Lunar birthday online. How to calculate your lunar birthday

Born with Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio refers to water sign and is under the influence of Pluto and Mars, so a person will be subconsciously tuned to crisis situations, which in the end must necessarily lead to destruction, transformation and internal restructuring.

Be that as it may, in the end everything will be destroyed, since this is a consequence of the influence of Pluto, which brings chaos and the ultimate destruction of the structure. Then only two paths will await you - self-destruction (in this case, there is a complete absence of higher values, but only destruction and death), as well as transformation or change, provided that there are higher goals.

That is why such people will be at an unconscious level tuned to a situation of crisis, change and risk, since constant destruction has a very strong impact on a person’s inner world. Such people are very different due to a certain degree of hysteria, very strong excitability begins to appear, sudden mood swings will be observed, a person’s constant need for psychological renewal, since there is absolutely no balance in the inner world.

But no matter what structure arises, sooner or later it will still begin to collapse, since a person will constantly be in a state of increased activity, and there will be a constant need for changes and the creation of some new structure. If this does not happen, then an internal negative psychology will begin to form. Consequently, a person will not observe any positive changes, everything will be in black tones and taken for granted, which has absolutely no value, and will not be subject to destruction. For such a person, there is absolutely nothing valuable in the world that is truly worthy of existence, even to the point of misanthropy.

The Moon, which is in Scorpio, can give a person a heightened psychological gift. For example, when the Moon is in Cancer, it gives a person the opportunity to subtly feel the psychological mood of another person, and when the Moon is in Scorpio, then a person gets the opportunity to feel both the inner world of a person and his most painful places, flaws, complexes and weaknesses. It is Pluto that helps strengthen such capabilities, and thanks to Mars, the aggravation and acute manifestation of this gift occurs.

Such people can become excellent psychologists and psychotherapists who can clearly see and identify a person’s weaknesses. If a person has negative tendencies, then he can become a manipulator or a very cruel sadist who can press on the right points and mock the person for a very long time. Also through Scorpio there is a connection with another world, and such a person can become a clairvoyant, a medium, and on an unconscious level they begin to perceive a parallel world.

Lunar birthday general information:

Many people in Western culture are already accustomed to the fact that they celebrate their birthday according to the solar calendar, while they know their zodiac sign and take into account their character traits, but at the same time, ancient astrology considers the lunar birthday very important. Since it can also be used to determine character traits for a particular person, the purpose of the personality, the qualities that he possesses and those that he should learn. For example, in Vedic astrology, they first look at what sign the Moon is in.

In India, first of all, you will be asked your lunar sign, this will be your lunar birthday. If at the moment you already know what specific lunar day your birthday was, then it’s worth telling you what specific features the Moon has endowed you or your loved ones with, and what you would do well to pay attention to, what you should develop, what you should be wary of and what to give up.

In astrological culture, the concept that a person is influenced by all the planets of the solar system is taken as a basis. Moreover, the planets closest to the earth (stars or satellites) have the greatest influence. The moon has the greatest influence on the child - especially if it is stronger than the natal sun.

The moon represents what is in your comfort zone: feelings, instincts, emotionality, openness, callousness. It is very good if your natal sun and moon work together - such a person feels whole.

Fill out the lunar horoscope form and determine which lunar day you were born on - the interpretation of the lunar day is below.

Year: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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1st day As a rule, they live to a ripe old age, especially if they individual horoscope there is no bad influence of the following planets: Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and sometimes Neptune. All their lives they are a little children: like children, they are always waiting for something, dreaming. They begin to act very energetically and brightly. Capable of accomplishing a feat.

2nd day They grow safely. They have a strong physical component. They do not need any special diet. Rarely are they full. They have a worldly mind. They become attached to loved ones and property. In a good case, this turns into devotion and thriftiness. In the bad, it can develop into greed and predatory behavior.

Day 3 In the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, are not known for their longevity. They can become good athletes, military men, and also succeed in any area where drive and determination are needed.

Day 4 They can grow up to be big egoists or even self-centered. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide them on the right path. They are carriers of some kind of cosmic secret: from childhood they are not entirely clear to others. As well as ourselves. But if they manage to solve their inner mystery, they become amazing people.

Day 5 Transform food into physical and astral energy. Heroes and saints may be born, but without serious outside help they are short-lived. Partially they can be helped by a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong Jupiter, Venus or the Sun. Distinctive feature people of this day are fussy, they do not get fat.

6th day They will live a long and fruitful life, leaving behind a tangible mark. Those born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. They have a rich inner world. Visionaries and dreamers. They really don't like pressure. Freedom is valued in relationships.

7th day They will possess good health. These people are weathervanes, superficial and indefatigable collectors of gossip. They grow up either to be good speakers, public figures..., or to be gossips and very superficial people.

8th day A child born on this day is not destined for external beauty, so he will be able to attract the attention of his superiors, the surrounding world and the public only with his intelligence and knowledge, as well as diligent work, conscientiousness and goodwill. These people are often very original. There are wonderful artists. They have the ability to be reborn.

Day 9: They will live a long and fruitful life. They are often unhappy: they need to constantly clean themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral. They may be in poor health, but if they perceive it as a challenge. If they fight for internal and external purity, then their problems will become a new step in development.

Day 10 They are finding new sources of energy for themselves; many are turning to them for help as a source of strength. They often have a close relationship with their parents. Receive strength from them and repay their debts. They will really love trips and hikes, business trips and travel. Those of them who follow the lower path are selfish, superficial, and often suffer from cancerous tumors, men - prostate diseases.

11th day They will be endowed with good mental abilities, live a happy, fruitful life and live to a ripe old age. They are very strong, talented, witty, and at the same time almost unpredictable.

12th day On this lunar day, merciful people are born, often very good people. They may face a lot of suffering. But they are also given the strength to get through them. Subsequently, they may limp either due to a congenital physical defect, as a result of an accident, or due to an illness.

Day 13 Very good students. They often have unusual abilities. They can live to a ripe old age.

14th day As a rule, fate will patronize them. They have a calling. They are characterized by a longing for authority, adaptability, the ability to disguise themselves, intelligence and cunning, and the ability to lead people along. They are ready for heroic deeds, internally pure, rather sterile, and very fastidious.

15th day They are often too amorous, which is why they can suffer greatly both morally and financially. They succumb to all astral and carnal temptations. Often very talented.

16th day They will have good health and live a long, fruitful life. They love white and purity, with a penchant for blues and silvers. They don't judge others. Their symbol is the stairway to heaven, signifying hard way climbing. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing; at the second and third stages they come to understand the language of plants and animals. They have a strong imagination. They are gentle dreamers. They love nature very much. They achieve a lot in their lives and enjoy well-deserved respect.

17th day They will be happy and prosperous. They really need their other half. They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of pair polarity, otherwise they will be pathetic and weak in life. If they find them, they become very wise and strong people.

Day 18 Individuals walking the high path. These are creative personalities, capable of self-sacrifice, heroic deeds, and at the same time can remain modest and unnoticeable, healers. They will be hardworking and efficient. Subsequently, prosperity, even wealth, awaits them. Those born on this day with the talent of an actor (usually a comedian) see the world upside down and take everything to the point of absurdity. Often they become entangled in their illusions and begin to spare neither the right nor the wrong. They need to fight selfishness.

Day 19 They grow normally and safely. On lowest level people are born insidious, cunning, flatterers, skillfully weaving their networks, either losers, or single creators not understood by the world. But if they overcome vices and pride, they will gain wisdom and longevity. At the highest level, these are people with high moral qualities, selfless, modest, bringing goodness and light.

Day 20 They live in constant anticipation of a flight, and are very prone to astral travel. The best people of this day are ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the cause. At a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and unyielding character, which parents have to fight from the cradle. Such people become false teachers, dictators, but often they are creative people. They tend to tower over those around them, in both good and bad ways.

Day 21 They will be distinguished by their hard work, efficiency, patience, restraint, and self-control. In their lowest form, they can be indomitable proud people, not noticing anything in a blind rush towards the goal, trampling others. IN highest version- these are pure and honest knights, strong in spirit, defenders of justice. They are marked by hard work and efficiency, patience and restraint.

Day 22 They will be gifted, honest and active people, but they are often characterized by some cynicism. They will live to a ripe old age. In their highest manifestation, they are the keepers of wisdom and traditions, capable of penetrating the meaning of all things and comprehending any science. At the bottom are conservatives, marked by a lack of dynamics in their worldview, convinced of their monopoly on truth.

Day 23 They will not be distinguished by external beauty, so much in their lives will depend on the knowledge they receive, human kindness and their attitude towards the world around them. People of this day are characterized by tenacity and a death grip; They bring any matter to the absolute. Maturity and completeness are evident in everything.

Day 24 The best people born on this day are creative individuals with enormous energy, however, at times they want to withdraw into themselves, close themselves off from people (go into hibernation). Kind, on the one hand, and selfish, greedy, envious, on the other. As a rule, people of this day are gourmets.

Day 25 Since childhood, these are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of transformation; often seen prophetic dreams. They will become Fortune's favorites, happiness will accompany them until their death.

Day 26 They will be happy, prosperity or even wealth awaits them if they overcome pride and arrogance.

Day 27 They can be lucky and happy, or too soft-bodied and weak-willed. Parents will have to educate and strengthen their will from an early age. They live in a state of constant change and fluctuation. Often these can be travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, vagabonds, mystics, dreamers, healers. At the highest level of development, these are people capable of ideal love; at the lowest level, they are selfish and slackers. The task of these people is to show willpower in order to weed out the lower world and master cosmic consciousness.

Day 28 They are very different. Until the end of their lives they will be provided with everything, although they will be incorrigible lazy people. At a low level - they are not able to separate good and bad. They are characterized by cynicism, lack of emotions, and attachments. At the highest level, these are people with the sun in their blood, altruists to whom others are drawn. They bring goodness and light to the world. These are people of high moral character. People born on this lunar day need to work with dreams.

Day 29 May have many problems. They spend their entire lives fighting with someone. As a rule, they are long-lived, but losers. They can only be given one piece of advice: go through all the illusions and temptations, hit all sorts of bumps and try to emerge from the ordeal with dignity.

Day 30 May have physical disabilities. Their health will have to be dealt with long and seriously. People of this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, and are monogamous. Gifted with the highest cosmic love, these people have gone through the entire circle of incarnations. This is one of their last incarnations at this level - they will most likely not be born again on Earth.

The influence of the Moon on a person’s character has long been recognized and can be traced even more than the influence of the Sun.

Today you can find out your lunar birthday using ready-made online services or by checking the lunar calendar. True, they began to compile them not so long ago, and for people over thirty years old it is difficult to find ready-made lunar calendars. In this case, you can use calendars recent years. Every 19 years the lunar cycle repeats itself, which means that the same calendar is valid for 1940, 1959, 1978 and 1997.

Calculating lunar birthday using Harvey's formula

To do this, we need a date: four digits of the year, the number and day of the month. If the calculation is made for those born in January or February, then one must be subtracted from the year, because January and February refer to the previous year.

Let's calculate the lunar birthday using an example.

Date of birth: 04/25/2003.

  • 1. Divide the year by 19. Subtract the whole part from the result obtained:
  • 2003:19=105,421053
  • 105,421053-105=0,421053
  • 2.Multiply the result by 209 and round the resulting number to the nearest integer:
  • 0,421053*209=88,000077 =88
  • 3. Add the month of birth to the resulting number. If it is January or February, then additionally add 12
  • 88+4=92
  • 4.Add the coefficient per century (For the 20th and 21st centuries this is “-3”)
  • 92+ (-3)=92-3=89
  • 5.Add the number of birth:

  • 7. Multiply the resulting fraction by 30 and round the result to the nearest whole number:

0.8*30=24 (in our case there was no need to round)

  • 8.Add one to the result obtained

24+1=25 – this will be the lunar birthday

Characteristics of people according to their lunar birthday

The moon influences our innermost thoughts and emotions, is responsible for the subconscious and instincts, the origin of which is not always possible to understand on our own. Below are brief characteristics people depending on their birthday according to the lunar calendar.

Despite their melancholy and complex character, people born on the 4th lunar day are rarely alone.

  • Those born on the 5th lunar day have a craving for everything otherworldly. The connection with the subtle world is so strong that they can talk about their past lives or relationships with brownies and elves. From childhood they begin to be interested in various religions and often connect their destiny with the service of religion. Such people draw energy and knowledge from the world around them. Calmness and wisdom help you cope with any troubles in life. Negative qualities include fussiness and a tendency to spray.
  • On the 6th lunar day, dreamers and predictors are born. They become philosophers and thinkers, talented actors, singers or musicians. These people live according to their own routine and cannot stand attempts to make them disciplined and organized; they value freedom. When making decisions, they rely more on their own intuition than on knowledge and experience.
  • As a rule, they live to a ripe old age maintaining health and clarity of mind.
  • People of the 7th lunar day are born speakers and journalists, translators and writers, talented businessmen and investigators. They have a strong character, a subtle sense of humor, excellent memory and the ability to quickly analyze information. They do not tolerate loneliness and realize themselves through communication. They can be conductors of subtle energies, but they are often unable to discern spiritual abilities in themselves. If brought up incorrectly, they can become selfish and superficial, lovers of gossip. It is important to learn to believe in yourself and express your own opinions.
  • The main qualities of those born on the 8th lunar day are inexhaustible optimism, natural charm and artistry. As a rule, these are people with ordinary appearance. But thanks to their goodwill, hard work and huge stock of knowledge, they achieve a lot. They are distinguished by extravagance and ingenuity, and embrace change with pleasure. Well developed intuition. They make excellent chemists and doctors. Negative qualities include loss of self-control and, as a result, repetition of the same mistakes. You need to learn to control yourself and the course of events.
  • On the 9th lunar day, people with difficult characters and the same fate are born. Their craving for everything extreme constantly creates unpleasant situations. Often such people end up in bad company, become addicted to drugs or alcohol, and participate in extreme organizations. As a rule, these people live long and fruitful lives, but they suffer from misunderstandings from others, constantly struggle with their negative emotions, complexes and fears, and rarely feel lucky. It is important to learn to see the positive aspects in life, develop humility and altruism, and avoid conflicts.
  • The 10th lunar day gives the world energetic and charming people, romantics and adventurers who are able to infect others with their ideas. From an early age there is a close connection with family traditions, attachment to parents. They are interested in history and archeology, love business trips and travel. Among people born on this day you rarely meet selfish people.
  • More often than others, they are susceptible to chronic diseases and cancer, and therefore must lead a healthy lifestyle. Extensive physical activity is contraindicated
  • The 11th lunar day is characterized by increased energy activity, so people born during this period have enough strength to do everything. In addition to powerful energy potential, these people are endowed with a sharp mind - you can expect the most extraordinary actions from them. However, they spend their talent and energy unwisely, scattering themselves on trifles. For a long and happy life, it is important to learn to maintain the vector of development and direct excess energy to creation.
  • Those born on the 12th lunar day are shy and charming, merciful and modest. Since childhood, they have been interested in religion and esotericism; if they do not find support in the family, they can leave it to study spiritual practices. Their gentle nature does not allow them to fight back, so these people often suffer a lot. They draw their strength from love for their neighbors and creation. They are constantly improving and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the common good. They have the strongest gift of persuasion - their voice is listened to. They are often endowed with the gift of healing and can see prophetic dreams.
  • The 13th lunar day will give the world easy-going, sensitive and sociable people with excellent memory and extraordinary abilities. They can easily do several things at the same time, accumulate knowledge throughout their lives, and look for a new approach to everything. Well developed ability to analyze. Negative qualities include restlessness and restlessness. With negative development, nervous and fussy natures grow. If you direct your energy in the right direction in time, you can achieve high results in almost any field of activity.
  • A calm, balanced character and determination distinguish people born in the 14th lunar day . They are sensitive to falsehood, they subtly feel the connection with other world, find their calling early and follow it throughout their lives. Fate is favorable to them. Excellent teachers, preachers, doctors and healers from negative qualities can develop disgust, cunning and excessive adaptation.
  • The 15th lunar day is characterized by increased lunar activity. On this day, people with difficult fates come into our world. Talented by nature, they are difficult to train and even more difficult to educate. They do not respect authorities or boundaries. Easily excitable, hot-tempered, capricious and conflicting. They easily fall in love and succumb to carnal temptations. It is important to learn to keep negative emotions under strict control as early as possible. Success is achieved through enormous work capacity.
  • The calling of those born on the 16th lunar day is to reconcile people. Outwardly inconspicuous, they have a huge amount positive qualities: they do not judge anyone, they are peaceful and non-conflict, non-envious and modest. Romantics and idealists with a well-developed imagination. They are often talented, achieve a lot and enjoy authority among others. The greatest results can be achieved by becoming a lawyer, psychologist, priest or doctor.
  • Children of the 17th lunar day are energetic, artistic people, sincere and trusting, they put emotions first, although they try to hide behind feigned callousness and shockingness. Often the meaning of life becomes the search for a partner - a soul mate, without whom a full life and development are considered impossible. There is a risk of developing depression due to loneliness, so it is recommended to meet with friends as often as possible. Under favorable circumstances, they are able to infect everyone around them with their energy and positivity.
  • Those born on the 18th day of the lunar month are distinguished by their inability to live among turmoil. These modest ones calm people physically feel someone else's physical and mental pain. Thanks to their efficiency and hard work, already in mid-life they achieve financial stability and even wealth. These people give an account of their actions and do not build castles in the air; they are able to guide and lead others along with them. Negative qualities can develop into cynicism, hypocrisy and selfishness. They do not tolerate obligations being imposed, but having received freedom, they take them upon themselves.
  • On the 19th lunar day, people are born who are endowed with a sharp mind and do not need noisy companies. Loner by nature, they feel the people around them and choose their own friends. Education has a great influence on the choice of life path: in the absence quiet love withdrawn children grow up insecure, irritable and proud. With proper upbringing, real creators, wise and kind, emerge.

  • On the 20th lunar day, born leaders are born
    . These courageous and strong-willed people, not without a touch of romance, full of new ideas and projects. They easily find like-minded people and almost always achieve their goals; they can sacrifice their own interests for the sake of an idea. Negative qualities can lead to anger and intransigence.
  • Those born on the 21st lunar day combine creative, innovative thinking and self-control, hard work and patience. You should not limit a child in his creative endeavors, otherwise he will learn to achieve goals by going over his head. With the right upbringing, there is every chance of becoming a great writer or artist.
  • People born on the 22nd day of the lunar month take on the most difficult tasks and complete them successfully. These people are bearers of wisdom; from an early age they show interest in ancient manuscripts and philosophical works. At the same time, they are also familiar with frivolous fun. At their best, they are honest and gifted people with light touch cynicism, in the worst case - inveterate conservatives who do not accept innovations.
  • Those born on the 23rd day are endowed with a complex character combined with increased activity. In order to direct development in a positive direction, it is necessary to engage the child in a circle or sports section. If a person born on this day finds something he likes, then thanks to his pedantry he will bring his skill to perfection. Like no one else, you need love, care and approval. He is not distinguished by external beauty, however, due to maturity and completeness of actions he can achieve a lot.
  • Those born on the 24th lunar day are, on the one hand, creative and kind, on the other hand, envious and greedy. Prone to early puberty, with proper upbringing, they are able to transfer sexual energy into creativity. Otherwise, there is a high risk of raising a sexually preoccupied person or, even worse, a maniac. Basically, people born on this day are successful in business and can defend their point of view.

  • The strength of those born on the 25th lunar day is wisdom and patience.
    These are reasonable and leisurely people, who nevertheless have a light character and an excellent sense of humor. Those born on this day enjoy good luck throughout their lives. They know how to be in the right place at the right time.
  • People of the 26th lunar day are true introverts: their inner world is much more important than current events. These people live in their own rhythm and it is useless to push or force them to show activity that is unusual for them. Surround him with silence and love and he will answer you in kind. They are actually nice and helpful people. If they can overcome it within themselves negative qualities, then they will find a calm and prosperous existence
  • The 27th day of the lunar month gives us leaders who know exactly what they want and how to achieve it. They are not devoid of a thirst for knowledge and imagination. They often exhibit paranormal abilities and are wise beyond their years. Their words are endowed with enormous power - such people can become spiritual leaders, healers and even priests. Under unfavorable conditions, they become soft-bodied and lethargic, and may become addicted to alcohol or drugs. Therefore, it is important to develop fortitude.
  • Those born on the 28th lunar day prefer calm, and to some extent even meditative, activities. They are attached to their family and rarely cause trouble. They need to show love and affection, and in their absence or disrespectful attitude toward themselves, they quickly become cruel and uncontrollable. Growing up, they become either altruists or cynics without any values ​​or attachments at all. On the material side, they are always provided for.
  • People of the 29th lunar day are endowed with a complex character and a long, full of adventure life. From birth, they fight with their dark side, working off not only their sins, but often the sins of the entire family. If there are positive examples in the first years with dignity.
  • People born on the 30th lunar day are lucky. Nature generously endowed us with beauty, wisdom and kindness. It seems that they are born spiritually developed. They realize their purpose at an early age and follow their ideals throughout their lives. They are monogamous by nature. They bring love and forgiveness into the world. These are people who have gone through a full circle of reincarnation.

Knowing a person’s date of birth according to the lunar calendar, one can accurately describe his character, reveal professional inclinations and determine career development options, predict the possibility of developing diseases and reduce the influence of negative factors.

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Determination of lunar day

Year: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Month: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hour: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

1st lunar day. A child born on this day is very dreamy, he is always waiting for some miracle.

2nd lunar day. A child born on this day will delight you with his academic success. He will rarely cause trouble for his parents. But he may develop greed, both for food and for things. Therefore, it is advisable to teach him generosity from an early age, but you should not encourage extravagance either.

3rd lunar day. A child born on this day must throw out his energy somewhere. But that doesn't mean he has to build sand castles all day long. Invite him to do some kind of sport, making sure to leave him the right to choose. It is very important for such a child to feel independent. But parents should not forget that not only physical exercise are able to curb an energetic child, it is necessary to devote no less time to the intellectual development of the child.

4th lunar day. A child born on this day is incomprehensible not only to others, but also to himself. If he manages to solve this riddle, he will become amazing person. But he can also become a big egoist. To prevent this from happening, parents must put in a lot of effort and skill. It is advisable to pay great attention to the development of the child’s communication skills.

5th lunar day. A child born on this day is not in good health. He is often capricious, irritable, and hysterical. But if his parents monitor his health and help him play sports, his character will change a lot. The child’s parents are advised to be patient and not demand lightning-fast success from their offspring. After all, he is slow, but this does not mean that he is mediocre. He just needs to let everything pass through himself, to feel everything.

6th lunar day. A child born on this day will have excellent health. He will be friendly, attentive and caring.

7th lunar day. Good health, respectful attitude towards parents and friends, goodwill towards others - these are the main character traits of a child born on the 7th lunar day. His parents should teach him not to be afraid to speak his mind.

8th lunar day. Nature awarded a child born on this day with extraordinary abilities and a gentle character.

9th lunar day. The parents of a child born on the 9th lunar day will always rightfully admire his talent. But he will often encounter misunderstandings from others. It is necessary to teach such a child not to be afraid of this. It is very important that he believes in himself.

10th lunar day. Don’t be surprised, but a romantic, a future traveler, is growing up in your family. Maybe that's why they rarely appear in his diary good grades in mathematics and physics? In addition, his emotional reaction is more violent than that of other children, but for a child of the 10th lunar day it is necessary. Don't suppress it.

11th lunar day. Perhaps you often say the following words: “Yes... Children are much smarter than us!” After all, there are many reasons for this: a child born on the 11th lunar day has excellent grades, high aspirations, and thinks like an adult. But parents must make an effort to develop a sense of responsibility in their 11th day child.

12th lunar day. A child born on this day always strives to help someone. Shy, charming, merciful. He has very sensitive energy. It is advisable to teach him the basics of energetic self-defense.

13th lunar day. A child born on the 13th lunar day will always be called noisy and fussy. Parents need to make a lot of effort to correct the situation. Such a child has special luck: fate always sends him what he needs and the people he needs.

14th lunar day. Fate will always and in everything favor a child born in. This is a born leader who has an interesting, exciting life ahead of him.

15th lunar day. A child born on this day will most likely be very amorous, which is why he may suffer greatly. When raising a child, it is advisable to pay special attention to his relationships with others, and in adolescence he needs to be helped to understand contacts with the opposite sex.

16th lunar day. Clean, dreamer, restless and eternal "why". Do you recognize? After all, this is your child! While raising him and introducing him to the outside world, parents need to help him deal with the inner world.

17th lunar day. A lot in a child’s life will depend on his environment: good friends - everything will turn out great, bad friends - troubles will simply follow. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor who their child communicates with. In addition, in a child on the 17th day of the Moon, it is desirable to discover and develop creative abilities, while providing freedom of choice. You cannot suppress his emotionality (often it is more pronounced in him than in other children), but we must teach him to control it.

18th lunar day. A child born on this day is very hardworking and efficient, and over the years these qualities will bring him prosperity or even wealth. A child born on this day must be instilled from childhood with a sense of proportion and justice.

19th lunar day. No wonder they say: “Modesty is the sister of talent.” After all, it is precisely behind the modesty inherent in a child born on the 19th day of the moon that hides extraordinary talent. Parents can only develop it.

20th lunar day."What a character!" This is what they say about children born on the 20th lunar day. And parents will understand this literally from the cradle. They should not brush aside the questions that the child will literally bombard them with. It is very important for him to have a clear worldview and to find answers to the questions that torment him. Perhaps he will often hear addressed to himself: “You’re a black sheep!” Therefore, it is a good idea to explain to your child that the nickname “white crow” is given to extraordinary individuals by classic representatives of the crowd. And you shouldn’t react to the statements of narrow-minded people.

21st lunar day. If you need to wash the dishes or go to the store, contact the child born on this day. He is hardworking, attentive, efficient, respectful and polite. Parents should teach their child to understand “what is good and what is bad” and to correctly place emphasis in life.

22nd lunar day. Even in early childhood, you will understand that you are growing up a very active child, who is distinguished by good health and a knightly character. He should be taught to be more tolerant of other people's opinions and different worldviews.

23rd lunar day. A child born on this day should be surrounded by attention, warmth and kindness. Lessons in etiquette and the ability to communicate with his peers will greatly help him in life. And his future will depend on what kind of education he receives.

24th lunar day. A child born on this day has enormous energy and creativity. It’s good if parents can find the necessary activity for their fidget. For example, sports will significantly reduce his irrepressible energy. In addition, the child may have problems with sleep patterns. It is good for the child to learn to determine the time he needs for rest; you cannot impose your will here.

25th lunar day. Unusually kind children, favorites of fortune, are born in. Parents should teach them to express their thoughts correctly.

26th lunar day. For a child born on this day, the Moon prophesies untold riches, but not a very calm life. Parents should teach him to analyze the information received, as well as check and double-check the information before using it.

27th lunar day. If the parents of a child born on the 2nd 7th lunar day make every effort, he will not grow up weak-willed and soft-bodied. He needs to be taught purposefulness.

28th lunar day. A child born on this day is lazy, but thanks to his extraordinary abilities he will achieve a lot.

29th lunar day. A child born in will have to defend his interests all the time. He will constantly need outside help. Therefore, he cannot be called a “darling of fate.”

30th lunar day."What a beautiful baby!" These words will constantly caress the ears of parents. But they know very well that their baby is not only beautiful, but also smart, freedom-loving, and kind.

Birthday according to the lunar calendar

We are all accustomed to the solar horoscope, but sometimes we are not happy that it is not accurate enough. And indeed, it needs addition.
The lunar horoscope is just that.
After all, the Moon is our subconscious, instincts, intuition, that is, the entire inner world, what makes the soul alive. Programs of behavior, reactions, and our hidden capabilities are associated with the Moon.
Lunar birthday is always considered in more detail than, for example, the characteristics of the zodiac sign. The lunar day on which we were born gives knowledge about character traits, reveals abilities and opportunities, probable career paths, determines health, activity, and luck in personal life.
This day is a talisman for you.
We bring to your attention information about lunar birthdays. Every 19 years of the civil calendar coincides with a day of the lunar calendar, that is, every 19 years a lunar day falls on the same civil day. If 01/1/1960 is 4 ld., the Moon in the sign of Pisces, then 01/1/1979 is 4 ld., the Moon is in Pisces. You can find out your lunar day from the table, it shows Moscow time


Born on the 1st Lunar Day:

On this day, emotional people are born who have great internal energy, and therefore long-livers. The fantasies of these people can come true. Creative activities are successful and bring pleasure.
Day 1 people should not make hasty decisions, as they can bring unexpected results and create problems. There may be many unforeseen situations in the lives of people on this day, but it is difficult to take them by surprise. They have a developed intellect, they are difficult to deceive, but in business matters everything doesn't come so easy. They study easily, are organized, and have a good understanding of people. In general, life will be long and successful. For good health, you need to give up alcohol and smoking, and you need to be careful when doing physical activity.

Advice: find an opportunity for energy work on the 1st lunar day: for such people, wishes made have special power. These people have a very strong connection with the Moon.

Born on the 2nd Lunar Day:

Advice: physical activity should not be too much. For good health you need simple food and no alcohol.

Born on the 3rd Lunar Day:

The great activity of those born on this day is their trump card, since in many life situations these people are saved by determination, the ability to act actively, and the ability to make decisions. Endowed with enormous willpower, they never stop, strive forward, and hate passivity. They succeed in professions that require full energy output, and they have good success in sports. Inactivity is dangerous for these people, as it leads to stagnation of mental energy, anxiety, and depression. Accumulating energy without giving it an outlet is the path to sadness, irritability, strained relationships with other people, and deterioration of health. You need to spend your energy on the right goals.

Advice: it is worth keeping in mind that it is dangerous for people on the 3rd day to get angry, as well as to cause their anger. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed only in small quantities. You can't overeat.

Born on the 4th Lunar day:

There is some kind of secret in people born on this day, there are many rumors about them, not everyone is able to understand them. The main danger of people of this day is the power of melancholy, a little apathy. They often delve into introspection and sad memories. These people know a lot about the world and are constantly expanding their knowledge. For an hour they do not realize how deep their knowledge of the hidden is. They are often drawn to reveal secrets. Having started something, they can return to the starting point, and this is their main problem. They need to move on.
It is very important not to lose touch with their parents and ancestors. Alcohol is harmful, but it's good for you herbal infusions and teas. Rest is important: calm, in silence, alone with yourself.

Advice: it is important to control every word you say, as it can quickly come true. You cannot wish harm either on yourself, since your wish will come true, or on other people, because you will have to pay severely for the senseless expenditure of energy.

Born on the 5th Lunar Day:

Those born on the 5th lunar day have a pronounced magical power. And even if you don’t develop abilities, it is human nature to help people. Should be avoided negative emotions, do not provoke others. Sharp, unexpected changes are possible in the lives of these people. Calmness and wisdom will help you cope with unpredictable situations.
People of this day can combine physical strength with moral strength. You need to avoid fuss and haste. The weak point in the body is the digestive organs. Possible problems due to nutrition.

Tip: watch what and when you eat. Read positive literature, develop your abilities.

Born on the 6th Lunar Day:

Those born on the 6th lunar day can foresee certain events; much of what they say comes true. These people should be listened to. And they themselves should not throw around words, say out loud something that would be better off never coming true. All promises must be kept. Creative activities are successful and bring pleasure. Professions related to voice and pronunciation are good. These people are contactable, diplomatic, and their ideas are not limited by stereotypes. Independence is of great importance in relationships. They do not tolerate pressure, are often dreamers, and are endowed with creative taste and imagination. There is every chance of living a long and happy life, which will be more successful the more seriously they take them.

Advice: visit as often as possible fresh air, avoid smoky rooms, watch your respiratory system.

Those born on the 7th lunar day:

People born on the 7th lunar day have good memory, good health and a developed sense of humor. Often they do not have their own opinion, are not capable of deep understanding, serious feelings. They have a strong character and will, and, if desired, are able to reach any peak. If you were born on this day, avoid conflicts and showdowns. A receptive mind will help you learn easily and absorb information quickly. People of this day have a penchant for analysis and deductive method. Professions that require intense thinking process work well: scientist, writer, speaker, investigator. Often the talents of people of this day are manifested in trading and consultations.
Advice: believe in yourself and do not listen to the advice of strangers, avoid empty talk.

Those born on the 8th lunar day:

Those born on this day are extremely attractive in their inner qualities. They are smart, quick-witted, decent, hardworking and friendly. They are distinguished by an extraordinary vision of life and ingenuity. They are interesting in communication, capable of unexpected, extravagant actions, broad gestures, are not afraid of change and are always ready for it. Such people a strong character, they are endowed with the abilities to survive and recover. People of this day have good intuition and often have the gift of foresight. The main danger is loss of self-control. This leads to constantly repeating errors. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the course of events and be able to control yourself. Successful professions are chemists, doctors, healers.

Advice: engage in self-improvement, and you will be able to achieve a lot in life, bring great benefit to others.

Those born on the 9th lunar day:

If you were born on this day, avoid critical situations, the teacher will avoid “sharp corners”. Most situations, one way or another, are created by a person himself. Do not provoke conflicts or participate in them. In people of the 9th lunar day, two contradictory qualities coexist: they do not have good health, but at the same time they often become long-lived. It is necessary to maintain a comfortable state of mind, not overload it, and develop stress resistance. Those born on the 9th lunar day prefer hidden actions to open combat. It is very important to have a clear spiritual orientation and not allow the dark side of your soul to triumph. People of this day have a heavy load on the heart and blood vessels. Alcohol is harmful.

Advice: get rid of negative emotions, try to think positively, spiritual practices are very useful.

Those born on the 10th lunar day:

People born on this day are strongly connected with their ancestors and their family. They are endowed with excess energy, they are energy donors for other people, and this benefits them. These people are charming, have great power over others and know how to benefit from it. They are romantics at heart and are able to captivate other people with their ideas. Extensive physical activity is contraindicated, since people of this day are more susceptible to chronic diseases than everyone else. Healthy image life is simply necessary. If you do not develop spiritually, you can become indifferent and calculating.

Advice: use your energetic power to help people, this will increase the years of your life.

Born on the 11th lunar day:

These people have excellent mental abilities and extraordinary thinking. They are very strong and almost unpredictable; you can expect bold judgments and unexpected actions from them. People of this day can control their power, but they do not always realize this in themselves or do not know what to do with this power, they are scattered over trifles. They need a mentor who will give direction and teach them how to use their energy for good. Preserved until old age good health and a clear mind. They can become professional athletes. You need to take care of your spine. If you often find yourself in unexpected situations, this is an indication that you should change your lifestyle and become more attentive to yourself and your environment.

Advice: Do any task with complete dedication. Concentration is the key to success.

Born on the 12th lunar day:

These are good, bright people, called to help everyone in word and deed, to bring good into the world. They are trusting, modest, merciful, charming. People on the 12th lunar day have well-developed heart and emotional chakras. They are very sincere and can openly express their feelings. But they often suffer from the fact that others take advantage of them, their kindness and gentleness. These people need to love someone - this is the meaning of their life, for the sake of love they are ready to sacrifice themselves. To move through life confidently, realizing your talents, you need to beware of self-deception.

Advice: accumulate peaceful emotions, do not overload the psyche, avoid conflicts.

Born on the 13th lunar day:

On the 13th lunar day, restless, very sensitive people are born. They are easy-going, sociable, and receptive to information. They have an excellent memory, so they learn everything “playfully.” They can do several things at the same time and have versatile abilities. But we tend to “walk in circles” throughout our lives, making the same mistakes. In terms of energy, such people are good at working with time. If you want to program your future, you can do it.
People of this day clearly see the relationship between cause and effect, between events that happened long ago and what is happening now. The main thing is to draw conclusions.
Those born on the 13th lunar day can easily make a career in any chosen field.
Advice: use your potential abilities, because you have been given a lot.

Born on the 14th lunar day:

People born on the 14th lunar day are considered “chosen ones”. Even in childhood, they realize their calling in life, find the only right path and begin to follow it early. They are characterized by: intuition, insights, providence. They are purposeful and strong-willed natures, internally ready for achievements. It is important for people on the 14th day to listen to advice, to “signs of fate.” You may often have prophetic dreams.
Despite their directness and categorical nature, these are quite flexible people who easily adapt to any situation. Successes await in medicine, management, and pedagogy. The main danger for people on the 14th day is mood swings. You need to control yourself. And laziness is also harmful to you.

Tip: be sure to give yourself physical activity every day.

Born on the 15th lunar day:

People of this day are able to achieve success in trading. They are helped by their remarkable performance and highly developed intelligence. In their studies and work, they highlight the main thing and are only interested in this, without wasting it on trifles. In any situation, those born in the 15th century feel internally free. They feel their independence, strive for spiritual harmony, and cannot stand pressure and coercion. They are great connoisseurs and lovers of the opposite sex. On your own life path they encounter many temptations and are often unable to resist them. It is useful for such people to restrain their passions; they act destructively, undermining their health. The main problem of these people is negative emotions. They must be kept under strict control.

Tip: avoid big physical activity, limit communication with unpleasant people.

Born on the 16th lunar day:

Born on the 16th birthday They are distinguished by a high spiritual level, endowed with optimism and love of life. These qualities help to find a way out of any difficulties.
These people are peaceful, modest and friendly, do not judge anyone, are not envious and easily forgive insults. They make good lawyers, psychologists, doctors, and priests. They try to live in harmony with themselves and with the world, they have a well-developed imagination. They can correct the past and correct the future. But, if they do not develop spiritually, they develop a feeling of limitation, and their whole life is spent fighting against illusions. They have many friends.

Advice: sports and outdoor recreation are good for you. Limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Born on the 17th lunar day:

A person born on the 17th lunar day is endowed with a very emotional nature. Feeling comes first for him. He is never tormented by confrontations between the mind and the heart, since the voice of the heart is much louder. In that positive side and its danger. Sometimes it is not enough to listen to emotions; they can be deceiving. You need to remember this to protect yourself from problems. People of this day are sincere, open, and trust people. If you were born on this day, be sure to meet with friends and communicate as much as possible. For such people, love and marriage mean a lot. They strive to find their soulmate, sometimes they see the meaning of life in this. A union with a close person helps their spiritual development, motivates them to activity, gives willpower and wisdom. They are prone to demonstrative behavior, often shock the public, and make it clear how little other people’s opinions mean to them. This behavior is self-defense; a person is simply afraid to expose his sensitive inner world to strangers. They don’t like restrictions, they can’t stand being led by circumstances, they worry when there is no other way. The main danger is to have low self-esteem and depression may develop.

Advice: evaluate yourself realistically and you will be able to find application for your many abilities and advantages, you will become successful and happy people. Alcohol is very harmful.

Born on the 18th lunar day:

People born on this day are hardworking and efficient, stubborn and persistent, patient. They know how to achieve their goals, often achieving an enviable position in society and material well-being. Able to teach and lead other people. You can listen to their advice; they are often insightful. If these people work on themselves and develop, they gain the ability to see the world objectively. They get rid of misconceptions and realize their own and others’ mistakes. If they follow a poor path of development, their idea of ​​the world and people is distorted, they become entangled in their illusions, and a distorting mirror situation arises. The biggest harm comes from selfishness; as soon as they start thinking only about themselves, they fall into a streak of failure. It is important for the companions of these people not to infringe on their sense of freedom. They cannot bear obligations, but if you give freedom, then in this way you can force him to take on those very obligations.

Advice: go to the sea more often, especially if the moon or sun is in your water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio).

Born on the 19th lunar day:

People born on the 19th (critical) lunar day have 2 radically different paths before them. These are the paths of Good and Evil. The chances are equal. Which path to follow is the choice of the person himself. But upbringing, society, and events also have an influence. Usually these people are keenly aware of their surroundings and can choose their friends themselves. There are many temptations and problems along the path of life. But the powers given at birth are capable of helping in any matter. Initially endowed with a sharp mind. Not evil, not deceitful. They can be the arbiters of destinies. The main danger for people on the 19th lunar day is irritation, apathy, and negative emotions.

Advice: keep your emotions under control. Give up alcohol, thereby you will attract bright people into your life and get rid of the dark spots of your personality.

Born on the 20th lunar day:

People on the 20th lunar day can live with a constant expectation of a miracle and with a feeling of flight in their souls. They are given contact, the ability to stand up for themselves and for those who are dear to them. Creative and active natures. Nothing is given to them for nothing. A long search for simple joys can become bitter, but they know the prices of everything that comes in life and are ready to pay for their happiness. The main danger is to become proud of your knowledge. But, as a rule, the opinion about oneself is quite justified.

Advice: don’t be arrogant and control the load.

Born on the 21st lunar day:

People born on the 21st lunar day are noble natures, thirsting for justice. Strength, energy, activity, efficiency are given. They may be reserved on the outside, but very passionate on the inside. It is important to develop spiritually. You need to avoid arrogance and arrogance. Determination and patience will bring good results. Look into your soul more often.

Advice: remember that the end does not always justify the means.

Born on the 22nd lunar day:

People born on the 22nd lunar day have access to many secrets and are bearers of wisdom. The task of birth is to increase spiritual knowledge and bring it to people, to become a defender of traditions. Long-lived. In old age they have a clear mind. They often become philosophers.

Tip: Avoid laziness and passivity.

Born on the 23rd lunar day:

People born on the 23rd lunar day have an iron grip and are guardian angels of the people they love. They see the benefit, they will not miss theirs, they look for meaning in every action, they cannot tolerate unjustified actions.

Advice: give yourself constant physical activity.

Born on the 24th lunar day:

People born on the 24th lunar day are created for work and business, endowed with abilities and energy of character. More often they are peaceful and kind. Secrecy does not allow you to be completely sincere. They listen to advice, but act in their own way. They don't change opinions. If they don’t share their energy with people, they can become bitter.

Advice: play sports, have active rest.

Born on the 25th lunar day:

The strength of a person born on the 25th lunar day is to wait in the wings. He shouldn't rush. Wisdom and patience, as well as knowledge, will help in waiting simple law: everything always comes in due time. The life of this person is rich and interesting, the events are impressive. They have reliable intuition and good logic. They are able to reason sensibly in any situation (and this can be seen already in childhood). So, these are the favorites of fortune, they are usually lucky in life, they have a correct idea of ​​the world, they know how to be in the right place at the right time.

Advice: Be careful with your desires and emotions.

Born on the 26th lunar day:

People born on the 26th lunar day are distinguished by their attraction to the material world and insufficient understanding of the laws of existence. They live a complex, confusing life. It is difficult for them to find harmony with themselves and the world around them. There is constant self-evaluation going on. But at the same time, these people quickly make contact, are charming, and achieve a good position in society.

Tip: Don't fuss or talk too much. You lose energy in conversations. Keep your promises, be modest, thereby you will work off your karma and make your life easier.

Born on the 27th lunar day:

People born on the 27th lunar day carry hidden knowledge, but live in a state of anxiety, doubt and hesitation. Something is constantly happening in their lives. They lack stability and stability so as not to become weak-willed, suggestible, and lethargic. It is very important to develop the spirit.

Advice: take up meditation, learn yoga.

Born on the 28th lunar day:

People born on the 28th lunar day initially carry within themselves the secret of existence and are distinguished by wisdom and spiritual ideals. How consciously you live depends on how much you work on yourself. You can become an altruist to whom others will be drawn, or you can have no attachments at all.

Advice: do not lose the ability to distinguish between good and bad, develop “inner light” in yourself, bring it to people, give them your love.

Born on the 29th lunar day:

People born on the 29th lunar day are endowed with complex karma, but at the same time they have a very rich life. From birth they carry dark power within themselves, but at the same time they have the ability to fight it. Therefore, they can behave as if they are fighting with someone. Long-lived. Life is lived not for joy, but for the atonement of one’s sins, often also the sins of the family or clan. Mistakes on the path of life are not uncommon, just like temptations. But the easier it is to treat trials, the faster they recede.

Advice: get rid of negative thoughts. Let the positive into your life!

Born on the 30th lunar day:

People born on the 30th lunar day have the best human qualities, they are given a happy and joyful life. Beautiful, spiritually developed, kind, bringing grace and forgiveness to the world, compassionate. They are aware of their calling and the tasks of birth from an early age. The main thing for these people is Love.

Advice: do not disturb your inner harmony. Don't change anything until you're sure you're assessing the situation correctly.

Moon in Aries

Endows with stubbornness, impulsiveness, courage, haste in action, sharpness of reactions, and a tendency to extreme manifestations. At the same time, a person whose Moon is in Aries is forgiving and easy-going.

The main negative programs are associated with impatience, irritability, aggressiveness, external, rudeness.

Advice: listen to your inner self more often, analyze your emotions, actions, and motives for your actions more often.


Gives practicality, thoroughness, calmness. Stability and reliability in everything is the main thread of life. People with the Moon in Taurus are adequate, have good intuition, a healthy reaction to external stimuli.

The main negative programs are associated with passivity, inertia, inflexibility, and inability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Advice: trust your intuition, do not rely only on common sense and logic.

Moon in Gemini

Gives sensitivity, inconstancy, curiosity, sociability.

A person with the Moon in Gemini has a good memory and is receptive.

The main problem is the rejection of one’s own instability, the attempt to take on many things at the same time.

Advice: calm your internal tossing, acquire external warmth, softness, spontaneity.

Moon in Cancer

Gives sentimentality, vulnerability, sensitivity, affection.

People with the Moon in Cancer respect their parents and love their family. But they are often suspicious, jealous, touchy, and irritable.

The main problem is excessive exposure to emotions and isolation, which is a consequence of strong sensitivity.

Advice - remember that you were created to understand and help others. So help yourself for this: calm your emotions, listen to your intuition.

Moon in Leo

Gives charm, passion, the desire to play, shine, and be in the center of events. People with the Moon in Leo are self-centered, vain, power-hungry, capable of presenting themselves beautifully, and love to be the center of attention. Touchiness is often caused by inflated self-esteem and complaints about others. Negative programs are associated with excessive pride and the inability to remain alone.

Advice: learn to realize the self-worth of your inner world no matter what they think of you. Find ways to restore spiritual harmony.

Moon in Virgo

Gives a person unconscious attention to detail, accuracy, and scrupulousness. It is difficult for these people to “open up”, to become spontaneous, liberated, to free themselves from inner coldness, suspiciousness, and psychological pressures. The strong point is the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly.

A negative program is denial of your true feelings. Hence the denial of one’s own personality, the inability to accept and love oneself.

Advice - you should not strive for security and stability at any cost. This leads to increased internal anxiety even with external well-being. And the appearance of prosperity will never give true happiness.

Moon in Libra

Gives emotional and psychological flexibility, the ability to get along with people. However, it gives dependence on other people’s opinions, sensitivity to the words and reactions of others.

A person with the Moon in Libra craves social recognition and love. The state of mind depends on relationships with others and a friendly atmosphere. The main negative program is associated with indecision, susceptibility, and hesitation.

Advice: learn to trust yourself, your intuition.

Moon in Scorpio

Gives temperament, harshness, secrecy, impatience with other people's opinions. Often a person with the Moon in Scorpio tries to “suppress” or subjugate his partner. Internally lonely, vulnerable, unhappy, unconsciously attuned to risky, extreme situations.

Main problems: the habit of investing strength and passion in everything that does. Touchiness.

Advice: learn to approach life more easily, identify significant areas of your life. Intuition will tell you how you can use your energy most constructively.

Moon in Sagittarius

Gives ambition, vanity, excellent intuition, optimism, openness, generosity. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius loves to be admired, to turn to him for help and advice, loves to help with deeds and advice. He doesn't keep his feelings to himself. He strives to live on a grand scale. Often his life does not fit into generally accepted standards. The main problem is carelessness.

Advice: often draw up a plan of your actions for a specific period. Listen to your intuition. Remember that you have an amazing gift: finding happiness within yourself. You are completely self-sufficient. And yet, you shouldn’t change people. Learn to accept them for who they are.

Moon in Capricorn

Gives restraint, caution, the ability to wait and calculate future actions. A person with the Moon in Capricorn makes an impression strong personality. The nature is emotionally mature, but almost always “with melancholy in my soul.” Unconsciously determined to assert himself, defend his principles, and achieve ambitious goals. Often shy, timid, and afraid of with your own feelings, fears misunderstanding. Can be tough, vindictive, and manipulate other people. The main problem is unmotivated fear and suppressed emotions.

Advice: try to change your perception of the world. Open your intuition and learn to trust it. Don't be afraid to express your feelings openly. Love yourself, feel your own worth, show love to other people more often.

Moon in Aquarius

A person with the Moon in Aquarius is distinguished by extraordinary thinking and a penchant for unusual actions. He values ​​independence, is wary of deep attachments, but values ​​friendship and like-minded people. Rarely is it truly revealed. Sometimes he may not know what he really wants. There is a craving for innovation, change, and contacts.

The main problem of Lunar Aquarius is his rejection real life due to inconsistency with invented ideals.

Advice: learn to accept yourself for who you are, lower the bar of your ideals. Ideal people don't exist! But being with a person who compares you with the standard is quite difficult. Life isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. Don't ask too much of her.

Moon in Pisces

Gives increased emotionality, sentimentality, sensuality. The psyche of a person with the Moon in Pisces is plastic.

For other people, Moon Pisces is often a mystery, but also for itself.

A non-standard worldview and a penchant for everything unknown are distinctive features.

The main karmic problems are emotional instability, instability.

Advice: cultivate an internal culture of attitude towards yourself. Remember that you are a special, hypersensitive person. But you shouldn't escape reality. Trust your intuition. Keep your feelings under control, manage them.