What temperature can pansies withstand in spring? You can use the cutting method

Create in your paradise A multi-colored velvet carpet will be helped by pansies, which are known under the elegant name viola or under the academic name - Vitrocca violet. The traditional colors of this crop are purple and yellow. Over time, breeders have developed about 200 varieties with stunning shades. So the garden violet became a wildly blooming and beautiful decoration of the garden.

The violet family has many features in planting, care, and cultivation. To enjoy such beauty both in spring and autumn, you need to know some nuances. You should also choose the right variety for planting.

Characteristics of the flower

The shades of the petals are so rich that even in the photo the pansies look incomparable. You can see this beauty in early spring when it gets warmer. Some varieties are pleasing to the eye throughout the summer because they easily tolerate hot weather. Others feel great in the velvet season, as they can withstand even frosts. Among other things, varieties have been bred that are resistant to low temperatures. All this diversity is classified as follows.

Frost resistance

These plants can bloom even at the end of February. Low temperature In the morning or light frost will not spoil the delicate flowers. Gardeners carefully select winter-hardy specimens for their summer cottage. These varieties mainly include:

All winter-hardy varieties are characterized by a compact shrub size (flower diameter reaches 6 cm). Some varieties of this viola produce abundant blooms. They are the ones who delight their owners with their charm for a long time.

Flower size and shape

They come in small caliber: 3-5 cm (Snow Maiden, Blue Boy and Little Red Riding Hood). The buds bloom from small axils. Pansy flowers are single, but together they make a gorgeous appearance. These giant varieties look especially luxurious:

The peduncle of such titans reaches 10-12 cm in length, and the diameter of the flower is more than 7 cm. They can be plain, or with exquisite spots or patterns. Among the large-leaved varieties, the most popular are:

The length of the branched stem is 10 cm, and the diameter of the flowers does not exceed 5 cm. The delicate petals of the tricolor violet have both smooth edges and wavy (jagged).
The corrugated petals of the Flamenco, Chalon Supreme and Rococo varieties have an exotic appearance, as well as an unusual variegated color (hatched color in the center).

Color spectrum

The palette of Vitrocca violet colors is striking in its diversity. Tricolor specimens in dark shades of blue, purple and red look extraordinary in the flowerbed. Snow-white violas with a greenish tint will become a stunning asset to the garden. At the same time, blue, lilac, yellow and burgundy (with fancy spots) exhibits will add a touch of romance to suburban area.
Varieties with contrasting stripes, borders and unparalleled eyes look special near the house. Such a colorful description of pansies is endless, because it is difficult to consider all 250 varieties at once.

Bush height

Low-growing crops reach 15 cm in height, and giants - up to 30 cm. The diameter of a viola bush can grow from 6 to 12 cm. Since this plant tolerates shaded areas well, it can be safely grown in the garden between trees.

The flowering period can be artificially extended. To do this, it is necessary to constantly remove fading flowers, preventing them from turning into seed pods.

Flowering period

As already noted, pansies are able to delight with their stunning flowering in the season of the year desired by the owners. So it can:

  • March or April;
  • summer months (withstands heat and drought);
  • autumn period (they can easily tolerate snowfalls and lower temperatures).

Therefore, garden plants can be replanted in pots (plastic boxes) and used to decorate balconies, house facades, loggias, and windows. To do this, you need to periodically loosen the soil and water the plants.

It is important to ensure that the soil is not wet long time, because the roots may begin to rot.

Planting secrets

The first step is to choose a variety and a suitable place for it on the site. Many housewives prefer large-caliber varieties. Single-flowered specimens look amazing in a flowerbed surrounded by other flowers. However, as experience shows, it is the violas with small petals that are the hardiest.
Such crops survive both the rainy season and sudden temperature changes. Therefore in northern regions It is better to plant small-flowered varieties, because in the southern latitudes the inflorescences become smaller. The same applies to giant varieties if they grow for a long time in a hot and dry climate.

It is better to plant the crop on open area. Access to heat and direct rays should be at least 5-7 hours per day. It is worth watering the flower beds once a week. Depending on the weather, it is possible twice.

Landing location

It is important to consider that pansies are perennial and annual plants. This means that they are bred for one, two or three years. The growth period largely depends on the labor that the gardener is willing to put into these garden exhibits, and processing technologies. It was noticed that if you feed the soil with fertilizers at least once a week, the stem grows faster and the inflorescences become more magnificent.
Favorable conditions for planting and caring for pansies will be the following parameters:

  1. Soil type. Dry soil mixed with sand or stones is not suitable for viola. The soil must be fertilized to saturate the young roots with nutrients. It should contain enough moisture.
  2. Shading degree. It is important to find a middle ground here. Dense shade will lead to degeneration of the plant, and scorching sun will lead to its destruction.
  3. Good care. Takes care of regular watering of sprouts. Around the rhizome (at a distance of 2-3 cm) it is worth making from leaves or dried grass. Periodically you need to pick off damaged stems or petals.

When an amateur gardener has decided on a place and chosen suitable variety, then you can begin the sowing process. There are several methods for this procedure.

Boarding time

The first option is to grow pansies from seeds yourself. When to plant depends on what period the gardener wants to get a wildly flowering crop. These varieties germinate well at a temperature of 16-18°C. So, if you sow seeds in a container in winter (at the end of January), then after 2-3 months the seedlings can be transplanted into the soil. It is important to correctly calculate the date of the last frost in advance.
You can see what time they were last year and count 3 months from that date. This will be the date of the dive on open land, only already on next year.

Those who plan to see this beauty in their garden in the fall should sow during July. Then by September, when the heat subsides, the sprouts will be ready to be transplanted into the ground.

Perennial crops can be sown immediately in open ground in mid-summer. However, the sun can scorch tender sprouts, so they should be covered with greenery, but so that there is no greenhouse. By the end of August, the seedlings must get stronger in order to successfully survive the winter. To do this, they need to be watered once every 7 days and fertilize the soil, alternating mineral and organic fertilizing. At the end of summer, the sprouts are transplanted to another place. At the same time, it is important not to let them bloom, because this will deplete the plant before wintering.
As a result, in the spring you can take a lovely photo of pansy flowers and enjoy their delicate fragrance.

Landing nuances

Garden violas, although not very picky flowers, still require special treatment. When sowing seeds, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • loosen and lightly moisten the soil;
  • mix the seeds with sand so as not to sow too thickly;
  • It is not recommended to bury seeds deep into the ground;
  • They need to be watered with a watering can with a fine strainer so as not to wash away the seed with water;
  • store the tray during the first week in a dark place;
  • then it is important to place the container in a more illuminated room;
  • periodically, a box with seedlings that are already 25 days old is taken out into fresh air (at a temperature of +6°C) to harden the sprouts.

When transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is important to adhere to a special system. The culture needs to be planted in early May. And literally in 3-4 weeks inflorescences will appear. It is recommended to transplant tubers in the evening, when it is cool and there is no sun. They should be planted at a distance of 25 cm, because they can grow. If weather forecasters promise frosts, then the beds need to be covered with straw.

Strong winds can damage the plant. Therefore, it is important to make a protective fence for the viola flower bed.

Care and protection from pests

Pansies will bloom profusely with proper care and favorable conditions. Winter without snow is a detrimental factor for plants. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the beds with mulch and a special tarpaulin. Among other things, it is important to keep an eye on the following:

  1. The soil should always be soft and moist. Therefore, the soil must be constantly loosened. Moisten the soil only after it is completely dry.
  2. Feed with fertilizer. This cannot be done with fresh manure. It is better to use humus in a proportion of 5 kg per square meter. m or compost.
  3. The place should be well ventilated.
  4. Make a custom hut to protect from direct rays.
  5. Shoots with defects should be plucked off immediately.
  6. Remove dried leaves.

These simple rules promote lush flowering of viola. However, pests pose a danger to it. These may be the following manifestations:

This plant is actually not fancy. Therefore, pests and diseases almost in rare cases interfere with the growing season, as well as the lush flowering of the crop. As a result, you can always enjoy the beauty of pansies.

How to grow pansies - video

Pansies - beautiful bloomers, cultivated plants. They are also called tricolor violets or violas. These beautiful plants have been known to everyone since childhood. They occupy one of the main places in the world of floriculture lovers.

They have a variety of varieties (up to 400) and color shades. They bloom profusely from spring until frost. Many gardeners always set aside an area in the garden for these beautiful flowers.

Why was Pansy called that?

The true origin of the flower's name is unknown. There are only legends and myths. One of these legends tells that there once lived a girl named Anyuta. One day she met young man and fell in love with him very much. After some time, the young man decided to leave, but swore an oath that he would return to his chosen one.

Anyuta many times went out onto the road along which her lover had left. She peered into the distance, hoping to see him. She waited for a long time, but the young man never returned. Gradually fading away from loneliness and melancholy, Anyuta died.

After the burial, flowers grew on her grave, resembling little eyes that tirelessly looked somewhere into the distance. This is how the popular name pansy appeared.

Pansies varieties photos and names

– the variety has pure white flowers with wavy edges. The size of the opened bud varies from six to eight centimeters. The total height of the bush reaches thirty-five centimeters.

– this variety has white flowers with yellow splashes. The size of the opened buds reaches seven centimeters. The length of the peduncle varies from eight to twelve centimeters.

– the flowers of this variety are colored blue and purple. The petals have smooth edges and smooth surface. The size of the flowers varies from six to seven centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoot is about eleven centimeters.

– the flowers of this variety have cherry and red tints with brown inclusions. The petals are smooth with ribbed edges. The size of the flowers is eight centimeters in diameter.

– from the name of the variety it is clear that the flowers have a golden hue. The size of the opened buds reaches seven centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoot does not exceed ten centimeters.

Varieties with large flowers

– the flowers of this variety are brown and red. The lower petals have brown spots. The size of the flowers varies from five to six centimeters.

– the flowers have a bluish tint. The size of the opened buds is no more than five centimeters in diameter. The total height of the bush reaches thirty centimeters.

– the flowers of this variety have a purple and violet hue at the base, and become closer to the edges white tone. Full lower petals white. The size of the opened buds reaches five centimeters. The length of the shoot is small, about seven centimeters.

– flowers are bright yellowish with purple patches. All petals have ribbed edges. The length of the stems reaches nine centimeters, and the diameter of the flowers is five centimeters.

– this variety has flowers that appear dark purple in color, but turn black after two days. The petals have a velvet surface and smooth edges. The flowers grow up to five centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoots is ten centimeters.

– flowers of this variety appear with blue, but after two days the petals begin to lighten, acquiring a light bluish tint. The size of the flowers reaches five centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoots is about nine centimeters.

– the flowers of this plant are white with long, purple streaks. There are varieties with petals that have white, yellow, purple and green shades. The height of the bush reaches twenty centimeters, and the diameter of the flowers is five centimeters.

Varieties with small flowers

- flowers with a dark red hue with a black base. The lower petals are colored yellow tone. The flowers have a diameter of four centimeters. The total height of the bush is twenty centimeters.

– the variety was named after a girl from folk tale, who had a red cap. Likewise, the flowers of the plant have a light or dark shade of red at the edges, and black in the center of the petals. The size of the flowers is small, only three centimeters.

- flowers with velvety petals of pure white tone. The size of the flowers can reach four centimeters in diameter.

– this variety has delicate petals with a blue and light blue tint. The flowers grow up to four centimeters in diameter.

Growing pansies from seeds

To please yourself with flowers in the first year, you need to know how to plant this plant correctly. It all starts with sowing seeds at the end of February. To do this, use any plastic boxes filled with slightly acidic soil.

Seeds should be planted to a depth of 5 mm. Then place the boxes in a dark and warm place. In five days the seedlings will germinate. Having noticed the first shoots, move the seedlings to a bright place where the temperature does not exceed +17° C. Monitor moderate soil moisture, feed the seedlings with soluble fertilizer containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

When the seedlings grow well and two leaves appear on each stem, begin planting them in cassettes. After completing the replanting, place the boxes in a cool place, where no more than +13 ° C. During this period, continue to monitor the soil moisture and fertilize.

Violet is very beautiful flower, which can also be grown when cared for at home, the main thing is to follow the rules of care and you will not have problems with it. All necessary recommendations You can find it in this article.

Soil for viola

For tricolor violet, you need to choose a nutritious soil. In poor soils, such as sandy or clayey, flowers grow poorly, becoming inconspicuous dwarfs.

To improve infertile soil, you need to mix it with fertilizer. Add 5 kg of vegetable compost or last year's manure per square meter.

Pansy planting

Tricolor violet is not whimsical when grown in open ground. The only thing she needs is a large space and warmth. For planting, choose an open, sunny area. When you start planting seedlings, maintain a distance between seedlings (15-20 cm). Plants will take root in 3-4 days.

Important! Plant the seedlings in open ground two months after planting. The number of leaves of a seedling must be at least 4 pieces.

Watering the viola

You need to water the flowers three times a week, and if the weather is hot, then every day. Try not to flood the seedlings, but maintain moderate soil moisture. Pour water right to the root.

Important! Do not allow water to stagnate in the soil, as this can cause flowers to rot. After watering, loosen the soil.

Fertilizer for tricolor violet

The first fertilizing of flowers should be done two weeks after transplanting into open ground. Any mineral complexes (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium) are suitable as fertilizers. The next feeding should be done during the appearance of buds and before flowering.

Important! This plant should not be fertilized with fresh manure.

Pansy pruning

Violets reproduce quickly by releasing seeds into the soil. If you do not want the flowers to grow too much in one place, then you need to remove the seed pods in time. Flowers should be cut at a distance of five centimeters from the ground.

In three weeks you will have new inflorescences. Pruning is also done if the bushes begin to turn yellow and dry out, and the flowers begin to fade and shrink. In two weeks the bush will produce new shoots.

Important! Leave two leaves on each stem after pruning.

Pansy flowering period

Violets give abundant flowering from May until frost, that is, 4-5 months a year. This long flowering occurs due to the constant change of flowers, which occurs imperceptibly.

Old flowers fall off after 3-4 days, and new ones appear in their places. If you want flowers to start appearing from early spring, then sow the seeds in open ground in the second half of summer.

Tricolor violet in winter

Tricolor violets easily survive the cold season. But they need help preparing for winter.

After the onset of persistent frosts, prune the bushes. Then cover the plants with dry leaves. Remove the leaves in early spring to prevent the flowers from dying.

Growing pansies from seeds when to plant

This is the main method of propagation of violets. Seeds can be purchased at a flower shop or collected yourself from bushes that have bloomed. They are planted in seedling boxes or directly in open ground.

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings may vary. To get early flowering specimens, you can sow in January and February. But for this you will have to provide the seedlings with additional lighting. The first flower buds will appear in late spring and early summer.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in early summer and autumn. In the first case, the plants will show abundant flowering in August and September. And in the second case, sowing will ensure flowering in early spring of next year.

Pansy propagation by cuttings

For example, large-flowered varieties over time degenerate and begin to give small flowers. The cutting method can save and propagate such a rare specimen.

To do this, cut a small shoot with two leaves from the plant and plant it in a cup with soil. Such a cutting will sprout roots on its own without additional stimulants.

Important! Use soil from the area where you plan to plant flowers. This will help the plant immediately adapt to the characteristics of your soil.

Reproduction of tricolor violet by dividing the bush

This method is used for reproduction perennial varieties. Violets should not grow in one place for more than four years. They degenerate and disappear.

To prevent this, large shrubs are divided into small parts. The plant should be divided in early spring before flowering begins.

Diseases and pests

Powdery mildew - This fungal disease, which appears on leaves and stems in the form white plaque. If the plant has small spots, you need to treat the surface of the leaves with fungicides such as Clearflower or Topaz. If the fungus spreads more strongly, the plant must be pulled out of the garden bed so as not to infect other flowers.

Gray rot is a disease of fungal origin. It appears as a grayish mold that covers the affected areas of leaves and stems. To stop the spread of infection, you need to remove the leaves. Sprinkle the remaining affected areas with wood ash or chalk. If the fungus has spread extensively throughout the flower, you need to spray it with a fungicidal preparation (fundozol, pure flower, paradise, speed).

Bacterial spot – the cause of this disease is phytopathogenic bacteria. It appears as brown or black spots that affect the leaves. To stop the spread of the disease, you need to pull out the affected plant and spray neighboring shrubs with a fungicide of moderate toxicity, for example, copper oxychloride.

Pansies medicinal properties

Tricolor violet – unique treatment plant, which contains many useful substances: vitamin C, carotenoids, rutin, salicylic acid, trace elements, etc. Thanks to its chemicals, the plant helps cope with cough, bronchitis, stomach and intestinal diseases, bladder infections, neuroses and insomnia.

There are also contraindications to the use of viola. Do not use the plant if you have liver inflammation (hepatitis) or kidney disease (glomerulonephritis). Frequent use of tricolor violet decoction can cause stomach irritation.

Flu decoction : Pour one glass of hot water into the container. Add one tablespoon of dried, ground herb. Place the container on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. Wait for the broth to cool and strain. Take one teaspoon three times a day after meals.

Cough syrup : Add five tablespoons of dried, crushed herbs to a container. Pour five glasses of boiling water. Leave the solution for twelve hours and then strain. Add five tablespoons of sugar and put on fire. Boil the mixture until the syrup becomes thick. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice. Use the syrup with hot tea - one tablespoon of syrup per glass of tea.

Pansies (viola) planting, growing and care

The scientific name for this amazing plant violet, which is really very beautiful and completely unpretentious. Pansies come in different colors: white, orange, blue, yellow, etc. In general, growing these flowers is a pleasure.

Well, judge for yourself, the plant is unpretentious, flowering begins in early spring and ends in autumn. But there are modern varieties that bloom until frost, and the flowers themselves are quite large. The violet grows in the form of a compact or semi-spreading bush, the height of which is no more than 40 cm.

Pansies look good in flower beds, on alpine hills, and can be grown around bushes and trees. The viola flower looks no less beautiful on balconies and windows. If you decide to opt for these amazingly beautiful flowers, then growing and caring for them will give you great pleasure.

Pansies: cultivation and care

Before you start planting viola, you need to decide on the planting location. It is important to choose a bright place with fertile, loamy soil.

Of course, pansies can also tolerate partial shade, but in this case the flowers will not be as bright as we would like, and they will also be small. In addition, although there will be flowering in partial shade, it will not be very abundant. When I was looking for information about growing pansies, I found conflicting information.

Some wrote that viola does not tolerate frost well, while others, on the contrary, argued that viola flowers are considered frost-resistant. Although, if the winter is snowy, then the viola flower will easily survive the winter, but in severe frosts, with a small amount of snow, the plant can abyss, however, like any other plants. Viola flowers love moisture, however, if you decide to plant in a lowland, this will have a negative effect on the plant. In the lowlands, pansies suffer from waterlogging.

But if there is not enough moisture, then the viola flowers will be small, and in general, flowering may stop completely. Judging by the above, caring for pansies consists of proper and regular watering. Of course, care methods such as weeding and loosening the soil should not be neglected. It is very important to regularly water viola flowers during dry summers.

Viola planting, growing and care

Viola is most often grown by seeds, but sometimes propagation by shoots is used. Usually, viola blooms the next year and in this case, if you want to get earlier flowering next spring, the seeds are sown in open ground at the end of June, beginning of July. Seedlings appear in about 2 weeks. At the end of August, you can start picking seedlings, planting the plants at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

If you plant a little earlier, then the viola may bloom in the fall, which will have an adverse effect on wintering; such plants will have a very difficult time withstanding frost. It is advisable to cover the young plantings with a layer of mulch in the winter to avoid the seedlings from bulging out in the spring. If you want In order for pansies to bloom this year, then planting can be done through seedlings. In February, seeds are sown in containers prepared for planting.

First, the soil is moistened and the seeds are placed. When the viola seeds are planted, be sure to cover the box with oilcloth and place it in a warm and dark place. Shoots appear within a week, maybe a little more.

After 20 days you can start picking, and you can plant them in open ground in early May. With this method of planting viola, flowering can be expected at the end of the month.

Pansies: growing by cuttings

I did not use this method of reproduction, as it seemed a little labor-intensive to me. However, it is good to use if you have seen beautiful variety pansies from a neighbor, and you really wanted to see such flowers on your site. To grow flowers with green cuttings, take planting material from an adult plant.

Choose any parts of the plant where there are 2-3 nodes, when the planting material is ready, plant them in a shaded place. There is no need to deepen the seedlings; 0.5 cm of depth is enough.

It is also very important to plant the viola cuttings very close to each other so that they touch. Young seedlings take root within 3-4 weeks. early boarding Flowering of seedlings can begin in late August, early September.

With later propagation, beautiful and abundant flowering awaits you next spring. When the seedlings have taken root, they can be transplanted to permanent place residence. Before the onset of frost, do not forget to cover the plantings.

Pansies (viola) care, feeding.

Viola care also includes regular feeding. More precisely, 2 feedings are carried out per season. The first feeding is carried out when the budding period begins with fertilizers such as nitrophoska and Agricola.

Fertilizers are diluted according to the instructions. The second fertilizing is carried out when flowering is in full swing. For the second feeding, Agricola-7 fertilizer is used.

There are many legends and superstitions around the viola. The French consider the flower a symbol of death, and the Germans associate it with an evil stepmother. The Slavs believe in a legend according to which a poor girl Anyuta fell in love with a guy from a rich family, and he abandoned her before the wedding.

Anyuta died without ever coming to terms with the loss, and beautiful flowers grew on her grave, which were popularly called pansies. Despite the sad stories, growing this flower is practiced by gardeners all over the world.

Viola is a decoration for a dacha, garden, balcony, with many colors, shapes and sizes.

What are the types and varieties of viola?

Decorating a flower bed with viola flowers Among the variety of varieties of Wittrock violets, the most popular are plants that meet the following requirements:

  • have spectacular colors; adapted to the climate; resistant to diseases.

There are early flowering and late flowering plants. There are species that bloom throughout the summer - horned violet and tricolor violet. Spring flower stalks include Altai viola, capillary viola, and Labrador viola.

Late-flowering plants include graceful viola. Trimardo flower (Wittrock's viola) Within species, subspecies and varieties of Wittrock's viola are distinguished according to the predominant shades, flower size, and shape. The most popular variety groups are:

  1. "Trimardo". Includes varieties: Adonis ( turquoise flowers), Lord Beaconsfield (blue-violet color with white upper petals), Cardinal (dark red flowers with darkening in the middle), Morenkönig (black).

    Hemalis flower (Wittrock's viola) "Hemalis" winter varieties: Helios ( lemon color), Himelskenigin (sky blue shade), Jupiter (red-violet flowers with white upper petals), Mars (blue shade with darkening of the middle), Nardpol (white).

    Large-flowered "Swiss"- flower diameter up to 8 cm. Includes varieties: Rococo (terry viola of various shades),

    Flower Viola Vitrac Swiss Red Riding Hood (bright red flowers with darkening in the middle).

    Viola horned has varieties: Altona (beige colour), Underland(purple hue) Bluewunder(dark blue flower), Bambini(the characteristic difference is the presence macular spot with highlighted veins, see photo). Viola fragrant. Varieties: Charlotte (purple), Red Charm(scarlet shade), Triumph(large flowers of different colors).

The latest achievement of selection was the ampelous viola. The plant is intended for growing in hanging planters, on the balcony, as it forms a voluminous ball with many colors.

The ampelous violet tolerates cold well, is unpretentious, and after planting the seeds in the ground, it begins to bloom in 14-15 weeks. Growing this species is practically no different from propagating the Wittrock flower. Ampel violet is suitable for decorating flower beds, alpine slides, flowerpots and hanging pots (see photo).

What soil to prepare for seedlings

Wittrock's violet loves loamy soil, well fed and constantly moist. The plant does not tolerate:

  • stagnation of moisture; lack of sun; fresh organic fertilizer.

A substrate made of loamy soils with the addition of mature humus is suitable for the flower. The soil for planting is drained, loosened, without adding humus, fertilized with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate. The latest development of breeders is growing seedlings at home on peat tablets.

Peat is ideal for viola, as it does not retain moisture, retains heat, and contains nutrients. Growing violets in peat tablets provides high level seedling survival, drainage, nutrients and soil moisture. To grow a garden beauty from seeds in peat pots, you need to soak the tablets in water. When the peat swells, place the seeds on top and lightly cover with soil. (see video)

At home, seed germination is carried out in a dark place, covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.

How to plant viola seeds

Cultivation of delicate violets begins in January-February, depending on the variety. To grow viola from seeds, it will take several months of painstaking daily care for the fragile seedlings. Seeds are harvested from August.

After flowering, small capsules are formed, which dry out as the seeds ripen. You should hurry so that the boxes do not crack. A sign of ripe seeds is that the capsule turns upward.

The collected grains are cleaned, dried and stored in the refrigerator.

Seeds are sown in the ground in February-March in a greenhouse or containers for seedlings. When is the best time to plant viola depends on the variety and its flowering time. For example, early flowering varieties should be sown in February in order to plant seedlings in open ground in April.

The grains are sown in the soil and lightly moistened with a spray bottle. Sprinkle the top with sand, peat, or light soil.

When shoots appear, the plants dive. Young shoots are planted quickly to prevent the stem from thinning and stretching. The picking distance is maintained at 20x20 cm. It is often practiced to plant seeds directly into separate pots.

With the onset of summer, pots of seedlings are placed on a balcony or flowerbed and cared for as usual.

Planting seedlings and care

In April-May, viola seedlings are planted in open ground. Flowers like partial shade, but can also be planted in sunny places. In the sun, the flowers grow large, but fade 2 times faster.

The flowers of the plant are cross-pollinated, so varieties should be planted at a distance from each other. Basic care:

  • daily watering; fertilizing mineral fertilizers every 2-3 weeks; weeding; covering for the winter with sawdust and spruce branches.

The main plant diseases are:

Growing viola on the balcony and in the garden: important care rules

Viola (garden violet) is a plant that novice amateur gardeners should get to know. Viola flowers look like bright summer butterflies, with wings in red, blue, yellow, white, and black shades.

Some varieties, planted in groups, resemble funny faces from afar. If you look at such a flower up close, you can clearly see a bright yellow eye in its center, framed by cilia.

For this similarity, some violas (or, more precisely, tricolor violets and Wittrock violas) are popularly called pansies. To begin with, to grow such a miracle on your balcony or in the garden, you need to purchase seedlings or grow violas from seeds yourself. And then, so that the viola blooms and delights you all summer and autumn, you need to learn how to properly care for it. Read on for all the details about growing viola on the balcony and in the garden.

Viola character: what conditions are necessary for growth and flowering?

If you want to know how to grow viola, then pay attention to its character. Pansies are a problem-free plant that blooms profusely on balconies and flower beds. Viola is not capricious, but you also need to be able to find an approach to it. Caring for viola involves observing the following factors:

1. Lighting and temperature

Abundant flowering of viola is possible only with good lighting. She relates positively to diffused sunlight and direct rays. But! There must be moderation in everything.

If the summer in your region is hot, then the viola will fade in the midday sun. The viola treats the spring midday rays favorably, but the summer ones are too hot for it. Therefore, if a hot summer is predicted, do not plant viola in open sunny areas.

South balconies don't fit either. Or rather, the viola will grow and even bloom, but only until the heat sets in, on average until July.

Later, you will have to get rid of the bushes, since their decorative value will disappear (there will be no flowering, the leaves will turn yellow and dry out). The best place for pansies is sunny areas, but with shading during the midday hours. Morning or evening direct Sun rays will only benefit Viola.

That is, ideally, violas need partial shade, with a lot of diffused light. In this case, the leaves remain juicy, green, and do not fade until autumn. The flowers do not become smaller (this often happens when growing viola in the shade, without direct sunlight).

You will get a win-win result when planting viola in the openwork shade of a young tree. Or near any screen (fence, bush, flower planting) that casts a shadow on the viola at midday.

Western and eastern balconies are also suitable. Viola develops well in cool conditions. Ideal temperatures for it are 10-25°C. It can withstand, without loss of decorativeness, short-term cold down to 3-5°C.

But heat has a bad effect on viola, so often in hot summers (especially when grown in sunny areas) there is a break in flowering. A second wave of flowering is possible in this case, but only in the fall.

2. Watering

Viola does not tolerate prolonged drying. Therefore, you need to water it often, without waiting until the soil near the roots turns to stone. But you shouldn’t create swamps either! Viola is very picky about the amount of moisture consumed.

If there is too much of it, the roots of the plant begin to rot and rot, and the viola dies.

3. Feeding

In order for the viola to bloom all summer, it needs regular feeding. When growing viola on the balcony, that is, in closed ground, it is necessary to fertilize the soil every week. If flowers grow in open ground (on a plot), the frequency of fertilizing can be reduced to once every 3-4 weeks.

Viola: planting and care at home

Viola at home develops best in open sunny balconies. It’s worse on glazed balconies and loggias. Some gardeners manage to grow violas even on window sills, but in this case the window must be constantly open.

Availability large quantity light and fresh air are an essential component for growing any garden plant. Viola develops well indoors in the presence of fresh air and plenty of light. Planting viola at home is carried out in flower pots, balcony boxes. Ampel forms - in hanging baskets, flowerpots, tall flowerpots on a leg.

Any container chosen must have drainage holes. Hanging varieties of viola look impressive in hanging baskets, since the roots of violas are prone to rotting when planted special attention It is worth paying attention to a good drainage layer. To do this, pour a layer of drainage material (expanded clay, brick shards, polystyrene) at least 2-3 cm thick onto the bottom of the selected container.

Soil is poured on top - it must be loose, moisture-permeable and breathable. Maintain a distance of 10-15 cm between the violas, otherwise strong specimens will oppress the weak and push them out of the composition. Viola seedlings are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, while on Each plant specimen must be allocated at least 1-2 liters of soil. When growing violas indoors, you need to ensure regular watering. On hot summer days, watering should be done 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. The first fertilizing is applied 2 weeks after transplanting into the ground.

Next, you need to fertilize the violas at home every week. Any mineral complex fertilizer for flowering plants is suitable for fertilization. During hot days, a viola in a pot may lose its decorative look.

Most often, the stems turn yellow and dry, the bush falls apart, flowering becomes less abundant, the flowers fade and decrease in size. Then the viola needs to be pruned. Usually it is shortened by half the length of the stems.

But if the bush has already lost all decorative value, pruning can be done radically, leaving 5-6 cm from the branches (leaves must remain on them!). In just 2-2.5 weeks, the viola bush will grow with young shoots and bloom. Pruning violas and subsequent flowering: “before and after” photos

Pansies: care in open ground

In the garden, viola seedlings are planted in late spring, when the threat of night frosts has passed. Although viola is frost-resistant plant, her seedlings are too tender. Especially one that is grown at home.

Therefore, it is better not to take risks and time the planting of seedlings to coincide with warm and sunny spring days. The distance between viola bushes is 10-15 cm. It is useful to throw a handful of baking powder (vermiculite, perlite, sand) into each hole dug under the plant, especially if the soil on the site is dense .Feeding for violas growing in the garden can be applied once every 1-4 weeks.

On some soils, flowers require fertilization every week, on others - once a month. This depends on the initial fertility of the soil.

Viola in winter: a few nuances about wintering viola

In winter, it is advisable to cover violas growing in the garden with spruce branches or dry leaves, and in early spring, open them to prevent damping off. Flowering of plants of the second year of life begins in April, at the same time as crocuses. Violas grown indoors overwinter differently.

Usually they life cycle ends in autumn, with the onset of frost. However, if you want to save the plant for next year, then why not?

You can proceed in one of two ways: Option #1. Violas are dug out of pots and planted in the ground in August-September. Before frost, the plant will have time to take root and acclimatize.

2-3 weeks before the expected frost, it is advisable not to allow such violas to bloom, so as not to weaken them. For the winter, you should cover the plants with spruce branches or leaves. Option number 2. Bring the pot of viola into a cool, bright room.

For example, on an insulated balcony or veranda. Optimal temperature wintering 5-15°C. In the spring, the remaining mother bushes are cut and new young plants are grown.

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Growing viola seedlings

Viola, better known as pansy, is hardy and completely easy to care for. Its bright color will decorate any flower garden, so flower growers are very willing to plant this flower.

In sunny areas, viola blooms profusely; in partial shade its flowers become somewhat smaller. However, buying ready-made seedlings every spring is quite expensive, so many people grow viola seedlings on their own. It should be taken into account that this plant is biennial and, when sown with seeds, will bloom only in the second year.

When to plant viola seedlings

Having bought several bags of bright viola, pay attention to the fact that this flower is sown in the summer. Many inexperienced gardeners make the mistake of sowing viola in the spring and expect to receive lush flowering her in the summer.

This is a biennial crop, so it is important to know when to plant viola seedlings. In June-July, a place is allocated in the flower garden for sowing pansy seeds. The seeds are pre-treated with a growth accelerator. The seeds are buried 0.5 cm into the groove, sprinkled with earth without lumps.

The soil is carefully spilled with water, trying not to wash away the sowing area. It is useful to mulch the sowing area with fine sawdust, which will retain moisture in the soil. After 2 weeks, seedlings will appear; they must be shaded from the sun with a dark film, which is removed after two weeks.

By August, the seedlings will have grown and can be transplanted to a permanent location. From such planting material The result is plants with lush and long-lasting flowering, which is impossible to achieve from viola grown from seeds in seedlings. Caring for viola seedlings grown in open ground involves insulating them with straw or spruce branches before winter.

Such a “blanket” will protect root system plants from freezing. In the spring, young plants are fed with a solution of complex fertilizer twice - before the formation of buds and at the beginning of flowering. The use of fresh manure is unacceptable, as this provokes the disease “black leg”.

Growing viola seedlings from seeds

In regions with harsh climates, planting viola seedlings from seeds becomes the only way to grow this flower. The complexity of this method of growing viola lies in the need to create a number of conditions:

At the end of February - beginning of March, you can sow viola for seedlings at home. The seeds must first be soaked in a solution of Zircon, Epin or EM-1. this will speed up seed germination and make the seedlings more resistant to pathogens. The optimal substrate for growing viola is made from peat, the pH of which is 5.5-5.8.

There is no need to add fertilizers to such soil; viola seedlings need to be fed in the phase of formation of two true leaves. To obtain good seedlings, an important condition is to create drainage in the container. Sow viola seeds for seedlings on top of a moistened substrate, sprinkling them thin layer vermiculite.

Cover the container before emergence plastic film or a piece of glass. This will speed up seed germination. Periodically, the cover must be removed for ventilation, which will avoid the formation of fungus in the soil.

If you use cups for growing, you need to sow 3-4 seeds in each of them. After germination, the strongest and most well-developed sprout is left in the glass, removing the rest. When growing in containers, viola seedlings are planted twice.

  1. The plants are planted for the first time when two true leaves have formed. The second picking is carried out at 5 weeks of age. For this, separate pots are used, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 cm.

If plants are planted in large seedling boxes, it is important to maintain a distance between plants of about 6 cm. Unheated greenhouses in a summer cottage are suitable for growing seedlings. Since viola seedlings are sown in peat soil without fertilizers, the first fertilizing is done after three weeks. For this, use any mineral fertilizers, watering the solution at the root.

Then fertilizing is repeated every month. You also need to be careful with watering. Water should be directed right to the root, avoiding drops falling on the leaves. Grown viola seedlings are planted in open ground in mid-May, when return frosts are not expected. When transplanting to the bottom of a hole 5 cm deep, you need to pour a handful of sand as drainage and plant pansy seedlings with a lump of earth.

The distance between plantings should be about 10-15 cm. For larger plants with large flowers, the distance between bushes is 20 cm. The seedlings are watered abundantly at the root and lightly shaded for several days.

Sand will allow water to quickly go deep into the soil without forming stagnation. This reduces the risk of viola disease with blackleg. This is the basic scheme for growing pansies. But how to grow healthy viola seedlings so that they don’t stretch out in a container on the windowsill?

Since sowing is carried out in the early stages, the seedlings need to be illuminated, for which they use ordinary fluorescent lamps or phytolamps, which belong to the category of special lighting devices. Viola requires at least 14-16 hours of daylight.

The growth regulator Alar somewhat limits the growth of seedlings, but subject to the use of additional lighting. As for the temperature regime, 18-30 degrees Celsius is required for seed germination. Deviation in any direction negatively affects the germination of viola seeds. Even an increase in temperature to 23 degrees causes viola seedlings to be delayed for up to one month.

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​. This is the same garden violet that people love to grow in their dachas and flower beds. This variety was obtained by crossing several types of violets to obtain the ideal flower.​

Biennial viola culture

In order to destroy pests that like to eat viola leaves, namely caterpillars, you should spray the plant with chlorophos or prepared tobacco tincture.

​Viola is a wonderful decoration for any flower garden, having a huge range of color shades and shapes. Often the plant is planted in pots for a home garden, which can be placed on a balcony or windowsill.​

The latest development of breeders is growing seedlings at home on peat tablets. Peat is ideal for viola, as it does not retain moisture, retains heat, and contains nutrients. Growing violets in peat tablets ensures a high level of seedling survival, drainage, nutrients and soil moisture. To grow a garden beauty from seeds in peat pots, you need to soak the tablets in water. When the peat swells, place the seeds on top and lightly cover with soil. (see video)​

Growing viola from seeds through seedlings


Specifics of growing seedlings


​Large-flowered "Swiss"​

​adapted to the climate;​

​When watering the first shoots, you need to pay attention to the constant moisture of the soil, but stagnation is unacceptable. When the plant throws out the first two or three leaves, stop watering from above and use a tray, adding water every few days.​

Viola seeds are sown on the surface of a moistened substrate, sprinkled with a layer of vermiculite. Before germination, the containers must be covered with a lid made of translucent material or a layer of plastic film.​

​Wittrock violet, better known as viola or tricolor violet, is a flower and ornamental crop revered among summer residents and gardeners. Pansies - such an affectionate name has firmly taken root among the people - are distinguished by enviable endurance, and also delight the eye with long-term flowering. At the same time, most viola varieties are demanding in terms of lighting intensity, which must be taken into account when choosing a planting location. Viola also does well in partial shade, although its flowers become noticeably smaller.

​Viola Williams​

One of the most popular types of plants that are planted in pots is


How to grow viola from seeds to seedlings

​Given the fact that viola is a perennial violet that begins to bloom very early, you can enjoy the wonderful aroma and appearance plants when nature outside the window is just beginning to wake up. Planting a plant is not a particularly complicated or highly technical process, since this flower takes root quite well in virtually any conditions.​

​At home, seed germination is carried out in a dark place, covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.​

How to grow viola from seeds

​(large flowers of different colors).​
​(dark blue flower),​
- flower diameter up to 8 cm. Includes varieties: Rococo (terry viola of various shades),

​Disease resistant.​

After the first true leaves appear on the viola, a pick is made (the distance between the flowers is 6 cm).

​Good drainage - important condition for growing strong and healthy seedlings.​

​Wittrock violet does not tolerate drought, so plants usually do not flower in the absence of watering. By the way, viola also does not like waterlogging - in this case the plant risks dying due to the disease “blackleg”. To avoid stagnation of irrigation water, well-drained areas must be allocated for viola. The soil must be moisture- and breathable, with good mechanical structure.​

​represented by a two-color hybrid, which was the result of crossing two types of violas (horned and Wittrog). These are quite tall bushes 30 cm in height and the size of brightly colored flowers is 4 cm.

​ampel viola


Growing Viola from seeds at home, when to plant seedlings (photo and video instructions)

Legends around the viola

This is a plant that is planted in two ways - seedlings or seeds. Growing from seeds can be done directly into the ground outdoors by sowing, bypassing the steps of pre-germinating the seeds. About fifty to sixty seeds are supposed to be sown in a furrow one meter in size. To do this, it is necessary to place the holes at a distance of about five centimeters from the previous ones, dropping three seeds into each. Before sowing, the seeds can be immersed for a while in a container filled with zircon or epin.​

​Cultivation of delicate violets begins in January-February, depending on the variety. To grow viola from seeds, it will take several months of painstaking daily care for the fragile seedlings. Seeds are harvested from August. After flowering, small capsules are formed, which dry out as the seeds ripen. You should hurry so that the boxes do not crack. A sign of ripe seeds is that the capsule turns upward. The collected grains are cleaned, dried and stored in the refrigerator.​

What are the types and varieties of viola?

​Flower viola hornata


  • ​Flower Viola Vittraka Swissa​
  • There are early flowering and late flowering plants. There are species that bloom throughout the summer - horned violet and tricolor violet. Spring flower stalks include Altai viola, capillary viola, and Labrador viola. Late-flowering plants include graceful viola.​
  • ​Viola is a rather unpretentious plant, in special care does not need. Weeding, loosening the soil, watering (periodically with fertilizer) are the usual procedures.​

​Starting from 5 weeks of age, viola seedlings can be planted in pots with a diameter of about 10 cm. It is advisable to grow seedlings in unheated greenhouses.​

​Many people practice growing viola in a two-year crop, sowing seeds in open ground during the summer, or more precisely, in June - July. After 1 - 2 weeks, as a rule, shoots appear, and in August the grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place. Such plants bloom only in the spring of next year, but in terms of the duration and splendor of flowering they will give a head start to those grown from seeds by seedlings.​

​This video discusses step-by-step instructions for germinating viola seeds. Sowing is carried out in pre-soaked peat pots, which allow sprouts to emerge. The video series is accompanied by explanatory comments that make it easier to understand all the actions. After reading the video, you can start growing flowers at home yourself.​

  1. ​. The features of this type of flower include the shape of the bush, which has a spherical appearance, reaching twenty centimeters in height. During the flowering period, the bush is covered with a large number of five-centimeter-high flowers with an amazing aroma.​​Seeds must be planted to a depth of half a centimeter, after which the filled holes are sprinkled with dry ground soil and then lightly watered. It is advisable to sprinkle the surface with sawdust in order to maintain soil moisture for a longer period. After a week, the first shoots will begin to emerge, which it is advisable to cover with film on top, thereby protecting the young shoots from external influence. After three weeks, the darkening material can be removed.​
  2. ​Seeds are sown in the ground in February-March in a greenhouse or containers for seedlings. When is the best time to plant viola depends on the variety and its flowering time. For example, early flowering varieties should be sown in February in order to plant seedlings in open ground in April. The grains are sown in the soil and lightly moistened with a spray bottle. Sprinkle the top with sand, peat, or light soil.​

    ​Flower viola fragrant​​(a characteristic difference is the presence of a yellow spot with highlighted veins, see photo).​

  3. Little Red Riding Hood (bright red flowers with darkening in the middle).​Flower Trimardo (Wittrock's viola)​

    ​In the first year of life, the viola should not be allowed to bloom by picking off the buds that appear, then the plant will form with a healthy root system.​

    When the threat of return frosts has passed, the viola is planted in a permanent place in open ground, shading it from direct sunlight at first.

    ​has varieties:​


    There are many legends and superstitions around the viola. The French consider the flower a symbol of death, and the Germans associate it with an evil stepmother. The Slavs believe in a legend according to which a poor girl Anyuta fell in love with a guy from a rich family, and he abandoned her before the wedding. Anyuta died without ever coming to terms with the loss, and beautiful flowers grew on her grave, which were popularly called pansies. Despite the sad stories, growing this flower is practiced by gardeners all over the world.​

    What soil to prepare for seedlings

    To make pansy flowers appear faster, sowing should be done in advance.

    • ​Growing viola through seedlings is often the only method of propagation in regions with harsh winters, where large-flowered varietal plants have no chance of overwintering in open ground. It is also not possible to cultivate viola as a houseplant due to the requirements for light intensity. In this case, it would be necessary to illuminate Pansies not with fluorescent, but with mercury lamps, which consume a lot of electricity, which is not economically feasible.​
    • ​I would wait until it gets warmer. Why take the risk? Even in the Moscow region, frosts are actually possible. We worry about all the plants, and planting new ones is an unjustified risk.​
    • ​, which got its name because of the slightly curved spurs, one to one and a half centimeters long. This plant variety is perennial, which allows it to be grown on garden plots for many years in a row without loss of decorativeness.​

    ​If you want the flowers to begin to delight you with their flowering already in the first year after planting, then you need to start growing seedlings in February in order to transplant the sprouts into the soil by the end of March.​

    ​daily watering;​

    ​stagnation of moisture;​

    How to plant viola seeds



    ​. Includes varieties: Adonis (turquoise flowers), Lord Beaconsfield (blue-violet color with white upper petals), Cardinal (dark red flowers with darkening in the middle), Morenkönig (black).​

    Planting seedlings and care

    ​Viola is a decoration for a dacha, garden, balcony, with many colors, shapes and sizes.​

    • ​To do this, you need to fill the containers for seedlings (individual pots or a common container for several plants) with soil intended for flowers.​
    • ​When growing viola seedlings, you can limit yourself to additional lighting and ordinary fluorescent lamps, but special ones are more suitable for these purposes lighting- phytolamps. There is no way to do without additional lighting, since it is preferable to sow viola seeds for seedlings in December - February, then there is a guarantee that the plants will bloom in the year of planting. It is necessary to organize illumination of plants in such a way that the duration of daylight hours is at least 14 - 16 hours. And even in this case, the seedlings often stretch out. You can limit the growth of seedlings using the growth regulator Alar, and it is enough to carry out 1 - 2 treatments with the drug.​
    • ​Plant. Viola is a two-year-old - whatever happens to her. I always planted in these numbers.​
    • ​Tricolor viola​


    Viola: planting and care, growing from seeds and seedlings, planting in open ground (photos and videos)

    ​Due to the special structure and position of the root system of the flower, attention should be paid to caring for the plant, keeping the soil moist and loose. The fact is that the roots of the viola are located at a depth of only 20 centimeters, for this reason it is necessary to water the plant from time to time. However, in summer, if it is not dry, natural irrigation through rain will be quite sufficient.​

    Planting and growing viola at home

    ​Feeding with mineral fertilizers every 2-3 weeks;​

    ​lack of sun;​

    How to plant a flower with seeds and seedlings

    ​(purple color),​

    ​(beige color),​

    ​Hemalis flower (Wittrock's viola)​

    When to plant viola in open ground?

    ​Decorating a flower bed with viola flowers

    ​Distribute the viola seeds over the entire area and cover with a small layer of soil.​

    Proper care: watering and fertilizing

    ​Amicable germination of viola seeds is observed at temperatures from 18 to 20 °C. Deviation of the temperature optimum, both downward and upward, negatively affects the germination time. If, subject to the recommended temperature, seeds germinate within 5 - 14 days, then when the mercury rises to 23 °C, the emergence of seedlings may be delayed up to one month. After emergence of seedlings, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to 12 - 15 °C.​

    ​What are you afraid of? Plant it, don’t be afraid of frosts; it goes away before winter, but you’re afraid of some kind of frosts

    Possible diseases and pests

    - this is wild plant, represented by small bushes growing up to 15 centimeters in height. Mostly the bushes are covered with small flowers in shades of blue, yellow and white.​

    ​You should also remove weeds that appear near the plant during its growth. It is also necessary to pick off dried flowers with seeds so that the viola blooms have maximum intensity and duration. The plant requires feeding once a month. Fertilizing consists of treating the soil with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate - these fertilizers are calculated in the proportion of 30 grams per square meter of land.​


    Types and varieties of viola - description with photo

    ​fresh organic fertilizer.​ ​Red Charm​​Anderland​

    ​"Hemalis"​​Among the variety of varieties of Wittrock violets, the most popular are plants that meet the following requirements:​ ​The container must be covered with glass to create a greenhouse effect.​

    ​Viola tolerates temperature drops of up to 5 °C, which somewhat slows down the development of plants, but at the same time the seedlings do not stretch as much when the light is not strong enough.​ ​I planted mine a week ago. True, before that she lived with me on the street for more than a month. buds have already appeared. Good luck!​

    ​The most popular look viola is the process of growing and caring for the plant is extremely simple, and carefully following all the rules will allow you to observe healthy and abundantly flowering viola bushes in your garden. Violation of the agrotechnical process can lead to additional difficulties such as the appearance of pests and plant diseases. Proper care behind a violet will prevent these difficulties from arising, providing a preventive effect. Covering for the winter with sawdust and spruce branches.

    A substrate made of loamy soil with the addition of mature humus is suitable for the flower. The soil for planting is drained, loosened, without adding humus, fertilized with ammonium nitrate or superphosphate.​ ​(scarlet shade),​

    Video: growing viola in a pot at home

    ​(purple hue),​


    Is it worth planting viola seedlings in open ground now or is it better to wait a week, it’s getting cold in Moscow?

    Nonna Ustinova

    ​winter varieties: Helios (lemon color), Himelskenigin (sky blue hue), Jupiter (red-violet flowers with white upper petals), Mars (blue hue with darkening of the middle), Nardpol (white).​


    ​have spectacular colors;​


    ​Crops are placed in a place protected from direct sunlight away from heating system and radiators. Compliance with the temperature regime (less than +21 degrees) promotes the fastest germination of seeds.​

    Svetlana Bendina

    ​As a substrate for sowing seeds, it is recommended to use peat-based mixtures with an acidic soil solution (pH in the range of 5.5 - 5.8). It is not recommended to fill the substrate with fertilizer - it is advisable to carry out fertilizing, combined with watering, starting from the moment of development of 2 true leaves.​

    (garden violet) is a plant that novice amateur gardeners should get to know. Viola flowers look like bright summer butterflies, with wings in red, blue, yellow, white, and black shades. Some varieties, planted in groups, resemble funny faces from afar. If you look at such a flower up close, you can clearly see a bright yellow eye in its center, framed by cilia. For this similarity, some violas (or, more precisely, tricolor violets and Wittrock violas) are popularly called pansies.

    To begin with, to grow such a miracle on the balcony or in the garden, you need to purchase seedlings or yourself. And then, so that the viola blooms and delights you all summer and autumn, you need to learn how to properly care for it. Read on for all the details about growing viola on the balcony and in the garden.

    If you want to know how to grow a viola, then pay attention to its character.

    Pansies are a problem-free plant that bloom profusely on balconies and flower beds.

    Viola is not capricious, but you also need to be able to find an approach to her. Caring for viola involves observing the following factors:

    1. Lighting and temperature

    Abundant flowering of viola is possible only with good lighting. She relates positively to diffused sunlight and direct rays. But! There must be moderation in everything. If the summer in your region is hot, then the viola will fade in the midday sun. The viola treats the spring midday rays favorably, but the summer ones are too hot for it. Therefore, if a hot summer is predicted, do not plant viola in open sunny areas. Southern balconies are also not suitable. Or rather, the viola will grow and even bloom, but only until the heat sets in, on average until July. Later, you will have to get rid of the bushes, since their decorative value will disappear (there will be no flowering, the leaves will turn yellow and dry out).

    The best place for pansies is sunny areas, but with shading during the midday hours. Morning or evening direct sunlight will only benefit the viola. That is, ideally, violas need partial shade, with a lot of diffused light. In this case, the leaves remain juicy, green, and do not fade until autumn. The flowers do not shrink (this often happens when viola is grown in the shade, without direct sunlight). You will get a win-win result when planting viola in the openwork shade of a young tree. Or near any screen (fence, bush, flower planting) that casts a shadow on the viola at midday. Western and eastern balconies are also suitable.

    Viola grown in partial shade

    Viola develops well in cool conditions. Ideal temperatures for it are 10-25°C. It can withstand, without loss of decorativeness, short-term cold down to 3-5°C. But heat has a bad effect on viola, so often in hot summers (especially when grown in sunny areas) there is a break in flowering. A second wave of flowering is possible in this case, but only in the fall.

    2. Watering

    Viola does not tolerate prolonged drying. Therefore, you need to water it often, without waiting until the soil near the roots turns to stone. But you shouldn’t create swamps either! Viola is very picky about the amount of moisture consumed. If there is too much of it, the roots of the plant begin to rot and rot, and the viola dies.

    3. Feeding

    In order for the viola to bloom all summer, it needs regular feeding. When growing viola on a balcony, that is, in closed ground, it is necessary to fertilize the soil every week. If flowers grow in open ground (on a plot), the frequency of fertilizing can be reduced to once every 3-4 weeks.

    Viola at home develops best on open, sunny balconies. It’s worse on glazed balconies and loggias. Some gardeners manage to grow violas even on window sills, but in this case the window must be constantly open. Having plenty of light and fresh air is a must for growing any garden plant.

    Viola develops well indoors in the presence of fresh air and plenty of light

    Viola is planted at home in flower pots and balcony boxes. Ampel forms - in hanging baskets, flowerpots, tall flowerpots on a leg. Any container you choose should have drainage holes.

    Ampel varieties of viola look impressive in hanging baskets

    Since the roots of violas are prone to rotting, when planting, special attention should be paid to a good drainage layer. To do this, pour a layer of drainage material (expanded clay, brick shards, foam plastic) at least 2-3 cm thick onto the bottom of the selected container. Soil is poured on top - it must be loose, moisture-permeable and breathable.

    Maintain a distance of 10-15 cm between the violas, otherwise strong specimens will oppress the weak and push them out of the composition

    Viola seedlings are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, and at least 1-2 liters of soil must be allocated for each plant specimen.

    When growing violas indoors, you need to ensure regular watering. On hot summer days, watering should be done 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

    The first fertilizing is applied 2 weeks after transplanting into the ground. Next, you need to fertilize the violas at home every week. Any mineral complex fertilizers for flowering plants are suitable for fertilization.

    During hot days, a viola in a pot may lose its decorative appearance. Most often, the stems turn yellow and dry, the bush falls apart, flowering becomes less abundant, the flowers fade and decrease in size. Then the viola needs to be pruned. Usually it is shortened by half the length of the stems. But if the bush has already lost all decorative value, pruning can be done radically, leaving 5-6 cm from the branches (leaves must remain on them!). In just 2-2.5 weeks, the viola bush will grow with young shoots and bloom.

    Pruning viola and subsequent flowering: “before and after” photos

    Pansies: care in open ground

    In the garden, viola seedlings are planted in late spring, when the threat of night frosts has passed. Although viola is a frost-resistant plant, its seedlings are too tender. Especially one that is grown at home. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and time the planting of seedlings to coincide with warm and sunny spring days.

    The distance between viola bushes is 10-15 cm. It is useful to throw a handful of baking powder (vermiculite, perlite, sand) into each hole dug under the plant, especially if the soil in the area is dense.

    Fertilizers for violas growing in the garden can be applied once every 1-4 weeks. On some soils, flowers require fertilization every week, on others - once a month. This depends on the initial fertility of the soil.

    Viola in the open ground

    Viola in winter: a few nuances about wintering viola

    In winter, it is advisable to cover violas growing in the garden with spruce branches or dry leaves, and in early spring, open them to prevent damping off. Flowering of plants of the second year of life begins in April, at the same time as crocuses.

    Violas grown indoors overwinter differently. Usually their life cycle ends in autumn, with the onset of frost. However, if you want to save the plant for next year, then why not? You can proceed in one of two ways:

    Option #1. Violas are dug out of pots and planted in the ground in August-September. Before frost, the plant will have time to take root and acclimatize. 2-3 weeks before the expected frost, it is advisable not to allow such violas to bloom, so as not to weaken them. For the winter, you should cover the plants with spruce branches or leaves.

    Option number 2. Bring the pot of viola into a cool, bright room. For example, on an insulated balcony or veranda. The optimal wintering temperature is 5-15°C. In the spring, the remaining mother bushes are cut and new young plants are grown.