Flowerbed made from a wheel. Crazy hands: flower beds made of tires in your dacha

Original frames for garden plants can even be created from waste material: the yard is decorated and the environment is benefited. Find out how to make flower beds from tires with your own hands for flowers in the country house or in the yard. Assess the feasibility of such work, familiarize yourself with the methods of cutting, turning and painting car tires, with the nuances of choosing them wisely. Compare photos finished products and choose a master class for making an unusual flower garden that is suitable in terms of labor intensity.

The feasibility of making flower beds from tires

Used tires are a material in which any landscape designer who imagines how to make flowerbeds from tires with their own hands opens up new possibilities. It is the tire, and not just a sheet of rubber, that has certain advantages that make working with it easier:

  • Low cost. Surely there are car owners among the neighbors who dream of parting with their old tires. For them it is rubbish, but for the artist it is a future work of art, which can only be rolled to the site or brought in the trunk.
  • Ease and speed of processing. Chalk, a sharp knife or jigsaw, a grinder and a can of paint are all the tools needed for such creativity. And the simplest flower bed from cylinders can be built in half an hour: the tire is placed on the ground and “stuffed” with soil.
  • Durability. A flowerbed made of rubber does not attract bacteria and fungi, does not rot, is not afraid of an accidental impact and is not destroyed by precipitation. If it cracks after particularly severe frosts, it is easy to replace.
  • Mobility. Flowerbed from old tire– a one-piece structure that, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. To do this, you just need to remove the soil from it.
  • Possibility of transformation. Even homemade flower beds made from tires can get boring over time. The easiest way to avoid this is to repaint outside and plant other types of plants.

Figured flowerbed made from an old tire

Doubts about the advisability of decorating a garden with flowerbeds made from tires are usually associated with the dimensions of the cylinders specified by the manufacturer. In a very modest area they can indeed look foreign, but in a large area they can get lost. The problem is solved by combining tires with paths, benches, lighting elements, as well as constructing flower beds from several tires and multi-tiered compositions.

Option for the lazy: potted plants are placed on a stand

How to cut tires and how to do it correctly

When looking at a wheel so huge and rigid, capable of supporting the weight of a loaded Gazelle or a powerful SUV, the question arises of how to cut a car tire for a flowerbed. In fact, rubber is even easier to deal with than plywood if you choose the right tool for each stage of work, of which there are three:

  1. Ripping of rubber. Best tool for the first cut - a shoe knife. You can make it yourself from canvas mechanical saw or plane blades. The handle of such a knife is wrapped in several layers insulation tape, which allows the knife to sit firmly in the palm. This is important because the rubber will resist the blade. The knife is inserted into the cut and made upward movements, bending the rubber layer to the side with the other hand.
  2. Sidewall processing. You can cut tires for flower beds evenly or in waves. In the first case, a shoemaker or other sharp knife with a thin blade is sufficient; in the second, it is better to use a jigsaw, the file of which should be periodically lubricated with grease or solution laundry soap. Some craftsmen use a grinder with a small disk, but high speed entails strong heating and even burning of rubber with smoke and unpleasant smell.
  3. Cutting the cord. The steel cord reinforcement (breaker), which serves as the basis of the tire frame, is cut with a grinder, or less often with metal scissors. You can recognize the presence of steel in a breaker by the Steel marking. The absence of such markings indicates a nylon cord, which is cut with a strong, sharp knife.

A car tire is more complicated than it seems

Jigsaw – perfect tool for cutting old wheels

To cut a tire for a flowerbed and not injure yourself, be sure to use thick gloves and safety glasses. You should be especially careful when handling sharp metal cords - splinters from them are very painful. You need to work on a wide, hard surface: a table or a piece of plywood laid on the ground. If there is a large amount of rubber dust, which is typical for Chinese tires, a respirator will be useful.

How to choose and prepare a tire

Working tool for steel cord – angle grinder

If you have the opportunity to choose a material for a flower bed, you can greatly simplify the work of processing rubber with your own hands. To do this you need to use the following data:

  • origin of tires: imported ones cut better;
  • seasonal use: winter ones are more flexible;
  • service life: the more worn, the more pliable;
  • cord material: metal will require more effort than polymer.

Well preserved and brightly painted protector

The degree of tread wear should also be taken into account. A clear pattern of checkers will add additional expressiveness to the finished flowerbed. But if you plan to turn the tire inside out, you need the tread to be as “bald” as possible.

In any case, the first operation to transform a tire into a small sculptural form is to remove dirt. The tire is washed under a powerful stream of water from a hose. This will not only add aesthetics, but also protect cutting tools from rapid dulling.

Options for flower beds made from tires and master classes

The imagination of home craftsmen knows no bounds - those who like to arrange their garden plots with their own hands have come up with dozens of options for decorating flower beds from tires.

Classification by shape and method of manufacture

Flowerbeds made from old tires are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • horizontal single-tier - the simplest and most unpretentious;
  • horizontal multi-tiered - the first floor of such a flower bed consists of 5-7 tires, three more on top of them and the last one crowns the composition;
  • vertical - a tower is made of tires, flowers are planted in the top and in pockets cut out on the sides;
  • in the form of rural household items: teapots, carts;
  • in the form of various animals.

Another one interesting variety flower beds made from waste rubber - hanging planters, with which you can diversify the wall of an outbuilding.

A dull brick is simply unrecognizable

How to apply markings to rubber

To make the bed of tires even, before cutting you need to mark a line along which the knife or jigsaw will move. This can be done conveniently using chalk or a bright marker that will stand out against the graphite background of the rubber.

The brighter the markings, the more convenient it is to work

The first line should be in the shape of a ring. It is carried out in two ways:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure equal distances from the outer or inner edge of the tire, apply strokes (approximately every 10-15 cm) and connect them.
  2. Holding the chalk large or index finger, cling to the tread (or bead ring) with your little finger and lead the line.

To mark the petals you will need inner and outer lines. Marks are applied to each, then they are connected with a wavy line of any style. At this stage, it is important to take into account that petals less than 7 cm wide do not hold their shape well.

Four wheels and a little paint - the result is a bright flower garden

Flower - quickly and reliably

The options presented in the photo in this section are among the simplest to make, but quite effective due to the competent floral decor. Make a flower bed out of tires for a beginner landscape designer the following will help step-by-step instruction.

  1. Take four identical tires and rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  2. Put one aside for now, and on three draw a line with chalk dividing each one exactly in half.
  3. Cut the three marked tires with a shoe knife or jigsaw.
  4. Paint all tires using paint brush or a spray can. Choose a color that matches well with the plants you plan to plant.
  5. Place the halves of the tires in the form of petals, fill the flower garden with prepared fertile soil.
  6. Place the whole tire in the center of the composition and also complete it with soil.

Flowers can also be cut from tires

Turtle – feel like you are in the Galapagos

To make making a flowerbed out of car tires with your own hands a truly creative experience, try making a figurine of a turtle:

  1. Prepare two tires for the flowerbed. Leave one intact, and cut out the protector from the other.
  2. Divide the tread into four equal parts, which will become the turtle's paws.
  3. Make a short triangular tail from a piece of tread.
  4. For the head, take a flat bottle from household chemicals, for example, from "Mr. Muscle". Its neck will become the neck of a turtle.
  5. Make cuts in the whole tire and insert the paws, tail and bottle into them. Secure with self-tapping screws.
  6. Color the turtle and draw its face.

Low bright flowers look good on the turtle flower bed in the garden: tagetes, nasturtium, decorative cabbage.

Frog - from princess to traveler

If there is a pond in the garden, plant a cute frog figurine on its shore. This idea is good because the frog can be made without the laborious cutting of steel cord. The main thing is not to skimp on rich green paint.

Eyes made from plastic bowls, feet made from a hose and a rubber mat

The animal's body is laid out from three solid tires in the form of a two-tier flower bed. For eyes, take tires of a smaller diameter and install them vertically.

Depending on the desired degree of glamor, glue rubber glue or screw on long or short eyelashes with self-tapping screws, paint “bow lips” or a simple smile with red paint. You can complement the look with an arrow, a crown or a pair of ceramic ducks.

Flowers in such a flowerbed are placed behind the eyes and in the lower tier. Grasses and sedges are appropriate around the figure, hinting at swamp vegetation.

Video: One hundred DIY garden frogs

Swan - white grace on a green lawn

If you've learned how to make your own tire beds to decorate your garden, you can try making a swan. This work requires some skill, since the part of the tire in such a figurine must be cut, turned and strengthened in a certain way. Let us consider step by step the process of birth of a beautiful bird from rubber scrap.

Cutting the tires is the most crucial moment

  1. For your flowerbed, choose a tire with the tread as worn out as possible, since the shaped cuts will have to be made on it.
  2. Using the pattern in the photo, draw the lines of the head, neck, wings and tail onto the protector. Pay attention to the shape of the beak - this is the most difficult area. Some craftsmen make the beak in the form of a regular triangle, which makes cutting easier, but the bird loses its realism.
  3. At the nodal points of the marking, drill holes with a diameter of about 10 mm.
  4. Cut the rubber along the markings with a shoe knife or jigsaw. You should start working from the base of the figure’s neck, leading the cutting line to the head. To prevent the rubber from vibrating, it is recommended to cut both sides in parallel, 5-10 cm from each side alternately.
  5. Process the edges of the parts: strip the rubber and the ends of the cord threads. Swan flowerbeds made from tires attract children - you should take care of their safety.
  6. Turn the wings inside out.
  7. Strengthen the neck with a steel rod. To do this, drill two rows of holes in it and then through the entire body to the base of the tail at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. Thread wire staples through the pairs of holes.
  8. Attach a steel rod to the base of the tail and secure the chest and neck of the figure to it, twisting the ends of the wires with pliers. Trim off the excess and give the swan's neck a regal curve.
  9. Paint the finished figure, highlighting the beak and eyes. It will look especially impressive if it is planted (and attached with self-tapping screws) in a lake made from a tire painted blue.

Instructions in photo:

Swans on stands, as if on waves

Vase - build a little Peterhof in your garden

The aerobatics of converting tires is considered to be making flowerpots with legs from them. Once you turn the unsightly wheel inside out and paint it, you see a masterpiece of landscape art, which is difficult to recognize as the original material.

Elegant flowerpot for a flower garden

To create flowerbeds in the form of flowerpots, use foreign-made “bald” winter tires - they are the softest. On the sidewall, jagged or rounded-wavy petals are marked, along which the rubber is cut. At this stage, it is important to try to leave both sides of the cut neat, since one of them will become the edge of the vase, and the other will become the edge of the stem.

Stages of turning a tire into a flowerpot

It is better to turn the wheel together. It is placed with the cut side down, for support they step on the disk with their foot, take hold of the edge of the cut with both hands and pull it towards themselves. They gradually move around the circle, pressing the tread in its most convex part. If there is a tube inside the wheel, it is cut off after turning it out. Due to the labor-intensive process, it is recommended to watch a video on how to unscrew a flowerbed tire with your own hands.

Video: How to turn a car wheel out

The tire flower vase is almost ready, but it looks like it was pulled from the seabed. The rubber walls and disc are cleaned, degreased and painted, and with inside also about a quarter of the height, since the ground level will be below the petals.

Geotextiles are placed at the bottom of the flowerpot to prevent soil from spilling into the holes of the disk. Drainage and soil are poured over the fabric and flowers are planted in the flowerbed.

Gift for the Hostess Copper Mountain

Painting flowerbeds made from car tires

Now let’s talk about how to paint wheels for a flower bed and how to turn a boring tire into an interesting flower garden. The main requirement for paint is resistance to weathering.

Choice of paint and technical aspects

Tires are painted with enamels, oil, acrylic and automotive paints, nitro paints. To beautifully paint tires for a flower bed, you need to follow several rules:

  • pick up bright hues so that the soil inside does not overheat along with the roots of the plants;
  • don't overlay thick layer paint, otherwise it may crack, especially in harsh winters or hot weather;
  • remember the primacy of plants and do not let the pattern dominate the flowers.

Bright colors set a festive background on the site

Making flower beds from tires begins with degreasing them with acetone, white spirit or special liquids for rubber. When the used product has completely evaporated, the surface is cleaned with very fine sandpaper. Then a thin but continuous layer of white is applied as a primer - this will allow any shade to play in full force.

It is better to apply the paint using an aerosol can, then it will penetrate into everything relief areas tread, but there is a high risk of staining the grass around. Therefore, they paint the tire with a spray can, placing thick polyethylene under it. Each layer is given time to dry at least 24 hours.

You can decorate a flowerbed of tires with your own hands and with a brush. It takes longer, but you can work by first installing the product on permanent place. Using a brush, they also create more subtle patterns and designs, emphasizing details and shapes.

Folk painting: bright, original, impressive

Taking into account the general concept of garden decor will allow you to correctly paint tires for a flower bed, and you can:

  • leave plain;
  • decorate with stripes;
  • cover with a pattern using a stencil;
  • color the tread according to the checkered patterns;
  • turn it into an ethnic flower garden.

Do not rush to throw away unusable tires. They will be burned, adding pollution to the air. Try to turn them into a unique man-made flower garden that will decorate your garden and warm your soul. Bright, high-quality and almost eternal flower beds made from used tires are a wonderful use for the creative impulses of a person living on his own land.

One of the common dacha practices is to create flower beds in the form of different shapes from old car wheels. Such creativity has many advantages, and when the right approach it can be turned into real art.

Use old car tires to create a flower bed - this is an almost win-win option for using these products. There are several advantages:

  • this is a profitable material - production will not take any money (only small expenses on paint are possible);
  • working with tires is simple and convenient, no special effort is required;
  • this is a very interesting creative process because you can make designs various shapes, and not from one tire, but from several at once;
  • rubber tires have perfect round shape and are perfectly suited for making ordinary flower beds;
  • tires are durable - they will serve as a flower bed for many years, since they are not subject to rotting;
  • By using rubber to decorate an area, you contribute to the overall environmental situation– in this case, the material is successfully used for practical purposes, and is not burned at a landfill, polluting the air with combustion products.

There are practically no disadvantages to using rubber - the only limitation is that many gardeners do not like tires for their unpresentable appearance. But this problem is easily solved - it is better to choose normal, solid rubber, and besides, with the help of paint and other decorative elements, you can create a whole work of art from an ordinary tire. Read more about this below.

Using old car tires to create a flower bed is an almost win-win option for using these products

Gallery: flowerbeds made of tires (25 photos)

To make a flowerbed from a tire, you don’t have to do anything with it - just paint it beautiful colour and wait until it dries. Can you make something beautiful out of it? decorative item, which will decorate the area not only thanks to flowers, but also in itself.

The manufacturing technology is simple, and even a woman can do it. It is important to consider several nuances, which are described in detail below.

Choosing tires for making flower beds and garden figures

If the farm has not 1-2 old tires, but a whole “collection”, then it is worth choosing the right product. You need to be guided by the following considerations:

  1. Imported tires are better suited than domestic ones, since rubber is softer in texture and has a fine structure, making it much easier to work with.
  2. If you choose between winter and summer tires, then preference should be given to winter ones, since they are more durable, and in this case there is less risk of damaging the material while working with it.
  3. Oddly enough, but the more the tire has been used, the better, since in this case the tread is subject to severe wear. And this makes it easy to turn the product inside out, which is very useful in your work.
  4. Of course, if you can choose between heavily worn, unsightly-looking products and more attractive ones, the choice will be up to the latter. Also It is better to take rubber without persistent, non-removable contaminants.

As for the size, it all depends on the gardener’s imagination. Theoretically, tires of any diameter are suitable - the main thing is that they fit harmoniously into the overall composition if you plan to make several flower beds at once.

Imported tires are better suited than domestic ones, since the rubber is softer in texture and has a fine structure, making it much easier to work with.

How to properly turn a tire

In fact, There are three important techniques that you need to master when working with tires:

  1. You need to learn how to turn them out correctly.
  2. There is a need to master the ability to cut material in in the right places and bending the corresponding parts.
  3. Finally, you need to figure out how to paint a tire correctly and beautifully.

If you turn the tire inside out directly, without any tricks, you will most likely have to call a man. And you can do it yourself. You can turn the tire out quite simply by making small cuts so that they reach the tread. The technology is as follows:

  1. First, the product is turned inside out on one side.
  2. The rubber is then compressed until its edges almost meet (top and bottom).
  3. After this, the work on the other side is completed.

How to make a flowerbed from a wheel with your own hands (video)

Tires are painted with regular drying oil paints.(water is quickly washed out by rain), however, it is important to pay attention to several recommendations that are determined by the process of subsequent operation of the tire (long exposure to the open sun, design features):

  1. It’s better to choose colors light shades, since they reflect the sun better than dark ones - the tire and the soil in it will not heat up as much.
  2. You need to apply paint in 2-3 layers, choosing the golden mean: too thin a layer will quickly fall off, cracking from temperature changes and being washed away with the rain. A layer that is too thick will begin to peel off due to the same factors, since the paint will not adhere well to its own layer.
  3. It’s better not to be lazy and paint a small one inner layer, closest to the outside. In this case, the product will look much more beautiful, and it will last longer.
  4. Before applying a layer of paint, the tire must not only be thoroughly washed and dried, but also treated to remove possible grease contamination - this is done using gasoline, acetone or oil paint solvents.
  5. In addition to applying the base layer, it is not forbidden to create your own patterns - if you cannot draw with your own hands, you can safely use stencils that are cut out of ordinary cardboard.
  6. Finally, the color scheme needs to be decided in advance, based on the flowers that are supposed to be planted, as well as the composition of the tires, if several flower beds will be used at the same time.

Important! The most convenient and quick way to paint a tire is from an aerosol using a special spray can. You can buy such a product at a car store.

Tires are painted with regular drying oil paints.

How and with what to cut a tire

Since the tire is cut for decorative purposes, this is done by creating a certain pattern (most often petals). That's why you need to cut not with a knife, but with a jigsaw, optimally – electric.

When working, you can use saws different sizes, which are easily inserted into the jigsaw. The choice of a specific file depends on the subtlety of the intended pattern.

Of course, before starting work, you should plan the angles, the spacing of the pattern, mark it on the surface, and only then start sawing.

Important! If the outer edges are sawed very easily, then as you get closer to the edge, the sawing will be harder - so you need to work until the plane is maintained. As soon as the downward turn begins, you can stop sawing.

You need to cut the tire not with a knife, but with a jigsaw, optimally an electric one

Making flower beds from tires

There are a lot of options and ideas for making a flowerbed from a tire - starting from a simple untreated tire and ending with complex options in the form of entire compositions of these products.

A simple flower garden made from tires: quickly and tastefully

If you don’t have the time and energy to work with sawing and especially turning out rubber, you shouldn’t give up transforming your flower garden with the help of a flower bed made from a tire.

The best option is to use a high flower bed, from a truck. In this case, you do not need to use additional stands.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The tire is thoroughly washed from dirt and dried.
  2. You can make 8-12 petal-shaped cuts and remove the inner part - you will get a very original look.
  3. According to a pre-planned plan, paint is applied to it and, if desired, patterns.
  4. The outside of the tire can be decorated with stones that are glued to a cement base - in this case, few will be able to identify the original material, the product will look very rich.

The best option is to use a high flower bed, from a truck

How to make a vertical flower bed from old tires

It is not at all necessary to simply place the tire on the ground on its larger side - you can take advantage of the fact that the groove is sealed. Accordingly, there is enough space for small flowers, and it will look much more original.

One option is to make a vertical flower bed in the shape of a bird:

  1. A pattern is outlined according to a pre-prepared design - for example, in the form of a parrot: for this you need to cut out symmetrical feathers of the wings and tail.
  2. Corresponding cutouts are made according to the pattern.
  3. The tire is then turned inside out and painted in bright colors.
  4. You can hang such a tire using a hook. This can be done very conveniently using an uncut protector. You can also hang it by the handles, which will remain in the form of a circle from the uncut part.

Important! In the case of flowerbeds of this design, it is important to make holes under the bottom, otherwise the water will have nowhere to drain. You should also water the soil periodically - rain will not always be able to get in if the top part is not cut off.

How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands (video)

Hanging flower bed made of tires

You can make hanging flower beds from tires - not only vertical ones, as described above, but also horizontal ones.

Mounting options:

  1. By a hook hanging from the edge of a roof or pole.
  2. Using a rope stretched over a tree.

If you weigh a horizontal tire, you need to take care in advance of a container that fits into it and is held by the edges.

Hanging flower beds can be made from tires

Flowerbeds made from a car tire in the shape of a swan

A classic, but timeless option for using a tire is to make a swan.

There are 2 options:

  1. Horizontal swan.
  2. Vertical swan.

The technology for making a vertical flower bed is as follows:

  1. Markings are made taking into account the fact that half of the lid is the bird’s neck.
  2. On the surface you need to draw a head with a beak, a body and a tail.
  3. All parts are cut along the contour - preferably using a grinder.
  4. Then the structure is carefully turned outward.
  5. The swan is painted and installed in the chosen place in the garden.

A classic, but timeless option for using a tire is making a swan

Other interesting ideas for flower beds made from tires

If there are a lot of tires, then there are many more ideas for creating a flower garden:

  1. Multi-tiered flower beds made of tires of the same size, arranged like a house made of cubes.
  2. Multi-tiered flower beds made of tires of different sizes, arranged in the form of a pyramid.
  3. Flowerbeds in the form of a coffee cup on a saucer.
  4. Flower beds in the shape of a flower (petals are made from semicircles).
  5. In the form of a real flower on a peduncle - one tire will serve as a flower with open petals, the other - in the form of a stem.
  6. Flower beds in the form of flowerpots.
  7. Flower beds in the form of pieces of furniture (for example, trellises).

Tires can be turned into a flower bed

Choosing plants for flower beds from tires

Theoretically, many flowers are suitable for such flower beds, but since it is undesirable to frequently disturb the structure, it is best to plant perennials With bright flowers and beautiful greenery, for example:

  • zinnias;
  • crocuses;
  • daffodils;
  • pansies;
  • peonies;
  • cornflowers;
  • Adonis;
  • periwinkle;
  • daylilies and many others.


If you are making a whole composition of flower beds, then it is better to plant the tallest ones in the center, and taller ones at the edges. low plants. In this case, it is important to skillfully combine flowers, as in ordinary flower beds.

Many flowers are suitable for tire beds

Other products from old tires in the country

Of course, not only flower beds can be made from such valuable material, but also a number of other useful devices, which will not only decorate the site, but also will allow you to diversify your leisure time:

  1. Swings for children are made from one strong tire, to which a metal chain clings and is attached to welded posts or to a strong tree.
  2. Another option swing - in the form of a vertical horse. This is a very exciting idea - hardly any of the neighbors have such fun.
  3. The swing can be made not hanging, but ground– for this, the tire is cut exactly in half, a seat is made from a strong board, and the attraction for kids is ready. In this case it is important that internal structure was quite tough.
  4. All kinds of animals made from tires– another original use case: centipede, birds, frogs.

Swings for children are made from one durable tire

Making a simple fence from car tires

A very practical and at the same time original option for using tires is making a fence. To do this you will need at least 40-50 old tires of the same size.

The technology is as follows:

  1. The tires are stacked on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern.
  2. They are fastened using ordinary self-tapping screws.
  3. You can plant plants in the top row - climbing ones are especially suitable, for which you need to install additional ropes.

Of course, there may not be such a number of tires. Then there are more familiar options:

  1. Strip fence (made of tires completely cut and stretched straight).
  2. Fencing in the form of semicircles.
  3. A fence in the form of tires, placed and reinforced vertically.

A very practical and at the same time original use for tires is making a fence

Delightful figures made from old tires by sculptor Yong Ho Ji

Some things seem implausible until you see them in practice. For example, the fact that making different shapes from tires can be turned into an independent direction of applied art.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to make useful and practical things out of old, unwanted items. But many summer residents have made and are making flowerbeds from tires with their own hands, regardless of any fashion trends. Sometimes this is reduced to a minimum - put a tire, or slightly dug it into the soil, poured soil inside and planted flowers.

However, just use your imagination a little, and an ordinary tire will turn into a swan, a parrot, a carriage, a flower vase and hundreds of other incarnations!

The most important thing to understand is that tires can fit into almost any landscape, any composition, any style! Country, modern, English style close to nature or sophisticated Japanese - the tire can be used everywhere! Of course, it will require a balanced approach from you in order to correctly assess the arrangement of elements in the garden, but tires are not so difficult to “fit” into the environment.

Even if you don’t have old car tires, ask your neighbors, especially those who own a car - they usually have plenty of such stuff, it just takes up space. Try working with one tire first before making big plans to transform scraps into works of garden art.

Do-it-yourself flower beds made from car tires - ways to transform them

The easiest way to transform an old tire and at the same time make an original move is to hang it on a rope on the wall, and place a pot of petunia or other drooping plant in the inner cavity. A great solution for country style! And if you also wrap the tire with rope, you will get a cheap and effective flowerpot. Now let's complicate the task a little - let's experiment with paints! And not just any random ones, but the brightest and most juicy ones.

Think in advance what flowers will fill the flower beds made from car tires that you will make with your own hands - It will be very successful to combine the color of the tire with the color of the petals. If there are several plants, and they are all multi-colored, then you should not be left behind, paint the tire in several colors, experimenting with patterns and shapes. It is best to plant annuals, because this will allow you to change the soil in the flower bed every year, and low-growing ones because the tire already creates a certain hill, so tall flowers They will look a little ridiculous.

Complicate the task a little more - try making a composition out of tires. The simplest, but very effective – pyramid of tires! You can also fold them into a ladder. Having planted on such a basis different plants, you will get a real hanging garden! Of course, one of the sides of the tires will need to be covered with a piece of film or tin so that the soil does not spill out, but this is a very small labor and material costs.

How to make a flowerbed from a tire - cut and shred!

When with simple options When you're done and want to dig deeper into experimenting, you'll need a hacksaw or jigsaw. With this simple toolkit, the possibilities for converting tires become many times greater! First you need to cut the tire lengthwise, separating the small upper strip of rubber that was wrapped inside. If, in addition to a tire, you also have an unnecessary wheel, it will become an excellent “leg” for a flowerpot! Only in this case, before making a flowerbed out of the tire, you will need to turn it out, so the tire will hold tighter on the disk, and the shape will become more like the bowl of a vase.

If there is no disk, make a simpler option. Work on the edging - the edge of the cut can be decorated with curly cuttings different forms or fringe. Once you're done cutting out the fringe or geometric pattern, paint the tire, let it dry, and then find a place for it on the site. Such flower beds can be dug in, leaving only the patterned edge above the ground - By the way, this is an excellent container for plants that needs to be brought indoors for the winter.

To make a splint parrot, you will need a perpendicular cut, then stretch it out different sides two strips of rubber - from one you will make a tail, and from the other - a head. It is important not to overdo it; you only need to cut the tire in half this way. The second, untouched half will be the bird’s belly, and the remaining semicircles will be the wings, by which, by the way, this sculpture can be hung. Use paints to make your parrot sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow! Don’t forget to decorate it with flowers, which can be placed in flowerpots inside the sculpture.

Hello, dear readers! Even from the simplest materials at hand, if desired, you can create incredibly attractive things. In today's review we will talk about old, unused car tires, or rather, we will tell you what to make from tires. There are actually many variations in the use of such tires, they can be swings, armchairs, ottomans, garden decorations, flower beds, fences, and much more, details below.

What can be made from tires.

1. Curb.

A classic of the genre, traditionally old tires are used to separate the area from the path to the flowerbed or lawn. Cut the tire in half and bury the cut part in the ground. Such borders can be painted in any shade if desired, or if you use a creative approach, you can draw flowers, cars, etc.

2. Newspaper box.

By cutting the tire in half and installing it on metal legs, you can get a rather interesting newspaper or magazine holder (whichever is closer to you).

3. Fence.

An excellent idea for a fence is tires stacked on top of each other, sprinkled with earth and planted with climbing plants.

4. Swing.

Children will be indescribably delighted with such a wonderful swing. A horse made from a tire looks especially impressive (see photo below).

5. Rocking chair.

By cutting the tire in half and nailing a flat piece of wood to the cut piece, you can end up with an excellent outdoor rocking chair for a child. But you can also paint it in your child’s favorite shade, and then he will spend a lot of time on it.

6. Flowerbed.

Next method the use of tires, just like the border is considered a “classic”, agree, flower beds made from old tires catch your eye everywhere - in small towns, residential areas, villages, kindergartens, playgrounds etc. Below you can study various options flower beds.

7. Bird feeder.

A wheel on a rope tied to a tree branch filled with food will serve as an excellent bird feeder.

8. Armchair.

But tires can be used to make a magnificent chair, various variations The seats can be examined in the photographs below.

9. Chandelier.

The imagination of designers is truly limitless - you can even make a ceiling chandelier.

10. Bicycle rack.

Tires cut in half and placed in a row about 8cm apart make an excellent bike rack.

11. Place for a dog.

A round pillow placed inside the tire will serve as an ideal sleeping place for your pet - cat or dog.

12. Garbage can.

The simplest idea to implement is three or four tires stacked on top of each other, a large garbage bag inside, and in the end an excellent garbage can. Painted wheels will look more interesting and neat.

13. Wall flower bed.

Tires screwed to a wooden wall with a screwdriver will serve as excellent wall flower beds.

14. Palm tree.

First you need to flatten the tire by cutting it with a jigsaw, then using a pencil draw the outlines of palm leaves, which are again cut out using a jigsaw and painted in green color. The resulting leaves are nailed to the trunks of trees that have outlived their useful life.

15. Sandbox.

The simplest idea to implement is creating a sandbox. Fill a large tire with sand to the top and place a beach umbrella in the center. At night, remove the umbrella and cover the sandbox with an awning, and so that it does not fly away when the wind blows, screw screws into the edges of the tire, and create loops on the awning itself.

16. Hanging flowerbed.

Look how chic the hanging flowerbed in the shape of a parrot looks. The tire is cut with a jigsaw and painted with façade paint according to the preliminary marks.

17. Umbrella stand.

Holes are cut out in the tire to fit the width of the folded umbrella; you can try taking large curtain eyelets and securing them to the tire. To prevent the tire from rolling around the room, attach wooden legs to it.

18. Pond.

A great idea for creating a garden pond. A hole is dug to the size of the tire, the latter is covered with a thick film, and a hose with water is lowered inside. The edges of the tire are masked with all sorts of flat stones, and moisture-loving plants are planted. Finally, the pond is filled with water. The entire process of creating such a pond can be studied in the photo below.

19. Ottoman.

A tire ottoman decorated with rope looks very stylish. Plywood the size of the tire itself is nailed to the surface of the tire, then a rope is taken and glued to the sides and top of the future ottoman using glue. The entire process of creating an ottoman is shown in the photo below.

20. Washbasin.

How do you like this washbasin? It’s very original, isn’t it?

21. Garden steps.

Sometimes the site is not on a flat surface, but goes downhill, so in order not to bother with concreting, you can use unnecessary tires, burying them along a steep slope, forming steps.

22. Table.

The miniature table turns out to be very beautiful. You can find out how to make it yourself by studying the photo below.

23. Decorations for flower beds.

Craftsmen make really chic garden decorations from old tires, including: swans, ladybugs, cows, frogs, tea mugs, etc.

How to make a fountain from a tire:

How to make a swan from a tire:

How to make an ottoman from a tire:

Today we showed you a lot of ideas on what can be made from tires. For the garden, it is difficult to find a more practical and pliable material, but what magnificent garden elements It turns out - a sight for sore eyes! The conclusion is simple, if there is summer cottage– worn-out tires should not be thrown away!

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An original decoration for a summer cottage or yard can be made using garden flowers and available materials. To do this, you need to purchase a flowerpot or plastic container at a hardware store, spending a fair amount of money. Or you can make a bright and beautiful flower bed made from old tires is no worse than in beautiful pictures from the Internet.

Advantages and disadvantages of tire products

You can make an unusual flower girl from an old wheel, its smooth inner part, turned outward, looks very beautiful. A flower bed made in this way looks very attractive, and at first glance, it is impossible to determine what it is made of.

Advantages of flower beds made from tires:

  1. Economical. No need to make expensive purchases, any used car tire will do. If you don’t have it, you can ask your neighbors and friends.
  2. Originality. No one will have a flowerbed like yours; monotonous, faceless plastic containers will remain a thing of the past.
  3. Mobility. If you decide to change something in your yard, then the flowerbed can be easily moved to a new place, do not forget to first remove the soil with the plant.
  4. Creation. You can realize your artistic abilities, which you may not even suspect. If you get tired of a color or pattern, car tire you can just repaint it.
  5. Variety of shapes. By using your imagination, you can create interesting and unusual flower beds in the form of swans, turtles, frogs, tea sets, and flowerpots.
  6. Durability. This flowerbed will serve you well long years. She is not afraid of any adverse weather conditions. Over time, the paint may just fade, but this can be easily solved.
  7. Functionality. A product made from tires can be not only decorative decoration, you can also grow seedlings in it.

Disadvantages of tire products.

  1. Unaesthetic. If you have a beautiful and well-groomed Vacation home, then a flower girl made of tires will look out of place. You need to choose more elegant forms for the flower bed.
  2. Time and effort. In order to make such a flowerbed, you will need time for preparation and an assistant, especially if the car tire will need to be turned out and worked with a jigsaw.

If you decide that such a flower bed will fit perfectly into your personal plot, you can begin the process of preparing to create a flower bed.

  1. Decide on the location of the flowerbed and prepare the area for its placement.
  2. Choose a suitable tire. Give preference to imported wheels; they are softer and thinner. It is better to choose winter tires, they are more pliable and easier to work with. The most worn tires, the rubber on which has become thinner, will be easier to turn out.
  3. After this, it is necessary to clean the tire from traces of dirt and other foreign objects.
  4. If the flower garden consists of shaped elements, then you need to cut out the tire with a marker or chalk.
  5. Purchase or prepare paints, brushes, etc. necessary tools. Suitable for painting flower beds car paints, paints with enamel and acrylic composition, oil paints and nitro enamels.
  6. Prepare flowers that will be transplanted into the flowerbed. And various decorative elements, which may be useful - pebbles, shells, etc.

How to paint a flowerbed made of tires: instructions

Some gardeners make flower beds from car tires, leaving them unpainted; however, flower beds painted in bright colors look better and more attractive.

  1. After the tire is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and small pebbles stuck in the tread, it must be thoroughly washed and allowed to dry.
  2. In order for the paint to adhere better to the surface, it should be degreased with acetone or white spirit.
  3. After complete drying, the surface of the tire must be sanded with sandpaper.
  4. You can warm up the paint can a little to make it easier to apply.
  5. For ease of application, it is better to choose an aerosol can of paint, this will save you time. It is necessary to place polyethylene under the tire so as not to stain the grass with paint.
  6. The tire can also be painted with a brush, it will take more time, but you can paint it after installing it in its permanent place.
  7. It is better to paint in several layers, 2 or 3 times. Each layer must dry for at least 24 hours.

It is better to apply the first layer with white paint, and then the main one.

  1. It is necessary to paint the product both outside and inside, or at least the upper quarter of the inside. This will give the flowerbed a neater look and protect it from the elements.
  2. There is no need to apply paint in thick layers; it will quickly crack from heat or cold.
  3. It is better to choose light colors for painting so that the plants and their roots do not overheat in the sun. Bright colors are great for such flowerbeds, however, do not forget that the color of the painted product should be in harmony with the color of the flowers planted in it, and not dominate.
  4. The tires can be left plain, a pattern can be drawn using a stencil, or the tread checkers can be painted.

Do-it-yourself tire flower bed: creation technology

The preparatory work has been completed. Car tires are painted. All that remains is to decide on their form:

  1. Single-tier. The simplest type of flower bed is a painted tire that is simply filled with soil into which flowers are planted. You can make a low flower bed by burying it in the ground, leaving only a colored border. Tires can also be laid out in a certain sequence, for example, in the form of a chamomile.
  2. Multi-tiered. To do this, several tires of different diameters, painted in different bright colors, are stacked on top of each other in order of decreasing tire diameter. Or a pyramid is made from tires of the same size. To prevent the structure from falling apart from the inside, you can fasten them together using a screwdriver.
  3. Hanging. The tire is attached with chains or ropes to a branch or pipe like a flowerpot. Also, such a flowerpot can be hung vertically on the wall of the house, it looks very original!
  4. Curly. To create such a flowerbed, the tire must first be cut with a grinder or electric jigsaw, as a last resort, with a knife, moistening it in soap solution. Assemble the intended composition and draw individual elements, if any.

Making a flowerbed from a tire in the form of a flowerpot: instructions

A flower garden in the form of a flowerpot looks very beautiful. This will require a soft and worn tire, as it will need to be turned out.

Let's consider this option in more detail:

  1. Cut out the petals for the flowerpot. They can be of absolutely any shape - round, square, rectangular, abstract. To do this, markings are applied to the top of the car tire with chalk or soap and carefully cut out with a jigsaw. When working with a tire, be sure to use gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.
  2. We turn the tire out. This part of the work requires some effort and skill. To do this, turn the tire upside down with its whole side up and, grasping the edges of the petals, turn it inside out, lightly pressing it, and flattening it into an oval.
  3. We paint the resulting product in the chosen color, fill it with soil and plant flowers.
  4. In order to make a flowerpot on a leg, we take another tire with a disk for greater stability and, using a similar technology, we cut out the petals right up to the tread and turn them out. The tires are stacked on top of each other in the form of a flowerpot on a leg. Painted and planted with flowers.

The final stage in creating a flower bed is planting flowers. For these purposes, it is better to take perennial plants with beautiful and bright inflorescences.

Also, the choice of colors will depend on the type:

  1. Pansies, marigolds, and nasturtiums are suitable for single-tier flower beds.
  2. For a high flower bed the most the best optionhanging plants: begonia, geranium, lobelia, ampelous petunia, dichondra.
  3. Cascade-type plants are great for hanging flower beds. They will hang beautifully and draw attention to the bright colors. This type includes petunias, ivy and tumbelina.

Creating a flower bed from tires with your own hands is a process that requires certain skills and creativity. However, the result is worth it. Bright and beautifully decorated flower beds will delight you for a long time!

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