How to grow a gorgeous perennial peony edulis superba. Flowers for the garden - Peonies - Paeonia - types, description of varieties, photo gallery Paeonia Snow Cloud - Peony Snow Cloud

All flower lovers are partial to perennial plants. These individuals are unpretentious in care, but are demanding on soil types and grow very well on fertile lands. Dense clay soil where water stagnates and does not evaporate, they are contraindicated. There are many in nature various types plants that grow and delight us for many years.

General characteristics of peony

One of the favorites of such perennials is the gorgeous herbaceous peony Edulis Superba.

It has very powerful and fleshy root tubers and a lush bush shape. But often this peony variety grows as a shrub. Sometimes you can find abandoned and unkempt perennial bushes. This species is quite resistant to survival in poor and uncomfortable conditions. This plant differs from others in its less attractive appearance. The stems of a well-groomed peony Edulis Superba reach a size of about a meter, and single and large flowers have double or simple form white, pink, red, and sometimes yellow color. Its leaves are very large and slightly dissected.

The peony begins to bloom at the beginning of summer, the second half of June. But buds may appear in the first days of the month. When peonies bloom, there is a pleasant, unforgettable and lasting aroma of rose in the air.

Conditions for successfully growing peony

In order to grow a gorgeous peony bush Edulis Superba, you need to plant it in a pre-prepared hole made in dry, nutritious soil. Suitable for planting perennials autumn period time. Having divided the entire perennial tuber into several parts with buds, you need to plant them so that the buds are not too deep. They should also not be very high above the soil. In these cases the plant will grow, but beautiful flowering you will wait a long time. A place for planting tubers must be chosen that is illuminated, since the flower does not like shade.

How to plant a peony?

This one is best beautiful view plant perennials in single bushes, forming a trunk circle around it. The flower cannot stand proximity to other bushes and especially trees. Therefore, nothing should be planted on the tree trunk in order to avoid plants fighting for nutrients in the soil. The young peony Edulis Superba must be regularly fed in the spring using different methods: spraying or applying organic fertilizers under the roots. Fertilizing should not be done on enriched soils. An excess of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, also negatively affects the growth and flowering of peony. Water the perennial sparingly, avoiding stagnation of water in the soil. Otherwise, its tubers rot and it dies. It is best to water peonies abundantly and less often, rather than more often and superficially.

Why do you remove all the flowers on an annual bush?

In the first year of flower growth, all buds that appear should be cut off. Next spring, these magnificent plants will give you wild, unique blooms.

The beautiful peony Edulis Superba looks good both in a bouquet and in compositions with other flowers. In autumn, the entire bush is pruned at soil level, and its trimmings are placed in a compost pit. After a while they will turn into great organic fertilizer. If you follow all these simple rules for caring for a wonderful tuberous perennial, then you will not have to complain about the barren flower or death beautiful flower. Peony will delight you for many years abundant flowering and bring joy and admiration from the magnificent aroma of terry buds.

Photo of herbaceous peony varieties Edulis Superba

Description of herbaceous peony varieties Edulis Superba

Peony herbaceous variety Edulis Superba is a perennial with powerful fleshy root tubers. Plant height up to 90 cm. Flowers large size(up to 14 cm) terry, pink-lilac color with a white border. The leaves are large, dissected, shiny. Very fragrant. Flowering period is early.

Agricultural technology of peonies.

Features of planting and growing.

Choosing a place for herbaceous peonies.

Peonies require a well-lit place. They can tolerate light shade. In the shade, plants either will not bloom or will do so weakly.

Peonies do not like proximity to fruit plantings, with which they begin to struggle for nutrients.

Peonies are not recommended to be planted next to buildings - in summer period the bushes will overheat, and the flowers will be damaged by drops from the roofs.

Peonies do not tolerate stagnant water. If there is a possibility of flooding on the site, shrubs should be drained if possible or planted on a hill. This should protect it from rotting of the root system. Otherwise, the plant will have poor development or may even die.

Peonies prefer moisture-absorbing and sufficiently breathable soil. It is best suited for development loamy soils. The reaction of the soil environment should be neutral or slightly acidic, pH 6.0 - 7.0.

Planting herbaceous peonies and care.

The size of the planting hole should be 50*50*50 cm.

A peony seedling should be planted in such a way that the rhizome is covered by 4-5 cm. If you bury the plant, it will grow, but will not bloom. If you plant the plant too high, the plant's winter hardiness will decrease.

The feeding area of ​​one bush is 1 - 1.5 m.

Peonies should be fed in the spring. When planting, you should add organic fertilizer (horse humus or humus) at the rate of 5-15 kg/m2, from mineral nutrition you can take urea (50-100 g) or ammonium nitrate with nitroammof (15-20 g each). In autumn, it is also possible to fertilize with various complex fertilizers, WITHOUT nitrogen content. On rich lands, fertilizing should often not be carried out, but on poor lands, sandy soils Fertilizers must be applied annually.

Young plants can also be fed by foliar feeding. From the second half of May, spray with complex mineral soluble fertilizer. Like watering, this operation should be carried out either in the morning or in the evening to avoid sunburn foliage.

In the first year after planting, it is recommended to cut off the buds. In the future, to obtain buds larger sizes One bud should be left on one shoot. Removal of buds should be carried out at a time when they are embedded in steel about 1 cm in diameter.

Peonies should be watered immediately after planting for the first 3-4 weeks several times a week. IN further plant watered as needed. An adult bush requires 15-25 liters of water. It is better to water less often, but more thoroughly, than more often, but superficially. After watering, the soil in the tree trunk circle is loosened. It is very important that the soil is well moistened before flowering, that is, at the end of spring and in August, during the formation of flower buds.

A tree trunk circle is required when growing peonies. No plants should be planted in it; it must be kept free of weeds; constantly loosen. If desired, you can separate the tree trunk area from the lawn with a border strip (iron sheets or concrete products cannot be used for this purpose).

In autumn, the entire above-ground part is cut off and disposed of ( compost pit or bonfire)

Where to buy white and pink peony in Moscow inexpensively?
Which type of peonies is the most winter-hardy??
TO Which type of terry peonies is the most beautiful??

We will help you find the answer to these and other questions!

Paeonia Bew - Peony Bev

(William H. Krekler, USA, 1975)
Hybrid lactiflora. Early deadline flowering. Color: pink with a silver tint. Height 80. Double flower, 20 cm. Light aroma. The variety has excellent health. Strong and powerful stems that support the flower even after rain. Does not require a garter. Long flowering. A peony that enchants!

Paeonia Coral Fay - Peony Coral Fay

(Orville W. Fay, USA, 1972)
Interspecific hybrid. Very early. Color: bright red-pink-coral. Beautiful foliage. The bush does not require garter. Healthy variety.

Paeonia Edulis Superba - Peony Edulis Superba

(Lemon, France, 1824)
Hybrid lactiflora. Early. Pink colour. High 90 cm. Double flower, develops a crown gradually, 14 cm. Fragrant. The bush is spreading during flowering, since the stems are long and during flowering it requires a garter, especially in rainy weather. The flowering is bright and very abundant. The variety is healthy and has stood the test of time.

Paeonia Kansas - Peony Kansas

(Bigger, USA, 1940)
Hybrid lactiflora. Average term flowering. The color is deep raspberry pink with a lilac tint. High 90 cm. Double pink flower, 22 cm. No aroma. The stems are strong. Flowering is abundant and bright. The variety is viable.

Paeonia Marilla Beauty - Peony Marilla Beauty

(Kelsey, USA, 1940)
Hybrid lactiflora. Late deadline flowering. The color of the buds is greenish. And when opened, the flower acquires the color of white porcelain with a pinkish lumen. High 80 cm. Terry flower, spherical, luminous, 18-20 cm. Fragrant. The peony is healthy and resilient. One of the most elegant varieties.

Paeonia Red Charm - Peony Red Charm

(Glasscock, USA, 1944)
Interspecific hybrid. Early flowering period. Bordeaux color. Red when flowering. High 80. Terry bomb-shaped flower, 20 cm. The aroma is very light. The variety, despite its “age,” still remains one of the most popular and in demand. Mesmerizing peony! This is a kind of classic of the genre.

Paeonia Red Grace - Peony Red Grace

(Glasscock, USA, 1980)
Interspecific hybrid. Early flowering period. The color is red. High 80-90 cm. Terry bomb-shaped flower 18-20 cm. The aroma is very light. Peony is like a peony, only VERY beautiful.

Paeonia Sarah Bernhardt - Peony Sarah Bernhardt

(Lemoine, France, 1906)
Hybrid lactiflora. Late flowering period. Pink colour. High 90-100 cm. Double pink flower, 20 cm. Classic peony aroma. The stems are powerful and durable. I think this peony needs little comment.

Paeonia Snow Cloud - Peony Snow Cloud

(Hoogendoorn, Netherlands, 1949)
Hybrid lactiflora. Early. Color: At the beginning of flowering there is a hint of color in the center of the flower Ivory. As it blooms it turns snow-white. High 90-100 cm. Double spherical flower, 20 cm. Fragrant. The stems are strong and hold the flower well. If there is no rain, it will do without a garter. Healthy variety. It took me a while to find a decent white, early peony.

Paeonia-Peony in Memory of Gagarin

(Krasnova, USSR, 1957)
Hybrid lactiflora. Average. The color is soft pink with red splashes in the center. High 80 cm. Double pink flower, 18 cm. Fragrant. A beautiful bush with dark leaves. Stems are strong and durable. A very expressive variety.