Body lotion slime. How to make a slime at home for the delight of children! Recipes, materials and recommendations on how to make a slime at home

Good afternoon friends! Today I have an unusual topic for you, and this topic will be devoted to an original toy called a slime. Are you surprised or excited? I know that many of my subscribers have small children, and even older children who are fond of such creations and are constantly drawn to something unusual, well, like such a sticky and at the same time cool weirdo.

Of course, in the shops and supermarkets in the toy departments there are now so many things, including this rather peculiar toy souvenir. I honestly don't like this charm much, but it's not clear where to buy it, all the more so now basically everything is made in China, it's somehow dangerous and raises all doubts, so I suggest you make such funny and funny stickies yourself at home.

By the way, this toy is called slime in another way. Have you ever done it yourself with your own hands? I think probably yes, since you are reading this article, then let's figure it out and study this work of art))).

I really liked the very latest recipe, which I recommend to everyone. The pictures and photos in this note are taken from a free Internet source, and videos from the YouTube channel, if you want to see your inventions here, write your comments and suggestions below this note.

If you have a lot of free time, then of course you can make a lot of slimes in different colors and different shapes, and then arrange all kinds of tournaments with friends.

Incredibly, this recipe is quite interesting and only 2 main ingredients are used. Can you imagine ?! I suggest that those who have never created these handsome men start with this simple option, because the ingredients that are used in this form are in any house or apartment.

If you start looking for and reading information on how to make a real lick, then you will surely stumble upon the fact that the most common option is from sodium tetraborate, but you must admit it is not always at hand, so you can do it in another method, using for this targets plain water.

We need:

  • hot water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt - 3 tsp
  • dye - a pinch or not
  • stationery glue - 1.5 tbsp

Stages of work:

1. Take any container for work, for example, you can use a disposable container. Pour into it hot water, then add salt.

2. Stir the liquid thoroughly, the result is salt water, now what? Now you have to add some dye or paint.

3. After that, you have to cool the water, let it stand aside and pause. And then you take office glue and pour it into the liquid.

Important! Now leave such a mixture for 20 minutes, and you do not need to interfere, they brought in glue and left in this position to stand on the table.

4. After the lapse of time, start stirring with a spoon, the glue should begin to curl up by this time.

5. The glue has separated from the water and looks like a cool consistency, take it with your hands and try to catch this funny freak.

6. And here is a funny and mischievous lick Pink colour, but you could add a red dye and it would be red. The toy is elastic, but a little harsh, if you want a more liquid version, see the following descriptions.

We sculpt from flour and shower gel

The next one is quite simple and does not require special financial costs, an option that young children like, because it is safe and not so slippery and liquid. And how he develops fine motor skills is also important. By the way, do you know how this wonderful toy appeared that conquered the world?

It turns out it was invented a long time ago, it was in 1976, then such a toy was called slime, but then when for the first time a film about hunters who hunted ghosts was released on TV screens, and there was the most important and cool green and inimitable green hero, whose name was slime.

Since that time, this name has stuck, our children know these two concepts, so do not worry if you make a reservation, they will definitely understand you.

We need:

Stages of work:

1. First, take a clean and wiped dry plate and pour liquid shower gel into it. Take the gel with the volume that you want to see this Velcro in the future, someone will need a small lick, someone wants to make a huge one.

2. Next, start adding ordinary wheat flour to the gel. Stir until smooth, what do you think happened? Actually, so far nothing, the mixture looks like sticky dough. Add more flour and stir until stirring.

And then, with the help of your hands, start to knead and you will get a super soft and elastic plasticine, or that very Velcro, which wrinkles very well in your hands and is pleasant to play with.

In general, the toy is ready for fun. Run to your friends and show your masterpiece.

Dishwashing liquid and starch slime

Young children will like this option, it is much harder than the previous one, it resembles something like a modeling dough, the mass turns out to be elastic and pleasant to the touch, with children you can make all kinds of crafts from this mixture, as they say, sculpt, and use instead of plasticine.

Many people claim that a sticky monster is obtained from such ingredients, but for some reason I ended up with a mass similar to something else, try to do it and write what you got. After all, you will cope with this recipe in 2 minutes, and how much delight your kids will have.

We need:

  • starch - 2 tablespoons with a slide
  • means for washing dishes Feri or Aos, you can do something else - by eye

Stages of work:

1. Take a bowl and pour the starch into it, but so that it covers the entire surface of the bowl, that is, distribute it evenly. Then add dishwashing detergent to the very center.

2. Add the product until you have a smooth mixture that suits you. You can make it a little softer, or cooler, see yourself playing later for you.

In this version, no dye was used, because basically all dishwashing detergent already has different colors, it can be green, yellow and Orange color, and, in principle, any. So take your remedy and weird!

Video on how to make a slime easily and simply

Probably everyone wants not only a beautiful and funny friend, with whom you can have fun and humor, but also make it quickly in a matter of a couple of minutes, so this recipe will use an air freshener, it’s incredible, but true, even from this product is already making this slime.

If you want to understand in more detail and in detail, then see this step by step video from the YouTube channel, it is quite popular in terms of views, and I think you will like it:

I also want to say that you will find out why a slime may not work out, what kind of freshener is worth taking.

Making a sticky monster in 5 minutes from shaving foam

Such a lump can rightfully be called an anti-stress, because you can do anything with it, crush, throw and even sculpt. In addition, you make it yourself from all sorts of things, which means you develop creativity, and also learn to correctly introduce certain ingredients by eye, which is also important.

It turns out that you are like the very scientist who measures, cuts himself, or a teacher. And then bam and you're done. By the way, such a toy can be put in a net and then watch how a sticky mass passes through it.

We need:

  • shaving foam - 1 tbsp
  • silicate glue - 2 tbsp
  • detergent for detergent gloss

Stages of work:

1. Take a deep cup and add shaving foam to it. Now add silicate glue to the foam and start stirring with a stick or you can take an unnecessary simple pencil. Then pour in a little Thickening Gloss.

2. Here is such an airy and fluffy plus a stretching licker bouncing turned out. Store it in a jar to keep it from drying out.

DIY slime without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate

Now we will consider the most popular and well-known option that everyone knows, it has been tried by thousands of subscribers, you will definitely be able to do it.

I remind everyone that sodium tetraborate can be bought at any pharmacy, do not be intimidated by this word, it is due to it that the mass will thicken.

We need:

  • PVA glue Ray - 1 pack
  • yellow dye
  • sodium tetraborate - a couple of drops
  • shaving foam - 2-4 tbsp
  • glue for puzzles - 1 jar

Stages of work:

1. Pour a whole pack of PVA glue into a glass jar, then add about 2-3 tablespoons of shaving cream. Stir very well.

2. Now add yellow dye, if you want your sticky souvenir to be more intense, add more dye, dimmer, then less. Stir.

3. After all such actions, it remains to pour in a couple of drops of sodium and all our liquid will gradually begin to curl up, you just have to mix well with a spoon.

4. How cool and soft the slime will turn out, but it can tear, if you do not want this to happen, make it even more elastic.

To do this, take and pour puzzle glue into another container and pour in a couple of drops of sodium tetraborate, mix, do not overdo sodium, otherwise the whole mass is very quickly curled up, and then just combine the yellow and transparent slime into one. It will turn out cool and super, like a toy in a store, I consider this option one of the best recipes.

By the way, many children use this gift as a keyboard cleaner.

Perhaps your slime will dry out over time, so it doesn't matter, make a new one or just moisten it with water. Or you can go to the store and buy yourself another one, but this is an extreme method, I think it is always more interesting for me to make such amusing trinkets.

We make at home from toothpaste

Each apartment has personal hygiene products, so go to the bathroom and get some toothpaste... And take sweets from the kitchen).

We need:

  • toothpaste - 1 tablespoon
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp

Stages of work:

1. Put some toothpaste in a cup, since the example uses blue paste, the slime will turn out to be blue, if you have it differently, then our funny freak will turn out the same.

Stir the pasta into a cup with a spoon. Add granulated sugar to it. Well, the mixture turns out, it probably tastes sweet).

2. Send this jar in the microwave for 15 seconds. What do you think will happen?

Important! Do not forget to cover the cup of toothpaste tightly.

3. Now you need to put the mixture in the refrigerator after warming up for 3 hours, by the way, it has already increased in volume, has become soft and elastic.

4. Well, after the time is up, enjoy the game.

5. It resembles this kind of chewing gum, or something living, you can make any animal from it, what do you usually do?

A simple 2-ingredient recipe

Moving on, now let's make from liquid glue lizun and the addition of ethyl alcohol. It turns out to be also interesting and as if alive, I liked this view for its simplicity, literally in 30 seconds or 1 minute you can already enjoy playing with this fun and easily controlled toy.

We need:

  • liquid stationery glue - tube
  • ethyl alcohol - 50 ml

Stages of work:

1. Take a container and pour into it first the stationery glue, and then alcohol. Alcohol can be purchased at the pharmacy.

2. Ethyl alcohol needs to be added slowly, it acts as a thickener, if you go too far with it, the slime will immediately become solid. Therefore, it is best to pour it into a regular syringe and dispense a little into the glue. Each time you drop alcohol into the container, stir the mixture with a stick.

3. And this is what happens, by the way, until the glue is completely curled up, you can add dye or paint it with an ordinary felt-tip pen. Wow, this is a creative business.

4. Such an original mixture at first glance turned out, which really looks like this modern toy fluffy slime.

5. As soon as it becomes difficult to stir the liquid in the cup, put it on the table and knead it with your hands, you will feel some little water, squeeze it out, over time, after pressing it, it will disappear by itself.

And now it is so thick, but at the same time, a sticky and elastic toy will turn out. Make such a giant and you will love to surprise everyone. Play with your finger, make funny faces, etc.

Fun little thing made of shampoo and sugar

If you want to make this miracle of science transparent, let's make a jumper or how else to call him a lick with the help of ordinary improvised means, two ingredients are used.

Guess which ones? I will not conceal you and you yourself will see everything soon. Cheap option, but is in great demand among most children, as it is lightweight and affordable.

We need:

  • shampoo pantin provi - 5 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tsp

Stages of work:

1. Arbitrarily take shampoo by eye, use any, but it is better to take Pantin Pro and add sugar to it, stir. Well, the hellish mixture will turn out.

3. But he is magical and unique, like a glass slime.

Lick from the mask of the film for the face

From this recipe you will get a multi-colored slime, which of course will appeal to everyone, both children and adults.

We need:

  • PVA -1 bottle
  • dye
  • Feri dishwashing liquid
  • boric acid - 25 ml
  • dyes

Stages of work:

1. Pour PVA glue into a jar, then add boric acid to it and mix everything very thoroughly. After pouring in the feri, just a little straight, about 1-2 tablespoons. Stir, wow, the mass will trample right in front of your eyes, it will become fluffy.

2. Add another tablespoon of feri and begin to knead the mixture with your hands.

3. Pour in any dye and mix by hand. You will get a real slime like in the movies, but if you want to make a lot of toys, then divide the resulting mixture into several containers and add to each container desired color dye.

5. And then in one bowl combine all the options, you get a rainbow-arc. Play and create to your health! It turned out very much even nothing, and the main thing is that the consistency is just the same, which everyone is so persistently looking for everywhere.

Learning to make multi-colored slimes with Stasya Mar

Now I propose to watch a video from one famous blogger from the YouTube channel, with her you will also learn how to make this magnificent awesome little thing in a couple of minutes, and you will learn how to make slimes in three main ways, I note proven ones, so repeat:

So how did you like it? It's unrealistic, but even salt is used))).

Funny bauble made of stationery glue and soda

The next option, please note, will be without office glue, and from a pencil and also without sodium carbonate, quite interesting and unusual way which is based on soda. The end result is great and you want to make a friend like that too.

We need:

  • glue stick - half
  • soda - 0.3 tsp
  • dye
  • Weasel detergent

Stages of work:

1. Cut the glue stick into pieces round shape as if you are cutting a cucumber for a salad. Place on a plate and pour in 1 tablespoon of water, now melt in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Until the glue is frozen after microwave oven, add baking soda and pink dye to it. Stir.

2. Add detergent and stir, knead for 30 seconds, then add more Lazy and stir for one minute.

3. After all the manipulations, you should get this little lick that is not sticky to your hands, it does not moisten your hands. But at the same time it stretches well and is fun to play with.

We create from PVA glue and boric acid

We will make the last version of Velcro and unusual ingredients, from which toys for sale are usually made. This perfect recipe, and if nothing worked out for you before, use this one, and you will definitely get this miracle. And you will play with him, make balls and much more.

We need:

  • PVA-K glue
  • dye - any
  • detergent gel for washing Persil - 1 drop

Stages of work:

1. Pour out the glue, take the PVA-K glue and then you will definitely succeed. Add a dye of any color and a drop of washing gel.

2. Stir. If the mixture is not viscous enough, then you need to add more washing gel.

3. And here he is, a great cool slime. Make it big or small the way you like to play more.

4. Be creative, it is viscous, elastic and does not tear a little, do red, white and other colors. Have fun and don’t be upset if you don’t manage to build it the first time, don’t overdo it with the gel.

On this I have all my dear guests and blog subscribers! I say goodbye to you, even so creative work will give you a lot of positive emotions and good mood... Bye everyone!

Slime (Slime) is a toy that you don't want to let go of. The jelly-like mucus-like material helps more than just development fine motor skills in children, but also stress management in adults. The slime was originally made by Matte from guar gum and borax. Over time, the recipe for making slime has expanded: some components have been replaced by others, making it the most affordable.

Making anti-stress jelly is a creative and fun process. It doesn't take long and doesn't require a lot of ingredients. Observing all the rules, the creation of a slime will not take more than 5 minutes.

The easiest way to make slime # 1

You can make a jelly-like toy with baking soda and dishwashing liquid. These ingredients are easy to find in every home. But when working with them, you must remember that children need to play with such a lizun only in the presence of adults.

Cooking materials:

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the detergent into a glass bowl. The dosage is arbitrary. As the remaining ingredients are added, it will be possible to focus on the resulting consistency, diluting the future slime with water or dishwashing detergent.
  2. Add baking soda to the detergent and mix everything thoroughly. If the mixture turns out to be thick, then it can be liquefied with other components until the required consistency is obtained.
  3. When the slime is ready, to give it a bright color, you can add dye or gouache to it and mix well again until fully cooked.

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You can also make a jelly-like toy from regular toothpaste.

The easiest way to make slime # 2

Shampoo and shower gel are only 2 components that are needed to make a slime.

You need to store such a slime when low temperatures, therefore, after the games, it is necessary to put it into a container and place it in the refrigerator. Expiration date - 30 days.

Cooking method:

  1. To make a slime toy, you need to mix two components in equal proportions in a container. It is worth paying attention to the fact that granules and other additives should not be contained in the gel or shampoo. Otherwise, the slime will not be transparent.
  2. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, then sent to cool and reach the desired consistency in the refrigerator. After 12-20 hours, the jelly slime will be ready for use.

You can make slime not only from dish detergent, but also from powder. The manufacturing method can be seen in the video.

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The easiest way to make slime # 3

Slime can also be made with safe ingredients based on regular baking flour. Even small children can play with the flour jelly toy.

Cooking materials:

  • baking flour;
  • cold water;
  • hot water;
  • food colors or natural colors (beet juice, carrot juice, etc.).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 300-400 grams of pre-sifted flour into a small container.
  2. Pour 50 ml into flour cold water and then add 50 ml of warm water. Do not pour very hot water. After boiling water, you need to give it time to cool down a little.
  3. All ingredients must be mixed well to get a homogeneous mass without lumps. After that, you can add a little dye to the resulting mixture, mix everything well, and send the resulting sticky consistency to the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
  4. After the expiration of time, you can get flour slime from refrigerating chamber and let the children play.

Slime can also be made from salt and shampoo. You can watch the video for an easy way of cooking.

The easiest way to make slime # 4

You can easily make an anti-stress toy from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate powder or solution. This method of manufacturing is the most popular, since the slime prepared according to this recipe is very similar to the store version.

Cooking materials:

  • PVA glue 150 gr .;
  • powder or solution of 4% sodium tetraborate;
  • food coloring or gouache;
  • water 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 50 ml of warm water into a container for making slime.
  2. PVA glue must be added to the water. The density of the future slime depends on its quantity. If it seems that the mixture is very liquid, you can add more glue, deviating from the indicators indicated in the recipe.
  3. Mix the ingredients well and add a whole bottle of sodium tetraborate solution to them. In the event that a powder version is used for preparation, then it must first be dissolved in water (1 tablespoon of powder per 100 ml of water).
  4. After adding tetraborate, you can add color to the slime by adding the required food coloring or paint.
  5. The resulting mixture must be mixed again and poured into a bag. The anti-stress slime is ready.

There are many recipes for making slime toys. The video shows a recipe for making slime without using tetraborate.

It is up to you to decide which way to be guided in the manufacture. The main thing is not to forget about correct operation created slime.

Cool toy for children - "Slime" or "Slime". Did you know it’s easy.

In this article, we will analyze the simplest ways of how to make a homemade handgum or slime by yourself, and now also a slime. But first we will tell (maybe someone does not know yet) what kind of miracle it is.

What is a slime or slime?

Immediately Video:

Surely you have seen or even acquired such an unusual jelly "byaka" for your child. It can still stretch and stretch, take any shape and not stick to your hands.

The common people call this toy "slime", but in fact (where it came from - from the States) its name in English is "handgum" (handgam). It's not hard to guess - "hand" (hand), but "gum" (chewing gum).

And today you can often hear - how to make "Slime" at home with your own hands? What is slime and what is it for? From English "Slime" is a children's toy made of jelly-like material, pleasant to the touch, able to stretch and reassemble to its original state.

Again, the same slime in a simple way! Slimers can make such a sticky jelly from any material with their own hands and with improvised means (although you still have to go to a store or pharmacy for some).

Now let's start making a slime at home - we will make a slime like in a store or even better.

How to make slime (slime) at home without sodium tetraborate

There are several simple ways or recipes on how to make a boron-free slime at home (sodium tetraborate). It's safe for your kids!

The easiest way is from water and starch without any glue.

We only need starch and water. Mix both ingredients together in equal proportions or 2 parts water and three parts starch. And we get our home slime. For a firmer consistency, add more starch. And in order for it to become bright - a dye.

You need to understand that such a toy will not be quite the one that we often see. But all the same, the kids will be happy. And only use warm water.

Slime made of starch and PVA glue

In this case, we need PVA glue and, preferably, the freshest. Mix the water and starch separately, then add the dye (you can use sparkles with essential oils). Mix thoroughly without lumps. Pour in glue last. For convenience, use a bag instead of a container.

Ingredients: PVA glue - 50mg., Water - 100mg., Starch (soda can be used) - 1 tablespoon, dye ("green", gouache, food colors).

The same can be done with the baking soda used in the kitchen. That is, instead of starch, mix soda with water.

From shampoo and glue "Titan"

This time we take high-quality, not expired Titan glue. You can find it at any hardware store.

Take a bag and pour into it two parts of shampoo (absolutely any) and three parts of glue. Shake a little until it is completely mixed and thickened, and the slime is ready. To make the toy look more beautiful, pour a little dye and glitter into the shampoo before glue.

How to make slime (slime) at home - store option

To make slime at home, like in a store, we need an additional (main) ingredient - sodium tetraborate (both a solution in liquid form and a dry powder are suitable).

Essential elements:

  • PVA glue - 100 grams,
  • 1 bottle of sodium tetraborate (4%), or if the dry version is dry, stir 1 tablespoon of powder with half a glass of water,
  • dye for color option.

- Instead of tetraborate, you can use Borax powder, which is available for free purchase in pharmacies.


  • take a suitable container and pour the glue there (than more glue, the larger the toy),
  • carefully add the dye (do not overdo it, otherwise the slime will get dirty), mix until smooth,
  • slowly pour in the boron solution (so that the slime does not stick to your hands and is not liquid, you can add more borax), mix thoroughly and we get a jelly mass,
  • then, to remove excess moisture, it is worth getting wet with a napkin (and for the future, when the child plays, it is best to put handgam on paper - this way less lint and debris sticks to it)
  • and the last thing - put the resulting clot in a bag and mash for 3-5 minutes, and now it's time to play with it.
  • When making, do not use cold liquid (water or shampoo),
  • Try not to put it on products with nap (including cats and dogs),
  • Homemade slime, although safe, is not recommended to eat or put in your mouth,
  • To make it smell delicious, mix it with essential oils,
  • The glitter inside the slime looks very nice,
  • Choose a new glue base, and not lying somewhere on the shelf,
  • Store in a closed container and in a cool place,
  • But even if the homemade slime is a little dry, place it in warm water.

And one more do-it-yourself slime recipe - It's just a bomb!

Shaving foam slime - navy blue

  • Pour 125 mg glue into a separate container. A prerequisite is that it must be thick and of good quality.
  • Add a little emerald acrylic paint... Stir and get a thick dark mass.
  • It's time to lighten it - add shaving foam, a lot of foam. Gently mix the foam with the colored mass. Reminiscent of ice cream or custard.
  • Pour some water and 15 grams into the jar boric acid, and a couple of drops of hand soap.
  • Stir wooden stick and the thickener is ready. Pour the mixture into colored foam and stir again.
  • It turns out a real slime with your own hands.

Well, now, while we were typing up this article, someone tested and made a slime at home with maximum characteristics.

A real bomb - how to make a magnetic slime (slime) at home - video

The best and most correct hand-made slime

  • Pour, again, as in the previous one, thick transparent glue - 125 milligrams.
  • Add bright pink acrylic paint. Stir until smooth.
  • Add a little contact lens fluid and mix. In total, we poured in about 10 grams.
  • Pour in half a teaspoon or a large pinch of baking soda. As you knead, the mass begins to thicken and stretch. Great, she completely lags behind the walls.
  • Next, knead with your hands until it stops sticking to your palms.
  • It turned out to be a cool soft and elastic slime. It does not stick, does not tear and stretches perfectly. It's great to play with him and I don't even want to let go. It resembles a huge pink gum.

Perhaps one of the most successful recipes that we have tried. Stretches into a thin film. You can blow bubbles out of it - that's how elastic it is.

Video how to make a cool slime (slime) without glue and thickener

Making a slime from shampoo and toothpaste

You can use any shampoo, but two-in-one works best - well, like shampoo plus rinse.

You will need:

  • shampoo - 30 ml. (4 tablespoons),
  • toothpaste - 1 teaspoon,
  • dye - 5 drops if you want to color the slime.
  1. Pour shampoo into a bowl and add toothpaste.
  2. Stir until the mixture is thicker.
  3. If the slime turns out to be liquid, add a little toothpaste, if it is too thick, add shampoo.
  4. As soon as you understand that the slime has turned out, put it in the freezer for an hour.
  5. After the time has elapsed, take it out and knead it with your hands - play with it.

For any slime, start a box with a lid - this way it will last longer.

Soap and sugar slime without glue

For a sweet but inedible slime you need:

  • liquid soap - 5 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • dye or glitter - if you want to make an original slime.
  1. Mix all products in one bowl. Put in the soap first, and then add sugar gradually, while stirring constantly.
  2. Close with a lid or bag and refrigerate until the next day.
  3. Then check the slime for performance. And add more soap or sugar if needed.

You will immediately understand when the slime will be real - with your hands to the touch.

Slime, or "Smart Plasticine", or Handgam is a multi-colored semi-liquid mass that quickly changes its shape from touch, twisting or movement. For the first time such a toy for hands was created in 1976 in the USA, and gained particular popularity in 1984, after the release of the film "Ghostbusters", where the main character was a ghost named Lizun. Due to its unusual structure, "smart plasticine" attracts the attention of children to create unusual fantasy compositions, and can also be used as a hand massager and is useful for the development of fine motor skills of the baby. On the shelves of the store you can find a large number of Lizuns from various companies, but it is much more interesting to independently create this unusual liquid-thick slime.

How to make a slime at home

From English Hendgam - ("hand" - hand, "gum" - chewing gum) - chewing gum for hands. Before you start creating this unusual toy, you need to understand what kind of structure you should get. So, Slime should be semi-liquid, fluid, but perfectly keep its shape with all kinds of movements. It can be compared to a plastic bag filled with water and tightly closed. The slime is liquid, but it perfectly fulfills all your instructions. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself!

In order to create a slime at home you will need:

  • PVA glue (white)
  • Borax (sodium tetraborate) or Borax powder
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic or glass container
  • Stirring stick
Let's start with the ingredients. Glue is the main component of slime, so a lot will depend on its quality. Before buying glue, carefully consider the expiration date - the earlier the release date, the better your Slime will be. Borax or Borax can be purchased at a pharmacy, and you do not need any prescriptions, but they only cost around 10-30 rubles. The money from your own piggy bank is definitely enough for you! As a dye, you can use not only food paint, gouache, brilliant green, carrot juice - everything that gives paint and preserves for some time is also suitable. Any dish for cooking is suitable, since you will not cook anything dangerous or toxic. And finally, a stirring stick. You can take a popsicle stick, a regular pencil - it doesn't matter. The main thing is your diligence and desire to create and create! Once all the ingredients are ready, let's get down to business!

Before you start mixing the components, it will be useful to know in advance the ratio of Borax and glue, so that you do not suffer later and do not add different amount... For 100 grams of glue, 1 jar of Borax is required. Remember this. Accordingly, if you want to make Slime large, then you will need not only more glue, but also more sodium tetraborate.

  1. Pour into the dishes required amount glue. Add a few drops of brilliant green or food coloring (of your choice) there, you can even combine both. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise not only Lizun will be colored, but also your hands while playing with him.
  2. Mix thoroughly. Next, add Borax to the solution. DO NOT think that a whole bottle of 100 grams of glue will be unreasonably large. If there is not enough of this ingredient, Slime will stick to any surface, leaving unpleasant marks.
  3. Stir very well again. As a result, you should get a jelly-like mass.
  4. In order to remove all the water from the surface of the Handgum, you need to put it on paper (clean) and roll it for some time.
  5. Put the almost finished mass in plastic bag and again, knead well. The longer the better, but the approximate time is 5 minutes.

Such an unusual Slime will be interesting not only because of its structure, but also due to the fact that the seemingly liquid structure is attracted by a magnet. To create a magnetic Handgam, in addition to the ingredients already listed above (PVA glue, borax, dye), you will also need iron oxide. But if you want the toy to glow in the dark, buy phosphoric paint.

  1. In one container, mix a glass of water and 0.5 teaspoon of Bora. The entire mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that the powder is completely dissolved in water. These are the minor ingredients that will be needed to activate the main composition.
  2. In a second bowl, mix one glass of water and 30 grams of glue. It is worth noting that this recipe also requires a special measuring spoon, it is better not to work by eye, otherwise the result may not meet your expectations. If the whole solution is well mixed, add phosphoric paint or another dye there as well (you can use both, of course, in moderation).
  3. Carefully pour the first prepared solution into the second, while constantly stirring the second composition. Immediately after you notice that the slime becomes thick and acquires the desired consistency, stop pouring in the first solution and thoroughly mix the whole mass again. If the diluted borax with water remains, you can safely pour it into the sink or trash can.
  4. Spread the finished mass on the table and pour a pinch of iron oxide right into the middle. Knead the composition well until it acquires a uniform color. If everything works out, play to your health! When a magnet is brought to Hendgam, he reaches out to him, like a real ghost from the movie "Ghostbusters"! An unreal sight that will pleasantly surprise both young children and even adults!

Useful tips that will come in handy when creating a Hendgum

If you are going to create a useful and interesting toy for yourself, you may need tips to get you on the right track. So:

What to do if Slime is too watery and spreads over your hand?
If you notice this, then you have poured water or added a little Borax. Don't worry, re-read the first method again and do it again.

When stretched, the Slime is divided into threads and cannot be formed
This means you have added a large amount of Borax. Dilute the solution with glue or just a little water.

Hendgum hardened. What to do?
This question is one of the most popular, since many do not follow the rules for storing toys, in joy that they have such an interesting and unusual composition. It is worth noting once again: it is necessary to store Slime in a tight-fitting jar or plastic bag. If you notice that the Slime has begun to harden, just put it in a jar with a few drops of water overnight, in the morning it will be like new!

Unlike store Hendgams, a self-made toy contains the very minimum amount harmful substances... For example, there is no silica, titanium dioxide and many more chemical incomprehensible words. Such a Slime is not poisonous and non-toxic, and the result surpasses even the store counterpart! Play for health, experiment and create your own Handgams!

Video: how to make a slime with your own hands

Slime is an amazing toy for both children and adults. Few people know that a slime can be made by yourself, and even at home. Its preparation will take a little time, and it will not even be necessary. great amount materials! Let's consider several methods of making slimes.

Boron is sodium tetraborate. It can be bought at any pharmacy and is inexpensive. To make a slime, you will need: boron (half a teaspoon), water, colorless glue (small bottle), a harmless dye, two containers for preparation.

Master Class

The slime is ready! Store in a closed container. I recommend the easiest way to make a slime for viewing.

Slime from PVA glue and starch

You will need: PVA glue, liquid starch, dense plastic bag, harmless dye.

If there is no liquid starch, then you can take dry and dilute it with cold water... Proportions 1 spoon of water to 2 tablespoons of starch. The most harmless dyes are natural food dyes. You can use gouache paints.

Master Class

The slime is ready! Store in a closed container. I recommend watching this video.

Soda slime

You will need: baking soda, detergent, natural color, water. There are no specific ingredient proportions. The mixture should be thick and smooth. Slime can be small, medium or large, depending on the thickness of the detergent.

Master Class

  1. Take a container and pour in a small amount of detergent.
  2. Add water, color and baking soda.
  3. Mix until a thick, homogeneous consistency.

The slime is ready! After playing with him, be sure to wash your hands. Store in a closed container. I recommend watching this video.

Shampoo slime

You will need: shampoo, shower gel, preparation container.

Master Class

  1. Take a container and pour in a tablespoon of shampoo.
  2. Add a tablespoon of shower gel.
  3. Refrigerate for 24 hours.

The slime is ready! This slime should only be stored in the refrigerator. I recommend watching the video: how to make a slime from shampoo and salt.

Powder slime

You will need: gel powder for washing, natural dye, stationery glue, storage containers, rubber gloves.

Master Class

The slime is ready! Store such a slime in a closed container. If it softens over time, store it in the refrigerator. I recommend watching the video: how to make a slime from washing powder.

Flour slime

You will need: flour, natural dye, cold and warm water.

Master Class

Magnetic slime

You will need: boron, iron oxide, neodymium magnet, dye, phosphorus, stationery glue, water, two containers for cooking.

Master Class

Before making any slime, pay attention to the expiration date of the ingredients! If the slime sticks strongly to your hands, add water and starch to it. If the slime is strong and does not stick, add glue. Do not forget to wash your hands after playing with the slime!