Godmother and godfather: responsibilities. Responsibilities of the godmother during and after baptism

Baptism is one of the important events in life Orthodox man. It is believed that he receives some kind of pass into the Kingdom of God. This is the moment of a person’s spiritual birth, when his previous sins are forgiven and his soul is cleansed. Special attention One should pay attention to the choice of godparents for the child, since they have an influence on the spiritual life and salvation of the believer. That's why Godfather, whose duties and responsibilities include all of the above, must be worthy.

The role of a godfather in a child's life

Now let's take a closer look at what role the godfather plays in Orthodoxy, whose responsibilities include not only gifts for holidays. The most important thing he must do is to provide assistance in the spiritual life of his godson. So, let's look at the responsibilities in order:

  1. Set a worthy example for him with your life. This means that in the presence of a godson you cannot drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or speak swear words. You need to be noble in your actions.
  2. Prayers for your godson are obligatory, especially in difficult moments.
  3. Visiting a temple with your child.
  4. Necessarily spiritual education godson (stories about God, teaching the Bible, etc.). If there are problems in life situations, then provide all possible assistance.
  5. The responsibilities of the godfather also include financial support if necessary (if the parents a difficult situation with money or work).

What do you need to know to choose godparents?

So, how to choose a godfather or godfather? What should you be guided by? Firstly, you should know that in the spiritual life of a child, the most important thing is a godfather of the same sex (for a boy - a godfather, for a girl - godmother). However, according to established tradition, two are chosen as godfathers.

Of course, the decision about who will be the child’s spiritual educator throughout his life is made at the family council. If there are any difficulties when choosing, then consult with your priest or spiritual father. He will probably suggest a suitable candidate, because this is quite an honorable duty.

It is very important that God-parents not get lost in life, so that they continue to spiritually care for the child throughout his life. Both the godmother and the godfather, whose duties and functions are described above, have their own responsibilities before the Lord.

Based on all this, Christians who are over fourteen years old are suitable for the role of spiritual parents. They take responsibility for the future spiritual life of the child, praying for him, and then teaching him to live in the Lord.

Who can't be a godfather?

When choosing a godfather or mother, you need to know who cannot be for your child:

  • Those who are going to become spouses in the future or are already such in the present.
  • Parents of the baby.
  • Those who accepted monasticism.
  • Unbaptized people or non-believers in the Lord.
  • Can't be taken in people's godparents who have mental illness.
  • Those who profess a different faith.

All of this should be taken into account before a godfather is chosen. His responsibilities are quite extensive, so the person who agreed to be him must be clearly aware of everything.

Necessary items for the ceremony

You should talk in more detail about what items are needed for this ritual:

  • Kryzhma. This is a special towel on which a cross is embroidered or simply depicted. A child is wrapped in it during anointing, as well as when prayers of prohibition are read. Sometimes the baby's name and the date of his baptism are embroidered on such a towel.
  • Baptismal swaddling cloth. It's not really required attribute, but should be when it's cold. This diaper is used to wipe the baby after dipping into the font, and then wrap it again in the kryzhma.
  • Clothes for baptism. This could be a christening set (dress) for a girl or a special shirt for a boy. It is advisable that these clothes be purchased as a gift by the baby’s successor.
  • It is necessary to have a pectoral cross with you for a future Christian. Usually it is acquired by the godfather. Responsibilities at baptism for him, of course, are not limited only to this acquisition, but they will be written about them below.
  • It is necessary to take with you an envelope for the baby's cut hair.
  • You should also purchase icons for the child and make a donation to the temple (this is an optional condition).

Is there any special preparation for recipients before the ceremony?

You should also pay attention to preparing for christening. The most the right step there will be an appeal to a confessor or priest for advice. However, you should know that usually before the sacrament it is necessary to confess and receive communion. Before this, you need to fast (the priest should tell you about the number of days). You may need additional actions, such as reading prayers, spiritual literature, etc. It is also advisable not to attend noisy parties, various entertainment venues, or watch TV at this time. All free time It is advisable to devote time to prayer.

If this is your first time in the role of godfather, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with how the sacrament is performed, what prayers are read, and what the order of chants is. This is necessary because when you become a spiritual educator of a little person, you need more than just a formal presence. Required sincere prayer, which should not stop even after the completion of the sacrament, because this is the essence of becoming a godparent.

More details about what responsibilities the godfather has during this ritual will be discussed below.


Considering the question of the duties of a godfather at a christening, it should be said that on this day it is customary to give gifts, both to the baby and to the godfather. If desired, you can give a gift to your parents.

It is appropriate for a child to give both an educational toy and something more important for spiritual life, such as a Bible for children with pictures. By the way, the gift can be discussed in advance with the parents, because something else may turn out to be more important at this moment.

There is one main gift that his godfather must give the baby. The responsibilities during baptism are not only to hold the baby, but also to show the first example of honoring the Lord. After all, children understand everything from birth at the level of feelings. In addition to reading prayers, such a gift becomes pectoral cross, which is baptismal. It must be bought and presented by the recipient.

For parents, especially for the baby’s mother, a prayer book containing the necessary prayers for the whole family would be a good gift.

How were christenings celebrated in ancient times?

Previously, as now, christenings were a very significant event in people's lives. This sacrament was necessarily performed no later than two months after the baby was born, and sometimes earlier, on the eighth day. This happened because there used to be a high infant mortality rate, so it was very important for loved ones to baptize the child before the irreparable happened, so that his soul would go to heaven.

The celebration of the little man's joining the church was celebrated with a large number of guests. This was especially noticeable in large villages. Many people gathered for such a holiday, who came with gifts and Best wishes baby. At the same time, they brought mainly various pastries - kulebyaki, pies, pretzels. In the house where he lived little man, a sumptuous table was laid for the guests, and there was practically no alcohol (there could only be red wine in very small quantities).

There were traditional holiday dishes. For example, a rooster baked in porridge for a boy or a chicken for a girl. There were also a lot of shaped baked goods, which symbolized wealth, fertility, and longevity.

It was customary to invite the midwife to the table, who would receive the baby. They could also call the priest who performed the baptismal ceremony. During the celebration, numerous songs were sung, thus wishing the child all the best. They saw off all the guests, presenting each with sweets.

How is baptism performed? Responsibilities of a Godfather

Now let's look at how the ceremony itself takes place, what should be done at this time and what responsibilities each of those present has. In our time, this sacrament usually occurs on the fortieth day after birth. Parents or future godparents must go to the chosen temple in advance and sign up for the chosen date, as well as agree on the process itself. After all, you can hold individual christenings or general ones.

The responsibilities of the godfather during the baptism of a girl are the same, and that of a boy are different (although they differ slightly). If the child is not yet a year old and cannot stand on his own, then he is held in his arms all the time. For the first half of the ceremony (before immersion in the font), boys are held by their godmothers, and girls by their fathers. After the dive, everything changes. Since the main thing for a boy is the father, it is he who accepts the child, and the mother accepts the girl. And this continues until the end of the ceremony.

The service itself lasts about forty minutes (more time is required if there are many people). It begins after the celebration of the liturgy. The performance of the sacrament begins with the laying on of hands on the person being baptized and the recitation of a special prayer. After this, you should renounce Satan and his works. Adults are responsible for a child who cannot speak.

The next step in the ritual will be the consecration of the water in the font. Before immersing the person being baptized into it, he should be anointed with oil (back, chest, ears, forehead, legs and arms.) Only after this does immersion into the font occur. The priest reads prayers. This action symbolizes dying to the world and resurrecting to the Lord. This is how a kind of cleansing occurs.

Then the child is handed over to the godfather, he is wrapped in kryzhma (as mentioned above, the boy is handed over to the father, and the girl to the mother). Now the baby is anointed with myrrh.

So, now you know the responsibilities of a godfather when baptizing a boy and a girl. As you can see, they are slightly different.

Baptism at home

In addition to baptism in the temple, it would not be reprehensible to perform this sacrament at home, with your family. However, it is better to do it in the right place. This is based on the fact that after baptism, boys must be brought into the altar (girls simply venerate the icons).

After the ceremony is completed, the little man becomes a full member of the church. This can be felt most strongly only in the temple. Therefore, home christenings are possible only if the baby is unable to withstand the ceremony in church. They are also committed when the child is in mortal danger (illness, etc.). If the whole sacrament takes place in a home environment, then the godfather has the same responsibilities for baptism as if the ceremony was performed in a church.

Church life of new Christians

You should know that after baptism, a person’s spiritual life just begins. The first acquaintance with church rules begins with the prayer of one’s own mother and godmother. This is how, invisibly, the word of God is instilled in the baby. And in the future, when he sees everything for himself, you can slowly introduce him to family prayer, explaining its value.

Special mention should be made about baptismal accessories. Kryzhma and special clothing (if you purchased it) should be stored separately and not used in everyday life. A christening shirt (dress) can be worn when a child is ill (or simply wrapped in it). The icon that was used during the sacrament should be placed near the baby’s crib or on the home iconostasis (if there is one). The candle is used on special occasions and is also kept for life.

The responsibilities of a godfather at baptism are just beginning. In the future, when the child grows up, he will need to go to church with him, take communion and attend services. Of course, this can be done with parents, but it is better if it is a godfather. By the way, you need to take your child to church from an early age. It is there, in the bosom of the church, that he will be able to realize all the greatness of God. If he doesn’t understand something, you need to patiently explain the difficult moments.

This is how addiction occurs and has a beneficial effect on the human soul. Church chants and prayers calm and strengthen. During growing up there may be difficult questions. If godparents or parents cannot answer them, then it is better to turn to the priest.


So now you know what the responsibilities of a godfather are. They need to be taken seriously from the very beginning, as soon as such an offer is made to you. If necessary, consult with the priest about what you should do for your child, how to educate him in the spiritual life and what support to provide. Be careful, because from now on you and your godson are spiritually connected forever. You will also be responsible for his sins, so upbringing should be treated with special importance. By the way, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to refuse this.

Baptism is one of the main Christian sacraments. Many parents strive to involve their child in the church in early childhood, thereby defining him spiritual path for the rest of my life. People who adhere to the traditions of Orthodoxy know well that the so-called godmother and dad. They will become second parents, so-called recipients, and mentors throughout the life of a new Christian.

Baptism - main issues

It is not customary to baptize children without a godmother and father. This is a tribute folk traditions, so parents are concerned about finding suitable candidates. True believers approach their choice with all responsibility, well understanding that not everyone can become a godmother or father. Spiritual mentors have many responsibilities in relation to the person under their care. In addition, they become almost relatives to the godson’s parents; people usually call them godfathers.

The church is loyal to the question of whether a godmother and father are needed during the baptismal ceremony. Priests understand that not every person has friends or relatives who can be entrusted with such an important mission. Therefore, the ceremony is not denied even in the absence of one or both named parents. If it is not possible to make a couple, according to tradition, a woman is invited to mentor the daughter, and a man for the son. An adult has the right to decide for himself whether he needs godfathers and mothers.

Requirements for a godmother according to the canons of the Orthodox Church

Since the rite of initiation into the fold of the church is of a religious nature, the first requirement for a candidate is to belong to the appropriate faith. The named mommy must be an Orthodox Christian. Understanding the essence of the church sacrament and knowledge of the basic prayers is mandatory. Since only spiritual ties are allowed between named parents, Spouses cannot be godparents. Undoubtedly, a woman should make the decision whether to become a godmother or a mother based on the strength of her own faith. If she does not raise her own children in the spirit of Christianity, she is also unlikely to become a good mentor to someone else’s child.

When asked how many times a woman can be a godmother, church ministers answer unequivocally: there are no restrictions here. However, one must remember the responsibilities that will need to be performed equally well in relation to all wards. The woman makes the decision on the number of godchildren independently. True, there is a popular belief that there should not be more than three goddaughters, so as not to lose personal happiness. This restriction does not apply to boys.

Expecting a baby is not a canonical obstacle to participating in the sacrament. If a pregnant woman feels well, there is no need to give up the role of godmother. It's a different matter when it comes to later when a stuffy room and prolonged standing on your feet are more difficult to bear than in the first trimester. It is worth considering that the ceremony lasts about an hour, and the baby’s weight is more than three kilograms.

For some reason, many are sure that even a very young girl can be a godmother. However, church canons clearly state at what age one can assume these honorary responsibilities. The minimum age of godparents is 17 years, in this case there will be no questions. Boys and girls who have reached the age of fifteen must obtain permission from the priest.

Any female relative can act as a godmother: grandmother, niece, aunt, older sister. The rules do not prohibit parents from inviting any person they trust to play this role. Only one circumstance needs to be taken into account: the sacrament of baptism is performed once in a lifetime; It will no longer be possible to replace the named mother, even if she does not fulfill her duties.

Is it possible to be a godmother on critical days?

During the early days of Christianity, visiting a temple for a woman who was menstruating was considered undesirable. This was due more to hygiene considerations than to church canons. Most modern clergy are of the opinion that any physiological processes flowing in female body, cannot in any way be considered sinful. Visiting temple during menstruation is quite acceptable, as is participation in the sacrament of baptism.

Responsibilities of a Godmother

The godmother's care for her ward begins even before the ceremony. She can help parents organize the event by choosing the appropriate time for it. The responsibilities of godparents include purchasing religious paraphernalia necessary for the sacrament, as well as helping to organize a ceremonial family meal at the end of the ceremony.

The clergy tell everything that the godmother needs to know about the traditions of succession at conversations specially organized for parishioners, which it is also advisable to attend. You can find out about their times in the temple. The godmother needs to be aware that her responsibilities are not limited to baptism. She will have to support her ward’s faith in the Lord and pray for him as for her own children.

Preparation for the sacrament

According to church canons, a person with pure thoughts can become a recipient. Therefore, preparing for the baptism of a child for the godmother starts with a visit to the temple. A believer is obliged to regularly attend services and read prayers on his own, but many simply do not have enough time for this. The clergy treat this with understanding and are unlikely to refuse to accept the candidacy of godparents just because they rarely go to church. However, when making such a serious commitment to a future Christian, there are rules to follow. The godmother is instructed to visit church three days before the christening to confess, repent and receive communion.

The day before the sacrament is performed, it is recommended not to eat any food, drinking only water, and to refuse intimacy. It’s good if you find time the day before to attend the evening service in the temple. Let us remind you that the godmother needs to know the prayers that are customary to say at baptism, vouching for her ward before the Lord (more on this below).

How to dress for a church ceremony

The sacrament of initiation of a new Christian is a solemn rite, therefore The dress worn by the godmother should be elegant, but modest. There are generally accepted restrictions that must be adhered to.

  • Invalid outfit for the fair sex visiting the temple, Trousers or jeans are considered.
  • Dress or skirt must cover your knees.
  • Deep cut or neckline too unacceptable.
  • As for the color of the outfit, there are no restrictions, but it is better if the godmother's clothes are light. This will emphasize the spirituality of the moment.
  • At baptism, however, as during any visit to the temple, hair should be hidden under a headscarf or scarf.

What you need to buy for your future godson

Procedure Christian sacrament requires certain attributes. As a rule, the future named mother acquires everything she needs. The list of what godparents buy includes the following items:

  • cross body worn with a crucifix - it must certainly be consecrated;
  • church candles for each participant in the ceremony;
  • baptismal diapers and towel– the baby is wrapped in them immediately after the bath;
  • dress or shirt complete with a cap or corner– the set can be purchased at church shop or stores selling clothes for newborns.

During the cold season you should bring with you warm blanket, which will protect the baby from hypothermia. The mother should take care of this.

Of course, on his holiday the baby should not be left without a gift. In this regard, the Orthodox have certain traditions that establish what the godmother gives. Presented as a gift to the ward personalized icon or a silver spoon. You can give a girl earrings of a suitable design.

Fasting, Confession and Communion

Baptism, like any church sacrament, requires spiritual preparation and purification. In some Dioceses, communion, confession and fasting for the godmother and father are mandatory, but most often these are just recommendations. Their implementation remains on the conscience of future recipients. If you are not very familiar with religious rituals, let us remind you that they also prepare in advance for confession and communion before baptism. For three to seven days you need to give up animal food, pray more, and avoid wasting time.

Fasting time intended for a person to comprehend his own mistakes. Confession follows, during which it is necessary to tell the priest about thoughts and actions that are worthy of reproach. In order not to forget anything important out of excitement, it is quite acceptable to write down your sins on a piece of paper. In confession, the main condition is the sincerity of repentance and the desire not to repeat past mistakes. The last stage spiritual cleansing becomes participle. Before undergoing the sacrament of the Eucharist (communion), special prayers are read, as well as canons of repentance.

What prayers you need to know

Godparents must know basic Christian prayers, which include: “Our Father”, “Hail the Virgin Mary” and “Heavenly King”. The main prayer of the godmother during the baptism ceremony is "Symbol of faith". It is pronounced if a girl undergoes the sacrament.

At the boy’s christening, the named father prays to the Lord on his behalf. In addition, the priest conducting the ceremony reads the prayers “On Birthday” and “On Naming,” but it is not necessary to learn them. The named parents will have to read two more on this day when going to bed. short prayers: “Sweetest Jesus” and “Prayer to the Lord for the godchildren.”

Responsibilities of the godmother at baptism

If you have been given the honor of becoming a godmother to a baby, you should approach this responsibly. The baptism of a child is an important event in the life of the baby and his parents, so you simply must do everything possible to ensure that the celebration of spiritual birth goes flawlessly. If you are about to become a godmother for the first time, find out in advance how to prepare for your child's baptism. It is better if you learn the necessary information from a clergyman, and not from the Internet. You can ask the temple workers for a special memo that contains everything you need to know about the day of baptism.

As a future godmother, you should not only study the rules of the ceremony, but also get to know your future godson in advance. Since the child’s parents are not present at the ceremony, the baby may be frightened by crowds of people and cry. Feeling a well-known person nearby, he will begin to behave calmer.

  • The ritual lasts about an hour, and begins with the reading of vows of renunciation of Satan and dedication to the Lord.
  • The godmother pronounces the words addressed to the Lord on behalf of the new Christian in a quiet voice, holding the baby in her arms.
  • Throughout the entire sacrament of baptism, it is the duty of the godmother and godfather to participate in the ritual. While the priest reads the prayer, the named parent of the opposite sex holds the baby in his arms.
  • After the priest anoints the baby, the ceremony participants stand near a bowl of holy water, reading the “Creed” prayer, which is required to be read at baptism.
  • After the ablution, the priest hands the baby into the arms of the godfather, who puts on his headdress and shirt.
  • The priest cuts a lock of hair from the child, handing it over to the parents. The hair is stored along with the baptismal attire.
  • Afterwards, an adult with a baby in his arms walks around the font three times, an older child is led by the hand.
  • An important point is the issuance of a Baptismal Certificate. The document contains information about the baby, indicating the name given to him during the ceremony.

Girl's baptism

After immersing the baby in holy water, she is passed into the arms of her godmother. This is due to the fact that the girl is only brought to the altar, while the future man is carried or escorted through the Church gates. According to religious tradition, women are prohibited from going there. A girl’s godmother becomes a mentor in life. She is responsible for the new Christian woman before God. The godmother’s words addressed to the Lord, her prayers for health and well-being, are as important as parental ones. The responsibilities of a godmother do not end at baptism. From that day on, she becomes a close person for the girl for life.

Boy's baptism

It is more important for a boy to have a representative of the stronger sex as a mentor, but this does not mean that a girl cannot be baptized, for example, by a friend’s son or a younger relative. Of course, it is better to find a couple of godparents, although this is just a tradition and in the absence of a suitable candidate, you can only get by with the named mother. The rules for baptizing a boy are no different. For the godmother, the responsibilities towards the ward remain the same. The only difference will be in the ceremony. Since women are not allowed to go behind the lectern, when a boy is baptized, this action is performed by a clergyman.

Responsibilities of godparents after baptism

Godparents play the role of guarantor before the Lord and are responsible for spiritual development and raising a new Christian. The named mother or father accepts Active participation in the church and secular life of the godson. They give gifts, congratulate on the holidays, and at the wedding table the seated mother and father take pride of place.

It is generally accepted that spiritual parents should take upon themselves the upbringing of a child if something happens to his mother or father. However, even if you don’t go to extremes, they play a big role in the life of the godson. Therefore, it is necessary in everything to remain a model of morality and piety for your ward.

Having received an offer to take part in a christening, do not rush to agree. The religious rite of dedicating a child to the Lord is important for Orthodox Christians. If your own faith is not strong enough, and baptism is perceived only as a tribute to tradition, it is better to politely refuse and advise you to find a more worthy candidate.

Who are godparents? The Holy Father will tell you who can and should not baptize your child.

At Baptism, a child becomes a Christian, a member of the Church, receives God's grace, and must remain with it all his life. He also receives godparents for life. Father Orest Demko knows what you need to know about godparents and take into account at every stage of life.

Who are godparents? What are they for in spiritual and everyday life?

For people, the outward manifestations of godfatherhood are usually obvious. Like, there is someone to visit, someone to treat the child well... This, of course, is not bad at all, but Baptism is a spiritual event, and not just an external ritual.

And although this is a one-time event, it is a unique event, and godfatherhood is not a one-day event. Just as Baptism remains an indelible seal for a person, so, one might say, godfatherhood is not a worn-out sign for life.

What is godfatherhood?

In constant spiritual connection with his godson (goddaughter). Godparents times and are forever inscribed in this significant event in the child’s life.

Among Christians, one often hears the request: “Pray for me.” So godparents are those who always pray for the child, who will constantly keep him in their spiritual care before God. A child should always know that there is someone who supports him spiritually.

Thus, godparents can sometimes be quite far from their godchildren and see them infrequently. But their role is not to see each other periodically with a specific frequency; these are not gifts at least once a year. Their role is daily.

Sometimes the child’s parents may complain that godparents are not fulfilling their duties if they do not visit often enough. But, parents, take a closer look at your godfathers: perhaps they are praying to God every day for your child!

Relationships between godfathers

Whatever they are, what is more important is the relationship between the godparents and the child himself. Natural parents are also required to have correct expectations of godparents and their role in the child’s life. This should not be a material interest. And then, perhaps, it will disappear great amount misunderstandings.

But what to do if relations between godfathers go wrong?

First of all, you need to figure out why this happened. Or did the parents choose godfathers who do not have the correct understanding of their role? Or are these people who are already prone to destroying relationships and quarreling? Maintaining good friendship with godparents is what both relatives and godparents should try to do. Relatives must remember that their child is entitled to spiritual support from godparents. Therefore, if the natural parents do not allow godfathers to visit the child, this will mean robbing the child, taking away what belongs to him.

Even if godmothers did not visit a child for 3 or 5 years, parents should not be prohibited from doing so in the future. Or maybe it is for the child that understanding or reconciliation will come.

The only reason to protect a child from godparents is the objectively unworthy behavior of godfathers, an incorrect way of life.

How to choose godfathers so as not to regret it later?

These should be the people that parents would like their child to be like. After all, a child can adopt their features, personal qualities. These are people for whom the child himself is not ashamed. And they themselves must also understand their role, to be conscious Christians.

Usually godparents have less time for such preparations than natural parents. Their preparation will be to comprehend this change in their lives, to understand their responsibilities. Because this event is not just another living room and not even just a show of respect for them on the part of the baby’s parents.

Of course, the Church advises to begin confession before this event. Even if this confession does not become an instant conversion or noticeable sanctification for the godparents, a pure heart is the first gift from the godparents to the child. This is the very proof of their true openness.

What should godparents provide in the process of preparing for the Baptism of a child?

Sacrum. It's simple white canvas, which will symbolize " new clothes"child - God's grace.

Cross. It’s hardly worth buying a gold one; your child won’t wear one like that in the first place. And, perhaps, until a fairly conscious age.

What if godparents don’t know the “I Believe” prayer by heart?

They say this prayer during the Holy Sacrament of Baptism after they renounce evil on behalf of the child and promise to serve God. It contains the whole essence of Christianity, and the godparents in it recognize their faith and seem to outline the path in which to lead the child. The godparents must say it out loud.

But priests understand that godparents may not be too confident in knowing the prayer by heart. Firstly, this is prayer, and prayer books exist precisely so that one can read prayer from them. Secondly, godparents may be worried, confused or focused, for example, on the child himself, especially if he is crying. Therefore, the priest and clerk always recite this prayer quite loudly.

Is it possible to refuse when invited to be godparents?

Since becoming godparents is a set of new responsibilities, it is even a kind of change in a person’s status, this decision must be approached very responsibly. Conscious refusal will be better than not entirely voluntary acceptance of responsibilities. From the point of view of the Church, there is no such requirement to unconditionally accept the invitation of nepotism.

The reasons for refusal may be different: those invited feel that their friendship with the child’s parents is not completely sincere and deep; or they already have sufficient quantity godchildren. If the relationship with parents is imperfect, this may cause misunderstandings in the future. Therefore, invitees should be given time to think.

Approach wisely when choosing godparents for your child - and she will be good mentors and friends for the subsequent stages of her spiritual life: getting used to going to church, first Confession in life, communion.

Baptism of a child is a responsible step. Parents must not only be sure that the baby needs this, but also choose the right godparents. After all, according to the purpose of the godparents, the upbringing of the child in faith and piety depends on this.

About godfather

If women often take a more responsible approach to such an event as baptism, then men can leave some details and moments to chance. This should not be done, because every godfather must remember that for his actions he will ultimately bear responsibility before God. Therefore, the godfather must first thoroughly learn his responsibilities in order to know what to do in a given situation.


They must remember that if they are offered such a responsible role, they cannot refuse, it is considered bad sign. Having accepted their new status as godparents, they must carefully understand what they will need to do or not do in order to prepare for the ceremony. So, a few days before the baby’s baptism, godparents must fast and not be sexually active. It is also worth remembering that atheists, as well as married people, cannot be godparents. What should the godmother and godfather understand? The duties assigned to them must be strictly fulfilled, whether they like it or not. Previously, a child had only one godparent, of the same gender, but today this has changed a little, but the main one is considered to be the godparent who is the same gender as the baby. It is also worth remembering that the godparents must bear all the costs of preparing the ceremony. A man buys a cross and also pays for the services of the church (photographer), a woman buys a baptismal shirt and a towel - kryzhma. Also, the godmother should prepare treats for guests who came to congratulate the child on such an important day as baptism.


The godmother must remember that during the baptism ceremony you cannot wear makeup, i.e., use any cosmetics. Any jewelry is also not welcome, but you can and even need to put on your own. The duties of a godfather during baptism do not imply anything difficult. You just need to hold the baby and do everything the priest says. It is also better to first learn the “Creed” prayer; it will need to be said during the baptism ceremony. during the ceremony the same.


It is worth recalling once again that the main godfather for a child is the person who is of the same sex. If there was a godfather, he must clearly understand his responsibilities. After all, it is he who will have to tell the baby who God is, what faith the child is and how to behave correctly during various church rituals. Knowing the responsibilities of a godfather, a man must lead an honest, pious life, because the child will also look up to him and look closely at his manner of behavior. It is a misconception that godparents should only give gifts to the baby on numerous holidays, but this is not enough. It is the godmother and godfather, whose responsibilities are the spiritual upbringing of the child, who are responsible for what kind of person the child will become and how he will settle down in society in the future.

Baptism is one of the important events in the life of an Orthodox person. It is believed that he receives some kind of pass into the Kingdom of God. This is the moment of a person’s spiritual birth, when his previous sins are forgiven and his soul is cleansed. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of godparents for the child, since they have an influence on the spiritual life and salvation of the believer. Therefore, the godfather, whose duties and responsibilities include all of the above, must be worthy.

The role of a godfather in a child's life

Now let's take a closer look at what role the godfather plays in Orthodoxy, whose responsibilities include not only gifts for holidays. The most important thing he must do is to provide assistance in the spiritual life of his godson. So, let's look at the responsibilities in order:

  1. Set a worthy example for him with your life. This means that in the presence of a godson you cannot drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or speak swear words. You need to be noble in your actions.
  2. Prayers for your godson are obligatory, especially in difficult moments.
  3. Visiting a temple with your child.
  4. Spiritual education of the godson is mandatory (stories about God, teaching the Bible, etc.). If there are problems in life situations, then provide all possible assistance.
  5. The responsibilities of the godfather also include financial support if necessary (if the parents have a difficult situation with money or work).

What do you need to know to choose godparents?

So, how to choose a godfather or godfather? What should you be guided by? Firstly, you should know that in the spiritual life of a child, the most important thing is a godfather of the same sex (for a boy - a godfather, for a girl - a godmother). However, according to established tradition, two are chosen as godfathers.

Of course, the decision about who will be the child’s spiritual educator throughout his life is made at the family council. If there are any difficulties when choosing, then consult with your priest or spiritual father. He will probably suggest a suitable candidate, because this is quite an honorable duty.

It is very important that godparents do not get lost in life, that they continue to spiritually care for the child throughout his life. Both the godmother and the godfather, whose duties and functions are described above, have their own responsibilities before the Lord.

Based on all this, Christians who are over fourteen years old are suitable for the role of spiritual parents. They take responsibility for the future spiritual life of the child, praying for him, and then teaching him to live in the Lord.

Who can't be a godfather?

When choosing a godfather or mother, you need to know who cannot be for your child:

  • Those who are going to become spouses in the future or are already such in the present.
  • Parents of the baby.
  • Those who accepted monasticism.
  • Unbaptized people or non-believers in the Lord.
  • You cannot take as godparents people who have mental illness.
  • Those who profess a different faith.

All of this should be taken into account before a godfather is chosen. His responsibilities are quite extensive, so the person who agreed to be him must be clearly aware of everything.

Necessary items for the ceremony

You should talk in more detail about what items are needed for this ritual:

  • Kryzhma. This is a special towel on which a cross is embroidered or simply depicted. A child is wrapped in it during anointing, as well as when prayers of prohibition are read. Sometimes the baby's name and the date of his baptism are embroidered on such a towel.
  • Baptismal swaddling cloth. This is not an entirely necessary attribute, but it should be there when it’s cold. This diaper is used to wipe the baby after dipping into the font, and then wrap it again in the kryzhma.
  • Clothes for baptism. This could be a christening set (dress) for a girl or a special shirt for a boy. It is advisable that these clothes be purchased as a gift by the baby’s successor.
  • It is necessary to have a pectoral cross with you for a future Christian. Usually it is acquired by the godfather. Responsibilities at baptism for him, of course, are not limited only to this acquisition, but they will be written about them below.
  • It is necessary to take with you an envelope for the baby's cut hair.
  • You should also purchase icons for the child and make a donation to the temple (this is an optional condition).

Is there any special preparation for recipients before the ceremony?

You should also pay attention to preparing for christening. The most correct step would be to contact your confessor or priest for advice. However, you should know that usually before the sacrament it is necessary to confess and receive communion. Before this, you need to fast (the priest should tell you about the number of days). You may need additional actions, such as reading prayers, spiritual literature, etc. It is also advisable not to attend noisy parties, various entertainment venues, or watch TV at this time. It is advisable to devote all your free time to prayer.

If this is your first time in the role of godfather, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with how the sacrament is performed, what prayers are read, and what the order of chants is. This is necessary because when you become a spiritual educator of a little person, you need more than just a formal presence. Sincere prayer is necessary, which should not stop even after the completion of the sacrament, because this is the essence of becoming a godparent.

More details about what responsibilities the godfather has during this ritual will be discussed below.


Considering the question of the duties of a godfather at a christening, it should be said that on this day it is customary to give gifts, both to the baby and to the godfather. If desired, you can give a gift to your parents.

It is appropriate for a child to give both an educational toy and something more important for spiritual life, such as a Bible for children with pictures. By the way, the gift can be discussed in advance with the parents, because something else may turn out to be more important at this moment.

There is one main gift that his godfather must give the baby. The responsibilities during baptism are not only to hold the baby, but also to show the first example of honoring the Lord. After all, children understand everything from birth at the level of feelings. In addition to reading prayers, such a gift is a pectoral cross, which is baptismal. It must be bought and presented by the recipient.

For parents, especially for the baby’s mother, a prayer book containing the necessary prayers for the whole family would be a good gift.

How were christenings celebrated in ancient times?

Previously, as now, christenings were a very significant event in people's lives. This sacrament was necessarily performed no later than two months after the baby was born, and sometimes earlier, on the eighth day. This happened because there used to be a high infant mortality rate, so it was very important for loved ones to baptize the child before the irreparable happened, so that his soul would go to heaven.

The celebration of the little man's joining the church was celebrated with a large number of guests. This was especially noticeable in large villages. Many people gathered for such a holiday, who came with gifts and best wishes for the baby. At the same time, they brought mainly various pastries - kulebyaki, pies, pretzels. In the house where the little man lived, a sumptuous table was laid for the guests, and there was practically no alcohol (there could only be red wine in very small quantities).

There were traditional holiday dishes. For example, a rooster baked in porridge for a boy or a chicken for a girl. There were also a lot of shaped baked goods, which symbolized wealth, fertility, and longevity.

It was customary to invite the midwife to the table, who would receive the baby. They could also call the priest who performed the baptismal ceremony. During the celebration, numerous songs were sung, thus wishing the child all the best. They saw off all the guests, presenting each with sweets.

How is baptism performed? Responsibilities of a Godfather

Now let's look at how the ceremony itself takes place, what should be done at this time and what responsibilities each of those present has. In our time, this sacrament usually occurs on the fortieth day after birth. Parents or future godparents must go to the chosen temple in advance and sign up for the chosen date, as well as agree on the process itself. After all, you can hold individual christenings or general ones.

The responsibilities of the godfather during the baptism of a girl are the same, and that of a boy are different (although they differ slightly). If the child is not yet a year old and cannot stand on his own, then he is held in his arms all the time. For the first half of the ceremony (before immersion in the font), boys are held by their godmothers, and girls by their fathers. After the dive, everything changes. Since the main thing for a boy is the father, it is he who accepts the child, and the mother accepts the girl. And this continues until the end of the ceremony.

The service itself lasts about forty minutes (more time is required if there are many people). It begins after the celebration of the liturgy. The performance of the sacrament begins with the laying on of hands on the person being baptized and the recitation of a special prayer. After this, you should renounce Satan and his works. Adults are responsible for a child who cannot speak.

The next step in the ritual will be the consecration of the water in the font. Before immersing the person being baptized into it, he should be anointed with oil (back, chest, ears, forehead, legs and arms.) Only after this does immersion into the font occur. The priest reads prayers. This action symbolizes dying to the world and resurrecting to the Lord. This is how a kind of cleansing occurs.

Then the child is handed over to the godfather, he is wrapped in kryzhma (as mentioned above, the boy is handed over to the father, and the girl to the mother). Now the baby is anointed with myrrh.

So, now you know the responsibilities of a godfather when baptizing a boy and a girl. As you can see, they are slightly different.

Baptism at home

In addition to baptism in the temple, it would not be reprehensible to perform this sacrament at home, with your family. However, it is better to do it in the right place. This is based on the fact that after baptism, boys must be brought into the altar (girls simply venerate the icons).

After the ceremony is completed, the little man becomes a full member of the church. This can be felt most strongly only in the temple. Therefore, home christenings are possible only if the baby is unable to withstand the ceremony in church. They are also committed when the child is in mortal danger (illness, etc.). If the whole sacrament takes place in a home environment, then the godfather has the same responsibilities for baptism as if the ceremony was performed in a church.

Church life of new Christians

You should know that after baptism, a person’s spiritual life just begins. The first acquaintance with church rules begins with the prayer of one’s own mother and godmother. This is how, invisibly, the word of God is instilled in the baby. And in the future, when he sees everything for himself, you can slowly introduce him to family prayer, explaining its value.

Special mention should be made about baptismal accessories. Kryzhma and special clothing (if you purchased it) should be stored separately and not used in everyday life. A christening shirt (dress) can be worn when a child is ill (or simply wrapped in it). The icon that was used during the sacrament should be placed near the baby’s crib or on the home iconostasis (if there is one). The candle is used on special occasions and is also kept for life.

The responsibilities of a godfather at baptism are just beginning. In the future, when the child grows up, he will need to go to church with him, take communion and attend services. Of course, this can be done with parents, but it is better if it is a godfather. By the way, you need to take your child to church from an early age. It is there, in the bosom of the church, that he will be able to realize all the greatness of God. If he doesn’t understand something, you need to patiently explain the difficult moments.

This is how addiction occurs and has a beneficial effect on the human soul. Church chants and prayers calm and strengthen. As you grow older, difficult questions can arise. If godparents or parents cannot answer them, then it is better to turn to the priest.


So now you know what the responsibilities of a godfather are. They need to be taken seriously from the very beginning, as soon as such an offer is made to you. If necessary, consult with the priest about what you should do for your child, how to educate him in the spiritual life and what support to provide. Be careful, because from now on you and your godson are spiritually connected forever. You will also be responsible for his sins, so upbringing should be treated with special importance. By the way, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to refuse this.