatula blade is pressed to the base at an almost right angle, the spatula has no deflection. The putty is applied to the middle of the blade; when spread, it will “spread” to the edges. When working, you need to constantly reapply the putty from the edges of the spatula to the middle. When applying putty to the wall, you need to re-spread it on the middle of the spatula after each movement. Re-spread the putty with a narrow spatula. If the putty is not spread on the wall, but is leveled, then it is not re-spread, but removed from a wide spatula. The mobile mixture is sent back to the bucket, mixed and applied again to the walls. If the putty has thickened, then it is removed from the spatula and thrown into another bucket; this mixture cannot be used anymore, as it will leave scratches and nicks.

Rice. 13. Ways to hold a spatula while working
Since the corners of the spatula deflect upward when you press it, when puttingty in the corners of the walls, the corners of the tool are pressed with the second hand. Or press on the corresponding side of the spatula blade index finger(two, three, four - whichever is more convenient) hands, shifting it in one direction or another from the center of the spatula (Fig. 13). If you hold the spatula with both hands by both corners of the working surface, then with the middle of the tool, depending on the pressure and the angle of inclination of the blade, you can smoothly go around the bump or cut it off. If the base needs to be leveled and putty rubbed into it or made with a smooth bend, then the spatula is tilted towards the wall surface. If you need to fill a hole on the wall, hold the spatula almost perpendicular to the wall.

When applying putty to the base, sagging of the mixture may occur, especially on initial stage spatula movements. There is a lot of putty on the instrument and it is difficult to squeeze out to the edges. To reduce sagging when puttingtying, you need to gradually reduce the angle of inclination of the spatula to the base. For example, they begin to stretch the putty by holding the spatula blade at an angle of, say, 60°, and end at an angle of 20° to the plane of the wall.

Wall putty: features, stages

Wall putty is one of the main stages of finishing work on which not only the beauty of the surfaces being finished depends, but also the quality of all work as a whole. The purpose of putty is to seal small cracks or potholes and subsequent leveling of wall or ceiling surfaces. Subsequently prepared surfaces are painted or pasted various types wallpaper or decorative panels.

Used to level surfaces various methods putties and, accordingly, various putty mixtures. The method is selected depending on whether the surface is being prepared for painting or wallpapering, and on its condition at the beginning of the repair. If the wall has large unevenness, then first it is leveled with starting putty, since it has a larger fraction of the mixture and allows you to apply a layer of up to 2 cm at a time. Starting putty is also a good substitute ordinary plaster, because it is more convenient to apply and sticks better to the walls.

The finishing putty has a much finer fraction and is applied for final leveling, in a layer of no more than 1-2 mm, which subsequently ensures a perfectly flat surface. The best way among the most various types putty mixtures, putty from the ilmax company has proven itself, both gypsum and cement.

Wall putty process
Puttying walls or ceilings must be divided into several stages:

1. First of all, the surface must be carefully prepared.
To do this, we clean the wall or ceiling of old wallpaper, as well as loose plaster, putty or paint. To do this, we go over the places of delamination with a wide spatula, cleaning off all the irregularities. We expand the cracks and enlarge them a little, and also clean them of dust and loose elements of putty or plaster. This is done so that the new putty does not fall off due to poor adhesion to the base.

2. The entire surface that will be puttied must be carefully treated with a primer.
To do this, the soil is poured into a wide flat tray and applied with a roller to the surface of the wall or ceiling. One of best brands primer for walls and ceilings is a primer deep penetration ilmax 4180 primer. There is no need to try to wet the wall too much - if it seems to you that the surface is not well treated, after the first layer has dried, apply another layer. The primer will bind the entire surface of the wall and improve adhesion to the applied putty.

3. After the soil has completely dried, starting putty should be applied.
To do this, first dilute the putty mixture with water to the consistency of medium-fat sour cream. You don't need to thin it a lot because the putty may harden before you use it up and you'll have to throw it away. We need a wide spatula to apply putty on the walls and a narrow one to apply the putty onto a wide spatula. Using a wide spatula along the entire length of the canvas, apply putty approximately 1 cm wide and thick. After this, apply the spatula to the surface at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, and stretch the spatula from the bottom up, slightly pressing it against the wall. The putty will be evenly applied to the wall. Then we clean the surface of the wide spatula with a narrow spatula, and apply a new portion of putty on it. Apply a new layer next to the applied putty. And so on across the entire surface of the wall. If scratches appear on the surface of the applied putty, this means you need to clean it with a wide spatula. After the first layer has dried, apply the next one, and so on until all the unevenness on the wall is leveled out. A total of 2-3 layers can be applied, but between applying each layer it is necessary to prime the dry surface.

4. After complete drying finishing putty, the wall is primed and finishing putty is applied for final leveling.
The application technique is the same as for puttying with starting putty, but the thickness of each layer should not be more than 1-2 mm. putty finishing putty no more than 2-3 layers. Between applying each layer, the wall must be primed to improve the quality of putty.

5. After the putty surface has dried well, the entire surface is sanded with a special grater with an image mesh attached to it.
You need to grind with light circular movements with even pressure over the entire plane.

After sanding, the process of puttying walls or ceilings is completed.

As you can see, putting putty is not that difficult and anyone can do this job. If you have started a home renovation and are planning to, then try to putty the walls yourself, and you will see for yourself that there is nothing difficult about it. Processed