Summer resident calendar for October. Watermelon - agricultural technology, interesting facts about the plant and the best varieties

Table of sowing lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for October 2016

The gardener's sowing calendar is an excellent help for summer residents. Taking into account the position of the moon and some other features of this table, it is possible to optimally plan work for October 2016.

The first day of the October calendar is favorable for planting tuberous plants and replanting. The number is suitable for collecting medicinal flowers and seeds.

This time is perfect for harvesting seeds, sowing flowers, grain, transplanting tubers and root plants.

This lunar period is favorable for sowing. You can plant any herbs. It is also recommended to pay attention to fertilizing plants using mineral fertilizers.

The time is good for plowing the land, fertilizing the soil, planting field plants, fruit- berry bushes and laying compost.

The position of the Moon in Sagittarius, which falls on this date, is “responsible” for a rich harvest. The gardener's sowing calendar for this autumn month suggests working with planting a variety of plants. It can be:

medicinal herbs;

decorative flowers for home;

street options.

This day of the lunar calendar should be used to control pests, loosen the soil, collect root crops and onions for winter storage.

You should dig up the soil, cut flowers, plant seedlings, dig up trees, trim the tendrils of strawberries and wild strawberries.

The calendar day is favorable for fertilizing plants, replanting them, working with vegetables, and planting winter crops.

The period is good for preparing crops for the winter and preserving them, collecting planting material, fertilizing, drying medicinal roots.

This lunar day allows you to weed the beds, dig up the soil, loosen it, cut flowers, and destroy pests. It is also suggested to do pinching and pinching. It is also a great time to form a crown and remove excess shoots.

Favorable deeds for this lunar day include thinning seedlings, harvesting crops, loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing plants.

It is advisable to start canning fruits and pruning plants in the garden and at home. However, the date is unfavorable for sowing seedlings, rooting cuttings and fertilizing.

A lunar day is unfavorable for working in the garden, garden, or greenhouse.

You should start preparing planting material, loosen the soil, soak the seeds, cut autumn flowers, dig up the bulbs of various plants.

Gardeners can choose this calendar date for harvesting and storing root crops, grains, and tubers. It is necessary to pluck, trim the plant mass, carry out pinching and cuttings.

The time is right for weeding the area, loosening the soil, hilling, spraying garden crops from pests, mowing grass, laying compost mass, preparing seeds for application to the soil, sowing annuals, applying mineral fertilizers.

Optimal lunar days for harvesting and storing it for winter storage. You can plant ornamental bushes on the site.

Ideal time for events with flowers:






You can work with perennials and annual varieties.

The time is favorable for plowing the land, fumigating, adding compost, and loosening the substrate.

The end of the month is good for rooting cuttings, applying fertilizer to the soil, mowing the lawn, and putting the area in order.

The influence of the moon phase on planting flowers, fruit trees and other plants

Taking into account the recommendations given by the lunar sowing calendar, it is easy to get an excellent harvest and achieve excellent germination of crops. Each phase of the night luminary favors a certain type of event in the garden.

The full moon and new moon are a good time to plant and care for plants with a lush top. Until the middle of the waxing moon phase, the tops of plants are actively developing. This lasts until the full moon. In the first half of the waning moon stage, any seedlings take root more easily, since the growth of the root part is active.

How does the phase of the moon affect landing: calendar October 2016

On a note! On the waning moon, you should actively water the plants, apply fertilizers and feed at the roots.

This phase also favors weeding, which weakens root system plants. Should start active struggle with pests. It is optimal to sow greens and vegetables when the night light is growing.

Taking into account regionality

All recommendations given by the gardener’s lunar sowing calendar must be adapted to regional features. For example, planting work in the southern regions should be shifted to the last days of the month. In the northern regions, on the contrary, planting should be carried out in the first days of October.

For Siberia, Urals, middle strip Russian astrological calendar advice must be taken into account fully in accordance with the table below. However, it is worth giving preference to winter-hardy and zoned plant varieties. They quickly take root because they are well acclimatized. In October, some varieties of the Ural and Siberian selection take root perfectly:

  • Rowan;
  • mulberry;
  • Apple tree;
  • cherry plum;
  • pear.

Calendar of gardeners and gardeners October 2016: how to take into account regionality

What to plant in October: some flowers, vegetables, herbs

Flowering plants that thrive in open, sunny areas are perfect for planting in October. These include:

  • scylla;
  • muscari;
  • crocuses;
  • Pushkinia;
  • tulips;
  • hyacinths;
  • daffodils;
  • Chionodoxa.

On a note! The lunar month is a favorable time for the use of planting material of anemones and primroses.

What can be planted in October 2016

  • carrot;
  • sorrel;
  • beets;
  • radish;
  • chives;
  • radish;
  • sevok.

The time is also suitable for winter planting of parsley, lettuce, garlic, and dill.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in October

Mid-autumn is an opportunity to put your summer cottage in order. Time is favorable:

  • digging up the earth;
  • planting flowers, vegetables, herbs;
  • collecting rowan, sea buckthorn, viburnum;
  • transplantation fruit trees.

If October turns out to be dry, then it is worth watering. You also need to cut off the cabbage heads. We also need to store root crops, mow the lawn and prepare perennials for wintering: peonies, phlox, delphiniums, goldenrods. It is equally important to cover roses, grapes, clematis, blackberries, hydrangeas, raspberries and dig up horseradish.

Lunar calendar October 2016: work in the garden and vegetable garden

Note! In October, you should set aside time for sowing vegetables and herbs, as well as adding compost, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and rotted manure to the soil.

It is equally important to dry and store gladioli bulbs.

IN sowing lunar calendar for October 2016 you will find tips for the month and for every day. With this knowledge, any gardener will be able to collect excellent harvest!

Boarding days for October 2016

Before frost

As a rule, the majority garden crops put away in bins before the first frost. So for beets you should choose dry weather. And after removing the root crops from the ground, you need to carefully trim the leaves so as not to damage the top.

Beets with an injured “crown” may lose some of their juice, become discolored and lose their taste. And it won’t be able to be stored for long.

Protecting young trees

Young trees in autumn need special attention. At the end of October, it is a good idea to tie their crowns so that the young branches do not break under the weight of snow in winter.

The trunks should be tied with spruce or pine spruce branches (needles down), or they can be wrapped in burlap. Don’t forget to cover the base of the harness with soil to a height of 10-15 cm so that mice and other rodents do not get to the trunk.

The beds overwinter

Into the soil narrow beds Fertilizers are not applied for the winter. The beds are thoroughly cleaned of post-harvest residues and dug up. It is better to do this closer to the cold weather, when pests overwintering in the soil will make themselves more comfortable there. So there is a higher probability that all these living creatures, turned to the surface, will die from frost.

If plant debris (stems and vines of vegetables, leaves of fruit trees) are healthy, they can be laid out in the garden in low piles with a diameter of 1.8 m and sprinkled with a small layer of compost or garden soil on top. Over the winter, the remains will rot, and in the spring you can plant pumpkins, zucchini or melons in these compost heaps.

Without a heart

In October, you can already cover the rows of plants in the strawberry beds with peat or humus. But the “hearts” of the bushes should remain free.

Rose processing

In autumn, ash is added under the rose bushes. This is done so that the shoots of plants that have received potassium become lignified. In this case, they will tolerate frost much easier.

Considering that the controversy black spot are present not only on the leaves, but also on the entire earth, it is useful to use ash as a remedy sanitization soil around rose bushes. It (two handfuls per bush) is usually applied in September or when the rose goes into retirement.

In the bins

In mid-October, late white cabbage and winter radishes should be put into storage. The best root vegetables and it is advisable to leave the heads of cabbage for seeds. In this case, they should be stored in the same cellar as other supplies, but in boxes with dry river sand.

It's time to harvest the cauliflower too. If the heads have not yet formed, you will have to dig up the plant with a lump of earth and transplant it into a heated greenhouse - maybe it will grow.

Half rotted

For autumn soil fertilization, it is advisable to use semi-rotted manure: it will almost ripen during the winter. On square meter A vegetable garden regularly enriched with fertilizers requires 3-4 kg of horse or 5-8 kg of cow goodness.

Sowing calendar for each day of the month October in 2016

Unfavorable days for planting: 1, 10 (from 9:35), 11,12 (until 15:46), 16, 23, 24, 30, 31.

October 1. Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Libra, new moon - We collect all garden and vegetable waste into a compacted pile and cover it with a small layer of earth

2 October. Sunday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Libra/Scorpio (22:45) - We put things in order on the site, sow green manure, feed berry bushes

October 3 and 4. Monday and Tuesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Garlic before winter, preparing cuttings of fruit and berry crops, if necessary, fertilizing berry bushes

October 5. Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio/Sagittarius (11:29) - From 11:29 - forcing parsley, perennial onions, carrots

October 6 and 7. Thursday and Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius/Capricorn (from 23:41 on the 7th) - Forcing parsley, perennial onions, carrots, celery

October 8 and 9. Saturday and Sunday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Capricorn - Sowing to obtain greenery Chinese cabbage, watercress, sorrel

October 10. Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Capricorn/Aquarius (from 9:35) - From 9:35 - spraying indoor plants against aphids and whiteflies with herbal preparations

October 11. Tuesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aquarius - Inspection of stored vegetables and fruits in the basement, measures against mice

October 12. Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aquarius/Pisces (15:46) - Until 15:46 - wrapping seedlings and young trees with thick paper, roofing paper against rodents

October 13. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Pisces - Sowing arugula, watercress, Chinese cabbage for winter greens

October 14 - Intercession Holy Mother of God . Friday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Pisces/Aries (9:54) - Sowing greens on the window and in the greenhouse - for the winter table

October 15. Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries - Planting onions, parsley roots, celery for greens, sowing spinach

October 16. Sunday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries/Taurus (18:09), full moon - We protect trees, roses, strawberries from the approaching frosts, fight rodents

17 October. Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Taurus - Tying trees, mulching shrubs with humus or compost, spruce branches, planting garlic

October 18 and 19. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Taurus/Gemini (from 17:35 on the 18th) - Covering climbing roses and other ornamental plants, including spruce branches

The 20th of October. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Gemini/Cancer (18:30) - Covering climbing ornamental plants

October 21 and 22. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer/Leo (from 22:14 on the 22nd) - For growing on a windowsill in winter, sowing cucumbers early varieties, for greens - onions, watercress

October 23 and 24. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Leo - Inspection and putting in order storage facilities and vegetables, fruits and plant cuttings in them for winter and spring grafting

the 25th of October. Tuesday. Moon in Leo/Virgo (6:17) - Tree tying if not already done

October 26. Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Virgo - Check whether strawberries and perennial flowers are well covered. If required, add leaves, spruce branches

27th October. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Virgo/Libra (16:52) - Remove pipes and containers from the area, freeing them from any remaining water

October 28 and 29. Friday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Libra - We put it on forcing onion, parsley, chicory salad

October 30 and 31. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra/Scorpio (from 5:02 on the 30th), new moon - Caring for indoor plants

October - golden autumn, leaves and wedding.

Frosts intensify in October. Berry bushes should be pruned, trees and shrubs should be well fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Many pests may remain on trees and shrubs from the summer, so they need to be destroyed.
If not included organic fertilizers to the garden in September, then this must be done in October. It's time to prepare beds for pre-winter sowing of cold-resistant crops: dill, spinach, onions and radishes, as well as carrots, celery, etc. Strawberries can be sprinkled with wood ash - this will be a good feed for them.
In October, the soil is prepared for forcing greenery into room conditions and planting seedlings in early spring.

Folk signs about the weather in October:
October will cover the earth with leaves and snow here and there.
Thunder in October foreshadows a snowless, short and mild winter.
If the leaves of birch and oak do not fall cleanly in October, expect a harsh winter.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compose one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the 2016 gardening season

Thematic tables - selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Moon calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from October 01, 2016 00:00 (Sat)
to 02 October 2016 07:47 (Sun)


and pickling. Digging the soil and forming ridges, adding compost to the prepared ridges. Collection of plant residues from greenhouses and greenhouses. Garbage collection and disposal.
October 01, 2016 03:11 Moscow time - beginning of the lunar month, until 09/30/2016 10:52 Moon in the sign of Libra, then in the sign of Scorpio.

October 01 (18.09 old style) - Irina
(Arina Osennyaya. - “If the cranes fly to Arina, then there will be frost on Pokrov, but if not, then winter will come later.”)

from 02 October 2016 07:47 (Sun)
to 02 October 2016 22:42 (Sun

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Digging for forcing perennial onions, perennial herbs, mother plants of chrysanthemums and their rooting in pots. Spreading compost, half-rotted manure, and old sawdust under trees, bushes and on ridges. Sheltering perennial crops for the winter. Whitewashing the trunks of fruit trees and the bases of large branches with lime or garden whitewash. Tying the trunks of fruit trees to protect them from mice..
(In connection with the lunar calendar, it is carried out - entry only from)
from 02 October 2016 22:42 (Sun)
to 05 October 2016 11:26 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Unfavorable time for pruning trees and shrubs. Tying and bending raspberry shoots before winter. Falling asleep in the central parts of the bush is not enough winter-hardy varieties gooseberries, as well as roses with dry humus and compost. Laying spruce branches on strawberry plantations, as well as covering flower and ornamental crops with spruce branches. Digging and planting for forcing sods of perennial onions. Pre-winter planting of onion sets of non-shooting varieties is possible. Sowing watercress indoors, mustard greens on greens. Watering indoor plants and forcing greens. Planting and replanting fruit trees and berry bushes. Unfallen leaves and dried fruits are removed from trees, because they may contain nests of overwintering pests.
Favorable days for pickling and sauerkraut(also for folk signs).

(When choosing a day for salting and sauerkraut, keep in mind that except for those marked as especially favorable, all days are suitable for this except the full moon And new moon, it is also not recommended to salt cabbage when Moon in Virgo).

October 03 (20.09 old style) - Evstafiy
(Astafiy. - "On Astafya, note the winds: northern - for cold, southern for warmth, western - for wetness, eastern - for bucket").

from 05 October 2016 11:26 (Wed)
to 07 October 2016 23:40 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

It is possible to trim dry branches from trees and bushes. Covering young strawberry plantations with spruce branches, as well as weakly winter-hardy ones ornamental plants. Covering perennial flowers for the winter with sawdust, spruce branches, peat, and boxes. Preparing greenhouses for spring planting, fumigating greenhouses with colloidal sulfur and spraying the soil copper sulfate to destroy pests and diseases. Tying conifers into a sheaf and tying them with craft paper from spring burns. Layout of poisoned rodent baits.
from 07 October 2016 23:40 (Fri)
to October 10, 2016 09:33 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Carrying out winter sowings vegetable crops and cold-resistant annual flowers. Planting onions and garlic on greens indoors, green crops, sods of perennial onions. Sheltering weakly winter-hardy perennial crops for the winter. Whitewashing the trunks of fruit trees and the bases of large branches with lime or garden whitewash. Tying the trunks of fruit trees to protect them from mice..
Favorable time for sauerkraut

October 08 (20.09 old style) - Sergius of Radonezh
(“They chop cabbage on Sergius and note the weather: If the first snow falls on Sergius, then winter will set in on Michaelmas Day /November 21/; If the weather is good, then it will stand for three whole weeks.”)

from October 10, 2016 09:33 (Mon)
to 12 October 2016 15:43 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting, as well as for watering and fertilizing indoor plants and forcing greens. Shelter for perennial flowers and garden strawberries for the winter. Final removal of plant residues, covering the compost with some dense material so as not to attract rodents to the area.
from October 12, 2016 15:43 (Wed)
to 14 October 2016 18:08 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Pisces

Pruning trees and shrubs is strictly prohibited. Carrying out winter sowing of vegetable crops and flowers (cold-resistant annuals and perennials, whose seeds require stratification). Planting indoors onions and garlic, green crops for forcing. Carrying out watering and liquid fertilizing of indoor flowers and forced greens. Placement of traps and baits to combat rodents, removal of plant debris, waste disposal.

October 14 (01.10 art style) - Pokrov
("What is the weather on Pokrov, so is the winter: If the wind blows from the north or east, the winter will be cold and snowy; if from the south, the winter will be warm, from the west - snowy")

from October 14, 2016 18:08 (Fri)
to 15 October 2016 17:32 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Aries

Laying spruce branches on strawberry plantations, as well as constructing shelters from spruce branches for flower and ornamental crops. Tightening the branches of young fruit trees with twine into a loose sheaf to prevent the branches from being broken by the snow.
Tying the trunks and bases of skeletal branches of apple and pear trees with spruce branches to protect against rodents. Wrapping covering material on conifers, as well as trunks and bases of skeletal branches of fruit trees to protect against frost damage and spring burns. Laying spruce branches on strawberry plantations.
from 15 October 2016 17:32 (Sat)
to October 17, 2016 18:28 (Mon)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, or prune anything. Unfavorable days for salting and pickling.
October 16, 2016 07:23 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month, until October 16, 2016 18:04 Moon in the sign of Aries, then in the sign of Taurus)
Folk sign: If you ferment cabbage during the full moon, it will turn out soft
from October 17, 2016 18:28 (Mon)
to October 18, 2016 17:30 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering indoor plants and flowers. Planting root crops of parsley and celery, as well as perennial onions to produce forcing greens.
Carrying out winter water-recharging irrigation. Tying the trunks and bases of skeletal branches with spruce branches to protect against rodents.
from October 18, 2016 17:30 (Tue)
to 20 October 2016 18:28 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Gemini

This is an unfavorable time for watering and fertilizing indoor flowers and forcing greens. It is possible to apply fertilizers in solid form (not solutions). Loosening the soil (dry watering), pruning and shaping plants. Pest control for indoor plants will be most effective these days.
from October 20, 2016 18:28 (Thu)
to October 22, 2016 22:34 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Pulling branches of young fruit trees into a loose sheaf with twine. Preparation of cuttings for winter and spring grafting. Construction of shelters from spruce branches for flower and ornamental crops. Tying conifers. Shoveling snow from tree trunks stone fruits suffering from damping off of the root collar until the ground freezes. Fruit trees will easily tolerate pruning. Destruction of nests of wintering pests on fruit trees. Fertilizing indoor flowers, pest control. When the soil freezes, winter sowing of vegetable crops and cold-resistant annual flowers is possible. Vegetable processing, pickling white cabbage, canning and drying apples and pears.
Favorable time for sauerkraut
from October 22, 2016 22:34 (Sat)
to October 25, 2016 06:16 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Leo

Final removal of plant residues, covering the compost with some dense material so as not to attract rodents to the area. Preparation of cuttings of grafted fruit trees. Pest control for indoor plants. If snow falls, then work on snow retention on the strawberry plantation, shaking off snow from the branches, covering raspberry shoots with snow. It is possible to plant onions and garlic indoors on herbs and green crops (lettuce, watercress, mustard greens).

October 23 (10.10 art. style) - Evlampius.
(“On Evlampia, the horns of the month point in the direction where the winds come from.” - If the horns of the month are inclined upward (north) - there will be an imminent winter, the snow will fall dry; if downwards - do not expect an imminent winter, there will be mud and slush")

from October 25, 2016 06:16 (Tue)
to October 27, 2016 16:50 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Virgo

This is a favorable time (for regions where there has been a steady cooling down to –2-3°C and the soil is frozen by night frosts to a depth of 2-5 cm) for winter sowing of annual cold-resistant flowers, as well as perennial flowers, the seeds of which require stratification. Planting hyacinth bulbs, digging chrysanthemum queen cells. Cleaning late varieties cabbage for long-term storage, canning viburnum, processing apples, tomatoes, physalis and peppers. Deep digging of the soil without breaking clods of earth, to freeze out weeds and pests overwintering in the soil. Covering perennial flowers for the winter with sawdust, spruce branches, peat, and boxes.
Covering rose bushes for the winter, if the temperature remains stable at -5-8 C.
Unfavorable days for salting
and pickling cabbage.
from October 27, 2016 16:50 (Thu)
to October 29, 2016 5:38 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Libra

Unfavorable time

The summer season ends in October even for the most diligent gardeners. Therefore, there is always a lot of work on the site this month. In addition to harvesting and processing the harvest, carrying out the harvest, the main task is to prepare the house, garden, flower bed and vegetable garden for winter.

October is last month late harvest. It is no longer possible to delay harvesting any longer, since during the first frost the fruits can be severely frozen and spoiled. In order not to miss deadlines, it is better to carry out work in accordance with the lunar calendar of the gardener, gardener and florist.

Celery, parsley, perennial varieties onions can be transplanted into boxes for growing herbs on the windowsill. To do this, choose large, healthy plants.

Harvesting late varieties of cabbage, grown for pickling, can be left until the first frosty day, then its bitterness will disappear. If the cabbage has not yet managed to form into dense heads of cabbage, it can be covered with a film greenhouse and left for another week.

Throughout October you can collect fresh herbs from the garden.: lettuce, spinach, dill, parsley, celery. But you need to keep in mind that parsley can freeze if you cut off all the tops.

If you didn't have time plant winter garlic in September, then this can still be done at the beginning of this month. Don't forget to mulch your beds if early cold weather arrives. At the end of the month, you can begin winter sowing of other vegetable and green crops.

As the harvest progresses tidying up the area: cut off wilted flowers, rake up leaves that are beginning to fall, remove tops and dry stems.

The harvesting of fruits and berries in the garden is coming to an end. In order for the trees to prepare for wintering, all the fruits must be removed from them in October. The trunks need to be treated with whitewash to avoid burns on sunny winter days. Just before frost, trees need to be watered thoroughly to ensure increased root growth.

In the first half of October they plant fruit seedlings, replanting mature trees, digging holes for spring planting.

Before the onset of frost it is necessary cover shrubs and perennials. Such work to protect plants from the cold in October will save a lot of time and effort in winter and early spring.

Lunar sowing calendar for October 2018

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

October 1 2018, Mon, Waning Moon in Gemini, III quarter, in Cancer from 21:02 Flower Days infertile, but favorable for planting climbing plants and vines. Mulching in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, digging, preparing beds. Grape pruning. Protective measures against pests and diseases. Digging up root crops and harvesting them for long-term storage. You should not replant indoor plants these days.
2 October 2018, Tue, Waning Moon in Cancer, IV quarter from 12:47 Although Cancer is fertile, when the Moon changes quarters it is better to refrain from working with plants. You have plenty of other things to do at the dacha. In the garden, you can prepare beds for both winter and spring crops, remove leaves and other debris from the site. And in the southern latitudes, it’s time to pick mushrooms. But if work in the garden cannot be postponed until another time, then check the plan for the next day.
October 3 2018, Wed, Waning Moon in Cancer, IV quarter Leaf days. Take time to plant, sow and care for plants - these days Lunar calendar gardener and gardener, all your actions will bring maximum benefit. Cancer is the most fertile sign that will reward planted plants a bountiful harvest And beautiful flowering. But it is not convenient for planting large trees, especially since it is better for tree seedlings to wait until spring to take up their place in the garden. permanent place. But it’s an ideal day for planting berry bushes - currants, gooseberries, raspberries and others. Plant and sow everything that is planned in the apartment on the windowsill, in the greenhouse and in the heated greenhouse. Carry out winter sowing of vegetables, onions and garlic. In the flower garden - planting bulbs. Harvesting fruits and berries. Refrain from harvesting root crops for storage and from using pesticides on water sign days.
The 4th of October 2018, Thu, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Leo from 00:13 Fetal days. The barren days of Leo, it is better to postpone sowing and planting to a more favorable time. In the garden - whitewashing, pest and disease control measures, and harvesting. In the garden and vegetable garden - harvesting fruits, berries and vegetables. Digging, loosening, mulching and preparing the garden for autumn and spring sowing. Pruning perennial flowers and ornamental shrubs. The main thing is to cut off all the inflorescences of hydrangeas that have faded. Mulch all plantings. It is better to postpone watering and fertilizing to other days.
October 5 2018, Fri, Waning Moon in Leo, IV quarter
October 6 2018, Sat, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Virgo from 02:20 Days of the Root. Virgo is a low-fertile sign, but is good for sowing and planting ornamental plants, especially annual flowers. The lunar calendar recommends planting bulbous flowers, ornamental shrubs, and covering plants for the winter. Spend time on flower beds, flowerbeds and indoor plants - any work on caring for flowers is beneficial. Excessive watering is not advisable.
October 7th 2018, Sun, Waning Moon in Virgo, IV quarter
October 8 2018, Mon, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Libra from 04:11 Flower Days. The Gardener's Calendar strongly recommends giving your plants a break from your worries. Remove trash from summer cottage, especially around ponds, check the safety of the crop in the cellar, insulate the house for winter.
October 9 2018, Tue, New moon at 06:47, Moon in Libra
October 10 2018, Wed, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Scorpio from 07:10 Leaf days. The gardener's lunar calendar advises spending as much time as possible on plants. Scorpio is a very fertile sign, and any crops planted will give an excellent harvest. Last dates for boarding winter garlic, bulbous flowers and seeds of perennials that need stratification. Planting parsley, chives and other plants in containers for forcing in winter. You can plant cucumbers and other vegetable and green crops in an apartment on a windowsill, or in a greenhouse. If autumn is cold and you northern region, then you can start winter sowing. You cannot use chemicals both at the dacha and at home.
October 11 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon in Scorpio, 1st quarter
October 12 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Sagittarius from 12:54 Fetal days. Excellent days for harvesting fruits, berries, cabbage and root vegetables and storing them for long-term storage. Sagittarius is an infertile sign, not good for winter forcing of greenery and flowers at home. Harvesting in the garden, storing in cellars for long-term storage. Last dates for planting bulbous flowers in northern and central regions. Planting perennial flowers that require stratification. Caring for indoor and outdoor plants.
October 13 2018, Sat, Waxing Moon in Sagittarius, 1st quarter,
October 14 2018, Sun, Waxing Moon, 1st quarter, in Capricorn from 22:18
October 15 2018, Mon, Waxing Moon in Capricorn, 1st quarter Days of the Root. The lunar calendar says that any work in the garden these days will be favorable for plants. Plant pre-winter vegetables, including carrots and beets, wild garlic, spicy, aromatic crops, perennial flower seeds, planting garlic and onions. In the garden - planting trees and shrubs. Trim all flowers in your flowerbeds after collecting the seeds. Tidy up your flower beds and prepare your plants for winter. You can plant green and spicy crops on the windowsill. Prepare cuttings for winter grafting.
October 16 2018, Tue, Waxing Moon in Capricorn, 2nd quarter from 21:03 Flower Days. Although the Root Days continue on the 16th, positive impact The moon is reduced by the fact that it changes quarters. She has no time for helping gardeners)) I don’t know how this is explained, but it has long been noted that it is better to leave the plants alone on this day.
And in the days of Aquarius, the Lunar calendar does not recommend planting and sowing.
Collection of late varieties of pears and apples. Mulching the garden.
In the garden, cut out all diseased and broken branches of trees and shrubs, as well as all shoots remontant raspberries. Prepare planting holes for spring planting plants. Collection of flower seeds.
17 October 2018, Wed, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Aquarius from 10:37
October 18 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon in Aquarius, 2nd quarter
October 19 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Pisces from 23:22
The 20th of October 2018, Sat, Waxing Moon in Pisces, 2nd quarter Leaf days. Pisces will provide a bountiful harvest for the plants planted these days. Sowing and planting any crops in greenhouses, greenhouses and on windowsills. In the garden there are winter crops of spicy and medicinal crops. In the vegetable garden and flower garden - applying dry complex fertilizers, mulching beds and flower beds. In the garden, also apply fertilizer and mulch the tree trunks. Also feed indoor plants. Prepare the soil for spring sowing of seedlings. Planting onions on feathers at home. Any pruning of plants and the use of pesticides is not recommended.
October 21 2018, Sun, Waxing Moon in Pisces, 2nd quarter
22 of October 2018, Mon, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Aries from 09:59 Fetal days. Ideal days A calendar for harvesting and harvesting, storing it for storage. But postpone sowing and planting until more favorable days. The maximum that can be sown is herbs and spices on the windowsill. Feed your wards, but do not replant or prune them.
October 23 2018, Tue, Waxing Moon in Aries, 2nd quarter
October 24 2018, Wed, Full moon at 19:46, Moon in Taurus from 17:34 On Full Moon Days, give the plants a rest. You can prepare the beds for winter sowing of greens and vegetables - dig them up and apply fertilizers. Reserve fertile soil for spring seedlings. Treat greenhouses against diseases and pests. It's time to make bird feeders for the winter.
the 25th of October 2018, Thu, Waning Moon in Taurus, III quarter
October 26 2018, Fri, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Gemini from 22:42 Days of the Root. Taurus is a very fertile sign. The lunar calendar advises spending time working with plants - one of the most auspicious days for sowing, planting and care. Plant in winter greenhouses and in the apartment there is everything that is planned for growing in the cold season. Carry out pre-winter sowing and planting of green, spicy and vegetable crops. In the garden - autumn digging of vacated beds with the application of fertilizers, in the garden - loosening of tree trunk circles. Plant currant, raspberry, and gooseberry seedlings, if your region allows it. Whiten the trunks of fruit trees. Transplanting and transferring indoor plants. In the greenhouse, treatment against pests and diseases and preparation of the soil for spring sowing. Moisture-recharging irrigation if the autumn is dry.
27th October 2018, Sat, Waning Moon in Gemini, III quarter Flower Days. Spend time on hanging and climbing indoor plants, as well as preparing grapes for wintering. A good idea is to plant peas on the windowsill. Cover plants for the winter - roses, rhododendrons, hydrangeas. You can carry out all the planned work on caring for plants in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, refraining only from replanting.
28 of October 2018, Sun, Waning Moon in Gemini, III quarter
29th of October 2018, Mon, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Cancer from 02:28 Leaf days. Excellent days of the Lunar calendar for winter crops, especially root crops, and plantings different cultures in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. In the garden, planting low-growing and creeping shrubs, ground cover plants. Whitewashing and sanitary pruning of fruit trees. Sheltering perennials for the winter and other work to prepare the garden for winter. Transplanting, transshipment, pruning of indoor plants. Control pests, but refrain from using pesticides.
October 30 2018, Tue, Waning Moon in Cancer, III quarter
October 31 2018, Wed, Waning Moon, IV quarter from 19:41, in Leo from 05:43 Fetal days. Late harvest. Sheltering plants for the winter, preparing the garden for winter, mulching plantings and trunk circles of trees and shrubs, whitewashing trees in the garden. If the greenhouses are empty, then carry out disinfection measures. It is better not to engage in sowing and planting - Leo is infertile.

October ends the gardening season. Even the most diligent gardeners and summer residents begin to get ready for the city by the end of October, having completed their work. What work needs to be done in October?

October work in the garden

In the first half of October, if weather conditions do not force you to do this earlier, cut heads of white and red cabbage and send them for processing or storage. Place all leaves from the beds in compost, dig up with roots and remove cabbage stalks from the area. This will not allow pests of this crop to persist in the garden.

Before the middle of the month, dig up the root celery.

At the same time, the leeks are removed. If you don’t have a lot of it, you can store the harvested onions in the refrigerator or freeze some of the bleached legs by chopping them. If you have large plantings of leeks and have a cool cellar or basement, then this onion can be installed there vertically in a bridge manner in boxes with wet sand. As you know, leeks have important feature: As it is stored, its vitamin C content increases.

In October, before the onset of cold weather, horseradish roots are harvested.

Towards the end of the month it is time to harvest Jerusalem artichoke tubers. They are dug up and stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. If you have a lot of Jerusalem artichoke, the dug up tubers can be stored, layered with damp moss, in a cool room, such as a cellar.

If you did not do this at the end of September, then in the first half of October you need to plant winter garlic on previously prepared beds. It must have time to form a root system before the onset of frost. Garlic cloves are planted in the soil to a depth equal to three of their diameters. After the onset of cold weather, it is advisable to mulch the beds with garlic with peat or humus.

If you practice pre-winter sowing of green and vegetable crops: dill, lettuce, spinach, radishes, carrots, onion sets and others, then in early October you need to prepare beds for them: dig up soil filled with fertilizers, cut furrows in advance. The seeds of these crops are usually sown when the temperature drops to +2…+3°C. If winter starts early, you will have to sow at the end of the month, and if the cold weather lingers, you will sow the seeds in November.

In October, beds are prepared for sowing cold-resistant crops in the spring: radishes, daikon, carrots. Dig up the soil and add fertilizer.

In greenhouses, after harvesting cucumbers, tomatoes, and herbs, remove plant debris and lay the foundation of hot beds to warm the soil in the spring and sow early crops.

Check in the cellars how potatoes, carrots, beets, and other root vegetables harvested in September are stored.

Stock up and store nutritious soil for growing seedlings in the spring.

October work in the garden

If the entire harvest of apples and pears has not yet been harvested in September winter varieties, finish eating the fruits and send them for storage.

At the beginning of October, you can plant currant, gooseberry, and raspberry seedlings purchased from nurseries. If you also bought apple tree seedlings, then it is better to bury them in the garden in a specially prepared inclined trench.

If your trees and shrubs are affected by lichens, you can get rid of them by treating the trunks and branches of plants with a 7-10% solution iron sulfate. The harvest has already been harvested, and such treatment will not harm vegetables and fruits.

If you did not whiten the trunks of fruit trees in September, do it in the first half of October.

In the second half of the month, you can start tying the trunks of apple, pear, and other trees fruit plants spruce spruce branches or others protective materials, for example, synthetic fabric of sugar bags from rodents.

If autumn is dry, carry out water-recharging watering in the garden. Its main purpose is to wet the root layer of soil, because soil that is well moistened in the fall retains heat longer. When water-recharging irrigation, the soil should be soaked to a depth of at least 50 cm under bushes, and even deeper under trees. Plants will withstand winter and frost more easily.

October work in the flower garden

Prepare and place shelters over roses and clematis.

Lightly mound peonies, lilies, chrysanthemums, and irises with light soil or compost, without filling the center of the plant.

At the end of the month, cut off the flowering ones. perennial asters and feed them with compost and ash.

On lawns, after the leaves have fallen from the trees, remove all debris and feed the grass with potassium fertilizers for better overwintering.

Lunar sowing calendar for October 2016:

It is recommended to plant tulips and winter garlic; moisture-recharging watering and adding organic matter (compost, humus, peat) to tree trunk circles garden trees, as well as under bushes and herbaceous perennials; laying a new lawn and final mowing - for better growth herbs.
It is undesirable to trim, plant and replant plants with bare roots - there is a high probability of infection of open wounds.

It is recommended to collect seeds and crops in the garden (pears and late apples, cabbage, root vegetables, leeks) for long-term storage; sanitary pruning, cleaning of fruit and ornamental trees and, if necessary, whitewashing; treatment of plants against pests and diseases; autumn digging in the garden and loosening the soil in tree trunk circles, introducing organic matter (compost, humus, peat) under garden plants.

It is not advisable to sow or plant anything - the plants will not give a good harvest.

Only 07.10 - planting winter garlic!

It is recommended to plant trees and shrubs, as well as tulips, hyacinths, and garden lilies of the valley; Preparation of cuttings of fruit trees for spring vaccination; moisture-recharging irrigation and the introduction of organic matter (compost, humus, peat) into the tree trunks of garden trees, as well as under shrubs and herbaceous perennials.
It is not recommended to save water when watering - soil moisture should be higher than normal.

It is recommended to replenish water and add organic matter to the tree trunks of garden trees, as well as under shrubs and herbaceous perennials; pruning and hilling roses, clematis and other garden plants for the winter; laying a new lawn; sanitary pruning, cleaning the trunks of fruit and ornamental trees and, if necessary, whitewashing.
It is not recommended to water the plants - their roots require more air these days.

It is recommended to apply moisture-recharging watering and extra-organic matter (compost, humus, peat) to the tree trunks of garden trees, as well as under shrubs and herbaceous perennials; sanitary pruning, cleaning the trunks of fruit and ornamental trees and, if necessary, whitewashing; treatment of plants against pests and diseases.
It is undesirable to plant bulbous plants(garlic, tulips, hyacinths) - there is a high probability of their roots rotting.

It is recommended to dig up the garden in autumn and loosen the soil in the tree trunks, adding organic matter (compost, humus, peat) to garden plants; sanitary pruning, cleaning the trunks of fruit and ornamental trees and, if necessary, whitewashing; treatment of plants against pests and diseases.
It is not advisable to sow or plant anything - the plants will have a weak root system.

It is recommended to plant fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, daffodils and tulips; Preparation of cuttings of fruit trees for spring grafting; moisture-recharging irrigation and the introduction of organic matter (compost, humus, peat) into the tree trunks of garden trees, as well as under shrubs and herbaceous perennials.
It is not advisable to save water when watering - soil moisture should be higher than normal.

It is recommended to do autumn digging in the garden and loosen the soil in tree trunk circles, adding organic matter to garden plants; cleaning the trunks of fruit and ornamental trees and, if necessary, whitewashing; treatment of plants against pests and diseases; collecting seeds and crops from the garden (pears and apples, cabbage, root vegetables) for long-term storage.
It is not advisable to water the plants - their roots require more air these days.

It is recommended to dig up the garden in autumn and loosen the soil in the tree trunks, adding organic matter (compost, humus, peat) to garden plants; preparation of cuttings for spring grafting; sanitary pruning, cleaning the trunks of fruit and ornamental trees and, if necessary, whitewashing; treatment of plants against pests and diseases.
It is not advisable to plant trees and shrubs - they will not be winter-hardy.

It is recommended to do autumn digging in the garden and loosen the soil in tree trunk circles, add organic matter (compost, humus, peat) for garden plants, collect seeds and harvests in the garden and vegetable garden (pears and late apples, cabbage, root vegetables) for long-term storage.
It is undesirable to disturb the soil and plants too much - they need rest these days.

It is recommended to plant trees and shrubs, as well as tulips and winter garlic; moisture-recharging irrigation and application of organic matter (compost, humus, peat) to garden plants.
It is not advisable to save water when watering plants after planting - soil moisture should be higher than normal.