Lesson notes for the educational activity “Winter. Wintering birds

Summary of GCD for drawing in an unconventional way in middle group on the topic: « Wintering birds».

Goals and objectives:

Continue to teach children to draw in unconventional ways (in this case with your palm).

Improve the ability to draw small details to the main part (head, beak).

Refine and consolidate knowledge of colors;

Develop aesthetic taste;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

Material and equipment:

Demo: pictures with birds.

Dispensing: album sheets A4 format, paints: brown, red, black, yellow, brushes, cloth.

Preliminary work:

Watching birds while walking, listening to the voices of birds on a CD, viewing slides of birds on multimedia equipment, sculpting birds, reading a poem, solving riddles.

Educator: Guys, today I want to talk to you about our little brothers. But who exactly will you find out about after you guess my riddle?

Mystery: has wings, has a tail, builds a nest in the spring, sings songs merrily? (children’s answers)

Educator: That's right guys, these are birds.

Everyone knows this bird

Doesn't fly to warmer climes

This bird is all year round

Lives in our yard

And she tweets

Loud since the morning:

Wake up quickly. -

He's in a hurry (Sparrow)

The color is greyish,

the behavior is thieving,

the croak is hoarse.

A very cunning person

And her name is... (crow)

What's happened? Look!

Snow fell on the lights.

These are not lights at all

These are birds (bullfinches)

Arrived at the feeding trough

Small bird.

What kind of bird with a yellow belly?

This is the same (titmouse)

Guys, what other birds do you know? (children's answers)

What is their name in one word? (children's answers)

Educator: How do they differ from each other?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, the sparrow is small, and the magpie is big. And by coloring they are different: The bullfinch has a pink breast, and the titmouse has a yellow breast. All these birds live next to humans, only the bullfinch flies to us from the forest in winter, since it has nothing to eat there at that time.

Tell me, what does the bird have? (torso, head, tail, wings, on the head there is a beak and eyes)

Physical education minute:

A nimble tit jumps

The nimble tit is jumping,

She can't sit still,

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Spun like a top. (We spin around in place.)

I sat down for a minute, (Sit down.)

She scratched her chest with her beak, (Stand up, tilt your head left and right.)

And from the path to the fence, (Jumping in place on the left leg.)

Tiri - tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)

Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)

And now we will draw birds. And our beloved palms will help us with this.

The children sit at the tables.

(First the teacher shows, and then the children perform.)

We take the brushes in our hands and smear all the fingers and half of the palm with black paint, the remaining half with red or yellow. Now place your bird in the very center of the leaf. To do this, you must open your fingers wide and place your palm on a sheet of paper. They pressed him tightly and sharply lifted him up. So we got the birds. (Wash your hands or wipe with wet wipes).

And now, while the bird is drying, we will rest a little.

Finger gymnastics.

We were going to draw a bird (bend the fingers of both hands)

Work lies ahead (circular movements)

Our hands, wake up (brush away the drops)

You, hand, and you, hand, don’t let me down! (they shake a finger + lock their hands)

Let's continue. Let's draw the eye and beak.

Summing up the lesson:

What is the name of the bird you drew? (Bullfinch, titmouse).

Well done boys. You completed the task. We drew wonderful birds.

Direct educational activities of a teacher with children in a secondary speech therapy group
Topic: “It’s difficult for birds to winter, we need to help the birds”

Educational area “Cognitive and speech development” in integration with educational areas: communicative and personal development, physical development.

Target: creating conditions for consolidating the concept of “wintering birds”


1) To form children’s understanding of the image and concept of “bird” (structure, appearance). Reinforce the idea of ​​how a person can help birds survive in winter

2) Develop general and fine motor skills, logical thinking; the ability to coordinate speech with movement, understand and clearly follow instructions from an adult

3) Cultivate positive emotions towards birds, a desire to show care for them.

4) Improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech: use simple prepositions in sentences (in, on), perform graphic exercises.

Preliminary work:

As part of the implementation of the kindergarten project “Winter” and the group project “Wintering Birds”: reading E. Alexandrov’s “New Canteen”, reading an excerpt from the story “Titmouse Calendar”, guessing riddles;

Birdwatching on walks, feeding birds. Working with parents to make bird feeders.

Didactic games:

“Gathering of Birds”, “The Fourth Wheel”, “Find the Bird”, “Put the Bird Out”.

Board games:

Educational lotto “Birds”, “Guess which bird?”

Games for speech development:“Add a word”, “Say kindly!” “One is many”, “Who has who?”

Games with movements: “Migration of Birds”, “Sparrows and the Car”, “Owl”

Artistic creativity: bird painting, bird sculpting.

Vocabulary work: introduction of new words into the active vocabulary of children: feeder, crumbs, small bird, perked up, fluffed up.

Move directly - educational activities.

Children are included in the group. A bird's singing is heard. The teacher draws the children's attention to this sound.

Guys, is anyone visiting us?

Who is this? (Bird)

Do you like the way she sings?

The bird wants to get our attention.

What is this? (We notice that there is a roll of paper next to the bird)

The bird wants to ask us riddles. Are you ready to guess them?

1. Chik-Tchirik

Jump to the grain

Don't be shy, peck.

Who is this? (Sparrow)

2. Blue scarf,

dark back,

Small bird,

Her name is (titmouse)

3. It snowed

And this bird

He is not at all afraid of snow.

We call this bird

Red-breasted (bullfinch)

Children solve riddles and find pictures with their images.

Who did we guess the riddles about? (About birds)

What kind of birds are these? (Wintering)

What other wintering birds do you know? (Woodpecker, crow, magpie, pigeon)

What do birds eat (seeds, seeds, crumbs, berries) - Is it difficult for birds in winter?

Why do people feed birds? (So ​​that they don't freeze, they survive0

Can we help them?

It's hard for birds to winter

We need to help the birds.

It's cold for the birds, how do they warm themselves?

Exercise "Bullfinches"

Here on the branches, look (wave hands),

Bullfinches in red T-shirts (tilt their heads to the sides),

Fluffed the feathers (shaking hands)

Basking in the sun (clap sides, raise head).

Children, what do birds have?

Children examine and show parts of the bird's body.

I have cards, look carefully and arrange them the way you think is right.

D/i “Who is built like that”

All birds are built the same

What is in front of the birds?

What's on a bird's head?

What's behind?

What is the bird's body covered with?

What can a bird do?

Children find and place the corresponding body part.

Children, do you want to show our guest how we call the birds for a treat?

(The birds need to be fed in winter, maybe we should call them?)

Come birds (calling hand movements),

I will give fat to the titmouse (cutting movements),

I'll prepare the crumbs (fingers with a pinch),

A little bread (“Crumble” the bread),

These crumbs are for pigeons ( right hand forward, palm up)

These crumbs are for sparrows ( left hand forward, palm up)

Jackdaws and crows (rolling “pasta” between their palms)

Eat pasta!

Game "Add a Word"

The chick jumped along the path

And pecked the big ones (crumbs)

Children, do you know what food birds like?

Want to feed the birds their favorite treat?

Children are offered signs (cards)

Exercise “Connect correctly”

Assignment: you need to draw a line from the bird to its favorite food.

We check the correctness of the task.

Physical exercise “Little Bird”

Small bird

Flew across the sky (birds fly)

Sat under the window

She pecked at the crumbs (squatted down and pecked at the grains),

The bird perked up (they stood up, shook themselves off),

She straightened her back.

She sang a song and flew into the house (waving her arms).

Children, do you want to feed the birds?

Our custom is this:

A little snow will fall,

We hang feeders

For the birds on a twig.

Is there a bird canteen here?

A tree is drawn on whatman paper, there are feeders hanging, and birds are sitting.

What do you see? (Tree, birds)

How many sparrows are there in total? (Two sparrows)

Where do sparrows sit? (At the feeder)

How many bullfinches are there on the tree? (One bullfinch)

Where is the bullfinch? (Sits on a branch)

How many tits? (Three tits)

Where do tits sit? (Tits are sitting in the feeder)

Do you already know what birds like to eat?

Choose the material you need and get to work. Children glue berries (from red paper), sprinkle millet and seeds on the glue. Glue, draw crumbs (with wax pencils

We feed the birds in winter, and they will take care of our forests and gardens in summer: they will destroy harmful insects.

Gliding merrily across the sky,

Feathered friends are flying

And they will sing, tweeting:

“Thank you very much!”

Abstract of the educational activity “Wintering birds”

Subject : « Wintering birds » .

Goals and objectives:

Formation of environmental culture in children;

Cultivating a caring attitude towardsbirds .

Expand and systematize children’s understanding ofwintering birds ;

Strengthen the ability to compare differentbirds , highlighting commonalities and differences.

Develop skills in conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement;

Develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem in didactic games;

Continue to develop your sound perception skills. Enrich the experience of children;

Expand the range of materials that children can use in drawing to create an expressive image.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towardsbirds ;

Create a desire to protect them and helpwintering birds

Equipment and materials :

Easel, pictures and photoswintering birds ; feeder forbirds ; food forbirds ; "Vote birds » ; colored pencils, wax crayons, pastels, outline drawingsbirds , snowballs(from cotton wool) .

Preliminary work :

Looking at an illustration ofbirds ; conversations with children during the process of observation and feeding during a walk; reading fiction, memorizing poems, didactic games"Guess who?" , “When does this happen?” , "The Fourth Wheel" .

Progress of direct educational activities.

1. Organizational part.

Music is playing(sounds of blizzard, wind, blizzard) .

After listening to music.

Educator :

Guys, what time of year did you hear the sounds of now?(children's answers)

What do you think winter is like?(snowy, frosty, harsh, angry) .

And what fun does winter greet us with?(sledding, skiing, ice skating, snowball fight) .

Guys. Let's have a snowball fight too!

Musical outdoor game"Snowball game" .

Children to the music"sculpted" snowballs, passing cotton balls from hand to hand. And then they throw it at each other. When the music ends, the game ends.

Educator :

Guys, look, a magical one has come to me"snowball" , and he invites us to take a walk through the winter forest.

2. Main part.

Educator : (reads out a poem) .

Winter forest stands sad.

Who hid secrets under the snow?

Why is the river silent?

Doesn't the bird song sound?

Enter the forest carefully

Don't wake up the secrets of the forest.

Educator :

Guys, why do you think it’s so quiet in the forest?( the birds don't sing )

Why don't they sing?birds ? (flew to warmer climes) .

But not allbirds fly to warmer regions, some of them fly closer to humans.

What for?(people feed them) .

Thesebirds stay with us for the winter. So what are these?birds ? ( wintering ) .

Guys, let's get to know youwintering birds .

A child comes out holding a picture of a tit in his hands.(reads a poem) .

Let the snow sparkle around you

And the winter wind is angry -

Sings without getting tired

Painted tit.

A picture of a tit is placed on an exhibition board.

Educator :

Guys, listen to the titmouse sing.(recorded on CD) .

A tit is a small bird with a yellow belly and a black cap on its head. These are very nimble and lively birds. Looking for food in the snowwinter they fly closer to human habitation.

A child comes out. in his hands is a picture of a bullfinch(reads a poem) .

Scarlet tassel dawn

Paints the chest of a bullfinch.

So that in frosts and snowstorms

He didn't freeze in the snow.

A picture of a bullfinch is placed on an exhibition board.

Educator :

Listen now. guys, bullfinch singing.(recorded on CD) .

The bullfinch is the most winter bird. When it snows. The bullfinch becomes very noticeable everywhere. Thanks to his red chest. Bullfinches hang on to rowan trees, maples, and raspberry bushes, picking off berries and pecking at seeds.

A child comes out, holding a picture of a magpie in his hands.

(reads a poem) .

She doesn't sit still

On the tail carries the news,

Maybe they are of little use,

But the magpie is proud of herself.

The picture with the image is placed on the exhibition board.

Educator :

Guys, listen to how the magpie chatters(recorded on CD) .

The magpie is a white-sided, long-tailed fidget. She is very curious. Will see somethingshiny : glass, coin and looks at it with a round eye. Then he will grab you and drag you into his nest.

A child comes out, holding a picture of a crow in his hands.(reads a poem) .

A person well known to everyone

She's a local loudmouth.

Will fly up to the green spruce

And he looks as if from a throne.


A picture of a crow is placed on an exhibition board.

Educator :

Listen, guys, to the crow cawing.(Record on CD) .

Crow -important bird , loud-mouthed. In each flock of crows, one of the crows plays the role of a watchman, warning the others of danger. Crows come in either completely black or black and grey.

A child comes out, holding a picture of a woodpecker in his hands.(reads a poem) .

The woodpecker is the doctor of the forest kingdom,

The woodpecker heals without medicine.

Treats linden, maple, spruce,

So that they grow and don’t get sick.

A picture of a woodpecker is placed on an exhibition board.

Educator :

Now, let's listen to the woodpecker knocking(recorded on CD) .

Woodpecker – most spends time sitting on a tree trunk and knocking on it with its beak to remove insects from there. The hollow in the trunk serves as a nest for it.

A child comes out holding a picture of a sparrow in his hands.(reads a poem) .

Chip - chirp, chik - chirp.

A sparrow jumps along the path,

Collects bread crumbs.

Roams at night,

He steals grains.

A picture of a sparrow is placed on an exhibition board.

Educator :

Guys, let's listen to the cheerful singing of the sparrow(recorded on CD) .

Sparrows are nimble and small. They build their nests near people's houses. These are very unpretentious birds.

Educator : (puts out the last picture with the image of a dove) .

Pigeons - They are gulliblebirds . They make cooing noises(recorded on CD) .

So guys, whatbirds arrived to us today? How can you call them all in one word?( wintering ) .

Physical education minute

Hands raised and waved -

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken (Children perform imitative

The wind blows away the dew. movements).

Let's wave our hands smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down -

We will fold our wings back.

Educator :

And now, you guys and I will play a game onattention : “Which bird is gone?”

(on the board are pictures depicting birds )

Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes one picture and asks the children when they openeyes : “Which bird flew away?”

Educator :

Winter is a very difficult time of year forbirds , especially if it is frosty and snowy.

Guys, how can we help?birds in winter ? (make feeders and feed birds ) .

Feedbirds in winter ,

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed

A handful alone - and not scary

It will be winter for them.

How many of them are dying?

It’s hard to count, it’s hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And it’s warm for them.

Is it possible to forget :

They could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Together with people.

Educator :

Guys, in kindergarten you and I are going for a walk. On our site we will hang feeders and pour food there. Maybe forwe will save more than one bird this winter . In the summerbirds will help us eat insect pests and continue to protect gardens and parks. I want to tell you that food from your table is forbirds are not good . For feedbirds suitable seeds of variousplants : sunflower, melon, watermelon.

Only sparrows peck at oats and millet; bread crumbs are also suitable for them.

Tits, in addition to seeds, love raw lard or meat.

Crow - omnivoresbirds .

Bullfinches prefer rowan berries, watermelon seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

Pigeons love cereals and bread.

Visual gymnastics.

Before us is a sparrow

He pecks grain from the ground.

From the left, a dove is coming towards us.

A crow is flying towards us from the right

The sun is shining brightly from above,

Warms everyone in the world.

Educator :

- Guys, do you want to feedbirds ?

Here we have two feeders : Bullfinches flew to one, and sparrows to the other. What to feed them? (children go out and pour the food they prefer into the feedersbirds ).

Game-poems"At the Feeding Trough" .

Educator :

- Now we will play with you.

There are pictures on the tablebirds , please come and take that onebird , which you liked.(Children come up and choose) .

-Imagine that youbirds . I'm going to read a poem now, and thatbird who hears about herself “flies to"feeder" (children post imagesbirds on a magnetic board-feeder).

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Visit on the first day of the week

The tits have flown to us,

And on Tuesday, look,

The bullfinches have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday.

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

And on Thursday from all over the world

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon fed itself with porridge,

And on Saturday for pie

Seven forty flew in.

On Sunday, on Sunday

There was general fun.

- Well done guys, we fed everyonewintering birds .

Finger gymnastics.

Pigeons are looking everywhere

Both in the snow and in the nest,

And on the branches, on the ground

Crumbs, seeds for yourself.

Educator :

- And now, guys, I suggest you color the one you likebird .

Children choose outline imagesbirds .

Music plays while coloring"Vote birds » .

At the end of the work, the children name which onethey painted the bird .

3. Final part.

Educator :

- Guys, what did you like most today?

-What new or interesting things have you learned?

Relevance. Forming love for the Motherland through love for nature native land and its inhabitants - one of the means of educating a patriot. The feeling of patriotism is so multifaceted in its content that it cannot be defined in a few words. To solve problems I use favorable conditions: interesting and available material for children preschool age. Children got the opportunity to look at the wintering birds of their region with different eyes, to realize the importance of their protection and careful attitude towards them.

Summary of educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) “Wintering birds of our region” (within the framework of the “Wintering Birds” project)

Direction: Cognitive and speech development.

Educational area: Cognition

Integration: Communication

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, productive.

Program content: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about the diversity of wintering birds, to develop knowledge about common features birds (beak, locomotion, feather cover). Learn to see the structural features and behavior of birds. Strengthen the ability to compare objects according to selected characteristics, using elements of the subject model for this. Develop observation skills and the ability to reflect highlighted features in comparative judgments.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness towards nature, belonging, empathy for all living things that surround us.

Preliminary work: Bird watching at the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Memorizing poetry. Conversations.

Equipment: Musical work by Vivaldi “Winter”, recordings of “birds singing”. Subject pictures depicting birds - sparrows, tits, bullfinches, crows. Stencils of birds, plan diagram, sets of colored circles in accordance with the color of the plumage of birds, simple pencils.

Progress of educational activities:

The music is “Seasons”, “Winter”.

The frost came out into the open spaces for a walk,

White patterns in the braids of birch trees.

Snowy paths, bare bushes

Snowflakes are falling quietly from above

In white snowstorms in the morning until dawn

A flock of bullfinches flew into the grove.

(author E. Avdienko)

What time of year is this poem written about? (winter)

Winter brought strict order to its domains. Everything about her is tidy and sparkling white.

And today I invite you, children, for a walk in the winter park, which can give you interesting encounters.

Close your eyes and imagine that you and I find ourselves in a winter park.

Children approach illustrations of birds.

“To open a forest, you don’t need to be quick,

Need eyes and ears

My keys: Look, be silent,

And take note and listen!”


It snowed, but this bird is not afraid of snow at all

We call this bird the red-breasted... (bullfinch)

Teacher's story:

The bullfinch is the first herald of winter; it gets its name from the word snow. The habitat of bullfinches is coniferous forests. This is a slow-moving bird; it jumps on the ground in short leaps, dives and bathes in the snow. The bird's wings are large, so the bullfinch's flight is smooth and wave-like. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, decorate winter nature with their appearance. Like red apples hanging on trees and bushes. Bullfinches feed on the seeds of cones, plants, and rowan berries; they take out the seeds with their beaks and throw away the pulp.

Poem(child reads):

It turned white outside the window,

Everything is covered in snow, how wide it is.

Like a rosy nesting doll - there is a live bullfinch on the porch.

You will see bullfinches through the window:

Hello, dear winter guest!

You'll be out on the porch sooner

Give them a handful of ripe grains.

What kind of bird is sitting on the tree? (crow)

Let's look at it:

What can you say about the size of a crow? (large, large)

What kind of wings does she have? (large)

What about the paws? (strong, tenacious)

What can you say about the color of their plumage? (grey-sided crow, black head, black tail and wings)

How do crows move? (fly, jump, walk)

How do they scream?

What do crows eat?


Here under the bushy tree

Crows jumping around the yard

Kar - kar - kar

They fought over a crust

They shouted at the top of their lungs:

Kar - kar - kar!

Sign: In winter, crows fly in a flock and scream. (This is due to bad weather, wind and snow).

And here are other birds. They are familiar to you.

Children approach the panel depicting sparrows and tits.

Here are the thieves - sparrows

And mischievous tits.

Let's look at them.

What size are these birds?

What parts does the body of a bird consist of?

What color is a sparrow's plumage? The titmouse?

What kind of beak does a sparrow have? (small, wide)

What about the titmouse? (small but spicy)

How do these birds move? (fly, jump)

What do sparrows and titmouses eat? (grains, bread crumbs, sunflower seeds, seeds)


"The sparrow is jumping, jumping

Calls small children -

Throw the crumb to the sparrow -

I'll sing you a song

Chick - tweet!

Folk sign:

“The sparrows chirped together - towards the warmth.”


Are you with this fashionista?

Of course I'm familiar:

The turntable is in place

It doesn't fit at all.

He's bragging about his blue frock coat

And a blue cap

The titmouse is proud.

Children, how do birds fare in winter? (cold, hungry)

What help do we provide to birds? (we make feeders and feed the birds)

Feeder display.

And now, guys, I suggest you look at the exhibition of feeders that your parents have prepared for you.

Tour of the exhibition of feeders.

Poems(teacher’s choice): “It’s cold for the sparrow”, “Letters”, “Dining room for birds”

And now I suggest you take a stencil of a bird and select the corresponding figure and sketch it. And color the bird in an unusual way - with shading. Let's hide the birds from the cold.

Turn on the music. Children do shading.


Now let's remember what birds we met? (ravens, bullfinches, tits, sparrows)

Children, look at the diagram and arrange the circles according to the color of the birds.

Surprise moment: The birds have prepared a surprise for you, they sent you photos.

Aigul Linetskaya
Summary of continuous educational activities on FCCM with elements of ecology. “Wintering birds” Middle group

Summary of continuous educational activities on FCCM with elements of ecology.

"Wintering Birds"

Middle group

Prepared by:

Linetskaya Aigul Raufatovna

Target: introducing children to wintering birds and the role of humans in their lives.

Educational objectives:

Introduce children to wintering birds; help clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the appearance and behavioral characteristics of wintering birds; about their role in nature and human life.

Developmental tasks:

To develop thinking, observation, attention, holistic perception of natural objects, to promote the development in children of the ability to highlight bright features their appearance.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a caring and caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help birds in difficult winter times.

Equipment and materials: audio recording of bird sounds, audio recording of the song “Sparrow Song” (minus, headbands with images of birds, bird feeder.

Ways to organize educational activities: conversation, problematic issue, use artistic word(riddles, poems, outdoor games, questions, artistic activities (application, didactic games.

Preliminary work: reading N. I. Sladkov “Titmouse - Arithmetic”, S. Yesenin “Playful Sparrows”, memorizing the song “Sparrow Song”, making feeders with parents, drawing wintering birds.

Dictionary activation: wintering birds, crossbills, migratory birds.

Educator: Children gather in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together,

And let's smile at each other.

Let's enjoy the morning and the birds (hands up)

We will also enjoy smiling faces (we smile at each other)

And to everyone who lives on this planet (throw up their hands)

"Hello", let's say we're together (holding hands)

Say “Hello” to our guests (pay attention to adults)

Let us offer you a smile in return.

Children greet guests

Educator: We are starting our lesson, and we will now find out what or who it will be about. Guess the riddle.

The hut is new,

Dining room for everyone

Calls for lunch

Taste the crumbs.

Children: Feeder

The teacher shows the feeder.

Educator: This is the canteen that opened here, look, guys! Who is this feeder for? (Children's answers).

Educator: That's right, guys, for wintering birds. Why were they called winterers?

Children: “Wintering birds” who live with us in the summer and remain to live next to us in the winter.

Educator: Correct. So, today we continue to get acquainted with wintering birds.

Today wintering birds came to visit us. What is the name of our first guest? Guess the riddle:

1. Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.

That's right - it's a bullfinch. (Show picture and listen to audio)

Bullfinches are very beautiful birds.

Try to describe their appearance: the color of the head, chest and wings.

Children: The head is black, the breast is red, the wings are gray.

Educator: Well done. Bullfinches are very bright, beautiful birds. The bullfinch is a forest bird. You won’t see them in the city in the summer; in the winter, with the first snow, they fly to people’s homes, which is why they were called “bullfinches.” Flocks of bullfinches fly from place to place in search of food, which is why they are also called nomadic birds. Bullfinches feed on buds, berries, and plant seeds. Their favorite delicacy is rowan berries.

And now Sasha and Dima will read you a nursery rhyme:

Hello, dear snowman!

I arrived for an hour!

Why just for an hour?

You don't have enough berries!

Educator: Our second guest. Let's listen to the riddle:

2. Come to our feeder in winter

A bird arrives

With a yellow downy breast -

Nimble (Tit)

(Show a picture of a tit and listen to the audio)

Let's guys describe this bird.

You guys and I can see this bird on the street. Tits are very active and dexterous birds. They fly from place to place every now and then and rarely sit in one place. Tits feed on insects in summer. And in winter they gather in small flocks and look for food near people’s houses. Tits love lard, seeds, and bread crumbs.

And now I suggest you do some physical exercise and relax.

Physical education minute.

The nimble tit is jumping,

She can’t sit still (children walk in place)

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jump)

Spun like a top (turns left and right).

So I sat down for a minute, (we squat down)

Scratched her chest with her beak (children show movement)

And from the path to the fence,

Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow. (jumping)

Our next guest.

3. Loves to jump and fly,

Peck bread and grains.

Instead of "Hello" I'm used to

Say "Chick-chirp" to everyone. (Sparrow)

(Show picture and listen to audio)

The sparrow is a small bird with a brown back and gray breast. He is very nimble, loud, and often gets into quarrels with other sparrows. But no matter what, sparrows are friendly birds, if a sparrow finds a baby, it will definitely call its friends and share it with them. He chirps very loudly, thereby attracting attention to himself. Sparrows live in a flock. And in the flock there is a watchman who always looks around carefully and immediately begins to chirp loudly if there is any danger. Sparrows are very useful birds. In summer they feed on harmful insects - caterpillars, beetles. In winter, sparrows are hungry. They fly to people's homes in search of bread crumbs, seeds, and grain.

Now let’s sing “The Sparrow Song” to our guests.

"Sparrow Song"

I don't need any toys

No colored pencils

Because at the trough

A sparrow has taken up residence.

I just wish I had listened better

This cunning mischief maker.

I decided just in case

Bird language learn.



Everyone needs friends.



Even sparrows.

So many delicious sandwiches

I crumbled it into the feeder.

Very difficult job -

Sparrow training.

But in our area

People are surprised -

The sparrow dances in a crouch,

He claps his hands and sings.

We share lunch with him,

As friends should.

He tweeted about it

To all the familiar sparrows.

I'll give them sweeter crumbs.

And not a week will pass -

Everyone will see the real one

Sparrow round dance.

Educator: Well done, guys. And the next bird that flew to us from the forest is very unusual and beautiful. Let's get to know her.

4. Who is among the coniferous branches in winter

Does he bring out the kids in February?

Unusual beak - cross,

That bird's name is.


(Show the picture and listen to the audio recording)

The crossbill is always easy to recognize by its beak. Crossbills have a beak that looks like a cross. They need it to get food for themselves - to get seeds from cones. You can't get seeds from a cone with a regular straight beak! Therefore, if you see a bird with a cross-beak in a forest or park in winter, then you know that it is a crossbill. You will never confuse him with other birds! Crossbill is the most amazing bird! And the most seasoned! Not afraid of any frost! And it hatches chicks in the bitter winter during blizzards, blizzards and severe frosts. And that’s why crossbills make a very warm and durable nest. And their nest is always located very high on a pine or spruce tree, so that no one can reach the chicks.

Why do crossbills hatch chicks in winter? Because ticks need special food! Which? Now I'll tell you.

N. Sladkov. Spruce porridge

Everyone's birthday is joyful. But the ticks are in trouble. What a joy it is to hatch in winter? It's frosty, and you're naked. One back of the head is covered with down.

All birds have parents like parents; they hatch their children in the summer when it is warm and nourishing. Laws are not written for crossbills alone. I managed to hatch a tick in the winter, and on the twenty-ninth of February! What kind of birthday is this that only comes once every four years? Just cry: no greenery, no caterpillars; snow, cold.

And at least the parents!

There's a crossbill daddy sitting on his Christmas tree and singing songs. And there’s steam coming out of his beak, as if he’s smoking a pipe!

This is what I think about biting.

I just see that the ticks themselves live and do not grieve!

Crossbills eat porridge. Porridge made from spruce seeds is good! They'll eat the porridge and go to sleep. From below the nest is like a feather bed, from above the mother is like a feather blanket. And the porridge warms you from the inside. The Christmas tree is cradled, the wind purrs songs for them.

A few days passed and the crossbills grew. Neither our necks got cold, nor our noses froze. Yes, they are so thick that the nest is cramped. And restless: they almost fall out of the nest.

This is probably all from my mother’s worries and from the spruce porridge.

And also from the bright sun and frosty wind.

No, birthday is always a happy day.

Even if it’s winter and frost. Even if it’s the twenty-ninth of February.

Doesn't matter!

Conversation based on text:

1. What birds are we talking about in the story?

2. Why are crossbills fat and restless?

3. At what time do crossbills hatch their chicks?

Educator: Well done! And now, let's play with you winter game pay attention to “Snowflake”, “Ice”, “Snowdrift” and “Icicle”.

Now let’s listen to the audio recording and guess the last bird, which is also rushing towards us (recording of a crow).

Here's a crow. This bird

He is the least afraid of people.

Caws loudly in the nest,

The long nose sticks everywhere!

Show picture.

The crow is a medium-sized bird. She has very strong legs and a curved beak. She herself is gray, her head, tail and wings are black and shiny. Crows live everywhere: in the city, in the countryside, in the countryside, in the forests. And forest crows in winter The crow loves to steal: eggs from other people's nests, chickens, ducklings. Crows hunt for food all day, and spend the night in the trees in large, noisy flocks. Crow is very useful bird, it destroys harmful insects and preserves trees in the city.

Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. Look how many birds there are on our board. Let's count them.

Children count birds.

And let's play the game: "Which bird is gone."

(Children close their eyes. The teacher removes one picture of a bird. Children open their eyes and name this bird. For example: the crow is gone, etc.).

Educator: Some of our children also prepared a surprise; they turned into birds. We quickly close our eyes and open them. Now our children will tell themselves what kind of birds they have turned into.

Headbands are placed on children's heads. Reading poetry.

(Kolya) The dove landed smoothly,

I shook off all the feathers,

And he started spinning on the spot -

Collecting grains.

And cooing and twirling

He dances the Viennese waltz.

(Olya) Sideways, sideways, sideways

A jackdaw walks past the windows,

All tousled by the wind,

Covered with snow.

(Marusya) The tit is jumping merrily,

And he is not afraid of frost:

She doesn't mind the cold

As long as there is food in the feeder!

Well done boys! Let's remember once again which birds are called wintering and which are migratory. Children's answers.

Now let's play a game. If I call a wintering bird, then you clap, if it’s a migratory bird, then you stomp.

Educator: And now Lena and Kostya will read us a poem:

It's so cold, it's so cold,

Nose out - oh-oh-oh.

Even squirrels are restless

Waiting for the warmth

They don’t scurry off the branch onto the branch,

They don’t crawl out of the hollow.

And a hungry tit

Cries quietly at the window:

“There’s nowhere to warm up and feed

No bugs, no grain

I'm freezing, I'm starving

I can't wait for the warmth.

Educator: Do you feel sorry for the birds?

Children: Yes, it’s a pity

Educator: Why?

Children: The birds are cold. Nothing to eat

Educator: What do you guys think, what is worse for birds than cold or hunger?

Children: Of course, hunger.

Educator: How can we help the birds?

Children: We need to feed them

Educator: But if we throw food on the ground, the snow will cover it and the birds won’t see it, what should we do?

Children: You can make a feeder.

Educator: Correct. Over the weekend, many of you, together with your dads and moms, worked hard and made feeders, we hung them on the trees of our site. I think the birds really liked your feeders.

It's hard for birds to winter

We need to help the birds!

I asked you to cut it

spruce board,

I made it with my dad

Bird's canteen.

The teacher shows a drawn feeder and invites the children to treat the birds.

Educator: Look what the “bird canteen” looks like. There were so many treats on it: they ate cone seeds, sunflower seeds, rowan berries, and even pieces of lard. Let's invite the birds to the feeder! But first, let's prepare our hands.

Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

How many birds are there for our feeder?

Has it arrived? We'll tell you.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and pigeons,

Woodpecker with motley feathers.

There were enough grains for everyone.

They clench and unclench their fists rhythmically.

For each name of the bird, one finger is bent.

They clench and unclench their fists again.

Children go to the feeder and glue the birds.

Educator: Today you learned only a little about the life of wintering birds.

I think you will watch over them and help them in their time of need.

The conversation was not easy,

And she's so smart.

Those who listen carefully

Birds are not harmed.

And for us, friends, goodbye,

All that remains is to say “Goodbye!”